Does anyone know where in the Bible we can find about the rapture and the 7 year

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  1. DancingRedFeather profile image60
    DancingRedFeatherposted 15 years ago

    Does anyone know where in the Bible we can find about the rapture and the 7 years of tribulation?

    What is the rapture and for whom? If there is to be a great tribulation then there has to be people to be in it.
    Thank you all for your responses

  2. Wisdom_Lover27 profile image57
    Wisdom_Lover27posted 15 years ago

    The Book of Revelation (esp Chapter 4) is your starting point. Tie in the Book of Daniel. Also read 2 Thesalonians. For a good reference site see: (especially … Revelation). Let me know if this helps and if you need other tips. Enjoy!

  3. DancingRedFeather profile image60
    DancingRedFeatherposted 15 years ago

    Thanks alot..Wisdom_lover..and to any others who comment..

  4. A M Werner profile image60
    A M Wernerposted 15 years ago

    Sadly, the idea of 'rapture' is going to mislead many Christians down the wide and easy path.  The fallen ones are going to take advantage of this teaching that is not biblical.

  5. whispers of faith profile image59
    whispers of faithposted 15 years ago

    you can find the rapture and the 7 years of tribulation in Revelations, the last book in the bible found it the new testiment

  6. HOOWANTSTONO profile image61
    HOOWANTSTONOposted 15 years ago

    Rapture is not a true biblical word or occurrence.
    The true occurrence is the Day of the Lord also known as Resurrection of the dead and translation of the living.

    for more in depth info...go to.. … surrection

    Tribulation start time is dependant on when God allows the time to start as it is also a timed event like the coming of Christ and both work together.

  7. Dontwobears profile image59
    Dontwobearsposted 14 years ago

    The "Rapture" is truly in the Bible, although the wording is differant, it says "The Day of our Lord" and it is also mentioned according to the last days of Daniels 69th week.
    There is controversy about this, there are some "Preterists" that beleive the Rapture will take place "After" the tribulation, although there is Scripture that shows other wise.  It is my understanding that they believe this in confusion with the "Second Coming" of Jesus Christ.
    The single most important verse in the bible, against this is here: "For God hath not appointed us to wrath, but to obtain salvation by our Lord Jesus Christ" (1 Thessalonians 5:9).
    I truly believe that the Lord will come for HIS church, like a thief in the night, when everyone is not expecting it.  The dead in Christ will be raised first and then those of us still living, will be changed in the twinkling of the eye and will meet the Lord in air.  And so shall we ever be with the Lord.

  8. hubhub2 profile image59
    hubhub2posted 14 years ago

    Dancing Red Feather - Though the specific word, 'Rapture' is not in the original texts (Hebrew, Aramaic, Greek, et al), the word was properly coined because it is the only reasonable, thus logical description of what the actual words mean.

    Note though, the question of whether the Rapture is Pre/Mid/Post Tribulation is and will until the Rapture occurs, be arguable.  You can go to one seminar supporting Pre, as an example, and be presented with plenty of Bible verses and concepts to convince you that Pre-Tribulation is in fact correct.  Then you can go to a seminar on Mid and then on Post and receive the same appreciation.  The end result is that while believing the Rapture will occur, you will remain somewhat confused because of the question of Pre/Mid/Post.  To a degree each sounds right.  And certainly, only one will become true.

    In that God is not a God of confusion - then it stands to reason that although each in depth discussion is valuable because of the Bible education received, God would prefer we not get caught up in the dilemma that question is apt to bring forth.

    Rather, God wants us to focus on what He deems to be vastly more important:  Insuring we are in fact Saved specifically according to John 3:3.

    You may wish to review a couple of sites I have on this and other Biblical subjects as well as follow the links suggested in order to gain a wide range of knowledge and understanding on the subject.  I also have a few HUBs under...   hubhub2 that may interest you. … ways-saved

    Good luck to you as you continue to seek Truth.

  9. Andy Ramjohn profile image69
    Andy Ramjohnposted 14 years ago

    I agree sincerely with HOOWANTSTONO, and a few others here.
    Please consider...

    Good-luck and may God bless you as you continue your search for the truth!


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