How would you account for the differences in skin colour?

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  1. Africanus profile image60
    Africanusposted 12 years ago

    How would you account for the differences in skin colour?

  2. christianajohan profile image57
    christianajohanposted 12 years ago

    Skin color for me doesn't matter at all. What matter is the character.

    If we try to remove every skin of any race, we all have the same muscle color, bone color and blood color.

    Worldly matters are to be ignored, eternal matters are to be considered everyday of our lives.

    You can read some of my articles about: Life with Purpose

    This is very interesting.

  3. profile image0
    shazwellynposted 12 years ago

    Pure genetic traits and environment. 

    People, whether genetically fairer than others, will darken in sunny conditions.  This is natural and right.  However, we are all also genetically predisposed to the colour of our skin for which we are born with.  This is perfectly natural and right too. 

    As homeosapians have evolved and changed over time, we have adapted to our environments.  This is a natural survival gene kept within the gene pool of families, handed down from generation to generation over time.  Those fairer skin, for example, were probably more likely to either darken or die out from diseases of harmful sun rays in hot climates.  Those with high melantonine levels (associated with skin pigmentation) genetics, therefore, were more likely to survive the sun's effects and live longer, thereby breeding stronger genetic stock associated with skin.

    On the other side, those with fairer skin were probably more adapt to colder climates and thrived when the sun wasnt as harmful compared to hot climates.  They then breed more, thereby favouring within a culture the paler skins.

    Food also has a lot to do with skin colour and tones.  A healthy diet, for example, rich in fish and olive oils, can help with sun protection and the overall look of the complexion: … wel-Cancer

  4. KrystalD profile image66
    KrystalDposted 12 years ago

    I have pondered this question many times from a more philosophical point of view. My thoughts led me to the conclusion that it is an exercise in tolerance and cooperation wink I also just wonder if the beautiful colors are for pure aesthitic value. I think it reflects the diversity we see in nature.

  5. Sky9106 profile image66
    Sky9106posted 12 years ago

    Great question ,caused quite a lot of headche in my younger days. There again, if I knew then what I know now . Jackpots are not that easy to hit , that's also a dream.
    From the worlds best scientist , it started out the dark pigmentation of what he believed was the color of the original man and as they moved out of the hot climate of Africa, and into the colder regions, for food or whatever reasons, over time the pigmentation changed because of the effect of the weather.
    I recently looked at a program they were showing about hair on skin , its uses and why humans was once hairy and then dropped hair to later take it from the animals.
    Whatever we were are, and where ever we may have come from I urge very man to find and adhere to a solid belief, one free of excuses.
    Great question.

  6. profile image0
    MP50posted 12 years ago

    Does skin colour really matter, we are all in this same s..t together.

  7. CloudExplorer profile image76
    CloudExplorerposted 12 years ago

    There's a known thing called Melanin, and was a theory for a long time, considered by many scientist as well as historians to be the acceptance & absorption of sunlight in the skin of many natives worldwide. 
    The sun is powerful and certain walks of life may at one time or another have had the ability to absorb its energy using their skin, just as plants, trees, and many organism have the same adaptable ability in dealing with ultraviolet light or sun rays today. 
    Those groups of people who lacked such a potential defense mechanism from the suns violent rays most likely were living in a climate for 10's of 1000's of years in the cold & darker regions of the globe.  Thus no need for such a defense, because the suns rays isn't as violent in such habitats. 
    This was known as the Melanin theory, and isn't by any means the whole truth to it all. You can research further to see what findings people have discovered on it all. Good Luck on finding a better answer.
    Try wikidepia's definition on it all

  8. cobrien profile image59
    cobrienposted 12 years ago

    The sun and evolution affect skin color over an extended period of time. Heredity affects skin color from generation to generation.

  9. rajan jolly profile image93
    rajan jollyposted 12 years ago

    Skin colour depends on the amount of melaninin the skin. The more melanin the darker the skin and viceversa. The skin colour is dependent on the colour we are born and  environment affects in less to more percentage.
    Also comes into play the climate. the colder the surroundings one lives in the lighter the skin tends to become and viceversa.
    Sun causes the melanocytes to produce more melanin- the pigment that darkens the skin but protects it against the harmful rays of the sun. The more the melanin the more dark the skin. That's why we get sunburnt staying long hours in the sun.

  10. gauravamberkar profile image60
    gauravamberkarposted 12 years ago

    Actually I am not interested to answer this question...few people really took this scientifically which is, I feel laughable! Yes, all are right but I think what MP50 said, is the main question of the author. Anyway I am not from one of you, and I am happy we do not consider black and white s**t here. It will not matter if you answer this question rationally, you will do the same in your real life!! Probably white people feel that they are superior because of lower proportion of pigments. Thank god I don't want to feel this!

  11. profile image0
    Saulehaposted 12 years ago

    As valid as the other answers are, I just wanted to share a story from Islam (I'm Muslim). According to a weak Hadith (meaning this may not be true, but is entertaining to know) when god was making Adam he used dirt from different places in the earth to make him, do his kids all came out different. O course, the sun may have had an effect too. wink


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