Which Is More Limiting to the Mind?

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  1. marinealways24 profile image60
    marinealways24posted 14 years ago

    Which Is More Limiting to the Mind?

    Faith or no faith?

    1. Cagsil profile image70
      Cagsilposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      I found this one interesting, so I thought I would give you my side. lol

      Faith or No Faith?

      Well, you can't have NO faith. It's impossible. You wouldn't be able to live or even get out of bed. You would probably take your own life, if it wasn't for having faith in yourself that you couldn't take your own life.

      Therefore, faith is a requirement for life. It's what you place your faith in is what is key?

      1. marinealways24 profile image60
        marinealways24posted 14 years agoin reply to this

        Alright, I should have specified. lol I meant, which is more limiting, faith of a creator or no faith of a creator?

    2. itcoll profile image60
      itcollposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      faith is more limiting to the mind.i try to explain to people around me about this but they just do not get it.

      1. Cagsil profile image70
        Cagsilposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        I know that feeling. big_smile

      2. marinealways24 profile image60
        marinealways24posted 14 years agoin reply to this

        I am all eye's. Explain please so I can prove you wrong. lol

    3. profile image0
      Justine76posted 14 years agoin reply to this

      your the only thing that can limit your own mind

      1. marinealways24 profile image60
        marinealways24posted 14 years agoin reply to this

        I agree with you! But, that doesn't answer my question to whether faith of a creator or no faith is more limiting.

    4. profile image0
      BIKTMIAposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Hello, interesting to ponder on . I would say no faith more limiting to the mind because you do not see beyond to the future, because you lack faith or belief in. It is important to have faith because it will depress you if  you don't. You have to hold on to something or someone in the mind it keeps you going.  No Faith , no belief in.... the beyond>>>

      1. marinealways24 profile image60
        marinealways24posted 14 years agoin reply to this

        Very well put together. I think you used both logic and faith to put that together based on analyzing your individual thoughts and beliefs, no? I completely agree with you.

    5. aka-dj profile image66
      aka-djposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      "By faith a man believes with his heart, ...and confesses with his mouth...."
      Faith is a heart thing, not a mind/head thing.

  2. Cagsil profile image70
    Cagsilposted 14 years ago

    As for it limiting the mind?

    Hmm....Does faith limit the mind? Yes, if directed towards things outside of reality as we know it to be.

    How? It limits one's vision and requires one to seek guidance from someone who is not them. At that point, they must put their faith into that someone real or imaginary, in order to understand their own existence. Otherwise, they don't understand Why they exist themselves.

    This means, if a person relies on 'faith' in something that doesn't exist- it's detrimental to their existence, because the human consciousness + conscience + subconscious knows isn't real, but the oppression of acknowledging or understanding of your own consciousness is, real to the mind.

    1. marinealways24 profile image60
      marinealways24posted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Hmm, How about if you can still find the same emotional high of faith while still being able to separate when needed to think logically. Say I had faith that a miracle would be possible unexplained by logic, this would increase thought compared to logical thought where logic could rule out a miracle.

      1. Cagsil profile image70
        Cagsilposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        Even 'logic' can't defined or explain everything seen by anyone. What one person sees as a miracle, another might see as a daily occurance. Who knows? That's part of the mystery of life and our wonderous surroundings.

        If you maintain your faith in the miracle happening, then you could be doing harm, by forcing your consciousness not to forget about. This will undoubtedly affect your subconscious. Thus, it will lead to damaging effects on your mind.

        1. marinealways24 profile image60
          marinealways24posted 14 years agoin reply to this

          I agree with you when a person allows faith to control their lives. I am talking about the same power of faith while being able to separate the emotions for logical thinking as well.

          1. Cagsil profile image70
            Cagsilposted 14 years agoin reply to this

            Now you're not making sense.

            Emotions are not logical or rational. There is no standard set for emotions, except subjective perceptions by others.

            Logic doesn't factor into emotions. Emotions are reactionary, due to cause and effect. Example: She slapped him in the face. He cried. Her action caused his emotional effect response.

            Was his response logical? Then depends on other variables, which is subjective to opinion of others.

            You can not have a faith, which is emotion based, be logical. These are already two separate things.

            1. marinealways24 profile image60
              marinealways24posted 14 years agoin reply to this

              Sir, this is why I said still having the possibility to separate the emotions to find logical thought. I wouldn't say "emotions" aren't rational as an absolute. Some emotions could be viewed extremely logical and rational. Fear is a natural emotion. If someone physically fighting had fear, this would up their adrenaline and give them a natural chance at survival if they accepted their emotions and used them to their advantage. Now if the other person fighting was logical, he may separate the fear and even anger in the fight and could possibly be at a disadvantage by denying his emotions. Logic equally can be as blinding as faith along with any belief. The only belief not blinding is the one not absolute.

        2. kess profile image60
          kessposted 14 years agoin reply to this

          Logic lies on a foundation of truth,
          Once one possesses that perception of a particular truth then what one consider a miracle, to the other is plain logical.

          Faith is not what religion has made it to be, for faith is one's perception and awareness of truth, we all posses it in varying degrees.

          The more knowledge we have of our true self, our perception and awareness of truth  will be magnified.

          1. Cagsil profile image70
            Cagsilposted 14 years agoin reply to this

            Logic lies on the foundation of truth. Yes. Agreed.

            "Once one possesses that perception of a particular truth, then what one consider a miracle, to the other is plain logical"

            If you are trying to lay the ground work for logically believing in miracles? Nice try. Because, once you possess your perception(illconceived or not), everything else is subjective to your interpretations.

            The foundation of your truth is a lie, because you don't have all the truth, only a piece of it. Therefore, your actions are illogical.

            And, even what you perceive as truth is subjective, simply on the basis, that YOU really don't know, because you haven't seen or taken the time and effort to research the full truth.

            You might have taken it on 'faith' what someone else told you. Faith is an emotion and separate from logic.

            1. kess profile image60
              kessposted 14 years agoin reply to this

              You greatly err because you are trying to be logical without a foundation of knowledge of Truth.

              The evidence of ones faith is never unproductive.
              For the evidence of the faith is visible by the works of it.

              Therefore where there is no works there is no faith, thus no perception of truth.

              You cannot Judge my faith without having my knowledge and perception of truth.

              For my faith is not subjective to your knowledge.

              Faith don't come merely ay hearsay but through intimate knowledge with God.

  3. kess profile image60
    kessposted 14 years ago

    Having the faith in and of a creator is limitless.

    This is or should be the realisation of ones very own self.

    For just is one realize the power of His own creativity, he also realize that he did not come into being by  his own creativity but of another.

    Does having faith in and of a creator limits someone?

    Only the foolish mind I believe.

    1. marinealways24 profile image60
      marinealways24posted 14 years agoin reply to this

      I never said that I didn't believe the bible or grouped belief didn't limit the mind.

  4. kess profile image60
    kessposted 14 years ago

    Who accused you of anything Marine?

    1. marinealways24 profile image60
      marinealways24posted 14 years agoin reply to this

      My apologies, but I do think both the bible and religion are limiting to the mind.

      1. kess profile image60
        kessposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        I believe that also

        1. Cagsil profile image70
          Cagsilposted 14 years agoin reply to this

          Hey Kess,

          How are you today?

          1. kess profile image60
            kessposted 14 years agoin reply to this

            Miss your greeting last night , but I was good then as I am today,
            So I am thinking "have a great night "is the proper salutation for the now.
            8:22 am 25-11-09  Grenada.

            1. Cagsil profile image70
              Cagsilposted 14 years agoin reply to this

              That's okay Kess. I get that alot. I'm glad to you hear that you were okay and you're still okay now. Thank you. big_smile

  5. profile image49
    Mikedeltaposted 14 years ago

    I am not sure of this question in itself, but if I am correct this is my thinking, a man observes things around him, uses his intellect, and reasoning, and logic, and deduces the possibilities of something's existence, take for instance no one has actually seen a Black hole, but scientists have observed other things that point to its existence, directly they cannot prove that it exists, as it cannot be seen,

    a black hole does not reflect light, logically speaking how can it? scientists explain that due to intense gravity, the light cannot escape its intense gravity, so therefore we cannot see as no light is reflected from it.

    But at the same time Black holes emit some other radition, like gama ray bursts, which is part of the electromagnetic spectrum, so now what happens to the intense gravity, why does it not prevent this radiation from escaping? so it lets go off this part of the electromagnetic spectrum and stop visible spectrum of the radiation?

    Now logically speaking how can a light be reflected from a hole, if you shine a torch at a hole in a cradboard, you might see light being reflected from surroundings but none from the hole itself because the light goes straight through it and cannot bounce back or be reflected unless it had some reflective surfaces inside for the light to bounce back out.

    Again Black surfaces cannot reflect light.

    So what if (The creator) or God was something that we cannot see but we can observe other things and deduce from our observation of things around us that the Creator must exist.

    Well anyway, I am still confused about your question in which you asked "which is more limiting, faith of a creator or no faith of a creator? (Did you mean faith in the creator?)

    So my answer is not the faith of the creator or faith in the Creator is a limiting to our mind but our own thinking or observational powers or even our imagination can be the limiting factor to understanding existence of things.

    Some things cannot be explained or proved and God would be one of them, scientists are also in a bit of a limbo, I saw the recent programme telivised on British TV called How Long is a piece of string, and the programme illustrated the more you measure accurately the longer the string gets, if I may use this example, I could equally say the closer you try to see the creator, the further he moves away.

    and the presenter was trying to explain how an object can be found to exist in many places at once, this of course cannot be logically right! the single object cannot possibly occupy different places at once but its behaviour may indicate this.
    But how can we be so sure? Through faith of course!

    1. mohitmisra profile image59
      mohitmisraposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Great answer. smile

    2. Pr0metheus profile image60
      Pr0metheusposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Yes but black holes have direct, testable, effects on the universe around them; we don't have anything like that for god.  ...not really a valid analogy.

      1. profile image49
        Mikedeltaposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        when scientists first discovered the possible existence of black holes, there was very little known about them, and it were as if there only existed a handfull of them, since they only discovered a few so far, while I used my common sense to predicted that black holes are like the nucleous of a cell, so they must exists in each and every galaxy, and this prediction appears to be the case, now that scientists are saying that each galaxy has a black hole or as cells have their nucleous.

        So certain things can be predicted using just common sense, whats more the scientists are actually helping the ones with the faith to reinforce their faith even more so that must be a good news to the people who have faith in the Creator.

        So it does not matter that the other people who have No faith in the Creator beleive, what matters most to people who have a faith in a Creator is  their faith, which requires no scientific proof or establishement of a Creator.

        In other words people with faith do not really care what people with no faith think. People with faith already beleive that God is Mysterious and behaves that way and there are many such alike things in the study of the Universe that Scientists cannot figure out mysteriousity of these things like the prseence of an atom in more than two places at any one time.

        Dark Eneregy would be the other thing that the Scientists are struggling to detect, its presence is predicted by them but they cannot see it and nor can they detect it, its a complete mystery to Scientists, not to those who have faith in the creator who knows that the creator is omnipresent, meaning presant everywhere at any given time.

  6. barryrutherford profile image76
    barryrutherfordposted 14 years ago

    I recommend reading The History of Philosophy by Coppleston (3 Volumes).  Definitely will give your mind spirit and intellect much food for thought.

  7. profile image60
    logic,commonsenseposted 14 years ago

    I believe Black Oak Arkansas said it best.  "Please keep the faith, we need it"!  smile

  8. underhiswings profile image60
    underhiswingsposted 14 years ago

    You can have all the capacity in the universe for logic and reason and yet, if you have no faith, you just gave proof of your lack of logic and reason.

    Faith is a substance, faith is an evidence, faith endures beyond all logic and reason.

    Faith overcomes all things and nothing is impossible to him who believes and has faith and does not doubt his faith, NOTHING !! big_smile smile

    The Person who said that was called "The Logic"

  9. spartanking1978 profile image60
    spartanking1978posted 14 years ago

    What did the bit say to its creator?

    Be sure to put me in a safe place, I am valuable.

  10. topgunjager profile image59
    topgunjagerposted 14 years ago

    everyone knows the answer to the question, denial is an ugly thing=)

  11. topgunjager profile image59
    topgunjagerposted 14 years ago

    heart and head is the same, whatever your heart says comes from your mind, the way you said it just makes it more dramatic=)

    1. ragnaworks profile image60
      ragnaworksposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      The heart is different from the mind. The "heart" is the part of our being that is more based on emotion and impulse. The "mind" is the part that is based more on logic and planning. The two are often in conflict with each other, and many people struggle deciding which one to listen to. Neither the head or heart are right/wrong 100 percent of the time. To be completely dependent on either one is not wise. It is best to strike a balance between the two, cause both absolute emotion and absolute logic our unhealthy for us.


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