Is it worth it to have sex?

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  1. jessyferari1 profile image61
    jessyferari1posted 13 years ago

    Is it worth it to have sex?

    Everyone pretty much has sex before marriage these days and some don't even get married at all and it seems to be a trend that's wildly acceptable, but what happens to those who cannot see themselves doing neither of those things!

  2. MickS profile image60
    MickSposted 13 years ago

    Mother Nature made sex a pleasurable activity for both men and women, she did it deliberatly to ensure survival, to never engage in sexual activity is an insult to Mother Nature.

  3. dashingscorpio profile image81
    dashingscorpioposted 13 years ago

    Life is a "personal journey". It's up to you to decide how you want to conduct YOUR life. Only YOU know what makes you happy. Best of luck!

  4. profile image0
    ssaulposted 13 years ago

    oh yes it does worth it to have sex, it helps relieve tensions and stimulates the mind, what can be a better stress reliever than that!

  5. C.V.Rajan profile image58
    C.V.Rajanposted 13 years ago

    I can vouch that in my country India, a vast majority of people have sex only after marriage. Of course onslaught of western culture is gradually eroding this time tested cultural tradition, but still the majority, I believe, have strong faith in the sanctity of marriage and the self-restraint not to have sex before marriage.

    Chastity is the grandest gift a spouse gives to the partner. It is that gives the marital relationship a measure of sacredness.

  6. Ashantina profile image60
    Ashantinaposted 13 years ago

    It's natural, its real, its beautiful.. but its only truly WORTH it with someone you love and are compatible with.
    If you cannot see yourself doing either.. then just be and do what feels right for you.

  7. nightwork4 profile image61
    nightwork4posted 13 years ago

    sex is about pleasure for most people. it shouldn't have any bearing on your life but too many people make it sound like it's all that matters. if you don't want to have sex that's ok to, no worries. it's your body so do as you please with it.

  8. Klena profile image70
    Klenaposted 13 years ago

    Sex is a fundamental part of our genetics as it is for procreation. However, if you are not interested in children, sex is still a very important part of relationships.

    I have never had casual sex, however I feel that sex with my partner is an important part of our relationship due to the extra intimacy it provides us. I feel sex is very much worth it.

    However, as another hubber wrote, it is entirely your personal choice and you should never feel pressurised one way or another.

    I hope that our comments have helped in some way though!

  9. Angel709 profile image61
    Angel709posted 13 years ago

    It may or may not be the trend; we go by what media promotes, and that is why things get more "trendy".  But I think we should stop looking at sex or anything else for what "everyone else is doing", to make our decisions or get frustrated by things contrary to our beliefs.  We have to draw a line in the sand as individuals to live our life and find those who are compatible with that lifestyle if we desire that support.

    As I just replied to another hubber, there are non-religious AND Christian groups via searching the web that promote and commit to abstinence before marriage.  If one cannot see themselves doing either, they should find a group so they do not feel alienated, OR grow into their personal conviction as an individual journey and be content that they are following their heart.

  10. Rastamermaid profile image65
    Rastamermaidposted 13 years ago

    I think it's worth it if both parties have an understanding.

    Sometimes people aren't looking for a relationship but they want to have sex.If this can be agreed upon and both parties know the rules.


  11. johnnymission profile image59
    johnnymissionposted 13 years ago

    As long as its safe, sane and consensual.

  12. Kofantom profile image69
    Kofantomposted 13 years ago

    of course it does as long as you do it with someone you really want and not just to do it.. smile


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