What makes it NOT okay to date someone you work with?

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  1. bellawritter23 profile image75
    bellawritter23posted 14 years ago

    What makes it NOT okay to date someone you work with?

  2. Patty Inglish, MS profile image87
    Patty Inglish, MSposted 14 years ago

    Some people find the love of their lives at work, but some later divorce. Others find that love on the job is a pitfall that brings up much trouble. Should you look for a mate at work? read more

  3. Wayne Brown profile image82
    Wayne Brownposted 14 years ago

    Assuming your company has no rules in that area and it is simply a function of individual choice, I have to ask the question as to whether or not you have given thought as to whether you like your job less than this person.  Maybe you do and maybe when the relationship goes south , and it could, you'll want to find another place of employment because this town is just not big enough for the two of ya'. If you really like your job, then you place a high level of value of having to lose it for an ex-boyfriend.  If you really need your job then the same rationale might apply.  Ultimately we work to provide ourselves with a means to live.  If we are lucky, we like our job. In today's economy, good jobs or very hard to come by so why would you want to risk all that for relationship with the guy in accounting who may be married? WB

  4. Right On Time profile image60
    Right On Timeposted 14 years ago

    Everything.                                                                                      .

  5. stricktlydating profile image74
    stricktlydatingposted 14 years ago

    Mostly because if something goes wrong you still have to see that person every day...

  6. hillrider profile image59
    hillriderposted 14 years ago

    When either of you are in any position of authority over the other. There will be stigma attached regardless if this is the case and should any altercation or disruption in sentiments occur it can leave someone in a less than equitable position. This could be at or away from work, either is gonna make it difficult...

  7. David.Reed profile image54
    David.Reedposted 14 years ago

    The fact that if something goes wrong you're up the creek with no paddle. Otherwise it's bliss!

    Also, if you're seeing each other all the time then where's the chance to miss each other? smile

  8. sturner1 profile image60
    sturner1posted 14 years ago

    I say it all depends on the work environment. It has advantages and disadvantages.

    Disadvantages-If you break up you are stuck seeing them everyday. You could become the watercooler gossip. Everyone would be in your business. You are stuck around them most of the day, so when you get off, you loose that "Me" Time. If the person is your boss, you could loose friends, and become the subject of catty gossip, even your raises will be questioned, same as if you were the boss and dating an employee......it just opens a can of worms.

    Advantages-You save on gas, you could carpool lol.
    If it's a good relationship, you could do a romantic lunch, it's like going on a date mid-day. If you hate your job, it gives you a reason to come to work smile

    Before you decide on pursuing anything I would check company policy. Second determine if this person is worth it in the long haul, because what if you casually date, and find out they don't want to pursue it, would it affect you if they started dating someone else in your office?Also if they are in a relationship don't do it, if they are willing to cheat on someone else to be with you, what do you think they will do to you? To each their own, I would suggest writing a pro and con list, and then make a decision from there.

  9. profile image56
    Magicallymysticalposted 14 years ago

    As two consenting and responsible adults I don't see anything wrong with it at all but, as responsible adults think about the pros and cons of it all then, figure out how the both of you are going to do it without it interfering with the bread and butter. There is a right and wrong way to do anything. It's not okay if it is going to cause a problem at the work place. It's not okay if everyone knows your business or if you bring the problems you have to work with you. It's not okay if the person doesn't mean anything special to you....too risky if the person doesn't mean anything to you.  You wouldn't mix church with the Club where you party so you shouldn't mix your love life with the place where you work.  Can you handle seeing that person if something goes wrong. What happens if the pesron you broke it off with finds out personal things about you and blab it off to everyone or find a way for it to get out in the open. Sooo much to think about. But, again two intelligent, responsible and consenting adults would know how to handle it respectfully. You never know where you may find your true love. Be aware of the down falls of any relationship no matter were you find it but, also be resposnsible enough to handle what happens and how it happens. Make sure it's worth you taking a chance on losing something else important behind it.  We all take risk when dating, that's just how it is. Some are just greater risk than others. Rather we risk the heart or a great job. Bottom line, we risk something important. Think about what is more important and go with it. The heart doesn't know where it will find love, just be cautious. None of us knows where love will start.

  10. Shelvajay profile image60
    Shelvajayposted 14 years ago

    I believe in professinalism at all costs in the workplace.  This includes dating.  You know yourself and how you yourself would and could handle things, but you have no idea about that other person.  If you are not in the workplace where your bread and butter is made, it is best so that if something goes wrong, this does not interfere with your work environment.  So it depends on the couple, but no, I would not do it.  Because I don't want anything to interfere with me getting my Paper, that is why I go to work.

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