Have you ever had your prayers answered? Would care to share?

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  1. donnaisabella profile image73
    donnaisabellaposted 12 years ago

    Have you ever had your prayers answered? Would care to share?

    All of us pray at some point in our lives whether we mean it or not. And some people are blessed with the awareness of answer to prayer that many do not possess. Would you share your experiences. I personally believe in prayers that are answered by a prayer hearing and answering God.

  2. itakins profile image70
    itakinsposted 12 years ago

    Absolutely ,I believe all prayers are answered ,even if I sometimes don't like the answer !  I have many experience through life of knowing God had answered my prayers ,and I believe, the prayers of others for me.Most would concern the little things in daily  life and some, as I see it, miraculous.

  3. Dave Mathews profile image62
    Dave Mathewsposted 12 years ago

    God answers my prayers constantly, daily, but I will not reveal any as such prayer and conversation is private between God and me.

  4. Eunice Stuhlhofer profile image60
    Eunice Stuhlhoferposted 12 years ago

    God answers all prayers but not with 'a yes' as we expect. His answers are Yes, No and wait . . . just like a loving good parent would answer his child. I have had these three answers.

  5. networmed profile image59
    networmedposted 12 years ago

    Yes, I do. And, you must learn how to pray and expect something good will always come to you.

    Prayer will only become powerful if your thoughts and your faith supports on it. That means if you have faith that your prayer will be answered, it will be. However, if you pray every minute to achieve or receive something but your faith and your thoughts goes in the opposite direction, expect nothing will happen to you.

  6. heavenbound5511 profile image66
    heavenbound5511posted 12 years ago


    Here are some prayers that I know God answered.
    I used to be friends with a satanist and I spent time praying for him, showing him that I cared, telling him what God told me to. Also God woke me up one night and made me see his image in my head and had me to pray and come against suicide,death and etc. in Jesus name.
    Later I found out that the night God woke me up to pray for him was the night he was trying to kill himself and his mother and others had to fight him over taking a knife away.
    4 years later He accepted Jesus as his Lord and called me and told me. He said that he'd never forgot the words I told him and that he knew that I cared.

    God saved my mother 2 years before she died and when she was dying from cancer God told me I had done everything for her except fast for her death. So I fasted and prayed to God for him to take her, she died after the fast the next morning.

    At church we get visions & dreams- some are warnings to stop through prayer coming accidents, deaths and etc. Many times we received a warning from God about car accidents and other ones too- well we always had it confirmed by the person almost getting into a horrible accident and avoided it by God's intervening, or when one of the people that we had received warning on came within feet of being hit by a falling telephone poll, another walked out of an accident that totalled there car but they only had a scratch.

    We have a faithful God and if we believe/have faith-trust in God to do as he promised, pray about everything-worry about nothing, In Jesus name We have our prayers answered. It is impossible to please God without faith AND Faith is trusting God!

    I have so many different prayers that have been answered, some of my prayers were answered many,many years later- but God was preparing me, healing me, and delivering me little by liitle- so I could do as was in my heart serve him, love him more and love the people that he has sent us to minister to and show the love of Christ to. Love changes everything and if we love God than we will seek him, trust him and get out of the way so he can make himself evident in our lives.

  7. onegreenparachute profile image60
    onegreenparachuteposted 12 years ago

    I am not a member of a religious denomination.  I believe we are all children of the same God - we just arrive in God’s arms through different, equally precious paths. read more

  8. Crissylite profile image76
    Crissyliteposted 12 years ago

    Ingredients to a prayer life leading to answered prayers are explored. read more

  9. profile image0
    sharonjoeposted 12 years ago

    The Omnipotent and Omniscient God hears , listens and answers our prayers, IF our hearts are set right with Him . Psalms 128: 1 says - Blessed is everyone who fears the Lord, who walks in His ways.
    Dear Sis Donna, God's ways are the best ways, much better than our best.  Just trust in Him, hold onto Him like a little child holds on to the helm of his father's coat lapel... and you will see the miracle Hand guiding you in every step.
    I would honestly, humbly suggest you to please turn your Bible to Psalm 119 : 33 to 40 (verses)... please read each line with the utmost reverence to Him who knew you, even before you were born !! You will know His Love then. God bless you.

    Remember, today was the tomorrow you were anxious about yesterday..and today was not so bad, isnt it? Trust Him who has been through all your tomorrows..!!

    1. profile image0
      oceansiderposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Hi sister,
      Your words are so true, when we fear the Lord and walk with Him, He will fill us with His peace and will guide us in everything! He is my Rock and I set my feet upon Him....I shall not be moved!

  10. profile image0
    CJ Sledgehammerposted 12 years ago

    This is kind of silly, but I will tell you about it anyway. When I was a young man I asked the Lord to send me a nice girl that would think that the sun rose and set on my command. I even remember involving the word "obsessed" in my prayer.

    I remember that I thought it would be neat to have a girl that was really into me...big time, instead of all the ones who like you for what you have or how you look...you all know the kind I'm talking about.

    Anyway, shortly after that prayer, this pretty little Christian thing eased her way into my life and things were great for about 4 months until she became obsessive, jealous, and manipulative. I even think she was stalking me (in a nice respectable way).

    She would show up to my place of employment and watch me work, not saying anything, but just watching me. She would show up to some of my personal haunts, even though we were not on a date. She even would show up in the middle of the night to drop off some music or whatever.

    Even though I pride myself on being flexible, these antics started to rub me the wrong way and after a couple of months of this craziness I had to end the relationship. I think I should also mention that this obsessive behavior was possible even though we had not been sexually intimate with each other, other than the usual first and second base stuff.

    The moral of this story is be careful what you ask for, because The Lord may give it to you in order to teach you a lesson. And, learn I did!!!  :0)

  11. remaniki profile image80
    remanikiposted 12 years ago

    This hub deals with the power of prayer. Prayer is a powerful tool that helps you to get timely help from the Supreme power, God. read more

  12. profile image0
    oceansiderposted 12 years ago

    Yes, I have had my prayers answered a countless amount of times.  I'll share a very recent answer to my prayers with you:

    All four of my kids are grown now, and my youngest daughter is 23.  For an unknown reason, she kept getting flu like symptoms with fever, cough, weakness, sore throat, every month for eight or nine months in a row, and it used to last a few days each month.  Well, during this whole time, I was seeking the Lord, asking Him to please heal my baby, and of course, we went to the doctor as well, but the doctor didn't have any answers, except she did do a panel of blood tests.  The tests, were all normal!  So, I just kept praying, and asked God to break this cyclical thing she kept getting.....I used to pray, Father, because you can do anything, please have mercy and heal my baby girl, and I knew as I prayed each time, that I needed to be patient and to trust Jesus, my Lord & Savior for everything.  (I do this for every situation I pray for).

    Well, I thank my God for healing my daughter!!!  He broke this cyclical flu in His perfect timing....after the 8 or 9 months of continually getting it.  But, as of February of this year, she has not gotten this cyclical flu, and I asked the Lord to protect her from getting sick like that any more.  He was not only merciful to answer my prayers for my daughter when she was sick, but He has always heard my prayers, and I know that His answer is yes, no, or wait.  Because everything is in His perfect Will, in His perfect timing, and I know that when I pray, He always hears me, and I believe that He will always do what is best for each one of us, because of His great love for us.


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