All Muslims believe that Jesus was a messenger .Do Christians have similar belie

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  1. Mahmo profile image60
    Mahmoposted 12 years ago

    All Muslims believe that Jesus was a messenger .Do Christians have similar belief in Mohammed ?

    Jesus is mentioned in the Koran as messenger of ( God ) Allah.

  2. lburmaster profile image72
    lburmasterposted 12 years ago

    Not really. After all my time in the church, they never mentioned Mohammed. I had to do research to understand who he was. Then I read into the Muslim religion and found it more favorable than Christianism.

    1. SwordofManticorE profile image68
      SwordofManticorEposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I started out with Gabriel, and then movedf to the doctrine of hell in both religions. The issue was about mohammed writting the quran out of his own ambitions and both the errors of Gabriel in Arabic and hell in your book play the two key factors.

  3. Ms Dee profile image77
    Ms Deeposted 12 years ago

    No, Christians do not believe in Mohammed as God's messenger. And, Muslims actually believe there are two Jesus'; one Muslim Jesus and one Christian Jesus. They believe Mohammed is a greater messenger than the Muslim Jesus, and the Christian Jesus they think of as the enemy.

    1. rumanasaiyed profile image75
      rumanasaiyedposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Hi Ms Dee
      I am a Muslim, I don't believe there are two Jesus. And it is nowhere mentioned in the Quran that Mohammad was greater Messenger then Jesus (P.b.u.t). I will only say that If you want to know Islam don't look at Muslim , see what Quran Says

  4. lone77star profile image73
    lone77starposted 12 years ago

    Some Christians do. Those who are not locked into dogma and egotism.

    Too many Christians take the Bible literally, but that's a sure sign of laziness (sloth) and arrogance (pride).

    This one Christian does not belong to a denomination. This one Christian considers that Gautama Siddhartha Buddha may have been following Christ 500 years before Jesus was born.

    This one Christian has found reincarnation and karma in the Bible, and also the Kabbalah's "Tree of Life" embedded in 2 chapters of Genesis.

    It's impossible for us to find the truth if our cup is already full. I'm still learning to empty mine.

    Ego is behind every form of evil. But most Christians cling to their egos -- the master of this world.

    1. rumanasaiyed profile image75
      rumanasaiyedposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      well explained lone77star

  5. SwordofManticorE profile image68
    SwordofManticorEposted 12 years ago

    As a Christian, I do not believe mohammed is signifigant in my walk with God.

    1. Mahmo profile image60
      Mahmoposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Mohammed needs no recognition and he is mentioned in your holy book .Hear this lecture a man who converted to Islam :-

    2. SwordofManticorE profile image68
      SwordofManticorEposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Your quran was a book written by mohammed purely based on his owm agenda. There was no divine intervention in its making.

    3. Mahmo profile image60
      Mahmoposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      OK. If you dare to tell such lies and casts doubts in His messenger .Be sure you would get Allah punishment sooner.The Koran includes so many verses on people like you who faced their worse destiny .

    4. SwordofManticorE profile image68
      SwordofManticorEposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      What are you talking about? It is my belief that mohammed's spirit is with God, and your threats are useless to me. I do not fear your god. If I am wrong, then explain to me what the name of the messenger means in English?

    5. Mahmo profile image60
      Mahmoposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I am not threatening you it is the Allah promise in his holy books .You are absolutely wrong when you say I do not fear your god. I call Allah to show you his power. For messenge : … mp;ver=kjv

    6. Mahmo profile image60
      Mahmoposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Do you think that if  mohammed's spirit is with God you are free to tell lies about his prophecy ? I am not threatening you this is Allah's promise and I call Allah to show you His revenge if you do not fear Him.

    7. SwordofManticorE profile image68
      SwordofManticorEposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      You can call your god to show me his power all you want. I have heard it all before, and instead. My God has givin me a good and beautiful family. Good jobs, great health and lots of good friends. My God is a loving and forgiving God. Is yours?

    8. Mahmo profile image60
      Mahmoposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I was not talking about your or my God who is ONE and here is your foolishness,I am taking about your denial of His prophet Mohammed.That is all and it is  the issue in my question.

    9. SwordofManticorE profile image68
      SwordofManticorEposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      There is no denial. God had many prophets. Mohammed was not one of them. He wrote the quran based on his own ambitions for power and wealth. The proof is in your book and you dont even know it.

    10. Mahmo profile image60
      Mahmoposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Haaa why not you tell us this proof which no one had discovered it except you the great genius jurist of  our century .Here is the proof : … mp;gs_l=yo

    11. SwordofManticorE profile image68
      SwordofManticorEposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Should I show you all the videos of ex-muslims converting to Christianity? So your link is nothing. Here is the proof. What does this word جبريل  found in your so called perfectly written in Arabic quran mean?

    12. Mahmo profile image60
      Mahmoposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      WHY YOU ALWAYS ASK ME  IF YOU HAVE ANSWERS ? It seems that you are black African from South Sudan who learned Arabic in North Sudan and who is just filled with black grudges.Most of you are Pagans who do not know either Christianity or Islam.

    13. SwordofManticorE profile image68
      SwordofManticorEposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      No sir, I am a white man. Again, I will ask you what this Arabic word means in English. If you are convinced that your holy book is perfectly written in Arabic, you would answer the question without fear.

    14. Mahmo profile image60
      Mahmoposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      جبريل  means in English " Gabriel" and his one of Allah's  Angle who is mentioned in the Quran and in the Bilble . He revealed to Mohammed PBUH the words of Allah and His message, so what is wrong with that ???

    15. SwordofManticorE profile image68
      SwordofManticorEposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      That is the error. The Hebrew word  גַּבְרִיאֵל is pronounced Gavri'el. This word is perfectly written in Hebrew, not Arabic. Gavri'el means "Strength of God", but you answered Gabriel instead of "Strength of allah". You ask any Jewish scholar what t

    16. SwordofManticorE profile image68
      SwordofManticorEposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Ask any Jewish scholar what it means and he will say the same. These 2 letters אֵל are "el" and they mean God in Hebrew. But God in arabic means allah, and yoiu dont find the word allah in جبريل . So your holy book is not written perfectly.

    17. Mahmo profile image60
      Mahmoposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      What you are saying is no more than delirium or hallucination .The word גַּבְרִיאֵל means in Arabic جبريل and in Hebrew it means  Gavriel and in English it means Gabriel.There is no comparison between the Word Allah and the word.

    18. SwordofManticorE profile image68
      SwordofManticorEposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Sarcasm is a poor substitute for wit. Gavri'el means Strength of God in Hebrew. By your own words جبريل means Gabriel in English. You are in denial, but it does not surpize me at all.

    19. Mahmo profile image60
      Mahmoposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      This is silliness, if the word is Gavri'el or Gabriel or جبريل at the end it refers to an angle, irrespective of what  the said names mean.It is just like the names Messiah or Jesus or Christ they refer to the same person irrespective of the meaning.

    20. SwordofManticorE profile image68
      SwordofManticorEposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Gavri'el doesnt not mean Gabriel, We call him Gabriel in English as to how we pronounce it, just as you do in Arabic. There is nothing perfect about your Arabic word Jibr'il as it is perfectly written by Daniel in his book in Hebrew.

    21. Mahmo profile image60
      Mahmoposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      So now if Gavri'el doesnt not mean the angle Gabriel, or say does not mean manifestation of our Lord's power which is the same  irrespective of his name,  who is Gavri'el then ? and what is your conclusion or findings ??

    22. SwordofManticorE profile image68
      SwordofManticorEposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      This is where are discussion ends as I get tired of repeating myself. Gavri'el in Hebrew means "strength of God". where jibri'il means nothing more than the pronuciation of the word Gabriel in arabic.

    23. Mahmo profile image60
      Mahmoposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      So our great  linguist of Arabic language has reached the conclusion that "  jibri'il means nothing more than the pronuciation of the word Gabriel in arabic" What  a great discovery to our mother tongue and the Arabic speakers !

    24. SwordofManticorE profile image68
      SwordofManticorEposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      More than I can say for you. btw, where do you think mohammed learned of the teachings of an everlasting hell?

    25. Mahmo profile image60
      Mahmoposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      This your own imagination and the Quran is full of verses on forgiveness.Here is the proof :

    26. SwordofManticorE profile image68
      SwordofManticorEposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      That isnt proof. That is another's belief. How about the 23 verses in the quran that talks about hell? There is no mercy in hell according to your book.

    27. Mahmo profile image60
      Mahmoposted 12 years agoin reply to this
    28. SwordofManticorE profile image68
      SwordofManticorEposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      The word hell is printed in most english bible, but if you and most Christians only knew how to read the bible, you would find that God is the exact opposite of what most Christians and muslims have been led to believe He is.

    29. Mahmo profile image60
      Mahmoposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I DECIDED TO STOP ANY FURTHER COMMENTS ON YOURS, because you always deviate from the issues you raise when you become sure that your comments are nonsenses.You started with  Gabriel then deviated to the Hell now you are deviating to the God.

    30. SwordofManticorE profile image68
      SwordofManticorEposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      The hell teachings in the quran is another proof that mohammed wrote the book out of his own ambitions, which is the real reson we started this discussion, but ending it is a good thing.

  6. Mahmo profile image60
    Mahmoposted 12 years ago

    The  position of the Muslims towards other messengers and holy books is clear in Chapter 3 ( Aal-e-Imran ) verse 84 of the Holy Quran as follows :-

    (  Say: We believe in Allah, and in what has been revealed to us and what was revealed to Abraham, Ismail, Isaac, Jacob, and the Tribes, and in (the Books) given to Moses, Jesus, and the prophets, from their Lord: We make no distinction between one and another among them, and to Allah do we bow our will (in Islam).)


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