What do you think would have happened had Pilate chosen to release Jesus instead

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  1. sallieannluvslife profile image78
    sallieannluvslifeposted 12 years ago

    What do you think would have happened had Pilate chosen to release Jesus instead of Barabbas?

    Would the world be different today?  Would the Jews have killed Jesus on their own?  Would none of us be freed from our sins, destined to an eternity with no hope of heaven?  With no sacrifice, there would be no redemption.  What do you think?

  2. Perspycacious profile image66
    Perspycaciousposted 12 years ago

    He probably would have been assassinated as some Jewish zealots had vowed later to do to Paul.  It was not, however, meant to be.  The cross was the intended end with all its barbaric cruelty symbolic of man's cruelty to men, and Christ's love for us all.

  3. YvetteParker profile image60
    YvetteParkerposted 12 years ago

    Prophecy would not have been fulfilled. Instead of Jesus dying, we would all be dying to sin eternally because of our separation from God. Without Jesus' free gift of salvation, we would be eternally doomed with no hope of redemption.

  4. SidKemp profile image71
    SidKempposted 12 years ago

    I'm going to offer an unusual answer. Let's say that Jesus had lived a long and healthy life, the 70 years the Bible says is a normal life. And let's say that he had healed and taught many thousands in that time. And then his body had died, peacefully.

    I think that, after the death of the body, he would have spent three days harrowing hell, and then risen, and been seen by many more than 500, and then Ascended to Heaven. And, 50 days later, when the Holy Spirit descended to offer Pentecost, great faith would have been awakened.

    I think the pattern of Jesus' life changes history. But I think the Resurrection, from any life, however long or short, however wonderful or painful, was God's gift through Christ.

  5. crazymom3 profile image70
    crazymom3posted 12 years ago

    Wow, very interesting question.  If one is Christian and believes in the resurrection then one must conclude that without Jesus's death there would not be immortality-had he not conquered death and resurrected.

  6. KutterHighway profile image61
    KutterHighwayposted 12 years ago

    Then the "jesus" that believers follow would be named "Barabbas" and instead of people calling themselves "christians", there would be people calling themselves "Barabbians".

  7. loveofnight profile image81
    loveofnightposted 12 years ago

    I believe that the prophecy would still have been fulfilled; had he not died at that point in time then shortly there-after. He who set the sun up in the sky and the earth on it's axis would not allow what was to come to be de-railed.

  8. luckykarma profile image60
    luckykarmaposted 12 years ago

    I think he would have married Mary and had more children!....

    How can someone who loves you sit and watch you suffer on the Cross? saying it was God's gift through Christ, what a simplistic answer. I wouldn't be letting my son die on a cross if I could and He (God) was supposed to be more powerful than anyone.

  9. profile image0
    fit2dayposted 12 years ago

    I don't think it would have mattered, I think Jesus would've been crucified anyway and if Pilate would have tried to stop it, there would've been 4 people crucified that day.

    The thing that I think of is the fact that at any point during the suffering that was placed on Jesus, He could have said no more and there would be no hope for any of us. I couldn't imagine suffering something I didn't deserve when I have the power to stop it. When you break it down, we were all enemies of God because of our sins and "While we were still sinners, Christ died for us". That's undeserved mercy from a loving God.

  10. whonunuwho profile image51
    whonunuwhoposted 12 years ago

    Jesus' role on his earth was one of meekness and surrender. He gave his life so that we, as his followers could have new life. If Barabbas had not been released, the people there would have rioted and made Pilate uncomfortable in his job as ruler there. He feared a riot and chose the meek and mild Lord Jesus. Is not this the way often seen in human affairs,,the boisterous, vulgar and evil are regarded as as someone to view above the righteous and loving souls , who are mocked and put down, as inferior and unimportant?Jesus sacrifice of his life was preordained and he knew this. We are told this in his talks to his disciples, as at the last supper.He also told the pharisees and those who persecuted him that he would be as Jonah, who was swallowed by a whale and later spat out on dry land, alive , He would be dead and on the third day, arise and live again. I believe that Christ Jesus would have given up his life , just as His Father in Heaven intended, no matter the specific occurrence or just when, as seen at the trial with Barabbas.There would have been an imprisonment and death of Jesus, no matter what, and we were saved by his great sacrifice. Why do you think that Christ was sent and gave up his life? This was the way that our creator chose to give us all new life...to be born once again in righteousness and goodness , so that we could join Him in the great spiritual light of Heaven. Would anyone bring unclean and soiled clothes into a basket holding cleansed apparel? Would God take the evil and sinful into his house there with His own children.That is why Christ came, to show the way and lead the way in a righteous life, where we seek all goodness and put away evil and wrong doing. The forgiveness of sins and the following of Christ was what the crucifixion was all about!

  11. sallieannluvslife profile image78
    sallieannluvslifeposted 12 years ago

    Thank you to all who took the time and used thoughtful insight to answer my question!  Great answers!!  Aren't we all so blessed to have a loving Father who, through His own Plan and on His own timeline and with the specific people involved, sacrificed His own son, so that we, His children, could have the choice/opportunity to accept the gift of eternal life with Him and His risen son in Heaven?  We are truly loved.

  12. profile image0
    erickcbposted 12 years ago

    Based off the fact that this god has this ultimate plan for everything, I think if Pilate didn't kill Jesus, god would have found some equally gruesome tortuous way to slay his own son for the greater good. Either way, the man is gonna die. Its a "must be" for G.O.D.

  13. profile image52
    AdamAshtonposted 11 years ago

    What if Jesus did not die on the cross? Like LuckyKarma says he would have married, or was he already married and had children?


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