Do you believe in religion or god?

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  1. taw2012 profile image60
    taw2012posted 11 years ago

    Do you believe in religion or god?

  2. premsingh profile image60
    premsinghposted 11 years ago

    God is faith and religion just facilitates to strengthen your faith. All the religions help in achieving same goals. God of every religion is caring, helping and taking care of its devotees.

  3. dzephaniah profile image59
    dzephaniahposted 11 years ago

    Absolutely. I am a descendant of people that wrote the bible.It is the only way of happy life. It is obvious that some religions are corrupted and they turned some people off, but the bible is the highest authority in the family life, happiness, friendship, morals, etc. Without it we are nothing than a materialistic animal.

  4. edhan profile image38
    edhanposted 11 years ago

    Yes. I do believe in religion and God.

    I believe we have spirit in ourselves and we do not know how we can tap to communicate with our inner self in spiritual form.

    I know that some people are able to communicate when they are in sleep state. It can be called as Astral Soul Travel or Out of Body Experience where you spirit form can roam round the world.

  5. OneFineG467 profile image61
    OneFineG467posted 11 years ago

    The difference between religion and  God is more like this the  human body is covered by God and the cloth he wears is covered by religion.

  6. Bonitaanna profile image61
    Bonitaannaposted 11 years ago

    I believe in God.  Religion is a way of controling people. Don't get me wrong it is good for the masses to have a church to go to and worship God and our Lord Jesus Christ.  Every religion is a little bit different.   Some teach Christ went to the cross and died for our sins. Some believe that He is a Holy man. Some don't mention him at all in their religion.  Many people argue about what religion is best for us, and totally forget what the Bible says.  Love thy neighbor as thyself.  If you go to church and don't practice what the Bible says, what good is going to church? Then why are you going there?  Only God knows whats in your heart! It is not religion that gets you to eternal life. It is thru Jesus that you get to the Father and receive eternal life.  I would rather have a friend who loved God and loves their neighbor as their self.  Than to have someone as a friend who goes to Church and then does things that God tells us not to do.

  7. backporchstories profile image73
    backporchstoriesposted 11 years ago

    What really counts is one's personal relationship to God and Religion is simply a tool in which to create that relationship.

  8. Vegas Elias profile image60
    Vegas Eliasposted 11 years ago

    I believe in God and not in religion. God has nothing to do with any of the religions that exist on earth today.

  9. lawrence2012 profile image56
    lawrence2012posted 11 years ago

    I don't believe in religion because it is a consequence of hundreds of years of human interpretation.  Do I believe in God?  I don't really know, because there are so many ways in which you can define God.  In my mind, the idea of a traditional God is philosophically illogical, but there are other definitions of God that I can accept.  I don't consider myself religious, ie. founded in any traditional religion, but I consider myself a spiritualist.  I believe that there is more to the universe that I can comprehend with my small brain, whether that is God or not is well, open for debate.

  10. lone77star profile image74
    lone77starposted 11 years ago


    God is the source of all. This is His universe and we are His children. After all, we were created in His image and he's not Homo sapiens.

    Religion is merely any group sharing fellowship toward the common purpose of spiritual reawakening.

    But religion, like any human group, can become perverted by ego. Religions can become too focused on the physical and forget their purpose with the spiritual.

  11. SidKemp profile image85
    SidKempposted 11 years ago

    I don't understand what "believe in" means.

    I love God. I talk to Him/Her/It every day, and listen. I am comforted and I learn to dwell in peace and act in love and offer wisdom.

    I see wonderful gifts in all religions, and in science, agnosticism, and atheism, too.

    Sadly, I also see hurt and confused brothers and sisters suffering and causing harm.

    May we all know and share peace and joy.

    it's in the doing, I think, not so much the believing.


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