...or A big bang? The begining or A begining... one of many? The cycle of life, the circle of existence... the process of living and dying, of creation and destruction. The progression of birth, evolution, growth and then decay and death, of...
If there are more than one forms of life and they are not identical, then one must be the lesser. If there is a lowest form of life, then there must be a highest form of life. The highest form of life (whatever that is) is the Supreme Being... humanity has come to call that form of life, God.
Ladies and Gentlemen, After careful consideration, I have decided to develop a new department of Christmas. As you all know we have always been a team dedicated to the delivery of joy to the multitude of good little boys and girls. Our department...
***If Jesus really was God's biological offspring...Then I doubt he is an only child. I believe that God, being God of all creation, would have sent an entity like Jesus to every civilization, on every planet in creation...as soon as a "Jesus" was needed, and they were ready.***
-The questions must continue, until the answers, make sense to the one asking the questions.
I kinda wish I could believe like you guys do. But the fact remains that I don't. I believe sometime in the future people will be wisking around at 10X the speed of light. Time will remain constant to both them and the millions of outside observers. I believe there will be people sitting around in...
Society- a highly structured system of human organization for large-scale community living that normally furnishes protection, continuity, security, and a communal identity for its members. At some point in the...
Many writers, on Hub Pages, are here to make money. They write hubs about products and services, in the hopes of those monetary gains. I usually write in the hopes of emotional, spiritual and intellectual gains. I write in the hopes that my words...
Whatever happened to humanities dream to go to the moon? Why don't we have a 'Moon Base Alpha'? It seems like unless we are competing with another nation we lose our drive to accomplish wondrous things. I for one would love for some smart...
A blessing or a curse? I like a beautiful woman. I like looking at a beautiful woman. I enjoy being around a beautiful woman...so long as she is also beautiful inside. The beautiful outward appearance draws me to her, making me want to see what...
The Salem Witch Hunts are not a very pretty time to remember in the growth of our United States. It was a period in time when we forgot about legal rights and due process. It sure is a good thing we don't live back in those times. Now a days we...
Drug use... Definately not a good thing... In my Hub 'How to Create a Better Nation...a Better Social System' I made a statement that I would legalize drugs if I were the president of the United States. I stand by that statement. Lily Rose in the...
"I would create a tax system that ensures no individual can become so wealthy and powerful that they risk destroying our social system through hidden financial dictatorship."
Magical Holes, Floating in Space... How ridiculous... and then again... The existence of other realities has long been the dream of many romantics and many science fiction writers. The thought that a 'Black Hole' was some kind of gateway to...
I Postulate that 'truth' is simple, and that truth's opposite is complex. IF the most obvious answer is usually the correct one, THEN the most obscure answer is usually the incorrect one. Based on that premise, the more confusing something is...
I believe we are born as 'clean slates' no sinful nature, no 'Original Sin' just a natural instinct to survive. The inability to make decisions and take actions (to choose and do) to me means a helpless baby cannot sin. Once we progress to a...
Doing Good is the doing of Evil to Evil, which is Evil... HUH???
Self Awareness Begins the Discovery of Who You Really Are. The journey of self awareness and knowledge of self, of 'Myself', is one of the greater, more enjoyable, aspects of life. Insights into ones own soul or personality are for me a great...
For as We Train, so Shall We Fight... Becoming a professional killer isn't for everyone and it sure isn't easy. Becoming one is one of the defining accomplishments of my life.
Humanity... Good or Evil? My personal philosophical beliefs in regards to humanity are that humanity is a race of creatures with the ability to do both good and evil. We are not, in my humble opinion, an evil race. Humanity struggles with the...
Long ago in a Galaxy far far away... There were two habitable planets revolving around a single sun. The two planets were named Heaven and Hell. The life forms that evolved on these planets were notably different. Hell was in a rotation closer to...
"Logic takes me to where the proof ends, Faith takes me home" I believe in God because there is no Proof that God doesn't exist. The belief that God exists gives me comfort. The feelings and personal experiences I have had, the bread...
Space the Final Frontier What If... Once upon a time... There was an alien spaceship that was exploring space. This spaceship encountered a planet with a very primitive culture and they thought it would be interesting to investigate. They launched...
I want you to know my heart. I've been crazy over a woman for the last several years. A woman that caused me more pain than I thought I could stand. I found her irresistible, cute, clever, devastatingly beautiful, profoundly deep, courageous, smart,...
The secret to a successful Invasion is that of overpowering your enemy with brute force or of confusing your enemy to the point that they defeat themselves. The use of weapons they won't see coming or understand. Hit and run so they can't retaliate against you. Nicely Done.
Newton's third law is incorrect. It is not possible for there to be an "equal and opposite" re-action for every action. What there are, are "consequences" for every action, and or non-action. Consequences that may or may not be equal and opposite.
There is a big misconception about the origins and location of the birth of Christianity. People assume that Christianity started in the Holy Lands. The truth is historical fact, and can be verified. The actual birthplace of Christianity is not the...
Back in the day, when I was not even a glimmer in my Mother's eye. Women were mostly living a life, that as children and teens, prepared them for married life and the raising of children. The finding of a husband to support and protect them was...
To my way of thinking a belief system or religion is a belief held by a singular entity or group. We form groups by association of common traits...Be it Zionism, Buddhism, Archaeology, Philosophy, and so on. Groups each have a unique practice,...
Are they prayers or are they wishes? What Prayer is...For me, prayer is an attempt to feel connected to something greater than myself. Prayers are a meditative state in which I feel open, centered, focused and usually they are a source of...
If religion is about peace and love why must you kill for it?
Marine24 asked, "How can the bible or any other religious text be believed as absolute when the dictionaries that define the words in them aren't absolute? " My answer is, "They can't and they aren't". People want them to be absolutes, because...
The biggest problem most 'religionists' have with the concept of evolution is the contradiction it creates in the understandings of the bibles. In the Bibles it says that God created everything in seven 'Days'. What 'religionists' are not willing...
God LOVES diversity. The more variations there are in creation the more God likes it. God also created the Racists however and I believe that is so we don't, as a species, become so mixed that we lose the diversity. In the end, it will be God's way... all POWERFUL... remember.