IF God is everything, and everything minus anything is no longer everything, it is something else...
Then either God is also Satan or God Is NOT everything.
so which is it?
I believe to have one you must have the other. I think God is unique, in that only God is God's own opposite. All other parts of creation have seperate opposites. Which is what makes God, God. Humanity is a reflection of God (created in the likeness of God) in that we too have our own opposite "in us", we have the ability to be both and/or good/evil.
Does a candle shine brighter against the backdrop of the sun?
To be quite honest with ya, God and Satan are not the same. Plus, neither God nor Satan is everything. They are different aspects of the same thing. And remembers, an aspect of something does not equal the actual thing. Does that make sense?
And, of course, you can always go to this thread to find out more about Satan, who is actually quite different from who one might perceive him to be.
If God and Satan aren't the same thing, but they are both different aspects of the same thing... Then your implying the something else, that contains both God and Satan, is a greater being than them both...which brings us back to this "new" something else being "God" (and the original question).
So as your saying, If God and Satan are different aspects of the same entity, then "God" IS also Satan...and I agree they are different aspects, of the SAME entity, we have named that entity, God.
Does that mean that if you have a head and a butt, then your head is your butt? 'Cause that would mean you are a butthead.
I am electing to take an exclusively philosophical approach to your question.
First of all, I believe that the Christian Bible states that God is IN everything. And, beyond that, that God is omnipotent. That means that God's presence is everywhere and in everything. God is considered to be "the Light", "Love" and mirrored in mankind's purest Selves. Conversely, Satan is represented as counter-creation, "Darkness", an absence of "Love." And, as the Bible reports, God created Satan (and I create art, but that art is not literally all that I AM); but Satan "chose the Dark Side", if you will and was expelled from God's Heaven. Satan's main intent became to "destroy" rather than "create", to confuse and corrupt rather than enlighten and elevate. That, I believe, was purely Satan's choice, as his/her own entity-- just as a child ultimately chooses his/her own path.
This dichotomy of power is well-represented simplistically in the Chinese Chi philosophy of yin and yang (the "dark" and the "light"). The universe must be balanced, between "light" and "dark" (also known as "good" and "evil"). And all of its inhabitants have a choice as to which to follow, to believe, to be guided by. As all must be destroyed in order for all to be created, there are negative and positive poles, there exist both matter and anti-matter, there are stars and there are black holes-- the dichotomy of "God" and "Satan" stands to reason.
I believe your statement reflects a stance of "God" being the creater of all and an omnipotent being. The creater of satan/evil thereby stating "God" is greater than satan. But your also classifying "god" being the yin to satans yang. I believe that it is God, that God is both the yin and the yang, God is the coin.(satan and god are the two sides of the coin.) But when I reference "God" im referencing the complete entity not the smaller version(the one that balances out evil.)Alpha/Omega=God
Actually Lucifer is the opposite of the Angelic Hosts..since Lucifer is a fallen Angel.
Polar opposites occur only in creation (physics)
Lucifer is evil because he chose to be that way.
For God and Lucifer to be polar opposites it would have had to always be so. Lucifer was not always evil
Satan just means Adversary
The Absolute is Unity.
and again "the Absolute" is another naming of the concept "God", semantics...
All is god and everything including satan is a part of him.
If God created the Satan then definitely he is responsible for all of his Satanic acts too that means the God is playing a game. This thing never touch my mind as it is against the logic.
God encompasses everything, the biggest psycho on this planet is also god.
In India we worship the god as female as well or Ma or Mother.She has many different forms and one of them shows her destructive side which exists.Very often man doesn't want to see this aspect about god , yet it exists in this dimension we are in.In the dimension of the Light or god there is just pure bliss, no two , no ying and yang, One.
Much of what you say I agree with, but the way your saying it could lead to secondary conclusions that are not correct.
I have but the expanded version is too long for here. Start with "pieces of the puzzle" see what you think of how I see the highest form of life... (what ever descriptive you name that entity as.)
God is a one sided coin. Someone said to me that God is the coin of good and evil, the coin of yin and yang, and I agree that God is the coin, but I also believe now that God has an opposite, the flip side to God's coin is nothing. Which makes God, God's own opposite, because the opposite to everything doesn't exist, it is nothing...
Different dimensions take on different meaning, thank you _
Well said, I use the concept of levels rather than dimensions... nicely done
All of a sudden I feel the urge for a steak...mmmm
God is Nothing
it doesn't exists. the Devil either.
end of thread !
OK IF there is a GOD... then see my earlier text...lmao...D*** Atheists...lol
earlier text ? Where ?
If it's like this one, I pass !
LMAO you are a blast XTASIS OK IF there is a GOD
this earlier text
IF God is everything, and everything minus anything is no longer everything, it is something else...
Then either God is also Satan or God Is NOT everything.
so which is it?
God is not everything of course. God has created all things including satan
Then What is God, if not an unlimited being...all powerful all inclusive?
yes he is all powerful of course, but that does not equate to being everything
Presigo is right. God is not everything but has created all things. So the answer to your question is clearly no, God is not satan.
I believe God 1) exists and 2) is everything...
I am thinking alternate realities may be the different cells in the make up of what God is...?
Well, if you believe that, God is also Satan for you.
Nice God you believe in !
Yes, but that isn't as scary to me as it first was. I am comforted by the knowledge that I can do/be evil, I have that in me... But I choose to do/be good, so why should God not have the power/ability to be that way as well?
As god doesn't exist ,you can create in your mind whatever God you like.So go ahead !
Be happy !
Good comes from God. Evil comes from satan.
If God can have satan kicked out of heaven then God can keep some from entering paradise. This is what people like XTASIS will eventually fear the most. He should read the thread about The League of the Militant Godless.
I don't have to fear anything, because I don't believe.
you don't give up, Do you ?
Go ahead! Believe what fairy tale you want!
Fairy tales are very entertaining
Oh please. Good from someone doing something honest. Evil comes from someone doing something dishonest.
This garbage about it comes from God or Satan is a MYTH!
Keep it real people.
Then God and satan are equals? Seperate entities but with equal powers? which brings us to the arguement of good and evil which is greater...they are opposite sides of the same coin, equal in scope and opposite in direction (hello Newton)...I postulate God(the unlimited being) IS the coin.
the duality is in yourself. you can be your own god and satan as you wish.
The basic principles of the real and unreal numbers can help to answer the original question.
God being positive and real, satan the unreal and negative.
+ * + = + this is godlyness
+ * - = - this is religion satan's domain
- * - = + is satan accomplishing God's will.
* is multiply by.
I'm not sure anyone but you can follow the logic in your example... However I would point out that since all the symbols in your example are mathmatical, that then "God" is the science of math, god being the real positive numbers and satan being the others...the two parts/aspects of the whole, when combined are the "whole" are "the science of Math" (which is yet another way of saying the same thing, that god and Satan are two parts of a bigger being a being humanity has named God)
SO by your example we conclude that God is everything and satan is an aspect of God.
Yes but God is what you get when you have both Yin and Yang... not either or
God exists.God creates everything.God creates Satan.Satan is Evil.
God created evil.
Actually IF God is also satan, Then (unless God created God) where-ever God comes from is where satan/evil comes from.
Ok screw being hypothetical. Neither exist, save for in the mind of man. Therefore you can assume what you like about either and it makes no difference to yourself. (if it negatively causes an effect on other people then it is problematic, otherwise it's freedom to choose really.)
Yes... except... by my logic IF there is a lowest form of life, THEN there has to be a highest form of life(whatever that form of life is) and the abscense of proof, of the existence of this highest life-form, does not prove it's non-existence.
<<<that's me...the smiley underneath the teeter totter....
Yes the one pondering what god, Satan and the interaction of the two concepts are.
Or God pondering why there is a teeter totter on it's head.
No I don't believe I'm God, I do believe God exists, and is greater than me.
Maybe that is why no one seems to really find God. Always on the look out but never looking in.
looking in implies that we are greater than God, and have God contained inside us... which as I believe, is not possible, though I agree that the soul is a reflection of what ever God is, and can lead us to a greater understanding of whatever God is.
Thus you have a teeter totter on your head.
Looking in implies you truly looked. You can search under every rock, above every star, around every corner, deep in the sea and afraid in the dark but if you refuse to look in the depths of your soul, what you call his greatest creation then what sense does it make for god to give you eyes that cannot see?
Because the spectacles you rely on are for material things perhaps?
You pick up the rock and look for god under it, you examine the stars but not the space between, around every corner but not the corner itself and for things inside the sea but not the sea itself...
a very beautiful scolding, but untrue, or at least unmerited, I'm not and do not do what your scolding me for, I am always trying to understand what and why and how and when and everything I am capable of understanding, about all things including God. I have published hubs that explain me pretty well... and I'm not sure how to explain it/me better. I do get the drift that your being very polite, while hiding a disdain for me, and that too is ok.
Sorry you see ( ) it that way. That was not a scolding. If I wanted to scold you, you would know it.
Just saying, you shouldn't refuse to look into what you say is God's greatest creation or ponder how a literal blind man sees.
which again scolds me for not looking in, which IS NOT the case, I just found a different answer than the one you think I should have. (and I didn't say anything was or wasn't God's greatest creation) I'm not so sure humanity is God's greatest creation.
This is what you said and that was what I was replying to. You said you believe it is not possible to have god inside of us.
Contained inside us, to limit God to only being inside us.
And the early christian's though they could contain god inside a box but that wasn't it.
You said looking in implies that we are greater than God and have God contained inside us... is not possible.
To me this reads, you are not allowed to look inside yourself for God because there is no God inside and by looking inside for God, you believe that it is egotistical and a sin.
You assume way too much. Your conclusion based on your assumptions are your own creation and not the reality of what I said. What I said was and is, that I believe it is not an either or answer but both. Inside and outside is where we must look and where we will find clues(pieces) but the whole is not understandable to us and therefore not "findable" by us. But we must do our best to examine everything and try to understand all we can, even the un-understandable. God for me is an unlimited and complete(lacking nothing[everything]) entity, which must by definition of everything mean that God is also satan.
Ok, fair enough... what am I assuming, that I shouldn't?
....an albino penguin in a blizzard at the south pole.
Or saw something, that was there, that you failed to see. Can you prove that the albino penguin isn't there?
Great now ask a fundamentalist creationist what a homosapien represents.
Using a scientific name to represent a entity is suppose to define the entity, pulling in a religious groups interpretation of what the scientific classication is just confuses the point... doesn't it? And you have eloquently changed the subject and not answered the original question... Satan Being?
Man Being, Man entity, Man's creation, Man's idea, Man's concept, Man's feud, Man's image.
God: metaphor for 'we don't really know but I like to call that "aw" and sense of wonder and mysticism, God'.
man created god & christianity. But christianity created satan. this boogieman never existed before.
I believe that christianity uses the fear of a "boogieman" to control people, however the concept was around before christianity.
I do not believe christianity derives its strength in placing fear in people through the disclosure of Satan. The basis of Christianity is faith. Faith in Jesus and the hope of eternal life in paradise. From this premise christianity has its alure. Fear of satan does not reveal truth, nor drive one to believe in Christ
as children we were taught, "do as you are told, or God will punish you, you'll burn in Hell forever."
The Source goes way beyond God. God is how the human mind comprehends the Absolute. When the Universe was created it naturally (physics) separated everything into polar opposites.
You can see this in Genesis when the water separated from land, dark from light, male from female. Without this separation the Universe was void and without form. Direction can not exist without North-South, East-West. If you took away East it would remain till you also took away West. So since good and evil are polar opposites, you can not remove evil without removing good. You can't have one without the other. All polar opposites are complimentary. In the absolute these are whole elements. Some polar opposites can't be known/recognized without the other. Mans mind can only see duality unless he becomes aware of it. To man they are separates, enemies etc. When we want to be a higher being we (must) begin to see these as unity, not duality.
"The Source" is just another renaiming of the concept that most of humanity has named God. The "all powerful, the place from which all things come, the Source, God" By the duality of God I am attempting to put into words the theory that your calling polar opposites, once again semantics. For all things there exists an opposite, except God(the Source), for God is complete, everything, lacking nothing, the total package. The Benign Neutrality
I agree with you but the question about Satan is still there. As God knows everything and created everything good and bad thats fine. Now come towards the point that the satan and the people who follow him go to hell and the people who follow God go to heaven, thats fine too. But can you tell me that what is the wrong with satan and the people in hell and what is good with the people of heaven, as everything is planned by God Himself?
The best advice I can give you is to read my hub Humanity the middle ground.
Yes I know.
I said Lucifer was not God's opposite.
I also know the Absolute, Source and God are all the same thing.
Please allow us to express ourselves our way? (I will never put your beliefs down)
If God has an opposite, It would be everything because there is none like God.
Those who are open to God are open to all teachings because all hold some truth.
I believe God is everything. (I'm a Pantheist.)
I agree that God is the coin, i.e., the entire enchilada. The two sides of the coin are the yin and yang; together they create a perfect balance of opposites: good and evil, light and darkness, life and death, etc.
"Satan" isn't a being, it's just a term for pure evil. So on one side of the coin is pure evil ("Satan"). On the other side of the coin is pure goodness; choose whatever name you like for it. ("Love" maybe?)
So God is indeed Satan because God is the entire coin and "Satan" is part of the coin. God is also "Love", another part of the coin. God is the both the yin and the yang.
Just my opinion!
Cool. I'm just glad to hear it works at all.
Many times I have doubts...
Anyway, do you agree that both sides of the coin must stay perfectly balanced in order for "God" to exist?
That is, since good exists there must always be an equal amount of evil; since light exists there must always be an equal amount of darkness; etc.
If so, our existence is part of why and how God exists. That would provide a partial answer to an age-old brain teaser:
Question: "What's the meaning of life?"
Answer: "Life is necessary to neutralize death; and together they are necessary to perpetuate the perfect duality that is God."
Or sumthin' like that.
I have written a hub "Humanity the middle ground", I think it will answer your first question. The meaning of life is SEASONING.
The original question was about the duality of God. Actually, it is Trinity meaning three score. God is perpetually an everpresent always in control Creator of all that is seen and/or unseen from beginning to end! God the Spirit is that mysterious entity which inhabits the mortal soul when called upon. God the Son, Jesus Christ the salvation provider to all mortal mankind is the most important piece of the God mystery.
The devil, satan, legion or whatever name/form = evil is a by-product of pride, envy, lust and plain old fashion disobedience of God's directions for the Spirit of the Angels that were created to protect the heaven and earth and all that is.
Each living, breathing human being has the liberty given of God to make choices during their mortal time, in which death is surely a part of.It is each individual persons responsibility to make decisions about whether they believe in God or not, whether they will accept faith or not, right down to the yes ,no,maybe of every issue concerning lifes journey.
Thats about all I want to say about that, Forrest Gump
A fairy who lives in the sky makes man, makes the devil, sics the devil on mankind, then blames mankind for all the horror and takes credit for all the "good"
Sounds more like a neurotic child than a god! What a crock!
It must be time for some more tolerance, forgiveness and love from the one true god!
All who curse their father or mother must be put to death. They are guilty of a capital offense. (Leviticus 20:9 NLT)
Serious punishment!
Again those were the laws made by man for Israel.
That is not what God said.
The laws were made thus because of the covenant
And wasn't the Covenant an agreement between God and his people in which God makes certain promises and requires certain behavior from them in return ?
So they were made by Man with God's intervention.
The belief that God is everything is pantheism rather than monotheism.
There is a difference between believing God is everywhere, in everything, and believing that God actually is everything. If God were everything, I could worship my teacup as God, and wouldn't commit any idolatry. Yet the religion that tells me God is everywhere says worshiping my teacup is a sin. So God may exist in and around my teacup, but God is not the teacup, and the teacup is not God.
God is ALSO the tea cup, but the tea cup is not everything that God is. Religion shouldnt presume that God must be worshipped. God needs nothing, people have needs. Religion and prayers are about fulfilling the needs of people, their need to feel connected to a being that is greater than them.
Not many people understand their own religion.
But you know that better than me !
What some call god is quite likely evil. Well, it is evil.
Well however intriguing all the back n forth banter is, there is a whole picture everyone is leaving out or purposely avoiding altogether. I can understand why though, as it is quite real.
You humans turn to the god/satan debate in a last ditch effort to hide from your true nature, a wild animal that eats everything it has set its mind upon. Doubtfully is there an item on earth mankind has not shoved into its filthy pieholes.
Every vegetarian will know where I am coming from, but remember you vegetarians, you once consumed the sweet savory taste of flesh.
Now here we are in 2022, there are still humans consuming humans in reality. Humans consuming all forms of the precious breath of life you all call god.
Ponder this addition in your debate of God/Satan:
What if when you die, no matter the age or practice here, but you wake up suddenly after death and are on the run, not on the run from a human, but another form of life where you are a major part of their diet. You are rounded up for food, some escape as all animals do, some live free like some animals do, but the majority are hunted, chased, killed for sport, taken as tokens of adornment only to realize that that reality is not the end either once you are consumed but continues on into some other form of creation from the all mighty master.
If you really want to know what satan or god is or whether they exist at all, ask yourself this the next time you chomp into that steak, or sammich or bowl of oats for that matter, and that is this-
Could you live in your next life if you knew what you had done in your previous life?
Could you find salvation in your next life when you know of your human existence but are now on the run for your very own flesh & can only find forks to defend yourselves!
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