Does the world youth want a NEW leading religion/philosophy?

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  1. ZoEllyn profile image61
    ZoEllynposted 14 years ago

    I am young, and my peers are young. We all seem to come from families who practice different, even opposing relgions. Yet we see that as only a minor aspect of our lives. It weighs nothing on our relationships with one another and others.
    Even though some of todays youth may deem themselves religious (and that of their parents)it still is very clear to me that they see the world through larger eyes than their parents ever did.
    We seem to not adhere to or even agree with the religions from which we come.(Though there are a great many who do whole heartedly practice.) 
    We have a greater understanding of the world both from learning via our religious practices as welll as our through the eyes of a modern human being. We see the age of our religions and realize that these parctices and beliefs may have been right at one time, but this is a new time.
    Humans have done so much, and the world is a completely different place now than it was at the times when the majority of our religions were formed.
    So i ask, does the youth of today feel ready to synthisize a new way and new meaning of human existence?
    Are we ready to come from under the hood of misinterpretations, and set foot towards an Age appropriate way of life?

    1. profile image55
      (Q)posted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Love your post, well said.

      The youth of today have resources never seen before, the internet being a very large depository of such resources.

      The youth are beginning to understand that the myths and superstitions of their parents religions are exactly that, myths and superstition held from a time when bronze was the metal of choice and when people ran and hid from lightning and thunder believing it to be an angry god.

      The youth of today should shed those myths and superstitions and look towards uniting mankind into the one entity it should be, helping solve local and world problems and living together in harmony.

    2. profile image0
      sneakorocksolidposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Nice Sweety, the atheists will love you.

      1. ZoEllyn profile image61
        ZoEllynposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        Im not looking for a specific group to love me,honeybun, im looking for HUMANS whos understanding can go beyond predisposed social categories. HUMANS who can see that the entire human population came from the same seed (for lack of a better word). That we are all here TOGETHER on this planet, all asking the same set of questions using our own set of answers.
        Instead of using JUST your notes (your set of beliefs) on the test(in life) why cant we compare notes? Im sure i missed something, and i bet i can help you too.
        Why not collaborate? I beleive in  the Human community, not just the tiny community I was raised.
        I realize that everybody has their own set of notes, but the funny thing is that we dont all realize that were taking them from the same instructor,sugar plum.

        1. profile image0
          sneakorocksolidposted 14 years agoin reply to this

          Hey! The rules clearly state you have to have your own "stick." So that's a foul and it means that you have a 15hr penalty with no make-up! naaner, naaner!

    3. mohitmisra profile image60
      mohitmisraposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      I believe the youth are more spiritually evolved and can understand the oneness of all religions, the core is the same and it is foolish to fight over which prophet or religion is greater or truer. smile

    4. profile image52
      oldcaptfrankposted 14 years agoin reply to this


    5. aka-dj profile image66
      aka-djposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      I don't know if the youth of today are "ready" for a NEW religion. Let me assure you, though, that a NEW RELIGION is on it's way. It won't be long before it is synthesized into a homogeneous unity that will be acceptable to just about EVERYONE.
      It will have  Global influence, a charismatic highly esteemed leader, and a "High Priest", (prophet- call him what you like), and it will eventually be enforced as mandatory. (Under the threat of death for non-conformity).

      1. Paraglider profile image90
        Paragliderposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        That sounds like a conspiracy theory with Revelation undertones.

      2. ZoEllyn profile image61
        ZoEllynposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        you had me going, until the last bit.
        but i can not argue.
        this is a great GREAT point, that (i am embarrassed to say) i haven't even considered.
        that IS what seems to happen.always.i dont even know what to say.

    6. kephrira profile image59
      kephriraposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      As far as I can see extreme religious conservatism and fanaticism are much more prevalent (christian as well as muslim) today, in the 'youth' as well as older people, than a decade and a bit ago when I was a teenager. That seems to contradict what you are saying.

      1. ZoEllyn profile image61
        ZoEllynposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        Well all i can say is your wrong. SO wrong!
        How can YOU tell ME about youth. I have been apart of that category thus far, and will remain there for about 6 or 7 more years. I have spent ALL of my time with ppl from within this category, i have been taught by the same type of teachers,professors,and professionals who aided in what has now become my thought process,and i have been watching and partaking first hand in all the age-appropriate activities and entertainments with the youthful demographic in mind.
        I think i know my people.

        I am not saying that there arent very religiuos teens, and young adults, BUT i am saying it is more likely to run into a person who is not rather than is.

        My favorite young person quote is "I dont believe in God, but I do believe in a higher power."

        We just dont know WHAT to believe. We feel that something isnt quite right with what weve been told, but we cant exactly put our fingers on what IT is.

        1. kephrira profile image59
          kephriraposted 14 years agoin reply to this

          These things that your talking about were more prevelant in the youth movements of the 60s than today. And as for talking about youth, I'm only 30 and I don't live in a cave. I do meet young people sometimes, and I can compare today with when I was younger. There were very few religious people in my class at school, for example. In the UK (cant talk about US) more young people have a conservative religious attitude than when I was at school when that kind of thinking was very rare. Thats just the way I see it. I wish you were right but I don't think you are.

          1. ZoEllyn profile image61
            ZoEllynposted 14 years agoin reply to this

            WAIT, the UK you say...ok i am ignorant...could you explain further possibly?
            And as for the 60's smile i am so glad you metioned this!
            I feel WE are in the begining stages of some type of Spiritual Revolt, and its beig lead by our music,art & entertainment....
            Just listen!
            Music is GREAT again, and it has a MESSAGE again!
            We are doing things NOW that weve only seen done whhen the couterculture was alive.
            They were faded out by the late 70's, but they are back in the form of US. I have a feeling you may not agree tho...
            I guess i SHOULD be specific and speak more for Americas youth.
            Okay i am listening.

            1. kephrira profile image59
              kephriraposted 14 years agoin reply to this

              I thought there was always music with a message, what music do you mean? Maybe you should write a hub about that. Maybe there is something with the US youth that isn't being reflected over here.

              1. ZoEllyn profile image61
                ZoEllynposted 14 years agoin reply to this

                I couldnt come up with what i want to write about.So THANKYOU!
                i will do my research and You, Kephrira will be the first i tell when im done.
                Youve become my muse(at least in this instance anyways)
                Oh and i didnt mean U.S.A, i meant us, like you&i, the youth.

    7. Make  Money profile image67
      Make Moneyposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Hi ZoEllyn.  The youth of any generation thinks that they are smarter than preceding generations.  But as they get older the smart ones realize they were wrong.

      The amount of attacks against religion in these HubPages forums is akin to Communist Russia between 1925-1947 with the League of the Militant Godless (aka the Union of Belligerent Atheists).  Because these aggressive types just make up a small minority of society it is very clear they are organized with their attacks against religion in these forums.  Don't be deceived, these same aggressive types are responsible for just about 100 million needless deaths in Marxist countries during the twentieth century.

      1. ZoEllyn profile image61
        ZoEllynposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        First off, there is no doubt that each generation IS "smarter" than the ones who came before them...thats natural.if it didnt happen that way there would be a problem.
        BUT second, i dont understand.
        Could you further explain what it is your trying to tell me about these forums...

        1. Bovine Currency profile image61
          Bovine Currencyposted 14 years agoin reply to this

          Get your facts straight

        2. Make  Money profile image67
          Make Moneyposted 14 years agoin reply to this

          No ZoEllyn each generation just thinks that they are smarter than preceding generations.  I did myself when I was younger too.  Have you heard of the dumbing down of America?

          What I am trying to say about these forums is that there is an organized group of members in here that are followers of a militant atheist called Richard Dawkins that continually attack every religious post in these Religion & Beliefs forums and it doesn't matter to them what religion.  It has been increasing since I have been a member here.  You know what I mean, people of all religions should have a right to post in these forums without maliciously being attacked by this organized group of militant atheists, don't you think?  I started a thread about it titled The League of the Militant Godless.  If you don't want to read the whole thread I'd suggest that you read what Sandra Rinck posted on the 1st page and a couple of posts that I added on the 5th page.

          All the best

  2. Sauvignon profile image60
    Sauvignonposted 14 years ago

    Beautiful thought.  I truly believe we are getting closer with each passing year.

  3. prettydarkhorse profile image63
    prettydarkhorseposted 14 years ago

    We have enough already, behavioral change is the key...

    1. profile image0
      Leta Sposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      lol Very much in agreement.

      But hey, welcome to Sedona and the new age, smile

  4. kess profile image59
    kessposted 14 years ago

    Zoe what I will offeris this,

    Every single generation have had it own unique problems failures, successes etc. Etc.
    And the youths were asking these similar questions of their older generation as if something new is happening.

    Yes indeed the circumstances are different but problems and their solutions are remain of a similar nature.

    You see Zoe the former youthful Generation ask for something new and they were given something old in a new package.
    Now they are the present Generation who is either convinced that they have seen the light and will promote their present system.

    Or the rest who do recognise that they have been conned and are going back  the Generation of their   parent and beyond still looking for answers.

    But the real answer will be the same as in each and every Generation without  fail.
    But this generation will also find it difficult like their predecessor  to believe and walk this path and will fall victim again to the ever recycling and repackaged bags of deceit.

    My dear Zoe the answer is this, if you can banish deceit from with yourself, then you would see clearly to teach others the same and you can finally lead a generation in a new life and a new day in this world and it matter very little what may be happening in around you,
    for you head will be clear and your eyes open and no one nor nothing can ever deceive you.     
    God bless you lady.

  5. profile image0
    Twenty One Daysposted 14 years ago


    amazing to read a young opinion and perspective.
    indeed, this generation is facing the uprooting.
    why? perhaps they have come to a crossroads between modernization and age old traditions.

    the reason many do not adhere is not because they do not want or need to, it is simply because none of them have satisfied the need.

    people label it as 'generational rebellion' or 'self-discovery' etc, but in fact give no answer to the question. Tell me if I am wrong: they tell you either to 'figure it you for yourself' or point you toward historical instances. Especially with regard for religion. Which in itself is not a bad thing, but a misdirected idea.

    the Universe is NOT a respecter of persons. So whomever chooses to follow its principles will live and live an abundant life.
    This is the 'appropriate life'.
    Many have been sheep-ed into the carrot concept but never given the full story, thus why so many question, become deaf, afraid or simply give up. After chasing the carrot for so long, even a horse gives up.

    i would like very much to show you what i have learned.
    perhaps to some degree it will help.

    1. ZoEllyn profile image61
      ZoEllynposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      "the Universe is NOT a respecter of persons. So whomever chooses to follow its principles will live and live an abundant life."---> YES!

      "Especially with regard for religion. Which in itself is not a bad thing, but a misdirected idea."---> Right! I have no problem with religion or religios people, but i do have a problem with many peoples PERCEPTION of their own religion. A religioss document is one thing when you read through, study, understand the meaning and see how this truth applies to you and your immediate life. BUT the problem starts when you precieve your religion to be human law instead of indivdual truth.

      1. profile image0
        Twenty One Daysposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        Excellent you mention perspective.
        In my book, I talk a lot about that.
        Perspective IS a persons belief -their thoughts, actions, words -it is their opinion. How amazing that what a person believes is called faith. People quote that faith definition but don't understand that it is: the 'stuff' or soil of their being, their heart. It is their nutrients, energy and that place where the proof of their perspective is shown aka evidence.

        Yet the universe never changes how it does things, its perspective of creation. If it did, their wouldn't be a creation.
        Make sense?

  6. The Grey Wolf profile image61
    The Grey Wolfposted 14 years ago

    One of the key problems with the world is Religion. Every one is so worried about god and the here and now that the future of the human race is slipping away. They often confuse religios taboos and warped interpretations of "God's Message" with what is right. I believe the concept of god is obsolete and needs to be cast aside. We need to awaken to reason and leave god behind. God is holding us back.

    1. profile image0
      Twenty One Daysposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      exactly my point.
      just be expressing the pro or anti of 'god' sets your religion is your own. Agnostic, Athiesm, Druidity even Yogi are still boxed up religous confections, bitter or semi-sweet, yet do not provide the truth.

      The universe is far from obsolete, what we have been taught of this universe is in fact the obsolete and ought to be burned along with such concepts.

    2. profile image0
      sneakorocksolidposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      The Bible says this would happen.

  7. Paraglider profile image90
    Paragliderposted 14 years ago

    ZoEllyn - I think your heart's in the right place, but you maybe want to distinguish more clearly between philosophy, which is renewed every day, and religion, which is firmly rooted in the past. If your generation can break the unnecessary link between them (the link that you innocently reinforced with that simple  "/"  oblique stroke), then yes, maybe you will do great things. Good luck and keep searching!

    1. ZoEllyn profile image61
      ZoEllynposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Its thinking like this that will be challenging to defeat.
      Correct me if you believe im wrong, but what is religion if NOT philosophy.
      Religion is philosophy with rituals and practices.
      Each open its audience to a way of life,a set of beliefs, some kind of system.
      You can separate juice from an orange,but it is still orange juice.

      1. profile image0
        Twenty One Daysposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        Well said, young lady. Very well said!

      2. mohitmisra profile image60
        mohitmisraposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        Philosophy-the rational investigation of the truths and principles of being, knowledge, or conduct.
        We have had many great philosophers who studied the meaning of life and they didn't belong to any religion. smile

        Then religions are based on the teachings of the greatest of masters, they are good and not bad , the problem arises when one fails to see the similarity in their essence or misinterprets the meaning. smile

      3. Cagsil profile image70
        Cagsilposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        Religion is a business, based on a code of "Ethics", bound to a "Higher" cause.

        There is absolutely nothing beneficial from religion, not in today's society, which is complex. But, the reason life is so complex is because of religious teachings. Religion doesn't conform to any rational standard, youths are looking for, so they are dismissing it, as they should.

        Evolution of the generational learning curve. Fortunately for them, they won't be mystified by religion's grasp of humanity.

        1. mohitmisra profile image60
          mohitmisraposted 14 years agoin reply to this

          They understand spirituality which is the essence of religions.

          1. Cagsil profile image70
            Cagsilposted 14 years agoin reply to this

            That's it Mohit, you keep your gimmick coming. The spirituality you seek - can not be obtained, because IT IS FALSE to begin with.

            The only spirituality a person(human being) needs is to be faithful of their own ability and themselves, as well as, the rest of humanity.

            Faith isn't to be placed in something that is unreal, it is to be bestowed on human beings who live life in reality. Not a myth.

            1. profile image0
              Twenty One Daysposted 14 years agoin reply to this

              Perhaps, then, it should be explained PRECISELY what faith is, to clarify the myth from truth, yes?

              1. Cagsil profile image70
                Cagsilposted 14 years agoin reply to this

                Faith has many different meanings. But, always faith is to remain in reality, hence having faith yourself or in someone else.

                I thought that's what I said. Faith isn't to be place in something that isn't real.

                1. profile image0
                  Twenty One Daysposted 14 years agoin reply to this

                  so you would say faith is real?

                  1. Cagsil profile image70
                    Cagsilposted 14 years agoin reply to this

                    Faith is word was created by man.

                    Is it real?

                    If you're curious if I have faith in anything? Yes, I have faith in something- I have faith in my ability and I have faith in YOU being who you are.

            2. mohitmisra profile image60
              mohitmisraposted 14 years agoin reply to this

              Meditate Cagsil then you will find this truth for yourself and not think this is some myth and continue with you banter.I am not a liar and I would not have spend so many years on my book, if I was my work wouldn't be ranked do highly. smile
              Enlightenment and god are facts of life.
              Today I share and don't seek as I have already gained enlightenment.

        2. ZoEllyn profile image61
          ZoEllynposted 14 years agoin reply to this

          I HAVE to disagree with you. I mean i DO SEE why some religions holy days can be referred to more as business transactions rather than a day to praise, BUT religion is important.
          Religion is human!
          We want poetic beautiful answers and truths.
          Sure we may not NEED it, we can survive with out religion, Heck maybe we would THRIVE without it, but we want it non the less.

          I dont think kids are taking some great stand against the reigions of their parents. We are just STARVING for enlightenment & THIRSTY for religious relevance!

          1. profile image55
            (Q)posted 14 years agoin reply to this

            Now, I'm saddened. Is there something wrong with starving to know how the universe works and thirsty for how it affects you?

            1. ZoEllyn profile image61
              ZoEllynposted 14 years agoin reply to this

              No. But im sure you misunderstood this.
              Let me try to clarify.
              We (the youth) have been fed lies,NO misinterpretaions, NO mislead perceptions, yes mislead perceptions of our traditional religions.
              We are told one thing, then while attending public school with our peers we come to find out that our friends were told something completey different.
              We did this over and over, defended our parents stand points for aslong as we could, but now weve come up empty handed.
              Wondering if aything weve learned has been not honest, but CORRECT...we want to unnderstand
              but how can we UDERSTAND anything when weve been told information from people who never questioned their elders,and these elders had their own personal intrests at mind initially.

              its a cycle of mislead stories, and if we let them continue its like we are all saying, its okay for the sake of tradition, or so we are sure to not offend our parents.

              1. profile image55
                (Q)posted 14 years agoin reply to this

                Wonderful! I am no longer saddened. If the intention of the youth is to understand the world around them rather than regurgitating their parents beliefs, then there is great hope for the future. Thanks ZoEllyn!

          2. Mark Knowles profile image59
            Mark Knowlesposted 14 years agoin reply to this

            Oh dear. Sadly - these things require work. sad

            Religion is the easy answer. Oddly - I think you already have an answer you are planning to share with us very soon. wink

          3. The Grey Wolf profile image61
            The Grey Wolfposted 14 years agoin reply to this

              Ah, the sweet words of the naive...
            The truths you want I fear will never come. In their stead you will recieve the truths of the real word. Ugly, vile, inelequent, truths that will only lead to more questions. Truths that will cause you to wake up one day and realize it's all one big joke and we are the punch line. It is said that the truth will set you free but in my experience truth is just a bigger, more frightening, and disheartening cell.
            Ignorance is bliss.

            1. ZoEllyn profile image61
              ZoEllynposted 14 years agoin reply to this

              i disagree 100%, sorry.
              What i have come to learn is that the more i let go & free myself from the system, the more i feel happy & rewarded for being alive.
              I dot want to sound like a coock (if i dont already) But i strongly recomend taking every moment to relize every happening in your life is conected.
              there is a REASON for every secod of every day of your life, but people get too caught up in their tred-mill lives to stop and SEE.

              the world is NOT an ugly place, there are ugly people, with ugly perspectives,ad ugly intentions, but the world can be your personal utopia if you let it be.
              another way is to lend your help as best you can. I will defend to my death the notion that, if you are not helping someone, you may as well be the one hurting them.
              I know i cat help every one on the planet, but does that mean i shouldnt help a handful.

              Im ranting.

          4. mohitmisra profile image60
            mohitmisraposted 14 years agoin reply to this

            We are just STARVING for enlightenment & THIRSTY for religious relevance!
            I agree with you the youth are a lot more spiritually advanced .I have met many youngsters who are able to understand what I say   about god and spirituality but so many adults are unable to do so.

            1. profile image55
              (Q)posted 14 years agoin reply to this

              Shouldn't that be telling you something? You know, a red flag going up? A bell ringing, maybe?

              1. mohitmisra profile image60
                mohitmisraposted 14 years agoin reply to this

                It does ,that spiritual evolution is taking place, I have written this, please read before posting.

                1. profile image55
                  (Q)posted 14 years agoin reply to this

                  Should I consult you first before posting?

                  1. mohitmisra profile image60
                    mohitmisraposted 14 years agoin reply to this

                    If you want to go ahead.Spirituality and god , I am the expert.Do look at my profile I am not joking. :)Gained enlightenment at the age of twenty four and I am currently thirty nine years old and have written a masterpiece which will help humanity for thousands of years to come.

      4. Paraglider profile image90
        Paragliderposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        Religion is based on faith; Philosophy is based on reason. Philosophy can be superseded by better philosophy; Religion believes it has absolute truth and will fight its corner to the death. Religion has answers; Philosophy has questions. The distinction is more real than you have yet realised. But good luck in your quest!

        1. mohitmisra profile image60
          mohitmisraposted 14 years agoin reply to this

          Hey Paraglider I write Religious -Philosophy, a branch of Philosophy smile

          1. Paraglider profile image90
            Paragliderposted 14 years agoin reply to this

            OK, but the point I was making was that religion and philosophy may intersect but they are not the same thing. Would you like a Venn diagram? wink

            1. mohitmisra profile image60
              mohitmisraposted 14 years agoin reply to this

              lol No thanks smile

  8. earnestshub profile image72
    earnestshubposted 14 years ago

    Hi ZoEllyn, I do not think any of the youth I know are religious to any degree. They are all well versed in regions and belief systems, but without indoctrination none are interested in religion. The only religious kids I know have had it pumped in to them day and night a bit like Ned Flanders kids in "the Simpsons". smile
    Children are the smartest they have ever been.

    1. ZoEllyn profile image61
      ZoEllynposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      First off, thank you! We are smart huh?
      And secondly i wanted to add to your "They are all well versed in regions and belief systems, but without indoctrination none are interested in religion."
      ...I see what your saying, it does seem like none of us are religious.
      Infact in many places it seems like Christianity, to be a bit specific, is turning into a joke for people my age.
      And for the ones who call themselves "very religious" i would say that more than half the time it is more of a PORTRAYAL of what a religious young person is SUPPOSED to say and look like.

  9. profile image0
    Twenty One Daysposted 14 years ago

    The "B" word?

    Please do not get offended by this, but do you find it strikingly interesting that the Author of all life did not go around quoting himself for 33.3 years? Nor did Enoch, Moses, Elijah, etc etc.

    This is one of the reasons -as ZoEllyn is expressing- that this generation is pulling away?

    I find minsters, priests, rabbis, monks, gurus to be the same:

    - builders of mighty fields of condemnation
    - carrot danglers of half-sister truths
    - really, really good history professors

    In addition, they spend countless days worrying about the great tribulation in the last book, when in fact, there is no mention of such in that last book...


  10. Jerami profile image60
    Jeramiposted 14 years ago

    Excuse my lack of eloquence. having my first cup of morning coffee and had a thought. And going to just come on out with it as is. Imagine if it had been you who created all things and one particular species was your favorite.  Would you be pleased if they went over there someplace and talked about how much they loved you. I think that would be OK. But, would you rather that they communed with you directly.

       And when you give them messages, words of encouragement and rules; would you want them to change the words in order to better interpret your meanings as if you were unable to express yourself appropriately. And then people are lining up to further interpret interpretations of interpretations loosing completely the original intentions of your words.

       As for your original question, I think that the new and improved form of religion will not be new at all. It will revert back closer to the original message that was delivered before the establishment of "RELIGION" thus eleminating interpretations and denominational lines.
      What it will look like I can only imagine.
       Time for my second cut of coffee.   
       Everyone have a great day.

    1. ZoEllyn profile image61
      ZoEllynposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Maybe that wouldn't be so bad.
      And im not sure if "new" IS the right word. Perhaps your right. And i hope you are.
      Ive been reading the Upanishads, and if something along those lines became common religion, i wouldn't mind calling it old school, or refurbished...
      BUT for arguments sake it WOULD be a new perception,like ive mentioned on a previous post. And i feel if you change a groups perception youve changed their entire experience.
      So i guess im searching for a greater (and more real) understanding of what is already laid in front of me.

      Do you think the masses would accept or denounce a new form of religious literature? Like the Bible in Christianity, but a Book written by a person today, with messages that make sense for today.

      1. Jerami profile image60
        Jeramiposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        Unfortunately I would have to say that any new belief system would not be accepted by the old school. Those people that already have a foundation for their faith will refuse to accept any perception other than the one that they already settled upon. People have a problem admitting to themselves that they "MIGHT" have been mislead.
           Most people do not even want to consider a different interpretation of the one that they feel fits the way that they want things to be.
            I have been attempting to express an UNINTERPRETATED view of the bible prophesy  changed my overall prospective of the scripture. Check out my hub about time comparisons and let me know what ya think? 
           No one wants to change the belief system that they already have.
          This is my view anyway.  Good luck

  11. rebekahELLE profile image84
    rebekahELLEposted 14 years ago

    a new way of discovering what always is~~ 

    I don't believe there is anything 'new under the sun', just shifting to another manner of exploring and discovering life, our selves.

    good for you to be a searcher, they are the ones who find the gold. smile

  12. profile image0
    sneakorocksolidposted 14 years ago

    Zo how about learning to show respect for those who came before you. First learn how to be a member of sociaty then work for change. Some your gereration got it backwards but that where parenting should have helped you thru your confusion.

    1. ZoEllyn profile image61
      ZoEllynposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Im not quite sure what you am i not a member of society?
      very confusing.
      first "show respect for those who came before you"
      then "but that where parenting should have helped you thru your confusion"

      do you have a question about my background?If so DO ask.

      what, in your words, would you recommend?
      im VERY interested to find out...also i would like to know if you make it a habit of trying to egg on 19 year olds?
      but i guess thats where your lack of socialization may come in.

  13. profile image0
    Twenty One Daysposted 14 years ago


    Indeed, this generation IS literally starving for relevance.
    Others say you should 'do it yourself, cuz its the only way to learn'. But age old philosophies of 'experience' have proven that to be a failure.
    The youth today do not learn by experience but by example.
    Hence why there are parents.

    Any parent -and I do mean every parent- should stop projecting their fears and doubts on their children, telling them what to do and truly guide them into enlightenment. Sadly, especially in Western 'society/culture' such relevance is all but gone.

    Even in my generation, instead of parented, we were MT-V'ed.
    This generation has found a 'new theology' called technology in the hope of find reasoning, purpose and value.

    While their parents tune in to blackberry reports, they find themselves in a frenzy of tweets, text messages and 'social networking'.

    If those who came before us -our parents, adults- do not walk the walk, how can you be expected to do any less. Yet they will condemn you for not walking the walk.

    As with religion, parenting is now the double standard.
    do as i say, not as i do.

    I believe the youth -like you- are about to rebel against such teachers, teachings and find that truth!

    1. ZoEllyn profile image61
      ZoEllynposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      thankyou for your understanding!
      you MUST be seeing the same things i am.
      May i ask your age?

  14. Danny R Hand profile image60
    Danny R Handposted 14 years ago

    I don't believe todays youth are looking for a new religion or belief system. I do believe they look around and see all the mistakes past generations have made and have a strong desire for something better. It's not hard to see the results of the decisions that have been made all in the names of religous doctrine, capitalism, and nationalism. I believe todays youth see through the lies and corruption that have plagued our leadership on a global scale, and thier tired of being treated like fools, which thier not. There are negative aspects to this awakening though. Many of todays youth see the problem and are angered by it, yet they hold onto no specific belief. Therefore you find a large percentage of todays youth controlled by thier own emotions, with no direction for turning thier awareness into a positive aspect. Thier anger is understandable, but I would hope it would not keep them from seeking direction from an arena that provides more experiance, because of our mistakes.

    1. ZoEllyn profile image61
      ZoEllynposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Just one comment about "Therefore you find a large percentage of todays youth controlled by thier own emotions, with no direction for turning thier awareness into a positive aspect. "

      I am not speaking for all of todays young people, BUT i am one of those people. I allow my emotions to govern my life expierence. And you would not believe the "luck" (thats what everyone calls it) I encounter.
      If i feeeeeel something, i go with it, and i promise it works out EVERY time.
      I wish i could say, "you should try for 24 hours" but i think it takes time to acknowledge the power of emotional awareness. Your emotions REALLY do lead you to where your supposed to be. Anything you want OR need will come into your life if you just let go and allow your emotions to govern you.
      Its so simple, but people forget that their are authorities WITHIN us all that we must follow. Like self law.And when you break that self-law, you end up doing something you dont want, or with guilt.

      1. The Grey Wolf profile image61
        The Grey Wolfposted 14 years agoin reply to this

             Forgive the dark tone, but what about those who feel the world in the emotions of red and blue. What about those who only feel sadness, or anger, or pain, or even just nothing at all?

          And as far as music is concerned, the 80's was way better.

  15. tksensei profile image59
    tksenseiposted 14 years ago

    The great majority of youth have no idea what religion or philosophy really are.

    1. ZoEllyn profile image61
      ZoEllynposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      great comment! anything else?
      why do you feel like this?
      were you personally wronged by youth?

      1. tksensei profile image59
        tksenseiposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        How exactly would that work?

        1. marinealways24 profile image61
          marinealways24posted 14 years agoin reply to this

          The orange or the apple?

  16. Pearldiver profile image69
    Pearldiverposted 14 years ago

    Hi There Mohit smile
    Hope all is well with you.
    5 Rings was an enlightenment for me. Thank you mate smile

    1. mohitmisra profile image60
      mohitmisraposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      You are welcome Pearldiver,It is an awesome book one of the best I have ever read.The Samurai were something else,master warriors aiming for enlightenment. smile
      Hope all is well with you too mate smile
      It has also been made into a movie by the great Japanese director Akiro Kurasawa. smile

  17. tksensei profile image59
    tksenseiposted 14 years ago

    Yes, yes, I know you like MMA. That's wonderful.

    1. marinealways24 profile image61
      marinealways24posted 14 years agoin reply to this

      The apple or the orange? lol

  18. earnestshub profile image72
    earnestshubposted 14 years ago

    No. They do not need any religion, they have education and smarts.

  19. Bovine Currency profile image61
    Bovine Currencyposted 14 years ago

    religion is evil. we need not to have religion.

    however, I am no idealist. it will never happen.

    the A for apathy generation.

  20. chambersgirl21 profile image60
    chambersgirl21posted 14 years ago

    I am more religous then my parents ever were when I was growing up. I never really knew who God or Jesus was until I was already moved out. God answered my prayer. He has given me the understanding that I have asked for. Even though I did not know him growing up he was always there. smile I would never turn my back on him.

  21. profile image0
    sneakorocksolidposted 14 years ago

    So your 15yrs experience makes you smarter than the previous generation, is that new math? The fact you would say something that ridiculous shows you're generation may be de-evolving. Hell, most of the women in your generation can't boil water. They sure have abortion down pat though. The young men can't change a flat but they know how to have sex. Smarter? Please!


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