The majority of the world population are Christians which is more than 2 Billion humans. I dont want to recall the past religious wars neither I want to list items like witch burning or Aztech slaughtering. I just have a simple question. When the majority of the world population are Christians who are the children of peace loving God, then why this world is so fuc*ed up? Why there is so much wars, hates & clash? What is the Point of claiming Christianity peace loving? Whats its contribution to peace, love & to our life in last 2000 yrs?
P.S: We are aware that a helpless half naked man might have been crucified about 2000 yrs ago & many would like to consider that event as the greatest sacrifice & contribution to mankind. But we are not looking for 'What' saved us, we are here looking for 'HOW' it saved us? So try to point out some rational contribution of your faith!
2 billion would make Christians closer to a third of the world's population. If you break that down further by those who are Christian only in name the numbers falls lower again (and is dropping anyway).
Anyhow, here's my take as an atheist.
I think the answer to that is relatively simple: Christians strive to be like Christ but are ultimately human, first-and-foremost. I have never met a Christian who has not sinned. The point is, I think, that following Christ's footsteps is an ongoing process, one that demands growth, mistakes and change. It is unreasonable to assume that belief alone is enough to isolate behavioral tendencies that are incompatible with Christ's teachings. It takes strength and time.
Yes a rational approach would obviously make it look like a natural process with no divine connection. There are plenty other similar approaches for self improvement & Christianity too can be explained like them.
However, having personal relationship & connection with God makes it really difficult to explain the problem since a divine connection may not require a trial & error method.
A divine connection. is that like 120 or 220 volt? Does that include the time of training? If God just zaps a person into a sinless life of perfect walking then would there not be miracles. "greater things than these shall ye do". So barring that type of connection which jesus had. The divine connection is an enabler for sure and the power that sin has over the christlikeian is very much diminished, but recall that we struggle against our flesh, our own nature and although we can win all the time, sometimes we just drop the ball or put it down on purpose. Some ppl have to overcome enormous sins while others may just smoke cigarettes. God is willing to change both types of life and not just to bring the smoker up to the non smokers level but to bring both up to His level. And as thogun said, this takes time, experience and practice. (nice response thogun, well written) There is even rebellion that puts people in the wilderness situation for perhaps their entire christian lifetimes because they refuse to give up or stop some sinful activities. There is a situation called learning.. God will withdraw his spirit (like he did in saul when saul hated david) and the christian will be asked to behave when God is seemingly not around. Some christians adopt the attitude that God will bless them if they are good and this is not true. God will bless you if you love Him. "if ye love me ye will keep my commandments". because love is the cornerstone of every successful relationship and relationship is what God wants and that must be based on love not greed.
This is all improvement but christlikeness is not SELF improvement it is God in Us improvement. "i will be a father unto them and they shall be my children". LOL, the only spiritual walk where one grows up to be a child. lol.
Jesus didn't come to install a fake benign "peace" into the world. He came to challenge you (and everyone else) to make the right decisions and to Love Him for His sacrifice AND to lead others to Him.
If indeed everyone did that, there would be total Peace in the world.
But mankind aren't little robots. And so many, like you, use their free will to attempt to question God's authority as well as to mock or discount His Love for you. There cannot be Peace that way.
The Peace of God is a Spiritual Peace.
Really? Can you tell, Why would God, send himself as His Son, to save us from Him?
Surely you jest.
It isn't God that we need to "saved from". It's...well...that other entity....the adversary of God. The Lord calls him the "father of lies". But I suppose you don't think he's real either....
& Who created this father of lies?
I suppose its again the all knowing God you are talking about!!
The Father of Lies was created by George Bush Senior and his wife Barbara
shhhhh. GOD is the AUTHOR of ALL things, GOOD or EVIL. GOD did not create HELL. MAN created HELL!
Yeah, the old rule applies here again: Credit God for everything Good, blame man for everything else
According to their good book, the one "wiser than Daniel" is Satan (the father of lies). So albeit, the only one wiser than Daniel or anyone else according to their book would be Jesus.
Not a promising outcome for their faith. God is created out of ignorance hence faith, the belief in the things you don't know or ignorance being the things you don't know.
It's a fact you cannot get around because ignorance is the key to their faith.
God wrapped himself in flesh because only he could ensure a sinless lifestyle which was so important to be the lamb of God. Lambs without blemish were sacrificed. Jesus needed to be sinless or without blemish. God takes no chances, man has free will so God could not puppet a man he had to do it himself. He needed to show us that it is possible to live a sinless life. He also needed to resurrect from the grave and in order to be buried he had to die first. Flesh dies, christ died and was buried. He also showed us by his resurrection (the pharisees and Sadducees always conflicted over resurrection, one saying no the other yes) what we could expect after death. To be resurrected, this life is not the only life, there is more beyond the grave (but not until judgment). Now to tackle the work that was done on the cross is huge but i touched on it earlier, sacrifice. the lamb of god was sacrificed, blood was shed and in every sacrifice blood needed to be shed. This shedding of blood destroyed the power of sin (fleshly desires) and obtained forgiveness of sins for all people unto the end of time to those whosoever would call upon the name of jesus and be saved.
hope that helped, rishy
Funny! It's like so many people claim to be golfers 90% can not break 100.
If it don't work, CHANGE!
Wow...Sounds like someone has a bone to pick with an estimated 2.1 Billion Christians in the world...for real.
Here ya' go...maybe this'll help!?
Sooooo many Christians, and so few are going to heaven. Nothing worse than being stuck in a hot, steamy hell with 2 billion christians!
Only a 144,000 sealed get to win the lottery out of those 2 billion Christians, and the rest of us go to hell.
Christain need to fight like hell to have their rightiousness with the big man in the sky, he is so picky;
Send our friends and family to hell and most of the Christian too. Come on! all loving God, why allow us to be tortured for eternity.
I like this spirtual forum.
A good start would be that of those 2 billion so called Christians, only about 5% have actually read the Bible and the other various religious books and dogmas and cannons etc.
Those ones end up at the top of their profession ie; religious leaders, preachers, and televangelist and rake in the doe.
The other 95% look at the bible and say, "It's too long to read", so they don't actually ever read it and assume that their "heavenly, called by god leaders" are telling them the truth and they take them at their word.
So then you have all these people who will say, "I have read the Bible", who generally consider hymns part of the gospel, decide they know it all yet they don't know what the wine and bread represent.
They don't know Jesus' final words. They don't know who Job is, what he did, who he was and why he is even in the Bible.
They don't know where Moses grew up or who took him in.
They don't know who King David is or who Solomon is yet they will quote from the Bible somehow trying to reference something important in context but it usually ends up being part of the song "Rivers of Babylon" but they still have no idea what it is referencing.
The point is that if they actually knew what they were reading and could understand what they reading... the saying goes, the more you understand about Christianity the less likely you are to believe it.
Are you trying to say that we would have a better world if those 95% actually had read the Bible, given your assumption that they might have not believed it after reading??
Why then, call themselves christian... or did I miss something?
Not sure. It could actually cause a lot of grief. For example, many atheist grew up in Christian households (at least in the US) to some degree. Of those who decided to read it, they became very upset, angered, probably the worst feeling in the wold to know that so many people have been lying to you so...
Add another couple billion to the pile and that would be a lot of angry and upset people and if the reaction is anything like myself...
None of the above reactions listed actually fill in the emotional trauma I experienced.
To go from believing that this god was so good and that there was a special place for me somewhere and that all the people who believe it or call themselves Christians are the do gooders in the wold to them all being hypocrites and liars and theifs etc..
Well it is a crushing experience that ultimately opened my eyes to the world as it is and "sowed a seed" of distrust and anger that anytime someone wants to fill my so called "black heart" with more Jesus loves you bs...well...
All then I just do my best to keep a slow hand, debate reasonably, not cast out everyone because many of them are still good people and many are still my friends but if they don't like me or think I am going to Hell or want to keep "picking" on me for being atheist, that is their problem and they were never the "loving, tolerant, and accepting" Christian they believe themselves to be.
And through all of that, the only thing they would see is "the end" because according to them, when religion is done away with (ie: it's all the atheist fault) then their book is fulfilled and they will go out of their way to ensure that the "end" does come. So the whole thing is bad, bad, and bad.
Don't let those who are asleep part you from that which you call god. There is more to mankind than anyone knows. There is more to earth also, more to reality. Increase in knowledge was and is needed to perceive that which you may believe to be unperceptable. We all wander after the beast, christians, muslims, jews. Do not let darkness overcome you, for the lifting of the veil is upon us as I hit the keys.
your not going to hell you are closer to the truth than you think.Trust yourself.
...almost 1 billion of those "christians," are catholic. Pls tell me how/why catholics consider themselves to be christians?
The most deadly monotheistic cult on earth has been roman catholicism. Vatican city is worth billions. The jesus christ I studied in seminary would never have gained and held that kind of riches and certainly wouldn't live a life of opulence. The "imagined" christian cult has never been involved in peace! "Christians" have, since their beginning, been involved in power, control, death, pain and destruction. It continues on today.
Yip, it's a destructive institution. Everywhere they are comes destruction. Since they day it was born the path has been destruction.
What you said is true.
The Jesus Christ I studied would never have gained and hold that kind of riches and certainly wouldn't live a life of opulence either!
If I had never read any of your comments ....
Judging by this post alone ... I wouldn't know if you were Protestant or Atheist .... Ha HA
The Church that the Roman Empire built established
THE Religions doctrine that a thousand years later, Martin Luther rejected a ...small... portion of. and established the first branch that grew out of the same tree.
We can believe in the God of Abraham and not buy into the religious establishment.
I do believe that THE RELIGIOUS ESTABLISHMENT is described quite well in Rev. 13.
And the 42 months began around 359 AD
Catholicism was founded by the disciples Peter and Paul. The virgin Mary is one who intercedes with the Son on behalf of those approaching her in supplication. YES they are christians.
No they are not. Catholicism was founded by blending all the surrounding pagan religions and jesus teachings together, with an emphasis on pagan. The true christlikeians were called the early church and they were in the upper room in acts 2. The received texts that the catholic church never used were being distributed in underground churches by the apostles while the government church was above ground and teaching falsities.
Mary is dead and in the ground, no special biggie there. Mary is mentioned 64 times in the bible and there were three of them, Jesus is mentioned 943 times, obviously jesus is more important than mary. Jesus did all the miracles, taught the people, ignored his mother on two occasions and died on the cross. The bible says not to pray to dead people. Man cannot make a saint only god can. The rosary is repetitious and God likes truth from the heart. NO catholics are not christians at all.
And Christians are not the majority. The 3 major religions constitute 3 billion or so COMBINED. There are 3 billion more who do not adhere to christianity, islam, or judaism.
R/R, I disagree, as that is a gross over exaggeration:
There are presently 7 billion humans on the planet, give or take a few million. Stating the world populous majority is Christian is false. In fact, the largest global religion is actually Islamic, followed by Buddhist then various forms of belief in Christ and then Hebrew. If 2 billion is the close count Christianity is the minority @ approx. 28%.
As for their mode of peace, I cannot disagree. If they comprehended WHY and expressed the fullness of the WHY, without excuses, things would be very different. For the rest, the other 72% need to be asked that question also since their beliefs & non-beliefs are a reflection of themselves and ultimately the peace they continue to crow/squawk about.
So we all have different numbers. Prison life.
"numbers sh-mumbers".
The reality: humans will never have peace until they remove the biggest hurdle in front of them -them selves. To do that, they are going to have to dismantle, once and for all, the Need To Know Factory of their own thinking, education, etc and tear down everything they have built over the last 2000 + years.
I would like to see the source for your numbers.
There are several sources ranging from CIA World Factbook to, for the first half of 2010. There are variables, since people register for marriage, census and death certificates with a particular religion and not necessarily practicing that religion. In the US alone, the Census Bureau estimates that nearly 30% of the population claims Christian, although non-practicing. It is merely for statistical information. Also, the former Soviet Republic generally classified itself as Orthodox Christian, although nearly half of those states are Islamic and the Caucus of Russia is non practicing Christian...
Islam: 1.5 billion (increasing)
Christianity: 1.5 billion (decreasing)
Buddhism: 2.0 billion collectively (stable)
Hindi: 1.1 billion (stable)
Falun Gong/Dafa: 900 million - 1.2 billion (unconfirmed)
Judaism: 20 million (decreasing)
Compared against a global populous of 7.5 billion, only 15% are christian/catholic denominational.
I still dont see your source & dont know how reliable that is. But I have searched & found that from CIA world factbook & most other reliable sources have stated that the Christian population to be at least 30% which is near about 2.1 Billion. Some sources has even mentioned higher numbers for Christianity & stated there has to be at least 33% Christians of the World population. Even most Christian stats show the number to be at least 30% or higher of the current World population. I know sources can be confusing & for that I suggest you to rely on the most accepted sources. Heres one combined result: The World Factbook (CIA), The World Almanac and Book of Facts 2010, Demographia World Urban Areas & Population Projection. 6th Annual edition. March, 2010. & Biblical Missions: History, Principles, Practice by Roy F. Dearmore. Garland ALL AGREE ON THE FOLLOWING STATISTICS:
Major Religions of the World (mid-2007)
Christian 2,199,817,400
Roman Catholics 1,121,516,000
Independents* 433,096,000
Protestants 381,811,000
Orthodox 233,146,000
Anglicans 82,586,000
Muslims 1,387,454,500
Hindus 875,726,000
Chinese universists 385,621,500
Buddhists 385,609,000
Sikhs 22,927,500
Jews 14,956,000 … l#worldpop
Other than that, even most Christian sources claim similar or bigger numbers for Christian population:
Christian Today: 33% of the world population is Christians
Religious Tolerance: Again 33%
Please correct your claim.
No need to correct it, as said, there are variables.
The sources mentioned were compiled, then averaged.
Wikidepia statement:
The population numbers below are computed by a combination of census reports, random surveys (in countries where religion data is not collected in census, for example USA or France), and self-reported attendance numbers, but results can vary widely depending on the way questions are phrased, the definitions of religion used and the bias of the agencies or organizations conducting the survey. Informal or unorganized religions are especially difficult to count. Some organizations may wildly inflate their numbers meaning they are not 100% accurate.
The averages puts Christianity at 21-25% of the world population (including Catholicism and Non-denominational groups which account for most than half the stats). Given that at least 30% are simply writing a term or or checking a box, on a voter registration card, marriage certificate, death certificate, education or job application, etc. it depreciates the numbers further to 15%.
As for the peace issue, I reiterate a previous statement:
remove ALL equation/sensation elements -pro or con- including mathematics, science, religion, education, selfism, etc. Dismantle the NTK and the illusion man is living so perfectly for x-thousand years...
..then you'll have peace.
Power, control of money, becoming King, Dictator, President, Ruler. All of it about power and absolute control. The fact that some are Christian, Jew, Muslum, Hindu, Athiest...what ever.... does not mean they are good, or what they claim. Its about absolute power over others.
Humans...we make a mess of everything, and do not look back.
In my latest hub I've shown how I was compelled to bring my faith and a long-standing opposing faith together in a gathering of peace and understanding. It was an epic event and a first for the state. Our each choirs sang and we had a huge feast. In my final remarks I told all that progress in this world and solving many social issues can only be done together and not apart. Together we stand - divided we fall. The key is to build a relationship on a single common doctrine. Just one! Put all other doctrines aside that we all fight about and build on that one common thread. Yes, I know it works. I've done it with the help of my Maker and the many people who were willing to put pride aside for the sake of love, peace and understanding. Now, I can see great improvements ahead socially in this area which I reside.
Now, I am nervous:
The key is to build a relationship on a single common doctrine. Just one! Put all other doctrines aside that we all fight about and build on that one common thread.
That sounds like dictatorship, without the military.
How can ANY doctrine be correct, when they are all incorrect?
L I B E R T Y! F R E E D O M! We can all coexist! If you find a single thread and both congregations focus on it then you can build a working relationship to further feed the hungry, clothe the naked and to help relieve people from welfare. With tolerance and understanding you CAN find what God intended for all of us. We don't need to shun all other doctrines in our lives but in order to work successfully you only need to have one foundation upon which to agree on. I know it works. In the multitude of the many at this gathering He was in the midst of us. It was felt and the good feelings and good will toward one another was undeniably of God.
Also, to continue the fight between faiths as to who's right and who's wrong only perpetuates the problem which is millenia's old. A complete change of heart and mind needs to be made on the part of the individual. It must be in order to build bridges and work to make this world a better place. Divisiveness only breeds contention which is counterproductive.
Which is why it is best to remove ALL doctrines- be them science, religion, intellectualism/selfism, belief/disbelief, sensation/equation, etc. Yes?
As long as the aforementioned remain, there will always be envy, strife and divisiveness...
I get the feeling we are talking about two different things. Nonetheless. Two people must have something in common in order to effectively work together. If you both work at the Salvation Army then you both love to serve others. If you are both on the swim team then you both like to swim and team spirit. Yes, there will always be ill will in the world but you must find something in common in order to work with them.
All those things you've mentioned basically sums up what makes us human. That's not the problem as far as what my point is. Overcoming those things and building bridges over them is the trick. It's a matter of personal pride. Conquer it and the path you begin to tread will expand wider fields to view.
I suppose if Christians really followed their beliefs, or better yet, the strict Bible rules, it would be a peaceful world. What's that tell you then?
As a Christian, I would like the know the answer to this question as well. You have brought up really valid points. No wonder people chastise us, and think Christians are mean, violent and hatefilled. If I didn't know better, this is surely how I would think as well.
Maybe this post can serve as a wake up call to my fellow Christians to buck up, shut up and start leading as an example to follow. Actions speak louder than words.
if your numbers are right, than would mean that there are 2 billion Christians in the world... NOT 2 billion Christs
It's like comaprring Bath Ruth to fans of Babe Ruth
Good point. But we can not be the Son of God, right? So r u concluding its pointless to follow such religion?
Just because we can't always do the right thing, doesn't mean we shouldnt do the right thing.
The inherent wisdom and beauty of a moral act does not weaken based upon the ability of people to follow it
Are you trying to say that we have to be 'Christ' in order to do the 'Right'? If, yes then you must be concluding that people dont have the sense of Right & Wrong without Christs teachings!!
If not, then why 2 Billion Christians, who believe in Christ & aware of the teachings of Christ, still couldnt lead a peaceful world?
I'm saying that Christ teachings outline what is right and wrong... but like prettydarkhorse said, that doesn't mean that they live how they should or make the decisions that Christ would make.
I know that it is good to eat a healthy diet, yet here I am dipping potato chips into my ice cream
Oh my! Awesome!
I do that too (dip potato chips into my ice cream! Well, I crumble them up into the ice cream..) I told hubby about it one day and he said oh yuck!! Do you really do that, Greek One, or are you joking?
knowledge, attitude, belief and practice/behavior are different things
Sure. But if such knowledge & belief does not change ones actions then whats the point of having such knowledge & belief?
I guess most people are like that, they don't walk the walk, talk the talk, LOL, whatever that is. They are just all pretenders and are just wanting to project what is expected of them by the society where they live
I understand. Thanks for your honest answer.
I thought there were more Muslims than any other religion?
You are right in your thought; you just divide 2.1 Billion with their 32000+ denominations of christians ; every one of them claiming to be the only true christians and the rest as heretics; so there are more heretics than the christians.
Working on the assumption that nominal and active believers do total 33% of the world population, the answer becomes rather self evident....
66% of folk do not follow Christ, but follow their own ways...
Or is that too simple?
What makes people think that Christianity is all about peace? The Book of Revelation calls for all out war on Rome - a war that began in AD 115.
Read the exploits of Joshua in the Old Testament - in every Canaanite city (including Jericho) that fell to his forces the entire population: men, women, the old and young, and all the livestock were butchered.
There is precious little peace and love in the Bible as a whole. The law of Moses says that a woman who is raped - but does not cry out for help (which she wouldn't if the rapist covered her mouth) - should be stoned to death. King David crucified somebody's grandchildren. Back to Revelation - St John the Devine has Jesus say: of Jezebel's children, 'I will kill them with death'.
It is also a mistake to believe that Christianty's success as a religion was due to the compassionate wisdom of holy writ because its spread was accomplished by conquest with the sword and gunpowder.
Christianity is a religion with blood on its hands.
"I come not to bring peace. I bring division, and a sword! I will set a mother against her daughter, and a father against his son." Jesus; circa 1st century AD.
Hi Dave Barnett
Its about time that Christians started reading the Bible - don't you think? Then they would no longer have an excuse to keep misrepresenting the message contained therein.
Loud and clear. Even immediately after the advent, the church started to leave the teachings behind. Too many compromises for the sake of more followers moved the church towards this day. I do not follow the church which Peter and Paul were responsible for, but do believe that all was necessary to the fulfillment. Dave usually makes some good comments.
Mankind all has blood on its hands, collectively.
We ALL have sinned, and we ALL are, in effect, responsible for killing the sinless man Jesus Christ.
If you posted that in order to emphasize the bloody deeds of Christianity, I would refer you to the bloody deeds of Islam, and of other religions as well.
I agree with Brenda !!
Now we are agreed on the blood dripping from the hands of religion, how do we get rid of ALL OF IT and progress toward some kind of humanity based fair and just world ? … ost1287520
This might help
NO we are not ALL sinners and responsible for the murder of Jesus. Let the man rest in peace.
we are all sinners. You have sinned. I guarantee.
Matthew 22:37 "Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind".
Matthew 22:38 This is the first and great commandment.
Matthew 22:39 And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.
which of these do you not do?
peterxdunnposted 4 days ago
What makes people think that Christianity is all about peace? The Book of Revelation calls for all out war on Rome - a war that began in AD 115.
(the word war here is disagreement. Not war at all. A disagreement broke out in heaven is assume the verse is rev 12:7)
Read the exploits of Joshua in the Old Testament - in every Canaanite city (including Jericho) that fell to his forces the entire population: men, women, the old and young, and all the livestock were butchered.
(When God brought HIS people out of egypt and the wilderness they had no land at all. All the land as we note in the book was taken. God took HIS people to jericho and said okay march around it and yell... This is not typical war. The people of jericho did not want to fight but they did not want to surrender either - a picture of people today not wanting to surrender to God, just staying neutral hoping God will go away. Anyway, they had pleanty of time to surrender and they did not. The people could have left, earlier there is a picture of rahab letting a few israel spies down over the wall, but they didnt. Now once jericho was defeated, by eliminating sinful (attitudes) people stubborn and contrary to Gods laws, the neighboring armies started to fight. to make this short. War, actual war was the NORM, all these people had gotten their land by fighting with their neighbors and pillaging etc was not new, israel did not invent war. So actually there was nothing out of place. God was showing his love for his people and his hatred of sinners.)
There is precious little peace and love in the Bible as a whole. The law of Moses says that a woman who is raped - but does not cry out for help (which she wouldn't if the rapist covered her mouth) - should be stoned to death.
(the covering of the mouth was not the intention. She did not cry out because she was okay with it. This is a promiscuous situation of women with twisted attitudes. The history behind this is revolting but not because of God but because of the sickness of the flesh. To put it mildly, this is kind of like a nymphodemia. They would go walking out at night near camps of ..... Ezekiel 23:20 "For she doted upon their paramours, whose flesh is as the flesh of asses, and whose issue is like the issue of horses". well you get the picture. These sex addicted people were to be stoned. Do i know the number of people who did this.. was stoning a deterent? It was supposed to be. Like if cops stoned a speeder would we all speed? This was the intention of the law, not to stone, but to prevent. Different people, different methods.)
King David crucified somebody's grandchildren. Back to Revelation - St John the Devine has Jesus say: of Jezebel's children, 'I will kill them with death'.
(jezebel was jerusalems worst nightmare, she had 2000 prophets of the Lord God, yes gods prophets killed and she substituted 450 false prophets of Baal (a god of child sacrifice) in their place. At this time in history the law says an eye for an eye, tooth for tooth, childs life for childs life)
It is also a mistake to believe that Christianty's success as a religion was due to the compassionate wisdom of holy writ because its spread was accomplished by conquest with the sword and gunpowder.
Catholicism... man i am gettin tired of constantly repeating myself.. time to make a copy.. catholicism has a bloody history and this i am happy to say is not christlikeian. The bible says love your enemies, love god.. love one another.. etc... the early church was always hidden. and until 1611 when the bible was finally published for people to have the recieved texts were put away and bibles were used in the underground church of christlikeians and the catholic church of rome used their own bible compromised of extra books, pagan influence and were motivated by greed, power and selfishness, all traits that are not christ like. You need to research this more.
Christianity is a religion with blood on its hands.
(again, history has blood on its hands.. hiroshima, ww1 and 2, the iran and gulf war.. war of 1812 etc.. black slavery, custer (killer of women and children while the book says hero) etc.. Catholicism killed, spanish inquisition, etc.. and taught false doctrines, gratuities for getting people out of purgatory when there is also no purgatory.
whew.. 0 for 4 huh.
Let this be a reminder for all those who post what they do not know for sure. You say christians parrot what their parents told them but you unsaved parrot stuff you have no knowledge of. Posts accusing God of blood have no merit as different times, ungodly killers all around gods people.. etc.. please post fact that you have at least taken time to google.
You may learn on your own.
Perhaps, sandra, your fervent distaste of all things Christian would get a better ear if you actually spoke of the Canon instead of cannons.....
oooo, aren't you on your game today! Did you learn that from O'Donnell?
I'm not necessarily an O'Donnell fan.
I think older, wiser people should be politicians.
But hey, even a young Republican will do better than an old Democrat!
I thought most liberals were young or in prison.
That was back when we still had laws against outlandish behavior. Obama now gives them all immunity. Didn't you get the memo?
He even proposes civil rights for terrorists. Ye must not waterboard any suspected terrorist! And ye must make peace with the devil! What a champion of the people that man is! Yessiree!
Sold down the river, up a creek w/o a paddle, and yet I still here Kumbaya.
To all forum "hubbers,"
I am not an atheist, agnostic, deist or a believer in supernatural divinities.
My mistake I thought for sure you was one of them.
I apologize and won't do it again.
Then you must be martian. Everyone believes something. God, no god, and then the maybe yes maybe no crowd. You must think something, otherwise whatcha doin here?
I AM a Martian!
I'm here to decide whether or not "Klatu" should take ya'll out!
That's KLAATU, and I already decided not to. Like to hear my music? Look for KLAATU the band on the web. (Not really my music, just thought you might give it a listen, since you're already a space cadet)
you are too young, evidently, to have seen the original: "The Day the Earth Stood still."
I'm speaking about my 14 ft robotic enforcer!
He is capable of destroying planet earth. His programming demands that he extinguish any planet with inhabitants which jeopardize peace in the solar system! He takes his orders from me! As yet, I have not decided what to do!
come on Qwark, you weren't around when The Day The Earth Stood Still" first came out...
If so, you would be able to speak with authority as to the world's origins... having been there
Excuse me. I was in the service when Tricky Dick was in the Oval. KLAATU apart from being my very first computer password (1985) and the main character of said film (John Renne, I believe) was also a short lived band (out of Canada) in the late seventies.
...I am a Martian! I am not familiar with your Klaatu.
It is of no import to we of the Cosmic Peace Keeping Assoc.
"Klatu" is, presently, in hibernation mode awaiting orders.
figures I'd get the name wrong, but I was on the right track. Must be alzheimer's kickin' in, for I am terribly ancient. Forgot where I parked that stupid time machine. Hope I didn't leave it in the birth canal.
You must have been reading my mind I have been wondering this for a long time.I has become apparent people prefer the watered down concept of being a christian.
I have always anguished over not having something to believe in and was jealous that many had found this supposed God but I somehow was unworthy.
Lately I have been watching all the suffering going on in this world and it hurts my heart and I wonder as you why these supposed godly people can allow this.There is plenty but a greedy select few feel it all belongs to them.yet we idolize them.Donald Trump comes to mind or watch the Dragons Den they make theft legal?and people flock to watch.
Not too long ago I had a dream in which I was speaking to someone about this I don't know who?.I was told that I was correct not to follow these false prophets and those that do will learn to only too late the mistakes they made.yes I am a sinner but the only way to be forgiven is to learn how to forgive others that sin also.Contrary to an eye for an eye practiced today.
I asked how any god would allow the suffering of the people around me all the death and destruction going on.I was told it was those that suffer the most will be the ones closest to the truth.They too have to learn empathy.
I then asked why I was able to see the problems and the path humanity is walking but left powerless to exact any real change?
To which this person replied Noah asked me the same thing.Look into your heart and you will know what needs to be done!Then I woke up
Now I know it was only a dream but its got me looking and wondering if 2 billion supposed Christians looked inside their hearts and embraced Love and acceptance rather than hate and division would the world not be a better place God or Not?
In the last days, everyone will be wandering after the beast. One will say, "The messiah is here, come see. We have him." Do not go, for he is not there. Time will pass, and problems will arise, and no solutions will be found, and still, the time is, not yet. Natural disasters will occur and war will be rampant, and wailing will be heard as death sweeps the earth. Man will have a hard heart towards others, and nowhere will the hand of kindness be extended. We must reap what we have sown, but in the faith of the Resurrection we all can find shelter from the storms which are upon us.
Each & every age of mankind thought they were in the last days...they were wrong. Try studying real history rather limiting yourself in an old obsolete myth. Mankind is not ready to see its last days yet!
Not completely wrong - many groups of people have had their last days, all those ancient civilizations that have gone. This 'last days' relates to the mths of current religions and I for one would be glad to see their demise and relegation to a few ruins around the place. They have successfully predicted the 'end' of things before - the christian church foought hard against the number zero being incuded in mathematics - basically evil would enter the world through the hole in it - they were right in that it gave birth to advanced maths, science etc that toppled them from their position of domination over society. Now they are just a nuisance splintered into thousands of sub sects all screaming their ridiculous ideas to people who are now educated enough to think for themselves a little.
Well, I was talking about the mankind as a Whole, not a single race or religion. However, your point of view is also correct & I would be glad to see that end too!!
At some point in time God will have to step in and stop mankind from achieving their, how to put this... top potential.... Lets say nuclear war occured on a world wide scale.. that would be catastrophic.
Lets say the world became so polluted and treeless that the lack of oxygen created a cancer epidemic.
Lets say science developed a black hole that slipped off its mooring and started devouring the earth as it dropped through our planet.
There are a lot of reasons, stem cell research comes to mind.. God has said in his word, (doesn't matter if you agree that there is a gods word, your belief will not unmake gods word) he will return. With so many completed prophesies it will be very unlikely that jesus returning as king to set up his kingdom on earth will NOT happen. This is just being blind to believe this will NOT happen, as far as christians are concerned. Our belief is based on all sorts of miracles and supernatural events, of which this is the greatest of all.
because religion doesnot change basics of humans which is violent...Darwin always has last laugh...
Darwin postulated that evolution was driven by the 'survival of the fittest' - whereas religionistas postulate the 'survival of the thickest'.
Visit wikileaks to find out how many innocent children have been killed by christian soldiers in Iraq.
LOL christian soldiers....
whats God number one commandment? Thou shalt not murder.
Does war sound like murder?
I will let you answer that one and the next question is:
are these really christlikeians....
Don't post inferences that are not facts.
People always blame christians when in fact they have no idea what a christian is.
And just to be devils advocate: how does one recognize an innocent children just by looking at them? In a world where 11 yr olds carry guns.
Quick harry in the name of God, shoot that one there, it looks innocent. No way george i'm shootin the one with ak47 in his hands.
cmon. geeez.
I don't care what the numbers are in any religion, the fact remains that only a small percentage are the ones who create wars, who are intolerant of 'others'.
Wars are fought for profit - those who start them are the ones that benefit from them - these are the small percentage. Religion is one of the ways that this small percentage coerce and cajole vast numbers of people (including national armies) into fighting their wars for them.
With the war that will begin with the attack against Iran there will be an added element: one of the reasons for fighting this war will be to kill people , to de-populate the planet. We are looking at mega death on a massive scale and religious differences are being exploited to make it all happen.
What is the plan to attack Iran? Who wants to depopulate the planet? Did I miss something?
You certainly are missing something - why do you think certain state leaders keep banging on about Iran's nuclear program? What do you think the 'stop the madrassa' campaign in New York is all about? We're being prepared for war.
As for your second question - please follow this link to find out who is really running things and what their agenda is. … triots.htm
You can say the same thing about muslims. There are a billion muslims, yet there is no peace between the shia, sunni, aamadiyas, etc.
Why are all those things the Christians fault? Aren't we the Babys on the block? We did not create all these evils in the world. We have caused our share. Yes, indeed we have.
But, evil has had man struggling uselessly way before Christians.
This is funny.
It is written that these 144000 had never sinned
(At least something to these effects)
This is different than having had their sins cleansed.
It makes me feel like getting stoned first, then get laided.
It is also written that they are all jewish men - from the twelve tribes of Israel - that have not, 'polluted themselves with fornication'.
If that 's what it takes to get into heaven then what chance does your average joe have of qualifying?
For my part going anywhere where I would be required to fall flat on my face and praise god every few minutes would be worse than going to the other place.
I apologize that it has taken so long answering your reply...
C&P ... "It is also written that they are all jewish men"
That is absolutely correct. It does say that !!
And that is what it means. Exactly that!!
It also says that They are the children of Daniels people! I think that this is a valuable clue!!!!
They were members of "THAT" same Hebrew Nation that was occupied during the Babylonian, Persian, Grecian and Roman occupation.
It says so !! Clearly and plainly in scriptures.
I don't understand why no one can see where it is written ?????????????? !!
Dose this relate to the 144,000 that go to heaven?
Looking back I don't know how that post got on this thread and am too lazy to figure it out now...
To answer this question...
Yes and No..
The 144000 are just the FIRST to arrive in heaven.
You wouldn't want a supreme Court Judge to have spent time in prison for having committed a hanus crime and then judging you harshly would ya.
These 144000 are the overseers of everybody else.
Those of us that arrived in dirty clothing that needed cleaning.
Something like that any way.
I don't know nuttin for sure ... but it makes sense to me that way.
Yea the pearl gates thing..
I would think that if ya walk the walk you will be able to walk on through the gate.
Talkers, I think, will bounce off of it.
i always thought that the great city sat in the middle of heaven on earth.
But ya gotta be clean minded to get through the gates,
I think?
The bible, about universal truth and knowledge.
Where every word is true, wrote 144,000 are sealed to go to heaven. No matter how you spin it, it comes out to 144,000.
That could frighten and upset people from 3% to 50% of the world to become atheist, like hanging out, thought it might be.
I know science is big thing for Religion, obeying is first.
I dunno, I am having a peaceful time over here. What are you yelling about again?
Oh right, well there are misconceptions that the aztecs were killed by christians for christian reasons, inspite of the Gold the aztecs had lying around, so, attitudes that like to place blame thousands of years later could be a reason, perhaps its threads like this that just are intended to cause conflict and disrupt my peacefulness. Then again some people don't shut their mouths but speak before they think and generally input negative and hurtful speach into otherwise peaceful christian scenarios.
And of course there may well be 3 billion atheists all shouting and screaming and yelling and posting nasty threads and saying mean things and preventing food from reaching starving children in africa while they go to disneyland and blaming it all on God. Yah, that could be a reason.
Talk about having trouble surviving natural selection
I see you're in a defensive mood.
I noted a very mean, very disparaging comment you left on someones hub. You'll know the one I talk of, you wrote it.
Defend that.
If i wrote it it must be right.
sorry nothing to defend.
If they published it then they must have liked it, otherwise i never expect my comments to get published. I'm used to it. I reprove many works of darkness on many hubs and hardly any get published.
If you want to send me an email...
If I wrote it it must be right
Now, that's a laugher.
Its interesting that you think that and took time to write that.
Of course i interpreted this as a negative comment, so i went to read some of your hubs.
I now realize you complimented me.
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