Should I stick it out and follow my heart or should I tell her goodbye?

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  1. profile image51
    MWachinskiposted 13 years ago

    Should I stick it out and follow my heart or should I tell her goodbye?

    My fiance and I got into a argument because she was spending the weekend at her exes house. He wasnt there but I still didnt approve of it, but I should have trusted her, than she left me. She left me because I had insecurity issues that were getting to her, she said I need a day to clear my head and she would be back, we've been talking and hanging out than I find out today she got married last weekend to her ex, i asked her about it ans she said she made a mistake she really wants me, she said she needs to figure things out cause she cant say goodbye to me, that i'm her soulmate.

  2. MrCTMProductions profile image59
    MrCTMProductionsposted 13 years ago

    I'm not a professional, but have heard of situations like this. First of all, take about a week to think it out for yourself. Don't let any of the hubbers here make a decision for you. I say, after that week of finding out how it is without her, you decide whether you're better off or not.

  3. Liberate profile image57
    Liberateposted 13 years ago

    Well, Trust Me, She Doesn't Deserve You, Of Course I'll Be Scared, And She Gets Married, It Isn't A Mistake, She Didn't Think Of You, You Deserve Soo Much Better, I'm All Most In Tears, My Girlfriends Done Something Like This Too. She Just Can't Accept The Way You Are, And Is Always Saying We Need To Change For Them. That's Wrong, I Allowed My Girlfriend To Do Soo Much Things I Dislike, It Isn't Fair, She Gives Me Nothing In Return. You Deserve To Find Someone Better, And Who'd Love You. From What I've Read, She Doesn't Seem Like Your Soul Mate, Remember, Soul Mates Need A God, Who Else Can Give It To You? You Need To Understand The Concept Of Your Religion, Of Your Faith In God, To Be Able To Find A Soulmate, I Ask For You To Do Some Research In This...

    There Will Always Be Someone Deserve, And She Takes Your Money, Which Is A Heart Breaker, I Believe It's Nothing More than Just Another Clueless Girl, Having No Idea What She Wants In Life.

    If You Believe In God, Are Provide True Love, You Deserve Better.

  4. qzsuze profile image61
    qzsuzeposted 13 years ago

    Always, always follow your heart! You already know the answer for yourself..and if you listen closely, you will hear.. Let your thoughts about it rest and just listen..

  5. The Wizz profile image61
    The Wizzposted 13 years ago

    One thing I notice is that you have said a lot about what she wants and have not told us how you feel.  Your ex-fiancee sounds confused. She obviously still has feelings for her ex and you. It sounds like your lack of trust in her sent her running into her ex's arms - the thing you were most trying to avoid - her keeping her connection with her ex.

    Look at yourself. Do you want to be in a relationship with someone who behaves in such a fickle way. She very well may want her cake and to eat it too. She has just got married for goodness sakes yet she is hanging out with you. Perhaps she finds it difficult to commit. You would both probably benefit by seeing a therapist separately and getting clear in your own minds what you want.

  6. Drew nite profile image60
    Drew niteposted 13 years ago

    Sorry Man! To be honest with you, she is no good for you. Even if she leaves her ex who is in fact her husband for you, she will continually cheat on you. That is what I know. I have tones of female friends. O yeah, lets be real, she was not at his house alone. She has been lying to you and to her so called ex.... She is no good, and you deserve better. Once again, sorry man!

    O yeah, please don't let this bad apple spoil your perception on the bunch of good women that are out there.

  7. arb profile image76
    arbposted 13 years ago

    Can't tell someone what to do about so important an issue based on a paragraph, however, there appears to be questions far more serious than your low level insecurity. 1) I would seriously consider some relationship counseling before you do anything. 2) She is married. You no longer have any business with her. If she gets a divorce and wants to reconnect, then you have something to consider. She didn't take a leave of absence, for crying out loud, she got married! Let her fix the mistake, without your interference and then you will have something to consider.  Think about it, MARRIED- that isn't an incidental inconvience, its off limits!


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