Obama has declared open war on ISIS/ISIL.
"We will conduct a systematic campaign of airstrikes against these terrorists," Obama said from the White House. "I will not hesitate to take action against ISIL [Islamic State] in Syria, as well as Iraq. This is a core principle of my presidency: if you threaten America, you will find no safe haven."
The US is preparing for a broad, borderless military conflict in the Middle East.
Maybe a borderless one here soon; too.
What is your point?
Do you disagree with an offensive against ISSIS/ISSAL/IISSA
It's an ominous day. ISIS has warned it will attack on the anniversary of 9/11. A confrontation is looming.
I agree with a policy that seeks to destroy ISSIL. I also agree with your forecast that a serious ISSIL terror event/confrontation is almost a certainty.
They didn't, but it doesn't mean they won't.
Let's play Hollywood - send in the SEAL sniper teams.
I do hope President Obama and Secretary Kerry is successful in forming this coalition with other countries to wipe out these murderers. I know they can succeed if they unite against these monsters.
Finally, and too late for many folk who have been murdered by these cowards.
Guess it must have been hard for the Potus to do nothing much longer, his Muslim upbringing was becoming evident and embarrassing.
Want a non violent action?
Fill all your tanker planes with pigs blood and pig sh*t and over spray all rivers and water supplies where ISIS are based, all strategic locations and any exposed ISIS coward will need to be 'cleansed' from the haram treatment, the Israelis also have a wonderful organic non lethal stink liquid that makes places uninhabitable got days and stinky beyond endurance for ages.
Spray once a week and all these cowards will see the futility of their supposed religion, and the hard work involved in trying to stay 'cleansed' enough to spend time killing innocents, prisoners, and fellow Muslims who happen to hold their hands wrong while they pray to their false god.
This nonsense doesn't deserve an answer, but then I guess I just did by saying it didn't deserve one. So let me rephrase; this nonsense is simply: not rational, though well written (I think that is a sign of paranoia), devoid of fact, full of lies, hyperbolic, rude, but nevertheless useful as I get to exercise my vocabulary.
Lies? please show me where..... Obama was born a Muslim, schooled as a Muslim in an Indonesian Muslim school.... IF he converted to Christianity, then he should be subject to a death sentence according to Islamic law, as an 'apostate', but as one aspect of Islam is that Muslims are allowed to lie in order to bring about the defeat of 'infidels' then who can be sure, he definitely does not appear to be a Christian, but ultimately that's between him and God, and one day he will need to account for his words, deeds, actions and life.
BTW there are some facts there.....
Not rational.... so I try to show a way that the western world could incapacitate the murdering cowards using natural organic materials which these idiots feel would make them 'haram' and unable to enter their 'paradise', and which is actually humane, as it would kill nobody, and may even make them see reason concerning their false religion and perverted god, whilst they attempted to 'cleanse' themselves from the spraying.
I may even finally approve of chem trails.
Rude? for sure, it would be insanity to offer these morons any aspect of civilized commentary, and no amount of condemnation could be considered hyperbolic.
But I'm glad you enjoyed exercising your vocabulary, words are such fine things.
PS: No paranoia, I know my eternal home will be devoid of these fine folk unless they reject, revoke and repent from their actions and recognise Yeshua as their Lord.
PPS: Yes, I thought it well written also!
As soon as you write "Obama was born a Muslim,...", you prove my point. I bet you don't even believe PBO was born in Hawaii, do you?
Provided the god is Yeshua. If it happened to be Allah you will be devoid of those fine folk but what tortures you will get is unimaginable. And if the god happens to be any other of the myriad of gods you both can stay in the same place and enjoy!
There is no preparing, ISIS/ISIL/IS beat Obama to the punch, they have already MADE it a borderless war.
My thoughts and prayers are with our Honored Veterans and their Families.
Can someone help me out to understand what is happening?
First was the Syrian government killing their own population. I saw in all these years no one doing anything about it.
Didn't this inaction caused the rise of an anti-movement, that we now call ISIS?
Now is the US suddenly very active against so called terrorists. This ISIS guys are no sweeties too, but isn't this just the law of cause and effect?
It looks odd to me. Or did I miss something?
The game has changed, it always does.
The quarterback has decided to take the game into the oppositions half.
The problem is that nobody knows who is on who's team. And the supporters of both teams live on the same street.
Not anyone has an answer to my question? What a pity on this memorable day.
I can also deflect tough language how to defeat terrorists. I would say to nuke them. "Bomb them back to the stone age", like general Schwarzkopf said. But it makes the situation in the future only worse. The bosses of the arms industry are already rubbing their hands.
Well America has been playing Empire for years, one concept is that ISIS was started to kill folks in the name of Islam that America wanted killed in any name except their own, then the whole thing spirals out of control.
The guys your secret squirrels trained and funded got too big, especially when they robbed all those Iraqi banks and no longer needed the CIA/ secret spooks money.
Now the cats out of the bag, the world knows America has a Muslim President, and that the CIA is infiltrated by Islam, and that this has to be changed quickly unless you want America to be an Islamic state in less than 50 years.....
November could do that if you have any Americans more interested in freedom rather than free phones.
Ultimately ISIS is a great boon, eventually the non Islamic world will need to declare war on Islam, this will be grossly unfair to the 85% of peaceful Muslims, but unfortunately as Islam allows jihadists to lie in the name of Islam, we cannot know who the 15% of murderous Muslims are, or when the peaceful Muslim you know and respect will become radicalised.
When that happens all liberals will weep, as Muslims are interned or deported, I favor giving them free passage to any Islamic state they choose that will take them in, unfortunately Islamic states are not big on accepting refugees, witness the Gazan Arabs who have been ignored by all their arab neighbours when they needed relocation to sympathetic regimes.
So fun and games, we truly are entering the birth pangs of the end days, and I think we will NOT see any sense of normality returning, as the world spins into a sharp decent into iniquity, whilst most ordinary folk continue 'as in the days of Noah' marrying, partying and generally failing to realise how precarious life is becoming.
Thanks aguasilver, for at least you tried to answer my question. Thanks.
Sorry Buildreps, just checked your profile and realised you are Dutch, so my jargon loaded reply may have been more difficult to understand.
My basic point is that the REAL power elite have been playing games and have overplayed their 'hand', which means that everything will change for the worse very soon, and hardly anyone (in America) is even aware how much trouble they are in.
Hi John,
How do you know ISIS isn't CIA? It wouldn't be the first time the American government committed crimes to justify military action. False Flag operations might be as old as civilization. Anyone with an Ego can be manipulated.
Like some here on HubPages who feel that "conspiracy theories" are "nuts," they let their ego (wish to be right) distance themselves from anything perceived to be "wrong." One Hubber said the 9/11 conspiracies were all debunked. He couldn't tell me which conspiracies. Just "all." When such generalities are used, it frequently means the person doesn't know what they're talking about. When pressed on the issue, they didn't know of any specific debunking. Ooooh! They lied? Or were they merely protecting ego?
9/11 was an inside job and we have proof of that. Plus there's tons of circumstantial evidence to implicate many in government and corporations.
ISIS is merely the latest pawn in the dangerous chess game of global domination. Get America to attack enough countries and the rest of the world won't be able to stand America anymore. I suspect this may be by design. Weaken America from the inside, and it won't pose much of a threat when the final lap begins toward the New World Order.
But as Jesus said, we need to turn the other cheek -- resist not evil. We need to wish for them everything they desire, including striking the other cheek. This is Love in action. This is perfect Responsibility in action. This is Tikkun Olam -- what the Kabbalists call "healing the world."
(And don't be confused. There's a Hollywood sham called "Kabbalah" and then there is the authentic kind which wrote the Bible in code.)
Oh I have no doubt ISIS was formed by CIA and Mossad operatives, but that does not change the fact that 50,000 muslims who are NOT CIA employed have joined ISIS to take part in the killing frenzy on behalf of their (false) god.
Satan loves that sort of deception and confusion.
How is it that you are so sure ISSIL was formed by the CIA and Mossad? Did I miss some political revelation? Or is it something from WikiLeaks?
Now I know you understand there can be no proof, as if there were...... anyhow....
At secret squirrel headquarters the conversation runs as follows.....
"Guys what we need is to get all the radical fundy nutter Muslims in one place and zap them bigtime, how do we do that?"
"Simple" (says head of field agents)
" We start a radical Islamic movement, fund it from our Syria covert funds, arm it to the teeth, train it in real time in Syria, put Mossad deep penetration agents in charge, and let them invade Iraq unopposed, then when all the ragheads are panting at the bit to form their Kaliphat, we show some beheadings, one for each power should do, then get the support to go zap them to oblivion, no comebacks, everyone loves us and the Muslims will think thrice before trying it again"
Of course that conversation NEVER took place.
If there is no proof, then it must be just your cynicism and personal perception that makes you so sure.
I like spy movies too, but I always chuckle when 10 bad guys with Uzis blasting can't hit the good guy, but the good guy can shoot all five - center mass - shooting upside down as he falls from the catwalk.
Even if it were true that President Obama were Muslim ... so what? The only people in America who would care are the Right-wing who don't understand the meaning of our Constitution and what it stands for. Moderate Jews and Christians, let alone the 10% who are other things in America, simply wouldn't care because religion is not the basis of our government; regardless of what the Right-side of our political spectrum says.
Trying to explain this, (if its not just a distraction); is like going backwards to 9/11.
Let us be clear about who and what we are dealing with. This is a statement from a speech by U.K Prime Minister David Cameron on August 29, when the terrorist threat level was raised to 'severe.'
"The root cause of this threat to our security is quite clear. It is a poisonous ideology of Islamist extremism that is condemned by all faiths and by all faith leaders.
"So this is about a battle between Islam on the one hand and extremists who want to abuse Islam on the other. It is absolutely vital that we make this distinction between religion and political ideology. Islam is a religion observed peacefully and devoutly by over 1 billion people. It is a source of spiritual guidance which daily inspires millions to countless acts of kindness.
"Islamist extremism is a poisonous political ideology supported by a minority."
At this stage, we are not seeing Islam against the world but we are seeing some Islamists against other Islamists and people of other religions living in areas they want to conquer and in which they want to establish an extremist cult of perverted Islamic ideology.
ISIS is the successor to al-Qaeda. ISIL (Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant) is the name of the caliphate it wants to establish. The Levant includes: Iraq, Turkey, Cyprus, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Israel and Egypt. Jordan is predicted to be the next to fall.
Right now, ISIS controls a territory the size of Belgium.
When Obama pulled Americans out of Iraq, that country was virtually unprotected and ripe for takeover. The Civil War in Syria opened another opportunity to seize land in a destabilized country. Obama cared little and would not intervene when over 191,000 people were killed, three million refugees fled Syria and another 6.5 million civilians were displaced inside Syria. Waiting has cost precious time and could leave the U.S. backing the brutal and tyrannical Bashar al-Assad regime to prevent ISIL from further entrenching itself.
Russia is the wild card. New sanctions against Russia were announced yesterday by the US and the 28 members of the EU because of Russia's actions in the Ukraine. But you can be assured that Russia will have a part to play in any U.S. intervention in the Middle East. It always has.
I sincerely hope 9/11 passes without an attack on the U.S. But, if it does, it only means that an attack has been postponed until another day. Yesterday, U.S. Senator John McCain said plainly, "There're going to attack the United States of America ."
When ISIS/ISIL leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi was released from Camp Bucca, a U.S. prison in Iraq, he said, "See you in New York, and we will raise the flag of Islam in your White House."
Thanks Fox Writer, for your explanation.
No matter how violent ISIS members are, I think it's the harvest from what is seeded - cause and effect. America and Russia are both guilty in this situation and of course the weaponry industry.
You had me on your side until you said "...Obama cared little and would not intervene ...".
That is an absolutely absurd statement with no grounding in reality or fact and indicates a lack of understanding of how foreign affairs, especially in the Middle East, works. That phrase, and a couple of sentences which follow, suggests to me you would be one of those who prefer to have a President, not just this one, throw America's weight around "regardless of the unintended consequences" when terrible things are happening in the world, just to prove they "care"; is that what you are suggesting? If not, exactly what would you have Obama do to prove he "cares"?
That is what President Bush and his advisors did when they decided to stop fighting Terror so that he could help the Iraqi's out by deposing Hussain; look what that got us when he screwed the pooch on execution ... ISIS/ISIL/IS. I think Obama cared enough not to repeat Bush's mistakes.
Obama also "cared" enough to go against his whole "let's disengage from the Middle East" program to threaten to bomb Syria when they broke International treaties and used chemical weapons. Too bad Americans and Congress didn't "care" enough to support their President on that. Strangely, President Obama and Sec Kerry were diplomatically successful by baiting Putin into helping them get Assad to remove all known chemical weapons, something Obama-haters refuse to give him credit for.
My Esoteric, a lot of what you said made sense... until you got to the above quoted segment. Pres. Obama has maintained and even expanded drone use, something I can agree with. But.... he threatened Syria, and then failed to follow through - a major mistake. And it was not Congress that stopped him from backing up his words. I am sure you are aware he had the executive power to follow through on his "red line" rhetoric.
But "baiting Putin.," really? You are kidding right? It was a major diplomatic and world-view coup for Putin to stride in to "save the day" by accepting Syria's chemical weapons - and a major embarrassment to the U.S. because Pres. Obama would not follow through on his "red line" statement - but you see it as a cute "baiting" by the administration?
Yes, I agree that Obama haters continue to refuse to give him any credit, but I am not an Obama hater and the points you seem to think should be to his credit are just more examples of his misunderstanding of real world realities to me.
Baiting Putin, Ha! that's a good one.
And the scene thickens:
http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldne … -Isil.html
It's about time the Arab states did something positive.
I have long felt that the only real solution is for Muslims to solve their own problems. This may finally be happening as the terrorists take on more and more Islamic countries.
Unfortunately, once they have killed or radicalized their Islamic world, they will seek to solve their biggest 'problem' .......... which happens to be us, ..........we western 'infidels' who either refuse to convert to Islam or worse still, (aghast shock and horror) are secular humanists believing in no gods at all.
So.... do you want to deal with them on their own turf, or in your living room?
And that works fine so long as their problems don't cause problems for us, which they do. If would be nice if the fundamentalist Sunnis and Shias made each other extinct, but it isn't going to happen. Instead their war spills over and destabilizes the rest of world.
You make good points. These problems are major problems for the U.S., but I still agree with Wilderness' point, unilateral, (or even coalition), efforts will only be stop-gap measures. The only lasting solution will be for the Arab nations to confront the problem at home. Then U.S. and coalition efforts can assist them in extinguishing the problems. Without home-front efforts all we can do is try to plug the holes in the dyke.
I agree with your thoughts on about a solution, but I will wait for Arab nation's actions before I put any faith in their words.
Just sayin'
I agree with that "world of difference", but the radicals are now threatening the powers that be in the Arab countries. I hope (and expect) that they will find that unacceptable at step up to the plate with some action.
The man in the street also comes into play - we already see some of that, in another aspect of radicalism, with the women there. Sooner or later the people themselves are going to get tired of being chased down and killed, and there are a LOT more reasonable citizens than there are terrorists.
.... a lot more unarmed, peaceful, untrained and unsupported people than there are highly armed homicidal cowards who are looking for any sign of resistance.......
You mean like the peaceful and untrained people that George Washington gathered? Or those under Robert E Lee and Lincoln?
Ultimately it is the people of a nation that determines its course, not a relative handful that wish power and control. If they will fight for their lives and way of life they can keep both; if they won't they will lose both.
Errrrr........those guys fought with equivalent weaponry.... ISIS are seriously well armed, Iraqis are not.
It's a nice thought, but Americans seem to be remote from the reality of what is going down over there.
I on the other hand have lived in Islamic states and live in a country that is on ISIS's shopping list, I tend to view these things pragmatically.....
You can either fight and obliterate them in Iraq, or you can try to fight them in your living room and front yard.
And, this is true also if you live in the U.K. or the U.S. (Coming to a theater near you!)
Don't misunderstand - I am not against taking the fight against terrorists wherever they are to be found.
But I still maintain that the ultimate success will ONLY be from the people there. They are the ones financing them, they are the ones hiding them, they know where and who they are. Until they take a stand and simply say "NO" to the presence and activities of the radicals and terrorists we cannot win without turning the area to slag. Until the people of the area are willing to put their own lives, and those of their families, on the line we cannot and will not end this threat. Until the people themselves grow up and become civilized themselves, refusing to accept the edicts of the radicals, it will not end.
And I hope (and believe) that that day is not far off. The people are changing, accepting that all have rights (as can be seen in the women's "revolution"). They look to the West and see things from our riches to our freedom and way of life and want it. They are beginning to realize they cannot maintain the old ways of life (or the uncivilized and violent edicts of Islam) and be a part of the civilized world and they want that world. With time (and some help, just as we had help from the French) it can and will change. Or the area WILL be reduced to slag by the rest of the world, and that, too, is being recognized. The radicals have overstretched themselves by taking on every country they touch, from the US to Britain and Europe to Russia. They cannot survive against the anger and condemnation of 7 billion people.
The Iraqis were well armed until ISIS took all of our weapons from them.
British hostage was just beheaded by ISIS/ISIL:
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article … aines.html
That should bring British citizens on board; do they have any German citizens; not that I wish them ill, but that appears to be the only thing that seems unlock the thinking part of people's brains?
And isn't that such a sad testimonial to the average Joe's world view.... the news... if it bleeds it leads, and the lead is what too many folks base their world view and opinions on.
A beheading is horrific, that is all they need to know.... right?
The whys and what-fors don't matter. The news tells them all they need to know.
If the region was required to solve its own problems, then our nation would cease becoming the "ferguson cops" of the midfle east, and no longer give those there a reason to hate us. These maniacal killers are the muslim world's chickens coming home to roost. if they are unwilling or unable to deal with the problem...its too bad. This is not our circus and isil is not our monkee. We have been there for 100 years now, since the arrogance and greed of the brits and french re-ordered their world to fit the agenda of big oil. its the only reason we are still there. time to pack lock stock and barrel....and leave without a word of warning or a kiss goodbye. As Paul Simon once sang..." skip out the back jack. make a new plan sam. hop on the bus gus. and get yourself free."
You are right about everything you say ... except, "it is" our problem, its the worlds problem whether we like it or not.
It is no different than if you live in Bel Air, CA and gangs are running rampant in the city next door with the local police either doing nothing or not being able to do anything about it. Sooner or later, it "will" become your problem. This isn't like Zanzibar and Tanzania having a spat or even a civil war (or even Bali and Indonesia), there is no national interest. But there is in the Middle East where the likelihood of a world-wide economic meltdown is a very real possibility of any combination of Syria, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Israel, Iran, Jordan, and Egypt ending up in an all out war with each other while the rest of the world sits blandly aside saying it isn't our problem.
There many in the US who wanted to sit out the WW I, and WW II because it "wasn't our fight" ... until it was; that isolationist bent cost us millions of lost American lives because our military wasn't prepared when America woke up one day to find that war had been brought to them.
this is not about america. this is not appeasement. this is not some exercise in altruistic endeavor.this is not time for narcisstic moralization to justify imposing our will on them. this is a region of unbridled religious warfare. between shiites n sunnis. for 700 years.
what hubris does it take to ignore centuries of history just to appease our own indignations? we are only there for the oil. that is the cold reality. we are enabling muslims to blame all but themselves, and to use emotional extortion in palming the killing of their bought n paid for maniacs onto us. because they know we can be bear baited. fostered by them. supported. approved. encouraged. trained. this comes from the heart of the saudis. just like bin laden.
their circus. their monkee.
thats not isolation...thats letting your enemies do each other in and having no part to play in it. it is our problem only in the respect that we want to be there and want to remake the world in a white christian democratic way. and...keep getting the oil. i say we meaning the warlords of congress and their bankers, big oil.
Do you remember Tim McVeigh and the Oklahoma City bombing? Do you remember 9/11, the Twin Towers and the Pentagon (I remember that one because I was there). Do you remember the dozen terrorist attacks that have been stopped inside our borders since 9/11?
Why don't you think America is NOT at risk from ISIS and we DON't have a dog in this fight? There is no hubris, it is self-defense. Hubris was when Bush went into Iraq; everyone of your arguments apply to that invasion, but not this one.
anytime dick cheney john mcain and henry kissinger all agree on going to war....lookout...its a trick bag meant to affect someones bottom line. remember, this is the crew who sabotaged the paris peace talks just to make johnson look bad so nixon could win. this is the same crew who sabotaged the iran hostage negotiations just to make carter look bad so reagan could win. this is the crowd who preplanned the iraq war and lied to us all about everything.
if these three all agree that there should be war...you can bet your bottom dollar that billions in money and decades of power are involved, and that war is the exact wrong thing to do.
I can't remember if you were the one who sent me the link on the Nixon sabotaging the Vietnam peace talks (eye-opening and depressing at same time), but if you have one for your Carter allegation, I would appreciate it.
I do, however, disagree with you on the need not to take action in the case of ISIS. It doesn't make much difference to me if motives by others in very different situations led to very bad outcomes happen to agree with what common sense says should be done, it doesn't mean common sense is wrong, it means they happen to be right this time around (although McCain's approach is still wrong, he wan't American regular ground combat boots on the ground, PBO only wants Special Ops American boots)
A side note on "sharpshooting", a term a learned in high school meaning spurious nit-picking of speech to distract from actual point or meaning of what is being said. In this case, it is PBO's, and many other's, use of the phrase "boots on the ground". A lot is made by some pundits (Julie Mason of POTUS, an otherwise very smart person) and detractors, who criticize PBO for saying there will be no "American boots on the ground" in his current strategy (same as "you can keep your doctor"). They say he is already lying because there already "boots on the ground" in the form of advisors or troops protecting embassy personnel. Some may give him a pass on that but object that covert actions by CIA and other non-Army, Navy, Air Force Special Ops force operatives constitute the lie since they are Americans operating inside the combat zone. Finally, they really get incensed when one adds in military Special Operations forces into the definition of "boots on the ground".
My comment to that is "REALLY? Don't you have one iota of analytical brain cells in your head?" Exactly what have American's been upset about with Iraq and Afghanistan? It has been the insertion of large amounts of normal combat ground troops, i.e., Army and Marine, for long periods of time into war zones with the consequential loss of life and maiming of our soldiers, isn't it. These "sharp-shooters" know very well it is that kind of "boots" to which Obama is referring when he uses the phrase and not the necessary activities of covert special operation activities.
So, when people bring up PBO's use of "boots on the ground" as further proof of his dishonesty, instead of proving that, it proves 1) their own dishonesty and/or 2) lack of intelligence.
. . . meanwhile, back in the Middle East, another British aid worker is slated for beheading:
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article … aines.html
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