Wow, how do I answer this without sounding racist? Please understand I am not racist against any color, culture, etc. This is just the history of how things are, and how they will be
In the beginning, "...God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness" We know that Adam and Eve were white, because Cain's skin was darkened as part of his curse. Why was Cain's skin darkened as a curse? So that anyone who saw him would know he was cursed for having killed Able, and would not kill him "And I the Lord said unto him: Whosoever slayeth thee, vengeance shall be taken on him sevenfold. And I the Lord set a mark upon Cain, lest any finding him should kill him." This "cursing" was not just limited to Cain, but it seems to have also affected anyone who rejected God. "and there was a blackness came upon all the children of Canaan, that they were despised among all people."
Now, I know a lot of people speculate that black skin means descendants of Cain, but this is genetically impossible, as per the flood of Noah's time. Everyone save 8 souls were killed, and the 8 souls were descendants of the righteous of Adam's posterity. So, how did we get dark skin after this? Did people still reject God? Of course! Even among the Lamanites in the new world we see this happening (roughly 588–559 B.C.) "And he had caused the cursing to come upon them, yea, even a sore cursing, because of their iniquity. For behold, they had hardened their hearts against him, that they had become like unto a flint; wherefore, as they were white, and exceedingly fair and delightsome, that they might not be enticing unto my people the Lord God did cause a skin of blackness to come upon them." Notice, however how all these take place during OLD TESTAMENT time frames? This is not to say that all dark-skinned people are evil, but rather the genetics take over from this point. Many Lamanites became converted and were righteous, but they still kept their dark complexion, up to about 13 AD "And it came to pass that those Lamanites who had united with the Nephites were numbered among the Nephites; And their curse was taken from them, and their skin became white like unto the Nephites;"
I think in today's society, a black person suddenly becoming white would be a little hard to believe, but that is not to say this won't happen eventually. When all the work is finished, the righteous will be given their rewards, and I believe the dark skin will also be washed away forever
click this link to read my views on the so called curse … nts-of-Ham
Is this a joke? This is all mythology. Blacks are born with melanin, a skin pigment that protects them from the suns rays in climates that reach over 100 degrees. Some people are born without it. It is from nature. That is the scientific fact.
Does the Bible teach that blacks are cursed?
That idea is based on a misunderstanding of Genesis 9:25, where Noah is quoted as saying: “Cursed be Canaan. Let him become the lowest slave to his brothers.” Read it carefully; it says nothing about skin
Isn't this one of the teaching of Mormonism?
Where does it say that the mark put upon Cain was blackness? This is absurd and certainly not biblical.
Maestro, it is interesting that people who come up with this stuff are not able to explain Christian doctrine of salvation, heaven, forgiveness, etc. They have their own agenda and misinterpret the Bible to support it.
weasy-- who cares ab0ut your views, they are unscriptural and only the truth of scripture has value.
wakera- you false message is from the satanic mormon text not of the God of the bible- also useless
obviously you care what I think or you wouldn't be
If you do the research, science says the birthplace of mankind is Africa. The oldest skeletons are there. So if everybody is from Africa, then God must be black because he made man in his image. Whites evolved later and left because of the climate.
ALL: This is a SPIRITUAL JOURNEY! So what's up with this "skin tone" thing? The "physical description" John saw is in Rev 1:14-15! Have u seen a picture of Him like that? RELIGION has "fooled" u again!
Black people today bleach their skin to look white. A white person becoming black? The forbidden tree in full view because black people, they would not have disobeyed God. What colcor God was pleased with Abel's gift and why?
Now try "seeing" that with the "natural" eye!
Norine As in the Hebrew Bible, there is no trace in the NT that "God" refers to a Godhead of multiple persons. Typically, the word theos distinguishes the Father from Yeshua, his son.
I NEVER believe TRINITY; you believe 2 gods Jn1:1;14;NWT which defies Is 43:11!
THE SAVIOR (aka Jesus Christ) went to the cross & no other did!
GOD'S "MO" are in "GLORIES;" not "persons!"
In the beginning, "...God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness"
My question about this, as one who reads the bible as nothing more than a book, is the plurality.
How many gods were there? 1, 10,100 ??? Were they all white? Did they make man as a group effort or by committee?
Many will say the plurality refers to the father the son and the holy spirit. But that doesn't work because it was in the beginning and there was nothing. So no son, he wouldn't pop up for thousands of years, no holy spirit either. The use of "us, our" indicates equality of those present, all then had to be gods.
If it was a committee did any of these gods look like men at all? It is often said that the camel and giraffe are a horse designed by a committee, anyone who has taken part in a design committee will recognize the reality of this.
We would have to assume that Jesus, who came from the Middle East, certainly wouldn't be the blond haired, blue eyes character we have seen so many times. He would have instead been dark skinned and had dark eyes and hair.
I've not seen Jesus depicted with blond hair and blue eyes...
Jesus definitely had a great tan - thus he was tanned skinned.
Would you assume that Paul Bogle who came from Jamaica would look like an Indian? Or George Washington who came from America would like an Indian? Egypt is still in Africa, and so is South Africa.
Making man in his image does not mean flesh because God is a spirit, man is flesh. The image hear means man can have a image of his likeness in his person or personality of Godly ways. Like love ,God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son. As humans how many have given their life in behalf of many regardless of there race or color ,The bible says God is not partial ,meaning he is not prejudice .Acts 10:34 .but the man that fears him in a loving way of respect is pleasing to him. Notice he said man,he did not say white or black or any color but all men are important to him. And he being the creator was well aware of the variety of colors and personalities that would be born of men.
Just as we have a variety of many colors in flowers. They all are beautiful to him. Man through imperfection has lost many Godly qualities and that is to love what God loves. Which is part of his image.
Christ was a spirit, known as Jehovah. But he came to earth and gained a body, then was resurrected. Resurrection is defined "...the uniting of a spirit body with a body of flesh and bones, never again to be divided" Never again. It's permanent.
Jesus Christ is the son of Jehovah ,Rev 14:1 showing both names of them written on their foreheads .At John 14 :28 it says the father is greater then him.that means two different persons. And he prayed to his father while on earth ,not to himself .
Absolutely Jesus wasn't praying to himself! And yes indeed God the Father is greater. Now, if Jehovah is God the Father, who is Elohim? We all had premortal names: Gabriel is Noah, Michael is Adam, Jehovah is Jesus, Elohim the Father of all
At exodus 3:15 regarding God's name Jehovah is written and said to Moses that this is his name forever or to time indefinite .
Elohim referred to Jehovah but was not his personal name, Elohim was a replacement, for lord and God.
You share some interesting insights, but it would seem neither can sway the other. May we agree to disagree
I am happy you found some interesting points , that is how I learned the truth through interesting points, I was just not satisfied with what I was told ,I went further to be more sure. Because the bible holds many treasures of truth.
2 Timothy 1:7 For the Spirit God gave us does not make us timid,but gives us power,love&self-discipline.
Corinthians Though I am free &belong to no one, I made myself a slave to everyone, to win many. To Jews I became like a Jew, to win the J
Jn1:14;NWT "So the WORD became FLESH..." !
Jn 1:1;NWT "In the beginning was the WORD, & the WORD was w/GOD & the WORD was "a god" (small "g")!
Do JW'S believe more than 1 "god" who Jn1:10;NWT "..the world came into existence thru him?"
Norine the NWT is a copy based off the Hebrew and Greek copies ,not another translation , your bible keeps leaving the tetregraminton YHWH of Jehovah' s name ( LORD )is a human subsitute for Jehovah. Again you have a bible that has deleted YHWH
Here we go again! JEHOVAH, I AM, OT! We NOW live under New Covenant & Scripture says "At the NAME of JESUS" not JEHOVAH nor I AM who BOTH says "Will be MY NAME "forever" & explains the Functions of HIS "GLORIES!"
When are you two people going to stop your sick pseudo-christian arguments? Get a life. There is a beautiful world here at your feet. Work to enjoy it while you still have life. Arguing is such a waste of time.
No "argument" here! I give FACTS (WORD)! If one doesn't believe; it's their prerogative!
All I'm saying is GOD SAID *HE* would "LEAD & GUIDE" believers "INTO "ALL" TRUTH" & the FOOLS keep "RESEARCHING!"
Either one BELIEVES or NOT!
I think we all process information within our brain based on information we already have. Since no one has seen God, some provide a vision through their own eyes. I don't know if God is one color, rainbow, or any color we already know about. God's color does not matter. What matter's is Him as God and Father and His Word, which tells us what He wants us to know.
For those who want to love and obey Him, we must do His will not be distracted by how we think He looks.
No the truth is not related to Mormons ,but God's word the bible.
Canaan was curse, ham's son because of a perverse action that took place with Noah grandfather being naked.
And Cush was the one who was dark skinned who migrated to Ethiopia ,Gen9:25
Kiss and Tales - your thought didn't seem coherent so I skimmed through your article on The Holy Scriptures and the comments. I disagree with you but that doesn't matter. I know you disagree with me also. Be blessed!!
Thank you for taking time to read my hub,and thanks for replying back. But I do not expect all readers of my hub to agree with me ,but I hope they would consider what the source I agree to is God's words not mine ,and that is what is important.
We have never seen pictures of God. Therefore, God was never depicted as white or black or brown or tan or any color. The picture most widely viewed is one of Jesus as he roamed the earth to save us from our sins.
God doesn't have a race. God is spirit. Those who try to claim God as their race are simply revealing what type of people they are. If it helps them, there is nothing wrong with it. Every culture will make pictures and statues of their race as God. Whatever is visible to the eye is not real. If you look at God prior to birth, or after death, which is eternity, there is no such thing as race. Race is only an earthly phenomena. A temporary toy to play with.
God is my race because all races were made from the form of God.
Genesis 1:27 So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.
The human race is what God made - color was introduced by man
Very good point! I could not have said it better.
This is a point I always try to make to people in racial discussions. Where were you 2 to help me out then? lol.
And where Jesus name it should say Yashua , in the new testimemt.
You are arguening and throwing stones about translations with errors and missing info from kjv or newer copies of his work. Sad !
POINT: If HE (aka HOLY SPIRIT/JESUS; Jn 14:26 "IN MY NAME") "leads & guides into ALL truth" & speaks DIRECTLY to us (Acts 1:2) how could there be ERROR!
How could HE be "SAD" unless you don't BELIEVE?
Express this in Hebrew and Greek then you will not be confused. Now you just talking to talk , talk to teach not force a error to to be right .
K&T: Even *YOUR* NWT says "But the helper, the holy spirit, which the Father will send IN MY NAME (Jesus talking), that one (like HE'S a nothing "one;" lil "o") will TEACH U "ALL" thgs & bring back to your minds all the thgs I told u."
I'm going out a limb here and giving a totally different answer than everyone else. I think God is portrayed as white because the people who painted God were all white. If you notice, most of the oldest artwork was produced by the early Greek and Romans - white men. The same goes for paintings of Jesus. The artists were mostly (if not all) European and so Jesus ended up looking like the people who painted them. As Borsia pointed out, Jesus was from the middle-east and as such would look much more like the people born and raised in modern Israel than someone from Europe. God himself, can't be accurately portrayed in art because he is spirit, not flesh and blood.
When it comes to Jesus he was born in the Jewish line So he was a Jew with those features, but we must remember Adam and Eve carried future offspring in their bodies, so we must admit we were not born as robots that we should all look alike.
What you said is a very valid observation indeed.
I think we all look different because God designed it that way. In order to survive in different parts of the world, our skin and bodies adapted. It's a miracle and God does miracles.
I think god is most frequently depicted as a white man because of the influence of the Renaissance paintings. Works by artists like Michelangelo are so famous and so important as religious symbols that we just associate those images with 'default' religion. It just so happens that in that depiction, god was a white man, most likely because white men were the highest form of authority at the time. So, all of the images created afterward were influenced by those paintings. It's the same reason that Jesus is white, instead of middle eastern and gods of other religions look more like the racial norms of the area.
When you say god there are many gods,and they are man made carved images ,they represent a person's choice of religion. Jesus was born in the Jewish line ,some Jews vary in pigment ,but all men where born from Adam who was flesh. true God is spirit.
And THE SPIRIT has told us *HE* would "LEAD & GUIDE US INTO "ALL" TRUTH" so it would behoove YOU to CONNECT to THE SPIRIT for "leadership & guidance" vs searching Hebrew/Greek/other man-made interpretations, etc!
If you don't know
Also, why is the Devil always depicted as red instead of white? Because they are inventions to represent emotional states of being. White for purity, red for anger. Any other color would not fit according to the emotional way that most people's minds function.
Because the first depiction of Jesus on the Cross was that of a white man.
In the book of Revelations 1:14 "The hair on his head was white like wool, as white as snow, and his eyes were like blazing fire."
The first depiction is opinion based on opinion that he died on two pieces of wood, the bible clearly states he died on a tree, a stake,is one piece of wood.Acts 5:30,10:39;Galatians 3:13; Luke 9:23 ,Matthew 10:38 ,this is the truth.
Jesus was a Jew.
Yes, Jesus was a Jew - just like my ancestors. So, since my ancestors were white - what does this make Jesus?
Not all Jews have the same skin color. Not all Mexicans have light skin.
My hair is white and I am not white skinned! In what way does the hair color mentioned in Bible relate to skin color?
What? Y'all need to STUDY Scripture! Read Rev 1:14-15! Have u even seen this Scripture? NOPE! If u have, u just overlooked to satisfy "ur depiction" of Him! It's Spiritual so now what?
Taburkett, the book of Revelations was written about the future. It was revealed to John in a dream. I've read several books on Revelations. We are doing an exciting study on it now (40 days of Revelations)
Norine there is no scripture that says see the manifestations of flesh , show it where is Says Jehovah was flesh ?
His first angelic son came to earth as Michael.and was flesh.
K&T: That "man" changed yours but forgot to change Jn 1:14 (NWT) "So the WORD became flesh..."
Explain that!
It told you, "human err=contradictions!"
That"man" chgd yours but forgot to chg Jn 1:14 (NWT) "So the WORD became "flesh..."
Explain that?
Human err=contradictions! I could study the NWT & find MORE "contradictions" written by man w/o HOLY SPIRIT & "leads&guides" in ALL transl
In India, according to our holy books there are 33,00,00,000 Gods.
We have all kind of Gods in Hindu, but I always imagined God to be a voice.
I am non religious, and I believe in one God.
My point is, we all assume what he looks like and no one knows and it doesn't matter, will you love god less/more if he/she is white/black.
If they say God created us with his image then who created him.
No one knows, we all assume.
33,00,00,000 are not Gods but are Devas or Devatas (higher souls). Misguided western intellectuals keep on saying there are 33,00,00,000 gods in Hinduism to mock at the religion. In Hinduism God is one, but accessible for worship in different forms.
Like Saibaba said "Sabka Malik Ek", but I see people worshiping different Gods as an insurance, if one doesn't help them others will.
All the deities in Hinduism are born from myths.
I believe in only one God, Sabka Malik Ek!!
Your bible should have YHWH instead of LORD. You need to quit argueing about the subject with your missing infomation .again research hebrew and Greek the original language , then you can say something.
GOD SAID *HE* would do the "RESEARCHING!"
You know what? You are a LYING UNBELIEVER! If GOD SAID *HE* would "LEAD & GUIDE US INTO "ALL" TRUTH" (Jn14:26)
HE doesn't need *our* help!
You think?
Hindu God Vishnu and his Avatars Rama and Krishna are all dark skinned. The goddess Kali is also depicted as dark skinned.
No one RIGHT WHITE but GOD (aka WORD) who IS "THE LIGHT!"
Certainly the Christian God and even Jesus Christ himself are, even though it wouldn't have been the case. It's because white men brought Christianity to the Western World and follow a self-serving, patriarchal way of thinking and so they have this enduring fantasy/psychosis about a daddy figure in the sky looking out for them. It all goes back to childhood.
Norine you are on a one way street with a map that is missing pages , and you want people to be convinced your map is the only way to the destination.
Your map is flawed and has lost you and anybody that listens to you.
You dont even credit Hebrew.
IF *HE* SAID *HE* would "LEAD & GUIDE US INTO "ALL" TRUTH" you call HIM "a map that is missing pages?" You don't think HE CAN "fill in the missing pages?"
U will PAY for EVERYTHING u'
Nobody has seen God, they are just guessing how he looks like. I do know Jesus was white because the Jews are.
WRONG! GOD was manifested in the flesh (I Tim 3:16) to relate to His people (Jews) under the law (Gal 4:4)! However, after enactment of the NC, Gal 3:28 says "..there is neither Jew nor Greek.." SPIRIT ONLY! So now what?
Good question. Well, as the bible says, no one has seen God in His real image. But as humans, sight plays a major role in our thoughts and beliefs. We will be compelled to express the appearance of God in our own image and likeness. Since much of our Christian religion as it currently is was influenced by Europeans, we are likely to see art depicting God as white European man. If our religion was influenced by African or Asian, we would see images of him appearing as men of these races. The fact is that no one knows what God looks like, so whatever images are portrayed is not God. Just as we are formed in God's image, so do we see God in our own image.
In a song by the Rolling Stones, the lyric goes: 'don't wanna walk and talk about Jesus, just wanna see his face...' Personally, I'm eagerly looking forward to it. Since I'm a firm believer that God has a sense of humor as well as being loving and fairly judging, I'm hoping that our first sight of God will be something we need to see to set us straight or make us feel guilty. So, for (some) white folks, I hope God appears to them as a funny, but angry black woman, and for others a very effeminate Asian male.
Likely because the artist is a white man. People tend to draw, paint or write what they know.
Interesting question, I always wondered the same about Jesus since he was a Middle Eastern Jew and not a white guy.
No one has ever seen God, so they depict God as they would view Him in their mind. If the artist is white, then they would most likely depict God as white. I have also seen a picture of God as a black God. Guess what? The artist was a black man!
Every person here who has answered your question, does so according to their own beliefs and understanding..... I will do the same,.
If there was/is a "god," that god would be spirit, infinite and without form. Without form there can be no "colour" as we perceive it because colour perception depends upon a physical and chemical phenomenon.
Each individual conjures up an image of what he/she wants to regard as worthy of worship.
An "image," as we know when looking in a mirror, is not physical flesh. It's an apparition.that is dependent on the "real" that is looking into the mirror.
Likewise, the image we regard as "god" is not real.... it's just an apparition.
Isn't there a warning somewhere about worshiping graven images?
Its you that refuse to listen and observe, you think you know all there is sorry you are decieving yourself.
Learn other translations , learn some Hebrew and Greek, quit trying to Make KJ a God of no error.
Then you can help somebody.
Do you BELIEVE GOD or "your knowledge?" It's you who THINK you're smarter than GOD when HE SAID *HE* would LEAD & GUIDE US INTO "ALL" TRUTH!"
You should lead people to HIS SPIRIT who tells TRUTH & not man!
Both of you....That mirror.....clean it. I clean mine regularly. That image of me gets clearer the more honestly I look into it.
It certainly does but have you notice "clearer" in which direction?
Your "graven image" will get you to whom you worship (SATAN) who has ALREADY BEEN DEFEATED!
How many years have you been on about this bs, Norine?
You called K&T a fool for a start. Your address me as a son of satanism. You talk down to any and every one who you don't like or agree with. And any interpretation you drum up regarding ancient scriptures is probably very suspect bs.
K&T is IGNORANT when she CONTINUES to deny WORD (IThess4) & a FOOL for believing GOD can't "lead&guide"(Jn14:26)when in WORD (Matt23:19)!
U work for ur father (Jn10:10) Satan(Jn8:44) for u can't serve 2 masters(ICor10:21)!
U BOTH are Sata
I can only recommend you look up the definition of "crank" in the English dictionary.
To whom? IICor4:3-4 "But if our gospel be hid, it is hid to them that are LOST: In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which BELIEVE NOT, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ who is the image of GOD should shine unto
This essay is in response to a question posed by a hubber, vveasey, eleven months ago: Why is God always depicted as a white man? read more
Saints! Where do we live? Do we not live under the New Covenant? Has not Jesus died for the remission of our sins? Should we not respond to questions such as these according to Scripture? For any other response would be foolishness! (Galatians 1:8-9)
Galatians 3:26-29 says "For ye are ALL the sons of God by faith in Christ Jesus. For as many of you as have been baptized into Christ have put on Christ. There is NEITHER JEW NOR GREEK, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither MALE NOR FEMALE, for ye are ALL ONE IN CHRIST JESUS! And if ye be CHRIST'S, then are ye Abraham's seed, and HEIRS ACCORDING TO THE PROMISE!"
According to Scripture, John the Revelator, gives the "ONLY" description of what Jesus "looked" like to him at that particular time! Did you notice I said "at that particular time?" (Revelation 1:13-18) For Jesus is a SPIRIT (John 4:24) and appears to us in any form He wishes to get "His Will" accomplished!
Since we should worship Him "in spirit" and He is "THE Spirit," He will appear to us as we are (whatever color)! FOR HE IS "I AM!"
He is not ALWAYS depicted in portraits as a White man (For I have seen Black Jesus' paintings also), but appears in portraits as the artist portrays Him (whatever color)!
Because god is created in men's image. A Chinese god is Chinese, goddes kali is black, indian god comes in various size color and shapes.
So this is a pretty simple, why it is 'man', we have to look into historical and anthropologiCal evolution of gods, somewhere in history a father figure became necessary for survival and hope.
Sir, welcome to HubPages!
In considering the subject of "God," have you also wondered at the human psychological need for a focus of worship? Maybe this explains those millions of gods .... each being a metaphor that serves the individual focus.
If THE CREATOR (aka GOD/"I AM"/JEHOVAH) has written a book with the most fulfilled accurate prophecies, why do worship or recognize "idols" as GOD? What god has done this? Provide a book with as many "fulfilled accurate prophecies"as the Bible r
It seems to me that each culture has chosen to envision the face of God as one who resembles themselves. If you are from the United States, your culture is heavily influenced by European artwork and tradition, so it stands to reason that God is depicted as a white man.
In countries that are not heavily influenced by European culture, God is commonly depicted as resembling the people of that culture. This is quite clear when the depiction in question corresponds to the specific religion of the country in which it appears. Depictions of the Buddha, for example, are going to be Asian rather than white. However, even within Christianity I have seen plenty of black and asian faces given to Jesus. The church at worship tends to give Christ the face that makes them feel that He represents them.
And so it is! GOD is Spirit who has "no respect of person;" Therefore, each culture can see Him as they please. He doesn't mind! Just "Give Him the Glory!"
Norine other bibles also tell the truth.
Byington says 1Ti3:16 does not call Jesus God, it says He. KJV just bias says God.
Hebrew and Greek does not say Jesus is the Father.
Don't make me call you "IGNORANT" again for NOT BELIEVING HIS WORD!
Your mental state has obviously not improved, Norine.
He was Jewish from Is. and they did not have any mexicans or blacks there at the time. It is not a thing about him being white, that is just how it was. I have never saw anyone care that allah was not white, that is just how it was.
The same thing goes for stories about santa clause and there is probably a black easter bunny somewhere. It goes on what the person wants to believe when the truth is unacceptable.
Public Relations (i.e. Italian Renaissance Artists). but what baffles me is that in 2016 you still see these images in black churches (the effects of a very effective public relations program). Americans seldom hear about nor see the images of the Black Madonna scattered throughout Europe. These are common and highly venerated in primitive churches.
Marcus Garvey said that we see God in our own image, and since the white man sees God in his own image, then the black man can see God in his image. A description of God is given in Revelation, and a description of Jesus Christ is given in Isaiah. The bible also mentions that those who call themselves Jews today are not the real Jews, and the book of Galatians is not just scripture verses to be interpreted individually, but a letter Paul wrote to the newly converts in Galatia.
Why is God always depicted as a white man? God is depicted as white because of the present condition of Africa and its people. However, God says that He has the key to death and hell, and for the sake of man he has shortened the days. Thus life exists somewhere else.
The second of coming of Christ has already taken place. When Christ died and went to heaven, he called Paul to spread the gospel among the Gentiles- Romans, Corinthians, Ephesians and so on. After the first rapture, Europe was thrown in darkness, and there is no learning. The renaissance period marks the rebirth learning. It does not matter what color God is because He has the key to learning. This is why He (God through Jesus) said to Peter, on this rock will I build my church, because the white man find it difficult to accept an African God.
Many people have prophesied of seeing God and heaven. I have seen snow in many different colors. There is a group of white people that were sold to Africans as slaves. These people have created a world, that makes other white people jealous. Thus the African God always have to protect these people.
It is typically from culture, and that is when we think of God in modern society we picture him as an old, white man in a robe. It is like how when we think of Jesus we think of a white man with long hair and brown eyes. But if we were to compare this to scripture and history, that is simply not true. He would have a dark sin color if He was really an Israelite. The idea of Him being white came when Cesare Borgia was painted by Leonardo Davinci to be the image of Christ.
Now when these traditions carry on for years and come to America, of course a majority of people are going to follow this concept. But it is simply not true. "He is a spirit, so He has no body." What about these verses?
Exodus 24:9-11
Exodus 24:9-11King James Version (KJV)
9 Then went up Moses, and Aaron, Nadab, and Abihu, and seventy of the elders of Israel:
10 And they saw the Elohim of Israel: and there was under his feet as it were a paved work of a sapphire stone, and as it were the body of heaven in his clearness.
11 And upon the nobles of the children of Israel he laid not his hand: also they saw Yah, and did eat and drink.
1 Kings 22:19
Micaiah said, "Therefore, hear the word of Elohim. I saw Elohim sitting on His throne, and all the host of heaven standing by Him on His right and on His left.
So these people saw Him sitting on a throne. So He must have body parts. Now is He a human being like us? No, but He has a humanoid body. So if He has that He has to have a color.
Revelation 4: 1-2
1 After this I looked, and, behold, a door was opened in heaven: and the first voice which I heard was as it were of a trumpet talking with me; which said, Come up hither, and I will shew thee things which must be hereafter.
2 And immediately I was in the spirit: and, behold, a throne was set in heaven, and one sat on the throne.
3 And he that sat was to look upon like a jasper and a sardine stone: and there was a rainbow round about the throne, in sight like unto an emerald.
Notice those two stones. Why those two stones of the same color? We see words like topaz and beryl in other verses, but why these two particularly dark brown colors?
Rev 1:14-15 "Hair like [lamb's] wool" &(v15) "Feet like unto fine BRASS, as if they BURNED in a furnace..." is enough for ANYONE to determine what "color" HE was revealed to John!
What diff does it make? Gal 3:28 "No color, culture, nationalit
Yes but understand the context. Read 1 Corinthians 12:13-20 and it talks about how we are all one, but separate. We are baptized into one body, but there are different members with different levels and roles. Some higher up, some lower.
Did u read v12? "...and so is Christ;" which means GOD functions in lower levels as well as HIS level but all of "ONE MIND" & ALL "AS CHRIST!" Although toes don't seem important; just lose them, you'll see! Each part necessary as ONE BODY; whethe
I never said that each part was not necessary. I am saying that while each part is necessary, they are not all equal. Like in a business. You got the higher up and the employees. So while jews, gentiles, bond, free, male, female are one, not equal.
Rm 1:17 ""For therein is the righteousness of God revealed from FAITH TO FAITH..." You see, GOD looks @ heart & "sees" how diligently one is "SEEKING" HIM, (FAITH comes by hearing & hearing by the WORD of GOD); little WORD; little job given!
No Ivan with you just saying and repeatings things not true , it will just be your version of Ivan. That will not go to far !
This is how the White World conjectures, because of the color they have inherited.
In Hindu religion there is no such bias. Avatars are also represented as colored Take Lord Krisha & Shiva for example.
The god of Christianity, Jew and Islam, is known as Yahweh, in the original ancient religion and he was actually consider as a evil/jerk god. In ancient Babylonia religion, Yahweh, was originally a servant of Elyon the King of the God (later known as Lucifer in Christianity) and later become the god of war. Yahweh is the sworn enemy of Ishtah (also the original Satan). Ishtah is the goddess of creation, love and fertility, unlike in later Christianity, which claim Yahweh created men, originally it is Ishtah that created all living been using mud of the red sea, this is still a story that exist in Asia, in Chinese legion it is said, Newa created human via mud, by the yellow river and like Ishta, Newa is a human snake hybrid (women top, snake bottom) other say she is a human/bird hybrid (kinda like an angel) It was said, Yahweh, fall in love with Ishta and wanted Ishtah to be his wife, Ishtah refused, because Yahweh believe the wife is a property of the husband and instead she married Tammuarz the god of agriculture, angry, Yahweh, send a giant flood to try kill Ishtah's creation, Ishtah stop the flood, then as revenge she killed Yahweh's son Adam and daughter in law, Eve. It is also said, Yahweh is jealous and angry and seek revenge upon human that refuse to worship him and was finally stripped of his power and send into hell by Elyon. However, later due to some reason, a revolt in Israel, by those who worship Yahweh, made Yahweh the only god to worship, the story turned into Yahweh throw all other gods into hell and eventually, in their mythology Yahweh become the only god and Elyon become Lucifer. The combination of Elyon, Ishta and other gods, become Satan, the demon, which in the original language the word "satan" mean challenger and opponent. However, it is also, fortold, Yahweh rule would eventually rule the entire western world, but his rule won't last forever and the other gods would drive him away and fix the world that is destroy by him. Because, Christians believe, Yahweh is the only god and = good and Satan is a demon = evil, this story later in Christianity, evolved to become the story of the apocalypse. The original biblical version of this story say, the world is evil because it refuse to follow Yahweh, thus Yahweh come to rule the world, but first he must defeat the dragon that defend men's free will and after defeating it, he can assert his rule, thus the world turn good, but, after 1000 years the dragon return and drove Yahweh again, thus, the world tuned evil again, because men follow their own free will rather then Yahweh's will and the dragon would send two preachers, to teach new ideas to reincarnate into the world and the people would choose to follow these preachers and because the teaching of the preachers, frequently contradict Yahweh, the bible accuse of it been evil. The preachers would also lead people away from the teaching of Yahweh, under his name, which is what we are seen today, e.g the bible teach us to be pro slavery, but during the US civil war, the people in the north is led to believe God is anti slavery and ending it is doing god's work. Many even believe Lincoln is reincarnation of the arch angel Michael, to help them end the pro slavery south, despite, it is in fact Satan that is anti slavery and Yahweh is pro slavery, according to the bible. Even in the story of Moses, according to the original bible story, Yahweh played both side, on one hand send his angels to possess the Egyptians to enslave
God holds the power to appear however He wants! He could be white, brown, or ebony- His choice!
However, Jesus was a Near East Hebrew. This means he was most likely the color we see in most Jews today: golden bronze tan, or a range of rich browns. However, it is said that Jesus, as well as King David, had blue eyes.
But, the reason Jesus was often portrayed as blonde haired and blue eyed is because that rendition has been promoted by a wealthy and influential group of centuries-old murderers. They are Satan worshipers who believe that people with more DNA from the Nephilim (the fallen angels) are a higher order of being. These descendants are called Aryans. Those who support them believe they are more likely to be blood type O negative, to have blonde hair, and to have blue eyes.
And, yes, that is what Hitler was really about, too: He was occultic and tormented by demons. That is why he hated the apple of God's eye: the Jews. That is why he loved the Satanist stronghold in Rome, the Catholic Empire. That is why he pushed into North Africa- to find relics. Satanists are really big into skulls and bones and relics.
You will not find a more correct answer. Jesus and God are misrepresented by a group which builds delusions. They present Satan and his seed as the rightful heirs of God's love, and they hate anyone or anything God loves.
Its good remember no man has seen God the Father, John 1:18 says so , only Jesus is the one who can explain him. Which tells us Jesus is not God the Father. Exodus 33:20 says no man can see God and live.
Men seen Jesus and lived he is not God.
Dear Heart; "No MAN has seen [THE SPIRIT] GOD at any time" but saw the "manifestation of HIMSELF in the flesh" (ITim3:16) aka Jesus Christ!
Exd33:20 is RIGHT: MAN must be "physically" dead to "see" (Spiritually) HIS SPIRIT!
SPIRITUAL (Jn4:23-24)!
Nonsense what is this? He ca not described by human imagination
GOD IS A SPIRIT (Jn4:23-24)!
Gal3:28 "There is neither Jew nor Greek..."IN" Christ Jesus!"
In America there was a time when blacks and women could not vote. Only white men could vote. So they want God to be like a first class citizen in the U.S. Since black men got the right to vote before women, that makes them second class citizens and women third class citizens.
A minister died and wrote a book 90 minutes in heaven. He says that he never saw God but does not know why. He did see this incredible light and heavenly music. He did not know that this is what God looks like and sounds like. Since he is a white male, if God appeared as a black woman, would he even mention it? There are people who meditate on this light and music inside of them that is God. Do a Google search for Sant Mat to find out more about this.
Which are all LIES that America has been built on! I doubt "he would have mentioned it" since everything else is a LIE!
GOD is a SPIRIT & "NO ONE" (Jn1:18) can see "SPIRIT!"
Gal3:28 "There is neither JEW nor GREEK"... "IN" Christ Jesus!"
God is never depicted as a man by a true disciple of Christ.
Jesus THE MAN , the SON OF GOD, NOT GOD, BUT HIS SON is depicted and shown as a man by the apostate men (clergy, pastors etc)that do not really know Him (are not sons of God) as what ever color they dream up. But those that really know Him, His brothers, sons of God, know he was an Israelite and depict him as such.
Only they that do all that Jesus, the Lord of this age, requires are the sons of God. All others are liars, deceivers and agents of their father, the father of lies, satan. That is why scripture warns us so many times to test all things to see if they are if God and "do not be deceived".
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