Why are there so many men out there that is not satisfied with just one woman?

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  1. TIKARAHUGHES2011 profile image54
    TIKARAHUGHES2011posted 13 years ago

    Why are there so many men out there that is not satisfied with just one woman?

  2. Jaggedfrost profile image61
    Jaggedfrostposted 13 years ago

    because instinctively I don't believe they know what they want or appreciate what they have.  Eventually they just become jaded and consider women to be different flavors of a dish they like very much.   It takes, sometimes, presenting the one they can't have without consecrating themselves to her to wake them up to an understanding that their views on women are flawed.

  3. Smaridge01 profile image66
    Smaridge01posted 13 years ago

    I think it has a lot to do with men not being happy with themselves, yeah believe it or not, and not being aware that happiness is something you take care of for yourself. Society seems to indicate that we are supposed to find someone to make us feel happy, to make us feel good.

    Problem is, when we learn to look for happiness outside of ourselves, we come to think unhappiness is solved by going and finding another woman to make us happy. Big mistake. But until a man learns that being happy comes from within, he will look outside instead.

  4. The Recruitess profile image61
    The Recruitessposted 13 years ago

    Every man has to deal with their own disposition. This disposition manifests itself differently among all men. We see men battle homosexuality, porn, lust, etc. It is the personal responsibility of a man to check these dispositions and lead and control them with a firm hand. A real man does. Period.

    It is my belief that in our society we have created such a thin line between men and women that we begin to forget the responsibility of each sex in a relationship and in life. Men are the heads and women are the necks. Women have so much power over men. They want to please one woman and be her king. The woman just has to be a true lady. There have been many studies on prostitution and over 90 percent of prostitutes report having repeat clients. It’s in the human genetic make up to be with one person. Men who are not satisfied with one woman are giving in to their disposition to be a womanizer. It is most unfortunate.

    I will also add that these types of men are easy to spot. I call them "red flags". This type of man’s behavior often communicates the “red flags” very early in the relationship.  It’s important to steer clear of them because we are ladies and at times we want to be held and loved just for a few seconds regardless of consequences but in the end we are left broken with bitterness toward men...even the real ones.

    Happy New Year. Make it shine.

  5. W. K. Hayes profile image66
    W. K. Hayesposted 13 years ago

    A non-judgmental view of what compels people to roam. read more

  6. Ashantina profile image60
    Ashantinaposted 13 years ago

    Emotional deficiency.
    Psychological make up.
    Lack of purpose.
    ...and because they can...

  7. krillco profile image85
    krillcoposted 13 years ago

    Human beings are not neurologically wired to be monogamous.

    If you think about a human brain being two brains, one 'reptillian' and ancient, and the other (the neocortex) as being modern and sophisticated.

    When humans were very young, multiple partners are what kept the species going instead of dying out. And men are not the only ones who want more than one partner: science tells us that when the human race was young, females mated with many males. Current statistics show little difference between the male to female 'cheating' rate.

    At some point, more secure, long term pair bonding formed along with social elements, language, and spirituality (the development of the neocortex).

    Choosing monogamy takes a personal ethic, morality, spirituality of pair bonding, and, a high degree of self discipline.

  8. profile image0
    surlyoldcatposted 13 years ago

    Simple genetics.

    It's one of the few things humans share with the rest of the animal kingdom, the genetic imperative to breed. Folks will argue about hormones, emotions, and pheromones and all of that. THey will argue till their heads explode. In the end, it's all about that little bit in the human male brain that has existed since comples organic life has existed. That part of the reptilian base that tells men to run around and...you know there's really no genteel way for me to say it, so I won't. It's all about making more copies essentially.
    Wow, imagine the costs for ink and paper were that so...


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