Why Do Wives Get Mad With Husbands Watching Porn? How Does It Interfere With Mar

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  1. ngureco profile image76
    ngurecoposted 15 years ago

    Why Do Wives Get Mad With Husbands Watching Porn? How Does It Interfere With Marriage?

  2. Azhar Kamar profile image67
    Azhar Kamarposted 15 years ago

    I agree with SimeyC. Some wives (I believe it's the minority) get angry when their husbands watch porn because it makes them feel insecure about themselves and feel that their husbands can't get satisfaction with them.

    What they should know is, every NORMAL man watches porn. Well, just make sure he's not a porn-addict.

    And it interferes greatly with marriage when watching porn and masturbating SUBSTITUTES sex. Now the wife should get mad. ;-)

    1. IslandBites profile image93
      IslandBitesposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I agree.

  3. lauralolita profile image77
    lauralolitaposted 15 years ago

    The reasoning behind this perspective is because the husband is watching another woman, most likely naked, and lusting over her. Is he thinking about his wife when he is watching porn? It's possible, but not likely if he has to resort to it in the first place.

    Usually the wife gets mad initially because it's a shock to her self-esteem. She'll feel like she's not good enough for her husband that he needs to find fulfillment elsewhere.

    The wife, depending on how conservative she is, may also consider that a form a cheating. It almost makes the it seem like the spouse watching porn is inviting it into the intimate relationship between a husband and wife.

  4. Beyond-Politics profile image69
    Beyond-Politicsposted 15 years ago

    This question is somewhat inane; just because an activity doesn't ellicit any obvious "interference" or harm doesn't mean it doesn't affect the marriage.  I wish people would learn to widen the scope of their thinking.

  5. Jersey Jess profile image61
    Jersey Jessposted 15 years ago

    A woman thinks this is because they assume your relationship with them isn't close enough. Like you don't enjoy sex with your wife, that you have to look at another woman to get aroused. When you look at porn, it makes them nervous about their own body, thinking that it is not good enough for you.

  6. Obscurely Diverse profile image61
    Obscurely Diverseposted 15 years ago

    I think a lot of women detest their husband's porn-watching addiction, due to the inferiority effect.  They know that a lot of the stars featured on these xxx flicks are coming to the screen equipped with super-sexy bods, along with big fake breasts - in addition to the special effects and feigned orgasms.  So in the case that a woman isn't feeling sexy or at least adequate, that may be why she would dislike it so much.

    Other than that, it shouldn't interfere with marriage unless you get caught (ha!) or if it effects the existing sex life.

  7. profile image52
    afsheen110posted 15 years ago

    because its natural if wife loves her husband and she is sincere with her husband devoting her life for him so how she can expect cheating from him.so its bad for marriage

  8. tvalle profile image60
    tvalleposted 15 years ago

    Let us get one thing straight, if two people in a marriage consent to porn watching then there should not be a problem.  However if a woman gets upset because her husband watches porn in any fashion then this my dear becomes a problem.  Can I be safe to say that if a person watches porn that they are looking for something?  In addition there are a lot of wives who are into porn as well.  Can it be that they are seeking something or are they addicted to pornography?  If your spouse enjoys being involved with pornographic material whatever it may be and you do not agree or shall I say like what he/she is doing then I suggest getting to the bottom of it. Why not ask what it is that they like about this porno.  Tell them that you do not like the fact that they are into this porno circle.
    Talk about things that the both of you can do together sexually.
    If there is love in the relationship than things can be worked out. Some may think that if their spouse like porn then this can create hurt such as cheating eventually. It may be that the spouse may not be interested in their partner. It may be that this person has a problem.  Nonetheless speak to your partner in a caring way and see what the real problem is then deal with it.

    1. profile image51
      It is only meposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      My husband told me that he desired to know what every woman in the world's vagina looked liked. So, I got to the bottom of his porn viewing, but I can't say that I was happy with his answer. I'll never be everything that he wants....obviously.

  9. jonathanacosta17 profile image61
    jonathanacosta17posted 15 years ago

    i wish wives everywhere were just like mine. when she caught me watchin' porn, she joined me. then she just laughed her head off.

    1. profile image51
      It is only meposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Be careful. I was just like your wife at one time. Now, being much older, my husband loses his ability to function with me when he self pleases to porn. And it lasts for months. I get pissed when I catch him now, with damn good reason. Heed advice!

    2. Levertis Steele profile image74
      Levertis Steeleposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Why did she have to catch you? Why were you sneaking? Apparently you felt that you were cheating. psychologically, and you were.

    3. profile image0
      Deborah Sextonposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      jonathanacosta17, in other words, she's good at pretending, or she doesn't love you, and was looking for excitement herself. SAD

  10. stricktlydating profile image75
    stricktlydatingposted 15 years ago

    Because some will see it as attention you're giving to other woman when you should be giving that time and attention to them (In real life).  Think about if you haven't been affectionate to your wife all day and she's wishing you were, and she then walks in on you watching porn, she can feel disappointed that you're not lusting after her instead..

    1. profile image48
      cora1958posted 10 years agoin reply to this

      I totally agree.

  11. Wealthmadehealthy profile image59
    Wealthmadehealthyposted 15 years ago

    A woman should be upset/angry/hurt if/when her husband watches porn. 
    There should never be an agreement to watch porn.   Why?  It is against the Law of God.   It is stated that when a man even looks at a woman in lust it is adultery.  So why should this be any different when you are married??? 
    Bearing on homosexuality.....men/women looking at other men/women in porn is lust.  A sin against God.  Homosexuality is against the Word of God.  It is Written that a man/woman lying with another man/woman is an abomination in the eyes of the Lord. Lust of the flesh is a sin even in a marriage....you did not get married to fornicate continually, but to have a Godly relationship with one another.   

    So what part of watching porn and anger does noone understand???

    This is part of Satans hold on people.  Get off the porn and into God.

    1. Levertis Steele profile image74
      Levertis Steeleposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Read the Song of Solomon, and you'll know that sex is for procreation as well as pleasure. Human beings do not have a mating season like animals. God did not design us to go into heat periodically.

    2. profile image0
      Deborah Sextonposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      The Song of Solomon is symbolic of God's love for Israel

  12. Dave Mathews profile image60
    Dave Mathewsposted 15 years ago

    Why not invite her to view the movie with you. She might enjoy it too, and while watching it, you both might desire to try some of the action out yourselves together, and suddenly the movie is the last thing on your minds. Most wives don't want to be ignored, rather they seek to be included in all of their husbands pleasures, especially when it is something that is done at home, can be lots of fun and can add love, romance, and excitement to your relationship together.

    1. profile image50
      redssunshineposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      I meant THUMBS UP... cannot change, I think this is a great point. But when you give the option to your man, and still denies doing it, it just feels hopeless. I was ALWAYS a sexual person till the hidden truth.

  13. shiva tattva profile image60
    shiva tattvaposted 15 years ago

    Never believe other peoples words . Try it yourself and you shall know the answer. Nothing can beat experience.

  14. Precious Pearl profile image80
    Precious Pearlposted 15 years ago

    Visual Adultery ... you are looking at another woman in a sexual manner.  No woman wants her man lusting after another woman whether it is pornography or not.

    1. Melvyne Mongati profile image58
      Melvyne Mongatiposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I agree with Precious..wouldn't want my man to have eyes on any other lady

    2. profile image52
      jesupmanposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Usually it follows...I believe Precious Pearl, is definitely on the correct path. When women go to concerts, they act like they are 18 again and forget they have a family.

  15. Lady Guinevere profile image66
    Lady Guinevereposted 15 years ago

    That is called selfishness, jealousy and possesion of another human being and possiblly slavery of another and that is what breaks up a marriage.  That is what these people who cannot trust another get out of the GOOD Book.  I wrote a hub about it and got many people's opinions on this.  http://hubpages.com/hub/Why-Pornography … etely-True
    Read the comments to the end becaseu they are interesting on all the different aspects of what people have been taught.

  16. ddsurfsca profile image70
    ddsurfscaposted 15 years ago

    I can only tell you how it effected my marriage, but I do not feel it has much to do with being insecure.  Here is what happened to us.
    I walked in on my husband watching porn alone, and of course having sex with himself.
    This upset me on several levels, and here they are.  First, anytime my mate is sneaking around and having sex, something is up.
    I would have loved to be included in the sex.  I was not invited.
    What did I do about it?
    I moved into the spare bedroom and told hubby that he could have all the air-brushed women he wanted, and if he ever got the urge to have sex with the real thing, just knock.  I did not get mad, I just unincluded myself so he did not have to makie a sneak of himself.
    What happened?  He knocked, and moved into the spare room with me....      yikes

    1. profile image0
      Deborah Sextonposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Why would you allow him to? We are suppose to forgive our spouses, not divorce them. But I am sure it is hard to forget, and trust again. Sorry this happened to you

  17. Judah's Daughter profile image79
    Judah's Daughterposted 15 years ago

    1 Corinthians 6:18 in the Bible tells us we are to “Flee immorality. Every other sin that a man commits is outside the body, but the immoral man sins against his own body."

    The Greek word for "immorality" is "porneia". So, if anyone engages in pornography, it’s the SAME THING.

    Jesus said in Matthew 5:27-28, “You have heard the commandment that says, 'You must not commit adultery.' but I say to you that everyone who looks at a woman with lust for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart.”

    1. Levertis Steele profile image74
      Levertis Steeleposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Great points!

    2. Melvyne Mongati profile image58
      Melvyne Mongatiposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Amen to that..it is all return in the Bible

  18. profile image0
    SensuousWorldposted 15 years ago

    I can see some women being upset and like many have said it is an insecurity or moral issue for most I would think. My husband and I will watch porn together and it leads to some great sex! Do we do this everyday? No..Maybe once or twice a month. For us its just a fun addition now and then.

    1. Levertis Steele profile image74
      Levertis Steeleposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      If it takes porn to lead to great sex, then, the porn star arouses him and is probably on his mind during the greatness.

    2. profile image51
      It is only meposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      My husband admitted to always pretending I was one of his exes, even his ex-wife, when we had sex after porn. He was NEVER in the moment with me, until the porn was eliminated from our marriage.

  19. TimeHealsAll profile image71
    TimeHealsAllposted 15 years ago

    I believe it does interfere with marriage. It gets right in the middle "interfere's" with something that clearly needs to be worked out. Porn is a quick fix while the issues still remain.

  20. profile image0
    RS Wightposted 15 years ago

    In my opinion women get angry for one of two reasons, they don't understand why their husbands are watching it or they have issues to deal with either in their marriage or their feelings toward themselves.

    Why do men watch porn? There are just about as many reasons as there are men!

    How can it interfere with a marriage? I would imagine that that depends quite a bit on exactly what his wife's reaction is and how he responds toward what he's watching.

    1. profile image51
      It is only meposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      For the most part, I don't think women care what the reasons are for their husbands watching porn. It makes wives feel like they are not good enough, so their husbands are seeking to pleasure themselves with other women, instead of their wives.

  21. appam profile image60
    appamposted 15 years ago

    Absolutely there is no need to get upset in this issue. But if the husband watches as a secret wife may get offended. That is natural since any hiding is taken as a breach of trust. All these are mind set only. Try to enjoy every good thing together

    1. profile image51
      It is only meposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Porn is nearly always viewed by husbands, behind their wive's backs. And, if my husband is any indication of what some husband's are thinking when they climax to porn, then some husbands are having an orgasm over their ex-wife, like mine loved to do.

  22. Alayne Fenasci profile image61
    Alayne Fenasciposted 15 years ago

    If one party or the other is hurt by something the other party has done, this is interference in the marriage.

    Why wives get mad... some don't. If they do, it's likely because they believe it to be wrong and they don't want something wrong involved in their marriage.

    Since you didn't ask whether porn was good or bad, I will stop there.

  23. kenya! profile image60
    kenya!posted 15 years ago

    It's better than cheating, thats obviously true. But its also not cool to think about your partner wanting to watch other woman and lust over them, when he can easily have you whenever he wants.
    I mean if the woman is holding off on him, then she should expect it. But if not, its just kinda sucks that he would rather watch porn then get the real thing. It makes us feel like he doesn't enjoy having sex with us.

    1. profile image0
      Deborah Sextonposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      It IS cheating

    2. profile image51
      It is only meposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Sometimes it can feel just as bad as physical cheating. And sometimes, it even feels worse because you don't have anyone to direct your hurt and anger at...except imagined images that can build in your mind until you end up feeling so alone & sca

  24. Sara Frenki profile image61
    Sara Frenkiposted 15 years ago

    Pornography interferes with marriage what most people don't understand is that it is an addiction that eats into you...I knew someone with that addiction. It's horrible and instead of appreciating what's real in your life, you spend time lusting after something imagined.

    1. profile image52
      Jasminey7posted 8 years agoin reply to this

      I think it can be an addiction with some people, while others watch it for the pleasure but not  all the time. There are people who are more susceptible to addiction. Or so, I've been told/heard.

  25. Mina Valentine profile image59
    Mina Valentineposted 15 years ago

    it CAN interfere with marriage because HE has now opened the door to other things...i.e., needing to view porn while having sex with his own wife and that could very well be a problem if she has not expressed interest in that sort of thing from the beginning.(he should have known this and made a decision then) And, including other folk in the bedroom which she may not approve of as well. Porn opens the door for other issues to enter into a marriage where both parties are NOT on the same page.

  26. lisaluv9784 profile image82
    lisaluv9784posted 15 years ago

    Well,I would think that it all depends on the woman.Some women aren't the least bit intimidated by their husband watching porn,while others will get very digusted over it.They feel as if they are being put down by their husband,but in a roundabout way.It makes them feel inferior to the women they are watching.Even some women with very high self esteem will sometimes start to question if they are good enough.Because if she was good enough,then he wouldn't be watching porn,right?
    Personally,I think it is a human instinct kind of thing.Sort of like eating,and breathing.You just do it because your supposed to do it,and because something tells you to do it.The only time when a woman should feel threatened by it,is when her husband spends an unreasonable amount of time watching porn,or is trying to include another live person,such as with webcams.

    1. profile image51
      It is only meposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      I was never intimidated, disgusted or even insecure. Porn ruined our marriage. My husband developed Porn Induced Erectile Dysfunction & it was all downhill from there, for at least 8 years. He quit porn & his passion for me returned.

  27. WorkAtHomeGal profile image60
    WorkAtHomeGalposted 15 years ago

    Well it is easy to get mad knowing your SO is watching porn. Although me and my boyfriend both watch porn, later in the relationship it bothered me.

    It is hard not get upset about it, if I know he has been watching it I just feel unattractive, not interesting enough for him or body issues in general. It’s the self conscious feeling that does not help.

    IMHO porn shouldn't be a big problem in a marriage until you see that it is affecting the relationship negatively. Like if your husband is watching porn all day and pretty much doing nothing else, that is behavior I would be worried about... Or he is satisfying his sexual needs by watching porn but never wanting sex with his wife.

    I see the biggest issue though being the guy masturbating all the time but never having sex with his wife. I went through this with my own boyfriend, we are fine now after talking and such.

    There is a time and a place for it, like if your spouse is away or something, it shouldn't replace them at all though. At that point I would see porn is a serious problem in the relationship.

    Also keep in mind it is not always men watching the porn and the marriage falling apart, sometimes it’s the women.

    1. profile image0
      Deborah Sextonposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      So your recommendation is to sneak around and watch porn, when your spouse is away?

    2. Aime F profile image71
      Aime Fposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      She didn't say anything about sneaking around, I think she just meant that it's more appropriate when you're not choosing porn over sex with your spouse because it's physically not possible when they're away.

  28. Pollyannalana profile image61
    Pollyannalanaposted 15 years ago

    I am sure it does much for the husband but my husband married me and if he wants to look at someone else naked for his pleasures they can wash his bloomers!

    1. bethperry profile image81
      bethperryposted 10 years agoin reply to this


  29. pinkboxer profile image60
    pinkboxerposted 15 years ago

    It creates the betrayal of trust. A pornographic image is a " third party " in the marriage. An intruder in your home, ready to open the door and enter without permission. Wives are not just mad. They are furious because of being compared to a woman who is a fantasy. Airbrushed and altered.

    1. Levertis Steele profile image74
      Levertis Steeleposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      The man is making love to his hand, and many of those women have fake everything. Even their performances are fake. Like prostitutes, they pretend to be excited. Some men are just plainly dumb like puppies mounting a boot to mate.

    2. profile image0
      Deborah Sextonposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Leverite, lust is in the mind, and heart regardless of what he uses. and he is having sex with who he is thinking of. It doesn't matter if the women's parts are fake or not, it's still wrong..even if his wife agrees to it

  30. brimancandy profile image77
    brimancandyposted 15 years ago

    I think it depends on how much time the person spends looking at Porn. If they are spending a huge amount of time looking at porn, and not giving their wife or partner the same attention it might make them feel less attractive or neglected. And, if it is excessive she should confront him, and talk to him about it.
    However, getting steamed, and acting like a total bitch about it
    is only going to make him mad.

    I think a certain percentage of that has to do with a little bit of selfishness, as in, he could be spending that time with the wife, and it is something he should do, since he is the husband. But, the wife also needs to understand, that this is something he may have been doing before you got married, and he sees it as his alone time, like any other hobby he might have.

    I say, let him watch or look at it a while. Eventually, he will get bored with it, and turn his attention back to his partner. But, if he is obsessed with it, keep an eye on him and make excuses to interrupt his porn sessions. If you suspect he is looking at porn, find out how he is looking at it, and find ways to occassionaly restrict it.

    1. profile image51
      It is only meposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      For some women, including me, it isn't the amount of time that my husband is spending looking at porn, it's just the fact that he is looking at it at all. It makes me feel cheated on and not good enough. It is extremely painful; and men don't get it.

  31. Granny's House profile image66
    Granny's Houseposted 15 years ago

    My husband and I have been married 33 years. We have 5 grown children and seven g-children. We make LOVE at least once a day. Porn is disgusting and perverted. We don't just have sex. Dogs just have sex. We make love. We have been through alot over 33 years and that is what has made us closer and our LOVE and RESPECT for each other deeper. I do not fantasize or lust after anyone else. He is all I need

    1. profile image0
      Deborah Sextonposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Good for you

  32. profile image56
    Msgracieposted 15 years ago

    Although, I'm not married, being a woman though and observing my mother's demeanor in the past of my father looking at the beauties of the week in "Jet" magazine, back in the day, I believe that it makes a woman feel disrespected.

    Also, even that you are not finding them to be appealing enough for you that you have to look at other women....also, it makes a woman insecure, self consicous and even feeling that maybe you want her to be more like the women in porn or even if some aren't that open (meaning, the woman in your life) that you want her to perform those acts, that you aren't enjoying your sex life with her even.

    Or that you even might go out with other women or look for someone that fits that criteria. It is somewhat of an ego crusher and it brings on competition in our minds.

  33. ocbill profile image51
    ocbillposted 15 years ago

    it can interfere with marriage as it opens the possibilities of women with different appearances and the image stays in the husbands head.  On the other hand, the women is not pleasing her husband so it is better than seeing another women (hooker) I know some people they are satisfied in intimate physical gratification areas of marriage.

  34. CoCoa_81 profile image61
    CoCoa_81posted 14 years ago

    I believe that we women tend to feel somewhat insecure when it comes to our husbands looking at other womens naked bodies. Even if our husbands loves our bodies there is always that thought in our minds that the woman before him may possibly turn him on more. I think it is best for the wife to enjoy it with him, maybe that would help a little. The first time I saw my husband watching porn I sat next to him, watched for a while, then I began doing things that I saw on the movie. It was good for us, I learned some things. It is a great addition to our sex lives, and there is always room for more.

  35. profile image0
    hitched4liffeposted 14 years ago

    Beware that pornography has been proven to be extremely addictive. While something like a video satisfies now, it will not later. Because of its addictive tendencies, a man requires harder-core pornography the longer he views it.

    While you think it helps your relationship now, it will prove to be empty for you later. The biggest "lie" about pornography is it isn't real. It is strictly done for the camera, hoping people like you and your husband will buy it. In addition, the biggest danger for you, the wife, is you will continue to wonder during times of lovemaking if your husband is thinking about you when he becomes aroused or is he thinking of someone else he saw in one of his videos or online.

    Pornography is definitely a dead-end for a marriage relationship when it comes to the sexual relationship and will leave a wife feeling insecure and unfulfilled. While you may be able to forget the images you see on the screen, your husband will not. I encourage you to read, "For Women Only" by Shaunti Feldhahn. It will definitely open your eyes to the lies you are choosing to believe.

    1. SAHM9 profile image60
      SAHM9posted 8 years agoin reply to this

      It's funny you say that, because my husband and I have been together 15 years and he has always enjoyed porn! Our sex life is healthy and fantastic!

    2. profile image51
      It is only meposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      What are you going to do when your husband gets much older like mine, and it becomes much harder for him to obtain & sustain an erection? When my husband watches porn with self-pleasure, he burns himself out, so he can't even get an erection with

  36. She-rah profile image70
    She-rahposted 14 years ago

    I can see how a husband watching porn could cause interference in some marriages. My husband watches porn and we watch porn together, keeping things exciting after 12yrs and 4 kids. I try and maintain and open mind, but I do have to admit that sometimes it hurts my feelings when he does it alone, due to MY OWN insecurities. But that's my problem not his. I don't think it leads to cheating unless it becomes an addiction and something that the husband feels the need to sneak. Instead of getting angry and pushing him away, we use it to better our sex life. He doesn't want those sleezy women but does get turned on and so do I, which makes it all the better for US.  I know that he loves me and only wants to make love to me but lets face it, men, like a lot of women have vivid imaginations, everyone masturbates and fantasizes. A wife may THINK their man isn't watching porn,  isn't thinking of other sexual acts,  or they don't look at other women, but does that wife see what's really going on in their husband's mind. If you have a good, loving, and trusting marriage, then you not only get to experience what they get out of porn but you also get to see further into what's really roaming around in your husband's mind, makes for great pillow talk. In a lot of cases it leads to a closer more loving and trusting relationship if the husband doesn't have to hide his true thoughts and fantasies from his wife. It's human nature to imagine, explore, fantasize, masturbate, you can either use it to your advantage or worse comes to worse destroy a marriage over insecurity. How many men have had a wet dream that didn't include their wife??? Does the wife really think they can control what their man is dreaming about and would she honestly think he is cheating? Maybe the man really didn't get turned on by the woman in the dream but the sexual actions taking place. If the topic (dream) is open for discussion between the husband and wife, then that could lead to a bit of fun for both not just the husband. Sorry, but no woman can control their husbands thoughts, all they can do is be open and secure enough to explore those thoughts and experiences with them.

  37. madam ro profile image66
    madam roposted 14 years ago

    I agree with the theme in a lot of these answers that it can make a woman feel inadequate if she doesn't think she's as attractive as the women on these films (let's face it the majority of porn is made for the male viewer so the women tend to be young and hot, and the men... less so). 

    But I also reckon a wife's reaction to her husband watching porn can have a lot to do with how much the wife enjoys her current sex life with her husband.  If a couple are enjoying a great, mutually satisfying sex life then the woman's less likely to be bothered about her partner watching porn - it's more like a hobby that she doesn't neccessarily feel the need to share... like golf - and she's secure in the knowledge that if she walked into the room naked he'd turn his attention to her. 
    But if she's unsatisfied by the sex she's getting, she could well resent the porn films because it seems to her that her partner's trying to emulate what he sees in those films and hold them up to be the norm... but actually the sex portrayed in porn films isn't fun for women if it's the only type of sex they're getting.  Just as men want variety in bed, so do women.  A routine of three minutes kissing, five minutes nipple tweaking and two minutes oral (if she's lucky) before being pounded until she's sore, can get pretty dull.  She'll feel like her husband's being selfish, it's highly unlikely she'll orgasm, and she'll probably blame the porn, because as fun as a hot hard screw can be, porn promotes it as the main, if not only, way to have sex.

    It can interfere with marriage in many ways, but the underlying causes of the problems are about more fundamental things than just watching porn.

    I know you didn't ask for any suggestions but just a tip, women in general will get turned on far more easily by reading pornographic books rather than watching pornographic films.  If a man wants his wife to understand why he watches porn, buy her a book of well written erotic short stories.

    1. profile image0
      Deborah Sextonposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Are you saying we don't want our husbands to watch porn because we don't feel as pretty as the porn stars? What about the ones like me, who  have never seen a porn movie?

  38. pageantgirl31413 profile image74
    pageantgirl31413posted 14 years ago

    I do not allow my husband to watch it. Why? Because I do not want him lusting after another woman. I do not want him looking at some other woman's body. I do not feel as if he is happy with me if he is watching it. To me, it is cheating emotionally. It is just as bad if he went out and did the deed with some other girl in my opinion.

    1. profile image0
      Deborah Sextonposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      I allow my husband to do what he wants, he is my head, fortunately we both serve God, and take our vows seriously, and lovingly so there is no need for me to worry

  39. Beasley2007 profile image59
    Beasley2007posted 14 years ago

    If you're a Christian... you're committing adultery.

    Proverbs 6:25-28
    Matthew 5:28

    If you have your own beliefs, lusting after another woman that is NOT your wife is disgusting. How would you feel if your wife was doing the same? You are looking at these fake woman to satisfy your dreams when you have a beautiful woman who can give you anything and everything that other girl can't. Just think about it.

  40. platinumOwl4 profile image71
    platinumOwl4posted 14 years ago

    Most people who answered this question seemed to have missed the point. What you are actually viewing is the exploitation of a woman. Many of these women seen in these acts are forced into performing against their will for the monetary value of someone else. Now, many of those same men who view porno, would not like to go to one their favorite sites and see a person closley related to them performing like a circus clown. On a daily basic women are bought and sold like cattle for the performance on porno sites. This is also a form of population control, if you are watching porno you don't think about the leaders of your country lack of leadership, their inability to enact a good health care system, balance a budget and create jobs for the jobless.

  41. GreenGoodsGuide profile image58
    GreenGoodsGuideposted 14 years ago

    I've read the guys here, and it's amazing how thick they are about this.

    If your woman loses interest in you, did you ever stop to think that maybe you and your behavior have something to do with it?

    Do you ever romance your wife? Or do you just wanna get to it?

    Do you ever indulge her in foreplay? Or do you just wanna get to it?

    Do you make sure she's enjoyed herself? Or do you roll over and go to sleep as soon as you've finished?

    Did you ever ask your wife what it is she'd enjoy? Or is it always all about you?

    So before you turn on the porn, maybe you should instead be making some effort to turn your wife on.

    1. profile image53
      Olive Clarkeposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Thank you for this! Porn destroyed my marriage too. It's an amazing and disgusting fact that the sex industry makes so many billions in a year.

    2. RandallOnTheMove profile image85
      RandallOnTheMoveposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Very valid questions....but not absolutes. What if you are doing all of the above and the interest still isn't there? It happens. I have seen it from both a personal and a professional perspective. It is not always just a guy being thick.

  42. profile image52
    purifyinggraceposted 14 years ago

    Simply, porn is bad and evil. It is false intimacy and not real. It is virtual infidelity and fantasy. Now instead of physical adultery, a wife feels that she has to compete with an immeasurable, ever-changing image. And as the nature of pornography instead of just one woman or even a dozen, she has hundreds if not thousands of women that she feels like she is being compared to constantly. She thinks, "Is he thinking of me when we make love? Is he just using me?" And it goes on and on.

    Frankly, the use of pornography is selfish. We can lie and make up things that it is not. We can make excuses and rationalize. However, it always comes down to being selfish and lacking maturity (the ability to put off immediate gratification for future gain).

    Check out these blog posts on just these questions:
    Is porn bad for just me or everyone? http://purifyinggrace.com/my-pornograph … -everyone/
    And check out these myths regarding pornography: http://purifyinggrace.com/category/pornography-myths/

  43. belmaund profile image61
    belmaundposted 14 years ago

    I broke up with a man over porn.  Now, I watch it with my husband occasionally.  I am as shocked as you by this my friend.  I think judging it right or wrong is going to depend on many factors.  Is it an addiction?  Is it a frequent movie selection for your husband?  Have you asked him why he watches it?

  44. SEO Expert Kerala profile image57
    SEO Expert Keralaposted 14 years ago

    It is very natural for wives to get angry when husbands watch porn.

    Any woman would not enjoy or encourage her husband to watch the naked body of another woman.

    Watching porn would automatically give the message that the man is not interested or satisfied with his wife, which would interfere with their marriage.

  45. Diana King profile image60
    Diana Kingposted 14 years ago

    I'm the computer person in the house and many porn websites download viruses and multiple pop-up windows. So, I'm always aware when my SO watches porn on the computer. I have to run the virus scans. I've asked him not to hit porn sites, because of this.

    Porn movies are a different subject. We're both aware that porn movie sex is unrealistic. It is a male based fantasy, even the stuff that produced by women. We've bought porn based on directors, titles and stars in the past, but we've stopped.

    I'm pretty sure I stopped watching when I learned that Vanessa del Rio died of AIDS and that Jerry Butler was a sex addict, who used to sneak out of the house to make movies - cheating on his wife - which he'd promised not to do.

    As I grew older, and had no idea who was producing movies and whether or not participation was voluntary, porn lost it's charm.

    I don't see it as a cheat factor and I'll tell you why. I read romance novels. For a few hours, I'm swept away by a handsome hero and his lovely heroine. Romance novels are for women what porn is to men.

    The most popular varieties of romance today are books about vampires and werewolves. If I wanted to be crass about it, women are reading and fantasizing about necrophilia and sex with animals.

    I'll ask my husband to give up on porn all together, when he asks me to stop reading Regency romances.

    This kinda falls under the "he who is without sin" category for me.

  46. saddlerider1 profile image58
    saddlerider1posted 14 years ago

    No No No.....I know first hand and unless it's acceptable to both partners watching it together, it will only get the other partner who is watching it alone in very deep kaka...and before you know it addiction sets in...many a divorce has been finalized over Pornography in a home being watched by ONE partner only.

  47. profile image0
    dracaslairposted 14 years ago

    i got mad because my ex hubby wanted me to act like a porn star.i felt like some toy to him anyway.i felt degraded mostly.it didnt help with things at all.so i watched lesbain porn and told him thats whst i want.he got degraded himself.it dont always help a realtionship.

  48. Kevin Peter profile image61
    Kevin Peterposted 14 years ago

    Most of the girls want his husband to be with him then to be with porn. So they didn’t like their husbands watching porn. In marriage life it interferes allot if the programmes likes are different and also if husband have more interest in porn then in his wife.

  49. John B Badd profile image61
    John B Baddposted 14 years ago
  50. profile image0
    jasper420posted 14 years ago

    jelousy i bealaeve jelousy is posion to a relashoship

    1. profile image0
      Deborah Sextonposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      And what makes them jealous (husband lusting after others) is more poison than anything


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