What is your favourite way to spend a rainy day when you are at home ?

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  1. wytegarillaz profile image60
    wytegarillazposted 12 years ago

    What is your favourite way to spend a rainy day when you are at home ?

    We love snuggling up in bed watching the rain fall . Maybe playing a game together . Sometimes we love a walk in the rain . How about you ?

  2. Kris Heeter profile image71
    Kris Heeterposted 12 years ago

    I love to curl up with a good book - and if it's cold and rainy, add some hot chocolate and a comfy quilt to the mix!

  3. alisha4u profile image39
    alisha4uposted 12 years ago

    At home, what's better than having a Cup of Cappuccino with Some Fried Stuff...While watching the water droplets pouring down from different sources... smile

  4. mary615 profile image95
    mary615posted 12 years ago

    My old house has a metal roof, and I love to listen to the rain on the roof.  I try and get caught up with book work.  If the sun is out, I'm never inside the house.

  5. jpcmc profile image92
    jpcmcposted 12 years ago

    stay in bed longer with my wife, drink hot choco with my wife, play in the rain with my wife

  6. xethonxq profile image68
    xethonxqposted 12 years ago

    Curled up on the couch with my girlfriend, reading a book and playing footsie. smile

  7. Docmo profile image93
    Docmoposted 12 years ago

    stand near the window watching the rain fall over the shoulder of the one I love, while feeling the warmth of her neck on my cheeks. ( Well its Valentine's mood after all)

  8. Lisa HW profile image61
    Lisa HWposted 12 years ago

    If I have nothing more important to do and its dreary and rainy out, I've been known to kill (waste) quite a bit of time here on HubPages.   smile   It can be kind of good to decide to "officially" do nothing and just waste time online once in awhile.

  9. odeisa profile image61
    odeisaposted 12 years ago

    Get cozy with my little dog, read a book or watch TV, get a blanket and make myself some hot drink.

  10. ishwaryaa22 profile image79
    ishwaryaa22posted 12 years ago

    At my home during the rainy day, I would like to eat nice steaming-hot food and relax. My idea of relaxing would be reading a good book or watch an interesting movie. Also, at times playing indoor games with cousins or my parents such as cards is another favorite way of spending the rainy day when I am at home.

  11. jacqui2011 profile image78
    jacqui2011posted 12 years ago

    I love being at home when it's raining. We snuggle up on the couch and have a pajama day watching movies and making popcorn. I don't like being outside when it rains - it's vain really - but it makes my hair go frizzy!

  12. athena2011 profile image57
    athena2011posted 12 years ago

    Listening to the rain hit the roof is soothing. We like to watch movies cuddled up under a nice blanket. Hot drinks if it's a cold day or night. Sometimes building puzzles is fun too.

  13. That Grrl profile image71
    That Grrlposted 12 years ago

    I like rainy days. I go out when it's raining. Even if I just walk around for awhile, I like the rain, the puddles and the way everything smells different and shines.

  14. Dee aka Nonna profile image60
    Dee aka Nonnaposted 12 years ago

    Rainy days are wonderful and actually give one a lot of choices.  These are the ones I enjoy, depending on my mood.  (1) make a large pot of chili for everyone to enjoy whenever the spirit hit; (2) curl up and read a good book (2) spread everything out on the table and work on one of my projects---whether something with my consulting or writing, etc.; (3) if it is not storming I like to sit in my big comfy chair by the big window with a cup of tea and maybe my laptop and watch and listen to the rain.....so peaceful.

  15. profile image0
    Emily Sparksposted 12 years ago

    I love listening to the rain fall.   Sometimes I will read, play the piano, do some scrapbooking, watch a movie, or listen to music.  If able to, it's a great way to catch up on some family time!

  16. K. Burns Darling profile image75
    K. Burns Darlingposted 12 years ago

    For me personally, a rainy day is perfect writing weather, I don't know what it is about the rain falling on the roof, but for as long as I can remember a rainy day has been my favorite day to write.  If writing isn't an option, (and with three children it often isn't), then some other favorite things to do include, reading, watching a sappy movie I've seen twelve million times, spending time with my kids in front of the fireplace playing a board game, or if I happen to be home all alone, cleaning my house....

  17. landscapeartist profile image60
    landscapeartistposted 12 years ago

    We snuggle in bed under the covers and watch a movie.  Sometimes, we fall asleep.  I love going to the trailer and listening to the rain pounding off the roof.  It relaxes me and takes all my troubles away, even for a little bit.

  18. Vasiliki Bouras profile image61
    Vasiliki Bourasposted 12 years ago

    First off- Now you have a great excuse to be stuck in the house, no guilt trips about taking advantage of the fresh air and sunshine outside.

    1. Catch up on your reading, while listening to good instrumental music (Multitask)
    2.  Then write about what you just read, or the thoughts you had while reading (Multitasking again)
    3. Waste some more time watching a great film from the "Classic Hollywood" Era...or maybe an International film with subtitles...so that you can read some more.
    4. If your sharing the rainy day with your partner, I suggest exploring each other sexually too (You never stop learning)


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