Why are people against gays, homosexuals, bi's, and lesbians?

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  1. profile image48
    zoja123posted 10 years ago

    Why are people against gays, homosexuals, bi's, and lesbians?

    They should be able to be who they want to be right?

  2. meletakery profile image57
    meletakeryposted 10 years ago

    Standing strong for moral principles within the society should not be seen as against anything.  It should be recognized as aligning with the moral society code.
    Yes, they should be able to be who they want to be. 
    You should be able to be who you want to be. 
    And, I should be able to be who I want to be.
    That is nature's assigned self-control responsibility.
    But, they should not be able to force me to adhere to their immoral desires.
    Just like you should not attempt to force me to adhere to any immoral activities or desires that you desire.
    This simply means that I do not agree with their choice to be immoral anymore than I would expect them to agree with my disagreement.
    While they may want society to classify their immoral choices as a moral principle, I cannot support that effort anymore than I could support murder being moral in my moral world.
    That does not mean that I would attempt to harm or require them to change to my moral worldly ways.
    If they wish to sin then they must understand they will be held responsible for that sin.
    Self-control is the respect that I provide to all people regardless of their personal choices.
    Under this valuation, the gays, homosexuals, bi's, and lesbians may choose to become protectors of their personal choice, but they will never achieve moral equality through immoral actions.
    But when they insist that immoral choices invade my moral norms, then I must protest that action as a moral protector.

    1. duffsmom profile image61
      duffsmomposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Excellent response.

    2. profile image0
      christiananrkistposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      what makes it immoral?

    3. Mahfoudh Muhammed profile image61
      Mahfoudh Muhammedposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Amazing answer, really cleared the issue. Well done.

    4. meletakery profile image57
      meletakeryposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      In the moral society, the sexually immoral includes:  prostitution, pornography, having sex outside of marriage, homosexuality, and adultery.
      In the immoral society, the sexually immoral includes: alternate lifestyle.

    5. profile image0
      christiananrkistposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      what makes those things immoral? how is a "moral society" determined? Who decides morality?

    6. meletakery profile image57
      meletakeryposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Moral Society is composed of individuals that govern so as not to damage themselves or their community in the long term.  Immoral will destroy the society and so since gays, homosexuals & lesbians do not sustain the society, they destroy it.

  3. ChristinS profile image38
    ChristinSposted 10 years ago

    People who want to believe they are more self-righteous than others or people who simply cannot accept those who are different tend to feel threatened by a lifestyle they can't/don't understand.

    Most of the people who protest the loudest about it do so hiding behind religion as a justification for their prejudices.  Some people simply are not content to allow others to live and let live, or feel they need to talk about how not prejudice they are while in the same breath insulting people different than they are for not being "moral" enough. 

    Fortunately, many more people are reasonable and are coming to understand that there is room in this world for all people and that it's not our personal business who another person loves. 

    Since the beginning of time people have used all kinds of excuses to hate or demonize those who are different.  It's how wars are started and why civil rights movements have been necessary throughout history.

    1. meletakery profile image57
      meletakeryposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      your desire to judge is typical of those that drive immoral growth. acceptance that sin exists is easy. but eliminating it is difficult when others choose to shut their eyes and ears to it. No one hates. They choose moral rather than immoral.

    2. Mahfoudh Muhammed profile image61
      Mahfoudh Muhammedposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      We cannot be immoral with immorality. However, the act of accepting, not even encouraging just accepting immorality is an immoral behaviour that I will always disagree with.

    3. ChristinS profile image38
      ChristinSposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      My desire to judge? I'm not the one labeling an entire group of people as "immoral". I accept other human beings for who they are and I don't feel a need to proclaim my superiority to them.

    4. meletakery profile image57
      meletakeryposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      What do you label a group that is immoral - alternative lifestyle?
      Immoral people continuously throw word-games at society attempting to justify their immoral behavior.
      Society must flee from sexual immorality or it becomes immoral.
      Truth is superior

    5. ChristinS profile image38
      ChristinSposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      How does anyone else's personal sexual preference in any way effect your personal life? It doesn't and other people's personal choices are not your business.

  4. Mikeg422 profile image59
    Mikeg422posted 10 years ago

    The society we live in now has got to be one of the most politically correct in all of history. The question you ask is the wrong one I think. It is not people in general accepting alternative lifestyle (which is also a silly thing to say, every individuals lifestyle differs so how can there be an alternative?), but from what I see this issue has become centered around the same thing that every issue ends up revolving around...money. What is the reasoning for the gov. recognizing gay marriage? Taxation, and the ability to file and claim taxes as a married couple. It has nothing to do with love, acceptance, or bias. Sure there are bigots, but that is true for everyone, no matter who you are someone hates you for no good reason.
    I personally live under the premise that as long as the choices you make in life do not affect myself or loved ones, have at it. One fault that I find primarily in the gay community (not all of course, but enough to make it an issue for me) is that many gay folks seem to force others to recognize their sexuality by somewhat vulgar displays in public. My kids don't need to see that, I mean just because I'm straight I don't run around fondling women in public just to broadcast it. I think everyone should be allowed to live how they want, but it would also be nice if people keep their lifestyles to themselves.


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