I have heard some people say they are spiritual and others say they are religious! I can honestly say I am spiritual I have an intimate relationship with Christ as I understand him!
This forum is set up for those to post there views on the differences between religion and spirituality!
I will follow the forum this time as I have had a very bad habit of starting one and not following it I promise this time I will follow the comments and try to comment as much as I can!
The golden rule that is always in my forums is not to slander anyone for there point of view!
A good debate is always respected but please do not go below the belt!
Religion is an organized form of believers. It is like a society that follows some rules, regulations, ethics and a particular God. Whereas spirituality is individualistic.
Spiritual persons try to go in deep search of his own origin and being. This is a quest for eternal peace.
Religions quarrel many times to prove that one religion is better than other. many times they try to change people from one religion to other by force. history has seen crusades and missionaries trying to convert people by bribing them. Religions are many times responsible for wars and bloodshed. Many times it has spread hatred instead of love.
Spirituality spreads love, peace and harmony.
I welcome your suggestions to keep the debate peaceful.
Jyoti Kothari
This question has been asked many times.Religions teach about the spirit-spirituality while a person on a spiritual path may not follow any one prophet or master like religions do.
I knew Mohit you would definitely post here! I completely agree here. I do not think you have to follow a religion or believe in God (sorry Mohit we differ here!) to be spiritual. I am no professor or a philosopher but so far my common sense of understanding goes, it is simply "Understanding yourself, the nature and fellow beings" and I do not think we need any religion or God to be spiritual.
Hi paperback,
Spirituality means the great spirit, holy spirit, atma, paramtama, inner self, higher self or god, only difference is language or words.
Understand yourself means to know you are god.
Shiv Ho Hum- I am Shiva.
Aham Brahmasmi- I am Brahma.
Be still and know you are god.
"The kingdom of god is within"-Jesus.
"You should get to know yourself,
Mans best friend is himself."
Actually I said the same thing in a bit simple words (I am no expert like you dude). You stay in Pune right? Will definitely like to meet you whenever I visit.
Yes you did but mixed up god and yourself.Self is god, send me a message will give you my contact info.
The Bible talks about how that, prior to salvation, we are dead to God, but alive to sin. So, my sense is that our spirituality is the degree we are walking in the reality of being alive to God. Religion is simply the collection of those things we do for God: pray, tithe, forgive others. But the degree to which I walk my path as a child of God, conscience of Him, reflect upon Him, love Him--that is spirituality. With spirituality, it's not what I do, but my awareness of who I am in relation to Him.
Religion can help us toward greater spirituality, but we could be very religious, yet not saved. So first, we are born of God (spirituality), then we do things for Him (religion).
Spiritual is like the wind, you are carried from here to there, your own free will while religion is a set of man made rules, and they don't carry you any where they make you carry a heavy load
spiritual persons generaly place the responsibilty of 'Faith' starting with themselves ( internal focus )
Religous persons generaly place the responsibilty of 'Faith' starting with a 'Religous Order' ( external focus )
Religion was designed to Control peoples beliefs based on Fear ( mortality )
Spiritual connotes an internal relationship with God.
Religious connotes an church affiliation, which is also a relationship with God.
One is introverted, the other extroverted. Two sides of the same coin.
By saying you are spritual does mean nothing. There are two stages in sprituality
1. in overt ( inner world)
2. ex overt (ex overt)
we are all ex overt as we don't have any living guru(teacher) with us which can take us through inner spiritual journey and finally to GOD.
so, to be spiritual go final a living guru(teacher) which is most difficult task,
I agree. getting a Guru is really difficult in spiritual path. However, if you keep trying you can get. Where there is will there is a way.
Guru has also been in search of a true desciple and he will pick you up if you have the right potential i.e. desire to live spiritually.
Jyoti Kothari
According to the path I follow, we have our own inner Guru to find and follow...and that can be found by connecting with the teachings of gurus past present and future through books and meditation. It is important not to get involved with a living guru without extensive research and reference...you can spot a guru you don't want to be involved with by noticing their desire and attempts and degree of manipulation and control of your life, time and money, for instance
This is an amature response. you can do nothing by reading books. when you born your father mother are your gurus. when you go to school your school teachers are your gurus, if you are that good why don't you achieve P.H.D. without any teachers help.
we( including me) don't know nothing about spirituality. Its all in there in me but only a guru will tell me the way to reach it.
Oh god please make me eligible for a guru.
It is very difficult, if not impossible to have own inner Guru. Even to achieve that status one has to follow a living Guru. One can read books but how can a person meditate without an active support and guidance of a person (Guru) present. I agree with you that before involving with a Guru one has to search for him or her.
Jyoti Kothari
The Guru can guide you on meditation but one needs to meditate for himself and find god.It is not necessary to have a guru in order to gain enlightenment.
You are describing "spirituality" as it pertains to a particular religious path. I thought we were talking about spirituality in general, devoid of all religious meaning.
Yeah both can be spiritual. Also both can be either introverted or extroverted, or both. If a person has to find their spirituality with the help of a guru then what is the difference to a person finding their spirituality through the affiliation of a church. Both can be led astray if not careful. A lot of people would say that those without an affiliation to a church are missing a lot.
That is your ego speaking mohitmisra when you compare yourself to Jesus.
I am Jesus ,I am Buddha, I am Shiva, I am Zaratushtra-That I am.
It's a dimensional question.
Religiousness is more involved with the physical dimension.
A set of mores, standards, practices.
I take my cue in this from the Bible, where James the Brother of Jesus writes:
"If any man among you seem to be religious, and bridleth not his tongue, but deceiveth his own heart, this man's religion is vain.
Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world. (James 1:26-27)."
This is outward, visible.
Spirituality, on the other hand, is more in the unseen realm.
Like, a man may go thru the motions in church.
Raise his hand when the preacher asks for a "commitment", or a "rededication". Go to the aisle and kneel and "repent". Say
a booming, thunderclap of an "Amen, brother, preach on", and all that stuff.
But is he spiritual ?
Is he what he is in private, as well as in public ?
Does he practice what he preaches, with or without anyone seeing and able to comment on how "spiritual" he is ?
Is his spirituality something he initiated, or was it something God initiated for him in his behalf ?
Very thin lines, really, to differentiate from, since human beings are unable to discern the heart.
Only God is able to do that.
all good thoughts and opinions. makes one do some thinking. i think religion has become a man made "thing" but spiritual can mean a lot of different things i think. I think each individual must come to know God in their own way (and sometimes you find him on your own and sometimes he leads you to his door and asks you to knock and enter, the choice then, is yours).
Hmm...love some of the things said. Very nice. Being spiritual, I only take what's right for me n believe in life for all, not just me.
I agree with what's been posted already - there are some excellent explanations of the differences between religion and spirituality that I would not have been able to put into words. Thank you!
The difference that first entered my head is:
Religion promotes and teaches the benefits of developing spiritual qualities usually through a set of "rules". Most religions also employ a great deal of fear to make people follow the rules ie: do what you're told or something really bad will happen when you die.
Being spiritual is actually taking personal action to develop spiritual qualitities and having the commitment to continue to develop them. This can be by following a religion or not.
When I say spiritual qualitities I'm referring to compassion, forgiveness, generosity, wisdom, respect for self and others, love, honesty etc.
Every (breathing) person is spiritual. Whether they follow their spirit, as enlightened by God, or not determines the way they appear. Religion is simply an outward form of "godliness", but has no real power in his/her life.
It can be difficult to articulate in a way that can understood by everyone reading.
What, what ,what?/?
Religion is simply an outward form of "godliness", but has no real power in his/her life.-You sound very confused aka dj.
That is an excellent question.
Hmm...lets see! I am more spiritual than religious!
I think the religious factor entails one who follows a certain faith to define who they are religiously.
However, on the spiritual side, one goes deep in their soul and feel what religion is all about. I, for one, deal with a person's spirit. I get from some a good spirit and from some a spirit I would not want to encounter.
Am I making any sense? I guess what I am trying to say is...if you go deeper than just bible reading religion, you are more apt to feel more because there is more to it that meets the eye. When you can feel it, you will live it more. Its inside you and become more a part of you. It can be like a cleansing! Somebody help me out or can I get an AMEN?!
I feel you and you are correct, the depth of religions is spirituality and its the same for all religions.Focus is to be made more on the message than the messenger.
Except in the case of Jesus Christ,where the Message, and the Messenger are 1.
Thats ego because of which we have stupid debates and wars as to which is the better prophet or religion.
There is no superior or inferior prophet.All prophets are messengers of god and equal.
With this attitude you miss out on Jesus message.
Remember the finger pointing to the moon, don't concentrate on the finger or you will miss out on the glory of the moon.
You obviously don't see what I'm talking about. Please study the life, mission and message of Jesus before you include Him among the (so-called) enlightened ones.
Mohammed, Buddha, Krishna, or any other leader did not die for my sin. Nor are they (a) THE SON OF GOD. That's the huge difference.
BTW, it's man who USES religion, differences, race, politics, lust for power, wealth etc etc. as excuses/reasons to start wars, death and misery, not the likes of you and I.
This is like Usmanali saying Muhammad is the last prophet and so all must follow him as he is the greatest, dont include him with the other prophets.They were also great prophets BUT.
This is ego and attachment to your religion and nothing else.
They are prophets meaning they understood they are son of god thats what happens when one gets enlightened .We are all children of god and Jesus says the kingdom of god is within you.
All master take on some karmic consequences of other humans.
Please understand my work is ranked over most editions of the Bible.I am a messenger like Jesus -exactly like him.
@Aka-dj Every believer in there particular beliefs feel he or she is justified in believing his or her brand to be the truth..... IMO most religions lead to the same goal but different paths.
@Mohitmisra Till the point where you mentioned your book credentials I was with you dude... the moment you said "ranked over"... you lost my support.... ego comes in different ways.... belief in my way to be the only way or I only know the way.... both equally egoistic.
But I am speaking the truth and not lying.If you were ranked over most editions of the Bible and Quran I would believe you know what you are saying, it proof of that persons credentials where spirituality is concerned.I dont say I am greater than Jesus ,that would be ego.
@Mohitmisra When you say "ranked over".... means your book is better than the message by Jesus/Mohammed in Bible/Quran... isn't that ego?..... I do like you.... you try to spread tolerance and understanding between different religions.. but I can't figure out why you gotta advertise yourself.... if you're good.... folks will follow.... IMO no need for such proclamations.
Same message just easy to understand, sorry but I have said this before that this planet has and will never see a poet of my calibre and I will prove it with my work.
Just what IS your "caliber"? We are all unique. If I wrote poetry, I would be a "caliber" all unto myself. So what?
Jesus still stands alone among any comparison. Even you.
@Mohitmisra Will you stop proclaiming until you've proved?
@Aka-dj Jesus isn't alone... Do you know anything about Budha/Krishna?
Anyone teling a person ranked 3 in religious books not to have ego is speaking out of ego.This is a library ranking I have put up which equates to proof..
@Mohitmisra I have no shame in acknowledging that I may have lots of ego along with pride, lust, greed and so on.... I was simply asking you a question... When you said earlier "I will prove it with my work"... I was under the impression... that it was future tense... Didn't know that you feel you've already achieved it... with your particular book ranking... Peace.
I made this statement many years ago and with the grace of god it is coming true- peace. Have just started
Is your work ranked over most Bible editions or is mine?
Jesus is within me.
See? This is why we cannot communicate intelligibly. You also see your way as the only way, too. I'm sorry, but no human can claim equality with Jesus, quite simply for the fact that He is aphysicalmanifestation of God Himself.Not a mere messenger, or prophet. There is no way you can lower Him to that level. As I said before, go and study the life He lived, and then talk about Him correctly.
@Aka-dj Are you aware that Budhists/Hindus don't view Budha/Krishna as merely messengers/prophets.... every religion has there own beliefs...one day when we die we will all know the truth..... till then we all can only speculate.... can we now stop fighting and start respecting.
This shows you don't know the meaning of prophet or god.
Everything including every human is a physical manifestation of god and not only Jesus or the prophets.They understood who they were ,their real or inner or god self which every human can do.
I am enlightened like Jesus was in fact Jesus and all the prophets are within me.
Lower him to the level of messenger or prophet -what a joke.
Put Usmanali and you together in a room and we will have war over who is the greater prophet Jesus or Muhammad.
Silly war as they are both messengers of god and equal.
To hell with the message the messenger is important is totally wrong.
Thank you! You said exactly what I am trying to say...I just took the longer route. :0)
Have put up these rankings a few times yet you say it my ego and I am lying-wow.
Franklin top spirtual and religious sorted by popularity
http://find.franklin.com/nav/ca/spiritu … r/ebooks/0
1-Holy Bible, King James Version
2-Strong's Bible
3-Ponder Awhile-Mohit.K.Misra
4-The Bible, Douay-Rheims, New Testament
5-Jewish Bible in Hebrew + Mishnah and Sidur
6-Islam FAQ
7-Complete Jewish Bible
8-Holy Bible, King James Version
9-The Qur'an
10-Holy Bible, New International Version
11-Bible Challengeā¢
12-The Authorized King James Version of the Holy Bible (Old and New Testament)
There are many more editions of the Bible and Quran after these top 12 books.
Difference between GSM and CDMA would have been a better question !
people often say knowing God or Jesus is spritual
religion is the habit of going to church and through the motions - i think
I am not sure how people can 'know' God and Jesus!!!
I think I know about them but say they talk back to me would not be true
spirituality is globalization whereas religion is localization.Am I right or wrong?
Religion is a creed and set path that tells you someone already knows everything.
It's for people who need answers, and are more than happy to follow those who came before who believed they had them.
Spirituality is the understanding that everyone is connected, and it's more of a philosophy than anything else.
They are two seperate concepts, and neither are mutually exclusive.
Wow....what a simple question but not an easy one. I decided to answer without analyzing it. My belief from my own perspective is this, Religion is something you follow. Spirituality is something you feel. Simple, yes. To the point-absolutely!!
by Tim Mitchell 7 years ago
What is the difference between a religious person and spiritual person?Where that question leads to is can a spiritual person be a Christian? In other words, does a Christian have to be religious?
by Marc Lee 8 years ago
Do you consider yourself spiritual or religious, and what do you see as the difference?
by Eze Ikechukwu 9 years ago
What is the difference between Religion and Spirituality?
by Akanshaa Kumar 8 years ago
What is the difference between ' Being Spiritual ' and 'Being Religious' ?Spirituality is linked with religion, but these are two very different concepts.
by Darrell Roberts 11 years ago
What is the difference between spirituality and religion?
by Reena Daruwalla 15 years ago
And what does spirituality mean to you? For me it is about being in harmony with my inner self as well as all those around me. Nothing more complicated than that.
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