In 10 words or less, what do you see as the biggest advantage of not studying the Bible on a regular basis.
Question directed at Christians. Please stay on topic whoever decides to respond.
Limited words? No advantage whatsoever! Study is required by God.
Thank you Jackie for complying with request! We have had some long winded people in the past that I encourage to get to the point!
Study is definitely required by God! 1 Peter 2:2 Desire the sincere milk of the Word that you may grow thereby.
Feel free to elaborate now that you have used 10 words!
It's hard to take a book that starts off with a talking snake and ends with a four-headed monster seriously. And don't forget the talking donkey and unicorns!
Well, now there's the biggest problem with not studying the Bible. There are no unicorns in there. Silly.
Trivia: A Spanish friend of mine told me several years ago that she had an old Spanish Bible that used the word "unicorn". When the KJV was released in 1611 is used the word "unicorn" in a few Scriptures.
My friend learned English by reading a Spanish and an English Bible in unison.
I would be totally nuts after trying that! I have to remember rules before I conjugate some verbs.
Learn something new every day. I'll have to look into that.
She has been an inspiration for me ever since that day.
I had no idea! (acluistic)
I never thought to use a Bible to learn another language. It's a very bright idea.
I was curious. Had to look this up. … the-bible/
Unicorns in the Bible?
by Dr. Elizabeth Mitchell on February 6, 2015
Also available in Español
To think of the biblical unicorn as a fantasy animal is to demean God’s Word, which is true in every detail.
Guide to Dinosaurs
This new Guide to Dinosaurs from the Institute for Creation Research boldly challenges the evolutionary model that pervades the study of dinosaurs.
Some people claim the Bible is a book of fairy tales because it mentions unicorns. However, the biblical unicorn was a real animal, not an imaginary creature. The Bible refers to the unicorn in the context of familiar animals, such as peacocks, lambs, lions, bullocks, goats, donkeys, horses, dogs, eagles, and calves (Job 39:9–12).1 In Job 38–41, God reminded Job of the characteristics of a variety of impressive animals He had created, showing Job that God was far above man in power and strength.2
Job had to be familiar with the animals on God’s list for the illustration to be effective. God points out in Job 39:9–12 that the unicorn, “whose strength is great,” is useless for agricultural work, refusing to serve man or “harrow (plow) the valley.” This visual aid gave Job a glimpse of God’s greatness. An imaginary fantasy animal would have defeated the purpose of God’s illustration.
Modern readers have trouble with the Bible’s unicorns because we forget that a single-horned feature is not uncommon on God’s menu for animal design. (Consider the rhinoceros and narwhal.) The Bible describes unicorns skipping like calves (Psalm 29:6), traveling like bullocks, and bleeding when they die (Isaiah 34:7). The presence of a very strong horn on this powerful, independent-minded creature is intended to make readers think of strength.
My brain can't either, but my spirit can. The Word says that the Holy Spirit is our Teacher. Once I got a hold of that revelation, I asked the Holy Spirit to be my "teacher" and revelation knowledge has been dramatic, for me.
I understand. We should all listen to the Holy Spirit. If a spirit tells us something that conflicts with the Bible, it cant be the Holy Spirit. God is not a conflict.
Whoa! I can't wait to see that one on SciFi!!!
You "gain" a hopeless life without God's illuminating Word.
I agree. We don't know what is available to us when we don't study. My uncle has gone to church 85 years plus. He says he's a Christian but doesn't think he is good enough to get into heaven. That's Christianity 101.
I tried to explain that Jesus Christ took our place with His blood sacrifice and we only need to accept the gift of salvation. I can tell he is not understanding. My sister says she's a Christian but doesn't believe Jesus is God. The trinity is way over her head.
There are to many pastors that don't teach the Bible. Unfortunately, many don't even KNOW the Bible. I'm going to try to put a little booklet together to show my family the basics of salvation and the certainty of heaven.
Biggest advantage of not studying the Bible?
The spirit of the law matters more than the letter.
He will write His laws in their hearts and inscribe them in their minds. But the NT is a good place to find that out.
Once you find it out then you should act on it. Not search the word to find ways around it. That is my problem with a lot of professed Christians. Their actions and their words attest to a lack of desire to be the embodiment of the spirit of the law. They appear to search out justification for opinions and actions that are not in line with the message of Christ.
Live, I agree with you on many professed Christians. They erroneously use the Bible to pump themselves up. It should not be used to beat people down or feel less than other. The two greatest commandments are 1) Love God with all of your heart, soul and mind and 2) love your brothers as yourself.
When loving brothers as ourselves, our motives are critical. Each time a passage is read or discussed new ways to love and serve should be revealed. Reading the Bible and praying are having conversation with God. When we read, God talks to us. When we pray, talk to God.
Christians should be revealed by the way they live each day rather than what they say. That revelation should come from knowing how God wants us to live. We know by reading (hearing) His Word.
This past Monday, Donald Trump tried to throw shade on Hillary Clinton by telling evangelical pastors that Hillary never talks about religion. He sounded really stupid and they didn't fall for it.
Donald Trump is a Christian who reads the Bible, he is a brother in the Lord. The evangelicals are for Trump. His pastor was the late great Norman Vincent Peale, the author of "The Power of Positive Thinking" and many more. BTW, you should read that, or listen to it on audio.
I don't know about that Color. He saw 2 Corinthians and said 2 Corinthians, then blamed it on someone writing it that way. It is always written that way.
He practices no self restraint when using terms like SOB, f***, etc. If he is a Christian, he is a non-growing one or recently received Christ.
His favorite verse, "an eye for an eye." I knew that verse before I learned to read.
You haven't noticed the mud Hillary and the media is throwing at Trump? Most of it is false or its exaggerated from a mole hill into a mountain. I don't care to get into politics on this thread. I just wanted to let you know that Trump is your brother in Christ...what you do with that is totally on you. There is lots of mud to throw at Hillary, and Trump doesn't need to make things up or exaggerate one little bit. Hillary has the Muslim Brotherhood's support.
BTW, when you study the Bible you find out that there was a lot of swear words or cuss words but they were translated into milder words.
1 Samuel 20:30 ►
Saul's anger flared up at Jonathan and he said to him, "You son of a perverse and rebellious woman! Don't I know that you have sided with the son of Jesse to your own shame and to the shame of the mother who bore you?
"son of a perverse and rebellious woman" is written "ben 'avah marduwth" in Hebrew which means SOB.
SHOCKING isn't it?
What should we call Mateen, who murdered 49 people and wounded 50+ other people?
ADDED: where did Trump use the F-bomb? … 4-seconds/
Watch Trump Drop The F-Bomb 5 Times In 74 Seconds
Here’s a supercut of Trump using some rather colorful language, including nearly half a dozen f-bombs. (There's a video)
The mud slinging is terrible. She does through it at him. He throws it at everybody.
I'd have to agree with you there. Trump appears to be opportunistic on the question of religion. He appears to be pandering to the religious right. Those who want to be fooled on that count are.
Jerry Falwell's Introduction for Donald Trump at Liberty University
By their fruit you shall know them! -- Matthew 7:16-20
By their fruit you shall know them! -- Matthew 7:16-20
I am willing to hear about the good fruit.
Bad fruit (without thinking about it much)
1. Adultery (Ivanna and kids were at ski lodge and Marla was there in another room) then 2 other marriages
2. Foul language (already provided)
3. Fraud (Trump University, not paying workers/small businesses)
4. Lack of fellowship with believers (He associates with believers when he wants their vote. I haven’t seen him close to any Christian group at any other time)
Don't get me wrong. Hillary is as full of it as Donald is. I just don't hear a lot of people attempting to convince us Hillary is a Christian. There are obviously reasons to vote for the guy but there is no reason to make things up.
Hillary was a "no" for me before I heard of Donald Trump winning.
Diane, if you listen to the video I posted you will hear about some of those good deeds. But, here is another like this guy, he is just a real guy with no guile.
I'm done for now. God bless!
Hi Live! Not advantage - problem (disadvantage).
It sounds like you are saying, "If you read, you could become legalistic?" Correct me if I'm wrong.
Thank you!
I think it would probably be more like if you study, study, study you are legalistic. I realize we will never agree on that however my observation of Christians who claim to study a lot is that they are less Christ like and, to me, following in the footsteps of Christ beats following in the footsteps of anyone else, hand's down.
Edit. Also, I did see you were looking for problems with not studying. I simply don't see it as a problem.
The objective, yet disheartening fact is that most Americans who call themselves Christian do not read the Bible more than once or twice per year. This has been validated yearly by the American Bible Society and the Barna group.
Those who don't read the Bible simply don't know. Lack of understanding leads to misinformation, susceptibility to false doctrine and thus non-Biblical beliefs and behavior. Indeed, the Word divorced from love for one's neighbor defeats the point, but there is only one exclusive place where God has revealed His divine will to us and there is only one legitimate source where anyone can read the source documents of the good news of Christ: the Bible.
A Spirit-filled life is animated by Spirit-inspired Scripture that points us to Christ who reconciles us back to the Father.
How will people know what is Christlike without reading about it?
Well, you do read it. But, you don't get bogged down in it. Once you understand what Jesus was here for, what he accomplished, what he wanted of us....then you work hard to live it. You don't need to search for anything else past that. There isn't anything inherently wrong with reading the text but few keep it in perspective. What I see is mostly people arguing over God, what he wants, what everyone else should be doing and why some are Christian and some aren't. They create stumbling blocks for others. They attempt to identify law through studying. Doing that causes us to ignore what Jesus said fulfills all the law. It's like people don't believe what Jesus said so they just look for other things to believe.
Luke 22 ►
43 Then an angel from heaven appeared to Him and strengthened Him.
44 And in His anguish, He prayed more earnestly, and His sweat became like drops of blood falling to the ground.
45 When Jesus rose from prayer and returned to the disciples, He found them asleep, exhausted from sorrow.…
1 Peter 2
21 For to this you were called, because Christ also suffered for you, leaving you an example, that you should follow in His footsteps:
22 “He committed no sin,
and no deceit was found in His mouth.”
23 When they heaped abuse on Him,
He did not retaliate;
when He suffered,
He made no threats,
but entrusted Himself to Him who judges justly.
24 He Himself bore our sins in His body on the tree,
so that we might die to sin and live to righteousness.
“By His stripes you are healed.”
Christ's Example of Suffering
(Isaiah 53:1-8; Matthew 26:57-68; Mark 14:53-65; John 18:19-24)
I hope He does not find me asleep.
I suppose we can all copy and paste. Here's one.
Matthew 23
13 “What sorrow awaits you teachers of religious law and you Pharisees. Hypocrites! For you shut the door of the Kingdom of Heaven in people’s faces. You won’t go in yourselves, and you don’t let others enter either.[e]
15 “What sorrow awaits you teachers of religious law and you Pharisees. Hypocrites! For you cross land and sea to make one convert, and then you turn that person into twice the child of hell[f] you yourselves are!
Pharisees and the scribes were the religious elite of the day. They followed the Laws of Moses religiously instead of the teachings of Jesus, the Law of the Spirit of life.
Jesus Christ rebuked the Pharisees and the scribes harshly. I wouldn't have much good to say about them either, except they sure did know the letter of the law well, but they could not keep it.
But those who run around quoting scripture, claiming they have a relationship with God so their opinions are always right are, pretty much, attempting to be pharisees. Don't see any reason not to see that passage as referring to them.
It is 'the law of the Spirit of life' in Christ Jesus. (the words of eternal life)
Jesus said that His Words are Spirit and Life.
John 1:1 "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God."
Word is Logos in Greek, meaning God's will, God's Word.
2 Timothy 2:15 King James Bible
"Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth." is unto God by grace through faith in a spiritual relationship.
Not unto men in a religious sense to control societies through dead works with the letter of the law.
I doubt we could see eye to eye on such as this. I've read your posts in the forums.
We all have different callings, and different relationships with the Lord. That is what makes us all unique. You are special!
The biggest problem I have with Christians who do not study the bible is the Sabbath. Seventh-day worshipers comment that Sunday worshipers keep nine commandments and break one. Christ through revelation told Peter that on this rock He would build His church. The catholic church pays tribute to Mary, have graven images of "Jesus" and worship on Sunday, which seems to be against the ten commandments.
Why is this a problem? Because it leads to many arguments.
The fourth command is remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy. I tend to wonder if worshiping on Saturday, gives the devil a free reign to do his tempting, because God is resting on the Sabbath day.
And Jesus said that if you follow the two most important commandments you fulfill all others. So, is your complaint such a big issue?
We are to worship the Lord every day. Remember those two love commandments are most important. God said it!
Loving God is easy. I don't think anyone who believes in God has much trouble with that one.
The other commandment though. That's the toughest one to follow so has (in my opinion) been left to the wayside in modern religion.
I do not find anything wrong with this, as long as the person is abiding by the content of the bible. I attended Catholic school and church for a great part of my life, and I do not need to read the Bible on a regular basis, currently, to know what it says, and what God wants me to do. My daughter has a Bible now, and she reads it regularly, but that is also her choice, even though we do encourage her, and let her know the importance of the religion.
That's the thing Corinn. If you don't read it, how do you know what the content is. We read books to know what is in them.
the biggist problem with chirstans who don't read the bible everyday is they start beliving in evolution and thinking its ok to be tranny or gay. also if you dont read the bible you will get into kissing before marriage.
The Bible is God's word for believers. The Bible is God's diary of what on His mind and what's in His heart. If Christians do not read the Bible, how do they know what God commands are?
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