Is it right or wrong to date someone who is in a relationship?

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  1. davidkaluge profile image59
    davidkalugeposted 9 years ago

    Is it right or wrong to date someone who is in a relationship?

    It is common for men not to ask about the relationship status of ladies they want to start a relationship with especially on the day they ask the ladies out. Most men do not even bother to ask because all they want is to start a relationship with the new lady. Does it mean they do not really care or they just want the lady no matter what. Is it the right thing to do?

  2. Akriti Mattu profile image59
    Akriti Mattuposted 9 years ago

    I guess if somebody is already in a relationship, not fair to date such an individual. If he/she is unhappy with the relationship he/she is in, they should come out of it first and then begin a new one.

  3. profile image55
    creat-ONposted 9 years ago

    I will suggest it is wrong if you are already dating someone and cheating " If you are not happy just leave, but do not cheat "

    1. dashingscorpio profile image69
      dashingscorpioposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      People cheat because they don't want to leave!
      Most them I believe are looking to compliment what they already have or fulfill a need their mate can't. However they don't believe it's worth breaking up or divorcing over.
      They want it all!

  4. profile image0
    Stevennix2001posted 9 years ago

    Can't speak for most men, but I usually just assume that if the woman is dating someone then she'll usually tell me right away that she has a boyfriend or not, after i had asked  them out.  Although ironically enough, I did ask out a waitress once who actually gave me her number, but she was dating some other guy.

    At the time, I didn't know.  Anyways, she doesn't show up, and then I find out she had car troubles after calling her to find out what happened.  Then I offer to give her a ride back home while her car is in the shop, and that's when i find out she had a boyfriend.  it turns out she was too scared to tell me because i was a regular customer hers, and she didn't lose my business, so she didn't know how to let me down easily.  Anyways, we had a good talk about it, and I told her it was no big deal.

    If anything, I was still a regular of hers until she left that place.  Since then, I've made it a point to NEVER ask out waitresses that work at restaurants that I frequent, as i would hate to put them in that kind of awkward position. 

    Apart from that incident though, most women that i've asked out before usually tell me right away if they're dating someone immediately after i ask them out.  While I'm sure some of the may have lied to me about that to get rid of me, but I'm sure most of them weren't, so i usually take their word for it.  Anyways, that's my two cents anyway.  I hope that helps. 

    Again, I can't speak for other guys, but I usually prefer women that are single, as in they're dating no one else.   But again, that's just me.

  5. dashingscorpio profile image69
    dashingscorpioposted 9 years ago

    Everyone has their own moral compass and "deal breakers".
    The person in the relationship is the one who decides whether or not they believe their current mate is "the one". Some people believe as long as they're not married they are still on the market.
    This one of the reasons why many folks don't even consider couples who live together to be in a "committed" relationship unless they're married.
    I believe commitment is based on a couples behavior and not their marital status. There are many people who are married on paper but will cheat in a heartbeat and there are those who have never married but have remained faithful and loving for over 20 years or more.
    Having said that I do believe it's possible for someone to be in a long-term relationship which has grown stale but remains "comfortable". Maybe they were out with friends or went on a vacation and met someone who simply swept them off their feet giving them the courage to end what was already a dead end relationship.
    Some people treat relationships like jobs. They won't leave one until they have another one lined up.
    Men are like sales people in that they don't seek out objections and rejections. Asking someone whether they have a significant other at the start of a conversation is seen as looking for a "no" instead of a "yes" to going out with you. Let (them) volunteer that information.
    It is not "unheard of" for someone to realize they are with the "wrong" person when the "right" person shows up in their life.
    One famous example of this is Brad Pitt & Angelina Jolie. When they met he was married. Ten years later they have since married and remain happy with their six children. He was only married to Jennifer Aniston for 5 years. Even many who opposed the affair and the divorce have come to accept that Pitt & Jolie are in love as they've watched them over the years including dealing with her health challenges. Timing and circumstances don't always jell.
    No man "cares" about another man he does not know. This is especially true if he's genuinely interested in a woman.
    It's up to her to tell him he's wasting his time. Nevertheless in regard to your question: "Is it right or wrong to date someone who is in a relationship?"
    This begs the question of whether or not one is content being the "other woman" or "other man" as opposed to having someone all to themselves!
    Over time getting people to cheat with you causes you not to trust having an honest relationship. You become cynical and may even experience karma.


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