Is it possible that God is a woman?

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  1. Darrell Roberts profile image73
    Darrell Robertsposted 12 years ago

    Is it possible that God is a woman?

    What if we were wrong and God is not a "man".  What if God was a woman and we were all wrong? What would happen then?

  2. profile image0
    Garifaliaposted 12 years ago

    God is a sexless spirit. Although everything in nature is one sex or the other in order for it all to come about and multiply, in my mind God is sexless.

  3. NiaLee profile image59
    NiaLeeposted 12 years ago

    I don't really think that this entity has a gender and really I don't really care...because of these questions and interests just take us away from the essence of the Being.

    1. Darrell Roberts profile image73
      Darrell Robertsposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      That is also a good answer.

  4. relache profile image68
    relacheposted 12 years ago

    What do you mean "if?"

    Spiritual belief systems that honor a sacred feminine have been in existence since the dawn of religion.

    1. Darrell Roberts profile image73
      Darrell Robertsposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Thank you, I am aware of this.  I am just curious about how other people think and what info they may have to share.  Best wishes.

  5. OneFineG467 profile image59
    OneFineG467posted 12 years ago

    According to bible God created human to look like him so the outside appearance of God somewhat  like us but inside state of God and his daily life is unknown..thinking of God as a woman i get an comforting a mother caring for her children.

    1. taazakhabar profile image59
      taazakhabarposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      @Hot Rod Loves You : Dear friends... just a few polite suggestions.. 1. We practice one faith or other.  2. We must appreciate that there might be other faiths which preach appropriate things which others follow. In Hinduism we have female goddesses

  6. taazakhabar profile image59
    taazakhabarposted 12 years ago

    Before that ... does God exist? Have you seen, touched or talked to him or her? How do you recognize God if he/she were to appear before you? From purely legal point of view he/she may not have any valid passport, ID or address proof?

    1. Hot Rod Loves You profile image59
      Hot Rod Loves Youposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      We know that God is not a woman.  Jesus says in the Bible, " No one comes to the (father) but through me. Father indicates male. How can a father be a  woman?

    2. lone77star profile image72
      lone77starposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      @taazakhabar, hilarious! The owner of the universe needing a passport? A non-physical source of everything needing physical ID? Perhaps in some zany comedy, but not in the real world.

    3. taazakhabar profile image59
      taazakhabarposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      @lone77star how would you react if I were to tell you that I am the owner of the universe? Wouldn't you want to check my credential  like ID Card or address proof? The issue is in a world full of non-believers how does the Good Lord prove his identit

    4. Darrell Roberts profile image73
      Darrell Robertsposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Taazakhabar thank you. I do not think that God would care about man ittle laws as the Supreme lord of all creation.  That would not be logical.  I will say that it is difficult to prove the existence of God to another person. They my know themselves.

  7. edhan profile image36
    edhanposted 12 years ago

    Whether God is man or woman, it is in the form of spiritual being. Logically, it is formless. But one must make a representation of a figure. So, basically it does not really matter if it is describe in the image of man or woman.

  8. profile image0
    JThomp42posted 12 years ago

    The Bible says in Genesis that God made Adam ( Man) in his own Image. Then God made Eve from Adam's rib. That answers the question for me.

  9. lone77star profile image72
    lone77starposted 12 years ago

    No, it's not possible that God is a woman.

    "Woman" means female Homo sapiens, but God is not Homo sapiens.

    The Bible describes God as the Father of all, but this is metaphor. The Hebrews were and are a patriarchal society, so "father" would be the leader. If the Hebrews had been matriarchal, like so many native American tribes or the Mon Khmer of SE Asia, then God would have been represented as "mother."

    The Ten Commandments give a prohibition against any graven images. Why? Because God is non-physical. If you read the Bible, you find time and again, the prophets decrying those who cling to physical instrumentalities and physical resources instead of God. Moses got angry at his people for not having the faith that God can do anything. Living in the desert, they felt water was impossible there. Boy were they wrong.

    Only a non-physical, spiritual being can bend or break the laws of physical reality. That's why Jesus could walk on water. That's why Paul, in a moment of unreasonableness, stepped out of his storm-tossed boat onto the unsettled Sea of Galilee to stand before his master.

    The Bible may seem sexist, at times, but that's only the literal and shallow interpretation. We see Eve suborning Adam with the forbidden fruit. We see the "daughters" seducing the sons of God. No, this is merely symbolism and metaphor. The Garden was not a physical place. Adam and Eve did not literally, physically die on the day they ate of the forbidden fruit. And the "daughters of man" in Genesis 6 were an entirely separate species threatening to pollute the Homo sapiens gene pool. And that's why the Flood was so important.

    Gender is important to Homo sapiens, but not to God. And it's not important to the true self (the child of God, Holy Spirit), within.

    1. Darrell Roberts profile image73
      Darrell Robertsposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      From a Biblical view point I think this is a great answer.

  10. d.william profile image73
    d.williamposted 12 years ago

    This question is both hilarious and ludicrous at the same time.  It truly made me laugh out loud.  It still amazes me that in today's world of supposedly advanced intelligence (another laugh out loud) that people still are so hung up on their brainwashed ideas of religion and God.  I am afraid that this lunacy will be the ruination of mankind itself.  Anyone who reads and takes any religious books literally deserve their burdens of guilt and shame.

    1. d.william profile image73
      d.williamposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      As a Postscript:  Any idiot who believes that spirits can have genders assigned needs to rethink their own sanity.

    2. profile image0
      JThomp42posted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Then why waste your time and insult the Author of the question? Very rude.

    3. d.william profile image73
      d.williamposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      sorry if you think a differing opinion is insulting.  That is part of the problem in this world.   If no one is right, then everyone must be wrong. Your comment proves my point.

    4. profile image0
      JThomp42posted 12 years agoin reply to this

      There is a BIG difference in having your opinion and being so condescending toward the Author of the question.

    5. d.william profile image73
      d.williamposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Not condescending - disheartened at the naivete of people of religion.  Superstitious beliefs are not accepted in a world where logic is prevalent.  It's difficult to comprehend the depth of this "dis-ease" in our world based these old beliefs.

    6. Darrell Roberts profile image73
      Darrell Robertsposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      JThompson42 thanks.  I do not get offended so easy. The scriptures are primarily there for those who care about their eternal soul and want a relationship with the creative source (God etc.)  Some people never felt that power, let them be. smile

    7. d.william profile image73
      d.williamposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      DR:my point: every 1 finds their peace with the Creator in their own way.  Adhering to just 1 narrow view is limiting and counter to intellectual growth. Man was not meant to stagnate, judge others or assume they are the only path to follow. Peace

  11. lostdogrwd profile image60
    lostdogrwdposted 12 years ago

    God is what ever God want to be for ALL THINGS IS FROM GOD. the beginning and the end. the Alpha and the can't understand God for man can't make flesh and man is do not understand God word turn to flesh. God talk to Moses as a burning bush. God just beyond any understanding of man.

    1. Darrell Roberts profile image73
      Darrell Robertsposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      This is an answer close to the one I had in my mind.  Thank you. Best wishes.

  12. iefox5 profile image59
    iefox5posted 12 years ago

    It doesn't matter for those who really believe in God.


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