It seems that Islam is on the rise in just about every nation around the globe.
They are pushing their agenda onto any and every government that is TOLERANT, and using the freedom (and laws) in those countries to gain more and more control.
The UK is a prime example, where political will is weak (at best) to curb the "takeover".
What will you do, whenPush comes to shove" and your life is on the line (should it get to that)?
It will be, "convert (to Islam) or die"!,
Or, if you are lucky, pay "protection money".
As an atheist - I can say with certainty that I would pretend to convert.
This would pose no dilemma for me. See, atheists come from a different perspective - that of not believing in a deity, so there is no internal conflict from pretending to belong to one religion or another. They are all just as meaningless to us.
I can see how a proponent of the Christian or Jewish faith might feel conflicted if forced to convert or die - but that conflict is not present in atheists.
The same question was put to millions during the Christian Crusades and the Inquisitions. Convert or die. Part of the reason we are atheists is because we've seen, or studied, the harm caused by organized religions.
I certainly hope we never get to the hypothetical presented in your OP, but if we do - I envision most atheists following suit. Kind of a silly thing to sacrifice one's life on religious principals.
Are you a guy? As a woman, conversion is a pretty repugnant option. If it was simply saying 'sure there is one one god and Mohammed is his prophet' I'd see little reason to sacrifice my life for a few words. But, throw in a burka and I'll throw a fit.
I see your point, but the question didn't give us any leeway. Death was the only alternative. Is wearing or not wearing a burka worth your life?
Things change from the inside out. If you wore the burka - you might be able to try and influence a change - in time.
If you chose to die immediately - you would never get that chance.
With the first option - you might have the ability to help turn things around. With the second option - you're defeated before you even start.
For the theist that will die for his belief, for the principles that he lives by, he has my respect. For the atheist who is absent in conviction and principles and devoid of character, who would mouth the words of a belief is not of any substance and is not worthy of respect. There is no value to his words and such a person is not to be trusted. To live to be what others define you as, is a shallow and meaningless life.
Interesting personal attack. No wonder you theists need to kill anyone that does not agree with you. Killing each other for your irrational beliefs gets your respect huh? I find that a disturbing character trait.
I am in my 8th decade of life. I have held to an Atheistic philosophy for 65 of those years and counting. I am a combat vet, the Atheist in the foxhole. As you speak of what you do not know you degrade the value and reasoned truth of Atheistic thought. You have no argument sir as you have no integrity and no knowledge of what you speak.
Ah - more personal attacks. Why the need to verbally abuse me?
CJ, you said:
"For the theist that will die for his belief, for the principles that he lives by, he has my respect. For the atheist who is absent in conviction and principles and devoid of character, who would mouth the words of a belief is not of any substance and is not worthy of respect. There is no value to his words and such a person is not to be trusted. To live to be what others define you as, is a shallow and meaningless life."
That might just be the shallowest comment I've read on these forums for a long time. How do you equate an atheist not caring enough about religion to die standing against one - with being "absent in conviction and principles and devoid of character,?"
Your argument is that an atheist should take a stand on a religious topic when - to a real atheist - religion means nothing. Were an atheist to take the stand you think he/she should, the atheist in question is most likely not a true atheist - but, instead, someone who is angry at religion for not accepting him/her as he/she is.
Your position is tenuous at best.
Why would an atheist sacrifice himself on the altar of religion?
I have been gone for a couple of days and it seems that I have some dissenters, always, sometimes--interesting.
It is amazing what people will read into what is not there simply because they want to. At no point did I say that an Atheist should take a stand 'for' a theistic belief. If he proclaims Atheism as a principle then he should stand on that principle and not cower and submit when challenged. To do so negates the principle and the individual.
To, "religion means nothing---." Theistic belief better mean something due to the fact that 96% of the people on earth are moved and controlled by theistic doctrine. To ignore this is to embrace ignorance as a philosophy of life.
I am an Atheist, but I do not feel the need to condemn the theist to justify my position, nor do I need to belittle his commitment to his principle. Of what value is it to take a position and then acquiesce?
I would ask, that you are such an ardent atheist, of what value is Atheism? How does it benefit Man.? What is the philosophy of Atheism? Is it more than just a statement? How does one govern under an Atheistic philosophy. Is there a political philosophy that corresponds to Atheism? Should people not have a right to believe in a god? Should this be punishable by law?
I look forward to an intelligent response.
Atheism would never exist if not for theism. It has no real value because it should not even exist as a concept. There should be no need for atheism, but unfortunately, it does exist. So, instead of asking what value it has, ask what value theism has, instead. Then, we find why atheism has to exist, because theism has no value and usually does more harm than good.
It removes the shackles of slavery to the ignorance and hatred espoused by theism.
None, it is simply a lack of belief in theism.
It is, perhaps, to a theist, a very powerful statement, one they will not take kindly to.
You mean, how does one govern under a lack of theism? Easy, it's called secularism.
People have the right to believe whatever they want, as long as those beliefs are kept behind closed doors and not out in the public.
No, it should be addressed with education.
you said"
"At no point did I say that an Atheist should take a stand 'for' a theistic belief. If he proclaims Atheism as a principle then he should stand on that principle and not cower and submit when challenged. To do so negates the principle and the individual. "
I have no need to "proclaim atheism as a principle." Atheism is simply the absence of belief in supernatural/religious tenets. It's not something to proclaim. It's not a way of life. It's not a defining cause. It's a lack of spiritual belief - that's all. When so-called atheists start insisting that other atheists behave in a manner that pleases them - they cross into making atheism a cult of their own making.
"To, "religion means nothing---." Theistic belief better mean something due to the fact that 96% of the people on earth are moved and controlled by theistic doctrine. To ignore this is to embrace ignorance as a philosophy of life. "
I have no need to take on the yoke of responsibility for those who have spiritual beliefs. That does not mean I'm ignorant of the stats - it just means - I'm not pushing against them. Since religion means nothing to me - pretending to convert - to save my life - is the only smart thing to do. Only those with a cross to bear - will die for something they claim not to even believe.
"I would ask, that you are such an ardent atheist, of what value is Atheism? How does it benefit Man.? What is the philosophy of Atheism? Is it more than just a statement? How does one govern under an Atheistic philosophy. Is there a political philosophy that corresponds to Atheism? Should people not have a right to believe in a god? Should this be punishable by law? "
I am not an "ardent" atheist for the reasons I just explained to you. There is no atheistic philosophy. That would be a belief in "something." Of course people have a right to believe in a god/gods, whatever. Atheists realize that the beliefs of others are just that - the beliefs of others.
Can another's belief harm you? In the case of the hypothetical of this thread - only if you find moral objection in pretending to convert to save your life.
What does dying achieve for an atheist?
Lets hope no one is depending on you also. No doubt you would murder your offspring rather than have them be "cowardly" and not die for your principals.
Didn't you say this a while back - to cjhunsinger?
"Ah - more personal attacks. Why the need to verbally abuse me?"
Sorry you don't understand - how frustrating for you.
I'm really having a tough time figuring you out. You seem like you want to be spiritual - but then you quickly descend into mud-wrestling.
Received many hubpage notifications and realized that my post of yesterday was not there. Have no idea, as to why. In any case I indicated that there was no longer any positive reason to continue this conversation. It is difficult to debate an issue when the only principle your opponent stands is vacillation. I wish you well.
Is it not a shallow life to kill someone for not being apart of your religion? Is it not shallow to kill in the name of "your god" if this god is all powerful and can punish or kill people themselves? Is it not shallow to think the creator or "God" is bigger than man made religion? I question anyone's sanity when they claim an all loving God asks them to kill another human being for not acknowledging their cultural version of God. In fact the story of Abraham being asked to sacrifice his son to prove his love for God is a perfect example of the blind faith lunacy that the ruling class indoctrinates in the minds of the peasants. Religion is a way to control masses not to actually teach true spirituality. If it taught true spirituality you wouldn't find christians, muslims, jews killing and conquering people in the name of their loving god. You will know a person or a group of people by their fruits or works. Not by what religion they claim. Which is why you find good athiests and bad athiest. Good muslims and bad muslims. It's the actions and heart of a man that we should judge them by not what they say they believe.
So much for arguing for or against anything then.
All the "debates" here on Hubpages, (and likely elsewhere has all been a lot of hot, wasted air).
I will keep this in mind in future discussions.
Thanks for your honest reply!
How many Christians have converted rather than be burned at the stake? I wonder....... Thanks for reminding us how disgusting religion is.
Well done.
Typical NON-answer.
Do you actually HAVE an answer?
Sorry - did you not understand?
Thanks for reminding us how scary and offensive religions are.
I see. It seems you would shout at the Muslims that their religion is disgusting.(just before they shoot).
Not sure I would be daft enough to do that. I would probably do what you are doing - hide my identity or go online and pretend to be bravely defending against a perceived threat, while actually stirring up hatred and ill will like a good Christian should. I would continue to pay my taxes and use the hired killers my government employs to do the dirty work. My, how very brave you are.
Of course I could always shoot them myself - that seems to be the best way to spread an ideology according to you - right? That is how Christianity was spread after all.
Islam = Christianity of 200 years ago. Hopefully we will pull their teeth the same as we pulled yours.
You ain't lying man. Many don't take the time to study the origins of their religions yet jump right to the fire and brimstone to get people to follow their message of "love". Love our God or burn mentality. Christianity was spread for political reasons by a non christian emperor (Constantine). Shortly after there were mass crusades forcing people to convert to the government's religion or be persecuted or die. Muslims did the same which is why these two have spread all over the globe so fast. It was the conquerors religions. When they traveled to lands and conquered it they forced the indigenous people to convert to "their religion". The same mentality love my god or die. So many converted in fear of their death and their families death. Generations later many had no clue why their ancestors changed religions they just blindly followed because it was now custom to do so. What many christians, muslims, jews, buddhist, Hindus don't know is much of their practices and teachings stemmed from Africa (cradle of civilization). Of course this isn't what they will teach you in a eurpope minded government but proof is all over their ideologies and teachings which use ancient egyptian symbols and practices in their secret societies AND monetary systems. Pyramids, eye of heru, ancient chemistry, ancient mathematics, sacred geometry. For those who know this have truly seeker knowledge without bias. Those who don't are still sleep to the game.
The underlying point to that comment was you wouldnt have to choose between the 2 if religion did not exist/have such a stranglehold on society as it does today. When you think about it, it is absolutely insane to choose to kill somebody because they do not believe in the same imaginary person as you do.
It could also be implied from RA's comment that he would choose to convert, just so he can continue to annoy people who ask religious questions to atheists. Lol.
If only you were right.
I see examples such as this that has me worried. … t-convert/
Maybe it's just me.
It's not just you - we still have atrocities being committed in the names of various deities. I'm aware of the story you posted and I find it repugnant. I hope something happens to save that woman.
But, it's happening on the flip side of the coin as well. … _Act,_2014
You seem to be an good and honest person. I think most of the posters here are as well.
As a non-believer, my motto is to speak out against harmful acts wherever and whenever I see them occurring. It's a little simpler for me because I don't have to uphold one religion while denigrating another.
But - I will give you one thing - despite the link I posted - in today's world, radical Islam is a larger threat than is radical Christianity. That's just a fact and it should be said and not swept under any politically correct rug.
The problem is that there are millions of good (moderate) Muslims - just as there are millions of good Christians. This is not a case of one bad apple spoiling the entire bushel. Let's just throw out the bad apples when we find them and not blame the rest of the apples.
That's my take on the situation. It's easy to become fearful and concerned when we hear only the bad news.
Fox News certainly knows how to get its readers. A bit of sensationalism works wonders for the profits.
The problem is you are getting your knowledge from fox news lol. Wake up. It's propaganda. The American government has done way worse atrocities to innocent people to include every minority group it's come in contact with yet christians here in america never do a damn thing about it. In fact fox news won't report things like operation mk ultra. Or operation fast and furious. Or the active eugenics program going on in america. Or how poor communities in america get no education so they can fill up privately owned prisons systems. You know why this isn't being reported because the same people who own the news own the privately owned prison systems. Religion is just to keep the poor from uprising by teaching them they need to be submissive even if their leaders are corrupt. I'm tired of hearing people who are content with being blind speak the loudest in this country. They only get their info from biased sources or the same sources and never search for truth only what keeps them feeling comfortable. There is no true growth in comfort. Wake the fuck up
Two false assumptions
1 > I did not, do not rely on Fox, CNN or other crap news sites.
2 > I don't live in the USA.
Perhaps you ought to do a little checking before you tell me off!
I find many things are worth standing up for - or against - but this question was posed strictly to atheists - and since we are not vested in religion, it would be silly for us to not to pretend to convert when facing the business end of a rifle.
Or being strung up and strangled slowly to death; or decapitated by an anonymous person in a mask.
Such wonderful representations of belief in a god, at the expense of basic decent humanity.
Little surprise that I am atheist!
(Ed: Referring to the methods and reasons for punishment, not Howard's position, of course.)
Sorry but wasn't his response (he would convert) a legit response to your question, "what will you do?" He said what he would do. How is this not a proper response to the OP? You didn't mention an argument for or against anything.
This is what you said in response to Howardisthename's first reply:
"So much for arguing for or against anything then.
All the "debates" here on Hubpages, (and likely elsewhere has all been a lot of hot, wasted air).
I will keep this in mind in future discussions.
Thanks for your honest reply!"
I was referring to his response and your reaction to it.
I'm not sure what part of my response you were confused about, since you said only "??"
My "point" was, though he answered the question, (as you rightly point out), my argument was, why make so much "noise" arguing against religion in these forums, and then jus capitulate by pretending to convert?
Sure, go ahead and (pretend) convert, but, in the same stroke of the proverbial pen, you betray your own worldview. IE, it's not worth dying for.
This ought to illustrate what I mean, if you are truly agains religion.
Perhaps you've mistaken me for someone else but I don't make a lot of "noise arguing against religion."
Religion is not for me, but I'm a live-and-let-live kind of guy. Pretending to convert to save my own skin does not "betray my worldview" anymore than paying income taxes (which I'm also against) betrays my worldview.
For an atheist - pretend conversion is just one more government thing we'd have to comply with. Since we're not believers, it would not impact us in a moral/ethical way as it might impact you.
In a like manner - when I'm in a group that holds a group prayer - I don't defiantly keep my head up when the person is praying. I respectfully bow my head like any other. I don't buy into the mumbo-jumbo but I understand that it's the respectful thing to do. I'm confident in my lack of belief and I don't have to make a show of it - or prove myself to anyone.
Religion means nothing to me so it's not a hill I choose to die on.
Well, you are correct. We haven't had discussions before.
My post, though replying to you, was more of a general nature. i have had many discussions with very vocal atheists. They seem to have avoided this thread.
Thanks for contributing.
I haven't avoided it, but I see you did not seem to notice my reply. Do you hate atheists more or less than you hate muslims? I bet you are more scared of Muslims huh? I mean - what if they are right?
I am not quite sure how you missed the responses from vocal atheists like myself. They are right there in the thread.
I don't see much reason to respond to this thread considering it is one of sheer hypocrisy. Islam is no more a religion of love and peace than is Christianity.
It's like Stalin complaining about Hitlers techniques for slaughtering millions of people.
We will all die for something the question is what will we live for? Do we live for equality, peace, love, justice, honesty? Or do we live for (groups) who promote inequality, war, hate, injustice and deceit? I'm tired of people using religion to get away with hate, murder, treating others unfairly. Stop hiding behind your man made God and religion and be a good person because it's the right thing to do. The bible teaches that slavery is good, killing your disobedient child is ok, a women who is raped can be bought by her raper as his punishement, that "chosen" people can take land already inhabited by people. How is this love? How is this righteousness or peace? Stop being a contradiction in the world where we use hate to promote love. We use war to promote peace and lies to promote truth. Let's start calling things for what they really are. Religion is a waste of time if it is used to spread hate, war and intolerance.
Sure it's brave to be a mouse giving the finger to a hawk, but that mouse will be dead and most likely will be eaten alive. Evolution will take care of stupid behaviour. Evolution will also take care of the person who won't pretend to convert with a gun pointed to his head. There is a line in which bravery becomes stupidity.
-----------Atheists do come from a different perspective, but that is certainly not to say that Atheists are without strength of character and integrity. It would seem that you are however, and I find, as an Atheist, it extremely insulting and naive, not to mention presumptuous, of you to include me in your circle of fear.
I do not think that you know what an Atheist is or is not and as you demonstrate such a lack of back bone, I would seriously doubt that you are an Atheist or anything that requires any degree of personal strength.
People will fight for many things and, as an Atheist in a fox hole in Vietnam, I fought for my country and my integrity as an American. Nothing would change should an invading force enter this country, should they be atheists or a god toting hoard. Look up the word integrity and the words strength of conviction, backbone and character. Live for something or you die for nothing.
I'd say the same thing to them that I would say to you: your Looney Tunes cartoon is cute, but I'm not interested.
A Good day to you, DJ. I hope you are enjoying this weekend. Here is the States, as you know, it is the unofficial start of summer and I look forward to a fire in the barbie on Monday.
I find it interesting that the global growth rate of Islam in the next fifteen years or so is expected to be lower than the past two decades. Naturally, as Muslims migrate to and become citizens of various nations, they will participate more and more in the affairs of their new home countries just as you did, I imagine, in Australia. That is one reason why I am rather surprised to see the OP statement characterize such normal assimilation as “pushing their agenda” or “using the freedom (and laws) in those countries to gain more and more control.” It certainly makes me wonder. If you participate in Australian elections, I doubt that you look upon your right to vote as “pushing your agenda.” Rather, you are just exercising your freedom as well as “more and more control” over your own destiny according to the law. Surely, you can not be suggesting that Muslims should not yearn for the same freedoms you have enjoyed since you arrived. Perhaps I presume too much.
About 60% of the world’s Muslims are concentrated in the nearby Asia-Pacific region, yet in Australia, less than two percent of the population is Muslim and that ratio is not expected to be more than 2.8% by 2030. {1}
In addition, I do not see the Muslim “takeover” in the UK that you speak of. The Muslim population in the UK in 2030 is projected to reach about 5.6 million or about 8.2 % of the total population. That certainly is not a “takeover” to me. {2}
The OP statement grows even more alarming with the claim, “It will be, ‘convert (to Islam) or die’! Or, if you are lucky, pay ‘protection money.’” Such an absurd notion is not even remotely possible but it is a handy device for anyone who is Islamophobic and wishes to sow seeds of fear and distrust instead of a making a Christlike gesture of love and acceptance to our fellow man.
I know that a lot of people have their own reasons for exaggerating their fears of Islam but I notice not one has been shared with us here in this thread.
Enjoy your weekend, DJ, and the onset of winter. I intend to make the best of my summer months while I can.
{1} … opulation/
{2} … y-country/
Hi Quill.
You are entering summer, but we still have exited ours. We should be huddled around heaters, but we are in all but shorts and t-shirts (still). As I said to my wife last week, "if this is global warming, I want more of it".
Another story that illustrates my OP below. I know it might sound a bit far fetched, but I think it's prudent to expect the worst, and be prepared than to sleep in apathy, and be taken by surprise. … 4Gvl62SxtM
Have a beer on me at your barbie!
Hello again, DJ.
Thanks for the link to IsraelNationalNews.Com. It is informative and just like you said “a bit far fetched.”
I do not buy into such fanaticism. First, I look carefully at who is talking. Abu Waleed is not the voice of Islam any more than the Westboro Baptist Church speaks for Christianity. The article is correct in criticizing this divisive message and not all of Islam. Mr. Waleed is an Islamic cult personality whose lectures are refuted by Islamic scholars.
“Who is Abu Waleed? Abu Waleed is someone who is majhool, does not possess Islamic credentials, is not authorized to transmit religious knowledge…May Allah protect Muslims from this man and his likes.” {1}
Looking at the first sentence of the second paragraph of your link, this extremist “cited sources in the hadith (Islamic teachings outside of the Koran).” He is not even quoting from the work of Mohammed. The Qur'an that that guides millions of reasonable Muslims teaches respect for peaceful non-believers and does not condone bullying and humiliation as a tactics to convert Christians and Jews to their religion. I find the entire notion absurd. Being prepared for the worst, as you say, should not include having an exaggerated fear of all Muslims but an understanding that individual extremists like Mr. Waleed exist in the world. In the same fashion, Boko Haram does not represent the Islamic faith no more than the cruelty of Christopher Columbus represented all Italian or Spanish Catholics.
Well, DJ, I am off to prepare for tomorrow. I will definitely tip a few in your honour.
The only thing I wish to say to this is that though the (vast) majority of Muslims are (or may be) moderate, or even harmless, yet the Koran is full of material that calls for and justifies atrocities in the name of advancement of the religion.
It all comes down to the interpreter presenting the teachings. These same radicals are rarely if ever censored, much less removed from office for preaching such (hate).
In Australia, we have had the justice system remove them, but not once the Islamic community.
According to Deuteronomy 17:2-6, killing non-believers is a-okay!
2 If there be found among you, within any of thy gates which the Lord thy God giveth thee, man or woman, that hath wrought wickedness in the sight of the Lord thy God, in transgressing his covenant,
3 And hath gone and served other gods, and worshipped them, either the sun, or moon, or any of the host of heaven, which I have not commanded;
4 And it be told thee, and thou hast heard of it, and enquired diligently, and, behold, it be true, and the thing certain, that such abomination is wrought in Israel:
5 Then shalt thou bring forth that man or that woman, which have committed that wicked thing, unto thy gates, even that man or that woman, and shalt stone them with stones, till they die.
6 At the mouth of two witnesses, or three witnesses, shall he that is worthy of death be put to death; but at the mouth of one witness he shall not be put to death.
According to Exodus 22:20, same deal.
20 He that sacrificeth unto any god, save unto the Lord only, he shall be utterly destroyed.
...And Deuteronomy 13:6-9...
6 If thy brother, the son of thy mother, or thy son, or thy daughter, or the wife of thy bosom, or thy friend, which is as thine own soul, entice thee secretly, saying, Let us go and serve other gods, which thou hast not known, thou, nor thy fathers;
7 Namely, of the gods of the people which are round about you, nigh unto thee, or far off from thee, from the one end of the earth even unto the other end of the earth;
8 Thou shalt not consent unto him, nor hearken unto him; neither shall thine eye pity him, neither shalt thou spare, neither shalt thou conceal him:
9 But thou shalt surely kill him; thine hand shall be first upon him to put him to death, and afterwards the hand of all the people.
And before you start with the "OLD TESTAMENT DOESN'T COUNT" nonsense, let's see what Jesus had to say in Matthew 5:17-19...
17 Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil.
18 For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled.
19 Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments, and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven: but whosoever shall do and teach them, the same shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven.
Let's see you fallaciously argue your way out of this one.
Fallaciously argue my way out?
Are you SERIOUS?
Without even batting an eyelid, we are (as Christians) living in the New Testament Era.
Do you know what that is?
Do you even know what a Testament IS, without looking it up in wikipedia, or Google?
Yeah, I know what it is. It's that thing Jesus just said will always be mandatory until "Heaven and Earth pass." And it looks like Earth is still here, so you'd better stop wearing those denim pants with that cotton shirt.
The shirt's probably a polyester blend, anyway. Either way, God's still supposed to shove a mountain up their ass.
Yes, and it affects you too.
You either have grace, or you have law.
I live under grace, you, under law. That's why you quote it.
I suppose a call to repentance will be promptly rejected by you!
....and He Loves Me, Yeah yeah yeah, yeah....
And you know that can't be bad.
Yes, he loves you
And you know you should be glad.
And with a love like that, you know you should be glad!
Spin us another one, dj.
I'm still under grace, since you sang me your song!
Do you understand grace and (New)Testament?
I have no wish to "go there," thanks DJ. It would only end up in an argument that would get us no where useful.
I just stick to my choices for the time being and, if ever my needs/comprehension change, then I can make other choices. You of course stick to yours, your journey, you don't need my help obviously. Happy singing.
[Bold font added for emphasis.]
Hi there, DJ. I hope you had a marvelous weekend too.
I guess the one thing that disturbs me the most is the obvious double standard that destroys the premise in your last post. I am scratching my hairless dome wondering how an informed person, especially a Christian, can, in good faith, criticize Islam because the Qu’ran contains violence. The Bible, as we all know, is also filled with verses containing violent directives and images.
Scary stuff when you ask why Jesus needs to wield a sword. “Do not think that I have come to bring peace on earth; I have not come to bring peace, but with a sword. For I have come to set a man against his father, and a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law; and a man's foes will be those of his own household.” (Matthew 10:34-36)
Dare I say it is a bit lame to express a fear of Islam and, at the same time, ignore the verses in the Bible that also call “for and justifies atrocities in the name of advancement of the religion.”
One of my favorites goes, "Woe to the world for temptation! ...And if your hand or foot causes you to sin, cut it off and throw it from you; it is better for you to enter life maimed or lame than with two hands or two feet to be thrown into the eternal fire. And if your eye causes you to sin, pluck it out and throw it from you; it is better for you to enter life with one eye than with two eyes to be thrown into the hell of fire." (Matthew 18:8-10)
Clearly there are plenty of gruesome verses from all religions. One only needs to connect the dots to realize the violent, threatening God of Christians and Jews is the same violent, threatening God worshiped by Muslims and the tomes of all three religions contain merciless violence.
Then you wrote:
“It all comes down to the interpreter presenting the teachings. These same radicals are rarely if ever censored, much less removed from office for preaching such (hate).
Ah ha! This is a very good point, DJ. It will be interesting, I believe, to examine the radical claims preaching hate and fear found in the OP statement, specifically, “The UK is a prime example, where political will is weak (at best) to curb the ‘takeover’ [by Islam.]” This claim is false and incendiary. However, I see no evidence of self censorship. The author makes no effort to correct it, to withdraw it, or to attempt to justify it. Rather, it is left to stand as a false statement about a “takeover” that does not exist and the speaker remains silent. How profound are your words, “radicals are rarely if ever censored,” particularly when they are applied to the groundless and false statements in the OP statement of this thread.
While we both may have a lot of enemies, I do not think religion is one of them. It is reasonable to say your “push” will never come to “shove,” your life will never be on the line and you will never be told to "convert (to Islam) or die." Unfortunately, unfounded fear and distrust of Islam is the only durable message contained in this thread. That said, I respect your right to fear Islam no matter how tenuous and weak the reasons.
Best regards, DJ, I have to run. It seems I may have toasted you too often yesterday and I am paying the price today.
Another biased source of news. The same Israeli news that covers up the mass murders Israeli government does on innocent Palestinians and paints a picture that the Palestinians are evil and unreasonable. You do understand the group of so called Israelite that occupy that land are there unlawfully? You do realize Palestinians have been there since the beginning and had these wicked fake jews take their land? If you know your history true hebrews were Melinated people. They weren't white. In fact moses a hebrew was born in africa and was able to blend in with egyptians who were also african and couldn't tell the difference. It should be a law that if anyone wants to convert to any religion they need to pass a history course on religions and world history. Not the European version though lol.
They would be entirely too busy with the screaming protesting zealots lining up to curry favor with their God by being the first to die to worry about little ole me.... and since the screaming protesting zealots are usually the first to point out that everyone who isn't.... well a screaming protesting zealot... isn't a Christian, they should prove excellent cannon fodder while keeping us moderate Christians protected.
Since we are the more rational -hence the no screaming and protesting- we would work covertly to undermine the new regime. Since they are also screaming protesting zealots, they probably also lack the same reasoning skills as OUR screaming protesting zealots... so it should be easy.
As such, the moderates let the zealots take out each other... clean up the stragglers... Gay marriage is legalized, Science is taught in schools, we stop invading other countries...
It becomes a liberal utopia, everyone loves each other... and we all live happily ever after.
Where do I sign up?
I have lived around Muslims all my life and they are not different to any other religious people. I don't judge religions followed by millions by atrocities committed by a few. Just as I do not expect to be judged as an athiest by the actions of Stalin or Mao Zedong.
I'd never pretend to convert to any religion to satisfy religious zealots. I would rather die than give up my religious liberties. I don't think this situation is unique with Islam. Look at the United States and Christianity. Our very education is influenced by what does and doesn't coincide with the Holy Bible. Thanks to Christian lobbyists and politicians, the future generations of the U.S. will be ignorant to science that has already been widely accepted in other portions of the world. I don't have anything against religion until people try to shove it down my throat by means of legislation and blunt advertising.
Like what two persons with complete integrity and full consent wish to do in their private lives, like making a commitment to each other, then it is none of your business, Sir.
They might easily live together in love and caring for each other, better than many heterosexual persons manage. They may (and in many cases really do) prove valuable members of their community, dependable, honest, sincere, no problem to anyone else.
Yet I guess you, aka-dj, have a god that would disapprove of such things.
How funny. Guess you are in the Islamist camp on this one?
The Bible predates Islam by a few centuries, so I'm siding with God's word.
So - yes - you agree with the Islamists that gays should be killed. And - that is what the bible says after all. How odd that you are scared of them as well.
Ok Melissa. So maybe there should be a new university degree course in Beliefology. Would that be technically correct? Or only politically correct?
Just saying that Islam, Christianity and Judaism all come from the same source. It's the same God. Its not a political thing or a belief thing, it's a history thing.
Well, to determine which is correct we need to split infinitives....
Like which is the (god-only-knows) ology that fits in the grand order of things? But in the strange mind which argues over beliefs there seems to be little order ad infinitum.
Sorry, this turns out to be all goggledegook, but it's the best I can do on my Android, lying in bed at 5.30 am.
Technically..... NO it's not.
I see you are either ignorant of the differences, or you have fallen for the maedia hype/propaganda.
Either way, you have negated the claim (if you ever made it, like most atheists here) of reason and critical thinking!
So, Christianity and Islam are not based on the Abrahamic God? This is what you're saying?
Hi there, DJ. ^5 It is nice to see your thread is still active after eight days.
In spite of your objection, Melissa is correct when she states, “Islam, Christianity and Judaism all come from the same source. It's the same God. It’s not a political thing or a belief thing, it's a history thing.”
The traditions and beliefs of Muslims, Christians, and Jews all lead back to the Biblical Prophet Abraham. All three religions worship the God of Abraham and Abraham worshiped only one God!
Not having a sound intellectual reply is usually the reason for attacking and ridiculing others just because they see life from a different angle. In a discussion among adults, it should not be necessary to use inane personal attacks. Particularly, one devoid of logic, reason, and critical thinking such as this:
“I see you are either ignorant of the differences, or you have fallen for the maedia [sic] hype/propaganda.
Either way, you have negated the claim (if you ever made it, like most atheists here) of reason and critical thinking!
Believing that anyone who disagrees with me is ignorant may give me a false sense of superiority but it is actually a rather ignorant belief.
Melissa’s statement is widely accepted by historians and biblical scholars including Miroslav Volf, professor of theology at Yale Divinity School. In an interview published in Christianity Today he said,
“If somebody postulates the existence of more than one god, I would have to say we don't worship the same god. If somebody says that God is basically one with the world, I would also have to say we don't worship the same god. What binds Muslims and Christians, and what is central to my argument, is that God is one, that God is distinct from the world, and that the one God has created everything that is not God. There is a radical divide between creature and creator. This is a fundamental monotheistic belief. Muslims, Christians, and Jews share that belief. Therefore, they believe in the same God.” {1}
It is sad to see this thread deteriorate from attacking Muslims to attacking anyone who disagrees with the OP’s fears and beliefs. I would rather see the OP elevate the thread to a reasonable exchange of ideas between adults.
I am wondering, DJ, if it can be done.
{1} … paging=off
Its true their Father Abraham is something that the 3 different groups have in common. There was a God at that point in time, and any true God is still in existence. Logic shows us that God can't have also morphed in actuality like the 3 groups since have. They are often very diametrically opposed to each other. Since God didn't change, we have to ask what did change? Or what got away from the revelation as he was giving it to man?
The diametrcially opposed views are not a problem for God, who knows the truth of himself and his revelation to mankind that has been heeded, ignored, or distorted beyond recognition, etc.
Actually, logic shows us that there is no such thing as god.
Not unless your diet includes "shrooms."
Got to admit is it rather funny seeing religionists use the word "logic," when speaking about how much they know about wot god dun.
This particular god seems incapable of giving us a clear message that would not get "distorted beyond recognition." Got to wonder how it is these people know this.
It is amusing. In this particular case, we have a gentleman who has peppered the forums with "hints" that he possess some sort of esoteric (probably far-eastern) spiritual knowledge that is he willing to share - for a price. LOL
I don't know what's more amusing - watching his lame attempts to deceive others - or watching him deceive himself!
What philosopher was it who said something along the lines of spiritual knowledge that is bereft of humility is born of Satan? Something like that - I know I don't have the words verbatim, but the intent is clear. At any rate - it comes to mind when this gentleman posts.
Very full of himself, indeed.
NO. Logic shows us that we cannot know with absolute certainty.
We do NOT have infinite knowledge, which leaves PLENTY of room for the unknown, and indeed, the unknowable to mortal, finite beings such as "li'l ole man".
That is not logic - that is faith. But - at least you now admit you have no knowledge at all. Glad that you have finally agreed you know nothing. Odd you are so insistent that you do indeed know something now that you agree you do not.
Thanks for your tone Quill. It's refreshing to interact with you, more so than some others here.
Despite your pleasantry though, you also seem to have false information.
I'm not sure if that's deliberate on your part, or ignorance. Or, perhaps you are part of the deceived.
Here are a few sites that collate the differences between the God of the Bible, "Jehovah" (Jews), God the Father (Christian) and Allah, (Islam). The ONLY thing they have in common, is that each is claimed as "The ONE God".
If after reading you still think that He is one and the same, then it is a sad day for real communication. … _Allah.pdf … the-bible/
I guess I wouldn't expect you to read each one all the way through, but I do expect you will get the gist of just how huge the differences are.
BTW, I sincerely hope you have recovered from your indulgences in my behalf.
We know the differences in theology. We're talking about origins, however. Islam claims to have started from the line of Ishmael from Abraham, and they believe that the Abrahamic god blessed them through the line of Ishmael, like he claimed he would do in the old testament. They call their god different things, and make different claims about him, but Christianity, Judaism and Islam all started from the same foundation of a singular, monotheistic deity made known to Abraham and passed on to his descendents. Many Christians have different ideas about god and theology as well, but you don't see a lot of people saying they're all worshiping different base GODS. Same god. Different beliefs about it. It really doesn't seem that difficult.
This is the only thing that matters! It's what actions are based on. The New Testament is message of love and salavtion, NOT killing and forced conversions. There is NO Jihad equivalent anywhere in it. We (Christians) don't go around killing "infidels". We don't call anyone to do it, and we don't condone it.
I have answered this in my previous post.
It doesn't seem difficult to those with scant knowledge of the differences.
Is it a different god than the old testament, then? Because THAT god is about killing, slavery and sacrifices.
Man, changing his mind about the attributes of his current god, doesn't mean the old one died and a new one took it's place, does it?
Have you read the NT?
I don't find those things there.
Is it your claim then that the god of the OT died off and was replaced? That IS the question asked, you know...
I have answered this before.
The answer is the New Testament.
Do you not understand my answer?
So you reject all science and now two thirds of the bible as well? How odd.
Matthew 5:17-18
Slavery is still supported by the Bible. Unless, of course, you think Jesus isn't an important enough figure to listen to.
Well, the deal is - the god of the OT (Jehovah) was very violent, jealous and petty. Jews of today dismiss Christians as not worshiping the true god of Abraham - for many of the same reasons today's Christians dismiss Muslims as worshiping the same god.
If Jehovah, not Allah, is the one true god, then He is the god of the OT as well as the NT. And, while the NT is certainly more accepting of others, we do hear Jesus calling the Pharisees the "children of the devil," words that Hitler quoted in his justification for killing and relocating Jews.
We also have Jesus words at the end of the parable of talents in Matthew advising his followers to bring in front of him those who would not worship him - and then slay them. For a long time, church historians tried to pass that off as just the end of the parable, but religious historians have pointed out how syntax in the language changed from third to first person, meaning Jesus actually was making that comment.
What is sad (to me) about this exclusionary tactic in religion is that if you ask most "believers" if Satan can create - they will tell you "no." And yet, when they have to face the fact that their God must then have created Muslims, Buddhists, Christians, Pagan, etc., they're faced with the question of whether or not God created them with the intent that they would burn in Hell. That would be cruel and wasteful, obviously - attributes they do not like linked to God. So, they like to say that God gives everyone a chance to come to Him, and yet, that's far from true. Muslims, Jews - while they've perhaps heard a bit about the Christian "god" they have grown up in their own faith - and they find the Christian god just as distasteful as Christians find the Muslim god. They hear no special "message" they receive no chance to study the different religion and see if they'd like to convert. Many, from early childhood are taught to see Christians as the enemy and they will never see them any differently.
Likewise, some Christians see Muslims and Jews as the "enemy."
At the end of the day- the only thing that is clear - is that differences in religion have led to the greatest wars, brutality, slaughter and genocide in the recorded history of the earth.
And that - alone - is reason enough to question belief.
No one has to accept gay marriage. Simply allowing gays to marry isn't accepting gay marriage, but tolerating it. I don't know where you'd get that idea.
The atheists and the agnostic can only put forward their beliefs and theories of how religious things should have been, in order to avoid what is happening today.
It is up to the politician of the world to decide what to do and how to react to Islam. I hope they wakeup and see that they are not the sheep that have to be slaughtered in sacrifice to the Islam God? Once your head is on the chopping block it might be too late to react.
You might react to the way that I am putting my case, but that is how it looks like from the world news.
How exactly would something of such magnitude come to fruition globally?
It's a scary proposition. I've read that over half of French citizens are Islamic. I've wondered how that will play out when those citizens come of age. Not certain what i would do if faced with such as the scenario you present.
Hi there, Ms. Emile R.,
Over half of French citizens are NOT Muslim. Your source intentionally misled you. In 2010, Muslims comprised only 7.5% of the population of France. Projections by the Pew Research Center put this ratio at about 10.3% in 2030. {1}
In the next fifteen years, the Muslim population in all of Europe is NOT expected to exceed 8%. .
I honestly do not see where this is scary. Most Muslims are loving, caring, and family-centric people. The only problem I see is that their food is too spicy.
{1} … -country/#
You are right of course.
The premise of this forum is wrong as most muslims are peaceful.
I am multi faith and would much prefer the muslims or jews to run things rather than bigoted atheists who are desperately trying to legalise infanticide and beastiality. Even the craziest terrorists are not aiming that low!
I personally find middle eastern food most palatable!
Hello, Oztinato. Welcome to the discussion, Thank you so much for directing your comment to me.
Atheists, more so than those with strong religious beliefs, tend to rely on facts when reaching conclusion. To be honest with you, comparing atheists to terrorists does not sound like a position based on any facts at all.
Nor are atheists known to support legalizing bestiality so this too seems void of any factual understanding of reality.
Thanks for commenting, Oztinato.
you need to research the new cutting edge atheist trends started by people like Peter Singer and Richard Dawkins. They have thousands of followers trying hard to legalise these social monstrosities.
And you, Oztinato, need to research the reasons and thinking behind the opinions of those two persons, Singer and Dawkins.
All I have seen you do is start from your position of biased thinking, then paint them with ridicule.
Whether they are "right" or "wrong" in any of their opinions, they are entitled to them, just as you are entitled to yours.
What are you trying to do? Convert all of us readers to your opinions? I am not siding with either Singer or Dawkins on this occasion.... just asking for deeper thinking and rational thought on your part.
(But maybe your religious bias prevents you from having a broader mind... is that the case?}
the ability of man to control himself in whatever plight he found himself,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, never you give up,.....
Sex is spiritual . Yet Christians define the act of sexual knowledge as sin. This creates a dichotomy that should go the way of the dinosaurs. Sex is so complex. In a world where we understand the how inter-related all aspects of human are we need to get a grip. Sex is complex but sexually morality is not. It should occur between consenting adults in a manner that does not spread disease or cause unwanted pregnancies. On a personal level it should not violate the agreements between you and your partner . If monogamy is a standard of your relationship then you should not violate that standard. If you find yourself inclined to do so then you should seek release from your monogamous partner.
Christians have a hard time with the shades of grey of human sexuality. Even the definition of what sex is varies. Some people engage in fetishes that feed their sexual need without another person. Is that sex? If your in a committed relationship is that cheating. It all gets very complex. Is sex even necessary for couples trying to establish domestic life together or raise children? For some it is a necessity for other not.
God created us a gloriously different beings with the capacity to co create to some degree our own destiny. Needless to say this means we do not need the views of patriarchal ancient societies whom male God was competing with fertility cults to define what we do in our bedrooms today Nor do we need the less the rational religious view of the sexually repressed to tell us what we can and can not do as adults with our sex lives.
Rebecca, this comment is full of good sense. However, it seems you have posted it here in this discussion in error. Did you intend it for another discussions that's running concurrently?
Nevertheless, some points in your comment are relevant to this discussion. There are sexually repressed individuals in both camps. They tend to be the most zealous and religiously intolerant, trying to push their particular religious ideas onto everyone else. "Ordinary" folk are content to live quietly and respectfully, side by side in the street, sharing in community life regardless of which faith people belong to.
In my working life, medical assistance was offered to the needy, regardless of religion. We are all human, with similar feelings, emotions, desires and basic requirements for life.
So if I don't want to be religious, would I pretend to covert to avoid being killed. Yes, probably. Why do you ask? I mean there is a very long history of all sorts of people feigning a different belief system to avoid bad things happening to them.
All of which is moot because it is almost certainly not going to happen in the US or UK. It is up there with getting ebola or being hit by a meteor in my risk assessment.
This whole thread is rather silly. This would make for good fiction. A man finds God when he is trying to run from forced conversion. Or a man finds his humanity.
Just an added bit of info, for those care to take two minutes to read it.
OK, let's downgrade the OP from "death" threats, to just "freedom" threats.
Watch this video, and see how wonderful Islam is to it's own people, within their own (Islamic) countries.
Then come back and tell us all how terrible Christianity has been to YOU, today.
Tell us how terrible Islam has been to YOU today aka.
For once you actually got the point!
Well done.
I am free from it's (negative) influence, thanks to the (non Muslim, non-sharia law) country in which I live.
Odd that you hate the Islamists so much in that case. Why is that? Because their religion might be correct and they say you are burning in hell for following a false religion?
You are such a legend in your own mind!
Don't you tire of copy & pasting the same ole same ole?
I guess not, it's all you got.
Still in fact I'm just about ROFL.
Don't see an answer to my question, but I seem to have hit a nerve. This is why you hate them? Because you fear their version of The Nonsense may be the correct one and you will be burning in hell for choosing the wrong version? How scary for you.
Ye, you hit a nerve alright.
My ticklish spot. ha ha ha.
So there is absolutely no chance at all that they are correct? Despite your argument that it is not possible to know anything? How odd.
Are we getting anywhere close to a useful posts from you?
Please hurry, I'm starting to turn blue.
So - I was right then? You hate them because you fear they may be correct. Interesting.
Here's an Islamic website that talks about the hypocrisy of Christians who slam Islam:
"Augustine’s frightening idea that all must be compelled to “conform” to the “true Christian faith” has unleashed centuries of unparalleled bloodshed. Indeed, Christians have suffered more under the rule of Christian civilization than under pre- Christian Roman rule or any other rule in history. Millions were tortured and slaughtered in the name of Christianity during the periods of the Arian, Donatist and Albigensian heresies, to say nothing of the various Inquisitions, or the Crusades, when the European armies were saying, as they slaughtered both Christian and Muslim Arabs: “Kill them all, God will know his own.”
Well, sure. Past mistakes do justify current ones.
Oh. Not.
Thanks for that, BUT, I must ask you,
Why does everyone bring up the past, and bring it into the present?
It was what it was, (then), but it is NOT now.
Yet, the (corresponding) Muslim atrocities, or should I say human rights violations I speak of are TODAY.
Is it OK to repeat history under a new (well, not so new) banner?
When discussing Christianity and Islam, however, it is important to consider both the past and the present. Islam started about 500 years after Christianity started. What was Christianity doing 500 years ago? Burning heretics at the stake. Killing people who disagreed with dogmas and theologies. Spreading the message through violence, for the most part and keeping a strangle hold on their power by whatever means necessary. Islam is simply 500 years behind. Its day will come. Christianity had to be dragged kicking and screaming out of the dark ages and had to evolve or die in the age of enlightenment. Sooner or later, Islam will have to do the same, or it will die out in the modern world. Christianity still has its fundamentalists that are dangerous to the overall message. Islam has the same. Looking at the picture of history, I'm not sure how you can claim they are so different and one is far worse than the other.
Welcome back. I heard you were away for a time (moving, or something).
As much as I understand what you are trying to say, I have two issues with what you said.
The Christian message has never called for, nor condoned any of the atrocities that the "church" committed in the past. (Additionally, I was intending the OP to speak about what is happening TODAY, and it's implications to society, if not curbed).
Secondly, The Ishmael connection is a genealogical one, and not a spiritual one. Ishmael didn't hand down the Torah through his bloodline. Mohammed (is said to have) received a "new" revelation. He did so during an era of polytheism.
We will see how it all plays out. God will fulfil His plans on humanity, in His time.
All our discourses are interesting, but meaningless, in the overall scheme of things.
Your specious argument is convoluted and pointless. It just doesnt make rational sense. Can you rephrase it using logic?
She made a very logical argument. Perhaps you should try addressing the facts and logical conclusion instead of rhetoric designed to inflame. Little wonder your religion causes so many conflicts.
History and logic was used, it is you who fail to grasp it. This speaks well to the intellectual blindness caused by the worship of things that reasonably do not exist.
Its easy: if someone says "because T-Rex was a vicious killer that means all chickens today must be vicious killers" we would laugh and see the lack of sensible logic in it. However if someone else says "religions were bad thousands of years ago so that means all religions are bad now" it is applauded as "logic".
I really shouldn't have to waste my time explaining the "bleeding obvious" as John Cleese once said.
So comparing the bloody history of Christianity's past and how the religion evolved to the eerily similar bloody actions of todays Islam and how it too will eventually have to evolve, somehow means that all religions are bad today because they were once bad in the past.
Do you actually read what is said to you, or do you just simply take whatever comes out of your cheeks down below?
I don't mind having a discussion if we could just untangle the convoluted logic present in this Hub.
I am certainly not saying all religions are bad today.
Also, I won't reply to crass personal attacks and insults but I will report them immediately.
The only person who thinks the logic is convoluted is you, which is odd since the logic is not only clear as day but was even explained to you.
What crass personal attack/insult was thrown at you, by the way? I would have to argue that calling someone's logic convoluted and pointless constitutes as a personal attack.
in your previous post your crass comment is clear for all to see.
No respect= no discussion.
Obviously you have never owned chickens.
Christians are murdering Muslims today, you know this.
Please! SOME Christians are killing SOME Muslims. SOME atheists are also KILLING some children and want to kill a whole lot more.
If we use the term SOME instead of IMPLYING ALL we will all get along better.
A specious argument indeed! Who?! is killing children?
Read the newspapers. The latest atheist fad is putting the unwanted infant into a washing machine and switching it on. Also a person you may not have heard of as yet (PETER SINGER) and his thousands of devout followers are itching to start the next phase: legal infanticide.
Deja Vu?
I agree that those apparent depraved ideas put up as Singer's of the 19th century, are totally unacceptable in today's age, as they should have been in the middle 1800s.
But I suggest, (not being well versed in those aspects of public thinking at that time in history), that Singer might have been pandering to public sentiment of the time. By "public" sentiment, I must say public male sentiment. It seems it was only males making such judgments and decisions in those year, no women involved.
If, as you suggest, there are lots of people willing to continue thinking along the lines of Singer today, then they are very much in the wrong. Society expects and deserves much better attitudes and intelligent thinking today.
I would caution, however, your expressions casting generalised bigotry towards "atheists," or any predetermined group on the basis of prejudice. In the same way that right now people with a Muslim faith are being targeted in retribution against fundamentalist fanatics. This is the way lynch mob tactics take hold. Whole communities of people are singled out for retribution based upon the opinions of just a few individuals, then the mass media fans the flames and, before you know it, many lives have been upset and squashed into oblivion.
Single out specific areas where hatred is being stirred up. Bring perpetrators to task and make sure they are dealt with appropriately and according to the law of the Land. But don't join in with those who would destroy the world which we regard as so precious. Be careful what you wish for.
Hello, Oz. It is nice to see your most recent posts. However, they lead me to make a simple request.
It was certainly appropriate for Johnny to ask, “who is killing children.” Within the realm of intelligent adult discussions, it is customary for the person making claims to cite sources when requested, particularly when the claims are not widely accepted by the audience. A response like “read the newspapers” not only violates discussion etiquette but implies the claim lacks a credible source.
Therefore, for my benefit, please indicate a valid source that reveals putting unwanted infants into washing machines is a factual “fad” among atheists. Without such a source, there is no reason for me or anyone else to believe it is true.
I thank you, Mr. Oztinato, for your input. I am looking forward to learning more from you on this topic.
To All
I have clearly said SOME atheists, not all.
I have now repeated info about Peter Singer and his thousands of followers so many times it is impossible to accept that nobody here yet knows who he is. A nineteenth century scoundrel?? I don't think so.
I don't accept that I am to start collating the many incidences of the "baby in the washing machine" deaths when it can be Googled so easily.
I note that you have not responded to my point about Peter Singer and his thousands of followers.
Okay, I've googled "baby in washing machine deaths" and come up with seven incidents over the past five years. From all over the world. One was accidental (though obviously incredibly negligent). I hardly consider that a fad and I see absolutely nothing about religion mentioned at all, so you might have to expand on your sources a little bit if you want people to know what the hell you're talking about.
I can't imagine why you are so fixated on Singer. He has thousands of followers? Christianity has millions...
If you can't grasp the point of that, i will elaborate. The abhorrent ways of Christianity in the past have been morally outlawed in today's society. If they hadn't, the religion would have died off long ago. To generalize all atheists are out to murder babies and dethrone religion is like generalizing all Christians as being psychopathic child murders due to beating their kid to death in an exorcism.
And although I have yet to hear of any fad, let alone an atheist one, tossing unwanted babies into washing machines (have heard of more than a few exorcism related baby deaths however), Singer and his followers will have to adapt or "die" in today's society. Considering how most people you talk to in regards to Singer have absolutely no idea who he is, i am assuming he hasn't adapted yet.
It also doesn't matter how many times you separate anything, if you make a claim, you back it up. It's not hard to bookmark and copy/paste links to support your claims, yet I haven't once seen you do that when bringing Singer up.
Perhaps we should send Peter Singer to Africa to preach his besatiality theories there.
Maybe that will finally turn Ebola into an airborne flu virus.
The Singer info is so easy to find; I admit I have often referred to it due to the ongoing denial in these debates about his/followers role in modern atheist thought.
When you go off topic, you dont really pull any punches do you?
I'll bite, how exactly does preaching bestiality to Africans turn Ebola into an airborne virus?
By increasing the chances of interspecies virus mutation by exactly100%. In other words an abberant atheist philosophy is just as dangerous, if not more so in this case, as terrorism.
that is, my points although enigmatic are entirely on the topic.
I somehow missed this thread. Thank you to the OP, it is terribly interesting.
Just responding to another preacher huh?
At what point does an ordinary troll become a stalker?
I see you are working on it.
Thanks for your input. Always welcome and appropriately taken on board.
I note with fascination the total lack of response to my valid points regarding Singer, his thousands of followers, and their clear parallels to extremist thought.
Your valid points that you haven't once provided any sources to. Might explain the lack of responses...
There might also be the "slight" possibility that you cannot be taken seriously, since you seem hell bent on generalizing atheists by stalking a guy named Peter Singer and bringing him up every chance you get, who most of the atheists you talk to on here have never heard of.
Its quite clear that the majority of atheists here like to pretend that Singer AND his thousands of adherents dont exist. In actual fact the extremist ideas of such atheists accurately depict the current direction of modern atheism. The incredible hypocrisy of such denials is truly astounding.
Never heard of him myself. Guess you are easily astounded huh? Most believers seem to be.
How many "atheists" contribute to these HubPages? Who has done a survey of their thoughts?
Even if Peter Singer has a-theistic views, it does not mean he is either a typical atheist, or that many a-theist people agree with him. From what little I have read about him and what he has written/said, I would see him at least as a courageous man. He has stated some of his thoughts and ideas and principles. He would know the sort of public response his views might cause.... yet he stated them anyway.
Maybe those who might be most against Peter Singer the ones who secretly agree with him yet publicly deride him.
Who is this Singer. When I searched in net I got a Peter Singer from Australia and a cursory look at his ethics didn't bring much that is repugnant to theists. He is against abortion and euthanasia.
Is it a different Singer?
This lack of response to the facts reinforces what I am saying: there is a bizarre culture of denial amongst atheists on this topic.
I am begining to take a psychological interest in this denial phenomena. It seems to resemble a kind of mass hypnosis.
This lack of response to the facts reinforces what I am saying: there is a bizarre culture of denial amongst Christian's on this topic.
I am begining to take a psychological interest in this denial phenomena. It seems to resemble a kind of mass hypnosis.
I guess all all Christian are Westboro baptists? Are you in denial? OMG. OMG. OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!
Now can you tell me what is "objectionable"? I don't agree with many of his views and I am hearing about him for the first time unlike Dawkins or Harris. So is this the guy with thousands of followers?
This Peter Singer is obviously capable of deep thinking. By "deep," I mean able to think beyond the square, able to give thought to all manner of ideas without necessarily "taking them on board."
He has received many accolades from all around the world for his contributions to philosophy. He can obviously run rings around shallow thinking such as portrayed here in this thread by perpetual critics.
If he is indeed a true philosopher, he will be able to have his own personal views about any subject. Yet, he will also be able and willing to listen to counter arguments to which he might not agree.
To imply that a person who is able to discuss a subject does in fact give full credence to the argument is ignorant and without good sense. For example, to say that when Peter Singer is willing to give thought to the idea of selective life support, he is therefore in favour of "mercy killing," is totally illogical and conveys to us the shallow thinking of the person who says so.
I hope you read the bits about After Birth Abortion and Beastialty. Maybe you inadvertantly missed it?
I missed the after death infanticide. I'll read it.
I read about the bestiality part though.
I think you are vegetarian and oppose killing animals?
If not why is it OK to kill but not to have sex? (I think he said something about not hurting the animal?)
As for me, I am not his follower nor I am interested in knowing what atheists says, simply because he is an atheist. They have their own reasons and opinions. If they post it here and if I have objection I will state that. As long as Singer or anyone not state their view here how can anyone comment? You can't speak for Singer.
What you can do is start a discussion based on his ideas, stating clearly what it is, then we will discuss.
Fascinating. No problem with beastialty. This proves my litmus test.
Thats the after birth abortion bit which is the atheist way of expressing murdering any child up to the age of six months regardless of the childs health. "No biggie" I often hear online "its just free speech whats the problem...?"
???? Where do you hear it online? Obviously not any standard site.
Which atheist's way? I know Christanity us founded on lies, but....!
And that link doesn't say that Singer is the leader of the "atheist movement" not does it say he represent all or even a majority of atheists but says he is a philosopher.
eer.. we are talking about proof of atheist infanticide and beastialty....
Why is it "atheist" infanticide/beastiality? Just because an atheist supports it doesn't mean that it's an atheist concept.
and, errrr... .to me it seems like you are confusing the issues. Is that done on purpose?
we are talking about infanticide and beastiality and how atheism has spawned these twin evils.
Follow the yellow brick road (ie the Singer links)!
Another false accusation, bestiality and infanticide were here for many millennia.
Singer is not atheism however much you want to pretend otherwise. Isn't there something against lying in your book?
Can you show that Singer did any of it?
they have been here for milleniums because atheists have been promoting them for milleniums.
This, in my opinion, is one of the most far-fetched discussions, and it might be presumed from Oztinato's posts that people with an a-theist understanding are the root cause of various corrupt and perverted practices. Also, with the twisted logic that "atheists," by definition, are the initiators and perpetrators of such criminal activity.
I challenge you, Oztinato, to make a declaration that you are not implying all a-theist-minded individuals are guilty of such. Also, when are you going to give definitive evidence that such practices have been practiced by a-theist individuals. Do you have any evidence that those with christian beliefs have been guilty of same?
If this to-and-fro on such a topic is simply your idea of fun/entertainment, it's in very bad taste. IMHO
If you are deadly serious, then come up with credible evidence. Please.
Firstly I dont recognise the spelling
a-theist as it is bizarre.
Secondly I have never said ALL atheists just the majority.
Thirdly although it is possible only for God to know the heart of each person I hereby declare that for this same reason there have been many so called religous people whose hearts are actually Godless
and are therefore inner atheists.
The word atheist is nothing more than the word theist with a negative prefix added to it, a point that I think Jonny tries to make everytime he says the word.
Could be wrong though, we'll know if he manages to come back and enlighten us.
What I do know, is that atheists as you understand them wouldn't exist without theists. I always find that an interesting parallel whenever someone complains about atheists complaining.
If you cannot understand that way of spelling a-theist, then maybe your education is at fault. As Link10130 has explained, he understands it! I use the spelling in order to differentiate from the label "Atheist."
In many cases I dislike labels. Just like you talk of Atheists as though they (we) who are a-theist in our thinking should all be grouped together to form another religion. The label can cloud any other consideration about the person of whom you speak. Just like speaking of "gays," or "blacks" or "women," as though each labelled group has common attributes which make them abnormal, less than acceptable in the community. If one assumes that any individual in any group must fit the preconceptions of ignorant and biased society, then you make way for mob-rule and, ultimately, lynchings.
We know that popular assumptions can be very cruel to minority groups, and the act of labeling can add to that cruelty. I hope you can understand what I am getting at.
For myself, I am a-theist in my thinking. As explained several times, in other hubs and fora, I do hold out the possibility of some kind of "mind" or energy having "thought" up the idea of this finite world we enjoy. Obviously there can never be any proof of that one way or another. But this is totally different from the idea of a judgmental "god" that sits --- up there, or hovers about the dinner table, or resides in a church, or in a box above an altar; one that will stand tall above my body when it's dead in order to judge the life I have just lived for 7 decades. In this latter respect you may call me atheist.
Firstly, you have given a simplistic view of the very sophisticated and logical views I have expressed here.
I wont respond to the a-theist term as it is idiosyncratic and cant be used fairly in a debate. It has no real meaning.
Terms such as gay are used by many gay people themselves so that is another unfounded criticism
I have clearly stated my very fair and democratic views here about definitions and precisely what I mean in order to conduct clear debates.
I personally don't adhere to simplistic views about judgmental God/gods and have stated many many times the views that religion has and will continue to evolve; atheism in general rapidly devolves.
The less compassion and love for the weak a person/philosophy dictates their good or evil.
my views expressed here are entirely logically consisently: the only good true atheist is the species who retains compassion for the weak and oddly enough the only good true religious person is one with compassion for the weak.
In short JCL it is love that rules.
Atheism or theism has nothing to do with love or compassion, it is only about the presence or absence of god. In fact love and compassion (in religion) and a police god is a relatively new phenomenon that arose only with chiefdoms.
Well we will have to ENTIRELY disagree about that.
What distinguishes a human as a human is their compassion.
Please! Where is that logic you been speaking of?
Human means a species of animal, a mammal, with various characteristics that distinguish it from other species. I am sure you can name most of those features.
Some humans do display compassion. Some do display compassion, not all. Therefore it cannot be a determing factor for being human.
By-the-way, a-theist does have meaning. Unless I am totally illiterate.....
Actually, I think homo sapien is the mammal with the characteristics associated with it. Being human is more complicated.
Homo Sapiens is the species.
Human has meanings beyond just a species definition. To be human is to be compassionate while to be inhuman is to be cruel.
Without compassion a person is a psychopathic monster.
Thats only YOUR simplistic interpetation of my sophisticated and fair concept.
In other hubs I have explained in detail how the bible and other scriptures are actually inerpreted. For example if the bible narrates a story of how Lot slept with his daughters that does not mean its ok it is just a warts and all narration.
Just as you or I read shakespeare but dont blame him for the actions of the characters he depicts who do evil.
This is so easy to understand but I have yet to see a single atheist take this basic scientific approach.
Not as simplistic as your interpretation of atheism
The bible is no different from Shakespeare. But none argue that the characters in Shakespeare are real.
On the contrary many characters are based on real people.
I dont have a narrow view of any scripture. There are stories poems jokes and historical events in the bible for example. To read say a poem literally is to miss the meaning.
That doesn't make it less of a fiction.
That doesn't change the fact that most characters including the central one, god,in bible is fiction.
Merchant of Venice has a good meaning, does it make it real?
If you take the time to read the posts here I have already gone into detail about this. For example, if we take a poetic passage literally we are making an error of interpretation. A poem is a symbol.
Writers are allowed to base books on real people and use the medium to make comments and to teach lessons. Even historians do that.
Shakespeare often used real identities such as an actual King to teach by creative writing. This is similar to, although not always identical with, the scriptures (whatever country/culture the scriptures come from).
We cant deny the writers of the bible their right to use grammatical devices such as hyperbole and poetry just because we object to scripture. if we then fail to interpret a poem as a poem or a real historical event as a real event we cant blame the writers!!
I agree that anyone who claims every sentence of the Bible is to be taken literally has missed the point: but why do atheists make this same mistake as some fundamentalists? Why do they too take everything literally in say the Bible when some passages are poetry or the writer has used hyperbole??
I have a complex and scientific view of atheism.
In essence it cant depart from its own Principle of evolution and try to discard the wisdom of the ancients or the long painful evolution of ethics which all evolved out of religions.
If it tries to and "begin again" it is by definition hypocrisy for both embracing and rejecting the evolutioary principle at the same time. Such attempts are doomed to fail as has all such anarchy in the past.
So far your only view is that of your interpretation of Singer.
As there is no god an alternate explanation has to be found and that is evolution. Ancients are ignoramuses and didn't have much "wisdom" unless you are talking about Democritus. Religion is charlatinism at its best and it has co-opted ethics that was already a human character.
?? Can you make this into a meaningful statement that I can understand.
Mmmm, indeed.....very scientific.
PS: can anyone suggest to me a forum or discussion that can open up our minds to the great wonders of our World? This discussion only serves as comedy.
Love and compassion is displayed by all social mammals.
There is a lot of evidence to show that many animals and even insects and atoms AND the universe can display love.
This is a proof of God too as love is wisdom which in turn is a much higher form of divine intelligence.
We as humans are destined to enlarge and expand the concept of love here on earth. We have the greatest apacity to love and to even love our enemies.
If a person waters this love down or rationalises killing the helpless and innocent they have departed from humaness.
That's interesting but you don't get to call someone inhuman because you don't like their behaviour. One has to study all of humanity to understand it. One has to study all humanity to understand what he is capable of.
Compassion or empathy is the major indicator about what humaness is.
It is also part of modern text book psychology definitions of why psychopaths and sociopaths are classed as such. This is agreed upon by atheist and theist alike. We cant then try to pretend we have brand new one off explanations.
Sure, but psychopaths and sociopaths are still human and they are part of the human condition. There is an evolutionary reason for them.
Humans are not the only species that displays compassion or empathy. There are however a few things that differentiate us from other species, one is our ability to sweet through our skin, that one is a very important one and some others are creativity and our ability to use complex tools.
No sociopaths/psychopaths do not fit the human definition: they might still be homo sapiens and fulfill that species definition but as many here agree the definition of human is different to the homo sapiens definition.
Someone bereft of compassion/empathy has left the "human" race.
So other animals that display compassion and empathy are human?
Sorry, but that post is just plain silly. If you want to understand humanity you need to understand all of it and take the good with the bad, because the bad is also part of the human condition.
You don't appear to be showing a lot of compassion and or empathy to those who are not like you.
My apologies for being too erudite.
I will try to dumb it down in future.
All I can add is that I am glad not to be a psychopath.
There is more compassion and value in an ant than a non human psychopath.
Your point is confusing what a homo sapiens is with what being human is. They are two different topics.
Sorry, humans come in all shapes, sizes and personality type. That's part of the human condition.
Christians cannot live without lying or what?
There were no atheists before a few centuries, ; if any got near athiestic views they were usually killed.
The premeditation of a crime is just as serious as the act. Look at the terror laws: if someone plans an attack they are just as guilty.
Its called ethics peeps!
By that logic all the christians are guilty of not only infanticide and bestiality but also theft, robbery, rape, murder, genocide and pedophilia.
That's getting old and no one is taking you seriously. You are simply attempting to spread hate speech and will be banned if you continue.
This is truly the most ridiculous discussion I've ever seen on here.
Much like condemning all Christians because of the Westboro Baptist Church or condemning all Muslims because of ISIS. Complete and utter ignorance.
Thousands of Singer followers versus millions of Christians worldwide.
And somehow atheists are the problem.
I would never convert. If ISIS thinks they're intimidating everyone, they've got another think coming. I'm not afraid. Sure, I could be caught off-guard; I'm not claiming invincibility. I could wake up with three of them standing over me, AK-47's pointed at me. And yes, I acknowledge the fact that I will probably die before I have a chance to take one of them with me. But I'll sure as hell try! XD
Don't be ridiculous, If someone tells you to convert or die, you say yes sir, they don't know what goes on in your head while you are alive, but they do if you are dead.
1) Do you really think it would be that simple? You'd have to adapt to their way of life. You think there would be no follow up? Just "say yes and we'll get out of your hair"? You would be expected to follow a Muslims way of life. It's not like America where when you get away from the bad guy, you run to the nearest police station and your life is restored.
2) I just remembered this was a thread for Atheists so I will not continue on my with my points... sorry for intruding.
Sure, if you live in a Muslim state you may be ordered to pray five times a day, but that's better than being dead. You can still think anything you want for as long as you can. You can be a Christian or an atheist in your mind while praying 5 times a day. It's better than being dead and you have not done your God any disservice because he knows you are a Christian trying to stay alive in a Muslim word. The only way anyone can control your thought is by killing you.
And thanks for not commenting in the atheists forum, I'll remember to return the favour.
With a gun to your and your families head would you tell them that you are converting?
You literally JUST reprimanded me for posting here. Now you want to include me in on the conversation? Ai, yi, yi.
No, look back. You reprimanded yourself after you posted and continued posting and when asked a specific question which is an invitation to express your thoughts you turn your head.
I'll ask again, gun to families head do you tell them you are converting?
Yes, I apologized, then you reprimanded me. It bugged me quite a bit, I don't mind telling you. (Maybe you were being sincere and I didn't realize it.)
I have thought of these exact situations most of my life, having read Foxes Book of Martyrs and been involved in Voice of the Martyrs and my only answer is, I pray to God I would be strong enough not to sacrifice my convictions. Mt 10:33 comes to mind, "But whoever disowns me before others, I will disown before my Father in heaven." But it's not b/c I fear He would disown me as much as I would despise myself for failing the lover and creator of my soul. I already know everything you're going to say, and I know how you would refute my responses, so I'm going to skip to the end and apologize once again for not being the specific poster the OP was aiming his comment towards. Let me exit gracefully, please.
I'm sorry it I upset you. All I said was "And thanks for not commenting in the atheists forum, I'll remember to return the favour." as a response. All are welcome. It's a public place.
You don't have to sacrifice any convictions, you need to live another day. If your God is real he would know what your thoughts are.
But indeed I would have to sacrifice my convictions. That is the entire point. I would deny my God, bow my knee before a false god, and lie about my intentions. I would lose all honor. I would set that example for every man, woman and child to follow... all so I could "live another day." What would the next day bring that this one didn't? If they could make me bow to their god, what couldn't they get me to do? I would live another day to be a slave to tyranny. No thank you. I will hold on to my convictions, and I will die a righteous death. At least, that is my prayer, that I would be that person.
So you would see your children murdered in front of you rather than pretend to believe something. I find that rather disturbing. But it does explain the amount of parents willing to let their children die through their irrational beliefs.
No - sorry. As RM explained - you only have to pretend. Still - you would rather your children die than pretend. I still find that disturbing, but it does explain a lot.
Explanation or not, you do not understand. I accept that.
I understand just fine. You would see your children murdered in front of you rather than pretend allegiance to a different Invisible Super Being. Got it. No need to repeat yourself.
Repeating your understanding isn't the same as actually understanding. But, as always, repeat away.
I understand just fine thanks. See - keep on telling people who disagree with you that they "lack understanding," is one of the reasons your beliefs cause conflict.
I did understand right? She would let her children die and die herself rather than pretend to follow a different Invisible Super Being?
It's funny how you accuse of of lying on an hourly basis, when sharing our deepest convictions, but have no qualms about lying about yours to prolong the inevitable.
I am not lying. You just said you would die and let your children die rather than grovel to a different Invisible Super Being.
Did you not?
I would not force my children to do anything. I would give my own life though.
You did just say you would lie when asked if you would give your allegiance to a god you didn't believe in.
Did you not?
Deliberately obtuse. I see.
So if a Muslim put a gun to your child's head and toid you he would kill it unless you groveled to Allah - you would grovel?
First of all, the OP's question was "What will you do, whenPush comes to shove" and your life is on the line (should it get to that)?"
Notice the word "YOU". However, once again, you have turned another thread into a debate thread, and a way to railroad a believer, belittle them, and vilify them for their faith. All b/c you do not share the same beliefs.
I have answered all your questions, not that I had to, and I hope I was forthcoming. I don't know what I would do. I do hope, that if it came to it, that I would never deny my Savior, no matter what the threat. Now considering I love my children at the very least, as much as anyone on this forum, I hope it will enlighten you to how much I do believe in, and trust my God.
I don't know how much you have read of the Bible, but in those kinds of cases, the examples I have are Abraham for one. He was willing to sacrifice EVERYTHING for God, but so that God could show mankind the example of what Jesus would do on the cross for us all, He provided the sacrifice so that mankind would never have to pay for his own sins.
More examples of dangerous thinking. I am sure however you would lie to save your children.
Please stop lying about me. But - at least you admit that you would "hope" you would let your children die rather than grovel to a different Invisible Super Being. What was I not understanding again?
Sacrifice? What was that? 3 days pretend dead out of 13.8 billion years? Didn't even do it himself - sent the 2nd best instead. Not impressed. Sorry.
You have certainly convinced me that this irrational belief is dangerous if you would let your children die for it. I still find that rather disturbing, but it does explain a lot.
You know this is the kind of dangerous thinking that permits some nut to kill their children to spare them pain on earth so that they will go straight to heaven. It's sad really because there is no heaven.
No, "this" kind of thinking was a situation you proposed as a real life situation and not an unstable person saying God was telling them to run around killing ppl.
And there is a Heaven.
"And there is a Heaven."
Please describe it.
Why do you want me to describe it? You do not believe. But I would be happy to recount the Bible's description of Heaven for whatever purpose it will serve.
Jn 14:2-3
2 In my Father's house are many mansions: if [it were] not [so], I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you.
3 And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, [there] ye may be also.
Rev 21:1-26
[1] And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away; and there was no more sea.
[2] And I John saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband.
[3] And I heard a great voice out of heaven saying, Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and he will dwell with them, and they shall be his people, and God himself shall be with them, and be their God.
[4] And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away.
[5] And he that sat upon the throne said, Behold, I make all things new. And he said unto me, Write: for these words are true and faithful.
[6] And he said unto me, It is done. I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end. I will give unto him that is athirst of the fountain of the water of life freely.
[7] He that overcometh shall inherit all things; and I will be his God, and he shall be my son.
[8] But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.
[9] And there came unto me one of the seven angels which had the seven vials full of the seven last plagues, and talked with me, saying, Come hither, I will shew thee the bride, the Lamb's wife.
[10] And he carried me away in the spirit to a great and high mountain, and shewed me that great city, the holy Jerusalem, descending out of heaven from God,
[11] Having the glory of God: and her light was like unto a stone most precious, even like a jasper stone, clear as crystal;
[12] And had a wall great and high, and had twelve gates, and at the gates twelve angels, and names written thereon, which are the names of the twelve tribes of the children of Israel:
[13] On the east three gates; on the north three gates; on the south three gates; and on the west three gates.
[14] And the wall of the city had twelve foundations, and in them the names of the twelve apostles of the Lamb.
[15] And he that talked with me had a golden reed to measure the city, and the gates thereof, and the wall thereof.
[16] And the city lieth foursquare, and the length is as large as the breadth: and he measured the city with the reed, twelve thousand furlongs. The length and the breadth and the height of it are equal.
[17] And he measured the wall thereof, an hundred and forty and four cubits, according to the measure of a man, that is, of the angel.
[18] And the building of the wall of it was of jasper: and the city was pure gold, like unto clear glass.
[19] And the foundations of the wall of the city were garnished with all manner of precious stones. The first foundation was jasper; the second, sapphire; the third, a chalcedony; the fourth, an emerald;
[20] The fifth, sardonyx; the sixth, sardius; the seventh, chrysolite; the eighth, beryl; the ninth, a topaz; the tenth, a chrysoprasus; the eleventh, a jacinth; the twelfth, an amethyst.
[21] And the twelve gates were twelve pearls; every several gate was of one pearl: and the street of the city was pure gold, as it were transparent glass.
[22] And I saw no temple therein: for the Lord God Almighty and the Lamb are the temple of it.
[23] And the city had no need of the sun, neither of the moon, to shine in it: for the glory of God did lighten it, and the Lamb is the light thereof.
[24] And the nations of them which are saved shall walk in the light of it: and the kings of the earth do bring their glory and honour into it.
[25] And the gates of it shall not be shut at all by day: for there shall be no night there.
[26] And they shall bring the glory and honour of the nations into it.
Rev 4:1-11
4 After this I looked, and there before me was a door standing open in heaven. And the voice I had first heard speaking to me like a trumpet said, “Come up here, and I will show you what must take place after this.” 2 At once I was in the Spirit, and there before me was a throne in heaven with someone sitting on it. 3 And the one who sat there had the appearance of jasper and ruby. A rainbow that shone like an emerald encircled the throne. 4 Surrounding the throne were twenty-four other thrones, and seated on them were twenty-four elders. They were dressed in white and had crowns of gold on their heads. 5 From the throne came flashes of lightning, rumblings and peals of thunder. In front of the throne, seven lamps were blazing. These are the seven spirits[a] of God. 6 Also in front of the throne there was what looked like a sea of glass, clear as crystal.
In the center, around the throne, were four living creatures, and they were covered with eyes, in front and in back. 7 The first living creature was like a lion, the second was like an ox, the third had a face like a man, the fourth was like a flying eagle. 8 Each of the four living creatures had six wings and was covered with eyes all around, even under its wings. Day and night they never stop saying:
“‘Holy, holy, holy
is the Lord God Almighty,
who was, and is, and is to come.”
9 Whenever the living creatures give glory, honor and thanks to him who sits on the throne and who lives for ever and ever, 10 the twenty-four elders fall down before him who sits on the throne and worship him who lives for ever and ever. They lay their crowns before the throne and say:
11 “You are worthy, our Lord and God,
to receive glory and honor and power,
for you created all things,
and by your will they were created
and have their being.”
Isaiah 65:25 - The wolf and the lamb shall feed together, and the lion shall eat straw like the bullock: and dust [shall be] the serpent's meat. They shall not hurt nor destroy in all my holy mountain, saith the LORD.
(color added to separate verses)
No idea what it is like then? Just lots of thrones for people to grovel at. And a vegetarian lion.
This is what you would see your children murdered for?
This is a physical description of heaven. If you want a physical description of my home, you will hear a lot about wood, nails, tables and chairs.
I do not live my life in order to get to a place in the clouds, I surrender my life to God in order to be saved and b/c I am in love with Him. He is the savior of my soul. He created me b/c He loves me as no human ever could. I follow Him b/c I believe this world is temporary. And please do not continue on the line of attack that says, "I would see my children murdered..." I would not see my children murdered. You are taking something sacred (my faith) and something beloved (my children) and twisting them in order to manipulate this discussion. We are not putting on a show. Do not attempt to use me in that way or I will no longer respond to you.
Not to worry, under Sharia law they would not kill your children and because you are of another faith they would not kill you, but they may allow you to stay but you wouldn't be a citizen and would be heavily taxed and very limited.
However a group like ISIS might simply ask you to convert and if you don't they just might kill you and take your children and do as they like to them. It's actual Islamic law for them to take and keep a non converter and use him as ransom. If you did decide to convert to save your children from certain conversion and or sexual slavery you would never be allowed to convert or denounce Islam as in Sharia law that's a death penalty. You as a Muslim women would be considered half a man in terms of being a witness in court or inheritance.
Those are the reasons we have secular laws as those laws are not that different than what was happening during the European middle ages.
RadMan, I don't feel it's fair or factual to consider ISIS as Islamic. Sure, they use the religion to advertise themselves and try to excuse their vile actions, but the average Islam followers that I know would not accept anything of ISIS.
It's like every christian being tarnished with the c..p expounded by outright bigots. Not authentic, in my opinion, that's all.
I agree Jonny, as I said elsewhere it's like saying all Christians are like the Westboro baptist. However what ISIS doing is part of Sharia law. Most rational people would consider that nuts. Sharia law tells it's people that these are Allah's laws and not only should people who leave the faith be killed, but if someone says they don't believe in any God then they can and should be held for ransom. I think all Christians no they we shouldn't kill homosexuals or misbehaving children, but groups like ISIS hold onto these ideas as ideas from God. So in places like Saudi Arabia and Iran homosexuality or denouncing God will get you killed. The list of countries that are using Sharia law has been increasing rather that decreasing and while it's hard for me to say this Sam Harris makes a lot of sense to me. I do think ISIS is Islamic just as the Westboro's are Christian. We see heads of state state that they are not Islamic for political reasons, they don't want to go to war with Islam, they want to go to war with ISIS.
Please Hubbers read wiki on Freuds book "totem and taboo". Its evolution based theory that details how the urge to kill innocents (usually the young) stems from an early evolutionary trend to get rid of sexual competition. Both extreme atheists and theists who somehow want to kill off the innocent share this perverse psychology. To an atheist however it is perfectly justifiable to want to legalise infanticide. Its just good ol free speech. On the other hand theists are deeply divided over killing innocent people!
Oztinato, why are you painting such a false picture of "atheists?" What is your purpose behind all this rhetoric?
To write this: "To an atheist however it is perfectly justifiable to want to legalise infanticide," a statement which you know full well not to be true, you are stepping outside of the normal accepted bounds of good discussion. If you are going to say such a thing, please clearly paste and copy here the details of when and where someone spoke in favour of legalised infanticide.
If you cannot or don't wish to give such details, please withdraw your remarks.
Of course you will now back that ignorance up with statistics. I guess I must be the exception, but wait why again are the prison system full of theists and why do we often here of theists killing their children to get them into heaven or some other religious reason.
Again, please supply your statistics.
I have read some trash on this site, but you have won the prize, as the greatest contributor. Your words are rubbish and you, with such false and hateful accusations should be censored.
Further, you claim your God loves you like no man could and you love him I assume more than you could love any man. You don't see the problem with that? You certainly relate to God as a Father, a loving father who loves his daughter more than any man could. Is that really how you see things? You are in love with your Father and you put him ahead of your husband (I hope you two are still together) and your Father loves you more than your husband or any man. (BTW, Paul says to put your husband first and let him take care of God, but that's not what I'm getting at here).
Do you mind if I ask what your family life was like growing up?
Hi Radman,
So I am assuming that you are confusing sexuality with love? I'm not sure.
Maybe this will help.
My Heavenly father would never treat me unfairly.
He would neither spoil me or keep good from me.
He would not be unfaithful to me or hurt me in any way.
He would not act selfishly, but generously.
He would not punish me, but He would discipline me. (Do you understand the difference?)
He would not leave me unprotected.
He would not place me above His other children, nor below.
He would always seek my good.
How do I love Him differently than I do the rest of mankind? My attempt is to...
Surrender to His will completely.
Follow His example.
Trust Him.
Be ever engaged with Him (Set my mind on Him and His ways.)
Worship Him.
I hope this is a helpful word picture that brings more clarity to your question.
Very disturbing. When you say "follow his example" does that mean you will sacrifice your son?
No, I was not talking about sex at all, but only wondering why you have to create the perfect man for yourself to get through life?
You've listed things that do not pertain to the description of God, they pertain to a description of the Father you seem to need. Notice your bible tells you to put your trust in the husband and the husband puts his trust in God. You've not done that, perhaps there is something lacking in your life or something that has happened to you as a child that has fostered this need to be loved.
Feigning empathy you solicit personal childhood information, from which she wisely refrains. Undaunted by the rebuff, you've once again crafted from whole cloth. Good for you.
Since you've opened the door to such personal questions, I assume you won't mind a few that your comments have led me to wonder. I need not review many of your posts to find you saying or inferring believers are indoctrinated, their beliefs and gullibility are embarrassing, and they must be ignorant and / or uneducated to entertain such thoughts. You punctuate this by declaring you know not whether to laugh at them or cry for them.
How troubling then your life must be, considering you've repeatedly mentioned being surrounded by friends and loved ones who are believers. You've made it sound as though as much as possible you've kept your atheism from friends, customers and business associates. How do you disguise your disdain? Does this explain the fervency with which you pursue believers online?
Lest you consider this too personal, remember I am only following your lead here, as illustrated by your quotes above.
I am doing no such thing. You said that you would "hope" that you would rather see your children murdered than grovel to a different Invisible Super Being.
This is not a "line of attack". I suggest reading the OP once again.
Hardly an hour before an "honest christian who love her enemies" implied that I am devil incarnate for questioning her beliefs.
Most important seems to be to "defend" against reasonable discussion. Any point made is an "attack"
This is why their religion causes so many conflicts.
This phrase is about the only useful bit out of the entire post that is of value to me.
To quote that length extract from Revelations does nothing to clarify what you, Beth, envisage as Heaven. Revelations is apocalyptic, the quotes from John and Isiah are metaphor.
Have you considered that any reference to "Heaven" is also a metaphor? Have you considered that "Heaven" is individual to the beholder? How can any "Heaven" after the death of our physical bodies have any relationship to our physical life? There we will have none of our 5 basic senses. There will be no one there whom we can recognize, because everyone, including the tiniest mite or bacteria, loses their recognisable body too.
I cannot take away your choice to see things through metaphoric description. But such description will only have relevance to yourself. You can share it through more metaphor if you wish, such as through art of some kind. But "Heaven" is what you make of it here and now, in the life you have to work with.
They don't know which God you are bowing to, I'd say I'd rather pretend to pray to Allah then allow my family to die.
YOU would know which god you were bowing to and if you believed in the one true god, HE would know who you were bowing to. And though this may not sit comfortably with some, you (and your whole family) are going to die anyway. If you think of this life as a breath, and the next life as eternity, then denying God and bowing to a false God is a way bigger issue than that which you may believe. As you might be able to imagine, this goes way deeper for believers than fooling someone long enough to not get shot.
It's all about belief, irrational belief in my opinion.
If it is "eternity," that is never ending, everlasting, infinite, how can you equate that with your everyday, physical/mental, active life that you enjoy. If when you die that is the beginning of a new life, it cannot be eternity. Because "eternity" has no beginning, no ending. "Eternity" is in fact the right Here and Now. Each moment of Being cannot be measured. It's infinite. So stop searching and waiting for Eternity. It never comes, never goes, because it's right Now.
Even "belief" itself has no form, no physical nature, nothing you can "lay your finger on" and declare it "real."
I have read somewhere recently that it might be a genetic trait, to need a belief in something over rational thought. So maybe our knocking against Believers is a fruitless exercise.
Ok, so are you agreeing that Belief is just an opinion? Or is Irrational Belief just an opinion?
If Belief, per see, is just an opinion, and not related to facts, then why would we argue it? We could just accept it as opinion and move on.
Are we defining the words opinion and belief now?
Ugh. How about if we use different words?
"My faith incorporates the following stands." How's that?
That is absolutely fine, provided it remains yours, and not implied that I must follow suit in order to be justified in the eyes of an imaginary god.
But then, we have had this discussion so many times before and the outcome is always the same. You don't budge, and I don't budge. We have come to respect difference, yes?
How could I make you follow suit? If you don't care about what my God sees as just, then that seems like the end of the story.
The clocks have just been put forward one hour and it's supposed to be summer time now, but the thermometer does not say so.
I will return to the forum later.
Have a good night Beth.
I thought you lived in CAN. It's Fall here. What a crazy world.
Sed-Me, please excuse me butting in here, but may I introduce a slightly different scenario, with much more dire consequences.
Suppose you are being threatened in another way....i.e., they will get at your loved one(s) if you do not convert or do as they wish. Now your response does not just threaten your own life, which you are willing, but still naturally reluctant to lose if it becomes inevitable. You are now responsible for allowing perhaps even the torture, but certainly the death, of those innocent lives. Does your faith in your God still reign supreme? Is the moral principle more important now than the lives of others?
Would you not lie, pretend, bow down to those who threaten you?
The really great and important morality lies with your captors. Does the "false witness" part of your own morality really matter in such circumstances? Even if it means you "stooping to their level?"
What a dilemma!
(Poste Script: Sorry, I have just got up this morning and did not read through all the thread before posting here myself. I see the question has already been put, but I will leave mine here because it does ask the question in a slightly different way....might bring different response.)
I will now click "unfollow" and leave you two to enjoy each other's company.
Or mass awareness of reality, denied by those who care not to think of the answers?
What is the this "mass awareness" of reality?
Does reality is contingent on awareness?
Which are the questions?
Over 60% of the world believe in God, that seems to be a mass awareness.
You would need to redefine your second question, it makes no grammatical sense, but assuming I interpret it correctly; until a person recognises a spiritual dimension to life, they are obviously unaware of the spiritual nature of the existence we all share.
What are the questions?
Well for me the main question is what happens when we die, that seems a major question to be answered, if one is spiritually aware, for it has eternal consequences.
One has to wonder how much of that % were told since childhood to believe in such and such god or else they would suffer eternally.
Could be mass awareness, or mass indoctrination.
Not very many. Less than half the world's population believes in ANY god, let alone God, the Christian diety. Just over half the believers are Christian, which puts the percentage at around 25%, assuming that all those professing belief actually believe; a rather forlorn hope.
Thanks Agua for the facts. As you have probably noticed there are many Hubbers here who turn a blind eye to facts even if presented as clearly as you have done.
You should take a page from Agua's book from now on then. That graph could be nonsense for all I know, but it's certainly more than you seem to have presented. Ever.
I think I heard a baby crying in my house for a second..
Seems your true colors are revealed finally. Believe it or not, i actually thought you were capable of backing up your claims but we're just hard headed about it.
My mistake.
You do realize by your logic, you comitted a personal attack first... Right?
Guys, we are not Sumo wrestlers looking to knock our 'opponent' out of the ring, the moderators are always looking to ban offenders, let's just keep it civil and reasoned.
I suggest we respond rather than react, it's a far better way of communication.
With your own posts it seems a very fine line between "respond" and "react." As it can be with my own posts and with those of others.
Accepted Johnny, my advice works in both directions, I try to respond, but sometimes the post I read makes me react, but IF we could hold to responding, we wold all benefit!
Facts, how many facts that are in the bible do you turn a blind eye to?
Thats another personal attack! Now let me find that button....ah there it is CLICK
That's a personal attack? Man. Rather than address the facts you turn a blind eye to, you call a personal attack on a sentence which mirrors your own sentence.
I don't think you understand what a personal attack is.
No one is calling you names. No one is insulting your character. No one is insulting you period. Unless you think that every comment made to you is a personal attack, I think this falls within the realm of a conversation - and if you erroneously report things as personal attacks that aren't, it can come back to bite YOU - not the people you're reporting. Ever hear the story of the boy who cried wolf?
At least no one's talking about breasts on this thread. (Don't report me, I'm only being factual.)
I'd prefer to talk about breasts than some of the drivel I've seen posted about atheists as a group by that poster as if all of us are identical and share a dogmatic position on any issue other than the non belief in a god. At least I know something about breasts, since I have two.
Yes, we have anatomy in common. Yay, us.
I am also a human being with two eyes, ears, a mouth, a nose, ten fingers and toes, two arms and legs, etc.
help me out here JCL and tell them what a reasonable, impartial, logical hubber I am.
PS your positive comments about Hindu philosophy have changed my opinion of you.
Would not intentionally bear false witness.
You mean like this?
Text lingo rolls over well on Hub Pages it seems.
Yeah, kind of like that. I tried to use the emoticons on my super fancy* (*crappy) iOS 8 keyboard but no such luck.
Except I want a really smug, large mouthed, toothless guy who looks like he's laughing at a joke that no one else gets while sitting in his library, wearing a bow tie, holding a cigar in one hand and a scotch in the other. Is that so much to ask?
Sounds expensive. Is he wearing a spiffy suit? Might kill the deal right there.
Nah, he's just wearing an off-white, collared, button-up shirt (short sleeved, so somewhat casual) and some pleated khakis. The bow tie is a gross shade of green and may or may not be made out of felt.
May or may not be made out of felt? For a completely random yet to be patented emoticon, it is oddly non specific.
Well I am indeed honored!
Unfortunately a statement that attacks a specific individual rather than an argument is a personal attack.
I only attack a persons arguments not the person him/her self.
The pity is that Hub is controlled by mainly atheist moderators so that the bar is set much higher for the theist than the atheist in debates about ethics.
No one is insulting your character. Talking about your approach, asking for backup to your claims and asking questions are not personsl attacks. No one is calling you names. Mocking your claims does not equate to mocking you as an individual.
Atheist moderators? Do you have proof of that, or is that another outlandish claim that you pulled out of thin air to suit your own bias and perspective with no evidence whatsoever?
If someone tells you that you're dumb, it's a personal attack. If someone says your comment, opinion or approach is dumb, it is not a personal attack. See how that works? On the other hand, your insistence that all atheists support beastiality and infanticide with only the name of someone most of us have never heard of as "evidence" borders on ridiculous hate speech that would most likely be reported if it wasn't so ridiculously absurd. What you assert or believe about atheists is not my problem, and it's not offensive to me. It's just not worth the waste of time to engage in. It's why I can't take you seriously, and why most of us just ignore you whenever you show up.
I am clearly on record here on Hub as saying many but not all atheists support infanticide and beastialtiy either directly or indirectly by not ACTIVELY opposing these things.
The phenomena of the "Peter Singer denial" (meaning the denial of infanticide as a real atheist trend) is real, therefore I am duty bound as an ethical person to bring it up.
The tactic of alleging that this "attacks" or demeans all atheists will only work if the moderators themselves are atheist as it is a totally unfounded and biased criticism. The bios of the founders of Hub speak for themselves.
You must be a saint that is on par if not greater than Jesus then, since I assume that you go to great lengths to abolish all evil by actively opposing EVERYTHING that is considered bad in the world.
I mean if you didnt, you would be a hypocrite who directly/indirectly supports all the evil in the world. By your own logic that is.
If I recall, there are few if any posts you've ever made in which you've not brought up Singer, you never talk about anything else.
Statistically "Singer" (as a metaphor for current cutting edge atheism) makes up about 1% of my discussion. It only seems bulkier due to the guilty conscience of a certain number of atheists who are practicing denial. No specific names mentioned of course!
PS your posts are inching towards personal attacks
I think you'll find that most atheists disagree with Singer's ideas regarding infanticide. You're using one example from one atheist's philosophy to draw a negative picture of atheism. You would probably think it was ridiculous if I repeatedly brought up the Westboro Baptist Church as a metaphor for cutting edge Christianity, wouldn't you?
I have no guilty conscience because Peter Singer's ideas have nothing to do with my own. Believe it or not, we're all capable of thinking independently from one another. There are people with extreme ideas in every belief system. Using this example repeatedly and trying to make it mean more than it does just suggests that you don't have anything insightful to say at all.
I totally disagree. I have found the great majorty of atheist comments very tame about objecting to such specifially atheist trends and many many others directly supporting such ideas anonymously on the net.
Great majority?
Even if you have spoken to a few thousand atheists online, and I doubt you have spoken to even a third of that number, you still would not be close to a majority.
To actually have a discussion and stop these invisible personal attacks you keep ranting about, all you have to do is provide some links.
Why is that so difficult to do?
"Very tame about objecting"... what exactly do you want people to say/do? Realistically, legal infanticide is not going to make a comeback regardless of Peter Singer or his 'followers'. They are, in the big picture, a small group of people who will have an incredibly difficult time swaying enough people on this particular issue to make a dent.
If it comes to the point where we're voting on whether or not infanticide should be legal, or Peter Singer himself jumps into this thread wanting to tell us all why we should believe what he does, then sure, I'll be more vocal about my thoughts on it. But right here, right now, what is the point? No one is defending it so I don't feel the need to say anything other than "I disagree". Let's pretend this is the other way around and I am expressing my disgust for Christians who disrespect homosexuals. If you said "I have no problem with homosexuality or gay marriage, adoption, lifestyle, etc." would it still be fair for me to judge you because you didn't grab your pitchfork and protest everyone who disagreed?
So I'll ask you again: What would you need an atheist to do regarding this specific issue in order for them to meet your standards of adequate objection, since clearly saying "I object to that" is not good enough?
Oz, at any point I have seen you in the forums, you ALWAYS bring up Singer and list the atrocities he and his "thousands of followers" might be co conspirators of, so how on earth could only 1% of your discussion be based on him? You are either lying or do not have proper mathematical skills.
1%? Really? You don't actually think you are being honest with that one do you? I'm willing to wager that if I go to your activity I will not find 99 previous post with you mentioning some guy named Singer.
I have done a word count. The word Singer is LESS than 1%.
Is that how you think it works? By word count?
Try post count. How many posts in total do you have and how many of those are about Singer?
Funny, it doesn't work that way, but by word count your last 4 post run you at about 5%. By post it's 100%. Should I go back farther?
That is poppycock. You only have to look at the many thousands of other posts and hubs.
I have just as little time for the ignornance of theists as atheists on the topic of legalising Infanticide.
Can that be right?! I find that shocking that Judaism is such a minute amount.
Judaism has never been spread by violence and coercion. Not even an evangelical religion like yours. Violence and coercion - as the OP points out quite clearly - is the best way to gain lots of followers, which is what both major political religions do.
Currently the atheist states Russia, China and North Korea are responsible for most of the worlds human rights abuses.
Also, current Western atheist trends such as the stated policy of infanticide will in the future easily overtake all the atrocities and violence ever committed in the entire history of mankind: all in the name of free speech, freedom of the individual and science!
A case of selective memory here, it seems. Several African countries, and the so-called "developed" countries which are strongly christian, do not have totally untarnished reputations.
What was that about a "reasonable, impartial, logical hubber?"
I stated 3 specific powerful populous countries.
Could you name the actual specific countries you are referring to?
Yes I could but will not do so. There is need to prove my point.
I cant think of single African nation whose governement runs the nation on Christian prinicples.
Perhaps you have inadvertently erred?
You have obviously tried to draw me into an argument here....nice try but you have not succeeded.
not at all. Just a genuine exchange. Maybe you just dont know which African country you mean. I know there are a lot of poor Chrisitan people on the ground but I honestly can't think of a Chrisitain African government itself.
"Maybe you just dont know which African country you mean."
Please spare me jibes about my knowledge and intelligence. That is insulting. I have spent enough time in East Africa, and met personally with numerous African people during my life time, to gain sufficient understanding of Africa.
I am not "jibbing" at all. I am honestly asking you to name a Christian govenrment in Africa. Perhaps I am challenging you that's all. Yes I would like answers.
JCL lets get off the social media scrum and talk some turkey, ok?
(PS I can already hear all the other atheists scrambling to the complaints button in the hope of creating a phoney outrage about my highly logical argument.)
my apologies, I have to get back to me job as a busy freelance artist.
I have thoroughly enjoyed pointing out the logical flaws in the atheist arguments again and feel totally refreshed.
I am still hoping some of them will read Freud's "totem and taboo" regarding the roots of mans desire to kill the young (in either the theist or atheist persuasions).
Well, there is Zambia.
"We the people declare the Republic a Christian nation while upholding the right of every person to enjoy that person's freedom of conscience or religion."
Thanks. I just read up on Zambia and it has one of the best reputations in Africa. No doubt this is due to the influence of honest good religions.
So thanks Rad for supporting religion....
hahaha.... so, on the strength of your having "read up" on one country, you can now pronounce that it has no problems on account of it being a christian country.
Nice to meet an expert once in a while.
Sure, if you think homosexuals should be put in jailed for 14 months for consensual sex than perhaps you should move there. Actually some sexual heterosexual acts can land you in prison as well. See the place you said didn't exist, does in fact exist.
Wow, it certainly is amazing how many people in the world reject Christianity. Only one in three say they are Christians. How many of those actually follow Christianity? 1-2%?
When I asked I received a figure of 3%, which seems about right by my experience, however Yeshua did state that the way to perdition is wide and many will take it, whereas the gate into eternity with God is narrow, and few will find it, so maybe 3% is correct.
It could be 100% if only folk would stop rejecting a relationship with Yeshua, but it seems most prefer to 'do their own thing'.
There is much confusion with numeric success in our temporal world, mainly because most do not understand Gods concepts.
When we select seed from our crops, we chose the best examples of the produce to seed from, we consume, sell or discard the produce that is less than best, in proportion to the quality.
It's foolishness to presume that just because most folk may choose not to seek a relationship with God, that God is losing to the enemy, it's rather that He is sifting the wheat from the chaff.
God seeks a relationship; to associate with those who to seek to extend His Kingdom among lost humans, feeding the hungry, healing the sick, setting the captives free and releasing the bonded.
Religion as we see it was a diversion created by the enemy to keep people in religious bondage and away from relationship with their Creator.
Seems rather insignificant, actually. But, it certainly does reflect quite brilliantly on the myriad of philosophical worldviews people wish to follow. But, that's what has happened over the centuries, people have followed various worldviews, all 'snapshots' of the way they lived back then. There were more primitive religions and gods whom were widely worshiped with devout loyalty long before the creation of Yeshua.
I'm sure those folks found their ways to their perdition, as well.
Why would that even be a concern? It matters not. What matters is that you believe in your philosophy and what is held as truth within it, you hold. What other people choose to follow and hold as truth is their concern, not ours.
You see, they aren't really rejecting a relationship with Yeshua, they are embracing a relationship with their god as you are with yours. All would be good with the world if we simply kept it that way and not demand people share our truths when they already have their own. That's what causes fights and division, the very thing those world philosophies are supposed to deter.
And, they are perfectly free not to understand your God's concepts, in the same way you are free not to understand their God's concepts. Seems fair.
Those could very easily be seen as fighting words considering you are now invoking a clause of superiority, in that it is superior to believe in your God and inferior to believe in others. Their God is nor your enemy and they are not losing to an enemy, they are gaining from their own gods as you are from yours.
Their gods seek similar relationships. If however, you wish to "extend His Kingdom", then be prepared for a fight, because what you are considering would be looked upon as an invasion of their philosophical worldview and they would see you as a conqueror, not a friend.
Why not instead, just work together with them in "feeding the hungry, healing the sick, setting the captives free and releasing the bonded" and not worry about whose god is superior. Wouldn't that be better for everyone?
That should be no problem for you at all, it does not affect in the least. Why worry about it, you're going to His Kingdom, aren't you? No worries, then.
I would warrant a high percentage of folk are taught wrongly from birth, in any religion or non religion, that's human nature, we (normally) teach children what to think, not how to think.
I was fortunate, my parents taught me basic human decency (which I ignored for much of my life) but no 'hell and damnation' because they were (at best when I was young) token 'Christians' who never actually displayed any 'faith' except in emergencies, so rather like the majority of believers in any god.
However, we humans grow up, and ironically those who have had the most 'religious' upbringing often become the most ardent secularists, so mass indoctrination has a limited ability to ensnare folk, as witnessed in Germany, where Hitler befuddled a whole generation, and where his policies are now banned completely, likewise Stalin and Russia, China and Mao.
No I refer to spiritual awakening, awareness, acceptance, a realization that we (personally) know that there is more than 'this' and start searching for whatever that is.
My path led me to the darker side of spirituality, and (again ironically) it was the understanding that there were 'dark forces', 'evil spirits' and occult powers, that led me eventually to Yeshua and my defection to His 'team'.
My children have been taught to think, should one of them decide to be secular, that would be their choice, but a choice made after having been exposed to different cultures and beliefs and encouraged to explore all avenues.
In reality, what happens to our bodies when we die?
The same as for any other complex heap of once-living matter. The carbon, hydrogen and oxygen, together with innumerable other chemical compounds, are eaten by other organisms. The resulting chemical soup gets gradually re-incorporate, after floating around for an indefinite time, thus perpetuating umpteen life-cycles of millions
We know this even as lay-persons. Science can show us the results of research which can inspire us with the "wonders of the living world."
The "spiritual world" you and others so often speak of, means different things to different people. Not something we can all agree upon.
The world after death goes by the name, "Nothing."
Mostly agree with your comment, except the last line, that's an opinion which cannot be based upon evidence or even experience, but apart from that yes, we are chemical solutions that physically dispel on death.
Spirit however is an (as yet) unknown factor.
We all have to await the outcome of death, not the physical reality, but the spiritual one.
Respectful of your opinion, I have to disagree
Consciousness depends upon their being differentiated objects to be conscious of..... Objects are finite, of this world. Without the differentiation (contrast) then we can have no consciousness.
To gain that consciousness we need/use our "senses." Normally we refer to our 5 senses. Those senses feed sensory stimuli to our central nervous system, the latter being able to analyze and interpret the sensations. Without the senses, there can be no consciousness. Is there any record of a person having lost ALL sensation, i.e., sight, hearing, touch, smell, taste, who has claimed to have been conscious during such loss? No.
During general anesthetic all sense organs are asleep, not functioning. We are unconscious. We experience no thing. Nothing. We will only know that we have been under anesthetic if and when we wake up. We are then conscious. We can now experience some thing. Something.
When we are dead, we will never know consciousness again, because consciousness requires the activity of a central nervous system, and such a system can only eventuate from a biological growth, sequentially, involving sensory nerves dictating to living cells when and where to divide. A dead brain cannot become alive again. (I am talking here of a brain which has become totally dead tissue, without any hope of being revived.) We will never know that we are dead, because we never wake up to make such a realisation. We will not know ANY thing. There IS nothing. You cannot "know" nothing.
Johnny, you avoid or dismiss the spiritual aspect of our existence.
In the spirit world much is able to be known, as evidenced by any observation of a so called 'psychic' giving a 'reading'.
God knows all things, in the spirit, likewise the enemy has access to much information in the spirit, albeit an alien evil spirit, but our thoughts, actions and words are recorded, so when a psychic says they have a 'message' from great uncle Arthur, they are being fed lines from the enemy (as God does not do party tricks).
When I was on the opposing team, I would 'receive' information about 'victims', pretty accurate info also, sufficient to entrap them into engaging the enemy in more encounters.
When I defected to Yeshua, I knew (and was made aware) that I would need to drop divination and mind reading, which I did immediately, as I then knew it was from the enemy, but Jehovah gave me the gift of discernment and words of knowledge instead.
What's the difference?
Simply put with the enemy I was fed info that enabled me to ensnare my victims, personal stuff that allowed me to manipulate, intimidate and deceive them.
With discernment, the Holy Spirit only provides insight and words that will allow one to speak into a situation and release freedom or healing into someones life.
One has no idea what their situation may be, know nothing about the recipient, and normally have no idea why you were led to state whatever one stated.
Many times people have told me that what I said confirmed or clarified an issue for them, when the fact is I have no idea what they refer to.
Believers (ministers) become a conduit for Gods words, probably because the person being ministered to has not yet learned how to hear what God says, and therefore cannot know what to do.
Nobody alive can securely state that "When we are dead, we will never know consciousness again" because by the time we could possibly know the answer, we are unable to communicate any true communication back to living beings.
I warrant that our 'consciousness' may well be different and unlike our earthly consciousness, and in fact I believe it will be superior and more complete, in fact we will have an awareness of what ALL this was about.
But for you to state what you have is folly, for although you may have satisfied yourself (or been convinced by spiritual entities) that death equals oblivion, from my experience of spiritual forces outside of our physical realm, both good and evil, I know that this life is just a short prelude to our return to spiritual eternity.
You are entitled to your opinion, but it's a dangerous opinion to stake your eternity upon.
That my friend is a logical fallacy. It's rather like say that 100% of ISIS members think we should all live under sharia law therefore we should.
Not so Rad, nobody is saying we should behead you for your stance, just that when a vast majority of people believe in a higher spiritual aspect of existence, we can reasonably claim that MOST people have the capacity to experience spiritual awareness.
Like with ISIS, if sufficient folk oppose their belief, any system can be stopped.
Defunct beliefs (or lack of them) are destroyed relatively quickly (in eternal terms).
See other replies for instances.
Actually the Quran says to kill non-believers or hold them as ransom.
All people have the ability to have spiritual experiences because, well, we are all human. But that doesn't mean that any Gods exist, it simply means we have evolved to have the ability to feel we are a part of something larger.
Rad, I gave up on the Quran years ago, it's a deception of the enemy.
No Christian is going to behead you.... period.
"feel we are a part of something larger"
...and what would that be, in your opinion?
Your words were "nobody is saying we should behead you for your stance", which is not true as Muslims are somebodies.
A feeling that we are apart of something larger, is just that a feeling. I can close my eye and pretend and feel like a pro basketball player, but that's just a feeling I'd have isn't it?
"Muslims are somebodies."
Agreed, but I do not speak for Muslims, and we seem to be devoid of Muslims on these forums, so they cannot speak for themselves.
"I can close my eye and pretend and feel like a pro basketball player, but that's just a feeling I'd have isn't it?"
Yes, and will remain just a feeling until you make the effort to become a 'pro basketball player' ..... or part of something larger.
A few centuries before over 90% believed earth was flat, was that mass awareness too?
By mass do you mean majority opinion?
Is reality dependent on awareness?
What is "spiritual"? After searching through the net and dictionaries I could only make out that the word has no particular meaning or mean only human nature/mind. So what is this "spiritual nature of existence"?
When we die the organization of our brain disintegrate and we cease to exist. It has the same eternal consequences as dissembling a computer does.
This is hilarious given the OP of this thread.
I suggest doing some reading on how these irrational beliefs were and still are being spread by violence and coercion.
Love the "McDonalds Argument" though. Lots of people eat it therefore it is good.
Mass awareness? Hardly.
There are close to 8 billion people on the planet with about 25% of them Christians. Centuries ago, there were nowhere near as many people, but probably a higher percentage were Christian. Given the discrepancy between then and now in terms of population and those who are Christian, there is a clear decline in Christianity.
Not only that, but many folks call themselves Christians, but have very little if anything to do with Christianity. In a poll survey in the UK a couple of years ago, about 40% of those who called themselves Christians gave the reason they believed to be a Christian was simply to be a good person. This is a clear decline in Christianity.
Soon, Christianity might be as common as unicorns and leprechauns, or the dodo.
There you go again with personal attacks. The Singer denial phenomena is an ugly ugly thing.
provide an example of a personal attack on this thread.
Try the "stalking Peter Singer" personal attack. Its become an entire theme! How ridiculous and desperate. How pathetic
Try the "troll theme". Another baseless personal attack.
Talk about drivel!
so you can't actually provide any examples, and have to go by "themes" - which by their very definition cannot be personal attacks against YOU, if they're criticisms of what you're SAYING not who you are.
See, now this comment borders on personal attacks more than any of the other comments.
I do think it's sad how you don't seem to know how to talk with people properly, which is odd coming from an antisocial person such as myself. Being an atheist has nothing to do with disagreeing with you since you seem 100% incapable of backing up anything you say, even in your own hub that I was a part of.
Conspiracy theorist comes to mind...
I am of course assuming that atheist hubbers will of course see calling someone an obsessive stalking troll as not a personal attack!!
Now the whole point about using the name of Peter Singer is to abbreviate the well known ideas developed by recent atheism on this extermeist thought. It is aso a quick litmus test:
When I meet a new hubber who CLAIMS to be of a certain ethical persuasion I will immediatelly test them on the topic of Singer, be they alleged Christian or atheist. Their response instantly tells me how knowledgable they are and what their true ethical persuasion is.
For example, and not meaning any offence to Mowton, I can instantly understand that she is not widely read at all on this topic. Another example, again without implying any personal attack, Quill's attitude to this topic is one indriectly reversed to what appears to be his stated ethics. In other words he seems not to care about one way or the other and will not directly respond to any question about Peter Singer but yet I sense he is "putting out" that he is a theist.
Those other hubbers of the atheist persuasion who never respond directly to the topic but choose instead to attack me personally are what I see as obvious supporters of extremist atheism.
In this way I can guage the who's who and make my own personal informed logical judgement about who the REAL trolls are, who the plainly uneducated are and who are direct supporters etc.
Those who are offended by "nothing" have other motives: usually the social media motive of attempting to isolate others by convenient false camradiere,and actually avoiding the logical points I make.
So apparently asking you to back up your claims with facts and sources as to properly address your topic is not only counted as personal attacks, but is somehow avoiding your topic altogether.
You are indeed a funny individual.
Heres a couple of posts by Link and cjhunsinger
The one by Link follows up on the bizarre theme of "stalking Peter Singer" started by Quill etc.
I normally dont have the time to fish through the atheist trough but I have a day off from a very busy work schedule.
cjhunsingerposted 6 days ago
I have read some trash on this site, but you have won the prize, as the greatest contributor. Your words are rubbish and you, with such false and hateful accusations should be censored.
Your valid points that you haven't once provided any sources to. Might explain the lack of responses...
There might also be the "slight" possibility that you cannot be taken seriously, since you seem hell bent on generalizing atheists by stalking a guy named Peter Singer and bringing him up every chance you get, who most of the atheists you talk to on here have never heard of.
There is a much better and cleaner way to quote past comments. Read the paragraph above the text box when you are posting a comment to see how.
Also, what exactly is the point you are making, aside from the fact that in at least 6 days you have yet to back anything you say up? It's one thing to be well informed about the actions of someone, but constantly bringing up the same person in almost all if not every single conversation you seem to have in an attempt to demonize atheists borders on obession/stalking.
as I totally expected you have not commented on either your own ridicuolus personal attack regarding the laughable "stalking of Peter Singer" or the other drivel. This speaks VOLUMES.
I have presented logical facts and arguments that satisy myself completely.
....I literally just explained my reasoning for the comment of mine you quoted. You aren't reading any of these comments are you?
As for CJ's comment, i could tell you his exact reasoning, but it isn't my place to speak for him. See if he comes back so he can do it himself.
That was an explanation?? All I saw was an evasive denial.
Then you should go back to school for some basic reading comprehension classes. Where in that explanation did I deny anything?
Ok does that mean you admit that you have attacked me personally on this Hub for claiming I am "stalking"........
You avoided pointing out where I denied anything. Probably because it doesn't exist?
I also gave my reasoning as to why I stated you stalk Singer, which was me telling you the diferrence between being well versed of someone's actions versus bringing up the same arguments that you never back up every chance you get, which you somehow interpreted as evasive denial. You have yet to clarify that last part twice now, which I can't say is surprising.
If Wikipedia is your one and only source, I would hate to see you write a research paper.
Calling somebody a stalker is a personal attack.
It has no basis at all. A stalker is somebody who hangs around someone's house waiting for a chance to pounce. A stalker is a criminal who needs to be arrested to stop harming another person etc.
An objective reader of your posts would therefore agree you have made a personal attack against me as opposed to rationally debating about points of a debate.
Your arguments satisfy yourself, obviously. But who else?
Your idea that individual's responses here allow you to assess people's personalities, is somewhat fallatious I feel.
To have the normal strong objections to the murder of children the same way
people react to ISIS. Not "o its free speech no biggie yawn"
Oh. Can you provide a link to where Peter Singer/"his followers" have committed infanticide? Or where they're making a real push to make it legal? All I've seen is his philosophy on it, and while I may disagree with it, I can't find any evidence to suggest that it's anything more than that. Perhaps you can enlighten me.
Really? The links are all there to follow.
I cant keep doing basic homework for atheists who don't know their stuff or pretend not to know.
I know my stuff, but I don't know YOUR stuff. You're talking about something quite contrived and no matter how many times you say "follow the links", the links don't tell everyone else what you want them to. That's why I specifically wanted to see what YOU read so I can understand why you've come to the conclusions that you have. I'm trying to give you the benefit of the doubt here by assuming that there is some evidence you've based these opinions on... but if you keep refusing to provide any then there's no point in having a discussion.
We are reading the same things but as usual there is some kind of atheist blind spot to the truth.
Converting to Islam is like getting a lengthy death sentence....I would prefer a quicker one.
I cant keep doing everyones basic homework as it leads to intellectual laziness, and it isnt my role
Atheists should know their own subject by now.
I cant keep doing everyones basic homework as it leads to intellectual laziness, and it isnt my role
Atheists should know their own subject by now.
So you don't have any then. Thought so.
For someone who is so intent on convincing everyone that this is an important issue, you sure are hesitant to provide any sort of evidence to back it up. Talk about intellectual laziness!
That is his MO basically, even on his own hub.
I have already provided the Peter Singer link to Wiki which also has numerous other links,
Please read the Hub!! This is what I mean about "doing homework"...
Atheism is, in a broad sense, the rejection of belief in the existence of deities. In a narrower sense, atheism is specifically the position that there are no deities.
Theos is god.
Atheism has nothing to do with morality nor there is only one type of atheism.
Of course you don't want to hear it but it is good to know that it is only your mistaken belief in the existence of a god that prevents you from killing your fellow humans.
Out of curiosity, what prevents you from killing your fellow humans?
Too messy for my personal liking.
And since I don't particularly wish to be killed, I have no desire to kill someone else who most likely feels then same way.
My two cents and all, being an agnostic atheist
I am a-theist. I do not kill my fellow man/woman. What prevents me from doing so? I don't know! Ask that god of yours what makes some christian people kill their fellow men. He should know.
It's called morality and it has nothing to do with religion.
From humanity, if yours come from some place else you should check them. Slavery is immoral.
Well, unfortunately I can't give a factual answer as it's still one of those highly debated questions.
In my opinion, there are certain morals that are inherent and we have them simply because we are human beings (not murdering, stealing, etc.). It makes sense that we not do things to alienate ourselves or harm our own species.
To a lesser extent I think some morals come from culture/social norms. For example, female circumcision is seen as immoral here in North America, but in other parts of the world it's not. Male circumcision is seen as immoral by many in Europe but it's an accepted practice in the States (though less than it once was).
I think given the fact that humanity is split up into all sorts of different religions and belief systems and yet we have universal morals, it's safe to say that they are not specific to any particular religion. Though there are some things that you might argue are immoral based on your religion (homosexuality, for example), you'd be hard pressed to find anyone that thinks killing or stealing (under normal circumstances) is moral.
A well thought out answer. Will try and study it more tomorrow evening and give a response.
Explain that to the jihadist muslim who thinks killing an American will get him his 72 virgins. Explain it is immoral; that he is immoral for doing it, but do be prepared to meet your god shortly afterwards.
And then explain to America that it is immoral to steal while you watch the closed circuit TV in the security room of any department store. Shoplifting is a major problem to our businesses; someone isn't finding it immoral at all.
Well I certainly didn't mean to imply that every single person had morals. I was speaking generally.
No, ethics evolved out of early religion and is still evolving. Ethics were imposed on society by enlightened religious leaders and later codified into laws.
There is no logic in pointing out the failures along this long EVOLUTIONARY road.
There is also no use in mistaking human failings such as greed, politics and power for religion: it serves no scientific purpose to do so and it gets us nowhere fast.
Human nature.
Do you routinely want to kill your fellow humans? That's a disease seen in psychopaths.
then why do many atheists want to do it?? I have often said it was sociopathic/psychopathic; and here you are agreeing.
The same reason christians are prone to violence and lying - human nature.
Yes, and as more christians are behind the bars we can show that psychopaths are more in christianity and an absence or presence of belief in god is not changing human nature.
Atheism has graduated a long time ago into a fully blown philosophy that is trying to change laws and play with human lives. It is naive to think the one word dictionary meaning of atheism is the be all and end all. Read the Wiki definition or the EncyloBritannica
Okay, I read your hub and I can see now that you're clearly just a big fan of making huge generalizations and pooping on atheists. Something tells me you won't be happy until we all admit to our baby hating, animal fornicating, morally deficient ways.
PS. You might want to go back a bit and read about the early Christian explorers in the Americas. If you think atheists have been the biggest threat to Indigenous people you have completely lost your mind.
Firstly you have made a personal attack re "losing...mind". Reported!
Secondly I am not simply putting down all atheists, just the many thousands online who either directly support such things or indirectly support them by classing them as free speech and not loudly objecting in the same way they would about ISIS extremist thought.
Every atheist I've seen has loudly objected to the things you have listed.
Of course you did.
I will say, again, that everyone who has read up on the infanticide thing on this forum has said they object to it, yet you're still talking about it and implying that it's not good enough because we're not signing petitions or calling for Peter Singer's head. I will also ask you, again, what you want us to do other than express that we object to it?
Yes, there are atheists with questionable ideas about ethics, just as there are religious folk with questionable ideas about ethics. I'm not about to take accountability for the people who hold those views just because they have the same ideas as I do on a completely different topic.
Its still evolving. The West itself has only recently changed such laws.
Look at the atheist North Korean state and objectively compare whats going on there. Be honest and talk about the atheist regimes.
No, thanks. I live in a secular country that doesn't hold on to the ethics of 3000 year old goat herders who kept slaves and disrespected women.
Still evolving? Here is a place that get's laws and ethics from the book you hold sacred and you admit it needs to evolve.
I am assuming you are in the US? which is classed as a JudeoChristian democracy.
You are assuming incorrectly. BTW, it's not a JudeoChristian democracy, it's a Federal presidential constitutional republic.
You should devote some time to the reading of the US Constitution. Please provide me the information or source of this abortion that America is classified as a Judeo-Christian democracy.
It's funny and sad at the same time. The term Judeo-Christian democracy is an oxymoron.
OK I will do some of your homework for you . Here is the dictionary defintion of oxymoron (a term which has nothing to do at all with the valid points I have made).
noun: oxymoron; plural noun: oxymorons
a figure of speech in which apparently contradictory terms appear in conjunction (e.g. faith unfaithful kept him falsely true ).
LOL, not getting it eh? I'll give you a hint. Is the Judeo-Christian faith a form of democracy? No it has a supreme leader who will always be in charge. So putting Judeo-Christian with democracy is a oxymoron. It's rather like saying that we have a dictator democracy.
There has been no honest comparison by any atheist as yet with the atheist goverments records of human rights abuses. Instead we see the clear tendency to point out the lesser failings of theist states.
Lets hear the atheist defence of North Korea for example. Silence of course on that glaring contradiction of logic!
You expect us to defend the ruling family of North Korea? Find me a democratic country of Atheists that we can draw a comparison to. BTW, we don't even know if the ruling family are atheists, it's just what they have mandated for their people because they know that it's human nature to worship something and these nuts want the worship for themselves.
Now, do you support Zambia's (and the other 75 countries) laws against homosexuality?
of course I dont support laws against gays.
North Korea is a large atheist state supported by another large atheist state China, which in turn is supported by another large atheist state Russia: between them all we have a huge problem with human rights abuses. Atheism fails to build onto the wisdom of the ancients and pretends it can start again with no evolution behind it.
In other words atheism has failed dismally to produce an enlightened compassionate philosophy.
I have previously argued on other Hubs that the current form of atheism rapidly Devolves and/or becomes unworkable anarchy and/or crumbles into a tyrannical state like North Korea.
An Atheist, such as myself, cannot and would not ever try or defend the State of North Korea, as I do not see this State as Atheistic. Kim Jung-un is, no less, a deified dictator, as are all of his ilk. This is not Atheism. That one deifies a mystical being or one of human character, is all the same, theism.
I think perhaps, America, with the Bill of Rights is a good example of an Atheistic State. With a freedom of religion, a freedom from a religious mandate is not only implied, but enforced, as there cannot be a State religion. In North Korea the State is the State religion, and Jong-un the god.
Is this logic loud enough for you or would you like me to continue?
Here we are back to the convoluted logic: by some amazing "logic" the atheist state of North Korea is now a theist state!!
That is mind boggling.
The only possible explanation along those lines is that North Korea is an atheist religion (which many atheists deny online).
That is just one fiction in the book of fictions.
It was a philosophy - For the Cynics, the purpose of life was to live in virtue, in agreement with nature. As reasoning creatures, people could gain happiness by rigorous training and by living in a way which was natural for humans, rejecting all conventional desires for wealth, power, sex, and fame.
Nothing to do with theism/atheism. But christians did copy from them.
The very few atheists we encounter in history either gave everything to sensual pleasures or were ascetics(majority). None of them mentions infanticide nor bestiality. But religions did, in Sparta forexample. Cynicism was an athenian phenomenon and came into existence only after the peloponnesian war.
By the way, bestiality is a sexual perversion and most humans can't do it regardless of their belief in god. But your post imply that but for god you would, would you?
I can only keep referring the atheists here to Freud's book "totem and taboo" which clearly explains the roots of the desire to kill in humans (usually the young and helpless) in both wayward bogus religions and in atheism.
I dont suppose you recall what section of the book clearly talks about that, considering that I keep seeing only the parts about the totems prohibiting incest before I need to buy something to read further
Freud goes on to say that our distant pre-human ancestors were dominated by very large vicious males who killed male infants before they could become sexual competitors, in much the same way lions do.
Eventually young males would escape before being killed and stage a group overthrow of the dominant large male and take back the females, including their own siblings!
The Oedipus complex was created under this ancient circumstance.
The point is, it was primordial sexual rivalry that lead to infanticide. Freud argues that it was this that led to child sacrifice in later religions.
If you contemplate on this, the actions of JC to end such human sacrifice are addressing themselves to an extremely deep subconscious level. (Even Christians themselves say His sacrifice is still a mystery because they don't fully understand it due to a lack of scientific knowledge. Not that an intellectual understanding is necessary for this strange story to affect one subconsciously.)
This symbolic or subconscious act of JC had enormous influence when it spread to the other parts of the globe who practiced even worse types of human sacrifice of children. They were instantly converted by the message and symbols, particularly the symbolic image of blood which had deep spiritual significance to them, but also of course to the incredible amount of infanticide that was going on. This has to be seen as proof of the prophetic.
Therefore it was JC who was largely responsible for changing an ancient destructive primitive subconscious urge. In many lands He changed people from animals to true humans.
Why God didn't throw a big switch and change these things suddenly thousands of years ago is also a bit of a mystery itself. Only the Hindus come close to answering that difficult question.
That's disturbing.
Oh, I'll tell you why…. because he doesn't exist.
As I said, this mystery has been solved by the Hindu religion.
As I have said before I cant keep doing your homework for you. Seek and you will find not sit on your couch and keep your horse blinkers on.
What is that solution? Hindus have more conundrums that cannot be solved.
Then I can only ask you to read some modern psychology books instead of outdated ones.
Modern psychology is largely based on Freuds theories. There has yet to be written a more thorough and scientific explanation to the phenomena of infanticide.
To be fair Freud wrote it to also explain Biblical urges to kill in past times
Freud has been replaced and supplanted. Infanticide can have very reasons including inability to determine paternity.
I have already gone into this many times.
The end result is that the court decide individual cases.
Yes. Genuine law cases about specific cases not trailer trash drowning babies in washing machines.
You were talking about infanticide and paternity and I said its for a court to decide these matters.
Whats irrelevant about that?
What is its relevance to the topic under discussion. We were discussing the reasons of infaanticide neither paternity nor the law.
The Hub record clearly shows you brought up the issue of paternity in reference to infanticide. DO YOUR HOMEWORK or there is no point responding to your posts.
Have you heard the expression goldfish memory.
I said many reasons INCLUDING paternity ( but not a/theism), where did you get the notion that I was discussing paternity?
You just now sdmitted it!!! Ludicrous pointless discussion
The moment you started it I knew it was ludicrous, I was entertaining myself. .
Many had noticed your "arguments" and pointed out to you that your "discussion" is pointless.
I have often praised REAL atheism which shares compassion for the weak.
God knows the heart. There can be good correct atheists who are better than hypocritical religious people whose hearts harbour the opposite of what they preach. Equally an atheist who loses their compassion while claiming noble motives is just as vile.
I've been AWOL for a while, and the thread has deteriorated to way off topic.
This is coming (your) way. Probably in most countries around the world.
Things are looking pretty grim for the human population.
Oh, and that "magic book of fairy tales" has been predicting these events for around 2000+ years. I guess a lot of you haven't been keeping abreast of it all.
BTW, GOOD "LUCK", with educating humanity out of this kind of insanity. … 9/sot1.jpg
PS. I chose not to copy this as an [img] link, in case some of you will find it too confronting, though it's not graphic/gory.
No it was exalting the same for 2000+ years.
Some 400 years before you could get a similar picture, only there would have been a cross instead of a black mask. Since that was changed, this could also be...
Yeah! Jesus taught His disciples to behead unbelievers!
The foolish ignorance of some is astounding, but, hey, what else is new around here!
You forgot the old law which jesus approved?
You forgot the inquisition his followers approved?
Quran teaches the samw violence or tolerance as bible.
Well honesty is never part of christian arsenal, what is new here?
As opposed to atheists, who can't help but be true, right?
No need to answer, I got it.
Maybe you ought to publish a hub or two! I'd like to read it/them.
You can read it from my blog. There is a link to my website in my profile page. Just change the .in to .net.
Christians are true when it comes to other people's religion but not theirs. When it comes to their own they are the most dishonest. See the picture link, the same was practiced by christians to spread their religion but you would never even acknowledge it. You would never acknowledge that jesus( the character by one of the authors) actually approved the old law. Christians could find the speck in others eyes but not the log in their own.
PS: As already pointed out the god of OT snd NT are the same unless the older one died in between or a regime change occured in heaven!
Your extrapolation is flawed.
Please get a clear understanding of the meanings of "OT, & NT ",
That should clear things up for you.
Although, based on your apparent bias, I'm not too sure.
There is no extrapolation, christians claim the jewish god as the same as their own.
even the most basic analysis of JC clearly shows his message was Love.
How on earth can you or anyone keep getting that wrong!!!
Even the most basic analysis of gospels clearly shows they are fabricatons and conrain multiple contradictions.
1) jc and ot god are the same
2) he whipped the temple merchants
3) he said not a letter of the ild law should be changed.
4) he called his opponents vipers and promised them eternal hell
none of which is a sign of love.
When a person lumps all of one group, say Christians, sterotypically together they are practicing bigotry.
A deep analysis shows some people in a particular category fail but this does not mean all are the same.
I note again the denials on this very hub to the failures of the atheist state of modern north Korea and the inevitable implications this has for criticism of alleged religious practices.
The problems in reality are power politics
Thats news! You were saying that all atheists should be classified as Singer followers.
Is it different from all atheists are followers of singer or muslims are terrorists?
There is no "atheist bible" while there is a Christian bible which all christians claim to follow.
Isn't not bigotry?
Atheism is not a religion. You can as well say that aunicornism or ayetism is causing all these. You people are proposing a Loch Ness monster, god, which you cannot substantiate. Atheists are those people who say there is no such monster. There is no other philosophy nor group.
The Hub record clearly shows I have not classed all atheists as Singers followers
Thats a ridiculous assertion. Do your homework.
I have no intention of reading YOUR hubs as a homework. I am talking about the arguments you made in this forum that atheists do infanticide and bestiality.
The record shows I have said SOME atheists. Hence my use of the term homework.
If you dont read the posts I wont respond.
OZTINATO; quote ; "eer.. we are talking about proof of atheist infanticide and beastialty...."
It doesn't matter whether you respond or not as long as all you have is wild accusations, assertions and retractions.
Read wiki re the thousands of organised atheist groups.
Did you also read that the thousands "groups" follow Singer or do or support infanticide or bestiality?
Do YOUR homework. The groups are like "Charles Dickens club" or 'Manchester United fans' not like a Christian group with a central book and god experience to share. There is no atheistic experience to share.
Ive followed that up literally years ago and of course they are organising together regarding infanticide.
Also if you look at atheist north korea the leaders ae happy as atheists to share common atheist based beliefs.
Just like thay want to promote aunicornism based belief . What they are promoting is a personality cult not atheism.
And you are wrong about Singer too. Singer do not advocate infanticide. After reading your comments I was under the impression that Singer advocates/promites infanticide. (Wikipedia don't give much details about his views on infanticide, does it?). What he says is killing an infant is a crime not against the infant but against its parents. So you are misrepresenting facts
What nonsense you talk, ostinato. There are no "common beliefs" amongst people who are atheist.
It is not a religion; my understandings do not have to agree with those of anyone else.
If you are talking of a specific group in the United States, which calls itself "The Atheists" then that is a different matter.
You talk of yourself as being "a Christian." That does not imply you have christian ethics, or that you live your life as the person you worship is supposed to have lived his life. You might do the precise opposite but how would we ever know from the Label?
Different atheist and theist groups have different ideas. I have ALWAYS reinforced that, yet you keep getting it wrong. It has to be deliberate obsfucation that I see many but not atheists practice.
Well, thats certainly a lie. You might have said it, but you have never stood by it. Only when you are told to stop generalizing all atheists is when you say that you dont generalize.
Other than that, you paint a pretty clear picture with your bias, since the horrible atheist agenda is all you ever really seem to talk about 99% of the time. Which would make sense since atheist numbers actually seem to be increasing thanks to the internet, but you claim they are dwindling. If that really is the case, i cant imagine why you are bothering with a minority that is supposedly only getting smaller. If you really do go against both sides when hypocrisy arises, you seem to miss the very much larger side quite alot.
Why is that?
Again if you read my posts I stated that Hubpages and many such sites heavily censure theist views. This is why giving the other view point is highly important.
Of course by now I dont expect you or Many But Not All atheists to honestly recall what I have repeated so many times regarding democracy in the debate.
You DO understand that making a statement of religious censorship by HP doesn't mean it is true? Plus, no one will believe it without least not if they're honest.
There you go obsfucating.
HP is biased not censoring.
And you have proof the the owners of HP is biased (you DID say censorship, not bias)? Which ones have you spoken to?
From your post: "...Hubpages and many such sites heavily censure theist views.". I did make the presumption that "censure" should be "censor", but if not the result of censure will be censorship.
Asude from the fact that i have yet to you see you provide any evidence that Hub pages censures thesists, and telling someone to do Their own homework after making an asisnine claim completely discredits your validity by the way, i still am not seeing the correlation here.
You say hub pages censures theists. Okay, lets pretend that is 100% true. What the hell does that have to do with you going on the offensive against "many" atheists? Unless you have spoken to every Hub Pages member and they outright tell you that they censure theists because they themselves are atheist, you are making a donkey of yourself with all your assumptions and biases.
The record here shows I have claimed in only the last few posts that I am scientifically and objectively correcting the HP bias in these debates
Its the bias in moderation that has
caused many theists to abandon HP.
Of coarse, it could never be the bias in a few theists that lacked sufficient moderation, what?
Look scientifically at the evidence
1 their bios reflect atheism
2 atheists cannot moderate objectively in ethical debates due to personal bias
3 theists have left in droves from these debates due to biased moderating
Therefore phony indignation about my objectives comments about fair moderating reflect poorly on those who have NO indignation about infanticide and beastiality.
I've seen plenty of forum posts, hubs, and questions pertaining to god. The people who have posted such have been a part of HP for years as well
I really dont know where you get your information from, its like you just say stuff and think its true. Could very well explain why we never see any sources from you that actually prove your point...
I have provided extensive sources on this
and other hubs. Its all recorded here for all to see.
Try googling after birth abortion.
I have Googled that. Very interesting and important discussion from various angles. (And before you point accusations at me for saying this, Mr. Oztinato, I am not making any judgment at this juncture.... just allowing myself an open mind....for now.)
However, as JMcFarland has pointed out, such a subject is not appropriate here in this discussion. Maybe it deserves to be given an entire hub or discussion topic. Just because one philosopher, with atheist views, has been courageous and honest enough to be willing to give after birth abortion some educated and reasoned attention, this does not mean that his views are "atheist." It can be argued that because he has an atheist viewpoint, he has been able to give this topic more deserved attention than if he had theist points of view. Many people with atheist views might reject that philosopher's views, so discussing such an emotive subject is not "atheist" per see.
Anyone with an open mind on the subject is likely find it possible to come up with a rational and fair conclusion. Conversely, someone with a closed, dogmatic mind will find it abhorrent, and will fight against any conclusion.
For the moment at least, just one point about that word "scientifically." Let's just simplify the adjective.... Scientific, the nature of disciplined study of something based upon knowledge. It must be done on the basis of fact, not belief or conjecture. Beliefs might be tools to use on the path to knowledge, but until something can be repeated by various parties in the same circumstances, under same conditions with the same parameters, it cannot be regarded as proof.
Ethics are variable.... they depend to a certain extent upon agreed understandings. But this does not mean these understandings are factual.... only that they are accepted by all parties. They might or they might not be proven correct, that does not matter if all parties agree to accept. I suggest that religious and "moral" codes are in this latter category, not scientific.
So, Oztinato, can we ask you to step out of the Trolling mode now, and either start up your own hub or discussion page, OR drop your argumentative repetition from the forums altogether. We are all (I think it's fair to say this) happy to have reasonable and reasoned points of view put forward. Such is the objective of HubPages. Am I right?
By-the-way, this post took me all of 45 minutes to write, so sorry I missed your various posts during that time.
I have been trying to discuss Freud, northkorea, science, the history of ethics, correct valuable forms of atheism based on evolution, HP itself, in short all kinds of topics but everyone wants to talk about what they see as trolling which is just a personal attack.
I have unearthed an extemist atheist and see this as incontravertable proof of my allegations.
Lets talk about north korean atheism. But of course everyone will try to blame it on religion!
Oztinato, I apologise for accusing you of trolling. It seems that has not been your intention, although sometimes it has appeared that way.
Maybe I have been mistaken about your intentions in other ways too. It has not occurred to me that you are really trying to come to terms with the worst of what this world is currently offering. Is this the case? Am I on the right track? Do all those areas which you mention, (.... Freud, northkorea, science, the history of ethics, correct valuable forms of atheism based on evolution, HP itself, in short all kinds of topics....} bring to you such anxiety and stress, yet you find we are not willing to address them with enough seriousness? Have we not done justice to your desire to discuss? I am sorry in this case, if my conduct has prevented you getting the discussion you desire.
Shall we try to start again, afresh? Are you able to express your feelings maybe more clearly and down-to-earth, so that we can all have better dialogue with you? I for one will try to listen to you and respond to the best of my ability. Please tell us your needs and how you think we might help you.
if a thing like telepathy does exist then we may have proof here as there is a desire to start again.
That said, it is not anxiety prompting me to point out the failings of the direction of atheism but a genuine desire to be of service to others. Atheism could potentially be a positive force, hence I promote ethical atheism as the needed direction. What we take for granted in the West is now spawning extremist responses. A lot of this has to do with the influence of atheism but the West cant see it.
Personally I feel quite secure in my spiritual walk and studies.
Of course we need to fight the good fight and oppose religious extremism with war
if necessary but we are losing the psychological warfare by not understanding WHY extremists hate the West. Corporate takeovers, a McDonalds style culture, porn as normalized even in popular music, drugs and money the new
gods, etc etc....the list goes on and is based on a disapperaing ethical standard. I am not trying to justify religious extremism but to point out atheistic style extremism and its cintribution to the poor state of human affairs. Blaming religion is pointless.
This is a legitimate question on my part. What reality do you live in that makes you think atheism has anything to do with any of Those examples?
Your question is part of the blindness developing in the Western society.
"There is no god" means to uneducated or greedy people that anything goes.
It is often said these days that Money Is God. If a belief in God is not supplanted by a new code of ethics we get a race of miley cyrus' and justin biebers and greedy corporations who have NO ethical standards.
Nothing has been put in place to replace the God concept.
So we are just assuming people will have zero common sense and morals if god is completely removed from the equation.
Okey doke then. Odd how most people seem to be more afraid of breaking the law than going against god, but thats just my opinion.
Some people take their own character and extrapolate it to the whole world.
I have never said that. I referred to the unintelligent and greedy who see an absence of god/ethics as an excuse to do whatever even if it hurts others.
The historical record shows that people succumb easily to corruption.
""There is no god" means to uneducated or greedy people that anything goes."
You said UNEDUCATED not UNINTELLIGENT, so another lie.
Even (a belief in) god can't prevent what unintelligent people do. But the fact is unintelligent people believe in god (it's existence) for intelligence is needed to think and refute the claims of theists.
"The historical record shows that people succumb easily to corruption."
And historical record also shows that such people were mostly belivers and mostly christians in the first and first half of second millennium.
Was your god able to prevent Bush from killing millions of innocent Iraqies? Was your god able to prevent the atrocities perpetrated by thr christians?
For uneducated people 'anything goes without god' is another false and baseless accusation. Primitive people lived with all values without any god (a god that monitor or dictates character).
Nothing is needed to replace god concept but a prosperous and equitable society. Most humans resort to crime because of desperation.
So called primitive peoples all had their own indigenous religions.
Also if you blame god for atrocity this implies a belief in His existence. Its called the "blame god paradox" and is a common mistake made by critics.
Only partially correct. What they have is spirits that bring good or bad not god that direct how to behave.
So you can't even discern what an argument is about?
I don't blame god, I blame those believers who act in the belief of god, whose morals are not enough to prevent atrocities and those who claim that such belief can prevent atrocities. After all your argument was such belief is going to prevent atrocities.
I have read all your posts and they are starting to ramble.
The record shows the desire to legalise infanticide has both come from certain atheists and does indeed involve children meaning babies who could well be perfectly healthy.
Once we get over this basic factual hurdle a debate would be worthy of my time.
The record shows it comes from both theists and atheists and theists actually PRACTICED it from time immemorial.
As long you lie, there is no scope for any discussion. Since you haven't provide any evidence shall I conclude that you are not a man and have nothing but baseless allegations?
Godlessness according to your defintion IS atheism therefore I am stating a self evident truth. Truisms are part of reality for atheist and theist. The sun is hot,atheism is godless etc
Your main criticisms are mainly just personal attacks.
So tell me, in your reality why do extremists hate the West?
Atheism is the lack of belief in a god. A lack of belief in god has little if any effect on the morals and ethics of a person, however much you attempt to assert otherwise, since it is incredibly evident that a belief in god does not magically make someone an upstanding citizen. And since you keep going on about the personal attacks, i can point out a few you have made here yourself according to your own definition, you caring and compassionate person you.
As for why extremist hate the west....i am sure it has nothing to do with the political reasons, you know, the ones that involved the US invading their countries and killing their citizens, most likely for the sole purpose of obtaining their resources.
Of course, i have never and do not plan to follow politics in the slightest, so i would be the last person to ask for the accuracy of that.
At least you have decreased personal attacks unlike JJ!
Obviously we are disagreeing about if an absence of a God concept has an impact on ethics. I maintain it does IF the god concept is not replaced by a system of ethics based on compassion.
As for personal attacks: expressing natural human revulsion at moral atrocity is not a personal attack.
Lastly politics: if anyone thinks politics is at the core of the ideological clashes between extremist terrorists and the West they have little understanding of the psychology of this war. Western society looks like a porn movie to other societies. Added to this is the God is Money philosophy. In essence an ethical vacuum is being filled with trashy ethics.
Human nature has evolved for 100's of 1000's of years with the god concept. It could well be literally part of our genetic blueprint. I belieive even Dawkins admits this. So getting rid of god is like trying to get rid of the skeletal system! The effects might be hard to see in individuals but as a society its effects are seen when contrasted to indigenous peoples. I am sure for example if poor sth american tribes had middle eastern type resources they well might be trying to destroy people who are destroying their forests.
Ethics and morality are not part of religion, , only religion later coopted it. It shows your lack of education and understanding in psychology. All social mammals have some morals without any religion. And advances in science has brought new situations that cannot be solved by old morals.
Expressing natural revulsion is not attack but accusing a disparate group that has nothing to do with it as perpetrating atrocities are attack. Once in a while check the net for the meaning of the words you use.
Shows a complete ignorance of human psychology. Instead of reading fundamentalists sites try reading some serious psychology. I can recommend you books if you want.
Humans have not evolved with god concept but a feeling that someone or thing is behind every event. Later causeless events were attributed to 'spirits'. Only once the shaman became more professional and societies became organized to form chieftainships gods (coopted morality) arose.. hardly 15000 years.
I have a degree from a good uni. This degree had a significant amount of anthropology and archaeology. I have also made an in depth decades long research into comparative RELIGION which includes both current and ancient religion both indigenous primitive and the great religions. A belief in a higher power is endemic to all including falsely allgedly
godless buddhist.
You are totally incapable of teaching me anything.
Psychology is neither anthropology nor archaeology, I expect a degree holder to know that much.
That higher power, the rough equivalent of which, is spirit. Ancestors may be another. What these spirits don't do is dictate on morals, only a god does that. Tribal societies, where everyone knows everyone else doesn't need a god to keep morals, only after the society has expanded to become chieftainships and kingdom, need for monitor gods arose. Buddhism started around BC 600, so not 15000 years old.
Not only me, none can. To be taught needs a willingness to learn and ...
Similarly we have to oppose extremism perpetrated by aunicornists, ayetists, aloch ness monsterists, aalienists.....
Please take what you say here about different christian groups and apply the same principles to people who are atheist. Be consistent and try not to be so blatantly biased.
The OT tells us to kill promiscuous girls and that was supposedly the same God that is Jesus.
More fear mongering. Fear only causes physical and mental illness. It also causes people to make poor decisions. Bring good to the world. Bring love and peace to the world. Be the change your want to see in the world and there is nothing to fear. A side note, christians have done the same type of persecution on nonbelievers. Religion is used for political conquests by the ruling classes. The other 99% is brain washed into believing the nonsense. To kill or hate anyone who isn't apart of your religion. A total contradiction to love and compassion.
Thank you Che - the voice of compassion and honesty.
Of course if you read my posts which you
havnt, you would see I place SOME atheists and SOME christians in the same category.
The "some" is a new addition.
OZTINATO; quote ; "they have been here for milleniums because atheists have been promoting them for milleniums."
I have always claimed that some NOT ALL atheists are included.
How on earth anyone can keep getting this wrong is incomprehensible.
As SOME atheists and SOME Christians are doing the evil, shouldn't you be attacking the Christians as the larger target? More of them in this country, you know.
I have targeted hypocrites on both sides.
I spend more time on atheists to correct the hideous imbalance on Hubpages against theists.
Also atheism has taken a nose dive as a credible alternative due the many reasons I have cited.
Odd - I've never seen you criticizing Christians for infanticide...
And of course the perceived "imbalance" is more important than actually DOING something about it (such as reporting such activities to police).
Really? As the number of professing Christians dwindles all over the developed world you claim atheism has taken a nose dive? You really need to research your claims a little better.
"And the proportion of Europeans and Americans who are Christian has dropped from 95% in 1910 to 76% in 2010 in Europe as a whole, and from 96% to 86% in the Americas as a whole." (I would add that most of the Americas are not "developed" seems to be the backwards, third world countries, that are keeping Christianity alive. … nity-exec/