Should you admit to cheating, even if you broke it off and your relationship is

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  1. YeahISaidIt profile image57
    YeahISaidItposted 15 years ago

    Should you admit to cheating, even if you broke it off and your relationship is going good?

  2. Faria Zaman profile image59
    Faria Zamanposted 15 years ago

    I don't Think it should be admit. Some time little hide are good  for relation but still many people believe that you are not suppose to hide anything in relationship. However if everything is going well then I think hide is better then express.

  3. profile image0
    theonlytriniposted 15 years ago

    not saying anything about it will make it worse as time goes by. if you did it two days ago and told the person the wil be mad but keep it a secret fo a month or too...they will be pissed and more likely to think you were with the person you cheated with all that time...

  4. Queen_Kevyn95 profile image59
    Queen_Kevyn95posted 15 years ago

    if you cheated, admit to it.
    be a man, don't hide behind what you did!!
    you've already degraded yourself enough by cheating, you honestly shouldn't become less of a man by lying about it, too.
    my advice????
    'fess up.  it's not like she's taking you back, anyway.

  5. profile image0
    Pandomodiumposted 15 years ago

    I think you should always be truthful to anyone that you are involved sexual with.

  6. Lady Summerset profile image71
    Lady Summersetposted 15 years ago

    No.  The truth makes the confessor free but the revelation of such betrayal imprisons the innocent party.  Enslaving them to the past of this betrayal.

    Keep quiet and move forward, not backwards.

  7. pageantgirl31413 profile image73
    pageantgirl31413posted 14 years ago

    I was dating someone and he had cheated and had ended it. A few months later, I found out through a friend and needless to say, we aren't together anymore. I may of been more open to keeping our relationship going had he told me but he didn't. I lost all trust in him and didn't think of him as a man anymore since he couldn't even tell me the truth when it had happened. It may end your relationship but how would you feel if they found out ten years down the road and you all have children and then they want a divorce because of this. This needs to be addressed sooner than later.

  8. profile image67
    stormoposted 14 years ago

    Yes. You should always be up front and honest with your partner no matter what the consequence. Relationships are built on trust and it would be better to hear the ugly truth from your partner than from someone else. Telling your partner shows that you care enough about them to want to be honest. It may damage the relationship but if you can work it out the relationship will be stronger in the end. It will also be easier to rebuild the trust if your partner hears the news from you.

  9. the pink umbrella profile image75
    the pink umbrellaposted 14 years ago

    Unless you contracted a std...then no. It may make you feel better to come clean, but you are putting distrust into your partners heart. As long as you do not repeat this offense, than move on and dont cheat again.

  10. qtkeeks profile image59
    qtkeeksposted 14 years ago

    Yes, because as you have probably heard what goes on in the dark will come out in the light sooner or later and its probably best to be honest while it is going good.


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