God's love for us all is summed up in d truth about d 'word of God,' where Jesus is d 'word,' as d 'word' made flesh. From God made incarnate in flesh.
Mankind, d foremost of all creation, comes human wisdom in d flesh, but rightly so, d truth is "man was created in the image and likeness of God," his image is d Spirit of God in him, without his spirit he may soon perish in sins from his flesh, the imperfect likeness of Jesus and the angels, in form n body, comes our imperfection, as time n space may pass, d more we may see d reality of r imperfection, for d flesh is as imperfect as time n space are.
But d spirit in us is perfect, our image in r spirit, has made possible r perfection in d flesh, as 1 body w Christ.
Darkness cannot create, only d light can create. But since we are being tested in d light, it is our faith that will see us redeemed by our imperfection as we seek what is true in this life.
In darkness we may see us stumble and may fall, but in the light, we may see our soul being perfected in the light, for truth remains in d light.
If interpretation of d Bible is made by a normal human being not possessing d light, d natural person may come corrupted in his personal interpretation, his 'opinion' as one may say.
But d truth is in d light, where d Spirit of God is, where d 'word' of God remains true, forever n eternal, for it speaks of everlasting love n eternal mercy upon those who humble themselves to d 'word' of truth - it is "active and alive," "sharper than d double-edged sword" that "penetrates d dividing soul n spirit, joints n marrow; it judges d thoughts n attitudes of d heart."
Darkness cannot hide from d light, justice n truth will seek darkness n evil, ready 2 condemn evil in man, what s untrue in d flesh.
D 1 in d light will remain victorious for in d pureness of his soul, d light will lead him to salvation, in possession of d Spirit of God, he remains in-corruptible, for he has d light by his side, n believes that d 'word' in d light will never come to pass, though passing things of heaven or earth may come 2 pass.
History tells us of imperfection in d passage of time n space, where human opinions n theories may thrive in error.
But 1 who possesses d Spirit of Truth comes d binding truth of d cross n creation, best explained by 'divine logic,' attuned 2 what s true in d 'word,' n signs fr God he may c.
Eternal truth n divine wisdom in man defines d 'word.'