God wants us to love,can you love ven the diffcult people?
Perhaps the question is not "can you?" but "should you?". I try to avoid difficult people as much as possible. I don't wish them any harm, I just don't want them in my life.
If you can't love them by yourself, then it's possible to pray for God to give you a heart of Love for those people.
You don't have to associate with them much, but the Bible does command us to Love everyone, even our enemies.
He Loves them all, even though He will pass judgement upon them someday. When I have a hard time Loving someone, I remember that He loves their souls, and I shouldn't refuse to do likewise.
I certainly try but some on HP are from another planet but I keep on praying and keep on loving none of us are perfect.
agreed...First learn to love yourself...that is key. The rest will follow.
I'm backwards then...I love others but don't truly love me for me...
I love you as you, you should look at the idea!
aaaa earnest love you the way you are too. And I try to love me for me but it's hard...
aaa sneak *hugs* love you too. missed chatting with ya
I've been finishing crafts I make for Christmas so they go on time. I miss you guys&and gals too!
hmmm do I smell a hub? with picture? hehehe
Sure, wot with you bein such a rotter! Ease up young lady, you are who you say you are, the bad bits I don't need to know, got enough of my own to keep me occupied for a few hundred years!
i hear this a lot . god loves you . i always reply . really you say? but what about you ? do you love me? there's always a pause .you say god. god says who? you say love. god says never heard of it. william .. do you love me?
I think in light of Jesus commands its not so much a question of can we but will we. The point is its never easy to love anyone but to those that can overcome anger, prejudice, and even hate, and love those society deems unlovable, and look past the outside and see the inner creation of God, then love is possible. Jesus loved even those who crucified him, yet we can't love someone of another group. belief or society. How sad is that?
Very,very sad. Even sadder is that so many feel so righteous when they feel pity for hard cases but then can't feel anything but anger for others.
Buit do you practice what you preach?
Religion is full of do gooders - those who have a 'need' to be seen doing the right thing.
But just how many of these religious do-gooders are prepared to love the following :
Sexual deviants
Drug pushers
Serial killers.
All thse would be classed as difficult. So therefore, as church going, do-good, christians you should all be able to find a special place in your hearts for the odd paedophile and raving homosexual? Correct?
The other side of what?
As a do-good christian has your religion not invested in you an ability to love all those from the other side too?
Why the "do good Christian"? All faiths have common denominators, including one should love not hate.
You're also mixing up love and forgiveness. They don't necessarily go hand in hand. I can love my dog, despite the fact that he bit me. However, I can still love my dog even if he kills my cat as I can forgive him for his natural instinct.
Yeah, you'll probably turn this statement into something related to rapists, murderers or pedophiles.
Tell me, what do YOU think?
Lets get one thing clear - do you love a homosexual or do you forgive him?
If you forgive him, then what are you forgiving him for? For being gay? War har har. And is this feeling of forgiveness universal? I mean, there are plenty of right wing extremist christians who would be only too happy to see an awfully nice homosexual chappy fry in an electric chair, or a sweet, good natured paedophile being burnt at the stake.
What pressure do you bring to bear on such an extremist, intolerant view? It's not my role to educate the ignorant, surely one who already professes their ignorance is best able to educate another ignoramus.
Hey Maximus, do you know what love means?? Can you define love? The thing with homosexuals ... forgive or not for been someone gay is a first of all a metter of acceptence! You can't say "I forgive you for been a gay" because that does not concern you at all - someone is homosexual because he feels like that and he makes his choice! But it's not to you to judge others people choices because nobody judges you for been a hetero!!
Any chance you could translate your post into English for me? Awfully good of you sweetie. **Passes you the Oxford English dictionary**
I do like a girl who can use big words. Perhaps you would be so kind as to dazzle me with a demonstration of your multi-syllable linguistic capabilities in your next post. I won't hold my breath.
There is no 'thing' with homosexuals. They are as cute and cuddly as the rest of us.
Christian headcases get confused by homosexuality. On the one hand, they want them all burnt at the stake and fed to lions (religious predudice) yet, on the other, these shirt lifting homo-boys are still one of Gods beautiful creatures. Oooh... what a dilemma you are faced with!? Do you burn them or love them? Burn or love? Love or burn? Jee... can I love them while burning them?
Honey, I'm not a native speaker:)) but I try:) Why r you attacking all the time, sometimes you say things that are just too rude! Are u like this in person? It seems like u'r trying to dominate by offending:))
And yes... I have gay friends and I appreciate them very much-what they do in bed is their personal thing, they are still wonderfull people!
Oh Maximus, are my words big because you don't have an answer to replay???)
Hmmm. I see this Maximus character has been busy and at it again. So wonderful that he can point out everyone's need for improvement in such a verociously witty cynical way. No failures in subtlety THERE, at least. I think also certain dazzling big word choices might show that he thinks Hubpages is actually a singles site... Some things...like the secret desire to try out a gay life style (oh,maybe)...might better be left as fantasies.
Just my gay-dar,
If I found a rattlesnake in my house I would lovingly cut it's head off and let it back out side. I might have just put it outside but it might come back in and hurt myself or a member of my family. If I were a paedophile I would want the same courtesy shown to me.
As far as the rest of your list, I don't hang out with people that have different sins than my own. I have to love um from a distance.
Your ego is only eclipsed by your arrogance and ignorance. I'm not church going or a do-gooder or claim to be. In fact all I claim to be is human. I'm an ex Marine, and convicted felon who's spent his life fighting his way out of the gutter. You sit here trying to amuse yourself with your empty wit, all you come off as is a jack-ass. Yeah I do go into prisons and counsel murderers rapist and crazies galore, and I tell them all that they are responsible for their crimes, their lives, and their decisions and there is a price to be paid. Point of fact when I was talking about undesirables I meant people like you who go out of their way to offend, and attack everyone. How can you know about love when you're obviously filled with self loathing and hate?
Oooh, ex-marine and convicted felon? That will sure will make an eye catching headline at the top of your CV. Wah har har.
Who cares which gutter you have been fighting out from. It's clear you have a big chip on your shoulder... but, since you're an ex-marine, those big burly shoulders of yours should be broad enough to support it.
If you gain satisfaction in going into prisons to counsel those who you term as 'crazies', that is your choice. You talk as if you need some form of special acknowledgement in doing a task you feel many would consider unsavoury. But, as i say it's your choice...you weren't still thinking you were a marine and expecting a medal were you?
You are out doing yourself this evening...Oh, I'm sorry, this early, early AM in London.
"Chip on the shoulder." Are you sure you aren't American? This is such a familiar term, used in a familiar way. I don't want to tell you how this reads or looks comparing the two statements here as it stands.
Maximus, I believe that deep down inside you need love and you're just expressing it wrong! Be more honest to yourself!
I am not religious, but I think I know a bit about love. I wrote a hub on the subject.
Love is the answer. People get so caught up in their definitions of God and religion and atheism...there is Love in all because it is people that show the Love that is All (God, religions, atheism, nature, etc). It's the ego that has to be right in their definitions, instead of just accepting each other where ever they are...
There is nothing in the world ..... that you truly love ..... It's only have to deal with like and dislike ......
I don't think its possible to practice universal love (as Jesus advocated) at the physical, personality level.
To be able to do this we need to raise our consciousness to the level of the soul / higher self / divinity. At this level of consciousness it should be possible to "salute (love) the divinity within the person". I believe that this is what is meant by "namaste".
At this level of consciousness, you look through and beyond the physical characteristics or acts of the person, and see only their divinity. At this level it is possible to love everyone. I believe this is what Jesus did.
Of course if you don't believe in our divinity then you won't agree with this.
One cannot love until one loves thyself. Loving oneself unlocks the ability to love others, which all should do. Perhaps peace would be attained.
Stop preaching codswallop.
I will find you a paedophile and I will want you to love him. Love him with your whole being. From his head to his toe.
If, as a church going, law abiding, God-worshipping citizens who all love thyselfs and see beauty in everything, then it really should not be much of a leap to find a nice little paedophile chappy who you can love with all your heart.
Lets hold hands my christian chums and send some love towards those beastly paedophiles. they are not bad, just misunderstood, right?
I'm a Christian and I'll love them once they're locked up for forever. Your arguement doesn't wash, once you tell Christians who they should love and how they should act, you lose. When you choose insult(and that's what you're doing)hard working, moral, family oriented and service minded people you should go ahead and add liberal to the list.
But hasn't God already defined for you those who you should love? Doesn't God tell you to love all of his creatures, from the mongoose to the homosexual?
You cannot pick and choose those you love my friend.
He never said love the adversary or his agents.
For a man who rails against criminals you sure are infatuated with them guess I shouldn't have told you I was one now I'll be getting love letters and stalking.
Ahhh Maximus you sad funny little man, you can stop with the overcompensating and bluff posture besides we all know, no need in hiding anymore. the only one looking for Attention and recognition on this thread is you. You are just too funny and pretty! this is like a two for one show, hot air and good lucks I mean that is what you want people to notice right, that's why you troll the forums talking yourself up and stroking your ego. Ahh that's what this is about isn't it you want me gone too much distraction. Sorry didn't know this was your stud sight hotstuff I'll leave so you can beg for acceptance and compliments from the ladies.
The thread is called Love, right? So why are you all on to those paedophiles, killers and whoever else?!
Jeez, guys, wake up...
I was reading a list of acts I could not love if the people that commit such acts sought love I could love them I was one of them love changed me those who find true love will give up the acts ask any 12 steper.
I have the capacity to love the difficult people; I'm just not always willing to -- I'm tryin to change that . . .
Love comes in a different ways. Love is hard and easy in some ways. so it depends on how you want it to work. You might wanna start from deep within. Dig deeper and work your way out.
I can love anyone. That doesn't mean we will agree on everything but thats not important.
Yes.. I can understand and agree on certain things, but I have a small dilemma (Maximus opend my dilemma). Since you know love, can you please tell me how can your heart stay wide open for people that hurt people?! It's not about agreeng on what they did... it's more like "How can I show love to those that killed and raped?"
People seem to confuse loving someone with endorsing what they do. My family loved me but were not supportive of me when I was out breaking the law and actually called the cops. Their love was expressed by helping me to do what was best even though I couldn't see it. You may have a gay friend and you can love them regardless of whether or not you approve, acceptance is merely admitting that something is so not saying it is right. Showing love to a criminal does not mean that you think what they did was right, in fact if you really loved them you would tell them the truth of your feelings about it. Show them love by helping them see the error in their actions and to take responsibility for it.
Again people confuse forgiveness for forgetting. You may forgive a killer but may never give him a weapon, that would just be stupid. With any offense there is a question of trust that must be re established. As the judge told me, "The community forgives you, but you will have to earn its trust again." Don't let hateful angry bitter people overcompensating for insecurities side track you into a path of doubt and questioning.
To answer your direct question, if you want to show these people love then forgive them and pray for their guidance and direction to find their way back to the right path.
Thanx a lot Scott:)) I liked your answer and I love it more because it comes from the right person! I know that universal love is unconditional, but when I read the comment about paedophiles and murders, a question just poped out "Can love be that unlimited?" By nature I'm very emotive, and a small menace to unprotected creatures is very strong to me! Love and compassion I believe r the right things to show to people that hurt people!
Tell me, I'm curious about your experience, when and how did you became so conscious about love and the spiritualist in you?
There is no real moment when, its been a process of years that continues everyday. I'm just trying to have the best life I can, and find a little bit of happiness. The more time that goes by the more I learn about letting people be who they are. Compassion is a great thing but does not mean you should carelessly fling your emotions around. Just be open and allow people the opportunity to earn your trust and love. Treat them as you want to be treated. I have seen in life that people who treat others like dirt have a poor opinion of themselves and what they are worth. Don't be one of those people that belittles themselves with every hateful word and comment to others.
Yes.. your change is a process but there must have been a moment when you realized that there is more under the surface we all see:) And how did you act when you realized that you hurt people in the past? Did you appologize, did you feel like need to balance or recompensate??
People like Maximus are good:)) Even if they say ugly and hatefull things, they are just a good test:)) at least for me and I read his comments, they r quite predictibles:)I hope one day these people will open their hearts!
Instead of pigeon holing paedophiles & homosexuals perhaps Mr Joe average christian should make an effort to understand what underpins their behaviour rather than condemning it.
Doesn't that big fat cheeseball in the sky, whose stinky feet you all so lovingly worship, preach tolerance?
Could it be that homosexuality is a choice?
Could it even be that paedophilia is a choice to? Imagine that! All those dastardly, evil, sexually blaspheming, buckets of vile scum actually make a choice to abuse small children? Perhaps some investigative research is in order for the christian saps, to discover why people are the way they are and do the things they do. God has run out of answers, in fact God has just gone and done a runner! Even God cannot deal with these unpaletable truths. Not much of a God is he?
Dear, have one thing in mind - God is not a policeman! The world and all of the bad influences can be changed first be individual change, starting from you! By changing you make a choice, you can not blame for everything God because you have and he gave you the free will to act! You have the power to make changes and yet you chose to put the blame on someone else! You can continue beeing atheist, but beeing atheist doesn't mean that you have to deny love and changes just because you can't see them! I belive my message is clear!
Homosexuality is a way of living, it becomes a choice when you chose to express feelings in homosexual way. There are gays that hide in marriage with woman just to protect themselves form the social judgements, and that is also a choice I belive! And you can not compare homosexuality to paedofilia because homosexuality does not include violence!
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