Ok I usually avoid religious forums like a plague but after my last thread about a certain lesbian woman, it just gave me an idea for another thread
I mean its not just in the hub forums.. its everywhere. But looking at the hub forums it seems Christians always have to have a go at someone or anything that has to so with homosexuals.. So far I haven't seen a Muslim, Buddhist or an atheist have a go at the gays (I may be mistaken)
I just want to clarify that homosexuality is not something that just showed up in the 20th and 21st Century. If you read your bible you will find that it starts off way in the beginning of creation in the days after Cain kills Abel.
Yes it's odd that one man may find another man attractive but you guys need to understand the philosophy of "Free Will" God gave every person the choice to decide what they want. This is what makes man a supreme being because we are the only ones with that power.. power of choice. Angels and demons and Aliens have no choice which is why they envy us..
So if one man chooses to be gay what right has another one have in condemning his choice?? I mean am not gay, and I do feel sad for people that are gay but I respect their choice and love them and treat them the same way as I would treat a straight person.
So if Christians today just learnt how to actually spread love and not condemn and try and stuff people's throat with "truth" then maybe people will be a little bit more receptive to what you have to say.
So I appeal to you so called Christians.. Stop bashing the gays and lesbians.. they are people just like you and God sees us all the same. Let God be the judge of them and your duty as a Christian is to pray for them and love them.. Period.
Hi Mame:
God demands the death of homosexuals in the bible.
"And if a man lie with mankind, as with womankind, both of them have committed abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them."
Do ya thing this might be a reason alledged christians hae homosexuals?
Out of curiosity, is there anything in the New Testament you can quote from?
Just go to "Google" and type in "new testament homosexuality."
...lotsa thoughts for ya.
thanks.. i did Google that and I indeed found a reference attributed to St Paul...
But is there anything you can quote me attributed to the Son of God where he specicially condemns homosexuals?
I looked, but I just came up with the usual stuff.. you know, like the mandate to turning the other cheek, not judge others, loving your neighbours like you would yourself, not casting the first stone, etc.
There is some indication that the word Paul used, which has been translated as "homosexuals," may actually mean "sacred prostitutes." So, depending on who translates it, there might not be any mention of homosexuality at all the NT.
There are none.
There are, however, 5 instances in which Christ condemns divorce.
See if any of the evangelicals blast divorce and try to render it illegal.
The Catholic churches around my neck of the woods will still excommunicate someone and not allow them to step foot in their churches if they're divorced. But I understand that's a pretty local phenomenon.
I've visited Catholic institutions in other areas who wouldn't dream of doing such a thing.
Romans 1:26-27: "For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet."
1 Corinthians 6: 9 Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor EFFEMINATE, nor abusers of themselves with mankind,
Jude verse 7 Even as Sodom and Gomorrha, and the cities about them in like manner, giving themselves over to fornication, and going after strange flesh, are set forth for an example, suffering the vengeance of eternal fire.
how about that
Some things are just spiritual common sense.
If sex outside of marriage is a no no and societies condemned same sex marriage around the world, then safe to assume that lesbianism would fall under the same category as no no. Societies used to be a fairly good indicator of what god pretty much basically wants, although you could argue that but some of what i just said applies.
Just recently same sex marriage is being okayed, but god doesn't change his morales to fit society. In fact a great turning away is predicted before the end times and we see this happening as society enlarges is borders about what is right and wrong. God does not play along with what the governor of california thinks.
No debate is really needed. The reason i don't pray for an answer to this question is because i am not stumped and nor do i sway on the spiritual application involved.
God did demand the death of homosexuals in the OT. Fleshly desires was judged both harshly and immediately back then but nontheless, dealt with, just because there is no pillar of fire or manna falling from the sky or an highpriest governing our country does not mean that judgment is not on the horizon or that god has lessened his principles. A thief will get the same treatment as a liar and as all unsaved who know not god. But not just yet, God will give enough time for the sinner to repent, but repent the sinner must. I really enjoyed cigarettes before i got saved but my life must change, its not always easy but its always for the better. A woman may love a woman but when you have to add toys to give what the man has you can see that it is not gods best intention for holiness and spirituality.
just sayin
"Societies used to be a fairly good indicator of what god pretty much basically wants, although you could argue that but some of what i just said applies"
no.. but you might want to research what life was like back in the 50's. Sure mankind has always sinned, thats not what im talking about..
the spirit of the world was much nicer in the 50's in america. In fact the spirit of the world is always changing and from continent to continent. By spirit i mean attitude. People in new york smiled and said hi, in canada until the 90's everybody was so busy saying hi on the streets as passerbys it was actually quite noisy. People went to church in higher percentages, the lords prayer was in schools, the attitude of one for all and all for me was not popular.. Slavery was abolished but then the price for everything doubled lol. Still the community was church based and smiles were abundant.
some women make that choice to be with another woman.because, of bad and abusive men.i gave up on men because im tired of getting hurt or abused by a MAN.got real love when i got with a woman.
the bible was written by man...man, not actually God...
written by man, inspired by God
2 Peter 1: 16 For we have not followed cunningly devised fables, when we made known unto you the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, but were eyewitnesses of his majesty.
But Jesus' death and ressurrection brought a new law of love and forgiveness with it. He said "Love your Neighbor" and did not mention any exceptions to that!
Why start a thread knowing it will cause many to be offended? If God says something is an abomination, it is an abomination. What was wrong in the beginning is still wrong today. It is just how things are.
Now after all this, Jesus died for homosexuals also. No one was left out when He gave His life on the cross for the sins of the world.
Do you abstain from pork? Do you refuse to touch your wife when she's menstruating?
Fort one thing, I am not Jewish. I actually never was Jewish. This has nothing to do with eating pork and women menstruating. it has to do with sin and sin alone. Like I said, Jesus dies for all sinners, not just a few. All have sinned etc. . .
Most of the references that can be interpreted as calling homosexuality an abomination are in the Old Testament, along with a lot of other arbitrary rules about what's clean and unclean, including the two examples above. You're just picking and choosing what you think applies and what you think doesn't.
I only know what I know. Some things were worse than others. Some sins required death while others required cleansing. If something is wrong, it is wrong. No one can change that.
Like I said in my first comment, "Why start a thread knwoing many will be offended." I am done here.
But you can't know, not according to your own [Christian] beliefs. Only God can. And if that's so, then you have to either 1) take the Bible as literal truth or 2) decide that you don't know, and leave all the judging to God (which, by the way, it does tell you to do in the Bible itself).
Beautifully said, regardless of whether it is a sin in God's eyes it isn't our place to judge.
You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother's eye. - Matthew 7:5
As I gleam optimism, I can't help but say: God needs to revamp the systematic nature of things; perhaps get his ass down here and regulate upon thee... Ha-ha! Okay, if I was God, I would simply be using y'all retards as entertainment and I'd be laughing my ass off... LOL! Oh no, what have I created... LMAO! Okay-okay, ...oh nevermind, I can't do it... ha-ha! Hopefully, we are all apart of the "creation" or else, someone is using us as one hell of a funny source of entertainment. Who knows, maybe the satellite is via the moon for the aliens that view "Earth people" as a galactic "reality show." Personally, I think the Bible is elementary; existence is way more complicated than tyrannical bastardized laws...perhaps?
Maddy Ruud: your right. as a Christian we are not to judge. What is our duty is to tell the truth and after we're done we give that person the choice while here on earth. But after the person dies, if he continued to sin and did not have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, then it will be too late come judgment time and God will remove that person from His kingdom and into hell
How do you know what is wrong? I do not think God sees homosexuality is evil. True evil is in how cruel humans can be toward one another, either physically or emotionally, or both.
New Testament too.
Romans 1: 26-32.
Jude 7.
Okay, and there are also ridiculous verses in the New Testament about how women shouldn't wear braided hair or gold jewelry. Whatcha think about that?
I think that when Jesus came to this earth, He revealed the Spiritual Law, giving mankind the chance to get out from under the letter of the Law, which kills.
And He told us that there is no longer condemnation to those who are in His good graces. That freedom from condemnation requires repentance.
I fail to see how this counters (or follows from) what I said, unless you're saying you think that women are only going to heaven if they repent braiding their hair?
No. I'm saying it's what's in a person's heart that counts with Jesus, not the outer appearance.
But what's in our heart and minds will be reflected in our appearance and actions.
It doesn't matter who braids their hair and who doesn't.
Jesus is only concerned with the state of the heart, and if anyone Loves Him, they will refrain from living a lifestyle that is in direct disobedience to His commands. Not the commands of the legal man-made made law necessarily, but His Law.
So - divorce is good with Jesus then?
Breaking a solemn promise and covenant with God is acceptable?
And then Fuc**** some one else whilst married in the
eyes of the Lord? All OK?
Braiding hair and sleeping with men or women are both behaviors. You are saying that it's what's in the heart that matters. So, it shouldn't matter who sleeps with men and who sleeps with women, as long as they have Jesus in their heart, according to your own logic.
If you're going to say that braiding hair is different than sleeping with same-sex partners, don't. It's not going to fly. They are both "against God's law" according to the New Testament.
Sorry, but yes I will say it's different.
It does fly.
But not with unbelievers!
Repentance? Spiritual law? His good graces? Jesus didn't say anything like that. Read the bible and stop having others read and interpret it for you. Jesus said, "Love thy neighbor as thyself." Being rich was the sin he spoke most often against. Perhaps, Jesus would have considered homosexuality a sin, but if he did, he would be wrong.
In my opinion that is between you and him.
I can't see right now if that is sin or not. I'm attempting to pull a plank out of my eye.
Might I add Repentance meaning for things done wrong, not for what one IS.
Maddie Ruud: jewelry and braided hair were used for pagan worship. But let me ask you: what is your real purpose anyway if you want a different hairstyle or jewelries in your body? is it to get much notice from other people? and if that's the case, aren't you satisfied on who you are as a person instead of replacing it with jewelries and hairstyles?
I almost forgot that I promised myself not to stoop to responding to your level of ignorant, primitive religious absurdity.
No, but I refuse to call my wife a porky when she is menstruating because she would circumcised me with a weed whacker
Maddie, you're so much more concise than I am
Oh crap! I was eating mu shu pork last night when my wife announced Aunt Flo's arrival. Am I going to hell?
Leviticus was written to those people at that time. They were surrounded by pagan people who ate pork(uncooked and unsanitary) engage in homosexual behavior, bestiality and offering(killing) babies as sacrifices to the sun god. So God commanded His people not to do as the pagans did.
In fact, some of best medical facts are listed in Leviticus that science just figured out in the past 200 years. For example Blood is the source of health and life/(Leviticus 17:11), When dealing with disease, hands should be washed under running water (Leviticus 15:13).
As for the New testament reference to hair braiding, context must be applied, The bible clearly states women should not focus so much on the physical(looks and appearance), but focus on God.
Finally the "do not judge" mantra. Again context needs to be applied Jesus never says Do not judge, He simply tells Christians how to judge, according to His laws not our own. Please don't take my word for it look it up for yourself.
“After many years of intense research, a genetic component to homosexual desires has not been discovered. Twin studies show that identical twins do not consistently have the same sexual orientation. In fact, genetics probably explains very little about homosexual desires. How would a homosexual “gene” be passed on? Homosexuals don’t pass on anything because they don’t reproduce. The human genome project found no such gene. Then figure out how such a destructive and non productive gene would survive through thousands of generations. Second, the “born-that-way” claim is an argument from design” since God designed me with these desires, I ought to act on them.” But the people who say this overlook something more obvious they were also born with a specific gender. This raises the question: Why are you following your desires but not your gender? After all, we’re not sure if your desires were designed or the result of your upbringing, but we are certain that your anatomy is designed. So why not follow your anatomy rather than your desires? Ignoring your desires may be uncomfortable, but ignoring the natural design of your body is often fatal.
Even IF desires are not a choice, sexual behavior always is. So even if a person honestly believes that he’s been born with homosexual desires, he is certainly capable of controlling his sexual behavior. If you claim that he is not—that sexual behavior is somehow uncontrollable—then you have made the absurd contention that no one can be morally responsible for any sexual crime, including rape, incest, and child molestation.” "IF you are born with a genetic predisposition to alcohol, does that mean God wants you to be an alcoholic? If someone has a genetic attraction to children, does that mean God wants you to be a pedophile? (According to pedophiles it does!) What homosexual activist would say that a genetic predisposition to anger justifies gay-bashing? (Born gay? What if the gay basher was born mean?) " Frank Turek
Homosexuality is wrong true, but so is stealing, lying, and adultery and anyone who commits any of these sins and is unrepentant will go to hell. That’s why Jesus came and died because we are all broken sinners in need of a Saviour. Repent and trust in Jesus Christ alone and he will heal you inside and out. I am a witness to this.
"Why do Christians have a problem with Homosexuals?"
Because they are judgmental hypocrites with no moral code who gain a false sense of personal power from attacking other people who are different.
They have given up all real personal power to the invisible super Daddy in the sky. Now they can spend their energy attacking others instead of dealing with their internal inadequacies.
They have no morals. None.
You are generalizing a whole group of people, Thats like saying all muslims are terrorists. It feels to me like you are attacking people who are different from you.
Diane - so are many Christians when they talk about the 'abomination' of homosexuality, and homosexuals.
Suddenly, it hurts the 'other side' and they cry foul, yet refuse to stop doing the SAME thing? Hypocrisy at it's finest really.
As a gay woman, I've never generalised about a religion - I take people as they come - if you come to me and go at me about your religion saying I am wrong, I will come back at you..and solely you, and your interpretation of religion. Yet, many people who've come at me (HP mostly!) have generalised gays and lesbians as a group.
Mark Knowles: what you just said is a HATE filled statement. Second, you just judged a group of people without giving some accounts of what you just stated
Christians: "Gays are evil! Death to gays! They are an abomination and should be purged! They're all evil and they all rape children!"
Nonbelievers: "You're joking, right? Do you honestly believe that crap?"
How digusting it is for some people to act like they're intelligent and educated and that it relates to their hold on reality in any way, or that they have any sense of morality or decency or propriety. Using what little sense you can muster; answer the question you yourself bought up. How could GOD allow Man, Woman, and every other type of Mammal, animal and bird and insect to engage in a sexual act that is not natural and right. Are you saying that the birds and bees are sinners and need to repent and come to Jesus?
Stop pretending your reasoning comes from anything other than ignorant, stupid, evil hate. I'm not impressed.
@-Mark- You committed the common strawman of God which easy to blow down so I guess you win. How do account for morals from purely materialistic worldview? How do you justify it. If it's all a matter of opinion why are you here and how can honestly say you're right when history, facts, and common sense go against your opinion.
@- FW The ad hominem fallacy you've committed is typical, but I'll work around it. We have free will and can use it to obey God's law(repent and trust) or ignore it(do whatever you want), but ignoring God's law has consequences earthly and eternal. God created us separate from the animals, animals are not moral beings they do no have a conscience. If you have to look down in the animals kingdom from an example on how to live your life that's a problem because eat their young and their own poop. The end of your rant consist of argument by emotive language, you're unable the deal with my arguments so unleash harsh words to appeal to the emotion, not logic(sounds like conviction to me) You stated "I'm not impressed", well I'm not surprised.
I did no such thing. This is what I said and you are living proof.
As to your question - easy - morals are something we come to by consensus that allow us to live harmoniously with our neighbors. Morals are adaptable; flexible to suit the situation. They are not written in stone. What was moral yesterday is not necessarily so today.
Are you saying that people cannot follow a moral code without pretending there is an invisible super Daddy in the sky?
Because I do not see believers behaving any better than non-believers.
Oh yes you did, and you do it all the time. Definition of stawman-attacking an exaggerated or caricatured version of your opponent's position or belief
“sky daddy” “invisible super Daddy in the sky,” “sky fairy,” “magic man in the sky,” so yes all of your best "arguments" fall under one BIG fallacy.
“morals are something we come to by consensus”
Oh okay there are people who by consensus agree that eating their enemies after killing them is moral and right, does that make it right?
In parts of the world people believe you must cut off a 10 year old boy privates in order to have a great harvest. Is that moral?
“Morals are adaptable; flexible to suit the situation. They are not written in stone. What was moral yesterday is not necessarily so today.”
You’ve committed another fallacy here called reifying. Your abstract thinking here is nowhere near concrete. You supplied no evidence or realistic examples that state there are no objective morals, you’ve simply stated morals adapt, which is nowhere based in law, practice, or reality. Your abstract and imaginary ideas looses ground when someone you love is senselessly murdered or someone steals something you worked very hard to earn.
“Are you saying that people cannot follow a moral code without pretending there is an invisible super Daddy in the sky?”
More straw and no I’m not saying you can’t be moral without God, of course you can. In fact that’s exactly what we would expect if the God of the bible were the One True God. Hebrews 8 “I will put my laws into their mind, and write them in their hearts:”, but the atheist can’t justify their moral behavior it’s not consistent with their materialistic worldview.
As for your final remark, according to the study conducted by the Barna Group
“Christians are far more likely than atheists to be part of groups that work hard to instill values about being good to other people, and having good relationships. The teachings of the Bible emphasize values such as honesty, love, forgiveness, sexual fidelity, patience, and generosity. In addition, all Christian denominations strongly discourage negative behaviors, such as fornication, profanity, gambling, gossiping, retaliation, drunkenness, and lying. Many of these values are not emphasized in social circles dominated by atheists. In theory, atheists can lead moral lives, the absence of an absolute moral foundation probably leads to moral drifting over time. This phenomenon also occurs in Christians who abandon church and Christian fellowship. As a result, the differences in morality between atheists and evangelicals is striking, with atheists being much more prone to viewing pornography, using profanity in public, gossiping, and drunkenness. For the 8 sins surveyed in the Barna study, atheists were nearly 5 times more likely to commit those sins than evangelical Christians. In addition, atheists are much less likely to donate to charities (even secular ones) and perform volunteer services in their communities compared with religious people. So, even though atheists can lead a moral life, on average, they don't measure up. Although it is possible that atheism is not the cause of moral failure, it seems unlikely that there are genetic or other demographic factors that account for the differences in behavior.”
Source: Young Adults and Liberals Struggle with Morality a study conducted by The Barna Group
I gotta run, it's Saturday
You are confusing bad ideologies with morals. It is the bad ideologies, like religions, that drive people to commit those atrocities. They have been indoctrinated into a belief system and have lost all sense of morals as a result.
Helping mankind and humanity never changes. Bad ideologies change, though.
It took me a day to look up your Ad Hominem. Very slippery of you clar...Spiderpam.
I’m not impressed because I’ve lived long enough to see and hear people like you that are educated and very good with words, you can move the crowd, but, deluded enough to think you’re clever just because you can twist words enough to influence enough people to commit murder for you.- (DAVID KORESH, JIM JONES, JERRY FALWELL DAVID DUKES) -They all had your “gift”.
And in the end that’s all you want to do. You’re no different than false Muslim terrorist trying to climb up to heaven on the bodies of murdered innocent people.
“We have free will and can use it to obey God's law(repent and trust) or ignore it(do whatever you want), but ignoring God's law has consequences earthly and eternal“.
You make up lies and call it RESEARCH!
“After many years of intense research, a genetic component to homosexual desires has not been discovered.”
I’m not impressed because you ignore facts instead of addressing them. You twist facts to keep from addressing them:
“Even IF desires are not a choice, sexual behavior always is. So even if a person honestly believes that he’s been born with homosexual desires, he is certainly capable of controlling his sexual behavior.”
You put words in peoples mouths and make ridiculous replies after you have bared false witness against them:
“If you claim that he is not—that sexual behavior is somehow uncontrollable—then you have made the absurd contention that no one can be morally responsible for any sexual crime, including rape, incest, and child molestation.” "IF you are born with a genetic predisposition to alcohol, does that mean God wants you to be an alcoholic? If someone has a genetic attraction to children, does that mean God wants you to be a pedophile? (According to pedophiles it does!) What homosexual activist would say that a genetic predisposition to anger justifies gay-bashing? (Born gay? What if the gay basher was born mean?) " Frank Turek”
Just Crazy! Since hetero and homosexual people have been on earth having each others straight and homosexual babies since the beginning of time:
“Homosexuals don’t pass on anything because they don’t reproduce. The human genome project found no such gene.”
So with my 9th Grade Education, I read through all of your comments and I’m just not impressed. I heard them all too many times from people that proved they had GOD nowhere in them. Their only desire being, to move the crowd.
PS: Don’t worry; I wont die from blue balls or whatever you had in mind. I use every part of my anatomy and I thank GOD for them. Wish I had more parts to use:
“So why not follow your anatomy rather than your desires? Ignoring your desires may be uncomfortable, but ignoring the natural design of your body is often fatal”
Because she can.
And because it's a valid question.
If Christians know that Christ died on the cross for everyone's sins, then why do so many of them preach hatred, judgment, and fear...Even though they ought to know better? Why do so many Christians focus on the fact that homosexuality is an abomination, but not that eating shellfish, mixing different threads, or touching dead pigskin (i.e., footballs) is also an abomination? Why don't I hear more Christians proclaiming the law of love instead of talking about how hateful the things WE HUMANS do are in the sight of God. We ALL fall short of the glory of God...so why do so many feel the need to pick on one group for their PARTICULAR downfall?
Why does it offend you that someone wants to talk about a major problem that is obvious in the world?
Shouldn't we be able to discuss these things? What if I wanted to start a thread about why so many white people hate black people? Yes, it might offend someone, even though that wouldn't be my intention--but at least I would be asking a legitimate question and talking about a problem that does occur in the world. People need to stop getting so defensive about things and be willing to talk about them even if they're difficult.
ETA: BTW, I am both white and a believer in Christ. Go figure.
but if 10 per cent of people are gay, a lot more eat pork
aww Spider I think I've just fallen in love with you.. Thanks for standing up for me.. definitely Big Boobie Huggs for you
Ooooh!!! *revels in her Big Boobie Hug* Goodness, it's not often one gets pampered with such a nice pair of boobies!
are you a christian?
if not, why do you care?
Going back to when Homosexuality began, it goes back WAAAAAAAYYYYYY prior to even the existence of Christianity. Greek & Roman days, long before Christianity came about. Alexander the Great comes to mind. Christianity came about and they DECIDED what behavior that was going on at the time was acceptable and what was not. Just like they have done to other beleif systems and religions. If they do not like something, they go over and try to "convert" it to their belief structure. And if they can't, they destroy it. It's a matter of historical fact. Not to mention how many ministers and preists and rabi's are gay child molesters. And what does it matter anyway? According to their beleifs, God will forgive you for anything, all you need do is ask. If God will forgive a child rapist/murderer, I am sure he will forgive 2 consenting adults for their consensual homosexual activities.
"But I care for homosexuals too much to endorse medically dangerous behavior. I help them leave homosexuality if they want and many do through the healing power of Jesus Christ."
I had to laugh out loud! After all you high minded preaching! You turn out to be a cheap snake oil salesmen.
What a joke!!!
The bible speak aganist GAY UNIONS.I agree with the bible.
God created male and female.Not adam,and steve,,nor
eve and luease.We live by choice.
The bible was written by a bunch of ignorant goat herders from stories that came thousands of years before. Homophobic goat herders at that!
There's a disgruntled anti Semite. Appreciate the racism??? Good job!
I don't know from goat herders and anti-semites. But I do know that stories of Jesus Christ and the Crucifixtion are painted on the walls of Egyptian and Mayan ruins.
http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid … 743189197#
Are you calling me a racist on the basis of your biblical interpretations?
You just know what you can do with that!
earnestshub: your a BIBLIOPHOBIC goatherder.
I recognize that you are new to the HP community. Please refrain from personal attacks in the forums, as it is against the TOS.
Also, Ernest (earnestshub) was a much loved member of this community. He died several months ago. Be prepared that you may receive a great deal of backlash for this remark.
Probably won't make a difference. One of our good Christians on HubPages said some nasty things about him after it was announced he had died.
Sounds like your average everyday Christian to me.
And in addition, there is little doubt that Earnest knew far more about the bible than he does. Perhaps he could gain his own inspiration by reading Earnest's hubs.
Uninvited Writer, I was around here to witness those remarks to which you refer. At least, I do believe I saw EACH post about that. And the person you're referring to did NOT to my knowledge post anything "nasty" about Earnest at all; I do remember him simply saying something truthful. I recall how he was harrassed because he spoke that truth, but I refrained from getting into that argument at the time out of respect for Earnest having passed so recently then.
Are you trying to insult the character of that person on the basis of the same posts I myself saw? If so, that's not right at all. To be honest, it would be good if you guys would stop using Earnest's name to further your idea that Christians are so bad, when in fact we all know that Earnest posted many outright anti-Christian things and was quite often very rude toward Christians here, to say the least.
Now, he's gone, and I respect that and I have never said anything even negative about him since then (until now, if you want to count my truthful statement above). Me and some other Christians posted well-wishes to his memory and his family, as a matter of fact, out of respect for him as a person. But indeed it is not wrong to speak the truth even if it is negative, especially when it's common knowledge that was witnessed here in black and white on this very site.
Also, I will point out that the new hubber who responded to a post of Earnest's probably had no way of knowing that he had passed away, since his profile and all is still here, and that in any event that poster didn't say anything any worse than the post of Earnest's that he/she responded to.
I didn't even want to get involved in this thread, but since people revived it, it's not right for hubbers to let it be used as a vehicle to insult and semi-threaten newbies. Or any other Christian, for that matter.
Not saying that you, UW, "threatened" anybody. But another poster's words do border on that, bigtime.
I'm pretty sure that if the newbie had been a liberal who came in spouting anti-Christian stuff, you guys would've welcomed him/her with open arms and several BRAVOs.
I'm equally quite sure that if a Christian had jumped in here first and warned everybody about how liberal and anti-Christian Earnest was, or how anti-Christian Mark is (openly), you and a few others would've been all over them, telling them to let the man rest in peace and perhaps to not insult the other much-admired hubber as well. I think that's what you all should do now-------let Earnest's name rest and stop using it to insult Christians.
Would you say that Earnest left a far more lasting, and positive, mark on this site that he could ever hope to?
I sure would.
"I agree with the bible.
God created male and female.Not adam,and steve,,nor
eve and luease.We live by choice."
If you agree with the Bible; then you know that God created Adam and Steve first. They were running around and rolling around in that garden for(what could have been)millions of years before Eve and "Luease" came along. That is if you believe in the Bible version of Creation.
Only Apostle Paul taught this. But Apostle Paul was put there to test God's people
You mean the Jews I presume?.... I can see that established in scripture, what with Paul, being a high ranking former Jewish religious buff, turning to accept the Messiah as Christ would have tested them a bit....
I can see why the Pharisees may have wanted to discredit him, he was a kinda high level defector from their 'camp'
The Twelve Apostles Discredited him. There were only 12 not 13. One for every one of the Twelve Tribes.
What Yahshua said was completely different from what Paul said.
He said He was Jew, A roman citizen. They thought by looking at him that he was Egyptian. He said he was a Gentile,
He said he lied for God. He told the people he guiled them.
He taught the law had been abolished when Christ died . He changed Yahshua Messiah to Jesus Christ. He said all things were lawful. He said he was equal to the son of God. I could go on and on.
There were many Gentiles that discredited him.
All of his followers left him
So let me get this clear...
You are stating that ALL of the Pauline books are antichrist, that Paul was a counterfeit, and that therefore we need to discount and discard ALL of the Pauline (or Paul influenced books in the new covenant.
Is that correct?
Paul never had the road to Damascus experience...
He did not need to be crucified upside down in Rome....
He could have avoided the beatings, shipwreck and hardship...
He was NOT under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, and responsible for spreading the word to the Gentiles, he was in effect, a counterfeit under the control of Satan, deliberately leading people AWAY from Jesus and towards a false messiah of Pauls own creation....
Is that what you are saying?
john, I posted a rebuttal to her, which she ignored completely in another thread about how he was trained by the highest, most respected rabbi, Gamaliel: president of the Sanhedrin in Jerusalem! Teacher of Saul, etc. So, she got some new age seed that took root against him -and him alone- for some reason.
I'm not new age. although most new age is steeped in ancient days.I've told you that before, you're saying it to harass. Mighty Pauline of you.
I have always known Paul was a false Apostle since about 17 ears old
Judas Iscariot was taught by the best, Yahshua. He still fulfilled the prophecy he was meant to fulfill
You didn't have to teach me about Gamaliel, I already knew. I've studied the Bible. If you tried to talk about it before? I didn't see it because of your insults and put downs.
It's nice to follow the Pauline doctrine. Do anything you want and you're still saved.
Forget the words and laws of God, Pauline is much more believable,
right? Cause he agrees with the way you want to live, right?
I have asked you ten times and the only thing you throw back are silly sound bites. Any one can take two lines of old-new and call it A HA! So, again give us EXACT proof -from Peter, James, John, Jesus that this socialite turned believer was 'the anti-christ' and perhaps we might consider it.
You remember the posting, yes?
I showed a reply to all the points, you evaded AS ALWAYS, to hold on to your ways of thinking. Of course you would dispute Paul, since he powerfully spoke out against exactly what you practice: astrology, self-empowerment, tarot divination, false teachings on entrance to the Kingdom Of Heaven, bent version of true faith, shackles of law mixed with 'enlightened liberation' -a cumulostratus cloud without a drop of refreshing rain to ease the burdens of any. And like the Christians you verbally slither between each line and chapter from a book that is NOT the word incarnate. With the same split tongue you claim Y`shua is Lord. That has to be the most perfect blend of ba`al worship and mentality I believe have ever seen or read...
I have written about 4 hubs on the Bible and the deceiver.
That was after you said prove it. What more can I write?
The Bible states only those who are his will hear and see etc.
Those hubs are not proof, they are your opinion -and a lot of rage I might add.
Give me proof of Peter, James or John disputing Paul and his ministry from THEIR perspective. And even more -to use my own sound bites- if Paul was such, and Peter who's shadow healed a man, cause two people who told a half truth to fall down dead, spoke in g-d knows how many languages to massive amounts of Hebrews (btw, whom Y`shua told them to minister to, not the gentiles, in Jerusalem) being thoroughly full of the Spirit, didn't recognize this false teacher? He knew him well since both were there when Stephen was ordered killed by Saul...
I personally do not follow Paul, Peter or even the peaceful Islam's Mary. But when people try to dispute the work of a person, who had absolutely NO reason to do so -who was quite educated in his time (like having 3 masters degrees in Law and Sociology) lived wealthy, was healthy, liked by many Romans, Hebrews and Greeks, would just give it all up to spread a doctrine he literally & violently fought against for half his life.
Something doesn't fit.
My hubs are mostly scripture..They're not proof?
What rage? That is you T.O.D. with the rage, I have none. Just trying to show the truth so many won't be deceived.
Yahshua told them not to take the message to the Gentiles because He knew that God would reveal it to him, which he did.
Yahshua only gave what the Father told Him to and as of yet he hadn't.
God revealed (in a vision) to Peter and Cornelius both at the same time, that Peter was to take the message to the Gentiles and James confirmed it.
The Apostles all knew he was fake.
You can tell by Paul's wrings that he is angry at the true Apostles. He is always comparing himself to the men of God. He says in every epistle. "I'm not lying", "I tell you the truth" He says he is as good as the Apostles. Equal to the most eminent-Yahshua.
Everything you say is the same as Paul and you do not believe him?
Now I ask you, show me where anyone else taught the Law of Grace and immunity from wrong doing.
Mary is a Hebrew she was not Islam.
I don't dispute Paul's work. God called him to fulfill the prophecy of Balaam.
To put a stumbling block before the people to test them in the word of God.
All of Paul's followers left him one by one as they realized he was not of God.
Something doesn't fit? If you have ears to hear!
I am not going to write everything here. Read my hubs. If you don't get you, you don't get it. Nothing I can do. I'm not the only one who knows he was the deceiver. Thousand more reads and understands
exactly, Deborah, my point made by your mouth -The bible says...
The Word I live by is not in the bible. He is alive and well at the Fathers right hand and His spirit lives in me...
Where did you learn about Spirit? From the scriptures, no place else!
The Comforter brings to memory Yahshua's words and what you are taught.
You're not so eminent you know these things without first reading. Don't say you are.
I'm done
No love. I learned about Y`shua and the Spirit before I could even read. Then, when I studied the scripts I became extremely sad at the wisdom in them for a long time. Not because of sin itself, but how twisted people make things out to be. You, like them are searching for the anti christ and desolation of the world, using a sin mentality. Looking for salvation in a sin mentality. Looking for regeneration through the laws no man can keep. All the while, missing the whole point of your existence.
The Comforter REVEALS the testimony in us.
Not spotty moments of sound bites from books.
No you didn't. If the Holy Spirit taught you that you would know I tell you truth and that I did not copy anyone's stuff into my hub.
I don't believe a word you say
John 14:26
But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you.
Teach you all things what Yahsua said and bring to rememberance what he said. But you deny what Yahshua said
The Holy Spirit will teach those who are of God what to say when brought before the Magistrate. It does not teach scripture. Show me where Yahshua claims this
you have spoken no truth at all nor have you confirmed any of it with proof. You keep rambling sound bites, but nothing from the 12 to dispute Paul. Not even a shred. Tell me why I should accept or consider the possibility Paul was the anti-christ or opposing anointing? What do you have from the 3 who were with Y`shua everyday and were anointed to validate it? I am not opposed to considering it, but I -like anyone else- cannot take it on 'faith' or 'bible bites alone'. I have never denied what Y`shua said, ever.
You know you copied almost word for word, from that website. I can post it if you like. Which is neither here nor there.
Now let's play the bible bite game:
The truth is NOT just in the scriptures, it is in the heart.
"But this is to fulfill what is written in their Law: 'They hated me without reason.' John 15:25-27
"I will write my laws on their hearts; I will be their Abba and they will be my people." Jeremiah 31:31-35; Hebrews 8:10; 10:16.
"No, the word is very near you; it is in your mouth and in your heart so you may do it."Deuteronomy 30:14-15
-Oddly, affirmed by "the supposed anti christ" Romans 10...hmmm.
Slander me again and say I copied it. No I did not. I am not a liar.' Every time I post something that you can't dispute you say this, about every post and every hub. If I post scripture and they post scripture it will be word for word. But not the words in behind. That's a bold face lie.
I gave scripture for every statement I made.
I don't care if you see the truth about Paul or not. If you want to know the truth read it for yourself, and learn.
Nothing Paul said goes with what Yahshua said, if you think it did prove that.
Paul deceived by being among them pretending he was like them.
That is not Satan casting out Satan.
interesting website were you copied the info for your hubs, but it still doesn't add up.
For those interested here is the website used:
http://www.justgivemethetruth.com/paul_ … ceiver.htm
No one copied anything. I spent a few hours writing those hubs. The truth is in scripture. I posted scripture. I wrote about Paul on the forums 7 months ago http://hubpages.com/forum/topic/42551#post984066
Gee, if it was copied Hubpages wouldn't have let me publish it.
It just proves others read and understood scripture to
Do minor and major premises and come to correct conclusions
Here's more that know the truth. We all copied each other
http://www.justgivemethetruth.com/paul_ … ceiver.htm
And here is a whole slew of them
http://www.google.com/search?hl=en& … gle+Search
1. Yes-first paragraph
2. Paul told three different stories about his conversion. And used words from the stories of Bacchus. "Kick against the Prick" to describe what happened. Yahshua would not have used Dionysus to relay his message.
Yes he had to be crucified. God did not allow him to go any further...Yes
3. God told the real prophets to separate from him. He was ordained to carry out the prophecy of Balaam.
* my note * Just like Judas had to carry out the prophecy.
4. Peter was the Apostle to carry the Gospel to the Gentile but Paul took over. Acts 10:1-48 and Acts 11:1-18
Yes in control of Satan, a fake, a false Apostle Read my Hun Apostle Paul the Deceiver Teaches a new Gospel and Apostle Paul the Deceiver and the Number 666
Acts 26:9
I verily thought with myself, that I ought to do many things contrary to the name of Jesus of Nazareth.
Acts 13:1-2
There were some prophets who came to Antioch and as they were fasting and praying the Holy Ghost told them to separate Barnabas and Paul, from the church, so they could do the work God had called them for.
1 John 2:19
19. They went out from us, but they were not of us; for if they had been of us, they would no doubt have continued with us: but they went out, that they might be made manifest that they were not all of us.
Yes the Holy Ghost-to lead him away. To do his mission. To deceive and test those i the true word.
That is what I'm saying?
Study it.
He called Christ cursed
Read the crazy stuff he wrote in Romans 7
I've just read this entire thread with much interest (and mirth) and just had to add my two-penny worth to the debate. I was brought up in the Christian faith, and believed everything I was taught at sunday-school, and later, in church. That is, until I woke up and smelled the coffee. We are all entitled to our opinions, that's why we were 'given' free will.
The Catholic church is the most corrupt in the entire world. They are nothing but a bunch of hippocrites. On the one hand they say homosexuality is a sin, yet it's okay for all these bent preists to interfere with little boys and destroy their innocence. How does that work then? What was it Jesus allegedly said - 'suffer little children?' Well they certainly took that part literally! The bible is nothing more than a fairy-tale that has caused more deaths and wars than anything else in the entire history of the human race. Is this how 'God' intended it to be for us? we are led to believe that the God of the bible is an all-loving, all-forgiving God, but to quote some scripture (badly) 'God was angry and caused a plague to smite his people.' I get angry with my kids, but I don't kill them just because they've done something I don't like.
I don't understand homosexuality. I can't get my head round why they want to get it on with someone of their own sex . No other animals do it (I don't think) We were put on the planet to procreate and it's never going to happen with two men or two women. But I've got quite a few 'gay' friends. Does this mean I'm guilty by association? Am I going to burn in the fires of hell for all eternity just because my mate chooses to sleep with another man and not me? I think where people go wrong is by taking the bible literally. Yeah, I know- 'All scripture is inspired by God and beneficial for teaching' . Timothy something or other, or was it Paul? But come on - Jonah and the whale? Please don't insult my intelligence! Blind faith cannot be a good thing. We tell our youngsters there's a Santa Claus (deliberately lie to them) and then have to tell them 'Sorry kid, we made it up.' Why? And for everyone who is so happy to quote chapter and verse, isn't lying a sin? The bible cannot be taken literally. Where are all the 'miracles' these days? If a woman stepped forward today and said she had got herself pregnant by a ghost, no-one would say 'Ooh it must be an immaculate conception.' It's just not possible. Why should things have been so different back then than they are today?
Having said all that, I do believe Jesus was a real life flesh and blood human being, who had a vision for a better life for all of us. (today he would be called a radical) and I do believe there is a divine entity who created the universe and everything in it. God doesn't condemn homosexuality, people do, because they don't understand it. We are slowly evolving out of the 'race' issue, -some quicker than others- Wasn't that the same thing? God isn't racist, why should he be homophobic? He made us all didnt He?
Actually, there are other creatures on this Earth, besides humans, that engage in homosexual acts. I did one google search and found an article from National Geographic that explains more.
http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news … nimal.html
I do not believe Christians have a problem with homosexuals, as your title implies. Christians have a problem with homosexual behavior and even more than that with the homosexual political movement.
Christians were very quiet about homosexual behaviors in the 1960s and prior. What is happening now is not an aggressive action; it is a reaction to the actions of the homosexual movement. Christian beliefs and worldview are under demonic attack and it is the duty of the Christian to counteract this attack.
There may not be many Muslims on HubPages but the view of Islam is even more severe about homosexual behaviors.
Christians have a duty to condemn evil in their midst. But you are right that they also have a duty to love everybody regardless of their personal sins. This is why Christians are against adultery, fornication, and lying but not against adulterers, fornicators, and liars. It is sinful behaviors—not people—that Christians and God are against.
I always hear this old "stuffing your views down our throats" argument, which is a false argument. If we have opposing views why is it not YOU who is stuffing your views down my throat?
I agree that there is no place for gay-bashing. But love is an action verb—not a feeling. If you love a person, or your community or nation, you do what is best for them and oppose what is vicious rather than virtuous.
Rubbish. Disingenuous nonsense that neglects to mention the fact that homosexual sex (sodomy) was illegal in the United States until the 1970/80s when all the laws the Right Wing Kristian Fascists had inserted into the secular law courts were repealed or invalidated.
So - yes - Christians had a problem with homosexuality, were active against homosexuals and were vocal enough to have laws passed against homosexual activity in the past. No need to be vocal about it if you already had it made illegal is there?
And let's face it - you guys were too busy fighting to keep segregation in the 1950/60s.
Lying for Jesus huh?
I thought that was a sin? Oh - that is right...
Do as I say. Not as I do is one of them Christian values you cherish.
Demonic attack?
You do not know what is best for me.
I think you are smart enough to know that Christians were the leaders of the civil rights movement in the 1950s and 1960s; and virtually all abolitionists were Christians. Sodomy laws go back at least 3,000 years, predating Christianity. Sodomy was illegal in pagan Rome except for a master sodomizing his slave. Sodomy has been illegal in nearly the entire world; and still is in 70 countries—most of which are not Christian countries.
"I think you are smart enough to know that Christians were the leaders of the civil rights movement in the 1950s and 1960s; and virtually all abolitionists were Christians."
And I don't think you're disingenuous enough to deny that there were plenty of Christian leaders in strong opposition to the civil rights movement in the 50's and 60's, and virtually all anti-abolitionists were also Christians.
None of which really addresses the point I have made that Christians were actively opposing homosexuals before 1960 and your statement is a lie:
But - lying for Jesus is OK right? If you are arguing for what you know is good fr me?
The lady who started this forum is questioning why she hears Christians voice opposition to homosexual behaviors as if Christian people were just sitting around one day bored and decided, "Hey, let's talk about homosexual behavior!" You know better. Homosexual behavior was rarely discussed by churchgoing people, preachers, teachers, seminaries, Christian writers, or theologians, before the Homosexual Movement cranked up. The point is that Christians are now playing defense but the deceivers of the world like to pretend they are playing offense. There is a huge difference. Not that you would acknowledge it.
Odd that you do not acknowledge the admonitions against homosexuality in the bible. Written 1800 years ago.
Odd that you do not acknowledge the Christian influences on the secular laws against homosexuality.
Odd that you do not remember Oscar Wilde, Dorian Grey, Walt Whitman.
Odd that you choose to ignore the murder of accused homosexuals during the Inquisition.
Sure - Christians have only started to speak against homosexuals recently. Dear me.
No morals. None. That is the problem with your religion. It teaches you to lie to defend the faith regardless. Liars for Jesus. Sad - no even worse - politics - is what this is.
Bring back the good old days when Christians never said a word against homosexuals because they had managed to make it illegal huh?
I mean - are you genuinely ignorant of the history of abuse against homosexuals by people who hold your values dear?
Are you really that ignorant?
Get back to me when you learn to read; or comprehend what you read.
Ah - insults. Yup you are a real Christian. Not sure what exactly I did not comprehend about this particular statement:
Sorry I have shown it to be untrue. Still - you keep on pretending it is.
That was not an insult at all. Your three posts have no relevance to what I wrote but you wrote them in reply to my post. Therefore, I do not believe you are capable of understanding what I wrote. No insult intended.
I see, So - you still think that Christians have never been vocal about homosexuals?
This is the problem with your religion - it teaches you to lie to defend it all all costs. You are genuinely ignorant of the attacks by Christians on homosexuals made before 1960?
You really think it is only recently? Sorry you are unable to tell the truth. Disgusting really. Sad.
I understand perfectly what you wrote:
Sadly - this is a lie - as I have shown.
Guess that hurts huh? Defend the faith at all costs!!!!!
No morals. None.
Why are Christians silent about divorce? Why do they allow it to be legal? Why aren't they pressing for its ban, like they do for same-sex marriage?
As you know, Christ explicitly condemned divorce several times in the New Testament (despite never mentioning same-sex relationships once).
"Why are Christians silent about divorce? Why do they allow it to be legal? Why aren't they pressing for its ban, like they do for same-sex marriage?"
To be fair, Christians aren't exactly silent about it, they're just not pushing for its recriminalization.
Why? Because a lot of people get divorced. They'd have a lot fewer allies and a lot more foes if they started agitating for a prohibition on divorce.
Plus, lots of Christians get divorced.
Gay people only make up somewhere between 3% and 10% of the entire population, depending whose numbers you believe. Divorced people make up a much larger percentage. Picking on gay people is a lot safer, plus it lets them feel superior. Kinda like the 5th grader who picks on 3rd graders.
Yes, you're right. It's easy to feel righteous about sins you'll never commit, right?
Not that, of course, that the Dominionists will agree to that. They usually dance around the whole question, ignore it, or put up nonsense answers like Spiderpam has.
I'm not saying Jesus Christ accepted homosexuality. I said that he explicitly condemned divorce 5 times, but the evangelical Christians are more likely to put their full weight behind banning gay marriage and NO weight behind banning divorce, which Jesus condemned in no uncertain terms.
The reason? These evangelicals are hypocrites (yet another thing that Jesus condemned). They might want to get a divorce, or they know/love someone who got a divorce, so they're not going to press to make it illegal. As for gays? The only gay people they know are sick caricatures, so working to make them second-class citizens under the law is righteousness on the cheap.
When you state "demonic attack" are you implying that there are entities such as demons?
If so, could you describe a demon in an intelligent way, to a postmodern intellectual audience?
Demons are spiritual (non-physical) beings that are hostile to both God and man. Their minds are permanently opposed to the honor of God and the welfare of human beings. Their prince is Satan. Demons are particularly active on the frontier of God's Kingdom—where the Gospel is being effectively spread—and in lands where the Gospel is losing ground—once Christian lands where faith in God is on the wane. Demonic activity is the supernatural working on the minds of men in order to persuade them to oppose God and virtue in general.
"Demonic activity is the supernatural working on the minds of men in order to persuade them to oppose God and virtue in general."
Wow, that's convenient.
There are these invisible things called demons, and their job is to influence men's minds so that they'll work against God. You can't see them, hear them, or measure them in any way, but they're there. Without demons, everyone would be able to see the Truth for what it is. Since there are demons, and their job is to hide the Truth from men's eyes, only those without demons can see the Truth.
You can't see demons, only their effects on people; that is, in people's lack of faith in God, and in their speech and actions against God's earthly servants (like me!)
I am on God's side, therefore, demons are working against me, too.
But I'm immune to demons' Truth-obscuring ability, because I'm on God's side.
Therefore, anyone who speaks against me is being influenced by an intangible demon, is not thinking for himself, is working to promote evil in the world, and is God's enemy.
The only actual evidence of these assertions is the fact that the person in question disagrees with me, so that's how you can tell if someone is under demonic control: they disagree with me.
Other people may claim to be on God's side, but you can tell whether they are or not by checking to see if they agree with me or not. If they agree, they're really a servant of God. If they disagree, they're only pretending to serve God, and are serving demons instead.
Wow, this is brilliant: it requires no actual evidence, and it cannot be disproven!
Too bad there are so many people making the same claim and disagreeing the hell out of each other.
Do you believe you have a subconcious mind? Can you see it? How do you know it is there? Wouldn't the greatest trick of all be for demons to convince you that they don't exist? Then you can blame your sins on your animal nature—since it is all you have. How convenient. Can't help our animal impulses, right?
"Do you believe you have a subconcious mind? Can you see it? How do you know it is there?"
Dunno, maybe it's there, maybe it's not. Sometimes I have a hard time remembering a bit of trivia, and I can't remember for the life of me. But then, for some reason, I suddenly remember it, without having had to go and look it up. Subconscious mind at work? Maybe.
Where do I get ideas from? Subconscious mind at work? Maybe. Whether I have a subconscious mind or not isn't really part of this debate, is it?
Also, I'm not trying to use the theory of the subconscious mind to convince everyone that people who speak out against me are Evil and working to destroy Good.
"Wouldn't the greatest trick of all be for demons to convince you that they don't exist?"
No, it'd be a pretty darn easy trick for demons to convince people that demons don't exist; they can't be perceived, either directly or indirectly*.
"Then you can blame your sins on your animal nature—since it is all you have. How convenient. Can't help our animal impulses, right?"
We can't help our animal impulses, no, but we can decide whether or not to indulge them.
For example, right now I could really go for a beer. Mmmm, beer, I can imagine how tasty and thirst-quenching a nice pilsener would be right now. But I'm not going to give in to that animal impulse because I'm going to have to drive soon.
Also, I'm pretty hungry. But I'm not going to eat right now, because it'd spoil my dinner, which is also coming soon.
I get mad sometimes, mostly when my kids misbehave. My animal impulse is to yell at them and maybe even spank them. But I choose not to do that. I choose to teach them that we can make good decisions not based on fear of punishment but because it's better in the long run to make good decisions.
There aren't any demons telling me, "Oh, go have that beer, it'll be soooo gooooood, and who will it hurt, really?" That's my body, telling me that I'm thirsty and my brain thinking that since I enjoy the taste of beer, maybe I ought to go get one. But then there's also my brain saying, "Hang on, maybe a beer wouldn't be the best thing to drink just now."
Of course, if it makes you feel better, you could imagine a little red cartoon of me on my left shoulder, waving a wee pitchfork and saying "Mmmmm, beeeeeer...." and another, white-robed cartoon of me on my right shoulder, carrying a wee harp (not the excellent lager from Ireland but the musical instrument), and saying, "Why don't you wait with that beer and have a glass of water instead."
*Unless you count people's behavior and speech, which is very convenient: you can just chalk any behavior or speech with which you disagree to demonic influence.
I don't hate God. God is awesome!
It's only I can decide if having a beer right now is a good idea without His help.
No-one should be bashed for their sexuality. But no-one should have other peoples preferences shoved in their face either. In Christianity; even hetrosexual sex is most usually about pro creation of continuing life, not necessarily obsessively. But people seem to put their own spin on things -even heterosexuals. Much is said about restraint. Homosexuality is a rejection of Christianity though, in it's very essence because it is impossible for two of the same sex to create new life -this should be obvious by now! (LOL.)
Where does it say that Christianity is about creating new life?
Christianity isn't about creating new life.. I think the poster was referring to the scripture that the bible says to "go forth and multiply". But that is more about reproduction (which is a common function associated with man and woman) than actual Christianity
Isn't that in the OT?
Is that also not one of the most irresponsible commands to come out of the OT?
How about from the perspective of reality?
Runaway over-population problems coupled with lack of family planning and the words, "Go Forth and Multiply" in billions of homes and hotel night stands.
"creating life", Sorry, my words aren't always so carefully selected and tend to lend themselves to much scrutiny from those whom I find too exacting -for my sensibilities (no offence intended.)
Perhaps I meant making the best of life rather than just trampling over, or such. Hope that helps you.
Sorry, but that's even more ridiculous, Christianity does no such thing. Making the best of life is certainly not wasting it in abject worship to an invisible god.
It all depends on your perspective of what the best of life is, and the 'hand' you're dealt in the first place.
What does that have to do with Christianity? Shouldn't the hand you're dealt with be no different than anyone else if your religion is valid?
I'm surprised, as that sounded a bit niave.??? (sorry, but it did.) If you look around there is no real "same" every-one is different from circumstances, social class, levels of intelligence, opportunities in life, problems in life and the ways each deals with these. Whether religious or not religious, sexuality, even levels of physical fitness, assertiveness, aggression, etc. the list is exhaustive, all play a part in the life an individual has. Rarely, two are exactly the same. Even twins have differences. I would say life is too many and varied to give a nut shell answer on that one..
No Christian is the same, no Athiest, Agnostic, etc., etc...
Free will doesn't mean God accepts all our decisions. That's why he banished Adam and Eve from the garden of eden because of choosing to disobey God and eat the fruit
I blame Adam. Eve had no knowledge of what deception was, and thus was tricked, whereas Adam knew better but still did it anyway.
I thought this was more metaphorical than literal. But, like any-one else can only guess. Isn't there a saying "It takes two to Tango"!
Lets forget about God and live our life in freedom!
For Christ's sake !!
I think that real Christians love their neighbour - it is only the ones who have darkness in their heart that point out other people "They who shout loudest about the sins of others do so to conceal their own sins"
Hey Texan, are you trying to get out of your marriage? You want two lesbians, are they to convert your wife? Thus, allowing you out of the marriage?
just kidding
Strangely enough, my roommate and I have been looking around for passages in regards to lesbians...and we can't find any. We can only find things talking specifically about "men laying with men."
It seems perhaps the Bible has no problems with lesbians? Does anyone else know more about this??
I think the assumption is that women couldn't possibly live without men. It just never occurs to some people that girls could actually like girls and ONLY girls (see A Texan's "I want two lesbians" comment--c'mon, A Texan... you want two bisexual women... lesbians don't want you, by definiton).
Another example of this male hubris is seen in the number of women persecuted for homosexuality by the Nazis during the Holocaust being infintesimally small compared to the number of men.
Given the rules and culture of Biblical times, I can sort of understand believing that a woman couldn't possibly live without a man at that time (not that it's FAIR, only that it's UNDERSTANDABLE, you know?)...but it's amazing to see, after so much time and progress, how much people still cling to such an ancient perception.
There can only be one reason to gain the answer.
It's biological. It is completely rational for man and woman, to be attracted to one another, however, for growth of the civilization it's scripted to discourage homosexuality because it makes no sense. It's human nature to mate, create more life and live on through generation after generation of a family line.
To live a life of homosexuality directly violates everything known about human biology and growth of the human race. It out-right defies evolution of the human species.
The only problem here is views/perspectives/perceptions made by others. To properly understand life, is to know that you want to have an eternal life and find happiness/love. This is done by understanding how the body works, learning a civilized way to live life, with family values and a moral fiber of good.
It requires mating with someone of the opposite sex, so offspring can be made. It isn't possible for same sex genders to mate for life, because it defeats one of the meanings of being human.
I'm not saying anything against gays or lesbians. I'm simply trying to make everyone understand that it's a perception? It's this pathetic view that keeps homosexuality an issue.
There is no god and no sin. These are both religious terms. Other than a dictionary, you will not find them anywhere else, but religious scripture. Any belief based on faith alone, is not a belief as defined by humanity's standards for forming a belief.
I guess my rant is done.
Um. Okay. Let me be more specific.
Does anyone here know of any Biblical passages that deal specifically with lesbians?
The argument about biology and we 'need to procreate in order to carry on the species' is entirely a societal thing. I DO NOT need to procreate. Neither did my parents, or yours, or my friends, or my adopted friends. We have the CHOICE to procreate. So that in itself is a weak argument as 'why homosexuality is wrong'. This also plays off sadly on the wrong side of natural selection. Diabetes in most case is genetic, likewise heart disease and other biological issues. To say we need to procreate, and that its a part of us, is like saying even if I have a life threatening disorder that could kill me upon the birth of my child, i should still go ahead, because I contributed to the gene pool.
That's sad. Ever wonder why physical attraction between straight folks ignore 'making babies'? Because we aren't REQUIRED to make children. We have a part of us that looks for companionship, whether or not we we children.
@TheGlassSpider, no there no bible passage that deals with lesbians. The ones that christians typically pull out are Romans 1:26-27, but that is not a scripture of commandment/ condemnation. Its a scripture of people simply ignoring god and falling back to the old ways of idolatry.
Hope that helps!!
As per staunch Christians like Brother Micah, "women need to "know their place" in a man's world. But there is no rule about bisexuals in bible. hmm....i think god forgot to mention that while revelation, second dictation(err edition) anyone ?
I believe its harder to find lesbians than it is to find gays..
What makes you say that? That's not true at all, at least where I'm from.
well I always thought they were more gay people than they are lesbians generally.. besides in my area there are no lesbians.. well none of them have come out of the closet yet..
what do these to gentlemen have to do with lesbians???
Yikes... lol... beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
Here's an interesting article:
http://www.mccmanchester.co.uk/bible_su … _facts.htm
Ok, I generally avoid these threads like the plague... but I'm having a crazy kind of day, so why not. In the spirit of acceptance and "loving thy neighbor" and such... Perhaps we should rephrase the post title too. Not all "Christians have a problem with Homosexuals." (Although I know some may argue that you are not a Christian if you don't take issue with it ) I know a lot of very lovely people who happen to be gay. I also know a lot of very lovely people who happen to be Christian. I even (will wonders never cease ) know a lot of very lovely people who happen to be gay AND Christian. I don't think that the OP in anyway intended to imply that all Christians have an issue with homosexuality, but its a pet peeve of mine that the two have to be seen as opposing forces. I happen to believe in God and also not give rat's ass who my friends are sleeping with.
Okie dokie... down off my soapbox now.
well said!
(although I don't think sleeping with a rat's ass is allowed either)
It's pointless listening to the catholic church about anything. they insist that homosexuals are abominations and yet they destroy the innocence of boys themselves.
I like this "jesus died for our sins" line... A guy who can't save his own life is going to save us all eh ?. It's like guy who got banned from adsense will guarantee maximizing profit from adsense.
Ummm...I know you probably don't really care, but the point was that he never attempted to save his own life...he gave it freely--hence the idea of sacrifice.
Sacrifice ? Nice... so there are thousands of suicide bombers out there who sacrifice should be taken into consideration as sinless saviors for some x religion.. Those who don't value their own life can't be taken for granted for protecting lives of others..that applies to heroes....side-heroes can sacrifice LOL...
There's a big difference between not stopping your enemies from killing you and strapping on a bomb and driving into a building and blowing yourself up along with a bunch of people. I understand you don't believe in Jesus, and that's fine, but I think you're smarter than that statement.
The big difference is the method. Was it OK to invade Iraq and destroy it's entire infrastructure in the name of god? Bush said so and thought so, despite the lack of evidence needed by the U.N. Killed hundreds of thousands of the Iraq people, babies, children and women copped most of the bombs.
Gotta use lots of bombs or the economy slows for your mates in the war game.
Gotta knock out all the water and electricity so that your mates can come in with huge government contracts to rebuild it without oversight so that they can do it half assed and pocket the difference.
Nice work if you can get it!
I have no sympathy for the methods of walking bombs, but most are just scared bullied children and women, taught from childhood to hate anyone who does not follow their crazy Taliban based religion.
The next time America starts a war, I would like them to say "we need to protect oil supplies for Americans, and make some bucks for the boys."
More honest than saying god sanctioned it as Bush did.
Um...Okay. I agree with you, earnest--I'm totally against America's terrorism in the Middle East as well. I'm not exactly sure what that has to do with what skyfire and I were "talking" about--all I'm saying is that the story of Jesus says that he did not stop his enemies from killing him, that is why it is called a sacrifice. This is a different thing from committing suicide and killing a bunch of people with you, that's called murder no matter which side of the pond you're on...IMHO.
There is difference ? yeah sure,in one side person can't even protect his own life but wants to protect his radical-wannabe-humanity views by showing his sacrifice as message to remember his views for his followers and in another case,person wants to protect views by passing it to his followers by showing them his suicide attempt for those radical views. Both are wasting their life in order to protect their radical views and doesn't deserve a position of being called as savior. Besides a guy who can't even protect his own life under the excuse of sin is going to protect the rest of world ? Let's get real. People who can't even defend their own life know how to protect others ? With what tablets of "refill-my-sin" and blabber of "love ya enemy" ? yeah sure,let's wait for second coming, as first version failed rationally.
Hm. Perhaps I over-estimated you. Thank you for pointing out my error.
For me, as a Christian, it's a live and let live attitude. I don't approve of homosexuality. But in our society two people have a "right" to be homosexual without fear of persecution. But I don't associate with homosexuals. One time I learned that a homosexual was going to be ordained as a minister. I left the church. The Bible does make specific references to homosexuality and condemns the practice. The Bible also states that not everybody will get to heaven because of personal choices. As our society becomes more liberal to accommodate everybody's "rights," more and more people will be excluded from seeking eternal life. Homosexuality and other liberal values will lead to the degradation of our society and, ultimately, to global annhilation via Armageddon. Homosexuality, transvestism, and cross-dressing are now being taught in grade school classrooms. My kids wouldn't go to those schools. One time, I saw a cross-dresser (man as a woman) working as a security screener. He even used the women's restrooms. It was kind of funny because he struggled to keep his voice at a high pitch like a woman's. As a security screener, he was patting women down which was upsetting to the women travelers. But he was allowed to do this because he had rights. But at what point does one person's rights infringe on someone else? With the integration of so many peoples and cultures, our society has become too complicated and too diverse. Too many people want the same thing. And, for me, that's frightening.
just out of curiousity, should I approve of your heterosexuality? or are you somehow miraculously different than the rest of the world?
One thing people seem to dismiss the fact....gender bias. It's ridiculous...men "gay" and women "lesbian" labels are a farce.
The fact that someone's sexual behaviors are out in the open more so, is irrelevant and meaningless. It does present a problem between religion and other people's views, about what is morally right and wrong.
To be a homosexual or lesbian, is not a morally wrong action. One happens to not make sense and the other does. Homosexuality in and of itself is not natural, regardless of what people think or perceive it to be.
Simply and solely based on the simply fact that we do reproduce offspring of our own. And, to do that- it must be with some sort of participation from the opposite sex.
Should you decide on the fact of not having kids or the hassle of having to be a parent, then it is obvious, you put less value on your life than it is meant to have in the first place.
And, no I do not have any problems with "gays" or "lesbians", simply because their sexual exploits are their concerns only and not mine. However, the perception is what must die.
The OT is not only homophobic, it is filled with other neurotic thinking as well, all apparently from god....
Oh OK. I am sorry I find nothing wrong with my homosexual friends.
Is that repentant enough?
I have no problem with homosexuals, I have a problem with people litigating against the institution of marriage, Which was created by God. God should make the rules about marriage, not people.
In that case, marriage shouldn't be a government institution at all.
Oh, I don't think you want that. History shows that once the government stops supporting the basic family unit, the system crashes.
Better to just give the homosexuals legal unions with the same benifites. Just don't call it marriage.
How about we give everyone legal unions with the same benefits, and let religious institutions deal with "marriage?"
Whatever makes it easier for the abomination of desolation to stand in the holy place.
If all civil unions are deemed acceptable, then every single person who has a roommate or sharing a house should have the same rights then, yes? if two people are college roommates, then move in together with no sexual arrangement for say a lifetime, should they also be allowed these 'benefits', if one is ill or dies?
What a social dilemma that would be.
Yes, that would be the end result of the liberal "diversity" rules. Wonder if any of the libs would balk at that?
..i suppose not.
liberal ideas are quick to want, not to think.
i recently was in Union Sqaure NY when the proposition rally was going on, not one person was there because of 'equality'. they were there to push the 'issue' of social acceptance aka politics.
if civil unions are to be upheld properly, then very single divorce must be overturned, every pre-nump, dumped and every adult over the age of 18 ( 16 in some places ) who has assisted their family in anyway and been apart of a divorce should be given the same benefits as well. More so in fact, bcause of 'emotional' stress/damages.
something to think about.
Civil unions are acceptable. And if you want people living together denied benefits then you should accept gay marriage because these people are making a commitment to one another.
i, personally, do not care either way.
but when the issue of civil arrangement becomes sexual propaganda, then yes, it offends me as -to be clear- a non religious person.
no present civil system on earth allows for complete benefit outside of 'marriage'. which i find ironic, because marriage is more moral than civil.
take for example: a female and male have a child. the child turns 18, still living at home. both parents get into a car accident and are unable to work. the child then becomes the caregiver/income holder. After two years, the parents recover fully and then opt to divorce.
the child then should be compensated (receive benefits) for their civil duty in caring for the parents, same as a woman receives compensation for divorce.
See the problem?
That's gotta be the stupidest argument I've ever heard.
If the people living together want to get married, then they get married. If they don't, then they don't.
Are you being deliberately obtuse?
Yes, he is, and all of his arguments about anything are pretty much like this one.
You are being too generous. I think your first statement was more on the money
The issue is for them -under union or marriage to retain financial benefits. This is what is being pushed for. If that is the case than it should include any same sex or opposite sex couple -married or not, sleeping together or not- according to their agenda, who are entitled to remuneration due to labor, mental, emotional support for a period of time. Add to that children who assist parents during times of disability, providing financial assistance, emotional support etc.
The fallout from such a thing would be disastrous and completely turn the legal system on its ear. Already the ACLU in the states is torn on the issue, because of the aforementioned.
Everyone thinks is purely about sexuality, and it isn't. They have turned a private sexual act into public orgy aka political lobbying.
Ridiculous isn't the word.
If that is obtuse, then I am glad to be.
Which history is this exactly? The system crashes huh? This some special mormon history books that I am too uneducated to read?
And wat a "basic family unit"? One 40 year old guy, Twenty three, 14 year old girls and some kids?
I prefer mine over 15.
He did set the rules about marriage. He said when you have sex with someone, you become one flesh, and that is marriage. Look it up.
and GOD says that two people joined by the bond of God (LOVE) shall remain bonded for so long as the bond remains. So once the love is gone, so is the bond created by God. Whether the bond of love is between two men, two women, or a man and a woman, Or two women and a man, two men and a woman...etc etc etc.
Mankind's legal ceremony is not the bonding of souls. It is the financial joining of bank accounts/assets and is solely a creation of mankind.(legal marriage)
This is what God says. Prove that it isn't the word of God.
No. Divorce isn't good with Jesus, except for the Biblical exception.
But repentance is.
Children of God are no longer under condemnation.
FYI, when Paul talked about the rules of divorce, he was referring to the Roman Law of that time, in which men had to have an actual bill of divorcement. Some weren't doing that; they were simply going from woman to woman without legally divorcing them. The Word says the women will be "called" adulteresses. At least that's my understanding of it, from what history I've read.
However, yes, I do believe it's wrong to divorce, and it's wrong to re-marry someone who's not the former spouse.
What can I say?
I will say I'm an adulteress, accused, guilty, and marked for death.....except for the grace of God. In Him, I am married to Him, a part of the Bride of Christ, even though I have an earthly husband; because He no longer condemns me for former sin.
Brenda, the Bible specifically points out that it is worse to re-marry an ex than it is to re-marry anyone else.
I'm not even going to touch the "Bride" thing with a ten foot pole. Suffice it to say, MANY people haven't a clue who or what the Bride is.
Your understanding of it doesn't really matter. For fundamentalists, there is no such thing as interpretation or understanding of what the Bible said.
Jesus condemns divorce - and makes no allowance for remarriage whatsoever - four times in the Bible. There is no need to fabricate exceptions, because there aren't any. What Jesus said is what matters, not an English king over a millennium later, if you're a Christian, of course.
So for an unrepentant sinner, incessant scripture-quoting, constant condemnations of others' sins, and pledges of undying love for Christ, are nothing more than window dressing that Jesus condemned himself. What matters, as you've said yourself, Brenda, is turning away from your own sin.
Well, let's see, livelonger.
I suppose you would have me divorce my current husband, become some kind of nun-like recluse, and speak only when spoken to. Or re-marry my first husband.
Two or three wrongs don't make a right.
Only Jesus could make it right.
And He finally did.
I doubt you'd understand how it happened. Suffice it to say I went through punishment for my sins, but that, upon realization of my sins, and repentance, I am now no longer under Judgement.
And especially not your judgement!
No, you should have never divorced your husband, if you are following the literal word of Christ. You should return back to him. Do you really need for me to point out the scripture that makes this plain as day?
Are you saying Jesus was wrong with respect to divorce & remarriage?
I'm not judging you. I'm telling you what the Bible says about marriage and divorce. All of your explanations and excuses are really meaningless, as are my feelings on the matter. You getting defensive towards what I'm saying is really missing the point, isn't it? You're living in an adulterous marriage as defined by the Bible, and you are thus living a life of unrepentant sin.
One member of my family has been married 3 times.
Not religious, must be a bad person. A sinner. A low life even?
You would condemn anyone who does not fit within your interpretation of an interpretation of an interpretation of a book that was never original, the stories had been told since the time of Ra.
Just a pack of lies written by a bunch of lunatics.
Praise be... I concur! Earnest is a man that seeks truth, not BS.
I think the Christians that have problems with Homosexuals...is due to the "Dino Dung Dogma Syndrome." Ha-ha, I just coined a condition...
Personally, I'm straight and like big booty babes, but I still think that most "homos" are born homosexual. I'm sure some badly altered lifestyles may influence certain same gender relations, but for the most part, they are simply born that way; plain & simple.
We have a winner of this years Turnip Award! His capacity for rational thought processes hasn't turnip up yet.
Everything I said was rational. By the way, I like turnip greens. Quit acting like a fool; go run along and recreate in a cornfield or something...
Of course "your act" of "procreation" wouldn't involve "recreation"...how sad; how lame... I prefer fornication without offspring (birth control), but whatever floats your boat. I like to recreate; I'm sorry to hear that you have no fun. Ha-ha! I just hope you don't support inbreds amid your so-called rationale... LOL!
Support inbreds! Now you're insulting my family, poophead!
I love everyone of you and you don't have to believe in anything I believe in there's plenty of room for us all!:)My wife wants to take me to the fishing show so I gots to go! Love you all! Take care and God bless!
Your wife wants to take you to the fishing show? How did you arrange that? Will she take you to golf as well?
You are my hero!
I don't think ALL Christians are intolerant of gays. There is something about a certain lifestyle that leads people away from the "straight and narrow path to salvation". The narrow bit CAN be overdone.
Isn't that what you want gay people to do? Become nun-like reculses?
Look this thread has been done time and time again, I did it myself when I first came to hub pages and believe me this is one argument that neither side will win be it for the right or wrong reasons.
I am gay myself and christian, arguing your point here is a waist of time trust me "live and let live" is the approach to take on this one.
True, you can't reason with some people
We know the outcome of many things, and talk about them anyway. It seems to be a part of human nature. But that's a great attitude, live and let live....A good idea.
I would want gays to turn to the Lord, truly and with that change of heart that makes them a new creature in Christ.
His strength is what they'd have to lean upon then.
I've seen it done. It's possible. Few are willing to live that life, though.
But like you they get to keep being gay and sinning...so long as the alternative is an unpleasant life for them? (denying their desires and living like a recluse...)
Even fewer living in adulterous marriages like yourself are willing to turn away from such an unrepentantly sinful lifestyle.
There are a few that do. Most don't.
I don't think it's all Christians, it could be a Michael or a Peter....
...if the rise in alternate sexual relationships over the past decade is ant indication of the 'christian' view, then my answer would be no, they don't seem to have a problem with it.
...unless of course pastor so-in-so or father-what's-his-name get publicly embarrassed by it.
The Christian view doesn't condone it.
Are you trying to say it does?
The Christian view doesn't view your marriage as even valid.
You are married under the law, but not under God (except to your first husband, of course).
Of course, Christ is pretty clear about those living in adulterous marriages, pretending it's the real thing. It's a life of unrepentant sin, no matter how you want to sugar-coat it.
He's very clear about casting pearls before swine, too.
And I think I've done enough of that for a while.
Keep your stubborn view. There's nothing I can do about it.
He is just giving you the same argument you give against gays.
Brenda's a "cafeteria Christian" - the only sins that are worth condemning are those she isn't committing.
Exactly, but Brenda has this blind spot....
Not my view, Brenda. It's Christ's view, and you know it.
As for casting pearls before swine, I suppose if you don't want to follow your own scripture then so be it.
Let he who is without sin cast the first stone.
Hate the Sin, Love the Sinner.
Love thy enemy as thy self.
Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
Judge not lest ye be judged.
I'm sure there are more...
I like the live and let live idea too, but, how many of you are for letting gay bashers do their bashing? Would you apply the same live and let live philosophy?
The idea of live and let live is that no one needs to "bash" anyone else. Rational discussion is one thing...even disagreement. But bashing...unnecessary.
How do you figure? I figure it's ultimately tolerant. You can do, think, or believe whatever you want. We can talk about it. We don't have to agree on it...and there's no reason for me to be insulting, harmful, or mean to you or anyone else about it. "Bashing," particularly the actual physical sort, is unnecessary. *shrug*
Some people are born assholes, just as some people are born gay. You mean to say that you would not be tolerant of someone if they were being an asshole to you? Seems hypocritical to me to be tolerant of some things but not all things.
Well, see, we disagree on a basic premise there. I don't believe there are any asshole babies. I believe being an asshole is a choice. I have assholish tendencies...but I can choose not to act on them.
your right it is hypocritical, but honestly would you be tolerant to some one if they were being an ass hole to you?
Its a strange one to answer that one lol:)
so...you are tolerant of gays, then YOU must also be tolerant of the rapist that rapes your daughter???
Some things can be tolerated some things cannot.
Be wise and figure out the difference...there are no easy absolute answers.
"so...you are tolerant of gays, then YOU must also be tolerant of the rapist that rapes your daughter???"
Why would I be tolerant of the rapist? WTF are you trying to say? Being gay is the same as being a rapist?
Be wise, shit man, I can't follow your wisdom!
You said if someone is tolerant of one thing, they must be tolerant of ALL things, not me.
Look gay bashers, will always be around there is nothing we can do about it,except rely on the law, however the rise in gay bashing is slowly dropping because of homosexuality is more accepted these days in certain areas and a true fact is that nine times out of ten they are gay themselves, their in a stage called denial and cant accept themselves, granted what they do is terrible but, you cant help those who wont help themselves.
Shakespeare wrote " i think she doth protest too much." in other words those who shout the loudest have something to hide themselves.
But the point is with gay bashing you can not take the live and let live approach to them, it would be hypocritical to even say so.
Hmmmm, you want to be accepted for who you are, thats understandable, I accept you. Others don't accept you and I don't believe that out of 10 people who are against you 9 would be gay, where exactly did you get that number?
My point is no one here is totally tolerant of anyone else, its just the way it is!
no i got that wrong this is what i meant to write (sorry) usually at least one of the people who attacks is gay but has been hiding the fact through denial and is jealous of the other gay person who has accepted them selves.
Therefore inciting homophobic friends into attacking the gay person where as they would not physically attack only verbally, you can check it out but its usually this way, however some people are just naturally evil look at the nazis for example they murdered anyone.
A fair fight, I'd say is one thing, a gang of cowards beating someone who doesn't stand a chance quite another. Violence is never a good thing, but sometimes it is the only thing.
Maybe gay bashers was the wrong analogy everyone seems to think I mean actual bashing! I'm talking about not agreeing with a lifestyle, you don't agree that a gay bashers lifestyle is good and they don't think a homosexuals life is good.
Most of you are bashing Brenda because of her beliefs, she states her beliefs and for the most part y'all go ballistic! Do you not see the hypocrisy?
It is HER hypocrisy we all see. That is what we are trying to point out to her.
{or maybe I should say that is what I am trying to point out to her}
And she is responding to a question asked on a forum, so, who is being intolerant?
as are we all (responding).
Being a hypocrite in your response doesn't mean everyone that sees the hypocricy (or as Earnie said, a blind spot) has to just pretend that we don't see it, because it is in response to a thread...
No, you are intolerant of her beliefs, you think they are wrong, just as she believes homosexuality is wrong! There is not a dimes difference between her and you!
Intolerant and believing they are wrong are not the same thing...
Continuously pointing out you think she is wrong is intolerant, whats so hard to understand about that, face it, you are intolerant of her views. Not that big a deal in the long run.
ok lets say you are convinced that 2+2=5 and I continually correct you and say NO 2+2=4, does that make me intolerant? Or just correct?
You are incapable of being tolerant to the fact I am wrong, being tolerant would be to say, OK! And then walk away!
and let you teach other people that 2+2=5... and then when you have convinced everyone that 2+2=5 am I also forced to say then you are correct even when I know that it equals 4???
accepting that she believes she is right, even though I know she isn't, and being polite to her anyway is tolerance. allowing her to say 2+2=5 is not being tolerant, it is allowing her spread an untruth.
WTFever we are discussing tolerance not whether she is wrong or right.
Oh, thanks for playing...errr... "OK, <walking away>"
Look brenda is right with her opinions just as we are right with ours "like i said live and let live" brenda should not be attacked because she is merely standing up for her beliefs, she is not attacking gay people or bashing she just does not agree with the lifestyle, fair enough who are we to judge her for that, at least she is not afraid to stand up and speak her point just like we are not afraid too so really she should be respected for that, its maybe not what we want to hear but thats life and part of being writer is critics.
I don't care which religion intolerance and hate for minorities comes from, I will challenge this homophobic rubbish wherever I see it.
You seem to be the only one who understands what I'm talking about! You are correct and win the prize!
Not attacking gay people? You must be new here. That's just about all she does.
Forum = attack and defend - this is argument and we learn as much from the opposing view as we do from our own. My own opinion is that Brenda is racist and homophobic but I would defend her right to argue her misconceptions and delusions against my misconceptions and delusions.
Who is arguing against her right to spout off stupid bigoted garbage?
I'm not obligated to respect her viewpoint - I don't, I think it's loathsome and very obviously hypocritical - but everyone respects her right to have her own viewpoint.
I agree - all of it, unreservedly.
Maybe it is the language of the argument that is counter-productive.
At the left of your posts, it says you've been here 4 years....
I'm wondering if you think that gives you the right to be so aggressively nasty and make false accusations, and all the while you continue to accuse me of that?
Or is it just that you take pleasure in jumping people who're outnumbered already? even moreso, since the last couple of hours....?
False accusations?
You said yourself that you divorced your husband and remarried.
Your Bible says that your remarriage is an adulterous marriage, and that you should have never left your first husband.
In case you think all of this is my opinion, I refer you to Matthew 5: 31-32, Matthew 19:9, Mark 10:11-12, Luke 16:18 and Romans 7:2-3. They're all New Testament, not Old. It's clear Jesus Christ did not allow for remarriage.
The fact that you'd thumb your nose at Jesus's position on divorce, but put words in his mouth about homosexuality, makes you no authority at all on Christian virtue.
I would have thought that being intolerant of intolerance towards others would be the right response.
Yep! I am so intolerant of gay bashing that I would wade in with the proverbial 2x4 to protect a gay who was being bashed. Or do you think I should walk on and ignore their intolerance and the outcome of it?
Its true we descend from animals and our animal instinct is what makes us fight, to protect ourselves and children from predators.
You're hearing crickets chirping because no one wants to stand up and tell you just how silly your statement is, in that bashing others is not a live and let live philosophy. So, I'll stand up.
Hey...what am I, chopped liver? He and I had a whole conversation about this...Check it out (a few pages back).
A Texan wrote: I like the live and let live idea too, but, how many of you are for letting gay bashers do their bashing? Would you apply the same live and let live philosophy?
TheGlassSpider wrote: The idea of live and let live is that no one needs to "bash" anyone else. Rational discussion is one thing...even disagreement. But bashing...unnecessary.
If you get back to the basic premise of the separation of church and state, this isn't so difficult.
If you belong to a church that thinks homosexuality is wrong, you and anyone in your curch should folow that belief - IN YOUR OWN HOME AND IN YOUR OWN CHURCH!
Outside of your church and home, discrimination based on sexual orientation is not only wrong, at some point it may be a crime.
Now look at 'marriage'. Within your church, you can decide it's only for procration and the woman can't ride on top. Your business. No church should be forced to perfom ceremonies that violate their code, and I don't think anyone is asking them to.
The secular definition of marriage does NOT need to conform to your religious definition. But it can provide the same legal protections and obligations for a gay couple as a straight couple has. Joint property, medical insurance for your spouse, all the family rights a spouse would have. It's not complicated and it IS fair.
Thc conflict is the way religous nuts want to demand that the legal marriage conform to their biblical view. The way you sort it out in discussion is to NOT confuse the legal institution with the religious one with the same name. 'Marriage' (in a religious sense) should be exactly what you and your spouse believe it is. But don't force it on me in the secular world, because my view is probably different than yours.
Here Here! Well said and I completely agree. Nicely Done.
I don't care if you are black, white, green, red, gay, straight, drug addict, poor or rich. I will treat you the same as you treat me.
Oh sure...so since I'm a middle-class, bi-sexual, non-drug addicted Asian, your going to treat me like.... (grinning)
you forgot short bald fat and ugly - what you got against me then
"I will treat you the same as you treat me"
Sounds like something you should hear from a Christian. How can some people call themselves Christians and be nothing like Jesus?
I am not a Christian. I just don't have predjudice against people who are different to me.
Yes, many Christians think they have a lock on human decency...all the while condemning any one who disagrees with them.
I was always brought up to treat people the way I would like to be treated.
UW wrote:
"I was always brought up to treat people the way I would like to be treated."
I tried that, but could not find enough people who want to be strapped to a light post naked and lightly whipped with green asparagus stalks.
Hahah Earnest do you have a fetish for asparagus???
Yes it comes on strong in the evenings, which is most unfortunate as at that time of day the light pole freezes my vitals!
I am acusing no one of any particular fault.
No one has to; cause we all know which one belongs to us.
If not we are depending upon someone to explain it to us.
It seems that we have all had the spot light shine on us at some time in our lives.
Who will the light shine upon tomorrow.
Yes, many Christians think they have a lock on human decency...all the while condemning any one who disagrees with them.
This comment seems to be true across the board.
We have all risen to anger at some time in our lives over someone disagreeing with us..
"If" I judge Brenda now for being judgmental am I not being judgmental?
We must be careful how we hate the things that we hate lest we become as bad or worse than the thing that we hate.
It seems that there is a lot of anamosity coming from every direction. Would be a good thing if we could get that under controll.
Well; I think that I'm going to bed good night all.
Hope everyone feels better tomorrow.
it does say somewhere that that's why God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah I think.
yup. it does.
is it a coincidence that two historical cities, completely engaged in murders, rapes, incests, sexual behaviors ranging from man-man to female-animal to groups-animals, just so happened to be destroyed, simultaneously, by massive meteor showers?
I think not.
for the record, regarding Christianities tolerance toward alternate sexuality:
combined together, Muslim ,Hebrew & Eastern religions outweigh Christianity nearly 3:1. Apart from America, most Muslim countries abhor any form of alternate sexuality as do many Hebrews. Muslim law states that such people should be put to death immediately.
I find it interesting, of all religious systems, Christianity is the most 'picked on' but the most tolerant of things.
Is Christianity passive? Is it too liberal? Perhaps because of such passivity, people are upset 'subconsciously'?
Just a thought...
Basically you can pull references out of the bible that can be misinterpreted as being anti-gay. Mind you there are parts of the bible that might read anti-female too.
"is it a coincidence that two historical cities, completely engaged in murders, rapes, incests, sexual behaviors ranging from man-man to female-animal to groups-"
But yet, by many...homosexuality is blamed as the only reason Sodom and Gomorrah were supposedly destroyed.
UW, indeed, only because it is the most popular/most talked about.
Generally speaking, Males are still viewed as socially superior.
Interesting enough, my wife and many close friends were born/raised in a non-theist society (not as in atheist). A military society. Under communism, any form of such sexual activity is unlawful and severely punished -publicly and privately. Still evident today in much of communist China...
In all honesty, the West and its global followers are very fortunate that its citizens accept these things. In much of the world such acts are considered heinous.
I agree Uninvited Writer... You are just proving my point or at least one of them...Mind you there are examples in the USA and elsewhere of Churches that are tolerant to gays so things aren't all bad.
Twenty One Days I remember reading a report in a newspaper in the late '80s that two people in their late teens were caught kissing each other in a public park. This was deemed unlawful and indecent behavior. The two people consisted of one boy and one girl. I thought it was a weird thing to worry about. If it had been two blokes or two girls they might have been shot or sent to the loony bin.
In the West we do have some freedom. In Russia nowadays there's also more freedom.
"Christianity is the most 'picked on' but the most tolerant of things. "
hmmm, I just don't see that as a factual statement.
tolerant? look at this thread... the religious forum...
rebekahELLE, I was merely making a general reference with regard to the forum topic: Christianities 'problem' with homosexuality.
I don't see how it does have such a problem, since outwardly it is evident that such practices are very active within its organization.
Yet the other religions are not engaged as heavily, in these types of discussions. In fact, it is most notable of in all the religious threads, postings -Christianity is mentioned more than any other regardless of the discussion topic.
Hence my meaning of 'picked on'.
I have never un derstood why we have to know other peoples bedroom habbits. No one gay or straight should make this topic public. People who choose a gay lifestyle know the social limitations and they know they are not a combination of a man and woman. The issue I have isn't with them or their right to benefits, it's their agenda to ruin marraige and ultimately destroy or ruin what is held sacred by Christians. Their vindictive and rebellious attitude about this topic only causes me to stregthen my resolve against them until they adopt a more moderate position. This is my opinion and I'm entitled to it.
We don't need to describe for you just what kind of opinion you have provided, as that would get us banned. But, it certainly does demonstrate once again just how much Christians are out of touch with reality and the fact that they believe the world revolves around them and only them.
Thanks Sneak, for showing us again the true nature of Christians, their bigotry and hatred for others who don't share their beliefs, which you have quoted as 'strengthening your resolve against them.' Well done.
Good Morning Q! Well again you show your lack of tolerance and your inability to comprehend what someone has written. I clearly stated I have no problem with gays until they put my interests second to theirs. I'm against gay marraige otherwise I could careless what anyone does. Have you ever considered having an enema?(thats a joke) It amazes me how it enrages the left, no matter how nicely put, when a Christian clarifies a position the left blurts-out their nonsensical venom. Wow.
That's a contradiction, just like many of the other contradictions Christians provide here on a daily basis.
Yea, sure. If it came from me, I'd get banned.
Of course, it would appear nonsensical to the religiously indoctrinated, as it shatters the foundations of those religiously indoctrinated beliefs. No amount of insults from you will change that.
I haven't insuled you yet but if you are requesting one I could probably help you out. If you feel so inclined turn me in it won't the first time I've been banned.
Insults aren't necessary. On either side. Its called maturity sneak. Nothing is accomplished with insults.
Furthermore, the only thing an insult serves to do is make the person who gave the insult feel better about themselves. Putting others down, cowardice to me. In my opinion if that is one's goal maybe religion should be reconsidered. But then that would probably make someone not insult others. Its just a cycle I guess.
I know this game a liberal can say anything and if a conservative or Christian says anything in rebuttal they are vile insulters. It's time for mama to get a new bag.
No not at all, it just seems that when a Christian or Conservative (of course not all) does say something it comes off as judgmental. Good points have been made, I'm just sorry they haven't been made by you (so far).
And I also find it funny that a lot of people who are against homosexuality say that they are against it because it is vile, disgusting, unnatural etc. When I just can't find where in my Precious Moments bible it says that. And that those terms are in direct response to judging others, which guess what? I can find in my bible where it says not to do.
The subject matter of this thread is inviting those opinions against Homosexuality..
Why is everyone offended when those Christians that object to homosexuality answer the question???
By the way ... Christians are not the only ones that have objection. Islam and Judiasm is much less tolerant.
I even know some Atheists that are intolerant.
Everyone is intolerant to something or someone.
Ask this question concerning any subject and you will recieve diverse opinions.
Ruin marriage?
Destroy or ruin what is held sacred by Christians?
Strengthen your resolve against them?
Is this the new meaning of "turning the other cheek," I keep hearing about?
Like wot jeebus sed?
When both sides of my face have been slapped, and I've been patient, then it's on! So put on your beret and hop on down to the latin quarter and find a cafe, order a coffee and a pastry, and don't talk when your mouth is full of whatever.
Slapped face? It's on?
Oh - you mean gay people wanting to marry each other? Dear me - that would make your marriage worthless wouldn't it? Well - you better keep attacking them like Jesus said. Jesus must be very proud.
So this attack others when you feel you have been slighted is the new meaning of "turn the other cheek."
Kristians Kausing Konflikt
And again reading issues have raised they're ugly head. I clearly stated when both have been slapped then it's on. How was your coffee?
I am not sure your face has been slapped once - let alone twice.
But is that wot the bible sez?
"But I say unto you, That ye resist not evil: but whosoever shall smite thee on thy right cheek, turn to him the other also. Should the vile person smite the other cheek - then yea verily - it is on. Deck the Mo Fo."
Coffee was good as was the pastry. It is Bugnes season - we had them after a mountain bike ride.
They are like little, fluffy donuts. Heaven
just made me hungry again, thanks Mark.
Sorry. You ever had these? They are awesome. They only make them around here from February - mid March.
nope, never had them.
why only mid march and is there a recipe for them!
{{ i miss fresh pastries, frickin` yanks everything is 'fresh-frozen' hor ib le }} lol
Yeah - Lived there ten years and never got used to the horrible pastries and breads - unless you are in NYC or New Orleans.
They are flavored with orange water and orange picking season finishes any time now. So - no more bugnes until next year.
ne`er mind, just found (supposedly) Boulud's mums recipe via the photo. going to make some for the wifey.
I have never made them myself, but that looks about right. One of my friends owns a bakery and he made them special without the orange (my wife doesn't like the orange water)...... Hmm Hmmmm
Sneako would never understand - I expect he just ordered a 3-day-old Starbucks muffin and thinks it is pretty hot stuff.
And yes - you need to be in the "right" 'hood in NYC to get them.
yeah, much of Williamsburg (BK) is Polish/Ukrainian.
park slope has a few good nosh joints here and there; nothing i would write about.
ahh, food. i miss being a half crazy chef sometimes.
Whoa...I just had to jump in here and comment on the gorgeous pastries...Mark and 21, try a little variation (esp. if someone doesn't like orange water)--replace the orange water with a hint of rosewater...you'll end up with a similar pastry, with an exotic flavor, and the whole house will smell just awesome!
Your opinion stems from misunderstanding and a lack of education. That sucks.
Thanks Cole. Don't you need to wash your hair or do something like study?
Already showered and I'm on spring break.
I was being serious.
Oh, I know you're way smarter and more socially experienced than I am. I was also being serious. I was dismissing you and your opinion as youthful folly. Don't worry you'll grow out of it.
Well I wouldn't dismiss you and your opinion as old stubbornness. I guess that is just our difference in our level of maturity. The most frustrating thing to me is when people are uneducated and still form a strong opinion. Then say their opinion is based on all of these thoughts.
Really, Christians have a problem with homosexuals because they believe two lines in the bible tell them to.
Thats it. Any other opinions, or ideas about homosexuality are not based on other sources.
Colebabie is a mental giant compared to you, Sneak.
No one that I know that practices Judaism or is Atheist is against homosexuality. Realize that a lot of my family is atheist, and I live in South Florida. So I don't know where you are getting that info from. The president of our JSU is gay.
Maybe your the one who needs the education.
Nope just a lucky girl with some open-minded friends.
Well isn't that special. So have a good spring break get high, get naked and proclaim your understanding of life the universe and everything.
I don't get high. Never have. Naked? I think we all are at one point in the day. And while I definitely don't know everything (and am more than willing to admit that) my open mind probably yields to a better understanding.
Education does not mean level in school. If you wanted to know more about homosexuality you could. But you won't because your desire to learn is limited by your beliefs.
Cole you have no idea about my life experience. Let me open the window a crack. I have said I have no problem with gays so many times but for some reason that never sticks. Let me share a view of tolerance from your side. I had a contract with a gay run company for years they loved my work and I really enjoyed doing buisness with them. I had a gay supervisor on one of my crews and he was caught stealing and I fired him. He went to my client and told them I was a Mormon. They imediately terminated our contract and when I tried to find out what the problem was they wouldn't even see me. After years of faithful service I was shown the door. Tolerance! Don't ever talk to me about tolerance you have no idea what you're talking about. Do yourself a favor and stay away from Q and Mark they are not good people. I have to go now my wife wants her Starbucks, have a nice day.
Someone is bigoted to you for being a Mormon, so you have the right to be bigoted towards gay people?
Instead of fabricating a bunch of nonsense about gays getting married having anything at all to do with your marriage (attitudes as backwards as that are probably embarrassing your children), why don't you tackle the substantial anti-Mormon bigotry that exists by people who think you aren't Christian and that you're an evil cult? It's well-known that Mitt Romney, a Mormon Republican, could win the governorship in liberal Massachusetts, but could never get the Republican nomination for president because evangelical Christians hate Mormons.
The marraige issue is my opinion if it's made a law I'll obey it. I know I've said that aleast once before. I personally don't care what anyone does until they ruin something that is important to me but once the law is changed I will obey it. If it's not changed will gays accept the majority decision? I suspect they won't, so who's tolerant?
You have said that you're a law-abiding citizen before, but what that has to do with gay marriage, since you're not gay, is immaterial. (You will never have to marry a gay person - what's to "obey"?!)
Interestingly, you avoided the matter about liberals being far more accepting of Mormons than conservatives. You are probably acutely aware of that being a fact. Why you continue to kiss up to people who will never respect you is beyond me.
I'm not kissing-up to any one read my posts on "what do you know about Mormons." If you think we shouldn't support the side of an issue we feel strongly about, why is it ok for you to support gay rights? We both have the right to support what we believe in that doesn't make us wrong or right it makes us human with the freedom of speech. Tell me why would a gay run company terminate our contract when they found out I was Mormon? They clearly stated they wanted to go a different direction out of the clear blue and my vengeful empolyee told other employees he wanted to hurt me for being so strict. I guess to some people lying and stealing is ok. Just to make it clear he was using the companies credit card to buy gas for his personal vehicle. I knew this because of the date and time on the invoices. We don't have any crews that work on Sunday or at 11pm, go figure, I was just too strict.
You spend half of your time here bashing liberals because they are liberals, not because you have specific policy differences with them. I know you are being half-serious when you do so, but you wouldn't dare bash conservatives in the same lighthearted manner.
If your employee was stealing from you, he deserved to be fired. Dishonest people fired for doing something wrong always think that they were being treated unfairly. I certainly don't begrudge you firing someone like that. I would have a problem if you ascribed his behavior to all gay people.
About the gay-run company turning down your business: that's unfortunate but it was either after Prop 8 or the owner was an ex-Mormon and thus has strong feelings against Mormons. (The Mormon-bashing Websites I've seen are either run by evangelical Christians or ex-Mormons) I don't think it's fair to assume all Mormons supported their church's heavy financial and organizational involvement in Prop 8; Steve Young was just one prominent example of a Mormon who was against Prop 8.
We're all different and I decide for myself what is right for me. My wife isn't Mormon she's evangelical Christian we never put each other down but we do tease each other in a very freindly manner. We purposely let our son choose his own way, all we did was love him. I'm not a perfect Mormon or anything but for the purpose of social debate I defend my beliefs as anyone would. If you came to Houston and wanted to visit I would gladly take you to dinner and share a laugh. I would gladly buy you a margarita even though I don't drink. I know we're all different and thats what makes up a world.
Your belief is based on an invisible sky fairy living in a magical kingdom telling you to hate someone else. Your free to bleat such speech and insist that the sky fairy is right.
Perhaps, they suspected you would make your decisions based on an invisible sky fairy telling you hate others, and guess what, you did! They were right.
If the law is changed to only GAY marriage is legal will you follow it sneak?
How about if they change hetrosexual union to being Illegal because it is an abomination? would you leave your wife and marry a man?
that is what your asking Gay men to do.
Well as it stands the law is equal for all. I can't marry a man but a gay man can marry a woman the same as I can that seems pretty equal. If the law is changed I'll live with it but I don't have to like it.
So if the law was that you could only have sex with a person of the same sex you'd follow it? You wouldn't try and have it changed?
You wouldn't 'break' the law and have sex with a person of the opposite sex?
Well you're talking to a Christian so in the first place I wouldn't have sex outside of marraige. So if I were gay and I couldn't marry I would choose to be celebit. I believe we're not suppose to commit adultry and we're not suppose to covent another mans wife and everybody we have sex with that we don't intend to marry is someone elses partner. So if you're gay or hetero and you're having sex outside of marraige it's obvious the only point you can argue is religion a bunch of bull. So from the Christian perspective you should control your urges unless of course you liken yourself to an animal and don't have any control.
You didn't answer the question.
Mikel G Roberts wrote:
So if the law was that you could only have sex with a person of the same sex you'd follow it?
You wouldn't try and have the law changed?
You wouldn't 'break' the law and have sex with a person of the opposite sex? A person that you knew in your heart God wants you to be with?
I know this seems weird but I did answer. We have a list called "The Articles of Faith" and one requires us to be chaste outside of marriage. Another article also requires us to obey and sustain the law. I'm not trying to be flip it's what I believe.
Sorry, I was totally disillutioned when I found out women aren't as interested in sex as men are. I never quite got over the fact they could say no to something that felt that good. That lesson hit me hard after I was married at 19y/o and totally blew me away.(I was pretty nieve about the world of sex all I knew was I liked it, I loved it and wanted more of it:D) So I decided there was no reason to pack up my riffles and fishing poles and stay home all the time. Which at that age I would have gladly done.
You still didn't answer the question.
You wouldn't try and have the law changed?
You wouldn't 'break' the law and have sex with a person of the opposite sex?
A person that you knew in your heart God wants you to be with?
Well If I counldn't marry them I couldn't have sex with them, it would be very awkward. If I felt I couldn't change the law peacefully and I had to have sex I'd probably move somewhere where the people and the laws were compatable with my beliefs. In this case we're a democracy and the majority rules and we have laws that protect us from a radical minority, no matter what the issue is. I used to do whatever the hell I pleased without a concern of who I hurt. Then I woke up and realized how selfish that was and I tried to come correct. So I am a sinner and have been and will be until I pass. I really don't care what anyone does but I have an opinion and in the course of a debate I take the position that I support. I would never intentionally hurt anyone the only way around any issue otherwise is to say nothing. I usually take that path thats why I clown around so much, it's better than arguing.
That is pretty offensive, sweetie pie. Just because I despise religionists and point out your hypocrisy - that does not make me a bad person.
So, you're good people because you are bigoted and hate gays due to your religious beliefs. We're bad people because we defend their position and point out your hypocrisy. Okey dokey.
i am in NYC, but really, really good pastry is hard to find. especially fresh -from scratch.
we do have a fresh Ukrainian/Lithuanian bakery over here, yum.
i should be the size of a small flat or four heart attacks in from all the butter.
A true and genuine Christian will hate homosexual or safe sex marriage because God forbids it and we should not forget Sodom and Gomorrah in the Bible.
So based on the OT version of "morals and laws" you are a self admitted homophobe.
Do you wear leather, mix cotton with other materials, eat animals with cloven hoof?
This seams hypocritical to me.
These ignorant fear based beliefs cause fellow humans to be marginalised and badly treated.
For all "osionline" knows, God must like homosexuals since "it" created so damn many of them... Yeah, take that in ya divine rectum... Ha-ha!
You misread the story of Sodom and Gomorrah. As usual, Christian zealots see homosexuality in everything.
homosexuality is not created, it is accepted.
many gay men will openly tell you they do not like being gay, but see no alternative. Actually, most dislike other gay people.
it is likened to alcoholism, an chemical imbalance in the brain, a dependency, addiction. It is NOT a character flaw but a chemical alteration.
so much for divine rectum. "ha ha".
the level of human intellectual naivety is astounding.
You're full of sh*t! Alcohol has nothing to do with homosexuality. If that's the case, by drinking alcohol, I'd be homo. Alcohol doesn't cause homosexuals to arise... Ha-ha! I can go much further into this, Mr. Anal Dweller, as you know nothing about Health Science; you claim more than you know; you're a damn idiot; put nicely...
are you actually stamping your feet? LOL. really? you're funny.
tell you what, you personally attack me again, and it's flag land for you, "buddy". so a little intellect and we might take you seriously.
If you read the post correctly, the association between them is not a defense or offense for either. It simply states the two are identical in nature. Can you find where I stated homosexuality IS alcoholism or induced by alcohol, no I don't think so.
Flag land? Attack? Ha-ha! Maybe I'm just not as sensitive as you.
I would never flag anybody even if they called me all sorts of "names"...
Your alcohol statement is asinine; what else can I say? It is erroneous, that's all I said. You are the one who mocked the "divine rectum" joke...Ha-ha! I'm not gay nor do I think it is a productive act, but I do have enough sense to know that most of these people are born like that. You are the only one that threats due to fear of challenging intellect.
"Your alcohol statement is asinine"
strike two.
go ahead, make my day...
ps, I would easily accept the likes of Knowles, Cagsil and Earnest intellect -even Q (though it pains me to say that) before even remotely considering your prideful, selfish and -seriously- redundant intellect. At least these men have something of value or humor to engage...
as they say in the Bronx: s`up son?
I'm headstrong, please forgive me. Ha-ha! I think you take the prize when it comes to utter sensitivity! I suppose I should try a different tact and should only address you with "master," "your majesty," and royal kingly kingship? Ha-ha-ha! Hilarious... Hey, just some quick advice: real life doesn't involve censorship or "political correctness." Your best reply would be to leave a smiley face in response; ha-ha!
hey thanks, some more advice, bugger off. Hiyo!
Now, where were we...
yip, sunshine, and you keep thinkin` that. cheers.
ya`ll down south might recognize this:
if ya cain't bark with the big dawgs, stay on the porch.
night night.
I never knew there was a challenge, as you provided nothing but hogwash...
I just seen your "PS" comment: Thanks; I take that as a compliment! LOL!
who said it was a disease? Alcoholism is NOT a disease, neither is homosexuality. It is a chemical imbalance induced by outside influences.
yes I can support it, UW. I know many a-sexual and homosexual people, as well as, 'recovering' alcoholics. Both agree -as with sexual addiction- homosexuality is simply a mindset of chemical imbalance. It is not genetic. It is kinetic if anything.
It is generally considered that both sex addicts and homophobes/homosexuals share the same "tonin" reactions.
It is all chemical.
Ignorant and thinly disguised homophobia is not very scientific in my view.
i am not homophobic, Earnest, some of my closest friends are homosexual and they even despise -as the term goes- fags and fag hags. In fact, one of my friends works for the largest cruise ship chain as a dancer/entertainer and he even agrees that his 'choice' of lifestyle has nothing to do with being born that way. He has actually seen himself getting married to a female and having a family. He -like many- agree that something chemically or socially effected them to cause their acceptance/seeking of alternate sexuality. A "necro" or "nympho" is not different in sexuality than an a-sexual or homosexual...
I stick with what I said.
I lived in Prahran an inner city suburb of Melbourne (4 million pop.) and like many inner city folk, we always went to the gay festival every year. I have gay friends, so do my children and even their children. Never have I heard any person say they were not born that way.My gay friends are educated middle class mostly
I just straight out do not believe you.
I would like to see how long you would last in one of the many conversations in the gay coffee shops we have.
Frequented by straights like me who like the coffee and the people.
Actually, Earnest, I have had many a conversation with a collective 'recovering group' of people and 'sexual' group at the same time ( Manhattan pop, 8 million on an average day).
Over brews and bullocks we have talked. I would say 99% of sexual and 'recovering dependents' have exactly the same views. Maybe its "Americana" but still it lends some merit.
I've heard they have a vacination for it.
Addiction is not a disease? Hmm.
I agree for the most part with you. But I would have left the alcoholism reference out of it. It doesn't make any sense.
Actually, "addiction" is only seen as a disease because of the pharma companies and the medical industry found a market for their drugs.
An addiction is basically a lack of self-control. Is it due to a chemical imbalance in the body, which cannot be overcome by will, highly doubtful. Simply because of the unknown limits to the human mind and human will, both which cannot be measured.
An addiction, such as cocaine or heroin, or meth or even crack, can be overcame by sheer mind over matter and will of determination to beat it.
As least, that's my take on it. However, this entire conversation is about homosexuality and christians? Both are misconceptions, spun to incite separation of citizens.
But, that's another story altogether and I'm not going to disrupt this forum and get further off topic.
Have a good day and luck with conversation.
Accepted behaveior ?? .. What is it ?.. Who gets to decide? .. Where do we draw the line? .. Who gets to draw it? ..
The old preacher man who has never gotten out of the Missionary position that thinks that foreplay is sinful?... Or the man who loves sheep? ... or the pediophyle?
We want someplace in between to be called a place called normal.
And everyone believes that he/she should be considered the standard for normal. I'm OK you'r are you OK. ??
We are all OK !.....? What does your neighbor think?
Should he decide what is normal?
That depends upon what he thinks huh ?
Research has yet to reveal to us everything there is to know about the question of how sexual orientation occurs in humans; however, some things are certain. Homosexuality is NOT a disease OR a chemical imbalance. Doctors do not diagnose it and the DSM (the manual of mental disorders used by mental health practitioners) have not considered homosexuality pathological for many years; the AMA, APA, and ACA do NOT condone the treatment of homosexuality as a disease or a disorder.
Check out this forum for some interesting discussion about why gay people are gay: http://hubpages.com/forum/topic/32331
One of the best things about that thread is this link from AEvans:
Research points out that the issue of “how sexual orientation happens” is more complex than we usually like to think or talk about; however, one thing seems to be the case for sure, and that is by the time one is born, one’s sexual disposition is already in place.
A twin study in 2000 examined over 1,500 same-sex identical and fraternal male and female twin pairs. “The researchers found a concordance rate (the percentage of pairs in which both twins are homosexual) of 20% among identical male twins and 0% among pairs of male fraternal twins. The corresponding concordance rates for female identical and fraternal twins were 24% and 10.5%, respectively (Bailey et al., 2000). The markedly higher concordance rates for identical twin pairs provide strong evidence of a genetic component to sexual orientation” (Crooks & Baur, 2008).
Other research is examining the role of hormones on the fetus during prenatal development. “These research findings…strongly suggest the importance of prenatal influences—hormonal and other—and brain development on sexual orientation. Research on human subjects indicates that higher levels of masculinizing prenatal hormones in female fetuses are associated with lesbianism. It further indicates that, depending on the characteristic, higher levels of prenatal masculinizing or feminizing hormones in male fetuses are associated with male homosexuality” (Crooks & Baur, 2008).
Finally, for those who seem to think that homosexuality is SO unnatural. According to Crooks and Baur (2008), “The world’s first museum exhibition about homosexuality among animals opened in 2006 at the Oslo Natural History Museum in Norway. Male and female homosexuality has been observed in more than 1,500 animal species and is well documented for 500 animals. Giraffes, parrots, penguins, beetles, or hyenas exhibit some of the bisexual behavior of the bonobo, a type of chimpanzee that has sexual interactions with both males and females as a means of social bonding.”
Crooks, R. & Baur, K. (2008). Our Sexuality. Belmont, CA: Thomson Wadsworth.
Well animals are dumb, sorry. I don't think that is how gays want their sexual preference represented as similar to animals.
With all due respect, in my experience there are animals that are more intelligent that some humans I've met. I certainly didn't mean to degrade anyone by pointing out that homosexuality is not limited to humans, and I'm sure even you know that. There are plenty of heterosexual animals in nature as well, even monogamous ones...that's not an insult to straight or monogamous people, it's just a fact. What else do you suggest I compare it to, since we're talking about whether or not something is "natural." We really only have other species who also have sex to compare it with. *shrug* Shall we compare the sexuality of plants? Cells? How about species who are entirely female? I think you'll find even in those places in nature sexuality is not as limited as many people would think.
Glass I was being my normal self, a smartass!
Oh well...and I was being my normal over-analytical self.
spider, though some points are noteworthy, this statement:
"Research points out that the issue of “how sexual orientation happens” is more complex than we usually like to think or talk about; however, one thing seems to be the case for sure, and that is by the time one is born, one’s sexual disposition is already in place.
is inadequate, given the nature of the subjects used for the case study. Some view it as a 'disease' which I strongly disagree with, other view it as a moral dysfunction, which also I disagree with.
If anything defies the natural order of things, it is within the individual or collective expression. This would make it the same as any other chemical imbalance. No one is born a racist, alcoholic, substance abuser, nymphomaniac, religionista, scientist or even spiritualist. These things come as result of either self indulgence or influence leading to that indulgence.
I stated clearly that homosexuality is not a disease or disorder. Chemical imbalances are considered among diseases and disorders and can be diagnosed. Homosexuality cannot.
I think I must not have expressed it clearly, but the Crooks and Baur book has a section within it that reviews the work of many researchers. I merely chose a couple of examples to illustrate here, since this is just a forum and not my personal dissertation platform. In other words, that was only one study. There is MUCH more evidence to back it up and if you would like I would be glad to list all their references, but you'd have to give me some time. There's so many of them, you know.
Also, I think I did clearly address the strange issue of homosexuality being "unnatural". I understand that the majority of humans are heterosexual, but not all of them. Besides that, the whole of nature demonstrates a wide, imaginative range of sexuality and gender--including homosexuality and bisexuality. I don't know how natural you have to have it--it *occurs in nature*?
"No one is born a racist, alcoholic, substance abuser, nymphomaniac, religionista, scientist or even spiritualist." I agree (although some research points to there being a genetic component to substance abuse). What do these things have to do with being born homosexual? Are you saying that all these things are also chemical imbalances?
You're welcome to believe whatever you want. But seriously, at least read recent, well-researched material before you make such generalizations about something like sexual orientation (and I'm not saying my posts here are...grab some of the reference material, it's worth it). It is a very complicated issue, as I mentioned before.
I have always thought that being drunk is a chemical imbalance.
Drunkenness is a state of being intoxicated with too much of the poison ethanol. However, alcohol abuse and alcohol dependence are disorders (according to the DSM-IV-TR) that involve regular, uncontrolled over-use of the toxin that results in a tolerance for it (at least initially), among other distinct symptoms.
Ive always wondered, if homosexuality is a choice, then doesnt that mean that heterosexuality is too? I dont remember ever choosing to to be straight, I just was.
I try real hard not to be insulting. I think I must come off in text as dry and cynical and perhaps insulting Although it's hard for me to tell...I "hear" myself in a pretty calm tone usually (unless I'm YELLING or something) lol
You come off as being lucid and intelligent. We haven't been on the same side of an issue yet but I'd partner up with you!
Aww, thank you Same here...We're bound to find some common ground somewhere.
Do you like good food?
Well there it is. Italian food, gourmet cheese, barbeque, fruits...you name it. I like to cook it and eat it. We'll have to start a thread.
I'm there! We'll have do a review on favorite dishes! This will be fun! Well it's my bedtime and I have church at 8am so I'm going to say goodnight but we'll definately talk! Good night and God bless.
Great idea!
Good night and God bless you too!
@glass spider you came across as: Concise, clear, informed, well articulated and very patient.
Thank you I'm glad to hear that. I appreciate it.
Is there anything wrong with a man loving a woman? NO
Is there anything wrong with a man loving a man? No
" " " " " " woman loving a woman ? No
So what is the big deal ?
What is the definition of a sin?
I think ..anything that is harmful to your self or others.
Period. There are many harmful things that we can and do to ourselves. Should everyone respect me for filling my nose with marbles? NO. Respect my right to do this to myself, YES.
The "SIN" (harm to self or others) would be the anal penetration and ejaculation.
The intestins are designed to absorb anything that can be absorbed for nutrients directly into the blood stream.
The sperm is programed to penetrate. It does not take a rocket scientist to see that this disturbs the natural balance of nature.
We should recognize what the exit door was intended for.
I respect anyone's right to pack their ears with mashed potatoes ... Do I respect them for doing so?? No
Can "anyone" force anyone else to respect them?
I have the right to wear a BIG bone in my nose. My friends may say that it looks great. But you will laugh at me for thinking that it looks good..?..
Homosexuals are discriminated against.. so are fat people. short people, ugly people, dumb people, people that speak with a lisp. etc., etc.,
It seems that everyone thinks that they are; smarter, better looking, stronger etc than someone else..
We do not live in a perfect world cause nobody can agree upon what that perfect world should be like.
We need to get over it..
Nobody is going to be respected by all.
Sin is more than that; although often based on whether it's harmful to one'sself or others, yes.....
I agree that Sin is more than just that.
But when we boil it down to basics as Jesus did by stating that to love God with all of our heart and love one another as we love ourselves encompases the rest,
When we look at the biger picture we will see that there are sins against the body and sins against the spirit. These are intertwined but individual.
When an action is not damaging to the body or spirit is it sin?
by Peeples 9 years ago
Personally that is? Since NC voters have made it clear marriage is between a man and a woman all I hear about is god made a man and a woman, It's a sin, and so on. Even if that were all true how does it have anything to do with you? Why do you care who someone else wants to marry? I don't...
by L. Andrew Marr 14 years ago
I am sick of born again Christians on this site saying homosexuality is evil and wrong. I have a couple of good mates who are gay (not with each other) and they are far from evil. I am sick of people saying it is a 'wrong' moral choice when there is plenty of scientific evidence proving that it is...
by WaffleCheese 14 years ago
I know this is a hot topic, but there are some people in my family (none blood related [that I know of]) That are gay. Some are open, some say they are 'recovering' and some might not have even come out yet.Without being too specific, one member has a child who has effeminate tendencies, and the...
by cooldad 7 years ago
I'm an atheist, but I've always thought that the Bible adamantly condemns homosexuality. Do homosexuals have any chance of getting into heaven? This has always confused me. In God's eyes, is being homosexual any more different than being an adulterer or killing someone? Can homosexuals also be...
by David Stillwell 10 years ago
There seems to be such a focus in the forums between homosexuality and religion/god that I am now curious about whether or not gay people can be Christians in the same context as straight people can be Christians?
by Allen Donald 11 years ago
If science proves that homosexuality is NOT a choice. Where does that leave religion?I ask in this way because if homosexuality is not a choice, then God created homosexuals as they are.
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