What is "salvation" as described in the Bible?

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  1. dianetrotter profile image63
    dianetrotterposted 11 years ago

    What is "salvation" as described in the Bible?

  2. celafoe profile image53
    celafoeposted 11 years ago

    Salvation is being accepted by Christ into His family and being "saved " from the lake of fire that is reserved for those whose names are not written in His family book,  (the Lamb's Book of Life), along with  satan and his angels.  That gives us entry into and citizenship in the Kingdom of God.  With eternal Life.   It is determined by your relationship to Christ upon your death, ie if you have endured to the end.
    It is a process, a lifetime process, not as some teach, a one time thing.   
    1,You must be born again.
    2 you must be baptized in water, where your hard (natural, carnal) heart is           circumsized to allow it to receive the things of God. Col 2 vs 11-13
    3. You must be baptized in the Holy Spirit, who will teach you all truth.Jn 16 vs 13
    4. Then you must endure to the end of the age.  Mt 24 vs 13. Mk 13 vs 13

    1. Ericdierker profile image45
      Ericdierkerposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Golly Jee Whiz you sure like rules.
      Joy, Hope, Love, Comfort, Freedom that is "Salvation". The question did not ask how. This we should be careful of this as it drives folks away when instead of a answer we state an agenda.

    2. celafoe profile image53
      celafoeposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I answered the question accurately

  3. connorj profile image68
    connorjposted 11 years ago


    As described in the Bible, salvation would include in my limited opinion;
    (1) One must be baptized in the Holy Spirit; the Holy Spirit will teach one all truth.Jn 16 vs 13; perhaps this is being "born again..."
    (2) Most profoundly, one must endure to the end. Mt 24 vs 13. Mk 13 vs 13.

    1. celafoe profile image53
      celafoeposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      cj-- totally agree=  Born again, water Baptism, Holy Spirit baptism  and Must endure to the end.  Right on Man.

  4. Porshadoxus profile image59
    Porshadoxusposted 11 years ago

    Salvation is accepting that Jesus gave His life on the cross to pay the penalty for our sin. Once we accept and believe that fact, and ask that Jesus live in our lives, we are saved.

    Salvation does not require water or Holy Spirit baptism.

    1. celafoe profile image53
      celafoeposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Most false doctrines are because many do not believe in the baptisms. Mk16-16, Lk 3-16, Acts 1-5. necessary for Jesus then its necessary for me. I want all promised in MK 16-16 to continue to follow me. I need the Holy Spirit to teach me all truth.

    2. dianetrotter profile image63
      dianetrotterposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Baptism is the public acknowledgement of the relationship with Jesus Christ.  I can't imagine critically wounded soldiers or other dying people accepting Christ and dying unsaved.  The thief on the cross is with Christ in paradise because Christ said

    3. celafoe profile image53
      celafoeposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Diane-- Baptism is not a public show, sometimes there are no witnesses to a baptism.  Col 2 vs 10-14 show that in the water baptism the hard heart of flesh is circumcised thereby allowing us to receive the things of God. death bed conv ok

  5. profile image0
    Emily Sparksposted 11 years ago

    I wrote a hub about this! Very easily explained!

    1. dianetrotter profile image63
      dianetrotterposted 11 years agoin reply to this
  6. lone77star profile image73
    lone77starposted 10 years ago

    Salvation is waking up as spiritual children of God.

    Salvation is letting go of Ego -- completely. We need to sacrifice ego just as Christ sacrificed himself on the cross.

    Yeshua described Ego when he said that those who are first shall be last. Ego loves to be first. Ego loves to be right. And that is why we have so many wicked denominations; everyone in them wants to be first.

    Those who love Christ, follow Christ; those who love ego, follow denominations.

    Those who take the Bible literally and argue the literal meaning love ego as did the Pharisees. Only those who follow the spirit of scripture will have everlasting life, because they are humble to the meaning of Truth. And Truth is only of spirit; not the letter. No human language could ever say Truth, because these languages are based on physical things and on ego.

    God created us in His image and likeness, and He is not Homo sapiens.

    The only unforgivable sin is that of denying the Holy Spirit. Why? Because the Holy Spirit is the child of God within us. The Holy Spirit is that which needs to be saved. If you deny that which needs to be saved, then you can never be saved. Simple. You can blaspheme against God or Christ and be forgiven. So long as you know you are a spiritual being who happens to wear a Homo sapiens body, you can be saved.

    1. dianetrotter profile image63
      dianetrotterposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Thank you Lonestar.  I have been overwhelmed for and away from Hubpages for over 6 monts. It's great to see that you keep going!


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