What Can A Wife Do To Make A Husband Start Attending Church Services Like the Re

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  1. ngureco profile image78
    ngurecoposted 14 years ago

    What Can A Wife Do To Make A Husband Start Attending Church Services Like the Rest of the Family?

  2. kaleigh_123 profile image59
    kaleigh_123posted 14 years ago

    Regretfully one can not make any one do anything!  So I would leave the topic alone and see what input God has to offer!

  3. Springboard profile image85
    Springboardposted 14 years ago

    Why on earth would you want him to? It is disrespectful and rude to force your beliefs onto another person, INCLUDING your spouse. It is no more respectful for you to shove a Bible in his face than it would be for him to throw The Theory of Evolution in yours.

    Go back to the vows you took when you married him. You need to accept your husband for who he is, period.

  4. davidseeger profile image60
    davidseegerposted 14 years ago

    The first thing  would be to correct the question. It i better to ask: How do I arrange for my husband to want to go to church as the rest of the family does.

    The three basic reasons for going to church are compulsion, religious and social. Compulsion self-defeating. No one can be satisfied with results fo that. Which of the other two are most like to appeal to him? If you can determine the answer to these than next how do you help him to find that the church is a good place to satisfy either of these reasons for attending church?

  5. samboiam profile image60
    samboiamposted 14 years ago

    As a former pastor, it has been my experience that forcing someone to attend church is not beneficial to anyone involved.

    It builds resentment in the spouse being put into that situation and that resentment is often directed towards the other spouse or children.

    Proverbs 21:1 - The king’s heart is in the hand of the LORD, Like the rivers of water; He turns it wherever He wishes.

    If you believe God is able to turn the heart of an individual then leave it in His hands. He can do a better job of it than you can.

  6. profile image0
    Chasukposted 14 years ago

    Are you asking this question to get an incendiary reaction?

    You can't "make" a spouse do anything, as I'm sure you already know.

    I think the more important question is, "Why do I want to make my husband go to church?"

    If the answer is, "So that we can spend quality time as a family," then take up bowling together, or trips to the library, or a regular movie night.

    To many people, church is exceedingly boring. It's too long, the seats are uncomfortable, Sunday is the only day they can sleep in, they have to socialize with people that they don't necessarily even like, the music is awful, the sermon is predictable and tedious, and they can't attend in t-shirt and jeans.

    The bowling alley provides togetherness, but none of those disadvantages.

    I'm just suggesting that maybe you trade. Does your husband have a hobby that you think is dull? Maybe he likes browsing auto parts stores. Say to him, "Hey, I''ll do something boring with you -- like browsing an auto parts store -- if you do something boring with me."

    If that bait doesn't work, then learn to enjoy church without him. Tell him stories abut the after-church spaghetti feed and maybe you'll interest him in going.

    If he still doesn't want to attend, stop trying.

    I'm assuming you married him for more than just his impressive church attending abilities, so enjoy those aspects and let him sleep in on Sundays.

    If he attends when he doesn't want to, he will begrudge you for it, and that isn't the result you want.

  7. Jaggedfrost profile image61
    Jaggedfrostposted 14 years ago

    You could always put a gun to his head and shackles on his wrists but hmm I would be careful what you did after that because he just might return the favor.

  8. dabeaner profile image61
    dabeanerposted 14 years ago

    There were several reasoned replies here.  Time for mine, which is not:  You are a fricking religious wacko.  Leave him alone.

  9. schoolgirlforreal profile image75
    schoolgirlforrealposted 14 years ago

    unfortunately you can't make him, if you married an unbeliever he'll most likely stay an unbeliever. Mostly all you can do is pray pray pray, have Masses offered for his conversion, fast and pray and maybe try to get family members to talk sense into him. is all.
    Mixed (religious) marriages are tough. I know how it feels when the guy is negative and it doesn't help your faith. best of luck.

  10. profile image0
    jasper420posted 14 years ago

    nothing you cant force god on someone he has to want to go himself

  11. Dave Mathews profile image61
    Dave Mathewsposted 14 years ago

    Try praying to God, asking that if it is "His Will" please touch the heart of your husband as a family man asking him to attend church with his family.

    Brother Dave.

  12. bjspivey-rivers profile image60
    bjspivey-riversposted 14 years ago

    First, is your husband a believer?  You really don't say.  If he is not, you will have a hard time convincing him to go to church.  But you can still pray for his conversion.  You can't "make" him do something he doesn't want to do, and it will cause resentment.  But you can pray.  God made man to be the head of the family and if you want a godly head over your family, tell God that.  If he is a believer and just doesn't go to church, don't argue with him about it.  Just get up and go with the family and you can let him know when you have a really good time in worship.  Consider that he may not like that particular church and he may like a different church better,  Would you be willing to change if it would get him to come?  I had this problem and I prayed about it.  God told me to just go to church with the kids and keep a happy attitude.  I kept praying and doing what God told me and before I knew it, he started coming with us.  Today he is an officer and teacher in the church.  God can do anything!

  13. teamfusiongroup profile image61
    teamfusiongroupposted 13 years ago

    Why should you force your choices on another and expect them to embrace something they may not see value in? Accept him for who he is and support his decisions when it comes to this type of situation.

  14. fatfist profile image72
    fatfistposted 13 years ago

    You need to ENFORCE some painful Biblical justice on his hiney, like beating him,...just like men used to do to women when they first domesticated them.
    It works quite well. In fact, I often dish out very harsh & painful Biblical justice on my wife so that she can learn to be a "model atheist". I expect no less of her, and I always get MY way in the end!

  15. Laoda100 profile image59
    Laoda100posted 13 years ago

    In one of the Hubbers...prayerchangesthings...is recorded a lot more testimonies of how God intervened in situations that seemed rather weird. How a storm listened to a group of prayer warriors in one of the American cities. This illustrations tells me that you can change anything that you believe God for and moreover, this is what God wants most; Psalm 2: 8. Psalm 23: 1...You actually lack nothing, but rather have everything that you need in God and infact He is real, and even more real especially to your concern, Psalm 46: 1... Jeremiah 33: 3. What we need to do is to develop a relationship with God personnaly, and then ask of anything we want according to His will. These we shall recieve unfailingly...Luke 11: 9-13. Come to God through prayer and ask Him to save your Husband... Show the husband the submission and respect he deserves and that love is a necessity...God is interested in seeing to it that your question is fulfilled!

  16. profile image49
    suntwins96posted 13 years ago

    I really don't think that u can force religion on anyone. Maybe if you just give him some space he will decide on his own. As long as a person has God in their heart it is good.......

  17. Mark Upshaw profile image60
    Mark Upshawposted 13 years ago

    This is so freaking easy.  Make him jealous of another man at the services.  He'll show up just to protect his interests.

  18. Jangaplanet profile image61
    Jangaplanetposted 13 years ago

    She can hold back sex ,or talk to him about how important it is for going to church. She can have his family talk to him , she can beg him , BUT! if she truly loves HIM , she would not insist and love him for who he simply is without the ( if you love me you would syndrome) wich states that you don't love him and are using love has a weapon.

  19. profile image0
    DaveLawrenceMusicposted 13 years ago

    The Apostle Paul, encourages wives who have an unbelieving husband, that their own love and commitment to God will in a sense win over their husband. 

    That being said, there is no guarantee of any conversion, but knowing that you are obeying God's Word will help you have peace through those times.

  20. peanutroaster profile image65
    peanutroasterposted 13 years ago
  21. profile image0
    jasontohealposted 12 years ago

    I'm a Christian husband, and my wife fortunately doesn't have to force me to go to church. But if I wasn't going to church, I would hope the bigger concern my wife has for me is my relationship with God. I think too many spouses go to church to keep their partner happy, but this misses the point of loving God. If your husband senses you want him to go to church services, he will arm himself with a hundred reasons why he shouldn't have to, and he'll be right. If he senses you love him like God loves him, he may be hungry for the source of that love and seek God himself. That may or may not include going to a "church service".
    I understand your concern though, and hope it works out.

  22. profile image0
    snapcracklepopposted 8 years ago

    A wife's fine/godly conduct and the loving way she treats and cares for her husband and children may eventually move her husband to investigate his wife's faith/religion (1st Peter 3:1-4).....Forcing him will only turn him off spiritually.

  23. celafoe profile image53
    celafoeposted 7 years ago

    EASY--SHUT YOUR MOUTH AND PRAY FOR HIM.   then pray that God will give both of you TRUTH, then be prepared to leave the false "church system" and follow your husband,   He is your head , you are not the head.
    so many men refuse to even consider Christianity because of the churchy mouths and disrespect  of their wife.   follow scripture not the "church".


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