10 ways to get your ex out of your head?

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  1. stricktlydating profile image85
    stricktlydatingposted 14 years ago

    10 ways to get your ex out of your head?

    What little things can you do to avoid the constant pain of thinking about the breakup over and over again?

  2. The Rope profile image61
    The Ropeposted 14 years ago

    write a letter telling your ex everything you could possibly want to say - the good, the bad and the ugly - get fierce!, then take a few friends and go have some fun, before the night is over, take the letter out and have a ritual burning.  you'll be amazed at how this new experience will overtake the bitter memories.

  3. DavidHill76 profile image60
    DavidHill76posted 14 years ago

    Do something new that you never did in the relationship.

    Or continue a habit you had before the relationship.

    Basically, decide that you are going to become a better person and find things to occupy your time to elevate yourself.

  4. liuwenhua profile image61
    liuwenhuaposted 14 years ago

    Keep yourself busy with work, start dating again and write lots of hubs.

  5. advisor4qb profile image73
    advisor4qbposted 14 years ago

    Clean house.  The more it hurts, the harder you clean.

  6. profile image0
    cathinfranceposted 14 years ago

    1. Get out and see friends. 2. Accept every invitation you get. Even if you're not crazy about the inviter, you may meet other people you really like. 3. Make your home as comfortable as possible so you enjoy being at home. 4. Take an  interest in the news and what's going on in your neighbourhood. 5. Offer help to someone who needs it. 6. Learn something new - a language, a skill, a craft. 7. Spoil yourself a bit (in small ways if money is tight). 8. Notice three things every day that bring you some pleasure. 9. Take exercise. 10. Indulge an interest you enjoy - cooking, chess, reading, gossiping, cycling, whatever.

  7. donotfear profile image83
    donotfearposted 14 years ago

    Well, there's no easy fix. It's like a noose around your neck for a while. I think staying busy & involved is important. Maintain friendships, communicate with others. It also helps to acknowledge your feelings and speak them out loud. Be with the pain, own it...it doesn't own you. (pretty brave words from one so gullible).

  8. profile image0
    countryman4everposted 14 years ago

    I don't think there is ever an easy way to move on. If it's meant to be. It will happen. You can't rush love.
    Enjoy life, hang out with friends, read, take a few days to heal but then move on, find some new interests.

  9. profile image51
    compromiseadviceposted 14 years ago

    This is how I did it...

    Go out and date other people. They best thing to do is to move on with your life. Once you are with other people, you will realise that there is so much more to life than your ex. This will allow you to move on quickly.

    Good luck!

  10. profile image49
    c.william.clarkeposted 14 years ago

    I wrote a book called "After she leaves" which deals with the psychological stages we men go through after we have been cheated on or been abandoned by our significant others in a relationship.  I believe rthat there are certain steps a person must go through in order to heal themselves mentally. If done correctly it will not only help you get your ex out of your head but also keep you from making the same mistakes again when seeking to engage in another relationship. I also believe that this process pertains to women as well.

  11. pb3131 profile image59
    pb3131posted 14 years ago

    There is a psychological trick from neurolinguistic programming that works really well. Try this and and see how much better you feel:


  12. shai77 profile image80
    shai77posted 14 years ago

    I think the best way is to find another wonderful guy.

  13. profile image49
    haruhi22posted 13 years ago

    i'm afraid dear, but there's really no solution, people just tel you to do this and that, but none ever tell us how to cope with the pain and how to live everyday... You cant get your ex out of your mind, because the more you wanna forget him/her, the more you'l remember them,so think about them like you would til maybe one day on your own, your mind will stop thinking about them...things like this happen naturally, you can force them nor ignore them, so i'm sorry except dealing with everything u dont really have any choice, dont give up though, because i'm in the same state and have tried everything written on the net, but none really works, except ask help from god.

  14. dianne143 profile image40
    dianne143posted 13 years ago

    I personally wrote this and posted to my hub which I done and experienced with my 5 years relationship.i was the one who broke up with my ex 2 years ago. I wrote this also to help and share it to my friends who had a hard time forgetting their ex.

    Here's some friendly tips that could help you:
    1. Clean all stuffs -
    2. Avoid to open up about him -
    3. Never plan to get revenge -
    4. Go out and have fun -
    5. Make your self busy -
    6. Eat Healthy and Sleep Right - 
    7. Always Pray -
    8. help your self -
    9.Go for a vacation -
    10. Single and always ready to mingle -

    you can read the explanations to my page i posted it to my hub


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