What is the point of forgiveness if your never able to forget?

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  1. TnTgoodrich profile image65
    TnTgoodrichposted 12 years ago

    What is the point of forgiveness if your never able to forget?

  2. Jake4102 profile image71
    Jake4102posted 12 years ago

    Forgiveness isn't about you. It's about them. If somebody does you wrong and you show malice towards them for the rest of your life, they won't care. However, If somebody does you wrong and you forgive them maybe they will see things differently.

  3. Bretsuki profile image69
    Bretsukiposted 12 years ago

    I would say forgiveness is a personal choice.
    You choose to allow the pain someone causes you to go away and not allow the hurt to continue. If you choose not to forgive you are the one who feels hurt and pain, not the person you are directing the anger at.

    Forgiveness, to me, is about allowing yourself to recover from a hurtful experience caused by another person.

    Forgiving them though does not neccessarily mean you forget the injury. You may still remember but you do not care about seeking revenge or allowing them to continue to hurt you.

  4. smzclark profile image60
    smzclarkposted 12 years ago

    Forgiveness isn't about forgetting, but about understanding. If you've truly forgiven a person, then the grudge has gone and you have found peace with what has been done to you.

    1. TnTgoodrich profile image65
      TnTgoodrichposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Wish we could forget terrible things:( still trying to find that peace

  5. edhan profile image36
    edhanposted 12 years ago

    When you forgive someone, you sort of letting it go so that you can move on without pondering over the matter. By being able to forgive and forget, you will generate good karma for yourself and family.

    Sometimes, it is easier to forgive but not to forget. That's being human. It may take ages before you can total forget but the main thing about it is that you have already forgiven that person. It is a great step to take in doing so.

  6. FreezeFrame34 profile image78
    FreezeFrame34posted 12 years ago

    All humans have forgiven someone in their lifetime, but do we ever truly forget? read more

  7. Ramsa1 profile image62
    Ramsa1posted 12 years ago

    To forgive someone is to do yourself a huge favor; you move past the hurt and no longer want to get even. It doesn't mean that you forget what happened because to forget means that you throw away the knowledge and the experience gained from the incident.

  8. profile image0
    Hubert Williamsposted 12 years ago

    Once you forgive someone for doing you wrong you have to forgive yourself for the anger you felt. That's the easy part. The hard part is believing that you have done anything to be forgiven for.

  9. nightwork4 profile image60
    nightwork4posted 12 years ago

    forgiveness in most cases is not only foolish but it's a major sign of weakness. many people forgive because they don't have the strength to fight back either physically or mentally.i never agreed with forgiving others, it's just another way of saying walk all over me.

    1. TnTgoodrich profile image65
      TnTgoodrichposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I know right - forgiveness is like saying it's okay what you did to me..... I don't know that's just what it feels like.....

  10. stricktlydating profile image78
    stricktlydatingposted 12 years ago

    It's not about forgiveness or forgetting, its about moving forward.  So long as you can find a way to move forward from the problem you'll be in a better place.

    1. TnTgoodrich profile image65
      TnTgoodrichposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I like your answer ~ it is just really about moving on I think cause I don't seem to be able to do the other 2

  11. profile image0
    reeltaulkposted 12 years ago

    tnt you're awesome!  You're response to smz caught my attention.  The fact that you can be so honest will work miracles for you when you least expect it.  Words especially when fancy comes off as believable and truth, but there's nothing like knowing and being honest with your sincere unadulterated feelings....Ciao
    P.s. I agree with stricktly.....Moving forward is official at least this is proof that whatever experience is not going to leave you stagnant

    lol oh yeah and as usually nightwork goes in, that's the truth as well.

    I might as well say my peace......have you ever noticed people tend to "respect' those that check them and do not allow them to exercise their god given talent of foolishness and self centered behavior on them.  I use the word "respect" because it's definition on this level lets whatever disrespectful individual know it won't be tolerated!

    1. TnTgoodrich profile image65
      TnTgoodrichposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks ~ I love being awesome lol I am always a "tell it like it is" person that is probably not a good thing though.... love your answer

    2. profile image0
      reeltaulkposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      No really you are awesome.... your response made me smile and there is nothing more awesome than smiling when you least expect it.  P.S.  You probably think it's not a good thing because people make you feel that way....I'll bet my last dollar that b

  12. ThunderKeys profile image65
    ThunderKeysposted 12 years ago

    "Holding a grudge & not forgiving someone is equivalent to drinking poison and expecting the other person to die from it"

    The opposites of forgiveness are hurt, anger, anxiety and stress. These negative emotions are literally chemically toxic for our bodies and our healthy relationships.

    Choosing forgiveness creates the freedom to move forward in gratitude and to remember a past harm harmlessly, if that's needed in some way.

    We can't think 2 thoughts at once and we are free to chose what we think. 

    The spirit of the phrase: "I'll forgive but not forget" can also signify learning and growth, in that the person who says it will not make the same mistake again in the future.

    But this is constructive, intentional remembering, which is only fully possible through forgiveness.


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