Why are atheists more concern about Christianity than Islam?

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  1. Buildreps profile image85
    Buildrepsposted 8 years ago

    Abrahamists always had problems to think logical. That's why they are incapable to grasp simple logic.

    If God would be omniscient and would know all outcomes, why put Abraham before a test? The outcome would be clear to God that Abraham was insane enough to kill his own son to prove his faithfulness.

    So, why still put Abraham to a test?

    When an Abrahamist rejects this, doesn't any logical person comes to the conclusion that God is a sadist then? And if an Abrahamist rejects this too, what is left then? No other conclusion than: God = Demiurge.

    Read Genesis with logic: Without exceptions, all translations speak of OUR in Genesis 1:26. This implies that there are multiple God's with whom Demiurge formed consensus creating mankind.

    After consensus between multiple God's, Genesis 1:27 mentions that the Demiurge created mankind in his own image. But for what reason did the Demiurge create mankind? The bible doesn't mention a reason. But since there was consensus between God's it is plausible to assume that it was a kind of test for the Demiurge. A test in which the Demiurge hopelessly failed, since he had to flood the earth to start all over again.

    Any objections?

  2. JackVanson profile image63
    JackVansonposted 8 years ago

    I never really thought about that before, but you're right somewhat. I've never read a post or forum where an atheist directly attacked or insulted islamic beliefs, Mohammed or Allah. However the idea of atheism itself is the lack of belief/interest in a higher power or all powerful being. So although I've never read a post or forum that described or entailed a situation as the one that you listed, anytime an atheist ever insulted God they would also be insulting any other all powerful being. As Allah is the "god" in Islamic beliefs, they would be insulting him too. For that matter no one should be allowed to insult anyones god. Even if there is only one.

    <link snipped>

  3. profile image57
    my name is aliposted 8 years ago

    togather are men  their relign. way is diffrent  but .......is one.

  4. Home is Where profile image59
    Home is Whereposted 8 years ago

    I don't know, but I wonder if its got something to do with the following two possible reasons
    1.) FEAR of repercussions that might ensue from speaking out about Islam (as illustrated by many news events) is far greater than fear of speaking out about Christianity, nowadays.

    2.) PENT UP ANGER about 'Christianity's abusiveness'/'The Church's abusiveness over time (either in a personal life-time or historically) is a real phenomenon in Western based cultures. Whereas we tend to have a 'lack of history' of experiencing Islam close up.

    To illustrate some points:

    re Personal Pent Up Anger of many individuals all melding into one critical voice against The Church's (which can then be easily interpreted as against "Christianity) child sexual abuse by the priesthood, is just one extreme and widespread example of personal harm becoming a cultural pent up anger .. which can now be safely expressed.

    Another, perhaps lesser known, example that I was told of by my family, is 'financial exploitation of the vulnerable' by priests, which can now be far more freely expressed than used to be the case, (as opposed to a lack of any such pent up anger towards Islam, amongst Western cultures, because, we just don't have a long enough (personal or cultural) experience of Islam-over-time. We just simply haven't had time to have built up any LONG TERM pent up anger. But to get back to the example my family told me about (re pent up anger towards The Priesthoood/The Church/Christianity, is as follows: 

    During the Great Depression era of the 1930's my family (non-Catholics) had a boarder: a widow whose meagre income paid for her board and lodgings at my family's house plus (what should have been) a little bit to save and to buy some extras for herself with ... BUT instead, every Friday, the priest from her local church would come around and she would hand him ALL her spare money and he would report to her on her dead husband's progress in his quest to 'get out of purgatory'! (Purgatory is apparently a state between Heaven and Hell!!!) And this poor woman believed the priest's reports that her 'dearly departed' had slipped again .. and so, was about to go to hell, but then the Friday payment would just be enough to put him in with a chance to FINALLY ascend to Heaven .. which of course never happened, or so the priest reported to her. But, one more payment to the priest and he just might see Jesus!!!

    These abuses become part of our collective consciousness, I believe, and so now that we can say !#!# - off!!! to Christianity, people sometimes do! (Even if Christianity as we know it now - for example, abusive priests, "In Guns We Believe", all powerful, American business power-brokers - is nothing like what it was meant to be {or could be .. and I'm sure sometimes still is})

    And then of course there's the, even more long term, historical pent up anger - as epitomized by what comes down through the ages to our collective psyche as the witch hunts in the Middle Ages - The Inquisition. Who know how deep the cultural hurt from this abusiveness runs .. but Fear-once-it-has-been-lifted CAN become revenge.

    A very interesting topic, raised by Claire Evans, albeit 2 years ago. And one with a lot more avenues that could be explored

  5. Headset Vigilante profile image59
    Headset Vigilanteposted 8 years ago

    I think it's more complex than that. Keep in mind that the Christian right has been constantly trying to pass laws in the U.S. forcing their beliefs into schools and government. This is something that the founding fathers wanted to avoid. I know that many people say the U.S. is founded on Christian principles, but it isn't.  Most of the people who established this country were either indifferent or deists.

    The founding fathers specifically stated that no religious test should be required to hold public office, yet nobody in their right mind would deny creationism if they want to be elected.

    Extreme Islam isn't trying to control the lives of Americans. Extreme Islam isn't trying to force children to pray in schools (again, unconstitutional). Extreme Islam isn't responsible for laws in the U.S. that discriminate based on "religious freedom". Extreme Islam isn't defending pedophiles like that Duggar scumbag. Extreme Islam doesn't motivate American citizens to deny their children medical care in favour of prayer (which by the way, hasn't exactly worked well. Maybe consider that for a second).

    Yes, extreme Islam is a threat, but on a military and foreign level. Here, people should practice their beliefs and respect those of others.

    Atheists aren't "attacking" anyone. Tell you what -try not ostracizing us, costing us our jobs, forcing us to obey your misguided laws and spreading ignorant, disproven garbage, and then we'll stop lashing out.

  6. Vaibhav Chaudhary profile image55
    Vaibhav Chaudharyposted 8 years ago

    Hey actually thats not their choice and they do not have that power to choose his religion as they are afraid of their god

  7. HeadlyvonNoggin profile image85
    HeadlyvonNogginposted 8 years ago

    I'm not interested in making you a 'believer'. I'm interested in defending this as a perfectly rational and reasonable thing to believe. I'm interested in pointing out the lie that pits science against God as if they can't both be true for what it is.

    I get it. You think it's some witty scam that somebody came up with way back when that still baffles people to this day. This ruse that someone thought up centuries ago just took on a life of it's own, I guess.

    And please with the spaghetti monster stuff. There's only one God that we both know we've been talking about because His story is known around the world. The texts that speak of Him form the basis of the three major religions of the world. A God who just interacted with humanity for a short time a few thousand years ago in southern Mesopotamia and northern Africa, and the effects can still be seen to this day. There's no other God in contention.

    God doesn't exist in the material world. He exists apart from it. Pre-big bang. We evolved from the material world. We evolved to see/hear/smell/taste/feel material things. These senses are ill equipped to 'see' God. But we have reason. And reason says intelligence is at work in this universe. No matter how you rationalize it, there's only one observable universe, and in this one and only known/observable universe we hit an improbable jackpot with how everything came together. An environment formed with consistent regulated conditions that allowed for the dawning of life which led to the birth of consciousness and self-awareness. Essentially we're heaps of stardust, pieces of the universe that for just a moment became aware of our miniscule place in this giant orchestra before fading back into nothingness. A proverbial flash in a pan, that just happened for a moment, then dissipated.

    Reason says this isn't an accident. Reason says this was deliberate and intelligence was involved. We know intelligence to be a natural occurrence in this natural world. Why are we so opposed to the idea that intelligence could be involved? It's a real thing that we know exists, and we observe things in nature consistent with things that are created intelligently. Like a coded information system in our cells, for example.

    You seem to view it as if the way everything is handled is the ideal way God intended. What is the actual truth is that God gave us a gift that's truly extraordinary. And to make it possible He's gone through a lot of trouble. He's had to do some things. He's had to make special setups and arrangements. But ultimately it's all worth it because free will is that big of a deal.

    1. janesix profile image61
      janesixposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Please quit trying to rationalize your God. It's never going to work, no matter how hard you try.

      1. HeadlyvonNoggin profile image85
        HeadlyvonNogginposted 8 years agoin reply to this

        I have to try. I can't deny He is in fact part of reality. To consider the possibility He isn't is simply ridiculous. So, finding reason and meaning in a reality where a God like this exists is what's left. We have reason and have proven we work well together when we employ it, so it stands to that reason that this God is reasonable, being that He would be the source of reason.

        1. janesix profile image61
          janesixposted 8 years agoin reply to this

          Most are satisfied with simple belief.

          As are scientists, who have to be satisfied with the ridiculous belief that quantum mechanics somehow makes sense. Or a Universe form Nothing.

          Honestly, no theory, religious or scientific,makes "sense".

          1. HeadlyvonNoggin profile image85
            HeadlyvonNogginposted 8 years agoin reply to this

            Yeah, you're right. No matter the answer, it's inevitably going to be at least a little ridiculous. Reality is a little ridiculous.

          2. Slarty O'Brian profile image79
            Slarty O'Brianposted 8 years agoin reply to this

            With QM its not a belief. QM works to accurately predict quantum events. But there is a lot missing from it, like an explanation for gravity, which Relativity explains rather well.

            It is counter intuitive to most people, but experiment shows it works, so that's all we can ask for in a tool. We are, of course looking for the missing peaces, which may clear a few things up.

            As for a universe from nothing, the teary doesn't mean absolutely nothing. The nothing is quantum fluctuation, which is happening all over the universe. It's potential energy in the fabric of space itself seeming to spontaneously become actual, usually followed by mutual annihilation due to the fact that all particles are born twins; one matter and one antimatter.

            So not something from nothing. And not something that requires belief, just much more testing.

    2. Slarty O'Brian profile image79
      Slarty O'Brianposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      "I'm not interested in making you a 'believer'. I'm interested in defending this as a perfectly rational and reasonable thing to believe. I'm interested in pointing out the lie that pits science against God as if they can't both be true for what it is."

      If you need to believe things it's as good as any I suppose. But no, the bible does not conform to science.

      But I agree that the two can get along. They have been doing so for a long time. The reason is science looks for how it all works. A god is irrelevant to science because whether it exists or not doesn't tell us anything about how it all works. Believers like yourself say the findings of science are discoveries of how god did it. Sure, cool.

      Fundamentalists, young earthers, etc, are at war with science and reason, and it with them.

      "I get it. You think it's some witty scam that somebody came up with way back when that still baffles people to this day. This ruse that someone thought up centuries ago just took on a life of it's own, I guess."

      Not exactly. it evolved like everything else. I don't think it's done as a ruse intentionally. I don't think those that say it think its a scam.. But it is a device priests have been using for a long time to keep people in the religion knowing none of them will ever have proof. It isn't obvious that god is out there, but if you want to get to heaven you have to keep believing.

      It seems most gods require you believe in them and honor them without proof. As you said, you don't need belief if you know because there is actual proof. So we have two alternatives, god can't or won't show himself to everyone in an obvious way, or there is no god.

      Being believers believe there is one, they tell others of the importance of belief, and make believing without proof a virtue instead of silly.

      "And please with the spaghetti monster stuff. There's only one God that we both know we've been talking about because His story is known around the world. The texts that speak of Him form the basis of the three major religions of the world. A God who just interacted with humanity for a short time a few thousand years ago in southern Mesopotamia and northern Africa, and the effects can still be seen to this day. There's no other God in contention."

      Why do people get so offended when you point out other things people might believe without real proof? Your god is as demonstrably real as a spaghetti monster god with meatball eyes until we all have objective proof it exists. No difference.

      1. HeadlyvonNoggin profile image85
        HeadlyvonNogginposted 8 years agoin reply to this

        :Yeah, I'm in the same boat where YUC's and other fanatics are concerned. Ignorance is ignorance, it doesn't matter who's pushing the agenda.

        I'm not offended about the spaghetti monster thing. I'm pointing out how inappropriate an example it is. There's no comparison. If there were ancient texts and religions that played a major role in human history that centered around the flying spaghetti monster, then that would be different. You say there's no objective proof, yet there's this. An obvious impact that isn't there for nothing.

        1. Link10103 profile image60
          Link10103posted 8 years agoin reply to this

          If someone was committed enough, they could write a bunch of texts about the FSM and how it impacted people around the world with whatever would be considered proof. If they went about it the right way, 2000 years from now people might actually think such a thing existed.

          There really is no difference...except that we all know spaghetti is factually delicious.

          1. HeadlyvonNoggin profile image85
            HeadlyvonNogginposted 8 years agoin reply to this

            Yeah, if... sure, but it never happened. It did happen with this other God, though.

            The Flying Spaghetti Monster apparently didn't inspire enough commitment, but there were plenty committed to this other God.

            1. janesix profile image61
              janesixposted 8 years agoin reply to this

              Sure. With plenty of them "committed" to this God at the point of a sword.

              1. HeadlyvonNoggin profile image85
                HeadlyvonNogginposted 8 years agoin reply to this

                That came long after the texts had already been written. This God was already a legitimate and well known entity by that point. Yeah, humans do a lot of horrible stuff.

                1. janesix profile image61
                  janesixposted 8 years agoin reply to this

                  If Constantine hadn't forced Christianity(by law and the sword) on to the population, Christianity would be just another myth by now. It is nothing special.

                  1. HeadlyvonNoggin profile image85
                    HeadlyvonNogginposted 8 years agoin reply to this

                    Well, nothing special with the exception of being the one religion adopted by the Roman nation. Well, that and it's played a role in every human age since. And, clearly, it was taken seriously by people who lived in that age during that time considering it was adopted by Rome, who were contemporaries of Jesus. Jesus actually lived in one of the regions they governed. It seems highly unlikely the Romans could be fooled by some mock religion so easily. There must be something to it.

                2. janesix profile image61
                  janesixposted 8 years agoin reply to this

                  Hinduism is much older,and still has over a billion followers to this day. Who are you to say an old, well established religion like that on eis false? And no one ever forced Hindus to believe.

            2. Link10103 profile image60
              Link10103posted 8 years agoin reply to this

              FSM is rather recent...

              And there were/are plenty people committed to gods that pre date the biblical one.

              Your point fails me and logic as a whole..

              1. HeadlyvonNoggin profile image85
                HeadlyvonNogginposted 8 years agoin reply to this

                No, it doesn't. My point still stands that FSM is a failure of a comparison. The point it's use is attempting to make falls well short.

        2. Slarty O'Brian profile image79
          Slarty O'Brianposted 8 years agoin reply to this

          "You say there's no objective proof, yet there's this. An obvious impact that isn't there for nothing."

          Well no see, that's the point. There are facts galore that believers point to as evidence for god, but those things could be explained in many other ways. Again, and this is important to understand, we build  models around facts to explain them. That's how humans work. Christianity is a model.

          But models are not always accurate or correct at all, as I tried to show with dark sucker theory. The facts remain facts, but the model is only as good as the amount it actually matches what's really going on.

          Even a wrong model can be useful at times. Christianity itself has some positive qualities like showing love and charity for others. But those are human desires for a better world and other religions share those human desires.

          But when it comes to origin, how did this all get here, etc, it lacks that god that would prove it to be the correct model. So we can't say it is or isn't.

          The reason for the comparison with pink squirrels and pasta monsters is, we can't prove they don't exist either. We have to be atheistic about them. Can't prove they exist unless one shows up, and can't prove they don't, as silly as that may seem. So why give your unprovable model more weight then any other?

          God exists or it doesn't. pasta monsters exist or not. Anything you claim had to be done by god could even  have an actual explanation we haven't come across yet. There is thus far zero evidence that the Christian god must exist, or that pasta monsters exist.

          So while it may seem silly, they are the same thing to me: unprovable models. And to show I'm not bias, string theory is also an apparently unprovable model and fits into the same category.

          1. HeadlyvonNoggin profile image85
            HeadlyvonNogginposted 8 years agoin reply to this

            Yes, I know all of this.

            "The facts remain facts, but the model is only as good as the amount it actually matches what's really going on."

            Yes, exactly. I built a model, based on the events and timeline given in the ancient text, and not only does it match the evidence, like the light sucker example, it also predicted where evidence could be found, unlike the light sucker example. Prediction after prediction proved true. If this is true, then this must also be true. True.

            Models can be wrong, but they can also be validated.

            1. Slarty O'Brian profile image79
              Slarty O'Brianposted 8 years agoin reply to this

              Absolutely. So what predictions does your model make?

              1. HeadlyvonNoggin profile image85
                HeadlyvonNogginposted 8 years agoin reply to this

                A good example would be the "5.9 kiloyear event". The prediction was that an event matching what's described in the Babel story should be found in southern Mesopotamia around 3900 BC, one century after the flood, which was around 4000 BC according to the model.

                That's when I found this ....

                "Thus, it also triggered worldwide migration to river valleys, such as from central North Africa to the Nile valley, which eventually led to the emergence of the first complex, highly organized, state-level societies in the 4th millennium BC."

                So, in 3900 BC there was a climate change that actually did cause the population of that region to scatter in all directions. And being that this is the "table of nations" in Genesis, it really is the event that led directly to the emergence of multiple civilizations.

                That kind of thing.

                1. Slarty O'Brian profile image79
                  Slarty O'Brianposted 8 years agoin reply to this

                  Well fine. The Sumerian version says it was a regional flood. You agree. Great. But the bible you are trying to prove correct says its a world wide flood killing all of mankind, Which you agree wasn't the case.

                  So how do you reconcile that?

                  1. HeadlyvonNoggin profile image85
                    HeadlyvonNogginposted 8 years agoin reply to this

                    The only humans the flood was meant for were those with free will, so a regional flood was all that was required. How could the authors of the bible actually report on all the world? They didn't even know what 'all the world' was.

    3. Jane Err profile image57
      Jane Errposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Please don't include Islam as if it is the same religion as Judaism or Christianity....Islam plagiarized both Judaism and Christianity.  It is NOT a root religion and does NOT share the Abrahamic God at all.  Christianity is an off-shoot of Judaism because the people who started it were Jewish.

  8. Headset Vigilante profile image59
    Headset Vigilanteposted 8 years ago

    Since we're on the topic of Islam and all that other B.S. let me pose a question...what proof do you Christians have that YOUR god is the one true God? Seriously, every major religion will claim that they're right. So what's your edge? Where's the sledgehammer that conclusively shows Christians are right, and Muslims, Jews, Hindus, Taoists and Scientologists are wrong? Forget the science aspect of the argument. Prove it within the confines of your own worldview...yeah, didn't think so.

    1. Slarty O'Brian profile image79
      Slarty O'Brianposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Scientology is crazy stuff.. That above all can't be right. The rest probably aren't either, of course.

    2. Jane Err profile image57
      Jane Errposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      There is absolutely no proof at all that any religion is inspired by God ro is of God or if there really is a God.  Given that....most religion and especially the Muslim religion today is a farce used by terrorists to commit genocide and murder. The people who join religions on a witch hunt, who use the excuse that everyone else is wrong and therefore must die, who stifle the advancement of civilization, who pit one religion against another, who murder in the name of a creator, who essentially make life as miserable and as poverty stricken and uneducated as it can cannot be the religion of anything but an evil cult bent on the destruction of society as a whole.

      The hypocrisy of the enforcers is stunning.  Let's take a look at the Saudis who have morality police and yet, it is well known there is an underground society which is about as immoral as it gets on this planet and yet, these people approve of punishing those "caught" and finance the idiotic thing.

      IF there is a God, then I seriously doubt He would approve of the behavior of the adherents of ANY known religion today.,  The TV evangelists are ad nausea leading the list of  hypocrisy. 
      IF society needs to embrace a religion because they cannot think for themselves, then let it be one of forgiveness, kindness, generosity and cooperation.

  9. Headset Vigilante profile image59
    Headset Vigilanteposted 8 years ago

    It's stupid threads like these that remind me why I deleted my old account here. I have a feeling my new one is about to go down the same path...

  10. janesix profile image61
    janesixposted 8 years ago

    You cherry-pick your data and force it to fit.

    1. HeadlyvonNoggin profile image85
      HeadlyvonNogginposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Nope, I used a method that protected against that. For a prediction to prove accurate an event matching what's described must be found in the same time and place as the hypothesis predicted. It's the opposite of cherry-picking.

  11. ncyp13 profile image58
    ncyp13posted 8 years ago

    plz if you have time i explained athiesm in my hub briefly have a look

  12. A Thousand Words profile image66
    A Thousand Wordsposted 8 years ago

    I think Slarty's point about the "accident" thing is spot on, too. An accident implies that conscious effort went into doing something, but because of something unexpected or miscalculated, things went wrong. But nature as a whole is only nature. It doesn't have intentions.  The things existing within it may, but nature only exists. Evolution is an impersonal process. Anything that exists due to it is either going to be useful or seemingly irrelevant and die off if it isn't fit for the times. Some things may work, some may not. But the lack of intentionality negates the possibility of an accident.

    Note: I actually hate when scientists say that nature "designed" anything. Bad word choice for sure.

    1. HeadlyvonNoggin profile image85
      HeadlyvonNogginposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      That's a valid point. I mean an accident as in an unintended outcome. But you're right. That does imply an effort to a desired end.

  13. HeadlyvonNoggin profile image85
    HeadlyvonNogginposted 8 years ago

    "Rather than forming a fantasy world you can't give any evidence for? I can only formulate hypothesis from the ramifications of what science has discovered, and that is what I've done."

    And that's what I've done as well. I just didn't prematurely define what can and can't be true. I allowed for this possibility as well and found cohesion between it and the evidence. Everything about this explanation conforms and fits scientifically.

    "Well, a god dun it explains nothing about how anything works. "

    And neither does a "complexity dun it" explanation.

    1. Slarty O'Brian profile image79
      Slarty O'Brianposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      "And that's what I've done as well. I just didn't prematurely define what can and can't be true. I allowed for this possibility as well and found cohesion between it and the evidence. "

      Of course you have, because that's what you set out to do. You already believe a god exists. What else are you going to discover? Confirmation bias perhaps?

      1. HeadlyvonNoggin profile image85
        HeadlyvonNogginposted 8 years agoin reply to this

        Do you not see that's very likely what you're doing? Confirmation bias. Even though you've got no proof, no concrete reason at all to think what you're saying is true, that's simply what it must be. Because that's the 'truth' you prefer. Confirmation bias.

      2. HeadlyvonNoggin profile image85
        HeadlyvonNogginposted 8 years agoin reply to this

        Do you not see that's what you're doing as well? You reached the conclusion you set out to reach. Basically just by assuming that's how it must work.

        1. Slarty O'Brian profile image79
          Slarty O'Brianposted 8 years agoin reply to this

          The difference being I only set out to find truth and dropped all belief to look for it. Like you I've created a model to explain the facts. In my case a materialist model. After all, without a god that's the best avenue for success.

          It took years, and debating with Christians helped. I get more insight the more I get challenged. So I use debate as inspiration. I think you do too.

          But unlike yours, in the end mine changes over time with new evidence. I'm not married to any idea and can and have dropped many over the years that I discovered weren't tenable. .I'll keep thinking and refining probably till the day I die.

          And unlike your model, I base mine on science. Therefore I don't include hypothesis that include un-provable/un-falsifiable, supernatural ,or completely speculative aspects. I base my model on the implications of science, which is called science philosophy. 

          We are never going to agree but it's fun sparing with you.

          1. HeadlyvonNoggin profile image85
            HeadlyvonNogginposted 8 years agoin reply to this

            I set out to find the truth as well. The simple fact is I cannot accept a fully material explanation, not because I really want God to be real, but because it simply doesn't stand on its own. It fails.

            You're right, I too love to be challenged. A lot of the most enlightening things I've found came conversations just like this. I too use science and let the evidence tell the story. The difference is I don't define prematurely what is and isn't possible. I actually really considered the events of Genesis as being real events, and validated that the evidence we see is exactly what it should be if those things happened exactly like that. And not just events that match up, but the impact of those events can be seen, and that impact lines up with the overall theme of the story. It all lines up well and can be validated. No we can't validate any of the supernatural stuff. But we can validate the physical impact those events would have had. The 'crater', so to speak, that they left behind. The footprint in the evidence.

            Not only does it all manage to line up surprisingly well, it also manages to offer some rather compelling explanations to things we still don't understand. You're wrong about me. I too am always willing to be wrong. If I can be shown to be wrong then I am then given the opportunity to right something I had wrong. I want the truth. I don't want some manufactured truth that appeases me.

  14. profile image0
    SirDentposted 8 years ago

    I noticed this and am replying to this alone.

    According to my understanding, which is limited, the universe would have to be infinite.  If it is expanding, it cannot be infinite.  Also, if the singularity which contained all the energy caused the universe to come into existence, it would have to have brought about it's own existence.

    If the universe is infinite, time will also be infinite but yet, time isn't infinite. 

    Since the universe had a beginning, at one point there had to be no space, no time, and no matter, logically speaking.

    The second law of thermodynamics says the usable energy is running down, therefore, there had to be a beginning of the universe.

    Just a few thoughts from what I have been reading lately.

    1. Slarty O'Brian profile image79
      Slarty O'Brianposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Lots of misinformation here. What have you been reading?

      "According to my understanding, which is limited, the universe would have to be infinite."

      No one knows for sure but not likely.

      " If it is expanding, it cannot be infinite."

      Well that depends. Is the entire universe expanding or are galaxies just moving away from each other? But you're right, doesn't look good for infinite unless there is something else going on.

      "  Also, if the singularity which contained all the energy caused the universe to come into existence, it would have to have brought about it's own existence. "

      No. It was in a compressed state.Nothing in the theory suggests it created itself. Logically though some thing has always existed or nothing would exist now. You can't get some thing from absolutely nothing. Since you talk about the laws of thermodynamics, it also tells us energy can't be created or destroyed. Hence it's a good candidate for what has always been in one form or another.

      "If the universe is infinite, time will also be infinite but yet, time isn't infinite"

      Time is a function of distance/space. In an almost infinitely compressed state.there would be no space and consequently no time. But I'm not getting your logic here. The universe being infinite has to do with its size. Time exists automatically when space exists. So if space were infinite that in and of itself has nothing to do with time. And what makes you say time isn't infinite?

      "Since the universe had a beginning, at one point there had to be no space, no time, and no matter, logically speaking" Right, but there would have been energy according to BB..

      "The second law of thermodynamics says the usable energy is running down, therefore, there had to be a beginning of the universe."

      Entropy is more complicated then that. I wrote a hub on the subject that might help. But second law doesn't say anything of the sort. Usable energy can reach equilibrium rendering it unusable by the system its part of.but in an open system it gets picked up and used by other systems, so its not gone or useless. And in an open system new energy can be brought in. Our sun brings this planet loads of energy 24/7. Animals eat. There is no danger of running out of energy due to entropy, ever.

  15. ahmad fraz profile image61
    ahmad frazposted 8 years ago

    the other religons spend their money for destroying islam.now a days this has been proved that the other religons and countries invest on ttp and alqayda

  16. aurorasa-coaching profile image45
    aurorasa-coachingposted 8 years ago

    Maybe the explanation is really simple. As far as I know confessing Atheists are only to be found in Christian countries. Therefore, Christianity is what they learn about first hand.

    Personally, even after trying to read the Koran (I did not succeed) I do not understand enough of Islam to be afraid or not afraid.

    I think what most Atheists (and I happen to be one or you could call me passive Buddhist) would tell you is that they are afraid of extremists of all kinds.

  17. Live to Learn profile image61
    Live to Learnposted 8 years ago

    Haven't followed the thread but, having been here for a couple of months it appears to me that on Hub Pages the primary lesson learned is that they don't allow discussions on Islam. If someone screams offense they pull the threads; no matter how little evidence there is that anyone has offended. That doesn't seem to be the case on threads questioning Christianity. An atheist can't comment if they aren't allowed to. So, maybe they aren't more concerned?

  18. oceansnsunsets profile image84
    oceansnsunsetsposted 8 years ago

    It is interesting the faith exhibited in the unknown, that science may someday show to support a held view or belief.  It shows belief and faith in what they want to be true, when science hasn't shown it to be true.  There hasn't even been really revelation of any kind that I have seen, that justifies it.  It seems to be more of an anti belief of some other view, than a solid view of its own that is connected to any revelation whatsoever. 

    I share this because some may care about the source off what they think and believe, and truth, more than side taking and simple agreement with others of what they want to be true.  Some do not, understandably.  I can't quite understand such faith, outside of simple, sheer desire.  That isn't science, however.  Yet it is applied as being the more scientific view so often, or more logical, reasonable, factual.

    1. Slarty O'Brian profile image79
      Slarty O'Brianposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      You can't even prove your god is possible, meaning it has a probability of existing nearing zero. You have no way of knowing that what you believe is true, yet you claim up and down it is.
      What other revelations would you like to hear? wink

      1. oceansnsunsets profile image84
        oceansnsunsetsposted 8 years agoin reply to this

        I see you sharing your ideas, but I think you might really just disagree with my conclusions.

        What I am after, ongoing, is what is the most reasonable and logical and scientific.  So ideas that reflect those things, "win" in my book.  I have noticed before the impossible standards people set to avoid what I think is the most reasonable, etc.  So of course it looks like a god could never be proved as possible., or that what I believe has no way of being shown to be true.  I look at things, and come to a very different conclusions.  Thus, all of the little side discussions.   Thanks for sharing your own thoughts. 

        Hard, physical and undeniable facts are great, but not available for "god" discussions, usually.  For the rest, we have to look at what is the most reasonable based on the other things we know to be true.  That is what I am after.  The best views that are backed by the best reasons.  Reasoned with a very fair mind.  So that is what I would encourage to all.  We don't have to know things 100%, to know when one idea is more reasonable than another idea.  One can get closer to the truths of matters in such ways, which is a great thing, if that is what one is really after.

  19. oceansnsunsets profile image84
    oceansnsunsetsposted 8 years ago

    Eternal truths of matters, can be perceived in many ways despite what any of us believe at any given time.  We might be perceiving things on various levels and depending our position, take stances against or for certain views accordingly, despite what we are saying and thinking at a given moment.

    Thus, our outward behaviors and interactions are very telling.  Whatever is real and true has a very funny (not funny really) of being revealed nonetheless, and may be reflected upon in many various ways.  Even in an effort to possibly deny it, or shut it down, the reflections of it are there.  An uncanny irony, kind of.

    1. janesix profile image61
      janesixposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      You talk about truth as if there is some kind of Universal Truth. While that might be true, how do you know what these truths are? And what do you think these "truths" are?

      1. oceansnsunsets profile image84
        oceansnsunsetsposted 8 years agoin reply to this

        I think truth is tricky to define to a completely satisfactory level, but we try, as humans.  Like it is either true or not true that there is absolute truth in our universe.  We can test each truth "claim" (for lack of better words) and see if something is untrue about it, One way it could be put is that truth is not a lie. 

        When discussing what is true or not, I think the single biggest help we can be to ourselves is to make sure we are not deceiving ourselves for any reason, or believing in the deception of others.  (Willfully deceiving or not.)  The last question, volumes could be written about.  The other question is how many examples of an absolute truth would be needed to know that absolute truth indeed exists?  I would think one would be all I would need to know whether or not absolute truth, and or universal truth exists.  So we would need to know where to start, lol.  Like what is the make up of water?  Do humans need oxygen to be alive?  Stuff like that? Those seem to be universally accepted.

        Talk about a crazy way to look at it, but that makes the point.... It is absolutely  true for all people of all time, that right now I am typing this idea onto a HubPages forum thread from my computer, in the Midwest USA.  They don't have to even know it for it to be a universal truth.  Somemight discover it or learn of it, but it will always be true that I am typing this right now, and about to send it so others can read it. After its done being typed, it will always be true that I typed it on my keyboard on 7-17-2015.  (Just the same for anyone else posting on here today.)  Food for thought in regards to greater, other truths.  I think it exists, and I think others do as well.  Thus, the search for it and certain revelations that come to us, as well as living out truths.  Many survive vs dying (or living a very unpleasant life) because they respond to truths, even when they don't prefer them or even severely dislike them.

        1. janesix profile image61
          janesixposted 8 years agoin reply to this

          I am trying to get at the core of what you think these universal truths are. You were very vague on that part.

          1. oceansnsunsets profile image84
            oceansnsunsetsposted 8 years agoin reply to this

            I thought I did give a couple.  My answer shows there are tons of them.  If you are after something in particular, please share, and I can answer that.  Otherwise, where on earth would I begin to answer what universal truths there are?  There have to be tons of them.

            1. janesix profile image61
              janesixposted 8 years agoin reply to this

              Like what, exactly? You didn't actually mention any. You talked a lot ABOUT universal truths, but said nothing specific.

              I don't think you are talking about laws of physics. I suspect you are talking about something metaphysical.

              1. oceansnsunsets profile image84
                oceansnsunsetsposted 8 years agoin reply to this

                Laws of physics are perfect examples.  The things that make life possible.  I believe this is sufficient evidence to know there is absolute truths, universal truths.  Truth is truth, truth is not a lie.

                If you have a particular question regarding something I have said, I would be happy to answer.  Your question is very wide open and vague as it stands.

  20. Vic Dillinger profile image62
    Vic Dillingerposted 8 years ago

    You don't see atheists ripping on Islam so much because Islam isn't nearly as annoying as Christianity which wants to ram it down everyone's throats.  [I've never had a Muslim--or a Jewish faith person--show up on my doorstep asking me if I've been "saved" or if I'd heard the Word of al-Lah or the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh).  Only Christians do that--hey, if it's so great you wouldn't have to sell it door-to-door, people would just gravitate to it on their own.]

    True "non-believers" don't buy into Islam's b.s. monotheism either, but that shouldn't have to be stated now our ever: the very word "atheist" is self-explanatory.  It means "without god(s)"  Thus, no atheist would ever have to post that he/she doesn't believe in Islam (or Judaism or Christianity or any other religion that worships any god).

    It's an unnecessary waste of time.

    Atheists laugh at all religions equally.  Demanding that atheists give equal (read: public, hate-filled) "non-belief" time to Islam is absurd, and it reeks of racism since far and away the majority of the world's  Muslims are people of color.

    1. oceansnsunsets profile image84
      oceansnsunsetsposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      I think we need to be fair to Christianity, and then possible cults of Christianity.  They are pretty different, but often lumped together in arguments like this.  Many people ARE flocking to what they find to be truth of the core basic tenets of Christianity, that aren't responding to people knocking on their doors.  So it is that great of an idea, to many. 

      Commenting only on the Christianity part of this argument at this time.

      1. janesix profile image61
        janesixposted 8 years agoin reply to this

        Why do you say the core basic tenets of Christianity are "truth"? Wouldn't that be an opinion only?

        1. oceansnsunsets profile image84
          oceansnsunsetsposted 8 years agoin reply to this

          I don't think so.  I think Jesus' words for example, are for sure truths of Christianity.  They would be what I think could be fairly said would be core tenets of Christianity, aka, the truth of Christianity.

          Claiming that the core tenets of Christianity is the truth is something I happen to think and believe, but not what I said in my post.  That would be a different argument I think. 

          The greater point of my post is that what many atheists refer to as "annoying" enough to pick on Christianity over Islam in this case, has many flaws.  The main one being to ignore a whole set of issues on the one hand.  The one I was writing about was the idea that it is far more likely that Vic was referring to the cults of Christianity that go door to door as their mission.  The other problem I didn't bring up is that even those two I know of, have as part of their belief system to not continue coming to the doors of people that don't want them to, after being told.  Also, that many are assigned to particular areas and neighborhoods and would know to not repeat a visit.  Yet it is made to look like the people that believe in Christianity that aren't part of those groups, practically make paths to the doors of all atheists.  We all know this is a gross exaggeration and not fair in the exchanging of ideas. 

          Even if it was, which I think would be hard to prove, it doesn't explain the problem many have with Christianity over other religions, yet that is what we observe.  My point is not to argue, but to point towards the greater reasons it seems to be that we observe what we do.  I think Christianity addresses, for example, the greatest problems we have as humans, and is true, and that would be why it might actually feel so annoying when rejecting or opposing it.  Yet many I think come up with reasons that if further examined, don't really pass muster.  These other reasons are more satisfying to lay at the feet of all Christians and their ideas, than for the reasons that are actually within Christianity and many of its adherents.  The broad brushing can be done, but I think it covers over some other truths, and real issues can then be missed.

  21. Oztinato profile image75
    Oztinatoposted 8 years ago

    yeah its just you. Yeah its just bias.

    1. Link10103 profile image60
      Link10103posted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Your personal attacks are completely unfounded Oz.

      Frankly I'm offended :'(

  22. HeadlyvonNoggin profile image85
    HeadlyvonNogginposted 8 years ago

    And you're wrong, period. In your insistence that we focus on the word "all", you totally lost focus on the word "knowing". God can't "know" what your life would be like if you had been born in, say, London. Why? Because it never happened. But God still "knows" all. All that actually happened. He "knows" all that can be known. All that actually happened, in every moment, everywhere, from the beginning of the universe to the end. So He, therefore, "knows" all. All that can be "known". You can't know an intangible. You can't "know" a hypothetical.

    I get your argument. All means ALL. Got it. But the definition is "ALL KNOWING". It's the second half that makes what you're saying false and what I'm saying true.

    Right, I know. That's why your struggling with this. Your thinking, as many people do, like space and time are constant ever-present things. But they're not. They have a beginning and they will have an end. They only exist because this universe exists.

    So don't think of it as whether or not God is "in" space-time right now. Only you and I are under that illusion. That there's a dramatic distance between here and there. God exists apart from space and time. He existed "before" they did, though I only say it that way to put it in a vernacular more familiar to you and I. There actually isn't a "before" time because having a "before" requires time. Before time there's no moment that happened. Time didn't exist.

    You and I exist spacially. We exist at a particular spatial coordinance in a real/physical world. We are matter. We are energy. God existed before all of this. This isn't the realm God exists in. So from our perspective God is exactly the same, in every moment, in every place.

    Kind of like the sun, but not really. The sun also exists spatially. It has a set coordinance in the material world. But it's so far away that even when we move it seems to stay in the same place. In relation to us, it stays in the same relative place. God is even "further" away, though that too is in the vernacular of "space". But that's how we think. That's why this is difficult for some people to grasp. It's so foreign to us.

    Think of it in terms of dimensions. A figure that exists in a two dimensional space, that's all there is. They can only travel up/down/left/right. There is no forward and backward. The illusion that they're moving away can be achieved by making them smaller. But they're not actually further away because in a 2D environment there's no such thing as depth. Well in the dimension in which God exists, there is no up or down or here or there, and there is no then or now or before or after.

    Here's another example. Imagine you're flying through deep space in a space vehicle. Are you right side up? Or upside down? What does right side up and upside down even mean in deep space? They're irrelevant. They have no baring on your ability to traverse the universe. Yet nearly every movie you've seen ships fly into a solar system where the planets are rotating horizontally across the star. Have you ever seen this depicted with someone flying towards the sun and the planets orbiting up and down? Like you're approaching it "sideways"? No. Probably not. Why? Because we humans have experienced every moment of our lives in an environment where there IS an up and a down. A ride side up and an upside down. But that's only from our perspective. It's irrelevant in space. In the same way, time and space is irrelevant to God.

    Your still thinking "spacially". Which is totally understandable. That's all we've ever known. A spacial existence. We think of everything in terms of space and time. Here and there and then and now. These things are irrelevant. They've been shown to be an illusion.

    Basically, to make a long explanation no shorter or more clear, you can't think of God in human terms. I know you just assume he's the product of human minds, so when you look at things that's all you see. That's your own perceptions coloring what you see. Causing you to see things a certain way. You have to first really consider what God, if He truly existed as described, would really/realistically be like. God as you think of Him is like a flawed hypothetical. So when you compare what you observe in this reality to that hypothetical/imagined concept of God, of course it doesn't match up. Not because reality isn't consistent withe God, but because reality is not consistent with your flawed concept. It's like walking around a busy bus terminal with a crude drawing of a stick figure asking people, " Have you seen this person?". The answer is no. Does that mean the person you're looking for doesn't exist? No. That just means that nobody exists that looks like your stick figure.

    His will. How do you bind to your principals? Are you physically hindered in some way from doing things you find unethical? No, your bound by a non-physical force. A will that has the capability of controlling the physical actions of your physical body.

    So is it evil to shoot and kill someone if it was done to protect an innocent defenseless child he was about to attack? Well, the things God did were in the service of saving EVERYONE. I'm sorry, but in a place like this where only real things matter, God had to be "real".

    Like I explained before, (May have been in a discussion with someone else, I can't recall. It all kind of runs together sometimes.) To say God should prevent all "evil" is all fine and good, but totally irrational. It's like saying it should never be cold. Just warm always.

    Same thing.

    Satan isn't bad. The human mind naturally wants a villain. Someone to point at and say there's the bad guy. There's the problem.

    What God did in Egypt and throughout the OT was because God needed to ensure things happened in such a way that would allow all of us to exist eternally. But because free will was in the world, God was not in control. So God had to create in an environment not in His control. To do that He sometimes had to coax humans to do what needed to be done. But their behavior didn't reflect His will. It reflected our own. God/nature killing isn't evil. Not all killing is evil. Killing shaped human life.

    It's easy, not to mention intellectually lazy, to say God should prevent evil. It's not a feasible suggestion.

    1. BuddiNsense profile image60
      BuddiNsenseposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      All means all, all knowing, not knowing some and not knowing others and yes including hypothetical. I meant it ALL KNOWING not all knowing, the all is the most relevant in it and you are ignoring that. Simply knowing is not omniscience and that is what differentiate between knowing and all knowing. Is god ‘knowing’ or ‘all’ knowing? Knowing won’t make him omniscience.  A hypothetical question, if I put a bullet to your forehead, what would happen to you, I know the answer and I presume you too, but your god does not?
      In your Abraham example, god should know that Abraham is loyal enough even to sacrifice his son even without testing; there is no question of doubt, in omniscience.

      Much of what you say is nonsense or irrelevant, I make a ball as long as there is the ball there is an inside and outside. If god is not in space time, then he is out of it, there is a place where he is not there, and he is not omnipresent. If he is inside and outside then he is technically omnipresent but there is another problem, omnipresence is an oxymoron, a meaningless word.

      That is my will, god’s will is binding only to god not to anyone, in fact god’s will is not even known let alone binding. And if I want to do the unethical thing there is nothing to bind me, unlike gravity. If I want to defy gravity, I really will have to work.

      Wrong again, 1) god do indeed kill only he will not act to prevent evil - so he is evil
      2) He didn’t kill to prevent murder but just to “show his strength”
      God shoot and kill DEFENCELESS children to show his strength. Completely EVIL.

      I didn’t say god should prevent all evil, but prevent unnecessary evil. And  it is YOUR GOD himself who defined it that way, your god is evil by HIS definition.

      Can you get me the bible inspired by nature? Can you show me where nature ASKS his followers to kill? Can you show me where nature talks?

      Yea satan probably is not bad, because there is no satan, the only satan is your god who is the son of the most high.

      God killing innocent children has nothing to do with free will, whom are you trying to fool? What god did in Egypt was pure evil. If you were god, would you have hardened the pliable Pharaoh to kill innocent children? The environment is not in his control but still he can harden the Pharoah?
      Am I to understand that Psalms and thessalonians are wrong?

      1. HeadlyvonNoggin profile image85
        HeadlyvonNogginposted 8 years agoin reply to this

        Yes, all is all, but 'knowing' doesn't fit in the way you're trying to make it. Just like you, or anyone who knows you really well, you can't know what you life would have been like if you were born in another country, or if you were born another race, or if you were born the opposite gender. It's impossible to have knowledge of that because it never happened. God doesn't know any of those things either, yet He still knows all that actually did happen. He knows all that it's possible to have knowledge of.

        Not at all. In fact, what we know now this isn't nonsense at all. Physics has shown us that. Time and space are relative.

        Yes, your 'ball' example perfectly illustrates why your struggling to understand. Because you're still thinking in spatial terms. That doesn't apply in what we're talking about.

        Yes, exactly! Your beholden by a will you can't demonstrate actually exists, that can't be observed in any real way. Yet you can choose to override it. There is nothing to bind you. That's because you have a free will. If not you'd be much like a dog in that my dog probably acts a lot like your dog. They're not capable of breaking free of that. We are.

        Well if that's how you choose to see it. As far as I can tell God's actions mean there are millions, possibly billions of people who will not be able to retain their individual selves throughout eternity rather than ceasing to exist and being doomed to oblivion. If you're going to make an omelet, you have to break a few eggs. That's a saying for a reason.

        Right, okay, so what if it's all necessary? How do you determine what is and isn't necessary?

        Uh, yeah, actually. Nature asks us to kill to survive. And that's what we do. All the time. We've industrialized killing into lucrative business. Nature talks, not verbally, but in your genetic coding. It compels you to eat and do what you need to do to sustain life.

        I'm curious, what are you referring to in Psalms and Thessalonians?

  23. HeadlyvonNoggin profile image85
    HeadlyvonNogginposted 8 years ago

    Yes!! Exactly! You're exactly right. That's the idea. To learn. To gain wisdom and knowledge. These things can't just be given. We can't be imbued with knowledge and wisdom. You must gain it through experience. That's what this life is all about.

    A world without problems to face and overcome is another pie in the sky ridiculous thing to suggest. I mean, really, what would life even be without problems? What would be the point? If there were nothing to overcome? Nothing to challenge us? Nothing to bring the best out of us?

    Why is that not okay? Isn't fighting disease and famine and suffering what's taught us and made us so informed and intelligent? We'd be worthless and really pathetic without any of it. There'd be no challenges to give us character and perspective. If there were no death, if you and everyone you loved never died, never got sick, would you really cherish the time you get with them? Would it really even be significant?

    Do you not like to be challenged? Do you not like the feeling you get in overcoming a challenge?

    He didn't do those things because He was having a tantrum. He did those things because there were certain things that needed to happen that He had to coerce out of humans that were not under His control.

    That's a misinterpretation. God doesn't want these things to feed His ego. These things have to happen. It's simple logistics. The trillions of cells in your body wouldn't be able to work as a cohesive functioning system if it were not for a single solitary code that everything adhered to. That code is in the interest of successfully forming a well-working body. Acknowledgement of God as the one true God, as the authority, as the law-maker, is simply necessary for eternal life to work.

    1. Slarty O'Brian profile image79
      Slarty O'Brianposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      My arm doesn't need to worship my brain. Your arguments are getting more desperate as you go along. Your god demands worship and glorification. Big difference between that and what's required for order. Glorification and the demand for worship have zero to do with anything but a gigantic ego.

      1. HeadlyvonNoggin profile image85
        HeadlyvonNogginposted 8 years agoin reply to this

        Absolutely wrong. Without it would be like each of the cells in your body being capable of choosing whether or not to adhere to the DNA code of the body. The system would break down and would no longer be able to sustain life.

        Let's say all the cells in your body were free to do as they wished. All the cells in your right hand decided they no longer just wanted to be a normal hand like the cells that make up the hand on the other side of the body. They decide they're special and should be allowed to be a green hand three times as big if that's what they want.

        Well, just being cells, they don't understand that a hand that much larger would take much more of the body's resources to maintain itself. They just want what they want. And there's no rule or code that keeps them from doing so. So they decide to do what they want and in turn endanger the whole system, including putting themselves in danger because they live off that same system they're endangering.

        It's simple logic. Simple logistics. If we're to be capable of free will for all eternity, there must be rules and there must be order. So there must be one who is capable of such a task, and that one must be willfully acknowledged by all involved. It's not ego, it's simply what's necessary.

        1. Slarty O'Brian profile image79
          Slarty O'Brianposted 8 years agoin reply to this

          "absolutely wrong. Without it would be like each of the cells in your body being capable of choosing whether or not to adhere to the DNA code of the body. The system would break down and would no longer be able to sustain life. "

          Without glorifying and kissing some gods ass the world would fall apart? Any idea how idiotic that sounds? Your god, if it were to exist, would be a tyrant egomaniac of biblical proportions. No need for that.

          You worship your president? The Queen? Any head of state? Does the world fall apart if you don't?
          I know you are just being stubborn and can't admit you are wrong, but this is getting ridiculous.

          1. HeadlyvonNoggin profile image85
            HeadlyvonNogginposted 8 years agoin reply to this

            The only thing that makes it seem as though we have to kiss ass is because we willingly have to do what everything in nature does 'naturally'. Does matter kiss gravity's ass? Do our cells kiss our DNA codes ass? No. Because it's not a choice in that regard. They're not choosing their allegiances.

            Again, like a body. You know as well as I do that we're all part of a delicate system. We're components of a system where all the parts work together. And we've established scientifically that this all works because there are a constant unchanging set of laws that everything adheres to. Because of that, there is order. Organized systems self-arrange.

            Ants are millions of individuals, yet they all work towards common goals. Like a well run company or anything else. We've experienced enough to know that's how systems work best.

            If it were a choice whether or not to work in harmony with the system you're a part of or whether or not to do your own thing, then conforming with the system is sometimes said to be 'kissing up'. So, yeah, you're kind of right.

    2. Slarty O'Brian profile image79
      Slarty O'Brianposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      "He didn't do those things because He was having a tantrum. He did those things because there were certain things that needed to happen that He had to coerce out of humans that were not under His control. "

      You can't be serious? What a joke. I can read thanks and my comprehension is pretty good. Don't try to twist the words on the page. It says what it says and nothing more.

      In the end none of what god did amounted to jack any way. Moses fooled Pharaoh in to letting them go out of the city to worship, on the promise they would come back. He even got Egyptians to lend them gold and silver for their ritual.

      1. HeadlyvonNoggin profile image85
        HeadlyvonNogginposted 8 years agoin reply to this

        Again, absolutely wrong. In the end what God did amounted to everything. God's actions and interactions with humans in the OT accomplished exactly what it was supposed to. It resulted in the birth of Jesus. So God accomplished giving all of humanity a simple way to be accepted in eternity. You don't have to sacrifice a pure animal. All you have to do is believe. That's it. That's what God accomplished. He saved countless people from the fate of ceasing to exist after death.

        1. Slarty O'Brian profile image79
          Slarty O'Brianposted 8 years agoin reply to this

          He saved us from himself and his idiotic rules? Wow, what a feat! lol... you should listen to yourself.

          I was talking about Exodus in which he is fabled to have  killed thousands of innocent people for his own glorification, and in the end what he did accomplished nothing. Moses tricked Pharaoh. That's what got them out according to the myth. Not god's tom foolery.

          1. HeadlyvonNoggin profile image85
            HeadlyvonNogginposted 8 years agoin reply to this

            He created an environment where what we do matters.

            What was accomplished is that the Israelites were freed from their captivity as they wanted to be because God "heard their cries". That's what their will wanted, and God gave  them what they wanted.

            And eventually this is the line of descent that led to the birth of Jesus.

    3. Slarty O'Brian profile image79
      Slarty O'Brianposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      "A world without problems to face and overcome is another pie in the sky ridiculous thing to suggest. I mean, really, what would life even be without problems? What would be the point? "

      I'm sending the men in white coats now. You are obviously living in the twilight zone.

      The problems aren't what we want to keep. You not get the memo? We're trying to get rid of them so we can live better.Eventually live in a world with less of them or none. Isn't that what heaven is like? Or are there lots of problems there for us to solve? Not what I've heard. So yeah. What would be the point of heaven?

      1. Link10103 profile image60
        Link10103posted 8 years agoin reply to this

        I lost count of the contradictions about 50 pages ago with the whole not omniscient but still omniscient fiasco...wonder what the tally looks like now.

        1. HeadlyvonNoggin profile image85
          HeadlyvonNogginposted 8 years agoin reply to this

          It's still zero. And about three individuals who clearly can't seem to get their minds wrapped around what should be a pretty simple concept. Probably because you've convinced yourselves I'm the problem. Classic misdiagnosis. Makes solving the problem difficult when you don't understand what the problem is. Spoiler alert: It's not me.

      2. HeadlyvonNoggin profile image85
        HeadlyvonNogginposted 8 years agoin reply to this

        Yeah, I get how it can sound crazy at first. But that's the problem I so often have with atheists and their arguments. What your suggesting as the "right answer" isn't even feasible half the time. Like you wanting to get rid of all the bad stuff. Sure, it's a nice sentiment. It's just not at all reasonable.

        A while back there was a kind of bio-dome built. They wanted to recreate the outside on the inside. But they kept running into a problem with the trees. They just grew straight up, really high, and they were really weak. Flimsy.

        It turned out the problem was there was no wind. It's the wind that challenges the tree. Pushes it around, causes its branches to crack and break. And the tree would then heal those cracks and breaks by creating bark. The wind is what gives trees their beautiful shapes and their strength.

        If we didn't have the problems you seem to think we need to get rid of, then humanity never would have evolved as we did. We'd all be worthless blobs incapable of practically everything because survival came too easy.

        Getting rid of the problems isn't living better. Hell, it's barely living at all. In your haste to get rid of all the bad stuff you seem to be undervaluing the adversities and challenges we face in life.

        1. Slarty O'Brian profile image79
          Slarty O'Brianposted 8 years agoin reply to this

          "Yeah, I get how it can sound crazy at first. But that's the problem I so often have with atheists and their arguments. What your suggesting as the "right answer" isn't even feasible half the time. Like you wanting to get rid of all the bad stuff. Sure, it's a nice sentiment. It's just not at all reasonable. "

          Then why would it be reasonable when we're dead?

          The point is and has been this: In a natural world not created by a super intelligence, this existence is obviously just how it is. No one to blame, but it is in our best interest to solve the problems we can.

          In a world created by a conscious being, it is responsible and to blame for all suffering.
          It's absurd to think a perfect thing would need to create imperfection and make it suffer to force it to evolve in the way it wants.

          Contrary to your objections, he could have made us perfect from the outset with full knowledge and a will of our own. You saying your god's not good enough to do that?

          So you have a few choices: Your god creates in the only way possible, which is fine. But then drop the pretext that its perfect and all powerful, its limited. I could accept that.

          The other alternative is that he could have done it any way he wanted to and chose to do it like tthis where all of creation suffers at one time or other, some more than others.

          That cruel beyond belief.

          1. HeadlyvonNoggin profile image85
            HeadlyvonNogginposted 8 years agoin reply to this

            It's reasonable because beyond death we'll all have the wisdom and shared experience of life. We'll get a chance to start over, only there we'll be able to work from the wealth of knowledge gained throughout human history.

            It's not absurd. We know imperfections molded us into what we are. Challenged us to be stronger and smarter. That's how nature works. If God is the embodiment of nature, then why would you expect Him to not share commonality with how nature works?

            Knowledge and wisdom can't just be given. By definition, it must be earned. Gained through experience. We know that to be the case. We're each born with naturally programmed behaviors, but we still have to learn through experience. We aren't born with all knowledge already in place. We learn through experience.

            You're seriously undervaluing suffering and adversity. It has value. Whether you want to admit it or not. When someone is trained, like say in the army, are they not challenged? Do they not suffer a bit? Do you think they'd be creating soldiers nearly as capable if they removed challenges and anything that might make them suffer? They do it as they do it for a reason.

            1. Slarty O'Brian profile image79
              Slarty O'Brianposted 8 years agoin reply to this

              "It's not absurd. We know imperfections molded us into what we are."

              Only because we have them. If we didn't we wouldn't miss them.

              " Challenged us to be stronger and smarter. That's how nature works. If God is the embodiment of nature, then why would you expect Him to not share commonality with how nature works?"

              Then he's limited.

              "Knowledge and wisdom can't just be given. By definition, it must be earned."

              So your god can't do that either? Very limited.

              "Gained through experience. We know that to be the case. We're each born with naturally programmed behaviors, but we still have to learn through experience. We aren't born with all knowledge already in place. We learn through experience."

              Here in this environment yes.

              "You're seriously undervaluing suffering and adversity."

              No I'm not. Only if a god created this on purpose. Then it was a cruel thing to do.

              "It has value. Whether you want to admit it or not. When someone is trained, like say in the army, are they not challenged? Do they not suffer a bit? Do you think they'd be creating soldiers nearly as capable if they removed challenges and anything that might make them suffer? They do it as they do it for a reason."

              Yes, because your god created a world where war breaks out. Not a nice guy. You can't give examples like that. Yes, now, adversity breeds creativity. Absolutely But the goal is not to need soldiers anymore. If a god could have done things a different way but chose this, it's a cruel god.

              The only reason you need creativity is because of adversity. It's not adversity that's valuable, its creativity.

  24. profile image0
    Phoebe Vixenposted 8 years ago

    this is what i noticed too. even when i visit ''christian'' music on youtube, they would make fun of Jesus, the top comments.... whereas its the other way around when i look for the music of other religions, including Islam.

  25. HeadlyvonNoggin profile image85
    HeadlyvonNogginposted 8 years ago

    See, this is the problem I've always had with atheism. It's really easy to criticize. Really easy. The trick is to then formulate a feasible solution. If your saying that what I'm saying is nonsense, that it shouldn't be that way, then by all means, tell us how it should be. Explain your totally feasible and reasonable alternative for how things should be.

    That's something I engrained into the people I manage. It's easy to criticize. Anyone can do it. But if you're going to criticize something, at least have a suggestion for how to address it. Don't just criticize something as being bad and not have something better as a suggestion. Without something to suggest to fix the issue, criticizing alone accomplishes nothing.

    No matter how conflicted I may have been at any point in my life where God is concerned, the thing it always comes back to is the simple fact that the alternative, a god-less existence, just isn't feasible. The explanation of the atheist is hollow and doesn't stand on its own. It depends too heavily on being the antithesis of religion or God. But take that part away and it can't sustain its own weight. It collapses on itself. It was simply never a feasible alternative. I can't seriously consider it and remain intellectually honest.

    1. wilderness profile image94
      wildernessposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      The atheist feels the same way.  It's really easy to criticize when they can't provide the answers you desire, and it gets worse when believers simply make up stories (denying all other stories as false) as an explanation and they then request reasons and evidence to support your stories which the believer is completely unable to provide.

      The god gambit, whatever god is chosen, simply isn't a feasible alternative.  Atheists can't seriously consider it and remain intellectually honest - declaring ancient stories and tales to be true without supporting evidence is not honest.

      As far as finding alternative solutions to the question of creation (from the first atom to the complexity of the human brain and body) - it has been done.  The intimate details are not known (and never will be), but then the intimate details (how did a god do it) aren't available either.  That the believer glosses over those details (God is omnipotent and can do anything) is a form of dishonesty as well, particularly when such details are required for any other explanation.

      1. HeadlyvonNoggin profile image85
        HeadlyvonNogginposted 8 years agoin reply to this

        Hey Wilderness, it's good to see you drop in.

        Well then you're in luck because I can provide copious amounts of evidence. Declaring ancient stories and tales to be false in spite of the evidence, or without proper consideration of the evidence, isn't honest either.

        What isn't a feasible alternative is the suggestion that we exist as we do through pure random chance, self-organizing into complex systems capable of thought and reason and self-awareness, out of nothing for no deliberate reason. That's just how the chips landed as the result of the formation of the universe. That is absurd. Intelligence, reason, imagination, creativity, logic, what the human mind is capable of is well beyond the evolved needs of a struggling species of mammal trying to etch it's survival in the landscape. This is not just some random occurrence that gained complexity over time.

        I think you'll find I do anything but gloss over anything. I am and have always been skeptical. And the viewpoint I now hold is the result of healthy doses of skepticism. However hard you challenge anything I say, be assured I've challenged it more.

        1. wilderness profile image94
          wildernessposted 8 years agoin reply to this

          Headly, I've seen your evidence, and discussed it with you.  As far as I'm concerned it comes down to: "If we look at only a tiny portion of humanity, we see sudden jumps in knowledge that can only come from gods".  The conclusion is unsupportable, the database is far too narrow, and there are alternate answers to the question of "how" that are completely ignored.

          I have repeatedly asked for an analysis of why random chance is absurd, with the answer always being "Because it could not happen".  An unsupported statement, then, with zero analysis (or at least the anaysis' I've seen never add up mathematically and contain totally false premises to start with).  Just like the bald statement that "Intelligence, reason, imagination, creativity, logic, what the human mind is capable of is well beyond the evolved needs of a struggling species of mammal trying to etch it's survival in the landscape." - the only evidence here is that those things have produced the most successful (in terms of reproduction and environments occupied) animal in the history of the planet.  It certainly does NOT support the statement; it completely refutes it.

          1. HeadlyvonNoggin profile image85
            HeadlyvonNogginposted 8 years agoin reply to this

            First off, your brief review of my view is grossly oversimplified. As for that "tiny population of humanity", the focus is on the specific cultures of human history who made dramatic leaps forward in technology and society. We also happen to be talking about the specific region and timeline of the Genesis stories.

            My explanation isn't just a broad application of "God" where those "sudden jumps in knowledge" are concerned. It's a much more grounded and verifiable framework than that. It builds a hypothesis on the Genesis text, and not the merky bits where interpretation is shaky, but in the very certain bits that give timeline and event breakdowns. Though Genesis is notoriously lacking in detailed information, it does a marvelous job of laying out a very specific timeline over which these stories take place. Between that and the fact that it also gives a specific geographic location, much can be determined using the evidence that's been gained over the decades about our ancient human history.

            As for those other explanations that you claim to be totally adequate and ignored by me. That is not true. Maybe you weren't involved in the discussions, but this has been covered to a fairly great extent. Primarily by giving examples of how those "alterate answers" don't hold up. What they suggest would mean there would be patterns in the evidence to back up those explanations where other examples of very similar conditions can be found. While those explanations are perfectly fine as for applying an explanation to those specific situations, where they fall apart is in the propagation of these changes throughout humanity. If it were just, say, increased population density, then there are numerous examples that can be looked to to see if that characteristic does in fact bring about the changes as those explanations suggest.

            The database isn't too narrow. This started with a hypothesis built around the timeline and specified location of the texts. Guided only by that, I let the framework of the hypothesis dictate where to look and for what. Making predictions of what should be found in the evidence if the hypothesis is true, then testing those predictions. And in numerous cases, evidence that closely mirrors what was expected to be found over and over.

            And these were by no means vague predictions. For example, having already established the timeline, the location, and the flood event as a kind of push-pin on that timeline, I worked forwards and backwards from that point in the story and found copious amounts of supporting evidence in both directions. Like the Babel story. This is an example of a very specific prediction and why the database is so narrowed. Because it's so specific.

            The flood happened around 4000BC in southern mesopotamia according to the model. This lines up with the building of Uruk shortly after the flood, a real place. And it lines up with flood evidence directly linked to that specific time and place. So, the prediction was, if the Genesis hypothesis is true, then roughly a century after the flood we should see events that line up with what's described in the Babel story. These events primarily include a mass dispersion of the human population centered around a location where a tower existed. And that's exactly what I found. Exactly. A climate change in 3900BC, one century later, really did cause massive human migrations out of that specific region of the world. Including the people of Eridu, the location of a tower believed to be a prime candidate as the tower of Babel.

            And that's just one example. Another big one would be the sweeping prediction of a change in human behavior to reflect the change that happened to Adam/Eve and all born of them. Exactly that is what was found. A verifiable behavior change that can be verified as beginning right in the same time and place the hypothesis predicted. Not only that, but the specifics of the behavior change can be verified as well. This hypothesis is very specific, and I had no prior knowledge of the evidence and events that support it when I first built it.

            I share many of the same issues with believers. The lack of evidence was not something I was going to do. I wasn't just going to say this is this and that is that, and I know this because I believe. I wanted hard data that could be discussed and challenged. Nearly five years of relentless challenges, by some rather smart people, and it still stands. For a reason.

            We can delve as deep as you want. It gets really fascinating really fast.

            1. wilderness profile image94
              wildernessposted 8 years agoin reply to this

              Nope - we've already been over this, and in detail.  There is zero doubt that the bible contains a history, however exaggerated, of a specific group of people.  There is massive doubt that the god of the bible (or any other god) even exists, and while you constantly say that isn't the point, you also constantly come back to a god as soon as the topic changes slightly, and that god(s) is tied (somehow) to evidence that some small part of the biblical history is partially true if the exaggerations and shaman's tales of a god are removed.  The bottom line is that declaring your hypothesis true because of a (very) rough correlation in time to the (proposed) results if it is true does not make it so.  There are alternative explanations, with evidence just as good, that must be ignored (or glossed over) in order to make that conclusion.

              1. HeadlyvonNoggin profile image85
                HeadlyvonNogginposted 8 years agoin reply to this

                I'm sorry, but you're wrong. Part of the reason I got started on this path is because the most often cited explanations do not line up with the evidence. There are these extremely broad strokes of explanations based in evolutionary psychology that simply don't match at all with what's observed. They match up in the one specific case they're looking to explain, but there's no consistency in that explanation anywhere else where conditions should have been right.

                Yeah, I know most consider there to be some level of history in the bible. But what you seem to be overlooking is that the history the bible tells spans roughly 1500 years, dating back to well before writing. Somehow they managed to tell a story that really is accurate timeline wise, without the aid of recorded records to keep up with the passage of time in the realm of centuries and millennia.

                When you say I "constantly come back to a God" it's because that's part of the hypothesis. You have to allow for the possibility that this may be true. You must be able to seriously consider it a real possibility. Accuracy in the biblical tales does not prove God is real, but they go a long way towards showing these stories that describe this God as real really did happen as described. He may not be real, but if He is then this account of his interactions with ancient humans is a good contender for being a real recorded history of those interactions.

                So I work in that construct. Not out of faith, but in the light of the hypothesis and what I have vetted to the best of my ability as being the REAL truth. An explanation that not only lines up better with the evidence than the more standard models, but that continues to predict what can be found from that point forward. Not just the timeline, not just the events, but the impact of those events as well. If you smell smoke and see smoke and taste smoke and feel heat on your skin, then there's a good chance there's a fire. it's just a reasonable conclusion.

                Let me give you another example. The standard model actually considers the explanation that roughly a dozen independent ancient civilizations basically came up with a very similiar explanation behind the characters of their various mythologies. Every culture that sprang up in that region, the Sumerians, the Egyptians, the Indus Valley, the Hittites, the Greeks, the Romans, and on and on, all describe their past as including these anthropomorphic immortal gods who lived among them and interacted with them. The standard model basically assumes that this is how the mind works when information is missing. These people were just so confounded by the natural world that they dreamed up these archetypes to explain things.

                So what's the more likely explanation, nevermind the bible or what you currently believe or any of that. Just the hard facts. Is it more likely that all these independent cultures, each with their own independent languages and independently established cultures and mythologies, all basically came up with the same explanation of immortal anthropomorphic gods? Or is the more likely cause behind this that beings like this actually did exist in that region of the world for a time? A time just before the advent of writing, so memories of them would still be there to be seen.

                See, this is another place where the standard model breaks down when you try to chart it out beyond that specific region. There were numerous other cultures that sprang up in similar conditions when farming allowed for denser populations and all of that. Yet it's only the dozen or so immediately surrounding the Mediterranean that share these commonalities in their descriptions. If this were truly how the mind worked, which would explain the consistency between these different cultures, then that same pattern of myth-building should be seen in cultures beyond that region. They're not..

                You can't determine prematurely what is possible and what is not possible where finding the truth is concerned. You can't decide that just because the stories sound outlandish to you that they're not true. You're going to need better reason than that to dismiss them. To do what you're doing, and what a lot of people do where this topic is concerned, is a logical fallacy.

                Here's a relevant quote from Lawrence Krauss from the documentary 'The Unbelievers' ....
                "Because that's the liberation that science provides. The realization to assume the truth, to assume the answer before you ask the questions, leads you nowhere."

                That's exactly what you're doing. Your reasoning for dismissing what I'm pointing out is based entirely on your refusal to consider this a real possibility. You've already answered the question before it's really even been asked. If you already know the answer, then why are you looking?

                1. wilderness profile image94
                  wildernessposted 8 years agoin reply to this

                  "Accuracy in the biblical tales does not prove God is real..."


                  "...but they go a long way towards showing these stories that describe this God as real really did happen as described."

                  Incorrect, and therein lies the problem.  The gods were an invention of the time to provide an explanation the people didn't have and nothing more.  The old tales do NOT give any indication or evidence the gods were real, and that is where your mistake is, and continues to be, made.

                  1. HeadlyvonNoggin profile image85
                    HeadlyvonNogginposted 8 years agoin reply to this

                    And here's your mistake ...

                    "The gods were an invention of the time to provide an explanation the people didn't have and nothing more."

                    You state that as if it's an established fact. Yet there's about as much evidence of it as there is for God existing. It's an assumption. An assumption that doesn't at all show to be consistent anywhere else in the world at any other point in human history. Given the clear lack of evidence to support it, why are you so convinced this is the right answer? Based on what?

                    All I'm saying is that if God is real and if Genesis is legitimate, then based on the evidence it's a real possibility. It appears that the events and the impact of those events really did happen when an where Genesis says they did.

                    Most just think Genesis says Adam was the first human, which obviously doesn't match the evidence, and stop there. They're done with Genesis as being anything other than fiction. This shows that there's way more to consider than that before we decide to so uncerimoniously toss aside this ancient text with such close and relevant ties to the beginning of the modern human world. Because of this conclusion based on a half-assed assessment of the text, the whole thing is categorically dismissed. That is a giant mistake. That's answering the questions prematurely. Just as you have done multiple times already.

                2. wilderness profile image94
                  wildernessposted 8 years agoin reply to this

                  "If you already know the answer, then why are you looking?"

                  Because no one knows the answer.  We have a strong possibility, with supporting evidence.  We have ancient tales, believed by millions upon millions of people, but without that supporting evidence.  You purport to have such evidence, but in actuality do not.  Only a time correlation between a hypothesis (that could be true) and a grossly exaggerated verbal history of people from 6,000 years ago - it isn't enough to do any more than dream.  Certainly not to enough to even be considered as evidence, let alone proof.

  26. omendata profile image61
    omendataposted 8 years ago

    Because Islam is not a religion its a death cult pure and simple.
    A death cult bribes its follower (70 virgins) - a death cult brainwashes it followers (call to prayer and bum in the air 5 times day - the blasting out of the call to prayer 5 times a day is purely a brainwashing technique - Mohammed was a paedophile and a mass murderer - Jesus prophet of peace , Mohammed prohpet of war says it all really - People need to shake of this political correctness or fear of islam and do something before its too late if it isnt already - we have mass paedophile rape gangs 98% muslim in the uk - one town 1400 white girls raped and paedophiled and sold tortured and in one case the little girl was murdered and put into kebabs and sold to the general public yet when these two fiends went to court the police were accused of racial harassment even  though they have a recording of the two men in question actually admitting what they did - yet they got £200,000 each compensation such is the madness that is political correctness.

    Google Charlene Downes and Blackpool kebab shops if you want further proof - 11 kebab shops in a 10 square mile radius prostituting and paedophile raping young white christian and sikh girls.

  27. Link10103 profile image60
    Link10103posted 8 years ago

    There is evil and bad stuffs in the world, otherwise humans would either be mindless drones (somehow), they would be bored out of their minds (somehow...), or they wouldn't have free will (somehow...........)

    Heaven is a virtual paradise where nothing bad happens and everything is perfect for eternity...yet humans aren't going to be bored, become mindless drones, and still retain free will.

    Contrad-I give up.

    1. Slarty O'Brian profile image79
      Slarty O'Brianposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      He won't admit any of his contradictions. I advise not holding your breath

      1. HeadlyvonNoggin profile image85
        HeadlyvonNogginposted 8 years agoin reply to this

        If I had contradicted myself, if you can prove what I'm saying to be a contradiction, I will gladly admit it. But I haven't. If you see a contradiction, then you don't yet get what I'm saying. Stop dismissing it as a contradiction and really think about it. That's the only way you'll understand.

    2. HeadlyvonNoggin profile image85
      HeadlyvonNogginposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Ants are mindless drones. Yet they are individual bugs who all work together in a community. When one is infected by something that causes it to act differently, that ant is removed from the society.

      Anywhere you go in the world, a horse is a horse, a lion is a lion, a bear is a bear. They can't just be something else. Humans are different. They can do any number of things that's different from other humans. You never know quite what to expect. Not so with animals.

      So you don't think it would be a good thing to live without the inevitability of an eventual death, without the need to work for a living, without pain and sickness? You think that would eventually wear thin?

      1. Link10103 profile image60
        Link10103posted 8 years agoin reply to this

        I don't particularly understand how the first 2 parts of this relates to really any of what has been said, let alone specifically what I was addressing. Even with that said I see issues with both statements...

        As for the last part, its rather easy to keep everything the way it is with all the joy and suffering thrown into the mix but have god eliminate death. Granted if you delve further into that you run Into population breakdown, exhausted resources, and space issues. A solution? Make death optional. You live as long as you want, and when you think you've lived a good earthly life, move on to join God and family members in paradise. Simple as I see it, we can even keep the concept of hell. Provided of course God isn't some paranoid recluse and actually gives the details on what is what.

        As a note, I'm not being entirely realistic. Of course, suggesting God purposely created us to suffer/knowingly causes suffering himself so we aren't bored and can enjoy life better is quite an insane and morally dishonest thing for anyone to do as is. I can't really top that so I feel like I can get away with being a tad unrealistic at times.

        1. HeadlyvonNoggin profile image85
          HeadlyvonNogginposted 8 years agoin reply to this

          It's not for entertainment or to keep us from getting bored. As I said, you're undervaluing the importance of adversity and the benefit of living in such an environment. As I've explained a few times, this life is about preparation. About gaining the wisdom required to wield free will. To understand it's power and destructive capabilities. To understand why there are rules and what can happen when it's just allowed to run loose on its own. The entirety of human history will serve as a perfect knowledge base for just that situation.

          And I shouldn't have to explain to you that if we went with your unrealistic suggestion we'd still have all the problems you listed regarding population and such. For each of us to be born into a world where we are relevant, death can't be an option. Those in power aren't going to be motivated to opt out. They'll have already established themselves and you, being just born into the world, are already irrelevant. But with death we all have our period of relevancy. It's not just population and limited resources that's the issue. Free will has historically been very selfish. I don't know if death according to the honor system is the way to go.

          The first two bits have everything to do with what we've been discussing. We've been discussing free will, and those are examples of behaviors of things that don't have free will. Dogs are dogs and birds are birds. If humans didn't have free will then we'd be just as they are. We'd all behave according to the same set of rules, the "laws of nature", and we'd all behave the same. Much like indigenous cultures lived throughout most of history.

          Free will gives within us a lingering sense of discontentment. Indigenous cultures are simply content with what they have. They're not compelled to spread and conquer. Your inability to see the connection of the first two bits goes a long ways towards explaining why you're struggling to get this.

          1. Link10103 profile image60
            Link10103posted 8 years agoin reply to this

            There you go again saying indigenous people don't have free will and apparently are no better than animals...

            They aren't? So no indigenous group of people has ever gone to war with another group for their resources? I may not have paid 100% attention during history classes, but I'm willing to go on record and say you are very wrong on that account...

            Also for the record, I wasn't addressing free will specifically with what I said to you rather than including it with some of the other nonsense assertions youve provided as to why there MUST be suffering in the world. Im not struggling to understand anything because what you said really had nothing to do with what I said except for the end.

            Well maybe scratch that. Even if it did I probably would struggle to understand any viewpoint coming from someone who claims that suffering, even in its most vile form, is mandatory to not be bored of life and cherish it more because for some reason you cannot imagine life not sucking every other minute because g-o-d.

            Ya got me...

            1. HeadlyvonNoggin profile image85
              HeadlyvonNogginposted 8 years agoin reply to this

              Yes, I do believe the difference between the humans who originated in the European regions and demonstrably took over the world and dominated every corner of it, and indigenous cultures, is the advent of free will, and have copious amounts of corresponding evidence to back that up. But I didn't say anything about them being "no better than animals" or anything else disparaging. In fact, this would mean their behavior is exactly in line with god's will. This would mean they're not capable of evil, and should be the model example of how we should all strive to be. This would mean they're not subject to judgement, so maybe someone could tell those missions to leave those poor kids alone with the bible stuff and just give them food and medicine. Their souls are not in danger.

              So here we are again, you admittedly don't have the data to back up what you're certain is right, going with what 'feels right' to you and assuming I'm completely wrong and have no idea what I'm talking about. That's been a running theme throughout this discussion. Here, let me help you ...

              "it is an error, as profound as it is universal, to think that men in the food-gathering stage were given to fighting... All available facts go to show that the food-gathering stage of history must have been one of perfect peace." - WJ Perry, Archaeologist

              "For the first ninety-five thousand years after the Homo sapiens Stone Age began, there is no evidence that man engaged in war on any level, let alone on a level requiring organized group violence. There is little evidence of any killing at all." - Richard Gabriel, Anthropologist

              I'm not just pulling this out of my ass. As I said, I let the evidence do the talking. So what I'm saying I can back up with evidence because physical evidence is the part of the equation we can know for certain. So it's important to make sure your view of the world is consistent with that which we can actually verify. As I have.

              What I said had everything to do with what we're talking about. The fact that you don't see the relation and those statements seem to have come out of left field to you is an indicator that you don't truly get what I'm saying.

              And again, as I said, it's not about not being bored. It's about the things in life that are rewarding. There'd be no reward with no challenges. If there were no dangers or "bad things" to protect against and learn to overcome. This life and everything going on in it is all about preparation. Wisdom can't be just imbued. You can't just be given the experience to have the wisdom to truly understand something unless you experience the things that give wisdom yourself. That's what this life and all the "bad stuff" is about. This environment is the perfect place to foster something like free will. It's a controlled environment in that the 'contaminant' can't escape or do too much damage. Everything is temporary. And because everything is finite decisions matter. What you do and how you treat others and the things around you general, matters.

            2. HeadlyvonNoggin profile image85
              HeadlyvonNogginposted 8 years agoin reply to this

              I had an additional thought I wanted to share that might help you understand.

              To understand God and how He works to achieve the things He sets out to, I look to nature. Nature is all about adversity. It's the adversity that gives life it's shape. It was adapting to the environment that shaped life. Overcoming obstacle after obstacle, to escaping the water, to climbing that tree, to escaping predators. It's the interplay of the will that's compelled by wants/needs and the environment.

              Well in the same way our wills are being shaped. We're in the process of creation. Just as evolution took millions/billions of years to realize, this takes time as well. It takes having to actually do. God didn't miracle animals into place. They evolved. Well, we're evolving too. First physically, now mentally, or spiritually. First the physical form had to be realized that allows our wills to interact with the physical world. Once ready, God introduced free will through  Adam and Eve. That's where the biblical stories pick up.

              It's always the environment that shapes and molds us. That's 'why'. Take that away, or protect us from that, and we don't develop. We don't learn and grow.

      2. Slarty O'Brian profile image79
        Slarty O'Brianposted 8 years agoin reply to this

        "Anywhere you go in the world, a horse is a horse, a lion is a lion, a bear is a bear. They can't just be something else. Humans are different. They can do any number of things that's different from other humans. You never know quite what to expect. Not so with animals. "

        You don't know much about animals I guess. From experience each is different with their own traits, likes, dislikes, moods, personalities, skills, just like humans.

        1. HeadlyvonNoggin profile image85
          HeadlyvonNogginposted 8 years agoin reply to this

          So if you were to get a dog you'd have no idea what to do with them? it's not like one will grow to be an artist and another grow up to be handy. Nope, they're going to be dogs. I know plenty about animals. Yes, they have distinctive personalties and such, but they still act just like every other of their kind.

          1. Slarty O'Brian profile image79
            Slarty O'Brianposted 8 years agoin reply to this

            So do humans. No difference except in complexity.

            1. HeadlyvonNoggin profile image85
              HeadlyvonNogginposted 8 years agoin reply to this

              There it is, complexity. We just happened to evolve well beyond every other species around us, while living in the same environment. Everything else managed to survive as well, but for us to survive we had to evolve to the point that we could actually contemplate the universe and our place in it. Everything else manages to survive just fine, but for us we had to develop well beyond anything and everything around us. We're just more complex. No other difference. Sure.

              But you see, there's a problem with that. We achieved anatomical modernity about 100,000 years ago. Or brains have not undergone any structural changes since. Yet the behavior change that most sets us apart happened just 10,000 years ago.  Again, the evidence doesn't match the explanation.

              1. janesix profile image61
                janesixposted 8 years agoin reply to this

                Sure the evidence matches the explanation. You just ignore the evidence in favor of your theory. Agriculture changed behaviour, not the "God introducing free will". You keep denying science and archeological evidence.

                1. HeadlyvonNoggin profile image85
                  HeadlyvonNogginposted 8 years agoin reply to this

                  No, I don't. In fact it's the science and the archaeological evidence that I often site as to why I reject the idea that agriculture changed behavior. If that were true they we should see the same progression everywhere agriculture was adopted. We don't. Agriculture continued to spread throughout the world, yet there were just those civilizations around the Mediterranean.

                  It doesn't work. If it were agriculture then we'd see a pattern in the evidence consistent with that. But we don't.

                  1. BuddiNsense profile image60
                    BuddiNsenseposted 8 years agoin reply to this

                    Can you explain? You might have explained but I didn't see.

                    Now that we can agree that your god is evil (by his definition), a murderer, a liar without omniscience (he needs to test and do not know the answers of hypothetical questions[so forced to do blunders]), do not allow free will (Psalms, Torah), why do you find silly reasons to justify him?
                    If all you do is finding reasons to absolve him, why do you say you want truth?

              2. Slarty O'Brian profile image79
                Slarty O'Brianposted 8 years agoin reply to this

                "here it is, complexity. We just happened to evolve well beyond every other species around us, while living in the same environment. "

                Yup. Along with advantages like our thumbs, like the ability to form words, like Parrots can. That was a boon in our evolution. The development of complex language evolved us faster then anything before or since.

                1. HeadlyvonNoggin profile image85
                  HeadlyvonNogginposted 8 years agoin reply to this

                  Yeah, language was a big deal, but language wasn't possible until the evolution of the prefrontal cortex, which no other species evolved, or anything like it, yet they managed to survive too. That prefrontal cortex had to come first. Our thumbs and our ability to talk didn't cause that. Our brain evolving well beyond any other species, that's what did it. Yet, we didn't truly step away from our animal family for another 95,000 years. But it was there. A brain capable of things well beyond the needs of survival. Being able to accurately throw a rock doesn't equate to being able to land on the moon and come back. And that took more than thumbs too.

                  1. Slarty O'Brian profile image79
                    Slarty O'Brianposted 8 years agoin reply to this

                    Well now, all mammals have a prefrontal cortex. Do you mean ours is more evolved? Our brains are larger than any other mammal. The whale's brain is larger than ours but smaller when compared to body size.

                    Size is not the complete story, of course. I think language development is the key. We think in language. We explain things to ourselves using internal language, transforming emotions into ideas.

                    Imagine having no language. What would thoughts be like? They are just feelings more than anything. Hard to truly make more than simple impressions out of anything. You are running strictly on emotion and instinct.

                    Language evolved very slowly, but it changed the very way we think. It gave us true consciousness and the ability to logically deliberate, and it re-enforced the idea of self. It made it possible for complex communication between people and resulted in far faster more complex human social and technological development.

                    I would be willing to bet that if we could bring a 700 thousand year old child to this time and raise it like any human child,  you'd never notice any difference.

  28. Brian Dashner profile image61
    Brian Dashnerposted 8 years ago

    The premise is simply not true.  First, America is not now and never has been a Christian country.  That myth is tied to the real dangers we face as a Nation.  Further, while Al Q'aeda poses as our enemy with outrageous acts of violence, Christians, Jews and other religions continue to be the real deniers of Freedom.  They have put their god on our money and in our Pledge.  They have rewritten history texts to serve their purposes.  They are continue to deny scientific discovery even while they reap the fruits of it, denying Climate Science, medical advancement and archaeological discovery.  They continue to force their beliefs on other Americans with social issues such as abortion and Gay marriage.  Westboro Baptist church continues to protest funerals. Christian groups spread so much hatred and bigotry in California that they eventually provided the framework for a Gay Marriage Ban.  The issues were misrepresented so that many voters did not know what they'd voted for.  Christians continue to attempt to put their religious relics and documents into our public buildings.  The Ten Commandments espousing that "Thou shalt have no other god before me" has no place in a court room.  Nativity scenes have no place on government property.  Al Q'aeda is, indeed the enemy to Americans.  Religion is the enemy of reason.

    1. HeadlyvonNoggin profile image85
      HeadlyvonNogginposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      "They have put their god on our money and in our Pledge."

      So by "they" you mean the founders of the nation and the people who first built the economic system and established this country for what it is? Because it seems like they should be in the "we" group you place yourself in. Wouldn't it be their country too? You make it sound like they broke into your house and defaced your stuff. "They" built the house. I'm sorry you don't like the crown molding. You can campaign to change it. You have that right. There's no mega church standing in your way. Just other people with just as much rights as you have who don't want what you want. What are you going to do? When you establish a society you're inevitably, especially a democratic one, you're going to have to deal with ways and practices that aren't specifically tailored to you. There are countries who insist on a more uniform way of doing things, and you're welcome to visit any of them you choose.

      1. wilderness profile image94
        wildernessposted 8 years agoin reply to this

        Come, come.  The founders had more sense than to put such things on our money; that came about in the 1950's, not from founders, those that build the economic system or established this country.

        1. HeadlyvonNoggin profile image85
          HeadlyvonNogginposted 8 years agoin reply to this

          Well it's pretty safe to say that whoever put it there whenever was undoubtedly American themselves, and were obviously in a position where they could make that kind of change. And considering the vast majority of the country didn't have a problem with it, it's kind of dishonest to say that "they" put God on "our" money. It's all of our money. He's on our constitution too. It is, and has always been, intertwined into our culture. Someone comes up with something that definitively shows all the God stuff is nonsense then we can talk. Until then, they're just competing beliefs. And we all have that freedom, so...

          1. Brian Dashner profile image61
            Brian Dashnerposted 8 years agoin reply to this

            There is no god.  We should start with that.  When someone provides proof of a god, then we can have a logical discussion about which God actually exists.

            1. HeadlyvonNoggin profile image85
              HeadlyvonNogginposted 8 years agoin reply to this

              Centuries of human history that treats God as a reality is not something that can just be undone by somebody coming along proclaiming there is no God when that person has no ground to make that statement knowingly. There's plenty of reason to think God is real, and plenty of reason why the alternative explanation is lacking.

              The majority of the country believes in God. The vast majority. So it's going to be up to the opposing side to bring the proof. Just stating it isn't going to alter the minds of the masses and centuries of history. You're going to have to do better than that.

              1. Slarty O'Brian profile image79
                Slarty O'Brianposted 8 years agoin reply to this

                And man kind is on the road to developing the logical mind, which will eventually do away with superstitious thinking and belief in myths. The sooner the better. Atheism is growing in leaps and bounds. I see that trend continuing. And I think the rise of Islam will actually speed up the process.

                1. HeadlyvonNoggin profile image85
                  HeadlyvonNogginposted 8 years agoin reply to this

                  Yeah, I see the same rise in atheism, which is concerning considering that it should be obvious to all of these clearly intelligent people that it doesn't stand on its own. It's too dependent on being the antithesis of religion/God. It only works when criticizing religious ideas. Take all of that away, take religion away, and it's a hollow empty explanation that lacks the vitality to truly be an explanation worth considering. It explains the mechanics, but not the driving nature of things. What compels things to act.

                  It's truly a 'god of the gaps' kind of mentality. We can actually peer into a working mind, and when we still can't see what physically drives the actions and thoughts of the mind, we dismiss it as gaps in our understanding. Oh, it's just really complex and we don't understand it yet. Yet we have 'faith' that one day the smart people will figure it all out.

                  To assume all this religious stuff is just the delusion of bronze age people is such a gigantic mistake I don't even know where to start. See, this was one thing that kept sticking with me. If God isn't real, then that means the bible is totally fabricated. And if you stop there, basically assuming the worst of our civilization building ancestors, I guess you can be happy with that. Until you really start to think about it.

                  It just doesn't jive. You're talking about mass delusion that spans centuries, millennia, of actively evolving human history. You're talking about texts that managed to remain integral and central pieces throughout every age, and that still dictate the behavior of two cultures that still exist today. That form the basis of the three largest religions, that all still exist today. And then we figure out long after the fact that these stories originate in the cradle of civilization, in the same age when these cultures unlike any other sprang up. And these weren't superstitious people. They were the first scientists and mathematicians. The first philosophers and great thinkers.

                  The only explanation in that light is that these stories were deliberately made up. Fabricated lies. Not just the bible, but all the mythologies. All these different cultures just decided to adopt this made-up history as if it were their actual history. For whatever reason, that we modern folk tend to dismiss as their absolute ignorance of the natural world. Just simple minded people trying to make sense of what they didn't understand. Pfft.

                  It just doesn't make sense, on so many levels. It's easy to criticize religion and God. I've done it myself. There were things that just seemed a bit too much. But I could never seriously consider the alternative. It's just too outlandish. And arrogant as all get out. To think we think ourselves so far beyond the inventors of civilization to think we modern people are informed and enlightened and evolved past those silly stories. Sickeningly arrogant. Not to mention borderline insane.

                  1. janesix profile image61
                    janesixposted 8 years agoin reply to this

                    No, not mass delusion. The Christian religion and the Bible were forced on people for two thousand years. People's religions were suppressed and outlawed. You can see the same thing happening today with Islam. Religion is about control, not truth.

                  2. Slarty O'Brian profile image79
                    Slarty O'Brianposted 8 years agoin reply to this

                    The bible isn’t fabricated lies, its history mixed with imagination, which we all agree is good. I’ve explained to you before that people create models of the world, particularly the mysterious ones. How did life get here? Is there meaning to existence, etc. Mankind and our predecessors have looked for answers for probably millions of years.

                    Humans hate the idea of: “I don’t know.” They want to know. So they set off thinking. First model was animism. All things and places had spirit and personality. Then we had ancestor worship. Eventually we got to Pantheism which is the first monotheism, and the idea that all is god. Then we started thinking about families of gods, then back to a form of monotheism called Zoroastrianism, and then to the Jewish version.

                    People who believe in gods naturally attribute the outcome of events to their gods. No god need ever have existed for that to be so. Hence you may well find sites mentioned in the bible but lost to modern man. But that doesn’t mean the events there were really influenced by a god.

                    People also had their own interpretation of what events meant. Then there were the dreams and visions that were written down. They say the bible is inspired by god, and that part is partially true; the bible and the people who wrote for it were inspired by the idea of god. That’s all it takes. Ask any fiction writer. People get inspired by ideas and they expound upon them with glee.

                    Today you can turn on your tv and watch people doing it right in front of you. (Jeeez, change the channel. I didn’t mean that “doing it”) And you can see them attributing good outcomes in their lives to this god , when they haven’t the slightest evidence that a god had anything to do with it. And if they believed in Zeus they would attribute it to him.

                    Contrary to the model you are creating, there is nothing scientific about the bible.

                    But that’s the reason for this upsurge in atheism. Science has shown us so much, and it has become the new way to make models of the world. Unfortunately for theists there are alternatives to god being an answer to anything.

                    Humans evolve, and human methods for gaining truth have evolved. Imagination is there to find the questions. But mathematics and testing provide the answers. Then logic gets to interpret them.
                    Unfortunately for theism, it’s not falsifiable. No way to test for god, so its not a consideration unless it shows up and says hi. It’s the least it could do, after all.

                    I think you will find that like Christians, atheists don’t all have the same world view. The ones on here often seem anti theism because they have chosen to argue with Christians for fun and to run their own ideas down a gauntlet of fire and see what happens. Christians here are doing the same. Some might be trying to convert atheists but not the majority.

                    For the most part in the real world atheists and moderate Christians get alone great and even marry each other.

                    Atheism for some is just a way to accept the idea: I don’t know and that’s ok. A big step for man kind in and of itself. Doesn’t mean we’re not looking for answer, it just means truth is more important to us then scratching the itch to know, and accepting just because it feels right at the moment.

                    Atheism means one thing only: we don’t believe in god or gods of any sort. It tells you nothing about what an individual might or might not believe.

                    I don’t know if there is one or not, and I don’t know whether or not any of the gods exist or not. I do not hold a belief that they do. Theists have that belief, I don’t. I also don’t believe a god does not exist. I don’t know. So until evidence is found for or against I hold no belief. And consequently can’t factor it in to a workable model, and really neither can you or anyone else.

                    But I do have opinions about this god, as you well know. Most based on how I would judge any fictional character in a book.  He doesn’t come off very well. A real tyrant egomaniac. Traits not worthy of a god.

              2. Brian Dashner profile image61
                Brian Dashnerposted 8 years agoin reply to this

                I submit that you are the one who must do better.  Are you asserting that Thor, Athena, The Goddess and ALAH are all actual gods you believe we should all be forced to worship?  Or are you asserting that you, and you alone have the power to force all humanity to worship the god you choose to believe in?  You must first prove your god exists before we can have a logical discussion about that supernatural fantasy being.  Why is The Goddess ( of Wicken belief) not on our money and in our pledge? It's because Christians are forcing their religion upon us all... against our will and in violation of the Constitution.

                1. HeadlyvonNoggin profile image85
                  HeadlyvonNogginposted 8 years agoin reply to this

                  Please dude. For one thing, Alah and the God of the bible are the same God. And there's no debate here. No, it's not the goddess that you actually have to explain the one you mean. We're talking about the one and only God in contention. The one of the books of Moses. The books that the world's three largest religions are built around.

                  I don't have to do better. I'm in the majority. You're the one trying to change things. Well, to do so you're going to have to convince the masses that they're wrong. You can 'submit' until you're blue in the face.

                  And no, the whole point to all of this is that no one is forced to worship God. It's your choice. That's the whole point. You have to choose willingly. Not forced.

                2. Claire Evans profile image64
                  Claire Evansposted 8 years agoin reply to this

                  It's actually Lucifer on the dollar bill.  The United States was founded by Freemasons.

                  1. BuddiNsense profile image60
                    BuddiNsenseposted 8 years agoin reply to this


                    Can you show me Lucifer here, I have never seen him before?

      2. Brian Dashner profile image61
        Brian Dashnerposted 8 years agoin reply to this

        Not true, again.  Religion poisons most nations.  The god was placed on our money by a paranoid Congress who feared Joe McCarthy and J. Edgar Hoover.

        1. HeadlyvonNoggin profile image85
          HeadlyvonNogginposted 8 years agoin reply to this

          So a large group of reasonable adults were coerced by fear of a single man? Excuse me if that sounds like paranoid nonsense. If the vasts majority of the country didn't agree to it, then no single man would have been able to accomplish this. It's the will of the people, and a God who truly exists in the mindset of the majority. These things can only reflect the whims of the people. If the people rose up and felt strongly enough about this needing to be changed, then they could.

          The whims of the few can't just come in and start altering things. For good reason. That would mean anyone could come along and transform what we know into something unrecognizable and wipe away our identity through fear tactics and terrorism.

          1. Brian Dashner profile image61
            Brian Dashnerposted 8 years agoin reply to this

            We now call the period in history, "the McCarthy Era".  Yes, just a few men did that, coercing an anti-communist viewpoint and forcing Anglo-Saxon religion onto the American people through threats and actions.  Perhaps you skipped American history 101?

            1. HeadlyvonNoggin profile image85
              HeadlyvonNogginposted 8 years agoin reply to this

              Yes, I know all about McCarthy and the whole communist witchhunt.

              The point still remains, if this were something the majority of the people were opposed to, it never would have happened. And even if it had, it wouldn't still be the case through to today if most everyone didn't approve.

              Hysteria and paranoia can work for a while to scare people into action, but it doesn't sustain like this has if that's all there is to it.

              1. Brian Dashner profile image61
                Brian Dashnerposted 8 years agoin reply to this

                The majority of citizens were opposed to interracial marriage at one time in the recent past.  The majority also opposed Irish immigragion, civil rights legislation and independence from the English monarchy.  Would you have our nation governed by the majority? Or would you prefer that Equality for all citizens be the rule of law?

                1. HeadlyvonNoggin profile image85
                  HeadlyvonNogginposted 8 years agoin reply to this

                  I'd rather the country be governed by the majority, as it's supposed to be. That's why interracial marriage, and now even gay marriage, are legal. Because democracy is about the laws of the land reflecting the wants and needs of the populace, and it evolves along with the changing whims of the populace, just as it should.

                  1. Brian Dashner profile image61
                    Brian Dashnerposted 8 years agoin reply to this

                    That is simply not true.  Women are allowed to vote because a minority fought for equal rights.  All the other rights we enjoy have been determined in a similar manner.  The majority is not always right.  That is why we have a Supreme Court.. to defend the minority.

    2. Claire Evans profile image64
      Claire Evansposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Actually, it's Lucifer on the dollar bill.  The USA was founded by Freemasons.  I know there are some dullard Christians out there that really make me bristle.  My contention is, however, that it's not only those things you wrote about that atheists oppose.  Many attack Jesus, Himself.  What has that actually got to do with Christians behaving badly?

      I'm afraid that gays very much, too, are acting like many Christians by forcing themselves on the rest of us.  For example, trying to sue a church because the priest wouldn't marry them even though the priest was within his legal rights not to.  ]

      If the US is not a Christian country, then way does "thou shalt have no other god before me"? I live in a secular country and that certainly doesn't appear in our courtrooms in South Africa.

      1. BuddiNsense profile image60
        BuddiNsenseposted 8 years agoin reply to this

        Is Jesus above criticism? Forget the fact even his existence is in question,according to the bible he is an executed criminal, who was roaming around the town spewing hate speech.

        1. Claire Evans profile image64
          Claire Evansposted 8 years agoin reply to this

          There's a difference between attacking and criticism.  He was deemed a criminal.  That didn't make Him one.  What is an example of hate speech of Jesus'?

          1. BuddiNsense profile image60
            BuddiNsenseposted 8 years agoin reply to this

            That make him one, according to The Roman law. He was trying to foment Rebellion," And many spread their clothes on the road, and others cut down leafy branches from the trees and spread them on the road. Then those who went before and those who followed cried out, saying: "Hosanna! 'Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord!' Blessed is the kingdom of our father David that comes in the name of the Lord! Hosanna in the highest!" And Jesus went into Jerusalem and into the temple."

            Hate speech

            Matthew 23:33 "You snakes! You brood of vipers! How will you escape being condemned to hell?"
            MT 11:20 Then Jesus began to denounce the cities in which most of his miracles had been performed, because they did not repent. 21 "Woe to you, Korazin! Woe to you, Bethsaida! If the miracles that were performed in you had been performed in Tyre and Sidon, they would have repented long ago in sackcloth and ashes. 22 But I tell you, it will be more bearable for Tyre and Sidon on the day of judgment than for you. 23 And you, Capernaum, will you be lifted up to the skies? No, you will go down to the depths. If the miracles that were performed in you had been performed in Sodom, it would have remained to this day. 24 But I tell you that it will be more bearable for Sodom on the day of judgment than for you."

            1. Claire Evans profile image64
              Claire Evansposted 8 years agoin reply to this

              The Pharisees falsely accused Jesus of wanting to start a rebellion.  There is no evidence that Jesus was rebelling against the Roman Empire.  This is probably the nonsense that the Pharisees fed Pilate.  According to the prophecies of the Messiah, He was meant to be king of Israel.  That would mean overthrowing the Roman Empire.  Yet there was no indication of that.   The reason why Pilate condemned Jesus was because he was terrified there would be a rebellion if he did not order the crucifixion of Jesus.  One more incidence of anarchy in Jerusalem and Pilate's head would have been on a platter figuratively. 

              Jesus having a fit in the temple can hardly be deemed a rebellion against the Roman Empire.

              Yes, Jesus did condemn those who were evil.  I think you would be angry, too.  Never been angry at someone's evil action?

              This is the definition of hate speech:

              Hate speech is speech that offends, threatens, or insults groups, based on race, color, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, disability, or other traits.

              This doesn't fit Jesus.  He didn't discriminate.

              1. BuddiNsense profile image60
                BuddiNsenseposted 8 years agoin reply to this

                The “triumphal entry” was from bible, the temple incident was from bible. It can be deemed Rebellion because it is acting against authority and rebellions usually start with such small events. And the entry showed that people were already treating him like a king. What Pilate thought is entirely made up by the fraudsters.

                Not those who were evil, but those whom he thought as evil, that are anyone who didn’t think he is someone, anyone who saw through his tricks. There was no evil action; Pharisees didn’t respect a bastard and his follower scum. Would you, if the goons and whores went preaching?
                And in case you didn’t notice, “insults groups” is hate speech. He was insulting groups and cities because they didn’t follow him, converted to his religion.

                1. Claire Evans profile image64
                  Claire Evansposted 8 years agoin reply to this

                  The money changers in the temple were not authority.  Jesus was not rebelling against authority.  He was chastising blasphemers.  The Pharisees fed Pilate the nonsense that Jesus was leading a dangerous cult and would be a threat to Caesar.  Pilate was between a rock and a hard place.  Not order a crucifixion, and cause an uproar with those who wanted Jesus dead, or let Him go and risk a revolt by Jesus' followers.  As the Bible said, that never happened.  The Jewish leaders said:

                  "If you release this man, you are not Caesar's friend; everyone who makes himself a king sets himself against Caesar" (John 19:12).

                  That's a veiled threat.  Why would the Jews deem Jesus a king and then five days later condemn Him? Does this sound like a cult?

                  It is possible that Pilate did not like being told what to do by the Pharisees and that would be to order Jesus' crucifixion.  He didn't have a choice, though.  It was Jesus or him. 

                  So you believe the Pharisees were good people? That they weren't hypocrites in the least?

                  John 8:

                  Early in the morning He came again into the temple, and all the people were coming to Him; and He sat down and began to teach them. 3 The scribes and the Pharisees brought a woman caught in adultery, and having set her in the center of the court, 4 they said to Him, “Teacher, this woman has been caught in adultery, in the very act. 5 “Now in the Law Moses commanded us to stone such women ; what then do You say ?” 6 They were saying this, testing Him, so that they might have grounds for accusing Him. But Jesus stooped down and with His finger wrote on the ground. 7 But when they persisted in asking Him, He straightened up, and said to them, “He who is without sin among you, let him be the first to throw a stone at her.” 8 Again He stooped down and wrote on the ground. 9 When they heard it, they began to go out one by one, beginning with the older ones, and He was left alone, and the woman, where she was, in the center of the court. 10 Straightening up, Jesus said to her, “Woman, where are they? Did no one condemn you?” 11 She said, “No one, Lord.” And Jesus said, “I do not condemn you, either. Go. From now on sin no more.”]

                  It is utterly hypocritical to bring an adulteress to be stoned and not the adulterer.  Why wasn't the man brought to be stoned?

                  Leviticus 20:10

                  "'If a man commits adultery with another man's wife--with the wife of his neighbor--both the adulterer and the adulteress are to be put to death.

                  So Jesus picked up on this hypocrisy.  That's why they hated Him.

                  And in case you didn’t notice, “insults groups” is hate speech. He was insulting groups and cities because they didn’t follow him, converted to his religion.

                  I'm going to pick out Capernaum here:

                  Jesus performed miracles and preached a lot there. Here are some examples:

                  Chooses Peter, Andrew, James, and John as disciples, miracle of the draught of fishes at Capernaum (Matthew 4:18-22; Mark 1:16-20;

                  Heals a demoniac at Capernaum (Mark 1:21-28; Luke 4:31-37).
                  Heals Peter’s mother-in-law at Capernaum (Matthew  8:14-17; Mark 1:29-34; Luke 4:38-41).

                  Heals a man having a withered hand at Capernaum (Matthew 12:9-14; Mark 3:1-6; Luke 6:6-11). Withdraws from Capernaum to the Sea of Galilee, where he heals many (Matthew 12:15-21; Mark 3:7-12).

                  Anointed by a sinful woman at Capernaum (Luke 7:36-50), And then returns to Capernaum after the Gadarenes reject him (Matthew 9:1; Mark 5:21; Luke 8:40).

                  Raises to life the daughter of Jairus, and heals the woman who has the issue of blood at Capernaum (Matthew 9:18-26; Mark 5:22-43; Luke 8:41-56).

                  Teaches in the synagogue in Capernaum (John 6:22-65)

                  This was Jesus' problem with Capernaum.  They had witnessed the works of the Holy Spirit through Jesus yet were completely indifferent.  They actually didn't care.  The people were law abiding, what we consider decent, and they didn't rebel against Him but they thought nothing of Him. 

                  Nobody can enter the kingdom of heaven without responding to the Holy Spirit.  It is not enough to be decent.  To be lukewarm is not enough.  To be on the fence actually gives Satan more power.  A lack of the Holy Spirit is in opposition to God.  When one doesn't want that gift, that is where Satan steps in.

                  Now this seems really harsh.  Would I appreciate it if a Muslim said I was going to hell if I didn't convert? No, because I know it isn't true.  It would seem bigoted and judgmental.  That is why people hated Jesus.  However, it is the truth and Jesus came to witness to the truth.  Only someone who has the Holy Spirit in them will know this.

                  1. BuddiNsense profile image60
                    BuddiNsenseposted 8 years agoin reply to this

                    Yes the money changers were not authority, but they were there with the authority's permission.Evicting them is an act of rebellion. It is like you going to the white house and try to push out the small time people there. It was not falsehood,if it was, his supporters wouldn't have welcomed him like  a king to Jerusalem. What the Pharisees told Pilate is a lie by the frauds, how did they hear that?
                    That do not sound like a cult but like the liars trying to make a criminal great by manipulating the story. Why would Pilate a fellow who had to be removed because of his extreme barbarity bother?

                    I am not saying anything about Pharisses, what I say is about your god, the fellow who abused everyone, cursed cities, disrespect his own mother.... How can the book written by his followers say truth about his opponents? How can than liars, who wrote things they have no idea about, even say any truth?
                    All charlatans preach good, do miracles( similar like healing a few but never regrow amputated limbs) and get followers who make them god, god's son, incarnation..... and make up stories of their own, while privately enjoying the fruits. Some are discovered and jailed or hanged but some do good, to themselves.

  29. Vic Dillinger profile image62
    Vic Dillingerposted 8 years ago

    Could somebody in HP's admin PLEASE kill/archive/obliterate this ancient, older-than-Methuselah, WORTHLESS forum "discussion"? Please?  It's taking up valuable server space and space on my feed page when I'm tryna look at stuff that might actually be important to me (such as the post about putting in quotes in articles--that was actually USEFUL!) . . .

    1. janesix profile image61
      janesixposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Unsubscribe to the thread if you don't want to see it in your feed.

      Some of us are participating in it. So deal with it.

      1. Vic Dillinger profile image62
        Vic Dillingerposted 8 years agoin reply to this

        There's nothing to participate in here--you people are merely arguing over who has the coolest imaginary friend.  Deal with that!!! 

        And if you'll be so kind as to tell me how to unsubscribe to this turd I'll GLADLY do it (and do a jig when it's over so I don't have to look at it sucking the oxygen and IQ points out of the room--reading this, I can FEEL the wrinkles smoothing right out of my brain!). 

        And once I've unsubscribed you guys can go on wasting your time without my knowledge and subsequent suffering. 

        Thanks in advance, janesix, for your help in unsubscribing.

        1. janesix profile image61
          janesixposted 8 years agoin reply to this

          Go to the top right hand side of the page. Click on "unfollow"

          1. HeadlyvonNoggin profile image85
            HeadlyvonNogginposted 8 years agoin reply to this

            Why would anyone want to stop following this dialogue? Personally I can't get enough. I love spending my free time repeating myself over and over again. It's not that I'm stubborn or have a problem or anything like that. It's just that enjoy banging my head against the wall that much.

            1. janesix profile image61
              janesixposted 8 years agoin reply to this

              I understand. I do the same thing.

  30. HollyCurtis profile image56
    HollyCurtisposted 8 years ago

    Well because THAT, my dear, would be politically incorrect if they were to post about all that jazz. wink  Honestly, myself not being an atheist (not that it matters), I had a best friend who considered himself as much and yet never went out of his way to talk about any religion.  I would never have known unless I had asked him randomly one day what his beliefs were.  He knew that I was, or at least considered myself at that time a Christian, and never once did he ever make fun of the Bible or make any comments disrespectfully to me or the people I saw him around.  I think you're very intelligent to pick up on this though.  You would make a great social anthropologist!

  31. HeadlyvonNoggin profile image85
    HeadlyvonNogginposted 8 years ago

    For the story to be so coherent and told along such a specific timeline doesn't lend well to being plagiarised. The other, more likely, explanation is that Genesis and the Sumerian stories share correlation because they're both talking about the actual history of the same region.

    Their life as they knew it was ended by this flood. They're reporting from their point of view, not a global one. Yes, there were annual floods, so for there to be one that's depicted in two different versions of the story as being particularly catastrophic is telling.

    Let's not forget that this part of the world hasn't really been open to archaeological investigation for decades, being that it's modern day Iraq. Most of the most recent information we have is from the '20's. But for people so obviously accustomed to regular flooding, for this one to make it into the story is telling.

    1. BuddiNsense profile image60
      BuddiNsenseposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      They are not talking about real events,  there were no kings in Eridu, the stories are from the point of view of later kings who wanted to legitimise their rule.
      Maths- average life of the kings was 30000 and there were 8 kings, and if it is calculated like you said it would be 8000 years.
      So the timeline does not correlate and it doesn't correlate at all to what we know about history and biology. The stories are written down after two millennium where people can't sift between truth and story. When two stories correlate well and one is younger the obvious conclusion is that the younger one is a copy.
      You still didn't say when was the flood to say it ended by flood. Eridu was not ended by flood while Uruk was actually increasing during the said time.
      Eridu was excavated till the sands were reached but no flood was found.
      It was not but still we know it better than you suppose and it's not telling that they exaggerated simple things for it was made and written down at a later time for a different purpose by different people.
      "Most of the most recent information we have is from the '20's. "
      Correction, most of what 'you' know. You don't know anything about the excavations after the conclusion of wwii?
      You were earlier saying that history correlate well, now you say we don't know enough. As I asked you earlier,  are you trying to fit history to the story that you can argue that the story fits history,? It is circular reasoning.

      1. HeadlyvonNoggin profile image85
        HeadlyvonNogginposted 8 years agoin reply to this


        These are the lengths of the (pre-flood) Sumerian kings reigns from the Sumerian Kings List. Notice anything peculiar? They're all divisible by 60. You think that's what they meant? That these kings all happened to reign a length of years that just happens to be divisible by 60? Or do you think maybe the intended amount wasn't to be determined using base-60?

        So how is it, do you think, that someone was able to take that Sumerian source material and come up with something similar, only make it something that much more closely matches actual history timeline wise, that describes a much more sea worthy ark? Assuming desert dwelling Israelites knew nothing about boat architecture or physics, they still managed to change what was essentially described as a box in the Sumerian versions into something with dimensions that would actually make it buoyant, and quite steady in tumultuous tides. I'm sorry, I just can't buy that.

        But what I can buy is that these stories share commonality because these things actually happened and both cultures were aware of these events.

        You know how I know this isn't circular reasoning? Because of the method I used. I formed a hypothesis and then tested it by making predictions. If this is true, then this should be true. if this is true, then this should exist in the evidence in this place and time. Time and again it proved true.

        I didn't know the events first, and then rationalize them into something. I discovered them by testing the hypothesis. I used as scientific an approach as could be used.

        It's simply the more likely explanation. Made up stories don't have the impact these stories have had. That region of the world is still in turmoil because of the events of that book. That's not mass delusion. That's the result of a big impact somewhere in the past. Something that's had a lasting impression on humanity in every age since.

        Yes, I'm aware of recent excavations. Most of what we know about the Sumerians has been arrived at rather recently. But as for flood data, it's very sparse. And nearly everything you run across refers to data collected by Whooley and other archaeologists who were working in the '20's.

        What nobody doubts, however, given the Sumerian and Genesis stories, is that there must have been a significant flood at some point in early ancient history. And we know there was one in Ur that actually brought that culture to an end and it didn't pick back up until the the Uruk period. And a flood happening between the Ubaid and Uruk cultures is also supported by both Genesis and the Sumerian versions as both state Uruk was built after the flood.

        It all points to being true, and the evidence continues to point that way.

        1. BuddiNsense profile image60
          BuddiNsenseposted 8 years agoin reply to this

          “These are the lengths of the (pre-flood) Sumerian kings reigns from the Sumerian Kings List.”
          There were 8 antediluvian kings in the king list, average reign is 30000 years, If we calculate as you said, changing the base 60 to 10, we get 8000 years between the city and flood.
          “do you think, that someone was able to take that Sumerian source material and come up with something similar, only make it something that much more closely matches actual history timeline wise, that describes a much more sea worthy ark? “
          The answer is there in your question, the Jews took from the Sumerian source material, and the south Mesopotamians did have boats. You still haven’t told me what the actual history is, all I saw is a history made up by you.
          “But what I can buy is that these stories share commonality because these things actually happened and both cultures were aware of these events”
          As I said earlier, there was a story and Jews and later Mesopotamians copied it, so naturally Jewish story resembled the Mesopotamian.
          “Made up stories don't have the impact these stories have had. “
          That will make the Egyptian, American, Germanic, Indian and Chinese stories and gods true.
          “Most of what we know about the Sumerians has been arrived at rather recently. But as for flood data, it's very sparse. And nearly everything you run across refers to data collected by Whooley and other archaeologists who were working in the '20's.”
          As for flood data we know for sure that there was a flood in Ur in 3500BC, in Shuruppak near 3000BC and there was no flood in Eridu that really disrupted it and Ur flood didn’t extend to Eridu. The Shurrupak last excavation was conducted in 1973 and it was stopped because of lack of interest and funds and Ur 1984.
          “nd we know there was one in Ur that actually brought that culture to an end and it didn't pick back up until the the Uruk period”
          Wrong there was a flood in Ur but didn’t end Ur, in fact Ur had continues inhabitation till 500BC.
          “And a flood happening between the Ubaid and Uruk cultures is also supported by both Genesis and the Sumerian versions as both state Uruk was built after the flood”.
          You are making up history here. There was no flood between Ubaid and Uruk, for that the whole Mesopotamia had to be inundated. Even in Ur, the flood was in the beginning of Uruk. In Shuruppak it was between Jemdet Nasr and early dynasty period. And the wise man belonged to Shuruppak so most probably the flood described in Sumerian is the flood of Shuruppak.
          What is your timeline anyway? You said Adam was in 6500 BC, Cain and his city so naturally was in 6400 BC, so which city is Cain’s? Bible says a global flood; do you mean it was the people involved who wrote the story? If it was they would notice that after the flood was over in a year or two people from nearby areas settle in that region and the flood they thought global was not global. And why would people from a city suddenly go to the forest to collect wild animals?  As they had trade with nearby cities and as they knew there are other cities why didn’t they move to another city? Which flood can last for a year, especially a river flood? Above all when was the flood?
          Do not say that it was flood between Ubaid and Uruk as Ubaid and Uruk involved the whole Fertile Crescent, and we have no evidence to say such a flood occurred. In any case there was even continuity in Eridu and Shuruppak to Uruk period.
          If it was a local flood, which city was involved? Why should it be Cain’s city? On what basis you say it is Eridu?

          1. HeadlyvonNoggin profile image85
            HeadlyvonNogginposted 8 years agoin reply to this

            Okay, so, if what you're saying is true, then it's even more unlikely that the Israelites could have used that source material and then ended up with an accurate timeline. And yes, it is accurate. The Sumerian version with Enki creating Eridu, the Genesis version with Cain establishing a city, it all lines up. The Sumerian version is the expected thing to see if Genesis is true. The same events told from another perspective.

            The flood doesn't have to have happened in Eridu. But given both the Sumerian version and the Genesis account speak of it, it most likely actually happened. Where Ur comes into the story is where the climate change happened during the Babel story. And that is accurate, and really did happen roughly a century after the flood.

            [i]" Ubaid and Uruk levels are separated by a flood level." - http://archaeologywordsmith.com/lookup. … terms=Tell under the section for "Ur"

            This shows that Ubaid culture came to an end after this flood, and occupation of this region didn't resume until the Uruk period.

            Actually, I approximate Adam's creation about 5600BC, Cain establishment of Eridu around 5500BC, the flood roughly 1656 years after Adam's creation, right at 4000BC, then the 5.9 kiloyear event in 3900BC for the Babel tale.

            The bible doesn't say it was a global flood. The people doing the translating into English certainly assumed a global flood in choosing their words, but the original Hebrew is open to interpretation in such matters. Words translated later as 'hills' get translated in this portion as 'mountains'. That sort of thing.

            The story even speaks of survivors specifically. In Genesis 6 it makes mention of beings it calls the "Nephilim". Later, in Numbers 13 the Israelites run across beings they describe as descendants of the Nephilim. One mention pre-flood, one long after.

            1. BuddiNsense profile image60
              BuddiNsenseposted 8 years agoin reply to this

              You still do not tell me what the timeline is to say whether they line up.

              We have digged up to the base level in Eridu, if we dig further it would be to build a well and we found no evidence of a flood that terminated the activities there.
              Ur comes in the story there was a flood, what climate change in Ur and what babale story in Ur? Youw ere telling me that babel was the Ziggurat in Eridu?

              Then please check some good sites or standard books and journals. Ur there was a flood but it didn’t separate Ubaid and Ur, it was later dated to 3500BC, and Ubaid and Uruk was not confined to Ur alone, it was spread all over the Feertile crescent, there was no flood in that wide an area.

              You yourself said Adam’s creation was in 6500BC. OK Adam was created in 5600BC. He established Eridu at 5500BC, but there was no flood in Eridu. Amar sin made an unfinished Zigguarat near 2000BC, all the rest were finished before that. Babel tale say people dispersed, but by the time (3000BC) people were still in Eridu, 2000 no one in Eridu. Which city was affected by flood? Why didn’t the people in the city noticed that the neighbors didn’t have it?

              So which place was involved? Why did then they go for all sorts of animals instead of domestic ones?
              Why didn’t they move to non flooded areas?

              Why did god send a flood? Why the fools didn’t move to a dry area instead of building a boat? Which boat can stay in flood waters for one year? What flood last one year?
              Why in the ... they even bother to write a story that involved a small area? What was the story all about?

              1. HeadlyvonNoggin profile image85
                HeadlyvonNogginposted 8 years agoin reply to this

                The story is about the development of humans. These are the events that created the modern human world.

                The flood accomplished something particular. Not only did it control the contamination of free will into humanity, but the humans and animals on the ark were then re-introduced back into an area where all life had been wiped away. Nothing else to mix with in the region. Simply moving to non-flooded areas wouldn't have accomplished this.

                It's the climate change that effected Eridu. A significant flood would be just the kind of thing to inspire the building of a tower, but it's the climate change that transformed the Sahara back into desert and forced the humans of that region to disperse. This event is recognized as the catalyst that then brought about those first ancient civilizations.

                1. BuddiNsense profile image60
                  BuddiNsenseposted 8 years agoin reply to this

                  Development of humans? Or is it civilization? The modern world developed from Natufian 10000BC, it slowly developed tp PPNA, then PPNB and the Halaf/Ubaid then Uruk.... Eridu was not the only settlement as I already pointed out, it was important becuase it was sacred, the Apsu.

                  What does that mean, 'contamination of free will'? In a small area less than 20 sq km?The people from the near by areas will come to that area and repopulate it. And how does a flood in Ur prevent contamination while similar people were living in Eridu, Uruk, Shurppak,....... again telling me that the people before 5500BC were morons, even though they invented agriculture, pottery, semasiographic writing, and even though the only difference  is in the style of pottery?

                  Climatic change effected Eridu, when?It was a gradual desertification that took centuries and final abandonment came very late, even then it continued as a sacred region. Complete desertification of Sharara occurred by 4700BC and forced the humans to concentrate to Nile delta, what has that got to do with Mesopotamia?
                  Did yo recognize that? You are trying to rewrite history again my friend.

                  1. HeadlyvonNoggin profile image85
                    HeadlyvonNogginposted 8 years agoin reply to this

                    What's significant about Eridu, and about the Ubaid culture in general, is that this is the first occurrence of a human culture with class stratification. This is the result of free will. The humans of this culture were different than others. And the change that made them different was then propagated all around the world, changing humanity everywhere it went. As is covered in these books ...

                    - 'Saharasia: The 4000 BCE Origins of Child Abuse, Sex-Repression, Warfare and Social Violence, In the Deserts of the Old World' by James DeMeo

                    - 'The Fall: The Insanity of the Ego in Human History and the Dawning of A New Era' by Steve Taylor

                    The 'contamination' was very limited, so the flood only needed to cover a small area. The free will that made humans 'wicked' is the contamination.

                    "The 5.9 kiloyear event was one of the most intense aridification events during the Holocene Epoch. It occurred around 3900 BC (5,900 years BP), ending the Neolithic Subpluvial and probably initiating the most recent desiccation of the Sahara desert.

                    Thus, it also triggered worldwide migration to river valleys, such as from central North Africa to the Nile valley, which eventually led to the emergence of the first complex, highly organized, state-level societies in the 4th millennium BC."
                    - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/5.9_kiloyear_event

                    What do you think made this place so decidedly sacred?

  32. VationSays profile image76
    VationSaysposted 8 years ago

    Wow. Those were like a thousand comments I've just read. Now to weigh in:

    There's Christianity, and there's Christianity. Just like there's love and love. Two different things that people give the same title. There's actual love, where its about a deep care for a person; and then there's the love that every couple clings on to after the first date, make big promises about, and tarnish it later. Here's the catch: genuine love doesn't break or bend.  The copied versions do. Enough about love..

    Christianity and Christianity: Christianity that stems from what Christ taught is based purely on love. (The genuine kind) There's a verse explaining that kind of love somewhere in the Bible. Christianity is a faith expressed through love. Love for God, and love for your neighbor. It is in fact the greatest commandment. That's what Christianity is meant to be. Christians who practice it form the true Church.  A church based on objective truths.
    And then there's the Christianity everyone is familiar with. It takes many forms. Sometimes its based on subjective truths to amass money for the leaders a the top, other times it's a social construct used to control the masses. It's the religion that people rise up against, and the religion that fights back.

    So why are atheists really against Christianity? A couple of reasons, i'll list some:

    1. They've been introduced to the farce that calls itself Christianity. The kind that  gives you all the reasons in the world why you're "not successful in life because you give little offerings" or "God's blessings in your life are determined by how many times you recite a prayer" e.t.c...
    Seriously, this "gospel of prosperity" is really deviating people from the fundamentals of the kingdom of God. Christ Himself told people that they should store up riches in heaven. Anyone can use logic to argue about what this kind of church teaches. Some atheists do, hence turn away from Christianity. I don't blame them there, after all, they've been misled on what Christianity is really about.

    2. They are angry with God. They either blame Him for a something that happened in their lives, or something they wanted Him to do, but He didn't do. Your country is at war, maybe you lost a baby (miscarriage), you had an accident, you were raped, your business empire collapsed, your parents divorced, e.t.c.. Some things are big, you had no control over them, and it's hard to come into terms with what happened. If God was real, He should have made things better, He should have cured your dying sibling, He should have stopped them from bombing the school that your kid goes to...e.t.c.  God let's things happen for a reason. I can't speak for you at an individual level, but if you look closely at your life, there's a reason why something happened. Sometimes God allows people to get into trouble because it's the only way they'll turn to Him, other times as a test of their faith, etc. Most true Christians come out of these life tries with their faith in God strengthened and renewed.

    3. They are disappointed in God. That guy is a tyrant and he's successful, and this guy is a strong believer in God, yet he lives in under a bridge and sleeps hungry. Where is his God? Why doesn't God stop all the fighting? There are two things here: One, understand that God does not control anybody's will, unless you subject yours to His. Man's very first gift after creation was that of free will. God won't take it back because you use it wrongly.  Secondly, when you have left God and are set in your evil ways, yet your life is terrific, you have wool over your eyes. Sometimes the enemy makes you feel very comfortable, that you don't want to change your ways. "It's like a prison that's so comfy you don't want to leave." When that prison door closes, you won't be able to leave.

    4. "Science". Atheists really like pulling out the "Science" card. Here's the catch- scientific facts don't contradict God. A theory, no matter how valid or what top-notch scientist said it, is still a theory. Take evolution for example. It's the theory of evolution. That doesn't mean some facts about it aren't true- like the passing of traits through the DNA. But don't get the proven science facts to rubber stump the entire theory of evolution. Like aspects that order, harmony and balance are created from disorder, while simple facts like the law of entropy negate that.

    5. They don't ant to be told what they do is wrong. This one is easy. This class of atheists just wants the rest of the world to back off and let them enjoy their worldly pressures free of judgement.

    6. Idiocy. Forgive the term but a spade is a spade. Some people get themselves into problems and blame God. You skip classes, don't study for tests, fail the exam, ans say there's no God in the universe. You jump off a roof, break a leg, and suddenly God is not fair to you. You sleep around, get herpes, and then say that if there's a God, he just doesn't love you. You just need to get your act together.

    7. The logical ones. They are really searching for the truth. No issue here. If one is really searching for the truth, one way or another they'll end up at Christ. No need to push them. They will find the way. Anyone who is looking will see it.

    8. It's scary letting go and letting someone else take control over your life. trust issues, that's understandable, but only when it happens with another person. Here, one forgets that they can really trust God.

    Okay, this is getting long. The list goes on and on... Maybe i should just have written a hub.

    1. oceansnsunsets profile image84
      oceansnsunsetsposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      I want to respond to some of your points, because I think there are some excellent ones in here.  As for what Christianity ACTUALLY is, I think its very simple and straightforward.  The gospel message of Jesus has become distorted beyond recognition by so many.  People often aren't rejecting THAT, but the distortions.  I have discussed and debated at length over the years with people, and I know this to be a fact, as the discussions play out.  They are rejections of something Christianity actually is NOT, which ironically makes me often think they would be pro - Christian if they would be fair to the facts and want truth.  (I have also concluded over the years, that some people really don't seem to want the truth, and that the teachings of Jesus also explain what we see in this regard.) 

      A church based on the simple objective truths, and love, is what Christianity is meant to be.  Just like from the beginning, lies seem to be the key weapon that wages war against people's minds and therefore souls. 

      As for your numbered reasons above, I will address each.

      1.  It makes complete sense to me that atheists might reject Christianity because of the farce they have lived through or observed.  You hear this in their stories as well, very often, if they are willing to talk more about it.  Many have had horrible experiences or know of some that have.  They think they are rejecting some horrific, hypocritical thing, when the truth is that Jesus had some of the toughest words for the hypocritical types.  I wish people wouldn't let the hypocrites and lies "win", so to speak, so much.  To their own detriment.  I mean when this is the case of a particular situation.

      2.  Some will say they can't be angry at a God they don't believe in, but this is exactly the point, isn't it?  There does seem to be a great deal of anger, lashing out, etc.  It almost seems like there is anger at something that indeed does exist, and then we can wonder about the reasons for that, or explore it some if some are willing.  This sheds light on deeper truths of the matter I think.  Many Christians get angry at God too, and there is a lot of pain and disappointment in life sometimes.  But in understanding the whole context of the Christian message, even the pain is made sense of, and we are forced to look at the reasons why things are the way they are. 

      3.  Disappointment in God is again a human reaction no matter what side you are on.   The truth is however, he is the one that has created an option for an eternity with him that has absent from it all the ills of this world.  This is the time of choosing to be sorry or not to the one that can forgive all of humanity's sin.  God seems to have set up his very simple terms (simple to understand, harder to live out sometimes.)   We have the option to accept or reject that, with our wills, and have what comes with our freewill choice.  (Keeping in mind that God also does the drawing to himself while this is happening, very often.)

      4.  Science, if someone is allowed or allows themselves to be open to following all the facts where they would naturally lead, while not ruling out anything in advance, can be very helpful.  The problem is that people, even very smart and brilliant people, have claimed what is even ALLOWED to be included in the possibilities of what would best explain all the scientific facts.  This is cheating I think, to allow extra credence to a desired result.  That, and scientists not being fair sometimes to tell people when what is being discussed, taught or written is leaving the scientific realm and entering a philosophical realm.  (Or realm of belief.)  This is often done when they are saying what the science must therefore "mean" to us.  Many people tend to be followers or just agreeable because it sides with their personally held beliefs, and also don't want to be mocked like they see others being mocked for even simply questioning things.  I can kind of understand that.  I would if I could, beg people to just be willing to be brave and on their own, examine it all very carefully. 

      5.  Yes, none of us likes being wrong or told we are wrong.  Sometimes our own consciences let us know something isn't right, and we choose to ignore or respond to that.  One response of many is anger, because we feel guilt and we don't like how uncomfortable that is, Its easier to lash  out or join the bandwagon of those that have written books or do talks against a view that actually explains why we feel such guilt.  We might actually be guilty.  The true and actual remedy to this is what can be so freeing, and giving of hope to humanity.  Not the shutting down of that view that holds the remedy.  Many have tried this over history, by the way.   One cannot completely kill the truth or reality.  Again, more is at play here, more is going on.  There is a view that explains this.  (Ephesians 6)

      6.  Lack of taking responsibility for one's life.  Straightforward idea, that there is cause and effect just like everywhere else in life, usually.  The world is trying hard to reverse this trend from the beginning of our universe, and we are seeing some of the fallout, because we can't successfully buck up against reality and win.  Especially long term.  It doesn't keep people from trying though, and it appeals to the masses, or a lot of people's inner desires for sure.  So we even see leadership using this against the masses for their own benefit, like a carrot on a stick sometimes.  People can be so gullible when presented with something that is really appealing, and don't realize this is known and used for other purposes.  (Sorry for the borderline tangent there!)

      7.  The truly logical ones, that also esteem logic, reason and science, facts, and I might add, morality, will find the truth.  The truth will set you free, I truly believe this.  Its the path to getting there that is tough! Truth and logic rule, and don't bend to wants and desires, and this is the tough part.  Thus what we do with those things.

      8.  If God is indeed the creator/originator, then he does indeed have the manual for a human's life.  He knows best what works for us, and what doesn't.  Without forcing it, he has allowed for us to take part in all of this great adventure of life and discovery.  It might just be the best path to all the good and possibilities life has to offer, into eternity.  I think this is the case.

      I say write a hub still, you are on to some things here.  I truly think God is the hope of our lives, properly understood through his greatest revelations like Jesus and history and facts of all kinds.

  33. Christopher Jay T profile image69
    Christopher Jay Tposted 8 years ago

    Atheists don't believe in god. They can't be angry at something they don't believe exists. they also can't be disappointed in something that doesn't exists. They bring up science because many Christians reject science, like evolution and global warming. I wouldn't be surprised if some of them reject the theory of plate tectonics, because they think god makes earthquakes. they try to get science classes to stop teaching evolution and to teach intelligent design. Intelligent design is not a scientific theory.

  34. Vic Dillinger profile image62
    Vic Dillingerposted 8 years ago

    That's what this whole thing about to begin with--somebody exposing her racism and hyper-conservative views at the expense of another group.  It's called "hate speech".

    I'm not religious at all but I love Muslims.  And as a historic figure the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) is infinitely more interesting than Jesus could have ever hoped to be.  Muhammad loved many women, had action and adventures in his life, and lived a full existence.  Jesus just walked around talking smack about the Jewish status quo and he was put to death for it. Big deal.

  35. Tasadduk profile image58
    Tasaddukposted 8 years ago

    Is there any religion  in the world that support violence?  Religion is the only thing that still tries to keep peace in this world. It's the terrorists who tries to impose their interest in the name of religion and remember no religion support it, no matter it is Islam or. Don't be native.

    1. Christopher Jay T profile image69
      Christopher Jay Tposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Judaism was all about violence, the Laws of Moses were barbaric. Moses gave the Hebrews any excuse under the sun to stone people. In the old testament, god constantly orders the Israelite to go into villages and kill every man woman and child. he even tells them to smash infants' heads against rocks. this was all in the name of destroying evil bloodlines, aka Genocide. The Torah was all about eye for an eye. Christianity, on the other head was supposed to be all about peace, but that didn't keep Constantine from spreading it by the sword.

      1. Tasadduk profile image58
        Tasaddukposted 8 years agoin reply to this

        So what do you suggest?

        1. Christopher Jay T profile image69
          Christopher Jay Tposted 8 years agoin reply to this

          that we take the approach of those such as Jesus, the Buddha and the Dalai Llama. Even if a religion has a violent history, doesn't mean that there are good things about it. I say take what is good and reject the bad stuff.We make religion what it was meant to be,  a means of making the world a better place, and not biker with people because their religion is slightly different. Isted of trying to be right, we should instead, do right.

          1. Tasadduk profile image58
            Tasaddukposted 8 years agoin reply to this

            See, we are in the same page.

      2. HeadlyvonNoggin profile image85
        HeadlyvonNogginposted 8 years agoin reply to this

        That's not specific to Judaism, that's humanity. Each one of us live in a land that at one time or another was taken by force. That's how life was in those biblical times. There was no police force or law of the land. You were either the strongest and therefore in power, or you were enslaved or butchered by those in power. There's only so much land conducive to supporting hundreds of thousands of people. If you wanted to survive in that landscape, you had to do some things.

        Yes, it all seems very barbaric to us comfortable westerners who sit at our computers and condemn acts of violence when we've never had to make decisions like that ourselves before. It's really easy to criticize. But the simple fact is, if the Israelites hadn't done what they did in that age, they would no longer be represented in today's population.

  36. HeadlyvonNoggin profile image85
    HeadlyvonNogginposted 8 years ago


    Here's another point of interest in the story that's relevant to what we're talking about. This rarely gets critiqued to this level, getting into the specifics of the events. I appreciate that. Most won't consider it a possibility even long enough to understand it well enough to question it appropriately.

    "Numbers 13:31-33 - But the men who had gone up with him said, “We can’t attack those people; they are stronger than we are.” 32 And they spread among the Israelites a bad report about the land they had explored. They said, “The land we explored devours those living in it. All the people we saw there are of great size. 33 We saw the Nephilim there (the descendants of Anak come from the Nephilim). We seemed like grasshoppers in our own eyes, and we looked the same to them.”"

    Now this is the first place that Moses and the tribes of Israel were sent. To the place where the descendants of the "Nephilim", the ones described as "heroes of old, men of renown" in Genesis 6 before the flood, lived. And they're described as being very large.

    These were the first people God commanded the Israelites to conquer, in Hebron I think it was. Those who apparently escaped the flood. And they were a formidable people who the intended audience of Genesis were familiar with as "heroes of old, men of renown". People who were instantly recognized as descendants of these people by Israelites who most likely never spent a day of their lives outside of their enslavement in Egypt.

    As I'm sure you've noticed, the OT talks about there being other gods. Like Baal, Ashtoreth, and Molech. Or the gods that Abraham's father's people worshiped on the "far side of the river" (Sumer, Abraham's father was from Ur).

    See what I mean, no matter what direction you go things just seem to line up really well. It even puts some of the more confusing bits of the OT in a new light that's a lot more consistent.

    That's the kind of stuff I expect to see when considering that part of the world is still in utter chaos 7000 years later. Something significant happened there and the aftershock of those events can still be seen. The bible is a significant piece of the puzzle in figuring that out. But it's not the only tool. There's also science, and it's data suggest some pretty interesting things.

    This is what made modern humanity what it is today. These people that came from that change are the people our history books are about. The people who fought back the 'savages' and 'natives' and ventured and "discovered" new lands. It wasn't that they were "discovered", just "discovered" to the authors of the history books. Even today there are still indigenous cultures who have not interbred with "civilized" humans. And they live very differently than we do. Their lifestyle hasn't hardly changed in thousands of years. And what changes have occurred are probably the result of exposure and influence to and by us.

    1. BuddiNsense profile image60
      BuddiNsenseposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      According to you all people were killed by flood except Noah and his descendants, now you say some of them escaped? Then what is the difference between them and Noah's descendants?
      According to you Eridu is the city built by Cain though bible name it Enoch. Your contention was that it was Eridu that was destroyed by flood but only Ur was destroyed by flood in your stipulated time. That means a simple flood, later mythologized into global by later people. There is no contamination, nothing.
      Yes bible mention many sons of god [b]including[/i]Yahweh.
      You still haven't able to tell me what the real story is about but you know it lined up "so well"?
      Science do help us, science tell us that 40000 years ago they started to change, gradually. By the beginning of Holocene they were gradually developing agriculture and by 3500 BC they became  similar to what we see today.
      Even today there are still indigenous people, you know what, they are exactly like us only they were Lucky to be confined to area that do not support agriculture and hence could avoid the trappings of 'civilization'. It is not always 'back the 'savages' and 'natives' and ventured and "discovered" new lands', sometimes the savages simply adopted the other culture and became dominant themselves. Your contention is that it is stratification and violence that make as humans (free will), if that was so then we are humans from 8000 BC (the earliest evidence) but then Chimpanzees are just as human if not more.
      The bibe is just a story, if you really want to look at ancient stories to know the past then check the Sumerian legends, it will also help you to know that Enlil is El and his son Enki is El's son Yahweh and neither of them are gods.

      1. HeadlyvonNoggin profile image85
        HeadlyvonNogginposted 8 years agoin reply to this

        No, not later mythologized into global. That came way later through our attempt to interpret it. The text itself never said that.

        Please show me where the bible says Yahweh is a son of God.

        "Even today there are still indigenous people, you know what, they are exactly like us only they were Lucky to be confined to area that do not support agriculture and hence could avoid the trappings of 'civilization'."

        You speak as though civilization is some separate thing. It was created by humans. But, again, you're speaking as though agriculture was the cause, though that is demonstrably false.

        Chimpanzees can't use their words like humans can, so yes, there's a dynamic of dominance common in mammalian species. This is more of that broken logic. Because you've already determined exactly how it all happened, how we evolved and developed socially, you shoehorn everything into that explanation. Even when it doesn't fit the evidence at all. Doesn't matter, you still go with it.

        I've been saying since the beginning some of them escaped, when I was trying to show you that even in the context of the story the flood wasn't global.

        The difference is behavior. All through the OT God is observing and testing His free willed creation. He's observing Job, testing Abraham.

        Genesis 6:5 - The Lord saw how great the wickedness of the human race had become on the earth, and that every inclination of the thoughts of the human heart was only evil all the time.

        Genesis 6:8 - But Noah found favor in the eyes of the Lord.

        Again, He's breeding and testing. He's working with the free will trait, trying to find those specimen who most have the characteristics He's trying to bring out. The  characteristics that ultimately made Jesus who he was.

        I never said Eridu was destroyed. It was around just a century after the flood, which is why the tower was being built there.

        1. BuddiNsense profile image60
          BuddiNsenseposted 8 years agoin reply to this

          Please, do not tell me all those Jews and Christians who read and said it all through out centuries are morons.

          I, many times, gave it to you, now you are gain asking me?
          When Elyon divided the nations, when he separated the sons of Adam,
          he established the borders of the nations according to the number of the sons of the gods.
          Yahweh’s portion was his people, [Israel] his allotted inheritance. (Deut. 32:8–9)
          [Elohim] stands in the assembly of El; in the midst of the gods he renders judgment (Ps. 82:1).
          For who in the skies can compare to [Jehovah]? Who is like [Jehovah] among the [sons of God], a God who is honored [in the great assembly of the holy ones], and more awesome than all who surround him? (Ps. 89:6–7)

          How did you make out ‘agriculture is the cause’ from what I said? I said they are EXACTLY like as only they have NO agriculture. There are many causes for civilization, and if I remember correctly I said agriculture appeared after people settled in Natufian and it caused before you supposed.

          I don’t even understand what you are trying to say. You said violence and stratification is what makes us human, but I said we have violence before the time you said and stratification only after the time (but the evidence you mentioned also was from before the time you specified). I also said that two characters are animal universals, very pronounced in chimpanzee, not human universals.  We are different from animals in that we can give value to things unlike animals (that we can deduce from archeology).
          That is if we take all the evidence for the appearance of the characters you mentioned it was present from 8000BC.

          If the flood was not local, why all the myths said it is global.
          If it was confined to a small area, what was the reason of the flood?
          Why did god allow some of them to escape?
          How did that prevent ‘contamination’?
          If we are the descendants of Noah, we would be living a thousand years, so why we are not?
          If we are not the descendants of Noah, are we animals? Where are the descendants of Noah? Haven’t we god free will?
          If Noah’s sons breed with the rest of the humans why are they not Nephilim?
          Why haven’t we got a single giant skeleton from Mesoptamia?

          You are simply bringing things outside the purview of our discussion, so are you agreeing that all those bible quotes were wrong?
          So Jesus was the product of human breeding, just like horse breeder breeds? He is not god’s son?
          Then why did god want Jesus dead?

          So god didn’t want to kill the descendants of Cain, but only some of the descendants of Adam, why? The tower was built not after a century but a millennium.

          1. HeadlyvonNoggin profile image85
            HeadlyvonNogginposted 8 years agoin reply to this

            I'm not saying all the Jews and Christians who have interpreted the story incorrectly are morons. Not at all. They just didn't have the context that we do. We have knowledge of the history that they did not. we can actually place the stories in the context of history and fill in the blanks more accurately than they were ever able.

            You do realize the verses you gave don't say Yahweh is a son of God, right? In fact, this is particular is drawing a distinction between him and those other gods people are familiar with ... "For who in the skies can compare to [Jehovah]? Who is like [Jehovah] among the [sons of God], a God who is honored [in the great assembly of the holy ones], and more awesome than all who surround him? (Ps. 89:6–7)"

            You're the one saying agriculture is the cause. You said that because indigenous cultures were confined to areas that didn't support agriculture that they were able to avoid the trappings of civilization.

            "If the flood was not local, why all the myths said it is global."

            They don't. But that's how it's often read by those who attempt to read it without the proper context.

            "If it was confined to a small area, what was the reason of the flood?"

            To control the contamination of free will that was introduced into naturally evolved humanity.

            "Why did god allow some of them to escape?"

            It's not that He allowed it.

            "How did that prevent ‘contamination’?"

            Think of it like a controlled experiment. God is working in an environment He is unable to control fully. Things are happening that are not of His will, but is of humans. So, to control that, he sent a flood to control the spread.

            "If we are the descendants of Noah, we would be living a thousand years, so why we are not? "

            Just as Gen6 explains, breeding with "mortal" humans, who only live 120 years, meant each generation's lifespan shortened, just as it describes. All long living people who remained died out during Abraham's time.

            "If we are not the descendants of Noah, are we animals? Where are the descendants of Noah? Haven’t we god free will?"

            No, just indigenous humans. Naturally evolved humans are exactly the same, only they haven't been given free will.

            "If Noah’s sons breed with the rest of the humans why are they not Nephilim?"

            At first they were. But after many times over blending with mortal humans the lifespans were dramatically shortened. But initially, these demi-god hybrids were half-human/half-sons of God, and still lived for centuries. But after a while, with a small percentage of sons of God mixing within the large population of humans, eventually the characteristics of modern humans became dominant.

            "Why haven’t we got a single giant skeleton from Mesoptamia?"

            What do you consider "giant"?

            "So Jesus was the product of human breeding, just like horse breeder breeds? He is not god’s son?
            Then why did god want Jesus dead?"

            He's God's son in that he was created by God through these interactions. God didn't want Jesus dead. That was the will of man, not the will of God.

            1. BuddiNsense profile image60
              BuddiNsenseposted 8 years agoin reply to this

              That means it is all a matter of interpretation? Just adjust the story as the science evolves? Adjust the story to history and then say the story closely resembles history, that my friend is called fraud. That is what I already said, you change the story to fit history and then say history ratify the story, circular.
              When the story say world it means world, if you say it is a small area, ity is context of the humans then god had no part in that story.

              You do realize the verse indeed say that, when El divided nations among his son, Yahweh got Isreal means, Yahweh is the son of El.

              Civilization is building of city, do you agree or not? If it is, Eridu is not the first city, Uruk is. Eridu and Ain Ghazal are all the same. If humans need to build a city there should be some need for it, there should be a very large population in the first place. Hunter gatherers cannot increase beyond a particular population as the carrying capacity of land limit it. Only agriculture (even you agree that) allow a group to increase its population beyond a limit. So ONE of the causes is agriculture. That does not mean agriculture is enough or it is the SOLE cause. But what do you say, those humans are not humans but animals and that is why they can’t, which is logical and humane?

              Sorry for that, I have read some of the myths which say it is global, along with that scholars of ancient languages also say it is. Can you show me which legend says that it is confined to one city?

              According to you Adam’s descendants were not confined to one city, so how does a flood in Ur or Shuruppak prevent contamination? Even though I repeatedly ask this, you seem not able to see it.

              So god is not all powerful, people could escape what he decided. As I already said, he is not god.

              According to you, Ubaid was started by Adam. So if god wanted to control that he should drown the whole Fertile Crescent but he could not. He sent it only to Ur. SO is he an idiot who cannot see that his flood is not going to help? He just wanted to murder some humans, isn’t it? Then why did he do magic to take animals in that boat, for what purpose? The animals were already outside the flood area.

              According to what you say, Adam and the rest of the humans were two species which is made clear by bible that the sons became giants. But all the skeletons we got are no different from the people of present Middle East. That means there was no mixing. If long span died out how did “free-will” survive?

              So the indigenous people are animals without freewill? Racism apart, what difference do you see? I have seen many indigenous people, I didn’t see any difference.

              So how did they eat without teeth?

              Any human more than 71/2 feet in height could be considered giant. They should also be strong unlike people with disease. At the least they should be bigger than people in that area.

              So Jesus is only a conceptual son, not real.
              So god had no plan, he didn’t intend Jesus to get killed. So why is his death of any concern?
              He was really dead? He is no longer living?

              1. HeadlyvonNoggin profile image85
                HeadlyvonNogginposted 8 years agoin reply to this

                It's all a matter of interpretation. Interpreting the bible and interpreting science are the same. So yes, as you learn new things you adjust. That's what we all do. Hopefully.

                And I haven't changed the story. I've simply put it in the correct context. The context changes the story. The original, or traditional, way the bible is interpreted was determined long ago by people who didn't have all the information we do now. St. Augustine, still considered by the Catholic church as one of it's most important minds and a forefather, said the interpretation of biblical passages must be informed by the state of demonstrable knowledge. Originally, religion had some good ideas, but like with anything man-made, it went sour somewhere along the way. Free will's like that. It affects everything.

                The word translated as 'Earth' in Genesis is translated as 'land' elsewhere. All the Earth/all the land are said the same way. But interpreted by people who assumed a global flood, so 'land' became 'earth' and 'hills' became 'mountains'. But a global flood conflicts with the bit later where they run into the descendants of the Nephillim.

                Actually, that bit in Deuteronomy 32 is more talking about God's "disinheriting" of the other nations but Israel. God, all throughout the story up to that point, had been choosing specific specimens to breed from. He tested Abraham and then said He'd make his descendants many. He had chosen his line. This is the line He was to focus on to realize Jesus.

                Organization and class stratification is what generally defines a city. Which includes Eridu. This is why it's deemed by people way smarter and more qualified than I count Eridu as the first human city.

                I see your question. But I don't yet have enough information. I know the purpose because that's what the story says. Right before the flood it explains why the flood is happening. This is when it explains that the 'sons of God' found the 'daughters of humans' beautiful and married them. Then it speaks of humans, who it says are mortal in comparison, becoming wicked, and only live 120 years, just one chapter after it telling us that Adam and his family lived for centuries.

                But where exactly everyone was, where exactly the flood happened, I don't yet know. But I do know the interbreeding had only just begun to happen at this point, which is why God chose this point to send the flood.

                Yes, God is all powerful, but in the case of free will God really did create a boulder so large that even He can't move it. He created a will that truly is separate from His. And because of this, humans did things He could not anticipate. Unlike the rest of the natural world that behaves exactly as God wills it, humans don't. By design.

                The flood accomplished exactly what it was meant to. It controlled the contamination. He didn't want to obliterate all free will entirely. Just control the spread. And He did.

                Not all the animals were outside the flood. He spent billions of years shaping and forming them, He wasn't just going to wipe them out. They were irreplaceable.

                Free will survived because it's a psychological change that made those that had it much more aggressive. Human frailty was too much to overcome. You keep mixing with humans, eventually your body is only going to last as long as human bodies last. But free will is free will. There's nothing to override it. Besides, free will made people much more aggressive. They spread their seed and everything else throughout the entirety of the Earth in a rather short amount of time.

                Please with the racism. That's how progress stops. The difference I'm referring to is the most obvious, and it's not racist to point it out. The people I'm talking about are all of our family.

                We "civilized" humans, each of us, cannot sit still and just be content with a simple life. We always have to have more. Strive to do or be more. We have dreams and aspirations. They're fundamentally content.

                There's a write-up from a guy that was studying native American cultures in historical America. He talked about times when he and others would have to wait at some post office or something. He talked about how restless the Europeans were, often getting up, stretching their legs, being generally shifty while sitting and waiting for long periods of time. But the native Americans just sat still, patiently, just leaning and speaking to one another from time to time.

                "So how did they eat without teeth?"

                Are you suggesting that even though they lived dramatically longer lives than mortal humans, that their teeth still fall out within a century or so? That's just silly.

                I don't think anyone doubts the existence of 'giants' of some form. Ethnic groups, especially in that era, tended to be like-sized. Some were larger than others. Like, the whole tribe. Indigenous hawaiians, I think it was, used to average over 8 feet tall.

                "In Deut. 3:11 and later in the book of Numbers and Joshua, Og is pronounced as the last of the Rephaim. Rephaim is a Hebrew word for giants. Deut. 3:11 declares that his "bedstead" (translated in some texts as "sarcophagus") of iron is "nine cubits in length and four cubits in width", which is 13.5 ft by 6 ft according to the standard cubit of a man. It goes on to say that at the royal city of Rabbah of the Ammonites, his giant bedstead could still be seen as a novelty at the time the narrative was written. If the giant king's bedstead was built in proportion to his size as most beds are, he may have been between 9 to 13 feet in height.....In 1918, Gustav Dalman discovered in the neighborhood of Amman Jordan (Amman is built on the ancient city of Rabbah of Ammon) a noteworthy dolmen which matched the approximate dimensions of Og's bed as described in the Bible. Such ancient rock burials are seldom seen west of the Jordan river, and the only other concentration of these megaliths are to be found in the hills of Judah in the vicinity of Hebron, where the giant sons of Anak were said to have lived (Numbers 13:33)." - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Og#.22Ogias_the_Giant.22

                No, Jesus did die, and did come back to life. I think what made him capable of this was the fact that he never once behaved contrary to God's will. He didn't separate from God the way Adam and Eve did. We each, every human, we all have in some way broken that bond by behaving according to our own will and in some way in contradiction of God's will.

                I think Jesus' life and death re-tethered us 'mortal/evolved' humans back to God spiritually. Besides, I think it's as simple as believing Jesus rose from the dead, something that never happens and by all accounts is completely impossible, simply believing it means you acknowledge God as the authority of the natural world. That's my take, anyway.

                1. BuddiNsense profile image60
                  BuddiNsenseposted 8 years agoin reply to this

                  Exactly, reinterpret the story and ignore history and then say the story fits history perfectly. Convenient. You say it was a local flood, but you are not able to say which city is affected or even able to explain all that you propose. You ignore history that Ubaid was present over a large area and then ignore that Stratification evidence is late Uruk and violence evidence is from 8000BC. After making all the adjustments then you are saying that the story fit history, that is your prime aim to make the story true, not truth. So why do you want to do that? The story can’t tell you anything about god but only about satan.

                  Even “land” will not help, for according to you it can only be a city, it can’t be all Mesopotamia. Even your local flood conflict, local flood do not eliminate Adam’s descendants, do not need to get wild animals, do not even need a boat.
                  And there is no point is saying that the story follows history after reinterpreting it to “the interpretation of biblical passages must be informed by the state of demonstrable knowledge”
                  Certainly no, it is god dividing it among his sons and giving Israel to Yahweh just like he gave Moab to Chemosh.
                  There is organization without that even Catal Hoyuk cannot be built. Class stratification Is not what makes a city, that is what you made up. And the evidence for stratification in Eridu is the same as that in Natufian. We have  no Palace or elite house from Eridu. That is you making up history to fit your theory.
                  This constitute city
                  •    population of the settlement
                  •    height of buildings
                  •    density of buildings/population
                  •    presence of some kind of sewer system
                  •    level of administrative government
                  •    presence of walls and/or fortifications
                  •    geographical area of the settlement
                  •    or whether a `settlement' was called a `city' in antiquity and fits at least one of the above qualify
                  By your definition many settlements from Syria to Mesopotamia are cities.

                  So not only we have a contradiction we have nonsense to. The purpose of the flood can be explained only if the flood is global and only if Noah and family survived. SO we can see that thewhole styory is mythology.
                  “But where exactly everyone was, where exactly the flood happened, I don't yet know. But I do know the interbreeding had only just begun to happen at this point, which is why God chose this point to send the flood. “
                  And by your own admission god was an utter failure.
                  “The flood accomplished exactly what it was meant to. It controlled the contamination. He didn't want to obliterate all free will entirely. Just control the spread. And He did.”
                  Please, please please….. it didn’t prevent any contamination. There was no flood involving the whole Mesopotamia. You yourself agree that Cain’s descendants were happily living after the flood.
                  “Not all the animals were outside the flood. He spent billions of years shaping and forming them, He wasn't just going to wipe them out. They were irreplaceable.”
                  If it was a local flood then all the animals except a few cockroaches and rats and domestic animals were outside the flood. SO decide whether it is local or global, you cannot argue that it was a local flood which is global in character.
                  “Free will survived because it's a psychological change that made those that had it much more aggressive. Human frailty was too much to overcome. You keep mixing with humans, eventually your body is only going to last as long as human bodies last. But free will is free will. There's nothing to override it. Besides, free will made people much more aggressive. They spread their seed and everything else throughout the entirety of the Earth in a rather short amount of time.”
                  You are ignoring all the evidence from 8000BC, and aggression is what free will is Black Mamba or bull Shark has more free will than we do.

                  “Please with the racism. That's how progress stops. The difference I'm referring to is the most obvious, and it's not racist to point it out. The people I'm talking about are all of our family. “
                  You were telling me that people who lived before 4000BC and indigenous people are devoid of free will, that they belong to a different species, not humans.
                  So tell me, are the Pirahas or other indigenous humans, humans with free will?
                  “We "civilized" humans, each of us, cannot sit still and just be content with a simple life. We always have to have more. Strive to do or be more. We have dreams and aspirations. They're fundamentally content.”
                  Wrong again. Indian and Buddhist civilization has the maximum number of people who lives simply. And even if we have dreams, every normal on earth have, we just live the life we are born with, very few percentage ever rise above it.
                  “There's a write-up from a guy that was studying native American cultures in historical America. He talked about times when he and others would have to wait at some post office or something. He talked about how restless the Europeans were, often getting up, stretching their legs, being generally shifty while sitting and waiting for long periods of time. But the native Americans just sat still, patiently, just leaning and speaking to one another from time to time.”
                  That difference we call culture. So Native Americans have no free will?

                  “"So how did they eat without teeth?"
                  Are you suggesting that even though they lived dramatically longer lives than mortal humans, that their teeth still fall out within a century or so? That's just silly.”
                  You are the one who make the silly claim that there as a group of people who lived a thousand years, but has the same skeletal configuration as ours, I was pointing out the difficulty in that claim.

                  “I don't think anyone doubts the existence of 'giants' of some form. Ethnic groups, especially in that era, tended to be like-sized. Some were larger than others. Like, the whole tribe. Indigenous hawaiians, I think it was, used to average over 8 feet tall. “
                  We are talking only about the people of southern Mesopotamia, if there were giants they would have been different from other people of the same region, but there is no difference.

                  “No, Jesus did die, and did come back to life. I think what made him capable of this was the fact that he never once behaved contrary to God's will. He didn't separate from God the way Adam and Eve did. We each, every human, we all have in some way broken that bond by behaving according to our own will and in some way in contradiction of God's will. “
                  Either Jesus didn’t die or if he was dead he didn’t come back to life. Getting up after 36 hour is not death. Yea, he didn’t separate from your god, satan. He was a criminal, arrogant rebel. And how does his death solve your problem. Was it god’s plan that he be dead?

                  “I think Jesus' life and death re-tethered us 'mortal/evolved' humans back to God spiritually. Besides, I think it's as simple as believing Jesus rose from the dead, something that never happens and by all accounts is completely impossible, simply believing it means you acknowledge God as the authority of the natural world. That's my take, anyway.”
                  That tells that you were fooled into believing nonsense.

                  1. HeadlyvonNoggin profile image85
                    HeadlyvonNogginposted 8 years agoin reply to this

                    No, I'm not ignoring history. I know you keep insisting that class stratification didn't come about until the Uruk period, but that's wrong. It started in the Ubaid ....

                    "The Ubaid period as a whole, based upon the analysis of grave goods, was one of increasingly polarised social stratification and decreasing egalitarianism." - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ubaid_period

                    No, I don't know exactly what cities were affected by the flood, but there's little doubt there was an actual flood that inspired these stories. As for which, both the Sumerians and Genesis say Uruk was established not long after, placing it, according to both sources, between the Ubaid and Uruk periods, which is what the evidence that exists says as well.

                    You're right, it makes no sense for me to try to make something true that isn't. You're right. That's dumb.

                    Yes, I get how the whole boat situation in a localized flood is confusing. But it really did accomplish something significant. It cleared the area where these people and these animals were to re-start.

                    God chose the Israelites, just as the story illustrates multiple times. He chose that line to breed from.

                    I didn't make up class stratification constituting what makes a city. I'll see if I can find the reference, but I read that. And yes, like all other Sumerian cities, Eridu as well had a temple at the center where the ruling class operated from.

                    Height of buildings? Really? A sewer system? Walls? Are you making these up? Class stratification speaks of the dynamics of the city. It speaks of there being a governing class and a working class. THAT is a city. Not how tall the buildings are. That's just silly.

                    No, a localized flood accomplishes exactly what it was meant to.

                    I'm out of time now, will have to respond to the rest later.

  37. HeadlyvonNoggin profile image85
    HeadlyvonNogginposted 8 years ago

    Here's how ancient Iranian "mythology" describes the people from the "golden age" ....

    "The Iranian myth of the Fall, for example, describes how the first man, Yima, lived in a walled garden... on a mountain where the water of life flowed and the tree of life grew. It was in a perfect counttry with a mild climate, and the people who lived with Yima knew "neither heat nor cold, neither old age or death, nor disease ... Father and son walked together, each looking but fifteen years of age." However, this perfect age came to an abrupt end when an vil being called Airyana Vaejo intervened, and changed the mild climate to a harsh winter one. As a reasult, the garden became infertile and was destroyed by snow and ice"

    1. BuddiNsense profile image60
      BuddiNsenseposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Iran is close to India and middle east where similar MYTHOLOGIES were already present. Mythologies do not make it true, but make as humans who look longingly at a golden past.

      1. HeadlyvonNoggin profile image85
        HeadlyvonNogginposted 8 years agoin reply to this

        There's that assumption again. Our ancestors are just starry-eyed humans imagining some fantastical past because they were simple minded and superstitious animals. What nonsense. I find it to be dismissive and, frankly, a bit arrogant.

        What I'm trying to point out is a consistency that stretches all throughout the region. Consistency in the stories being told. We assume (there's a lot of that going on) that this must just be story details being copied from one culture to the next. Or that this is just how the mind works where information lacks.

        There's another explanation that's more consistent with what's observed.

        1. BuddiNsense profile image60
          BuddiNsenseposted 8 years agoin reply to this

          Is it? But to say that our ancestors had no free will, and it had to be god given, that is humble? Most indigenous people have no free will (so like animals) is humble too? It was you who say that they are like animals what I said is they are just like us, humans. And it is not just our ancestors, we all do. We all long for the past.So they were just doing what any other humans do. And you are imagining that one day an Adam got up and wrote a story and everybody believed that, it is not like that. Indians didn't get up one day to start worship monkeys or imagine giants. It all happen slowly and antiquity get respect. The Romans gave better respect to Jewish religion than Christianity because that was ancient.
          I take it that you have not read Shanamah or Indian myths?

          That my friend is an assumption. When the Aryans get to India the gods were males, but later they took the stories of the Indian and females got into the pantheon. Cultural diffusion is not a new thing,now most of the world is following American culture, is it because they are not original?
          That region is a small area, adjacent area in fact.It is more easy for stories to diffuse. And it is natural for people to copy the dominant culture.  Consider these, the Elamities were very close to Mesopotamia, and it is now proposed that the south Indians are of the same stalk. If people can diffuse that much are, ideas can do it better.

          1. HeadlyvonNoggin profile image85
            HeadlyvonNogginposted 8 years agoin reply to this

            We did evolve from animals, did we not? So it's only natural that our progression from there to where we are now had to happen somewhere along the way. Not sure how that's arrogant. Simply acknowledging a reality isn't arrogant. We had to change somewhere along the way. Recognizing where various people are along that transition isn't arrogant. It's reality.

            Saying they don't have free will is not in any way meant to be negative or insulting. In fact, without free will that would make them and how they behave the ideal that we should all strive for. How they behave is how God wills. It also means they are not subject to judgement.

            And I too have said, multiple times now, that they are physically identical. Genetically identical. Besides, I'm not the one assigning simplistic reasoning to them. You are. And not only that, you're assigning simplistic reasoning to the very people who invented mathematics and astronomy and the written language and civilization. People who established these things because they were the exact opposite to what you're suggesting. They weren't given to baseless speculation. They looked to study and understand. Not just make up wild stories of fiction.

            But the stories aren't just copied. The stories can be wildly different. The consistency is in the gods they described. And they all described them as actual history. Are we to believe that our human ancestors are just that prone to adopting fantastical stories as their history so nonchalantly?

            1. BuddiNsense profile image60
              BuddiNsenseposted 8 years agoin reply to this

              Then they are identical.

              I didn’t you did. I said they are no different from us. And who are the “they” who invented mathematics ad astronomy? Is it the people of Ubaid? Or the people of Ur? Evidence?

              Even in this so called scientific age we do the same, why are they any different?

              They are as prone as we are in making fantastical stories and believing them. The stories are invented over night. It startys as a small story that gradually expands.

  38. passionatelearnr profile image86
    passionatelearnrposted 8 years ago

    Global elite have a hand in spreading tyranny,not any religion.

  39. profile image0
    Commonsensethinkposted 8 years ago

    I am not American, but rather a British national who has spent the past 21 years in either Germany (13 years) or the Netherlands (8 years).

    Islam is very much on the agenda in Europe. And not seen positively.

    Most atheists in Europe, like myself, have a more antagonist attitude to Islam than they have to Christianity. And there is a substantially higher percentage of atheists in Europe (e.g 24% in Denmark, 15% in Germany) than in the USA.

    And due to immigration there are far more Muslims in Europe. And given the influx of refugees from the Syrian conflict that are adding to the problem ....

    I am an old man now, I am probably not going to be round to see it, but the major conflict in Europe with regard to belief in some years time probably will not involve Christianity at all (the percentage of Christians in most European countries in declining, and the greater number of existing, practising Christians are older people). Essentially it will be Muslims facing down sceptics.

    But if you want a critical comment on Islam, let's have it from me. It has the same flaws as Christianity - it is based upon the existence of a deity whose existence cannot be proved either by sense data or in a science lab (where you can test for inert gases like neon and radon for example), and upon an ancient book of unprovable, often utterly ridiculous myths and fables (Arabic for Islam rather than Jewish and Jewish renegade for Judaism and Christianity).

    And claims to have something called "morality" which is IMHO nothing more a series of antiquated, outmoded laws devised by humans in a more primitive era (there being no god, it must have come from somewhere).  As we have modern laws produced by democratic legislatures through which law and order can and should be maintained, the need for this "morality" is dubious.

    But not if you are a Muslim - there even moderate Muslims want a degree of Sharia Law imposing (many actually support the death penalty for apostasy), if not the whole works as demanded by the seemingly ever increasing number of fundamentalist Salafist supporters.

    The intriguing thing about the rising number of Muslims in Europe, the growing number of fundamentalist believers, and the spread of their ludicrously antiquated and ridiculous belief system is that "moral" behaviour codes in line with the civil law seem to be less respected by them. More than 70% of the people in jail in France are from Muslim backgrounds. Sweden, once a model for a well-behaved and prosperous society (including a notably large number of atheists NB), has seen a notable rise in crime since the number of Muslim immigrants increased.

    And as regards the numbers of former criminals turned jihadi extremists - note that one of the two Kouachi brothers, responsible for the Charlie Hebdo  murders in Paris at the start of this year, and one of the friends (Coulibaly) who killed four people in a Jewish supermarket in Paris on the same day) were both radicalised while in jail.

    This conversion though did not involve ceasing to be a criminal in civil terms - it involved going from being a common criminal with no cause to being a jihadi criminal with a cause. And this is the danger that lurks among us.   

    Dare to criticise this trend though, dare to say that there are too many Muslims in Europe, dare to point out the negative trends caused by Muslim immigrants -  you get called an Islamophobe or a racist. And given my history of supporting liberal causes and my marriage to an Asian (Buddhist) lady, I find it sadly strange and disappointing that anyone would regard me as a racist.

    But the fact remains that Islam is and will remain a danger - put me in the Sam Harris school, if you like, and go and read the piece that Sam Harris wrote called "Sleepwalking toward Armageddon" some time. I think that you will find that not all atheists are unconcerned about Islam and everything that it involves.

    And if you check out the number of atheists who have been murdered in "Muslim countries" in recent years, you will probably understand where these misgivings come from! People may well ask what the demographics will be in a couple of generations time if the current developments go unchecked. The advent of a barbaric, primitive, pre-medieval culture will hardly be a development that will benefit the continent in any way.

    1. Claire Evans profile image64
      Claire Evansposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks for you interesting comment.  When I started this thread two years ago, Islam was not as influential as it is now.  Anti-Islam sentiment is spreading across the world.  Atheists complained about Christianity in schools but this is disturbing:

      Several Walton County parents say their children are being forced to learn about Islam, and want the option to exclude their children from these lessons.

      "My daughter had to learn the Shiad, and the five pillars of Islam, which is what you learn to convert, but they never once learned anything about the Ten Commandments or anything about God," said parent Michelle King."

      http://www.wsbtv.com/news/news/local/pa … ool/nnnyB/

      Christianity is definitely being attacked by extremists and even moderate Muslims are trying to do away with it. 

      So there is definitely more concern about Islam but it is rare that an atheist will turn to the Koran to attempt to debunk it.  Many atheists believe that if they can discredit the Bible, it means Jesus doesn't exist. 

      You can't prove gods by a scientific lab because it is in the realm of the supernatural.  I have a significant problem with the OT.  Do you have contention with the New?

      A lot of people believe that all these immigrants are refugees. That is not the case.  ISIS has slipped through the cracks.


      I would be terrified if I saw this.  So ISIS must contribute to the crime.

      At least most all Christians don't murder in the name of Jesus.  If they do, they are mentally ill. 

      I do agree that this is terribly unfair.  Europeans are complaining that the "refugee" are unruly, make unreasonable demands, want royal treatment and are contributing to rising taxes.  It is not because of their race.  However, I would be so annoyed if my country was overrun with Muslims trying to force their religion on me.

      I despise Islam.

    2. Disappearinghead profile image59
      Disappearingheadposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      I'm not sure people care about being called an islamaphobes or racist for opposing all this recent immigration. Watching the media there appears to be growing concern about immigration from Islamic countries amongst the populations of Europe. Creeping Islamic influence will only go so far. When people sense they are no longer free to determine their lives there will be a public backlash. We are already seeing mosques targeted and so called hate crime on the rise against Muslims. There's a lot of face noise from those a tiny minority who think our governments are spying on us all and we are sleep walking into a police state, but that's preferable to an Islamic State. If the government is not seen to be doing enough to push back the influence if Islam in Europe, by spying on and targeting the fundamentalists, people will rise up and take matters into their own hands.

      Christianity is not under attack except in the minds of those with a persecution complex.

  40. mtariqsattar profile image78
    mtariqsattarposted 8 years ago

    On a superficial level perhaps, it is easier to conclude that majority of atheists are ones who have renounced Christianity, or their forefather had during their own  lives. Hence, it is obvious that they would be concerned about their former faith. They are allowed to criticize any region in secular, liberal western world, which is not the case in rest of the world to this day, still.

    Thus, atheists, if there are those amid Muslim societies, are perhaps compelled to be reticent of criticizing Islam. That is why one gets impression of them being concerned more about Christianity than Islam.

    1. My Esoteric profile image86
      My Esotericposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Good answer mtariqsattar.

      1. mtariqsattar profile image78
        mtariqsattarposted 8 years agoin reply to this

        Thanks My Esoteric, that was what  I believed of the question.

    2. Claire Evans profile image64
      Claire Evansposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      I appreciate your answer.  Do you believe that this will change in the case that Islam is gaining ground around the world? Islam is definitely more prominent? Do you believe atheists will protest in the form of trying to debunk the Quran?


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