There has been a ranging debate on the importance of church wedding , also called white wedding, in African culture.
Man has known God in different ways and in different forms. Just like Paul said about the unknown God.
Elections in Nigeria is always determined by court which is corrupt and cannot be the last hope of the common man.
What is the fate of BVAS in Nigerian Politics and will Nigerians trust the electoral process again?
Why President Buhari failed as the democratically elected president of Nigeria and why Peter Obi may do better if elected.
Nnamdi Kanu has been talking before President Buhari took over power. Why is the case different now ?
Are you for or against sex before marraige and why the decision?
After the EndSARS protest, it seems people now realize they have another form of power that may bring revolution.
It is a fact that religion has been used to control the mind of men in different ways. It has not been total easy to separate Religion from the State.
A tribute to a sister who is immortalized in my heart.
Biograghy of a late beloved sister
Only proper breeding records can help the world correctly identify the different dog breeds.
THe importance of immune system in parvo management in prevent internal damage.
Is there a way a prophet would die that would mean he is not a man of God? That is the question that some people asked after Prophet T.B. Joshua died.
It has always been a debate if we really forgive and forget.
Canine parvo is a deadly disease that has no known cure. Yet some people claim to have a cure for it.
The Golden rule should be the highest religuious law any mortal should obey. Not your prophets, founders or religious leaders. That is why it is golden.
Most at times, nobody will give you your right if you do not ask for it, insisit on it, and fight for it.
It seems there is something mystical about the blood.
Corruption is one of the greatest problem facing the world. It has denied equal distribution of national wealth. Nigeria is one of the corrupt nations of the world and there is need to fight corruption for the interest of the Nigerian people.
It is unfair that some people or nation claim to be above the law. That is why the world turns blind eye to an injustice because of personal interest.
Men have seen Angels in different places.
Human right activists are trying to abolish death peanlty as a means of protecting human lives.
What is the essence of changing political party without achieving any meaningful result? Nigerian politicians are well known for their defection from one political party to another.
Canine Parvoviral enteritis and vaccination against the disease.
Every great marriage has its secret that makes it stronger. Part of the mystery is what is called the three P of marriage.
It is best for us to see Pets as babies that need greater care and affection. Therefore, it is good for pet owners to know how to take care of their pets.
There is a need for us to know when to raise our faith.
Jesus said signs and wonders shall follow those who believe in his name. Some preachers are against miracles.
A clinical case report on bilateral prolapse of the third eyelids in a Norwich Terrier
Power point presentation of a research project on effect of Zinc supplementation on T. brucei brucei
A clinical report of a case of Colibacillosis in laying birds
The Nigerian President, Buhari, publicly declared his asset which proves he is a man of his words.
Your Excellency, I trust all is well with you and your family and that you are bracing to accept the mantle of leadership. When I declared my support for your presidency, I did not really know much about your personality but I strongly felt you...
Praises can make the difference
What does it really mean to die peacefully?
Nigeria decides her next president. The outcome of March 28th Nigerian election.
The means of rigging 2015 Nigerian elections.
I came across a facebook status that claimed it is wrong to teach tolerance because Jesus preached repentance not tolerance. Basically, the comment was made in an update on same sex marriage but if one should stop teaching or preaching tolerance...
We often wonder if people are created poor and why God would do that.
What will you do when God no longer make sense to you?
A phenomenal woman With a brave and startling truth Oh! You are like a mother: a cradle to hold me For your sake I shout, mom and me and mom! You have the heart of a woman Hallelujah! You gave hope to the prostitutes and sexually...
Dosages of some curative and prophylactic trypanocides.
The heart of a rare woman.
my Mona Lisa birthday
OH NYANYA! The cocks crew, horns blared, the sun set Weak bones become strong Cries of neonates filled the air Time to go hustling, oh Nyanya! Polluted putrid air filled lungs Minds rummage, how today go be Uncertainty mask faces...
Why abscess develop and what leads to the formation of pus
Do you have a memorable Valentine's Day? The one you won't forget because it was so special and romantic? Do you know what it means to find true love on Val's Day
People tend to change in time and that is the problem with most love relationships.
Duchess and Keke’s world Charity organization which shows that charity can also be attained by restoring hope to the less privilege in society.
African traditional Marriage: “Ibu Nmayi “in “Abiriba” a community located in Abia state Nigeria. Some of the traditional rites involved.
It feels really wonderful to be loved back by the one you truly love.
Is it right to have sex before marriage or after marriage?
It is important for us to understand why Nelson Mandela is celebrated and what led to his glory. The path he took and the pains he had to accept for the simple fact that he was a man on a mission. It is not impossible for man to attain same success in one life time.
The question, why get married, may be odd because most people see marriage as a necessity except for Celibate which may be prerequisite for some priesthood. Marriage is a sacred union by which man is expected to replenish the earth and, religiously,...
Religion is one of the things people consider before marriage not only because of the fact that marriage vows are done under religious settings but also they need for partners to have common religious interest.
There are reasons some people do not bother to ask about the relationship status of some they want to start a new relationship with. Then is it right to start a relationship without minding the status
A professor said, “It is only in Nigeria that people make money without doing anything.” One may wonder how possible it is for someone to get paid without doing any work. This is not about the usual internet advert of making reasonable income...
What is wrong with Africa is caused by Africans
I wonder if any time is right for us to gather for the burial of a loved one. Though it is written, for everything there is a season; a time to born and a time to die. That means a time to celebrate and a time for sorrow. It is also said that death...
Many people claim that miracles are done with the power of the devil so does it mean that the devil is now divided against it self?
Why is it that Jesus would also ask people, what do you want me to do for you? Does it mean he did not know what made the people to come to him.
The Lecturers and the politicians are not the ones that will suffer because of the strike action by Academic staffs Union of Universities. The Youths should know that they are ones to suffer.
There are reasons why man may fall short of the glory of God as a result of disobedience. The hub points out ten reasons why man may disobey God either knowingly or unknowingly.
Have you ever heard of Veterinary Surgeon’s night celebration? It is a celebration that is expected, by its concept, to be part of all Veterinary schools around the world. However, it is possible that the different Vet school have various names...
How we pray to God may determine the result we get.
It is said judge not so that you won’t be judged because in same measure you measured will it be measured for you. This biblical injunction may explain why most people, even the mystics, teach that we condemn the action but not the man. That is...
Why did Jesus say, "Nobody is perfect"
The importance of case history in medical diagnosis
The importance of security in sustainable development.
It is important to know how religion influences those in the political offices especially in countries like Nigeria where religion and churches are growing rapidly yet corruption is marvelously on.
What may happen when we give people our heart.
I recall this story from medical college about 10 years ago: One day, a young man walked up to the street and stood at the center of the street. He brought out his heart and bragged, “My heart is the most beautiful heart here and even in the whole...
To what extent did God create man in his own image? (Does God have a reproductive system?) It seems man thinks about virtually everything ranging from how we got here, on earth, and if we were created or we came to exist by evolution. A lot of...
How can I explain this mystery, the mystery of my Mona Lisa, when it is a mystery that involves many mysteries for true love, itself, is a mystery? Just as the world has failed to really understand the mystery behind the inexplicable smile on Mona...
A professor of anatomy once said, “Every girl is more interested in her comfort (Wealth) before love.” He claimed that what attracts girls into any relationship is money because no girl wants to suffer. He said that in a situation, in which a...
When nature wants to bold a man When nature wants to wake a man When nature wants to drill a man When nature wants to skill a man When nature wants to shape a man She ruthlessly hurt him. Keep him lonely so that only God’s message and...
TRY: The magic word
The battle faced by those that have been brokenhearted is that of falling in love again. Therefore, heart break is one thing that has made it difficult for some people to fall in love again. The question is why are some people afraid of falling in...
Medical doctors play an important role in the maintenance and restoration of good health. That is why they are indispensable in any society. Moreover, health, they say, it wealth. A fact that has come to stay simply that man prospers and does more...
Veterinarians are trained to diagnose and treat animal diseases. This is largely because man has domesticated some animal species as pets or as food sources and the well-being of these animals is important to man. The writer has to think about this...
King David is one man that I have tried to understand his ways but it looks a bit complicated. This is because some of the actions he took were difficult to readily understand why he took such actions and why he failed to maintain same character at...
Some court rulings seems to support crime. Likewise some laws give little or no punishment for some serious crimes.
I don’t know if you have ever told someone, “I am a Vegetarian” and the person asked you, “is that why you are a Veterinarian?” The question seems to suggest that veterinarian should be vegetarian. But is it right for someone to enjoy...
Some people are campaign for animal rights and it is difficult to understand what they really mean in the broad sense of such rights. That is if there are specific animals they have in mind or if it encompasses all species of animals. Most...
The biblical story of Job is one of the biblical stories most Christians fail to consider fully in that what most Christians only admire/teach or learn from the story is the perseverance of Job and his ability to trust God despite his situation....
Gynecologist and immunologist have been trying to understand the immunological aspect of pregnancy. This is because of the need of finding a good explanation to why an embryo/fetus, considered an allograft, should develop in a woman’s uterus...
I often tell people that every friendship has a beginning. This is because we did not come into the world with friends and we can remember the first time we met those we, now, call our friends. The beginning of our love and friendship was the...
It is said that our mind can be a powerful weapon in that it is the center of all imaginations and as such it can works like a double edged sword. That is why we are expected to be optimistic in our thoughts. In as much as we expect/wish for the...
Is it possible to find the kingdom of God? There are various views of God and his Kingdom. Some people belief God dwells somewhere called heaven and that we can join him if we merit it by rightful living. There are few people that have a...
I never really thought much about the message in the gospel of Mathew 11:28-30 until a professor had a chat with us. He said that Jesus Christ never promised that we shall have no load or burden but he only promised to make it lighter for us to...
Some people have worked so hard in life and made wealth/properties that should last them for a life time. Some of these people do not think anything can make them loss it especially as they continued to work hard in the struggle for survival. Yet,...
The writer recently wrote a hub on disease management ( using Nigeria as a case study and the need for effective disease prevention and control in Nigeria especially now that the world is fast...
You have lived so righteously as you belief is right and acceptable in the sight of your God. You have worked so hard not to be found wanting on the judgment day when you shall stand before God to give an account of all your activities on earth. You...
I recently wrote a hub on a similar subject which was a message to President Obama and other world leaders ( I also have a work on human...
Just like Albert Einstein said, “If I were not a physicist, I would probably be a musician. I often think in music…” I agree with him not only because I love and enjoy listening to music but also I love singing because music has a sort of...
Some people claim it was wrong for President Obama to show emotions during his victory speech after his re-election.
Introduction: It all started when God said, in the beginning, “Let there be light and there was light.” Then God separated the light from darkness because darkness could not comprehend light just as it is written “the light shineth in...
The writer recalls a lady he met on facebook ( that claimed she walked with Jesus in her past life and she was sent to tell the world the truth about Jesus. She wrote a book on the subject and she said...
Honesty and, trust are the key ingredients in any strong and dependable relationship. It is why honest and, trust is very important in any marriage, and friendship which is found on true love. It is also the tool lovers use to keep love alive. That...
It may not be possible to determine the first person to resurrect from death but we know that even before the resurrection of Jesus Christ, which is commonly used, other men had resurrected from death. One of such people is Lazarus whom Jesus...
Some people belief that vaccination is a sure means of acquiring immunity against a specific disease but it is not always the case. The writer was among such people until he gained more knowledge in the medical field. In as much as the idea of...
Many prophets and religious founders have come and each of them claimed to be sent by God, even though we may not ascertain if they were all sent by same God. This is largely because spiritual matters are things that should be personal as it is not...
The above question is what many of us have not really thought about and even those that consider it fail to reach a conclusive agreement on the subject. The disagreement in this matter is usually because of another question. The question is when...
Disease management is a global issue and Nigeria has to improve her standard.
The writer had to write on this topic after he was told a story in which a man was sick and needed blood transfusion to survive. The doctor asked his wife to permit a blood transfusion else her husband would die. The woman consulted other Jehovah...
Some people claim that we are all selfish. That is some people are of the opinion that all human being are selfish. Those that hold this opinion usually used to justify their selfish activities in that it is natural for man to be selfish. They claim...
People pray for various reasons but this is why I pray. I pray to forever have you because only you make me feel complete, yes you complete me. I pray that God will continue to bless the day I found you. I pray to always have you...
Faith, it is said, is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. It is also said that without faith it is impossible for men to serve God. This is because faith is important in man’s relationship with God. That may be the...
It is said that God is a merciful, kind, and a loving father. That is why it becomes difficult to understand why he would punish innocent people. Yes, it sounds unusual and some people will claim that it is not the fact however it all depends on how...
It is said that Jesus died on the cross and for that reason there are various theories on his death and why he died. That is to say, some Christian belief he just came to die for the sin of man while others think the Jews killed him because they...
The bible is one of the Holy Scriptures. It is recorded in the bible that Moses brought the children of Israel out of Egypt so that they can serve their God, the God of their father. Moses is also known as a law giver because he did not only...
Many people will love to move God to action. That is many people will love to get things from God, if the know the ways or means of doing it. The things include support, guidance, help, protection, success among many others. Then is it possible for...
The biblical story of King Solomon is well known and it is said that King Solomon asked God for wisdom and God did not only grant his request but also added other blessings to it. It is for this reason that people say, “as wise as Solomon.” ...
The writer had to ask the question, why are we here? That is, why are we here on Earth? This is because of an incident that happened while the writer was traveling with other passengers. Their bus was stopped by a military man without any reason and...
It is good to have a chat with Veterinary doctors around the world on the issue of split heat and hypoluteoidism. This is because the writer recalled a question which was asked in a gynecology examination. The question is on introduction to...
There has been a ranging controversy on the path to salvation. The two major groups are: 1) Those that belief in salvation by faith. 2) Those that belief in salvation by atonement of sins. Salvation by faith is the most commonly preached...
The use of Artificial insemination, mostly, in animal reproduction is fast growing. This is because of the constant effort by man to discover ways of maximizing his benefits and profits in animal production just as can be said to be true in any...
Have you ever imagined or witnessed a situation in which a father said to his son, “you are a bad son” and the son replied, “Like father like son.” Although the saying “like father like son” may not be an absolute maxim yet it can be...
It is easier to understand why those that belief in God would call the name of their God for help in time of trouble but it becomes difficult to understand why an atheist, agnostics among others that do not belief in God or supernatural powers or...
Hematopoiesis (hemopoiesis), also used to mean erythropoiesis, is the production of red blood cells from the blood forming tissues of the body. This process goes on within a specific rate in order to maintain and balance the normal body red blood...
The writer happened to be in the midst of Christian brothers to pray with them and listen to a preacher. The young preacher that took the podium, in an effort to motivate his listeners, said “do not be afraid of trouble, face it. Our God loves...
Man has come a long way that we often so easily forget the stages we have crossed before we got to this current age of civilization; the precursor of which are the numerous inventions and discoveries of the past ages. It can be argued but it is a...
After a long debate on the idea that some people will go to hell while others will go to heaven, someone came to conclude that it is either the God of his opponent can save all but won’t do it or he wants to save all but can’t do it. This is one...
There is no better way to start this tribute than with the words of Etienne de Girellet, “I shall pass this way but once, any good, therefore, that I can do or any kindness that I can show to any human being, let me do it now. Let me not defer nor...
Before the Westerners came to Africa and introduced the currently known orthodox medicine, Africans had their own traditional medicine that was in use then and which is still in use in many places in Africa today. However, some African no longer...
The writer never really considered this question until he joined a discussion in which someone claimed he had asked some Christian priests to clarify him on Jesus's view on reincarnation but it seems the priests could not give him a certain answer...
This hub is a continuation of my hub, “prayer for or against an enemy.” The mentioned hub confirmed that people use prayers or invocations to attack their enemies. It is obvious that God is seen as a loving God especially in the Christian...
The word “enemy” can be ambiguous especially when used by theologians. For instance an enemy can be used to mean the devil /Satan who nobody has ever seen. It can also be used to mean those the religious consider as agents of the said devil....
King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon is a known king in the bible as he was the king when Babylon showed her strength. History said that the Jews were held in captivity in Babylon and, at that time, King Nebuchadnezzar was known as a might king during his...
The writer thought it is better to hear directly from those that have the knowledge of Islamic teachings. This is because a lot of things have been said about the Islamic religion and her adherents. It is no longer in question that some people see...
People have asked, when is it right to commit abortion? That is to terminate a pregnancy. This is because of the debate that surrounds the idea of when life actually starts. Some school of thought claim that life starts at conception while others...
A look at the long standing conflict between Israel and Palestine can make one wonder when the conflict started. It is better called a struggle rather than a conflict because the writer of this article views it as a long struggle for the Holy Land,...
We may shed tears when we are in pain as a result of trauma or when we are emotionally hurt or when we loss a loved one. There are many reasons people may cry and shed tears but it seems unusual for someone to cry or shed tears when one is really...
This article is written because of a debate in which some Christians argued that God does not repent. The writer happened to be entangled in such a bible discussion because of the bible verse 2nd Samuel 24: 16, “And when the angel stretched out...
There are various theories and claims by Christians to justify the divinity of Jesus Christ. There are conflicting views even among Christians as to who Jesus really was. This is because some Christians believe in the trinity while others don’t...
In the battle for our peaceful co-existence and unity despite our religious and cultural difference and as people bring up some concepts of human right which they want everyone to respect; it becomes imperative that we seek ways to respect the...
There have always been claims of love at first sight, although some people disagree with such claims. Those that disagree with such concept think it is aberrant to fell in love at first sight. It sounds absurd to such people because of how they...
There are various theories of Melchizedek king of Salem who met Abraham in Genesis Chapter 14: 18 from the latter’s return from the slaughter of Kings. Firstly, some schools of thought (Mostly the Jews) claim that he is Sham, the son of Noah...
There was once a small tribe that was oppressed by her neighbor in those days when man thought it was right for him to subdue his fellow man. Their young girls and women were raped umpteen time while their children were taken into slavery. The tribe...
Some scholars in Africa have claimed that the introduction of Western religion to African caused more harm than good. Their reason is not difficult to understand because crime among other vices seem to be on the rise following the introduction of...
This article is written because there has always been criticism and condemnation among the various major Christian sects as each claim to know and teach the right doctrine. Secondly, similar debate was raised in my unpublished work in which I...
In the early period following the events of president Obama’s public declaration of his stand on same sex marriage, I read a hub written by my fellow Hubber and a friend who is a proud Mormon. In his hub, he asked why the idea of man marrying more...
There are many wonders of the world but it seems man choose seven of which he called “the seven wonders of the world.” The seven wonders of the world seem to be known as man-made which include the pyramid of Egypt among other structures however...
It is said, “One man’s food is another man’s poison.” This is because man has preference for different foods. There are some things which are acceptable as food in some cultures and traditions while same thing is not eaten in other cultures...
The unusual method that leads to success.
It is a fact that people belong to one religious sect or the other and some people have wondered what it really means to belong to a particular religious sect. Each religious sect is defined by its doctrines and teachings and that is where it may...
There are various religious teachings regarding the end of the world and when it shall be. Some people claim that the end is unknown to man as it will come suddenly when many maybe unprepared. In the past, some people had predicted or prophesied...
Only few men can believe what they did not see or what others think is unimaginable. It seems faith is necessary when it comes to supernatural belief which is usually unknown or can be said to have been experienced by a few. That is why many others...
After I wrote the hub “The seat of God: The fight for the survival of species” in which it was suggested that the genes may be the seat of God where the changes are made that led to evolution or creation as one may want to call it. The various...
Some multi-million companies think that they are above the law. That is why some oil companies feel they can degrade our environment and go unpunished even when people and other animals are suffering because of such acts. My interest here is on...
I have read many articles in recent weeks following the American’s president, Barack Obama, public declaration of his stand on same sex marriage. Some people claim that his stand may affect his chances of being re-elected while others think...
The ability of the immune system to recognize and fight invading pathogens depends on its ability to recognize the antigenic part of the invading organism as foreign. Some organisms are known to have stable antigen and variable antigen. It is the...
The world is fast becoming a global village and it seems there is nothing we can do about it so we have to move along as things change. Internet relationship is one of the ideas of the world becoming a global village so that distance cannot stop us...
Histomonas meleagridis is said to be one of the major pathogenic parasites of Turkey (it causes blackhead disease or Histomoniasis) while Heterakis gallinarum can be mildly pathogenic in domestic fowl (particularly in chicken and turkey). There...
It is certain that parasitologist know the importance of self-cure phenomenon in parasitism as it seems to be a natural process by which some hosts reduce a parasitic burden. There are various theories of self-cure, which include immunological based...
The apostle John mentioned the bottomless pit in his book of Revelation. Some people may wonder, what he met by the bottomless pit. Some people wonder if the bottomless pit really exists Some people believe that the bottomless pit is similar...
I once said; even if the world is a bed of roses, roses have thorns. Most people often wonder why life can be so cruel at times. There are times we face challenges that make life difficult to understand or to appreciate. That is we often do not...
Will God forgive the devil, if he asks for forgiveness? Some people claim that God did not forgive the devil (Satan) because he did not ask for forgiveness. They think it is pride that made the devil to sin in the first place and it is also pride...
The death and resurrection of Jesus Christ is celebrated yearly by many Christians across the world, every Easter. Although the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ has been debated by some scholars and other schools of thought yet many Christians...
Some people think or claim that their situation is worst when compared to that of others. It can be a relationship, financial, living/home or health issues but it seems no matter the situation we may find ourselves, we are always better than some...
Some people claim to be liberals while others claim to be conservatives. Definitely, people have their reason for belonging to either group however it is difficult, at times, to know when to draw a line and get the real meaning of a liberal and a...
In my research on human right abuses and its history, I realized that it is obvious that we often forget how we got to this stage in human history. We often forget that we were liberated. Yes, we were liberated at a cost and that is the cost of...
God’s forgiveness, how does it work? We know that Jesus taught his disciples to forgive their enemies seventy times seven. It is like saying that we should forgive without limit; that is countless time. It is because of this teaching and other...
In the spirit of the game: FIFA should increase penalty on racism. (for change. Org) Following the recent incident between Suarez of Liverpool FC and Evra of Manchester united, in which racism was said to be involved. I think it is time for FIFA...
Jesus promised to send a comforter to his disciples. That comforter was said to be the Holy spirit and it is because of this that some people come to belief or think that the Holy spirit came to earth after Jesus died and ascended to heaven. Some...
Most of those that belief in God still do not know how to be in his presence. Some people think God’s presence is in their various places of worship even when it is taught that God is a spirit and as such he is present everywhere. It is a...
Boko Haram/Niger delta amnesty: The Nigerian experience of Terrorism. One may not really know the part Nigeria played when the global war against terrorism was called by the west and how Nigeria is involved in the war against terror but today we...
MEN CREATED GOD. Some people claim that God created man. Although there are different theories of creation and we are not sure which of the theories is true but at least we know that it is possible that God created man as the theory of creation...
I CREATED EVIL. It is cleared that man’s view of God changed over the years. This is because there were times in human history when men held that God created both the good and the bad. Men believed that God punished people by bringing evil upon...
Who was the God of Cornelius (Acts 10)? I was fortunate to witness a discussion or you can call it an argument between two Christians that had different views. One of them believes that God would not judge people based on their religion but on...
Please tell, if were you created: Only you can confirm the theory of creation. Mercy!!! Please have mercy on us for your beauty held us captive yet we are glad to be your prisoners. Beauty may be relative that is why people say, “Beauty lies...
What to look for in a partner for a life relationship: please stop looking for an Angel. This is dedicated to my friend, Donnie Anya (UK based) and his wife, Urenna Lekweuwa (USA based). Finding a life partner is not all that easy and that may...
You are never truly in love until you find someone that would continue to make you fall in love over and over again. That is what happened to the guy I can sincerely call my brother and friend when he found his girl. Now he can’t hold back..., he...
REFLECTION: be warned By N. K. David (SHORT STORY) Content: Introduction……………… The real nightmare…… Flash back…………………...
I know that people may wonder why ask a question to the creator who some people do not believe exists. It is all the same whether there be a creator or not the question must be asked. This is one of the most important questions that many people...
Man has always wondered how life began. There has been debate in support of creation or evolution. Is it possible that both processes have stopped or still functioning?
Can you let go the person you love so much?
Wedding outfit with Ankara and Silk Combination of Nigerian print and silk for a couple outfit. Combination of brocade and Nigerian print for couple outfit, using ancara for a dinner wear and combination of brocade and Nigerian print for couple...
Traditional wedding wear with Nigerian print Traditional wedding wear with Nigerian print Traditional wedding wear with Nigerian print Traditional wedding wear with Nigerian print Traditional wedding wear with Nigerian print
Casual wears Casual wears Casual wears Casual wears Casual wears Casual wears Casual wears Casual wears Casual wears
Love is dark when love hurts so much so that we never want to love again. But what is really the reason?
Lace material in ad Dinner wear and casual male outfit made of Nigerian print and Cowries Lace material in ad Dinner wear and casual male outfit made of Nigerian print and Cowries Lace material in ad Dinner wear and casual male outfit made of...
Tie and die material locally made by the designer for couple’s Dinner wear Combination of Nigerian print and a silk for a wedding Gown Combination of Nigerian print and a silk for a wedding Gown Combination of Nigerian print and a silk for a...
Life is so interesting yet complicated that the right person you are searching for can be anywhere. Even right beside you.
Fashion collection of a young fashion designer and fine artist, AnnGoghu
This is just few combination of AnnGoghu works that serve as part of the introduction of the young talented designer. I shall do one more combination before the sectioning of her work. That is wedding Wears, Causal among others.
Death comes without knocking and we must face it alone.
AnnGoghu The name, AnnGoghu, must be new to many people because it is an upcoming name in the fashion world. The impressive talent and creativity of this artist is an assurance that she is coming closer to limelight. She has participated in many...
It will be better for anyone reading this hub to read the part 1, and part 2 of this hub before reading part 3. This is to facilitate understanding of the topic by appreciating where it started and how it got to this point. The incident of 1st...
The Hierarchies of spiritual powers part 2 It is important that you read the part 1 of this work before reading the part 2 so that you can understand how we got to this point. There are many prophets that have come and gone. Some of them were...
The Hierarchies of spiritual powers part 1 As I journeyed with an unborn child, I came to realize that men have known various forms of spiritual powers. I never really thought about the outcome of my journey with the unborn child because I want to...
To Arsenal Fans: The Kids mourned for the Gunners The slow start by the gunners in the 2011/12 premier league season made it look like they are dead. The 8-2 defeat at the hands of Manchester united can be called their funeral ceremony. The...
September 11th 2001: the day we stood still. On that fateful day, she woke up and got ready for work. The children were ready for school so after breakfast, they all left the house as a family in their Jeep. Her husband drove the kids to school...
Do you know the meaning of a Grandmother? On this day, September 7th 2009, I lost my grandmother. My grandmother made me understanding the meaning of grandmother because I daily wish I could do something to bring her back even though she...
Life struggles
Possibility of the resurrection of Jesus There are a lot of controversies surrounding the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. This would have not been so if Jesus appeared to all the people. That is if the Jews saw him after they had crucified...
The devil pleaded, “Please don’t tempt me.” It is known that virtually all wrong things or evil acts are attributed to the devil either because he caused it or because he made us do it. It is because of this reasoning that some people...
May be the world would have been better if there are Christians on earth. There are many questions that need answers because it seems we cannot always find globally acceptable answers to all questions. A friend published a hub on demons possession...