Who is Big Brother, and Why Is He Always Watching?

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  1. xXSweetiXx profile image60
    xXSweetiXxposted 13 years ago

    Who is Big Brother, and Why Is He Always Watching?

    Not that I don't know, more a philosophical question, I suppose.

  2. catsimmons profile image81
    catsimmonsposted 13 years ago

    Is he watching or are we all just paranoid?  We are are equal, but some animals are more equal than others- Wilfred Owen

  3. LADYGIRL profile image59
    LADYGIRLposted 13 years ago

    Well if you really want to get techincal, Big Brother was taken from a novel by George Orwell  which is, "1984".  There were inhabitants that was rule over the ruling of surveillance by the authorties, which is Big Brother. Thats why on the television show the term, "Big Brother is watching you," came from the movie. So that why he watching to see your every move.

  4. plogan721 profile image75
    plogan721posted 13 years ago

    Well, so far it is a television show on CBS where a bunch of people (who want nothing more than $50,000 and 15 mins of fame), and a chance to annoy the heck out of the other house guests.   But my guess is that you want to know about the other kind, which is "Big brother" refers to the government.  it is believed that the Government, banks, IRS, anyone with a fancy computer knows what you are doing before you know what you are doing.     Is it right?  No!

  5. ii3rittles profile image83
    ii3rittlesposted 13 years ago

    Big brother can mean many things. For most people it means the government... and "he's" watching because he is controlling us while we watch him, so to speak. (Control thru TV, Music, Ect,) Fear is the best weapon for control.

  6. Tusitala Tom profile image68
    Tusitala Tomposted 13 years ago

    'Big Brother' is another name for 'them.'   You know, that amorphous group of people that nobody ever knows the name of but who are always the cause of humanity's woes and, in particular our woes. 

    They should have fixed it.  They should know better.   They caused the problem.  It doesn't matter if it's a broken shoe strap or a world war, it is always them.

    They...them...will continue cause us our problems right up until the time we realize that we might have had something to do with their cause.   Yes, Big Brother will be around for a long while yet.

  7. Imogen French profile image87
    Imogen Frenchposted 13 years ago

    "Big Brother" from George Orwell's classic book 1984 was the anonymous figure of authority that watched your every move and thought. The thought police were very scary in that book, and the sense of being constantly watched and having your thoughts monitored is pretty oppressive, to say the least. While not wanting to sound overly paranoid, I can understand why people use the term to describe our current situation.

    In our modern society we are always being watched by security cameras, cctv and the like, and though they say it's for our safety, it does have an effect on your sense of freedom. Even if you're not doing anything wrong you are aware of having to be careful, somebody might be watching. We also put ourselves out there with our online presence, on facebook, twitter, writing sites ... privacy is becoming a thing of the past, and we should be careful not to expose too much of ourselves. Freedom and the right to privacy should be more highly valued.

    One of my favourite things to do is escape out into the countryside, where there are no people, no cctv cameras, no computers and no mobile phone signal. Bliss!

  8. tsmog profile image85
    tsmogposted 13 years ago

    I agree with Imogen French points and the quote by catsimmons. I am reminded of the old TV shows 'The Prisoner' and 'The Pretender' and others as well as the novels '1984' and Fahrenheit 451. Or, go back to the founding fathers of this country and their view of English rule. Or, how about neighborhood watch a little 'out of control.' Or, monitored PCs in the workplace for things other than violations of policy. I can rant about this, but shan't (felt poetic for a moment-smile).

  9. Naomi's Banner profile image72
    Naomi's Bannerposted 13 years ago

    When people say Big Brother I think of the law enforcement. They are watching to make sure you follow the law.

  10. againsttheodds profile image58
    againsttheoddsposted 12 years ago

    If you cannot wait for Big Brother 14 to come around in July then check out some of these Big Brother spoilers about a special Republican edition of the reality tv game show that recently took place. read more


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