Do u agree that parents and children should learn to respect each other's decisi

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  1. rajivnandy profile image60
    rajivnandyposted 13 years ago

    Do u agree that parents and children should learn to respect each other's decisions ?

  2. rob_allen profile image70
    rob_allenposted 13 years ago

    Of course. parents and kids shouls know how to respect each other's decisions. smile

  3. theseus profile image70
    theseusposted 13 years ago

    Definitely. Parents and their children should respect each other's decisions. In this way, parents can show their trust and support to whatever their children decide while the children will learn to stand up for their convictions and live up to the consequences of those decisions.

  4. nightwork4 profile image60
    nightwork4posted 13 years ago

    that depends. some decisions can't be made by kids so of course a parent should respect them. the best we can do is at least explain why we think their decisions are wrong.

  5. ThunderKeys profile image64
    ThunderKeysposted 13 years ago

    In my experience as a family counselor and behavioral parent trainer, the emphasis here needs to be placed very strongly on children respecting their parent's decisions. Yet teaching and learning about how and why to show this respect is critical.

    With so many families falling apart at the seems today, learning evidence-based (science-proven) parenting and discipline strategies can really help parents teach their children how and why to make the correct choices in life.

    In most cases, only once children genuinely respect their parents decisions can parents genuinely respect their children decisions.

    Teach your children well.

    - Duddy.

  6. ii3rittles profile image84
    ii3rittlesposted 13 years ago

    Kid's under 18 can have opinions but its the parent's job to make sure they make good decisions. Once they are 18, however, they must respect their choices and have no right to tell them no or you can't do this because I said so anymore.

  7. dashingscorpio profile image71
    dashingscorpioposted 13 years ago

    Maybe I'm "old school" but the role of a parent is to prepare a child for adulthood. (They are not "equals") Parents are "responsible" for their children.

    As long as someone else if feeding, clothing, giving you spending money, providing a roof over your head as well as an education....etc I believe you pretty much have to "go along" with their decisions.

    A parent's job is not to become their child's "best friend" or strive to reach a certain level of popularity with him or her. They are there to provide a foundation which will give their child the best chance of becoming a productive citizen in society.

    When one feels ready to live life according to "their own rules" it's time for them to fly away from the nest. Upon establishing your own (independence) that is when a child/adult is likely to see their parents "respect their decisions". In fact they are likely to take pride in their accomplishments!

  8. edhan profile image36
    edhanposted 13 years ago

    Being a parent myself, I do understand my kids and their decisions.

    Yes, we should respect both decisions made by either the parents or the children. But respect needs to be earned.

    What do I mean by that? If my children want my respect in their decisions, they must show me that their decisions are sensible and logical. We always discuss in everything and analyze it. Being more experience in life, I share my views in discussion to allow them to decide with analysis on what they intend to do.

    Sometimes they may not see the other side effect of their decisions, so through our discussion then they realize whether or not it is right or wrong.

    Once they have earn my respect in analyzing of making decisions, I tend to accept them. In return, they will consult us when they are not too sure of their decisions.

  9. krisingreen profile image60
    krisingreenposted 13 years ago

    Yes. I believe so especially so when the children are already of the right age to make decisions for themselves. On the other hand, respect should always come with responsibility for each other. When kids make wrong decisions, the parents should interfere and suggest better options or at least help the kid understand that there are other ways and means to do something. And vice versa. I believe that in a family, decisions are always shared and respected by each through meeting a common ground where everybody is happy.

  10. Sunny2o0o profile image60
    Sunny2o0oposted 13 years ago

    Depending upon the decision, yes.  I would never, for instance, encourage a child to respect his/her parent's decision to lock him/her in the closet for breaking a plate, or encourage the parent to respect his/her child's decision to become an under-aged prostitute.

    The job of being a parent does require occasionally coercing your children--if you don't force your kids to go to the doctor, or do their homework, you are a bad parent..  At the same time, particularly as their children age, the parents should make an effort to include them in the decision-making process, and, when the occasion necessitates coercion, explain why the child needs to/should perform a certain action.  As much as possible, parents should also take their children's interests into account.  As a young child, the after-school activities that you participate in are likely a reflection of the activities that your parents think you should participate in.  When dealing with an older child, however, mom or dad shouldn't be pushing for ballet when all that the kid wants to do is play soccer.

    It's also important to note here the difficulty inherent in respecting decisions with which you disagree, particularly when those decisions are made by people that you love.  People make decisions based upon their values, and when those values are directly antithetical to what someone else believes, that other person is going to have trouble respecting any decisions that result from those values.  Children, despite all of the protestations to the contrary, are not carbon copies of their parents, and may grow up to have different fundamental values than their parents.  That kind of situation is difficult, and sometimes impossible, to mitigate--an evangelical Christian is likely never going to respect their child's decision to become an atheist or a Muslim, because doing so is antithetical to that evangelical Christian's beliefs.  Respect is also not synonymous with support.

  11. manisha2877 profile image52
    manisha2877posted 13 years ago

    yes i do agree they should respect decisions but after having a look on the accuracy and quality of the decision taken and at which stage do matters

  12. Savvycruzr profile image61
    Savvycruzrposted 13 years ago

    Absolutely Rajiv. Parents and children should respect one
    anothers decisions. Always ask yourself when dealing with
    others: Is it TRUE?, Is it FAIR?, Is it KIND?

    On the other hand, Parents need to set boundaries when
    dealing with their children so they don't go astray - AND as
    a PARENT YOU should not feel guilty about this because
    your children will grow to appreciate YOU later in life.

    Psychologists have found out that children actually EXPECT
    parents to set boundaries when dealing with them - or they
    will lose respect for their parents!


  13. SportsAgencyblog profile image59
    SportsAgencyblogposted 13 years ago

    Children despite their age should always respect their parent's decision. They can also explain their side if they see wrong with their parent's idea. Children should also learn to decide for themselves but it is important to seek for parent's opinion, if parents don't go for it, its better to follow it. I'm sure no parent would ever want to bring their children for bad.

  14. givingfairy profile image58
    givingfairyposted 13 years ago

    Yes to some extent. Parents are here to guide and direct children. I said to some extent because it would not be fair to expect parents to respect their children decision when the parent sees that the decision made is one that will bring pain and heartache. It also depends on the age of the child.

  15. danielleantosz profile image71
    danielleantoszposted 13 years ago

    As children grow up and move out, it is very important that parents learn to respect their children's decisions.  It can be difficult for parents to let go and let their kids make their own decisions and their own mistakes.

  16. GlstngRosePetals profile image69
    GlstngRosePetalsposted 13 years ago

    I think that parents and children should respect each others decisions. We may not agree with some decisions that are made but we should allow people to decide things and chose for themselves to learn and grow from it.

  17. Beata Stasak profile image78
    Beata Stasakposted 12 years ago

    working with children with behavioural difficulties the most of my life I have found out that the best way to teach respect is by mirroring ones behaviour, if I want my student or my own children to respect me, the first thing I have to do is to be there to listen to their points of view first and then give them a choice to is much easier to give two choices of two desirable actions to be taken and leave it up to a child to pick one than to force your own point of view on them...

    If you teach the rules of socially acceptible and responsible behaviour from the time a child learns to walk....the half of your battle is won, then you just need to reinforce those rules and boundaries when they hit their teenagers' years...the time when they are looking for their own path to follow in their own life.....they are trapped and wish to get out of their own confused takes time, we all have been there once...


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