In case you doubted Obama....

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  1. lovemychris profile image78
    lovemychrisposted 12 years ago

    Thursday, May 3rd, 2012 | Posted by Gordon Duff

    Obama Rejoins ICC, US No Longer “Rogue” State


    American War Criminals Now Subject To Laws US Enforces on Others

    "In a surprise move, President Obama signed an executive order rejoining the International Criminal Court, an organization established originally by the United State to enforce international law and punish war criminals.

    The US left the court under Bush in order to protect those responsible for kidnapping, drug running and torture.  They may now be arrested, even if American office holders or members of the military or CIA, which, oddly enough, many of those responsible for such heinous crimes are.

    Almost all facing prosecution are, curiously enough, members of the Republican Party and are trying to spin a return to freedom and justice as America giving up rights.  The only right sacrificed are the rights some of the 1% and key officials had to murder, rape, steal and run drugs.

    They may now be arrested under the same laws that applied to Gaddafi, Saddam and other “war criminals” that America has seen fit to bring to justice.

    In doing so, Obama even puts himself at risk but the risk is far higher to Ashcroft, Gonzales, McCain, Lieberman, Bush (all), Cheney and a list of war criminals who may number in the thousands.

    As to how far the ICC is willing to go is questionable.  The organization tends to arrest only those of dark skin or targets of American foreign policy.

    Perhaps that will change with the Arab Spring and elections in Europe which has gotten rid of some and may  eventually remove nearly all the old leaders, most of whom are potential suspects in war crimes.

    When we see Interpol put the cuffs on McCain and Lieberman and “perp walk” them out of the Senate, we will know we may get America back."


    1. profile image0
      Sooner28posted 12 years agoin reply to this

      If that were to happen, then justice would be served.  But it won't.  This is probably more of a symbolic, public relations type of gesture. 

      The whole U.S. Congress would probably have to be arrested for knowing about torture and doing nothing to stop it.

      1. TomBlalock profile image71
        TomBlalockposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        As per the Nuremberg Trials, I highly doubt knowing of it constitutes a war crimes charge. Generally speaking, only people at the very top face criminal prosecution in peacetime.

      2. Cagsil profile image70
        Cagsilposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        If you stop and think about, what would be the best way to take down the status quo in America?

        To rip the "status quo" out of America's government would do wonders for the country itself. The practice of full government support for existing business practices is an atrocity which citizens can do without.

        The best way to do that would to remove the puppets in place. So, don't be completely shocked if ALL of Congress is arrested(at least those who were in office at the beginning and knew about what was happening and did NOTHING).

        Boy would that shake things up in America. lol

  2. lovemychris profile image78
    lovemychrisposted 12 years ago

    On a related note....I went to my grandson's after school pot-luck dinner last night.
    Was so wonderful. Kids made projects, paintings, knitting, did dances, skits, juggling....

    Moms and dads brought great food to eat....volunteers served and cleaned.

    Then, at the end of the night, the woman who runs the program introduced her workers....I was floored to know they are all volunteers! All of them.
    And I realized that the America I knew never "went anywhere". The love and humanity is still here, all around.
    it's just---We truly truly have been hi-jacked. But that is ending.

    You know--I saw a clip of Rachel Maddow. She was talking about Exxon Mobil, and how the president of India wanted to let the state run the oil companies. So he told president Bush, "Just tell Exxon to let me." and Bush said, "No one tells those guys what to do".....

    hey fellas.......You're Getting Told What To Do. The spirit of those volunteers at my grandsons school is going to swallow you up!

    we don't tolerate FOOLS any longer.

    1. Hollie Thomas profile image61
      Hollie Thomasposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      We do seem to be entering a new phase, I think. Taylor found guilty in the Hague for his crimes against the citizens of Sierra Leone, Murdoch taking a bashing in the UK (previously that would have been unheard of) We do indeed live in interesting times.

      1. lovemychris profile image78
        lovemychrisposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        "More recently: KUALA LUMPUR, 12 April 2012 (mathaba) The Kuala Lumpur War Crimes Tribunal will be hearing the second charge of Crime of Torture and War Crimes against former U.S. President George W. Bush and his associates namely Richard Cheney, former U.S. Vice President, Donald Rumsfeld, former Defence Secretary, Alberto Gonzales, then Counsel to President Bush, David Addington, then General Counsel to the Vice-President, William Haynes II, then General Counsel to Secretary of Defense, Jay Bybee, then Assistant Attorney General, and John Choon Yoo, former Deputy Assistant Attorney-General. The charge reads as follows:

        The Accused persons had committed the Crime of Torture and War Crimes, in that:

        The Accused persons had wilfully participated in the formulation of executive orders and directives to exclude the applicability..."

    2. profile image0
      Longhunterposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      The spirit of giving and volunteering never went away, LMC. You apparently just wasn't looking in the right places.

      I see it all the time in schools, communities, and churches. It's not something we, the American people, will let a politician take away from us, no matter what side of the aisle they're from.

      1. lovemychris profile image78
        lovemychrisposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        Yes--you can miss it if you're not careful...too much politics!!

        It's nice to experience the niceness and care again.

  3. Attikos profile image82
    Attikosposted 12 years ago

    The spiteful hatred held by the left, including the American dishwater version of it most now call progressivism, for all who see the world in terms different from its own is a neverending source of both amazement and amusement. More balanced people find it difficult to believe such derangement exists among humankind.

    You will never see US senators hauled off the floor in handcuffs. You will never see any former or sitting US president, department head or military general officer on trial in the ICJ. That imagery only makes delicious dreams for lefty loons dripping with venom, shaking for their ideological fix. Obama's act does throw a piece of red meat to the more rabid dogs among his pack of followers, though, and he is in total reelection mode, so it's not entirely an empty gesture. It does have a political purpose.

    1. lovemychris profile image78
      lovemychrisposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Awwww, such Love!!

      1. Attikos profile image82
        Attikosposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        Did I neglect to mention that leftists are notoriously hypocritical?

    2. proudlib profile image60
      proudlibposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Pot, meet kettle.

    3. profile image0
      Sooner28posted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Completely dodged the argument.  You gave no defense whatsoever for the war crimes Bush and his cohorts committed.  Actually engage what is being said, rather than speaking in vague generalities about something that wasn't even on topic.

      1. TravelAbout profile image68
        TravelAboutposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        I disagree, it is on topic.  There is much more in this discussion than just the war crimes if you read all the posts.  There is a lot of discussion about the lefts and the rights and the re-election mode.  Later28.

    4. TravelAbout profile image68
      TravelAboutposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Most of everything has 'political' motive and posturing.  A government " for the people and by the people " went by the wayside a long time ago.  It's all about money, power and more money.  Elections are won by how much PAC money is going to whose campaign.  Lobbyists' contributions buy politicians and laws (or lack thereof). Eventually, there will have to be a major world adjustment.  It is inevitable.

  4. Mighty Mom profile image77
    Mighty Momposted 12 years ago

    Someone actually pandering to the left?
    How refreshing!

    1. lovemychris profile image78
      lovemychrisposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Yeah...we need more of them!!

      Especially since the right has so many....why I've already heard Obama is weak, an abject failure, shameful, hates America....and that's before breakfast!

      Guess all the horrible things we learned about Mitt--FROM the R's!!--are just forgotten now?

      Well, I don't forget. They say trauma victims have great memories. And we have all been traumatized.
      Towers burning, Enya song. Not nice.

      1. TomBlalock profile image71
        TomBlalockposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        Eh. I don't care much for Obama, but its more what he hasn't done in my opinion than what he has. However, Mitt Romney runs the very real chance of turning America into a plutocracy. The fact that I seriously doubt he is human in any distinguishable fashion aside, no one, Democratic or Repulbican, can argue that plutocracy is a good thing. By that fashion, while I'd rather not have either one as a president, I'd much rather Mitt Romney befall some unfortunate accident rather than become our nations leader, for fear of the tremendous damage he will do to the middle and lower classes.

    2. profile image0
      Sooner28posted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I know right?  No one ever panders to us sad.

  5. lovemychris profile image78
    lovemychrisposted 12 years ago

    Yeah, I know. like callin themselves the freedom and liberty party, and then getting the gvt involved in everyones personal life.

    Now that's hypocritical!

  6. TravelAbout profile image68
    TravelAboutposted 12 years ago

    The sad truth is that both the lefts and the rights should all be kicked to the curb.  We are becoming the laughing stock of the world because we have a government that can't or won't get a darn thing done.  The country is falling apart while the politicians, corporations and elitests walk around with their heads in the clouds (I'd like to say their heads somewhere else, but I'd get in hub trouble) without a clue to what's happening in the everyday lives of the rest of us.

  7. maxoxam41 profile image63
    maxoxam41posted 12 years ago

    Obama is a disappointment to me.

    1. Repairguy47 profile image60
      Repairguy47posted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Don't feel bad, he wont be around much longer.

  8. lovemychris profile image78
    lovemychrisposted 12 years ago

    I don't know...there is something special about this time we are living in. I think it's fantastic that so much is even coming out!

    I think we will see justice...true justice.

    I mean----if so many people many IN THE KNOW people know, it's just a matter of time.

    Because what they did was so egregious, it defies words. All you can feel is steely anger.

  9. profile image0
    Longhunterposted 12 years ago

    LMC, be careful what you wish for. The ICC can be used against your side as well. Perhaps even against your beloved Barack Hussein Obama.

    1. lovemychris profile image78
      lovemychrisposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      already mentioned that:

      "In doing so, Obama even puts himself at risk but the risk is far higher to Ashcroft, Gonzales, McCain, Lieberman, Bush (all), Cheney and a list of war criminals who may number in the thousands."

  10. lovemychris profile image78
    lovemychrisposted 12 years ago

    And I want a serious look into Willard Mitt Romney and Bain Capital.

  11. lovemychris profile image78
    lovemychrisposted 12 years ago

    I don't wish him any harm, but I SURE don't want him as president!

    In fact, I can't think of anything worse.

    1. Attikos profile image82
      Attikosposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Better have 'em drag St. Francis through a scrap iron shredder, too. I hear he's going to run as a Republican next time. You wouldn't want any of them to escape.

      1. proudlib profile image60
        proudlibposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        Say what?

  12. lovemychris profile image78
    lovemychrisposted 12 years ago

    "I have no patience for TORTURE apologists. NONE."

  13. lovemychris profile image78
    lovemychrisposted 12 years ago

    People don't want to face what Buscho did to this country, and the world. I guess St Francis is compared to R politicians now. Grasping at straws.

    But you know--like many of the Bush deniers....they would probably jump at the chance to burn Obama at the stake.

    I guess the attitude is "they got away with it-so leave them alone"

    Well, we don't all feel that way. And their crimes will never be diminished, no matter how much they are ignored.

    Did you know, the first group the Nazi's came after were labor unions? Fact.
    We are repeating history at an alarming pace.....where certain Republicans are in power...a particular branch: the Koch-S*ckers. The Cult.

    1. Attikos profile image82
      Attikosposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Projection, projection ...

  14. lovemychris profile image78
    lovemychrisposted 12 years ago

    Same Cult, IMO:

    “Israel is becoming a pariah state because the extreme right has taken it over almost entirely.”)--Tzipi Livni

    The expanded main point is that the vast majority of Israeli Jews have been brainwashed by their political leaders and, as a consequence, believe a version of history that is simply not true.

    In my opinion there is only one power on earth which could tell it – Israel’s military in association with the state’s various security agencies.

    If a majority of Israel’s Jews wanted to cling on to Zionist mythology and continue down the path laid out by Netanyahu, there could only be catastrophe for all at some point, triggered, probably, by a final Zionist ethnic cleansing of Palestine."--Alan Hart

    I believe we are in the same position as the Israeli's, and with the same people controlling both.
    WE are the next Gaza, if we don't do something about it...and I also think our military and intelligence agencies--the decent ones-- know exactly what is going on and know exactly what to do about it.

    Good guys vs bad...time for the Good to gain the upper hand.

    Here's hoping they get it on!

  15. lovemychris profile image78
    lovemychrisposted 12 years ago

    Con Sarkosy out--socialist in.

    World is changing. We won't be swimming against the tide much longer. And the destroyers of humanity for fun and profit are going to face the sun. No more secrets. All will be revealed.

    and let the chips fall where they may. No Fear. Redemption!

    1. profile image0
      Longhunterposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      The election of a Socialist in France is not news. We did it 3.5 years ago.

      Barack Hussein Obama

      1. lovemychris profile image78
        lovemychrisposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        1. We are not France (unless you count Romneys 3 years there proselytizing and living in a castle)(during the Vietnam war.....Rush? you gonna call him a draft-dodger too?)
        2. Obama is not a socialist.

        Wrong on both counts. IMO

        1. profile image0
          Longhunterposted 12 years agoin reply to this

          "Obama is not a socialist."

          Obviously your opinion of Barack Hussein Obama is much different than mine.

  16. lovemychris profile image78
    lovemychrisposted 12 years ago

    3. The French people said the heck with the Cons.
    4. We're next.

    1. Attikos profile image82
      Attikosposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I also failed to mention that leftists have to pump themselves up with wishful thinking in order to keep hectoring the rabble. It's one of their drugs. Can't go home without it.

  17. lovemychris profile image78
    lovemychrisposted 12 years ago

    Yeah, I know! *chuckle* *chuckle*....look at those foolish socialists in France....

    Thinking they could win.......OOOOOPS.

    1. Attikos profile image82
      Attikosposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Ah, well, history is on your side, right? Err ... pardonez moi, I meant left. Everything is moving inexorably leftward, even if by fits and starts. You can't lose. The election in France is ... PROOF! Or maybe POUFFE! Or something like that.

  18. lovemychris profile image78
    lovemychrisposted 12 years ago

    Yes, I think so. You can stomp on people only so much before they cry "Enough".

    It's been centuries of stomping for the Robbaire Barrons.

    They can have a seat. Preferably in a small cell.

    1. Attikos profile image82
      Attikosposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Yes, I know. That was to have happened in the 1770s. Then in  the 1790s. Then the 1820s, and the 1840s, and the 1850s. Then in the 1880s, and 19teens, and the 1940s, and the 1960s, and the 1970s, and the ... but let's not belabor it. Leftist utopian fantasy is a self-perpetuating occupation. You'll probably outgrow it. Most people do. By the time that wiser, more thinking person arrives on the scene, however, a new herd of younger fanatics will have been sucked into the illusion, and a new crop of politicians who lack the ethics to refrain from pushing those buttons will have stepped in. The cycle goes on. You know, you could be a lot happier were you to relax, drop the hatred, leave behind the spite and malice, and let people just be what people are without that cancerous and misguided judgmentalism. But I'm wasting bytes, aren't I? You have to get there on your own.

      Best of luck with the journey. Holler if there's anything I can do to help you along the road.

  19. lovemychris profile image78
    lovemychrisposted 12 years ago

    "81% of population voted in France. Be nice if we took our democracy serious enough to vote in such numbers."


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