I don't know what it is, but Tim Tebow's devotion to his god scares me. He is a good citizen and says the right thing on T.V., but his ostentatious display of his faith raises a red flag. Why does he push his religion so much? Why does he feel the need to broadcast his devotion to Jesus? Is it because he is insecure? Is he using his faith to let people know how good he is? He reminds me of the Pharisees that Matthew's Gospel harshly rebukes. Am I alone in feeling this way about Tebow?
I kind of agree with you. I have no problem with other people and their beliefs. I am okay with you wanting to display your beliefs. However, I feel that Tebow does push it a little too far sometimes. But hey, so long as he is not telling me that I have to believe in the same religion as he does, I'm okay with it.
Doesn't the bible say something about going out and proselytizing? I assume that's what he's doing by making such a public spectacle of his belief.
Matthew 6:6 says:
"But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you."
He gets much criticism for what he does, its not the same "benefit" the pharisees had. That verse also doesn't mean one should never pray in public. He has no benefit to doing it. Sorry you are scared of Tim Tebow.
I am scared of Tim Tebow because it seems that he uses his faith for his self-glorification, thereby damaging the true intent of having faith. For me, faith is intensely private, and it's about developing a comprehensive philosophy of life. I am 'afraid' that Tebow's antics have already turned off millions and millions of people with regard to faith.
Thank you for that passage! Because of it, I get creeped out by pressure to put on a big show of public prayer. He has problems and is not responding to anyone's wisdom and advice. That's a bad sign.
No one should pressure you to display anything publicly. Such pressure is creepy.
But you're asking him to be reasonable. Being reasonable means failure. Being reasonable means being part of the flock of sheeple. Don't be so enamored with reasonableness.
If Edison had been reasonable, he would never have discovered the method to create so many of civilization's wonders -- the light bulb, electric generation, the phonograph, motion pictures and more.
If Peter had been reasonable, he would not have been able to walk on water with his master, though it was only for a moment. Then his reason (doubt) came back and he sank.
Wisdom? Perhaps it's the type of wisdom Hitler would've like to spread throughout the world. "Do things our way or else." And that's a bad sign.
While I'm not a Christian, my sister is a devout Christian. She quietly goes about her life trying to be a good, loving and compassionate person. She isn't showy and self-aggrandizing. She tries to live a serene and giving life. She doesn't scream to everyone, "LOOK AT ME! I'm a Christian!". She just tries to live as her beliefs tell her she should. Unfortunately, her kind of Christian seems to be becoming obsolete.
I'm not afraid of Tim Tebow at all. I just find him phony and pretentious.
I don't think so, I have friends like that in college. They are everywhere.
Why do yo think that they are how they are? Why do they feel the need to show off their devotion to their god? When I sense any type of 'over-the-top' showmanship (such as Tebowing), I wonder what their motives are.
They said it is their duty to share their joys in praising the Lord and salvation.
The phrase "...doth protest too much" comes to mind with Tebow.
I see a parallel with people who shove their nationalism in everyone's face.
I believe people who are secure and mature in their devotion to their God or country live quietly by example.
Any kind of flaunting is just gauche.
And suspect...
James A. Watkins wrote a hub about Tebow a few months ago. You should go and read it.,
I can't believe anyone would even be worrying about Tim Tebow. Because he shows his affection and devotion to God he is criticized. If he never showed any devotion at all, he is then a hypocrite. By the standards set forth in this thread, he can't win.
By the way, the same thing Tebow is accused of in this thread, is done by the one who opened the thread. You don't like how much he shows his devotion to God and here you are making sure everyone knows how much you hate it when he does it.
You are so quick to judge him a hypocrite, when you yourself are a hypocrite.
It is funny how scared alot of people are of goodness these days..I believe it is bc of the shame they really feel of their own behavior...I speak of myself when I say this, if i see someone being "too Godly" or over the top nice or religious, my first reaction is wtf?...but then I realize how my reaction says so much more about me, I am ashamed that I cannot be that comfortable with myself to say and act upon the things that I believe are right regardless of what others think....Tim Tebow never asked to be interviewed every second or on camera every moment he is on the sidelines, but he doesn't change who he is whether the camera is on him or not, U should read watkins hub...Tebow has always been an amazing Christian and lives that way...and That should scare you and scare me...But that is our problem, with our life...bc if we all lived half as good of a Christian life as Tebow, the world would be a much better place
But sadly that is what we do with heros these days, we tear them down bc of our own inadaquacies..... I challenge you sir, don't throw random scripture at man to tear him down, look at the log in your own eye and decide...Is Tebow really someone who should be torn down and belittled...and if your answer is yes, what does that really say about us?
We are supposed to be good examples of our faith. I don't think there is anything wrong with praying in public as long as you don't offend anyone. Mr. Tim Tebow has not gotten on the loud speaker insisting that we pray like he does. It is good to stop and meditate, and give thanks. Like saying Grace before a meal, devotion is good. Dedication to the Lord is good as long as you delight, that is, take joy in the worship and honor to God. God does not like those who only go through the motions. Perhaps, if Mr. Tebow continues to bring prayer to the football fields, then maybe prayer can be brought back into the public schools.
Clearly you do not understand the context of Matthew 6:6.
It's all about ego. Your sensitivity to Tebow's praying is your ego being bruised. That's obvious. Being "scared" or any negative emotion is always egocentric -- a temptation.
Only God and Tebow know if Tebow's display is self-centered.
Read 2 Corinthians 3:6. Don't be such a literalist. And read Matthew 7:1-5. Judge not!
I fail to see where this man is doing anything wrong or harmful to anyone. I'm not sure there is need to criticize so much. There are worse behaviors going on at football games than Mr. Tebow engaging in prayer for all to see.
Just my opinion.
Holy Spirit conviction can materialize in someone being "scared". Don't panic, it's just a loving God using one of His followers to affect you. I understand your fear - it is scary thinking that you would have to give up your selfish lifestyle and submit to an all powerful, all loving God.
I am scared of Tebow because he has given such negative publicity to religion as a whole. Please read: Matthew 6:6, if you want to know where I come from.
I have read Matthew 6:6.
The scripture mentions one way to pray. In other scriptures, other methods/details of prayer are mentioned, according to the culture represented in various scriptures.
Surely there is not just a single way to pray that is acceptable for all people...
I pray when the Spirit moves me.
Although not ashamed of praying in public, I don't flaunt it.
Who are we to judge why he does it.
Some people are more private than others.
God bless you.
Mar_8:38 Whosoever therefore shall be ashamed of me and of my words in this adulterous and sinful generation; of him also shall the Son of man be ashamed, when he cometh in the glory of his Father with the holy angels.
Why don't you try to maybe expand your scripture study
1 Thessalonians 5:17-18
Philippians 4:6
Luke 18:1
Ephesians 6:18
1 Timothy 2:8
1 Chronicles 5:20
1 Timothy 2:1-2
Matthew 13:37
Colossians 4:2
17 And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.
-Colossians 3:17
And just for the record, athletes, especially nfl players, have always prayed on the field, Polamalu crosses himself every play, guys from both teams come to center of the field and prayer before and after games...so lets lose the notion that Tebow is doing something new...its you being easily swayed by the media
You're certainly entitled to your opinion. My opinion is that Tebow is a bit over-the-top and is embarrassing for showboating his Jesus Freakness.
It is entirely understandable that SNL made fun of him along with his idol, Jesus. Do you know any other athletes who have accomplished this degree of ridicule for being religious? I think Tebow tops.
Do you know what your sensitivity reminds me of? Nazi propaganda. Heck, any totalitarian propaganda.
Do you know what else is unpopular in the media and "popular" culture these days:
* Families
* Husbands and wives loving one another
* Telling the truth
* Being honest in your work
* Standing up for dissent and open public debate (in fact, Obama's trying to have free speech outlawed; sieg heil!)
I'm afraid, @Mikio, you scare me! Tim Tebow inspires me. The Dalai Lama inspires me. Ron Paul inspires me.
But you, Obama, Hitler, Romney, Stalin, the Rockefellers and Rothschilds... scare me, not because of what you're doing to society, but what you're doing to yourselves. That kind of evil is cruel, especially to yourselves. You're wallowing in ego, the same kind of ego you talked about when you mentioned the Pharisees.
Wake up! Stop being a part of the problem!
Oh I am sorry, I didn't realize you were taking the intellectual high ground and referencing SNL as a source of your well formed opinion....I concede, you clearly have a great point here, God Bless you sir....i think I will go cling to my guns and bible with the rest of these Jesus Freaks
SNL's intellectual high ground! Outstanding. I needed a good laugh.
And just for the record, athletes, especially nfl players, have always prayed on the field, Polamalu crosses himself every play, guys from both teams come to center of the field and prayer before and after games...so lets lose the notion that Tebow is doing something new...its you being easily swayed by the media
Tim Tebow doesn't spend any time thinking about your expression of faith, why do you spend so much time thinking about his?
@Mikio, you're making entirely too much of something beautiful.
Yes, I've read Matthew 6:6. Good advice, but King David danced wildly in the streets of Jerusalem, ecstatic in his love of God. For that, he was greatly honored by the heavenly Father. I also understand your reference to the self-righteousness of the Pharisees.
Could it be that the big difference is ego? Could it be that Tim Tebow has no ego in his love of Christ? Who are you to judge?
Could it be that your embarrassment is ego speaking? Any unease is a product of ego. Any feeling of being "victim" (no matter how shallow or deep) is a function of ego.
And ego is the source of all evil. Ego is the barrier between the true self and God.
Too many people are so worried about public opinion. That was the evil of the Pharisees. They were scared of how they would appear to their peers. So, don't be scared; you're letting your ego show.
There is an evil element in our society -- the super rich -- who want to demonize religion. They want to make it unpopular. They tell their Corporate Party media outlets to spill more of their kool-aid into the eyes and ears of the public, conditioning them to be embarrassed about faith in and love of Christ. True faith is scary to them, because they have so much to hide. @Mikio, do you have anything to hide?
There was a time when public displays of faith were cherished and honored. If they were false and self-serving, only God would know. I remember when 3 astronauts sat together with bowed heads and prayed before their next mission. They had respect for it. Today they would've been condemned.
Don't believe the Corporate Party media kool-aid. It's poison. See, it's already poisoned you. You've become a victim about something that should have been celebrated.
Jesus warned us that it would become popular to ridicule and belittle the believers. Don't become part of the evil problem.
Good thoughts lonestar...but I would not spend time trying to convince this guys...he is too consumed on how he "feels" about things then to stop and actually think about something....I pray for you and those like you Mikio, bc it really is about you and not tebow...to be put off by prayer is a strange phenomenon in todays world....and then to try to pass off scripture as rationale when you clearly dont know scripture....that is pharisees
@rtdenhard, I hold little hope of changing anyone's mind. Ego is an equal-opportunity crippler. But in a public forum, pearls of wisdom fall not only before the swine, but also before others who may wonder if the swine speaks truth. It helps to speak up and to answer the logic or illogic so that wisdom can prevail.
Do I know wisdom? Perhaps a little. I hope what I say helps those who truly want it.
Are you scared of Chad Johnson, who clearly has anger issues (head-butted his current wife and hit a girlfriend more than 10 years ago)?
Are you scared after hearing about the man who killed all of those innocent people in the Sikh temple, knowing he's got buddies alive and well with the same mindset?
I am a Christian, and though I agree going above and beyond may not always be necessary (folks at work have hilariously taken to not cussing around me without me asking to. They say they can tell I'm a Christian by my disposition), it's how he chooses to express himself.
When it comes to publicly praying versus other shows of emotion and beliefs, I choose Tebow.
I don't know Tebow or follow football, but my own response (as it is with so many things) is, everybody's different. I, personally wouldn't assume that because someone does something differently than I might that they are doing it for 'thus' and 'so' reasons (trying to impress, acting out fear, etc). Look at people in their romantic relationships; some couples are very openly affectionate in public and some are not at all . . . one couple may be very sincere when they smooch a bit in front of others while another may be performing a calculated display, and one couple may refrain from public displays of affection simply because they are not inclined to smooch a bit when they're out while another may want to smooch but are fearful of appearances, etc.
He may just be living his life . . . his Christianity may be such that he regularly is thinking of God's goodness to him, he may be hoping that his boldness to publicly express his faith will encourage others who are fearful of public reactions, or he may be a big phony trying to gain attention - my disposition on the whole thing is, if I don't know, if his motives and heart are not discernible to me, I leave it alone and take him at his word until it is evidenced otherwise. Everybody's different . . . if he's inclined to be very open about his faith, that's his business - it certainly isn't my business.
Thank you very much for your thoughtful response. I agree that it's Tebow's business. But I was so turned off by his "Loot at me, I'm praying" show boating. My hunch was that his choice to advertise Christianity through such an outwardly manner hurts Christianity more than helps. This forum was my way of finding out how the Hub Page Readers respond to my hunch. It seems that many Fundamentalists came to Tebow's defense, and I find it rather amusing. But, again, that's their business.
And some non-fundamentalists, too. By "Loot at me," I suppose you mean, "Look at me." But are you judging? Do you really know his motivation for doing this?
Sycophants and toadies can praise their king and think that will help their standing in the royal court, but such self-centered attitudes do not help with the owner of the entire physical universe. Why? Because self-centeredness is ego and ego is the barrier God is hoping we will remove so we can reawken as spiritual children of God.
Be amused all you like, but laughing at the rescue team is also pretty funny and horribly sad.
Of course, but there is very little Christians do that doesn't hurt Christianity more than it helps, and it is Christianity that is teaching and causing them to do those things. A vicious circle.
There's not much difference between what Tebow does on the field and the receivers and running backs who do their little dances after a touchdown.
It's all entertainment in a business geared towards entertainment.
Tebow doesn't even make the list.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sshr8e3i … re=related
He's not pushing anything on you, he's simply proud of his religion. this may seem unusual or like he's pushing his religion but that is just because so many people lack pride and devotion to their religion and are for some reason embarrassed to practice it outside of their homes and churches. Honestly though i do think that if he really wanted to show he was a christian he would do it by the kindness of his everyday actions not some show offy stunt on television. however who am i to judge, i do not know how this man acts off the field and maybe he is just doing it out of pure devotion to god a jesus.
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