Is Jesus the Son Of God or is Jesus, God Himself?
Or some other version or answer?
You have to understand the doctrine of the Trinity. God is three divine persons in one Being. Jesus is God the Son; He is not God the Father, nor is He God the Holy Spirit. They are co-equal; they/He are/is all God. They all possess the same divine attributes (eternality, omniscience, omnipresence, omnipotence, etc), but they have personal distinctions based upon their role in the Godhead. This is what the Scriptures teach; this is what the true Church has believed from the time it stated this truth in the fourth century. Those who do not believe in the full deity and full humanity of Christ are not saved individuals.
The doctrine of the Trinity, eh? You mean that thing that 4th century Roman bureaucrats just made up so that the Bible wouldn't be nonsensical gibberish while simultaneously making it sound spooky and mysterious to control the peasantry?
Your history is as inaccurate as your theology.
Why does King James remove God's name from the bible , leaving it in only 4 times.
where his name should be announced there is LORD. ISAIAH 26:4 Trust ye in the LORD for ever: for in the LORD JEHOVAH is everlasting strength:'
and three other places.
The early church believed the True Name was too sacred to use all willy-nilly, so they replaced it with the symbolic "LORD" to imply the name without actually using it. Those 4 times must've been deemed to be of sufficient importance to use it.
The Jews, out of a superstitious reverence for the name Jehovah (or Yahweh), always, in reading, pronounced Adonai where Yahweh was written.
That was a good answer Zelk! Yet he could not delete it completely , now the new King James drops it altogether, imagine How Jehovah feels about that. I can we honor the prayer Jesus taught us if we do not know his name. And then people mix him up
The Godhead in Hebrew is Shekhinah, the power of the Holy Ghost not some
place where 3 God's dwell..look it up
FK Jesus himself was the last sacrifice , no more animals to offer up
Because he was God's own son given ,
We have been paid for through his blood that was poured out.
There is no other life as valuble then a first born prince.
Kiss and Tales,
Where is your Scriptural proof that Jesus is Michael?
To gly D. Re 12:7 -8 And war broke out in heaven: Miʹcha·el and his angels battled with the dragon, and the dragon and its angels battled
Col 1:15 " He is the image of the invisible God, the first born of all creation." What does this mean K&T?
The name and title of the Son of God from the time of his anointing while on earth.
The name Jesus (Gr., I·e·sousʹ) corresponds to the Hebrew name Jeshua (or, in fuller form, Jehoshua), meaning “Jehovah Is Salvation.” The name itself was not unusual, many men being so named in that period. For this reason persons often added further identification, saying, “Jesus the Nazarene.” (Mr 10:47; Ac 2:22) Christ is from the Greek Khri·stosʹ, the equivalent of the Hebrew Ma·shiʹach (Messiah), and means “Anointed One.” Whereas the expression “anointed one” was properly applied to others before Jesus, such as Moses, Aaron, and David (Heb 11:24-26; Le 4:3;8:12; 2Sa 22:51), the position, office, or service to which these were anointed only prefigured the superior position, office, and service of Jesus Christ. Jesus is therefore preeminently and uniquely “the Christ, the Son of the living God.”—Mt 16:16;
How we can know Jesus is not the Father
Because before Jesus came to earth he was right by his Father 's side notice
Proverbs 8:30-31
30 Then I was beside him as a master worker.
I was the one he was especially fond of day by day;
I rejoiced before him all the time;
31 I rejoiced over his habitable earth,
And I was especially fond of the sons of men.
Jesus was known as the word.
Reference Bible
Joh 1:1
In [the] beginning the Word was, and the Word was with God, and the Word was a god.
The Word had a beginning as said here,( In the beginning)Jesus,
But the Father Jehovah is eternal, no beginning nor end,
Reference Bible
Isa 26:4 Trust in Jehovah, YOU people, for all times, for in Jah Jehovah is the Rock of times indefinite.
Remember Jesus could not be the Father Because he died. Which caused an end.
The Word did not have a beginning. He was with God in the beginning. Adding the article before "god" is also grammatically inaccurate.
Think in the beginning starts with he was with god, like your self in the beginning with your parents, they were here first, you came later. Typical error on King James part as a translator using a capital G, wrong.
The people who translated the Scriptures in what became the King James were brilliant scholars and linguists as well as true Christians. Your answer betrays your ignorance of both the Biblical languages as well as theology.
What you are saying is King James was perfect who can not make mistakes, I ask you do you ? Just because some one writes or translates a language does not mean. They can not error. Man is Always revising book . Look at acts 2:34
Where did I write in my remarks that I believe the KIng James to be without mistakes? All human translations of the Scriptures will contain errors. All I'm saying is that I trust their scholarship over that of the JWs, especially regarding John 1:1.
I never brought up the subject of Jw we are reading scriptures they should stand alone in truth. Just like I never said anything about your religion.
So let deal with truth not based on name calling of religion.
I identified you as a JW, because of your interpretation of John 1:1. By making that error, you reduce Christ to a created being. You use one proof-text and disregard the rest of the NT that clearly proves Jesus is God. I am dealing with the truth.
What you call error is opinion Jw should are not the only people that understand King James Error, since you are looking for error tell me why he took Jehovah name out of his Translation. Of Hebrew and Greek tetragrammaton shows over 7000 times?
Also you assume that Jehovah’s witnesses are no class of people. They are Scientists, Doctors, Lawyers, scholars, Teacher , what ever you name they are or have been, .8 million and growing all over the world,
I have not denigrated JWs as people; I'm sure many of them try to be moral, and many are accomplished. I do, however, dispute their theology because it is a rehash of an early Church heresy: Arianism. Christ is not a created being; He is God the Son.
Religion has did a lot of injustice as well. Stealing God's name from his work is called
Is like some stealing your hub and putting anothers name on the work.
All will stand before the Judgment seat.
The same was in the beginnynge with God.All thinges were made by it and with out it was made nothinge that was made.In it was lyfe and the lyfe was ye lyght of men. Tyndale Bible
RB the point is Jesus took on a fleshly body
When all the time he was God's first born Angel, Michael. His Value was so high that he paid for Generations of lives to live under his New Government soon to operate in full.
No man has that value but him
K&T: How does your HOLY SPIRIT "work" for you since Mine doesn't "work" the way yours do? lol
Trinitarians teach that Jesus is fully God and fully man, but how can Jesus really be absolutely God while at the same time being absolutely man?
If Jesus is literally God, why does he claim to have a God?
How can an absolute God have a God?
Why does the Bible never mention that God is a Trinity even once?
Why doesn't Scripture come right out and clearly say that Jesus is God even once?
Why does The Bible never say that the Holy Spirit is God.
If God is a 'Trinity', and the Father is God, then is the Father a 'Trinity'?
If Jesus is God, and God is a 'Trinity,' then is Jesus a 'Trinity?'
How could Jesus be God, who is one, and be forsaken by God at the same time?
If Jesus is God, how could God who is immortal die?
During the three days Jesus was dead, was the 'Trinity' operating at 2/3 capacity?
Was God still complete while Jesus was dead?
In other words, if God is a 'Trinity', was the triune God still a 'Trinity' while God the Son was still dead?
Did God die, or only a body, or a human nature with a body?
Was Jesus fully God between the time God forsook him?
Was Jesus literally all knowing and all powerful God while He was a baby inside Mary?
Was Jesus God and sustaining the universe while he was nursing?
The consistent truth throughout the Bible proves that Jesus is divine, meaning like God, of God, and in God, and that the fullness of God’s essence is in Him by the fullness of the Holy Spirit. Yet the clear truth is that Jesus is not literally God, and obviously not God Himself. The Father is God. Jesus is not the Father, whom Jesus says is the only true God.
And this is eternal life, that they know you the only true God, AND Jesus Christ whom you have sent. - John 17:3
While there will be many explanations to try to explain away the clear truth that our God is one, it is a constant truth throughout the Bible.
When Jesus talked about and prayed to this one God, He called Him “God”, “Father“, “The OnlyTrue God," “The Father”, “My Father”, “Our Father”, “Your Father”, “Righteous Father”, and “Holy Father”. He was not praying to nor talking about a ‘Trinity,’ which somehow included Himself as “God the Son”, nor was He talking to or about some incomplete ‘Trinity’ while He was here on Earth as the Son of Man. He talked to God, He talked about God, He clearly identified God as “The Father”, His God, His Father, and He clearly identified His God.
Wonderful list of truth for consideration.
Thanks for sharing it.
Matthew 19:17
And he said unto him, Why callest thou me good? there is none good but one, that is, God: but if thou wilt enter into life, keep the commandments.
In Context | Full Chapter | Other Translations
Mark 10:18
And Jesus said unto him, Why ca
You did such a wonderful and accurate list of this subject , could you also do one about hell fire ? I most sure it would bring honor to the high !
I always had a problem with Jesus praying to himself for guidance, strength etc etc.
Phoenix: Jesus was in flesh (subjected to sin, but didn't) therefore - "not good" as is anyone "in the world" although not "of the world!"
P&N: "With God, ALL things are possible!" (Matt 19:26; Mark 10:27)
You post Bible references completely out of context, and then shout, "Don't LIMIT the SPIRIT!" I suggest studying the surrounding context of your cherry-picked verses before posting them.
P&N: I suggest u go back & do as Jesus told His disciples to do in Acts 1:4 "WAIT for "THE PROMISE" vs reading "literally!"
Re: Jn 17:3 P&N the only true man, AND husband of blank! GET THE PICTURE? U have diff GLORIES! Same man!
Jesus was a mortal man. A rich man paid for the tomb he was put into. Then, Jesus disappeared. Sounds like political espionage to me WHY did the rich guy pay for his tomb? Must have gotten a kickback from the Romans
Frumple Your statement was why would a rich man pay for his tomb?
Is that the reason you do not believe ?
Well my question to you who is valuble enough to buy the lives of generations to keep living? Certainly not one regular human who needs help
Frump: Nope! He''ll get a "kickback" from GOD (Heb 6:10) when he "stands before the judgment seat of Christ" (II Cor 5:10)!
How're your "works" looking?
Norine are you of King James acult ?
You seem to think he is the only one that can write a bible translation?
My question to you is what bible did King James of England read from in 1600's do you know?
Nope! I'm from Holy Spirit's "revelation" ocult IF that's what you think of "guidance" fm Holy Spirit!
Jn 14:26 says HE "will lead & guide us into ALL truth" & I BELIEVE even if NWT translation!
I rely on HS vs languages/research/man!
The Holy Spirit does not reside with an unrepentant heart, repent turn away from sin and you shall be forgiven, then God will come and reside with you. Until then your claiming Holy Spirit guidance is false.
I don't need to repent fm WORD given & if u think so; you represent Satan!
You are an IGNORANT FOOL of HIS WORD! You live under OLD COVENANT and are as an Atheist in the sight of GOD!
Norine, But now you must put them all away: anger, wrath, malice, slander, and obscene talk from your mouth. Repent. Put off the old self through humility and come into the new. Through the Son of God, the Father is waiting. Stop fighting it.
There is no word that says you are allowed to speak with a foul vulgar disrespectful mouth, a statement that was so bad that even Hub Pages deleted the entire thread. You cannot know or understand the word if you chose to remain in darkness, repent
You nor HP cannot "look @ my heart" to determine IF done "in the Spirit of the Lord" can you? So this conversation is about "pride/ego" for you have no ability to judge for u all are NOT GOD!
Heb 3:19 is still there!
Heb 3:19 So we see that they were unable to enter because of unbelief.
Your unbelief is why the Holy Spirit is not with you and you continue to bask in your darkness. If you don't believe you have to repent then you will not enter. repent.
If you still have to "WORK" (Eph 2:8-9) & believe there is still "Sin" (Jer 31:34;Heb 8:12; 10:17) you're the UNBELIEVER (aka Atheist)!
"There is NO CONDEMNATION to those IN CHRIST JESUS" (Rm 8:1)!
I'm "IN!" Your actions (unbelief) displays NOT
Eph 4:26-27 Be angry and do not sin; do not let the sun go down on your anger, and give no opportunity to the devil.
Keep reading, and your darkness is explained by whom you have given opportunity to. Read Eph 4 31-31 comply and repent.
You CONTINUE to live under OLD COVENANT & don't BELIEVE; therefore "will not enter" (Heb 3:19)! There's NO "REPENTANCE" under NEW COVENANT! CHRIST HAS DONE IT ALL! I will ask the Q: "Is there repentance under New Covenant?" so we can expound!
You continue to deny the elephant in the room your active unrepentant sin, it is not allowed in the kingdom of God, before the cross or after, it matters not. Repent.
Did you see the "jailer" REPENT under New Covenant in Acts 16:30-31! You FOOL! We live under New Covenant & all we have to do is "BELIEVE!" Come on! "GROW" (II Cor 3:18) as Peter did!
You don't have to repent? That is about the only thing that will keep you out of the KOG.
You DENY SCRIPTURE? Hebrews 3:19 DID NOT say 'they could not enter because of "SIN" It says "because of "UNBELIEF!" You sound like an Atheist & act like one continuously following LYING on GOD!
Norine, Hebrews 3:19 is about the Israelites not entering the promised land, not the Kingdom of God.
The times of ignorance God overlooked but now he commands ALL people everywhere to repent - Acts 17:30
Stop using deceitful foul words, repent
Heb 3: Take heed, lest there be in any of YOU an EVIL HEART of UNBELIEF, in departing fm the living GOD." Israelites? 4:1 "Let us therefore fear, lest a promise being left us entering into his rest, any of u should seem to COME SHORT of it."
That unrepentant mouth of yours still getting you in trouble. Any witness from your mouth is covered and distorted because of your unrepentant heart.
NO ONE can come at me "thinking" I don't have an "understanding" of WORD which GOD has "revealed" unto me & for that FOOL to say GOD'S WORD was only for the Israelites, is IGNORANT & you HYPOCRITES are as Scribes & Pharisees who were FOOL
Norine, Yes we can. You have exposed yourself and are being rebuked for your belligerent behaviours. Your throat has become an open grave. Stop the venomous behaviours towards others. Repent. Call out for the grace of Yahweh through His Son.
Boy, go sat you IGNORANT OLD COVENANT THINKING DOWN somewhere! ANY FOOL who is still "looking for the KoG," is IGNORANT! The HOLY SPIRIT is the KoG if you allow HIM in your life by BELIEVING! Where are you guys? Just reading Cinderella?
I see that unrepentant mouth still. To quote an active sinner I know (Norine) SHOW SCPTR THAT KOG is HS. I have to find some batteries for my flash light the darkness from this conversation is really dark. So do you tell your children it is OK to Sin
Do u see anyone saying "The KoG is at hand" AFTER Day of Pentecost? Paul preached the kingdom of GOD (telling them about the Holy Spirit) but didn't say "It''s coming" as they did BEFORE the Day of Pentecost!
So Paul was running and telling us to run the race to the finish of something that has already happened? Got ya. There are many things that will happen up to and including the New heaven and new earth which are progressing to and for the KOG.
U calling JESUS A LIAR "AGAIN?"Aren't u tired of Blaspheming? HE SAID "The Kingdom of GOD" is WITHIN YOU" (Lk 17:21)! Do u not KNOW WORD? It's there for ALL but don't TRY to come at me "trying" to DISCREDIT HOLY SPIRIT w/in me! U got PROBLEM! Repent
Jesus said a lot of things but you seem to only pick the ones that suit your needs. Didn't He say Repent also? Didn't he say if you love me you WILL obey my commandments? But that is Old Covenant right? What of Paul your buddy, why is he running?
"REPENT" means to TURN to GOD (Acts 20:21) "repentance TOWARD God!"
Paul "running?" II Tim 4:7 "I have fought a good fight, I have finished MY course, I have kept the Faith."
Where is he running?
1Co 9:24 Do you not know that those who run in a race all run, but one receives the prize? Run in such a way that you MAY obtain it.
The KOG is mentioned 69 times in the NT Once it say it is in you, there is more to the KOG than just in you.
One's "proportion of FAITH" is where one ends up in the "race;" not ANYTHING to do with your "physical body" (Rm8:8)!
JESUS SAID Lk 17:21;25 "The KoG is w/in u but 1st HE must suffer" to send which is "the HS"(Jn14:26)!
ONE SPIRIT (Jer 23:24)!
Man, that's a lot to try and answer! Not sure how far we'll get but here goes.
The first thing to remember is the Bible isn't a systematic theology! The nearest the writers ever got to that was the Book of Romans.
With regard to the Trinity even back in Genesis there are clues that show the way. "In the beginning God (Elohim) created the heavens and the earth. Did you know that the word for God used all through the first chapter of genesis is plural (meaning more than one) and feminine in form meaning that at least part of the 'godhead' could be female! Scholars say this is a 'plurality of majesty' (like when the queen uses 'we' meaning herself!)
" Hear o Israel, the lord your God (Elohim meaning Gods) is one.
The doctrine of the trinity came about at the council of Nicea in 325AD when they were disputing if Jesus was God or just 'like' God. The council said he was of the same essence as the Father so he must be God the son! Its us who've changed it to son of God but that's not what the council originally said.
The debate did rage on for many years and still does today. We still don't fully know how Jesus can be fully God and fully man but he is.
Hope this helps
But there is a heart condition that he sees that will allow you to be drawn. Until reach
You will only see your way and not his.
That is why Judas committed the unforgivable, he was drawn by the Father and acted against his spirit to betray his Son.
Elohim doesn't mean more than one God, so read my answer
masculine plural ending does not mean "gods". Elohim is used with singular verb forms and adjectives and pronouns in the singular.
Hebrew grammar. If a noun is plural (masculine) but the verb is singular then it is treated as single BUT the plural needs to be taken into account! Meaning you have to allow that there may be more than one even when you treat it as one.
F K thank you for providing that scripture, as an example there is order,if that was all then why would God provide a Messiah , the Jews Were To Be On A Look Out .
that one would better the law not destroy it.
Yet would blanket generations of lives.
K and T if we go through old testament Moses said in Deuteronomy that He would fulfill the old testament, Jesus dying on the cross for our sins means we get a free pass to do whatever we want. if we just accept. This contradicts the old testament.
AK , like a contract there is the small print that tells you what is covered and what is not.
Heb 10:26 For if we practice sin willfully after having received the accurate knowledge of the truth, there is no longer any sacrifice for sins left,
K and T lets have a proper discussion on this topic, with facts and figures. i think it would be better to have it in a seperate hub
To gly. F . Lu 4:41Demons also would come out of many, crying out and saying: “You are the Son of God.” But, rebuking them, he would not permit them to speak, because they knew him to be the Christ.
The Demons knew who he was, and validated .
Lk4:34"the Holy One of God" Is 9:6"THE MIGHTY GOD;THE EVERLASTING FATHER" JESUS CHRIST (A "GLORY") the "manifestation of GOD in the flesh" (II Tim 3:16)! The ONE SPIRIT who came into sinful world while SAME SPIRIT "filled HEAVEN & earth"(Jer23:24
It really makes no difference. God lives in Jesus just like He lives in all who accepts Him but through Jesus. If you read the book of John 17 you will see that Jesus had finished His work on earth and prayed to inherit the power of His Father because they were together in heaven at the beginning of time. After His work was done here on earth Jesus ascended back to heaven, He had become God. In earlier books Jesus had told His disciples that "When you see me, you see the Father." How much more must be said? In John 14:6 Jesus tells how He is the go between man, woman and God. Some people say Jesus is the Son of God and some say He is God. To me, it doesn't matter because they have become one and equal in power like baptism in the name of The Father, The Son and The Holy Ghost.
Jesus did not become God; He was God the Son who became a man. He is perfect God and perfect man. This has always been the orthodox doctrine of the Church, because this is what the Scriptures teach.
With that thought of being drawn , simply shows us we are picked to understand accurate knowledge, we do not pick ourselves. invited from the Heavenly Father.That is why some people will never understand scripture only their interpretation not God
Word: Get it right! It does matter! That why Scripture says Matt 7:22 & Gal 1:6-9! Baptism should be under New Cov! Jesus sent the Holy Spirit thru Apostles to tell you HOW to be baptized in Acts 2!NOTE: NAME! Jer31:33;Heb8:10;Jn14:26 came Acts 2
glnch I give it to you that you tell the truth of where your beliefs come. You said Orthodox doctrine. Really you give a trust that we are warned about .
Mt 15:9 But in vain they do worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men.
Kiss and Tales,
I am not giving you man-made doctrine as did the Pharisees; they contradicted the OT with their laws. I am giving you what the Scripture plainly teaches: the fundamentals of the faith that true Christians have believed for centuries.
There are christian who defected to the mixture of pagan believes
More evident from the edicts of Milan.
Many pagan festivals already celebrated became a mixture into christian homes
there must be no poison of pagan worship.conneted to the True God
Word55 you have completely missed the meaning of "If you see me you see the father" It doesn't mean what you have interpreted it to. but, there's not enough room here to explain it
K&T Matt 15:9 applies to JW'S "rewriting Bible to accommodate their beliefs"(false doctrines)! HOLY SPIRIT will "reveal" TRUTH & u guys r in trouble! Jn8:58 "Before Abraham, "I AM!" Y'all r in trouble! Made 2 MANY mistakes "rewriting!"
Norine all your quotes and beliefs arrive from King James of 1600's , you can not grasp that he took God's name out the bible over 6000 thousand times , that is why you think Jesus is God.
So everybody that understand any Greek and Hebrew you ignore
YOUR PROBLEM: You IGNORE the HOLY SPIRIT who "REVEALS" ALL! Hebrew/Greek/Translations/ are IRRELEVANT! You "lean to your own understanding" (Prov3:5) studying Heb/Greek as MISFIT "Researches!"
By your own words, you are saying we must not rightly divide the word of truth and ignore the hundreds of the explicit plain words revealed by the Holy Spirit in Scripture for your own "special revelations" based on your cherry-picked ambiguous texts
What Word have u "rightly divided?" You still live under OC! U baptize in Father,Son,HS (Titles), JW'S don't, u WORK for salvation vs Eph 2:8-9, u thnk "Paul" just another man, u "thk" there r 3 "persons" (no 2; don't no what happened to HS) Trinity
Please use proper words that people can understand. You are writing unintelligible gibberish assumptions.
U "THINK?" Oh yes, u do!
I Cor 2:14"But the natural man recvth not the thgs of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto them: neither can he know them, because they are SPIRITUALLY DISCERNED."
Norine, Repent. Let's expose your false doctrine for others to see who you really are. Here is a refutation of your false modalist oneness doctrine that states "Jesus is the Father" in this link:
Lk 5:31-32 "...They that r whole need not a physician; but they that r sick. I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance."
You look @ YouTube; I'll continue to look @ WORD!
Norine, the link is not there for you to look at, but to expose to others the false oneness modalist doctrine. Repent. Stop drinking the Kool-Aid. Promoting the doctrine of demons is the wide road. Ignorance is bliss will only last so long.
Did I not say I'd never head of "Oneness" until HUB? I READ WORD!
Don't u know for every offense there is a defense for ANY subject on computer? Who cares what "man" has said re: ANY subject? Ppl r confused for that reason! ONLY Word matters!
Matthew 4:3 And the tempter came and said to Him, "If You are the Son of God, command that these stones become bread."
Matthew 8:29 And they cried out, saying, "What business do we have with each other, Son of God? Have You come here to torment us before the time?"
The devil and demons have no problem what so ever with who Jesus is. He is the Son of God and they know it. What a shame that self professing Christians only know what their religious doctrines teach. There truly are many different Jesus out there. May we all be drawn by the Father to the way the truth and the life.
John 14:6 Jesus said to him, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.
John 6:44 No one can come to Me unless the Father who sent Me draws him; and I will raise him up at the last day.
Please explain what you mean by "What a shame that self-professing Christians only know what their religious doctrines teach."
Great scripture Rich this shows , the Father is separate , because his work is separate from the son. The Father draws, the son accepts who's drawn, and if that one dies , Jesus resurrects that one back to his life.
Thanks for sharing.
Kiss and Tales,
Yes. The Father, the Son, and the Spirit have differing responsibilities within the Triune Godhead, but they are co-equal in their essence. God is three persons but one eternal Being.
not Co equal when one dies. , the heavenly Father is eternal. That does not make them equal.
Even Jesus said so at Php 2:6 who, although he was existing in God’s form, gave no consideration to a seizure, namely, that he should be equal to God
When the Word became a man, He voluntarily waived the independent use of His divine attributes. He did not surrender them; He remained God the Son. He just took on the limitations of humanity so that He could die and pay the penalty of sin.
Notice. Ps 91:11, 12 For he will give his angels a command concerning you, To guard you in all your ways.12 They will carry you on their hands, So that you may not strike your foot against a stone.
“If you are a son of God, hurl yourself down;
Satan did not doubt Christ's deity. When the text says, "If," it can better be translated as "Since" according to Greek grammar. The text also does not say "a" son of God, but "the" Son of God. Jesus is the one-of-a-kind Son of God.
but he did not say if you are God the Father
He knew who he was. From your comments you believe in Angels, here satan is one , yet he knows a lot about Jesus past.
Mt 4:6 and said to him: “If you are a son of God,
Why would he say that? He knew Jesus to be the Son, not the Father.
Of course Lucifer knew about the Son; the Son was the One who ordered him cast out of heaven after his rebellion.
Look at Job 1:6 notice these sons , are they also triun?
The term "sons of God" probably refers to other angels; the angelic adversary, Satan, appears among them. The Trinity is not a fully developed doctrine in the OT, because the Word had not yet taken on human form. Here Satan addresses Him as the LORD.
Who is the first Angel created ? of millions
Daniel 7:10 A stream of fire was flowing and going out from before him.A thousand thousands kept ministering to him, and ten thousand times ten thousand stood before him. The Court took its seat,
Only God knows the name of the first angel He created. Lucifer was among the first, and probably Michael and Gabriel since they are archangels. I suppose you believe it was Jesus as "the first-born of all creation." But you misinterpret that passage.
Notice the verse. Ps 91:11-12 OT For he will give his own angels a command concerning you, To guard you in all your ways.
The same verse quoted by satan to Jesus.
For Jesus is his first born, known also by MICHAEL the Archangel.
I do not believe you are ready to receive the truth about Jesus, so you won't be hearing from me again on this issue. I trust that you will come to know who Jesus truly is before it is too late.
To glnch. Jesus in My King , he gave up a fleshly body , do that I could keep living,
I truly know who Jesus is,
But I also know the Heavenly Father as Jehovah who sent Jesus, who was Michael before that.
The name Jesus means Jehovah saves.
Actually, "Jesus" is a centuries-long corruption of the original Hebrew name "Yehoshuah," which means "God is salvation." And the name Yehoshuah would later be written in English as "Joshua."
Jesus' name isn't "Jesus" at all. It's "Joshua."
Because of the many doctrines we have to be sure it really is validated by God and Jesus
. Notice Eph 4: 4-6 one Lord, one faith, one baptism; 6 one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all.
One faith is not many but one.
"When the Word became a man, He voluntarily waived the independent use of His divine attributes."
You won't find this in the scriptures. What a shame professing Christians believe this stuff. This is man's religious doctrine at it's finest.
Did you not say you do not go by King James , but you go by spirit , and now you say read scriptures that you read from King James.
Sorry but this is a dead end .
Let me tell you about "dead end!" When one doesn't BELIEVE the HOLY SPIRIT can "WORK" to "REVEAL" TRUTH; that is a "dead end!"
A dead end is when someone will not repent and believes that the Holy Spirit still remains in the sinners heart. Only by repenting and turning back to God will he abode with you. There are no active sinners in the kingdom of God.
Well you won't be there; will you! You are IGNORANT to "think" the KoG is NOT HERE -NOW! HE came on the Day of Pentecost! Are you still looking? FOOL!
I'd imagine so, since you are so TWISTED (IGNORANT) in your belief!
The whole idea of Trinity was a marginal note of a scribe that was later incorporate as part of the Bible. (Groan!)
Jesus said that he and the Father were one, but those who corrupt this into Jesus saying that he himself is God the Father are missing the point.
Kabbalists (Bnei Baruch) describe what Jesus was talking about. They call it "equivalence of form." When you are like God, you are one with God. Anyone can do this. I have done it for a few brief seconds and the gates of creation were open to me. When you are pure love without any self-concern, you are one with God. This doesn't make me God any more than it did Jesus.
But Jesus had perfected this state of equivalence of form with that of God. He had become effortlessly loving and utterly non-self-concerned.
Great answer lonestar! One of the best I heard lately.
Sent you a poem, Brother Rod. Look for it. Thanks for your noble contribution here.
Poleflux Jesus never claim to be God or equal to his Father.
Most people followed him because of what he could do for them
And he fed thousands many times, A cult leader is about his self
How he can use people for his needs
Jesus was used for his.
K&T I'm not going to debate who wrote what & when; who translated orig Scripture fm Hebrew/Greek into English (mistranslations could've occurred there too) when I KNOW the HOLY SPIRIT "REVEALS" ALL TRUTH! Apparently, you don't know the HOLY
Norine the holy spirit is this !Ga 5:22 On the other hand, the fruitage of the spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faith, these are marks of his spirit.
I believe people whos conduct and speech
Reveal the Father' s spirit.
You're "out of context!" The "fruit of the Spirit" is displayed w/those WITH ONE ACCORD! Did JESUS show these "fruits" in Matt 23? Why? They were "unbelievers!" Do u think GOD has those "fruit" w/those in Prov 6:16-19? Get real! Who taught u TWISTED
You get real you have not showed these as listed. As you now deny in your ego.
No ego intended! You must "get real" w/WORD & stop thinking we all should "go along to get along" when Scripture says otherwise! I've given WORD! Is 5:20; 8:20;Lev19:17;Titus 1:13;Ps37:30;Is59;8;ICor1:10; 6:15;Mal3:18;Rm16:17-18;IITim3:5-6;IJn4
Personally, I believe that Jesus was just a Prophet like Abraham, Issiah, and many others. When Jesus stubbed his toe he said "OW!". Also for Jesus to pray to Himself if he was God (Matthew 26 vs 31 to 46 and many others) would make little sense.
To Rob Mellow , true Jesus was a Phophet. But much more then you have missed.Jesus was perfect, he would not have hurt his to,he being Gods first born son as his first Angel Micheal.
Came to keep me and you living, past our own power he paid a price
As the representative of the apostles, Peter declared Jesus to be the "Son of the living God." After the resurrection, Thomas worshiped Jesus, saying, "My Lord and my God." The Jews sought to stone Him to death because He claimed to be Yahweh.
To gly C . Returning back to heaven he still carries the name Michael.
Da 12:1“During that time Miʹcha·el will stand up, the great prince who is standing,
Jude 9But when Miʹcha·el the archangel had a difference with the Devil and was disputing,
Your references do not equate Michael and Jesus. Michael is merely an archangel, an exalted spiritual being who protects Israel. Jesus is the King of kings and Lord of lords. You have proven nothing by quoting these verses.
True gly he is not in parts, but they are not rolled up in one body either, the scriptures says man and woman will become one flesh, are they really rolled up as one body. No , but they become one in the meaning of togetherness and agreeing,
RM: You talk to urself don't u? READ Heb 1:8-14!
Yes They "agree" but are ONE SPIRIT not "flesh!"
JW'S deny GOD & will have to stand before the judgment seat of CHRIST!
Yes, you are correct. Jesus is the Son of God & is God. He came to earth as fully man & fully God. It is amazing that He would do such a thing for us. He did this because it was not possible that the blood of animals could take away sins... they merely were a covering and were a foreshadowing of what the spotless Lamb would do for mankind. He came to reveal truth, to seek and save that which was lost, to heal and minister to people, to be a sacrifice for the sins (all the shortcomings & even transgressions) of mankind. All who choose Him choose life.
Hebrew and Greek is written with different meanings
Like people who believe in hell fire, there is no such place in the original Hebrew and Greek. Hades, sheol is the words used in hebrew God' s name has been removed YHWH, bad translations
John, Jesus was a man, and God says he is not
Numbers 23:19
God is not a man, that he should lie; neither the son of man, that he should repent:
Kiss and Tales,
I have studied Greek & Hebrew also, but why do you bring the languages up in relation to my original comment?
Mara A., the reference is in regards to mankind being in a fallen state & God created all. Also, Jesus was both God
I apologize for the inconvenience of using the space under your name ,
I am guilty of posting where I can find an open comment space , since we are limited to 250 word count .it hard to wait and then you forget what you wanted to say.
Kiss and Tales, ah... I see. Understood.
Mara A., I was stating that Jesus is both God & man. God was indicating that He is the Creator, is Holy, does not lie, and that mankind is in a fallen state.
FK no other human could be valuble enough to buy us out the situation to be born and just die with no hope of return.
Jesus was in a man's Form but he became Adam replacements because Adam sold us into death eternal as for his self and Eve.
K&T: What r u saying? "and just die with no hope of return." Are u speak of JESUS?
Nowhere in the bible have I read where Jesus, God, and the Holy Ghost are all one and in a trinity. Jesus was God’s son, not God himself
For those like Lawrence who try to prove the trinity by using the Hebrew word Elohim, and claiming Elohim means more than one God, it isn’t so
Elohim in Hebrew is used to express the one true God, and doesn't mean gods
Hebrew grammar is different from ours. When Elohim is used with singular verbs and adjectives Elohim is usually singular, "god" or especially, the one almighty God. When it is used with plural verbs and adjectives elohim is usually plural, gods
In Genesis Elohim was used with singular verbs and means God
The Trinity doctrine did not come into existence as its own piece of theology. Rather, it evolved over time as the orthodox (or Alexandrine) Christian response to the Arian doctrine. In order to condemn Arius and the Gnostics as well, the Council of Nicaea determined that Christ and God were separate yet unified, each fully God. This was merely a statement of belief, not by itself a theological concept.
I think you misunderstood my point. Elohim speaks of plurality within the Godhead. Jesus is fully God because he's of the same essence! That's what the council of Nicea teaches. Homoosios I believe the Greek is.
Thank you Monkeyshine75, You certainly have made me proud , and made my day.
This is the very reason why people who do not know anything other then the King James bible and not accept that the original language of Hebrew and Greek is different
I've just been and checked what you said and you're right about the singular verbs. The commentator did however say that it allows for plurality within the Godhead so the argument still stands. Coeternal and coexisting with the Father.
Lawrence I understood, but disagree, Jesus was/is not God,
Thanks Kiss and Tales
FK through out the history and generations who has taken care of that need , or provided a cure, no one at this late date, no one but JESUS
Has been the means paid for our future.
Well, where ever you got your info is incorrect, Lawrence That person is trying to use that verse to support his belief in a trinity
You have to look at the Hebrew meaning, which you haven't
Norine when you tell me what bible King James of 1600's read from before his translation.
Then you can speak to me on the subject .
But right now you are confused.
GOD! Do you not know the HOLY SPIRIT? Has HE never spoken to you? What "guides" you? Man's knowledge or yours or both?
Jesus is the son of God but he is the God himself. According to Catholic believes god has three parts -Father, Son and Holy spirit but these three parts act as a single entity called God. So Jesus is the God himself in the Son form. eg. :- 1+1+1 =3 but 1*1*1=1
Gods trinity nature is well explained in genesis where he describes himself in plural form instead of singular. This three part trinity nature of god is well explained in bible. But this is complex subject and further inquisition will only confuse you . So better stick on to the church teachings don't worry about the background data.
FK. Even though he became flesh and blood it was for our needs to buy longer life and to give us all the things we can not have in this present world and system.
No human standing in history has ever came up with the cure for sickness death. But
God has no parts; He is not part Father, part Son, and part Holy Spirit. He is three Persons in one divine essence.
Anyone who simply reads the Bible for themselves without attending any Constantine religion will not be leavened with invented unscriptural statements.
Poleflux the first Apostles were his first witnesses .Notice Mathew, Mark, Luke , John, a list of 4 written testimonies , then the required 3 by law.
If you witness a accident and two others saw it as well, it would rule in on the bases witnesses.
K&T: Do you even BELIEVE in the HOLY SPIRIT? Is HE not "politically correct" in your RELIGION? What function is HE in your walk? HE is POWER (Acts 1:8) yet u thk u have MORE studying Heb/Greek?
Norine you have revealed another spirit that is lacking on HP Col 3:12 Accordingly, as God’s chosen ones, holy and loved, clothe yourselves with the tender affections of compassion, kindness, humility, mildness, and patience.
Cussing is not spirit.
Again "out of context!" Did you not hear "chosen ones?" These are believers w/believers or WITH ONE ACCORD! We don't go around leaving our brother in sin being "compassionate toward sin!" Get real! Do u condone wrong w/ur children? Why others?
The idea that a human can be divine has been postulated in many religions. We see this thought in Hinduism as well, where Ram is a human and an incarnation of God, Krishna is another example.
I agree with Lawrence Hebb that Jesus Christ was never considered to be divine until after the Council of Nicea. Jesus till that time was considered to be a man.
With regards of him being the son of God it doesn't make him special in such cause Romans 8:14 states
" For those who are led by the Spirit of God are the children of God. For those who are led by the Spirit of God are the children of God. For all who are led by the Spirit of God are children of God. For all who are led by the Spirit of God are sons of God"
There tons of reference where allot of other People have been labelled as son of God.
Plus there is no reference where Jesus himself mentioned that he is GOD almighty or to worship him.
Like a wedding with proper envite we may not be able to attend a most heart warming wedding and feast. There is a person in charge if they do not know of your or about you as a guest you will not get In.
Jesus was given Authority of that list.
Kiss and Tales I disagree because if you review the gospels you find a great amount of statements which say otherwise.Jesus himself said is Mathew 19 vs 16 that keep the commandment if salvation was from his death, he wouldnt say to keep them.
The law was a preview that would help us to understand that we are sinners and needed a cure. And that the cure would come known as the Messiah. The point is no human born of Adam could buy us out of death eternal. But a provision of God.
Constantine and his appointed minions certainly mingled all that they could to make an all inclusive state religion that would please all. It worked. In America today no persecution. A perfect out, how could I be like Him after all He is God.
if i argue that this was the purpose what about the generation before Jesus? this arguement does not provide explanation to allot of things. I wish we can discuss this on full debate form ratther than this way.
Comments made in an actual Hub can be much longer than the question and answer forums.
FK. We can ask ourselves what man can not sin and be a perfect gift
For God to save human life, if this gift is required who would be perfect No regular man because we were born imperfect, but If God provides a perfect person to be born from him
The apostles did not consider Jesus to be divine? The early Church fathers did not think Jesus was God the Son? Jesus is the "only begotten Son"; He is one-of-a-kind. Romans 8 refers to Christians. The NT is full of references to His deity, John 8:58
Who do you say I am Peter? You are the Son of God. You are correct, but you only know that because my Father has shown you. Those that don't know this today have not been shown by the Father. Man's teaching has a strong delusion in place, so be it.
It's easy to "cherry-pick" as Jesus used the Greek words ego eimi (I am) as a supposed intentional direct reference to the divine name of God, but Peter(Luke 22:33)and the blind man(John 9:9)also used the same words"I am" to identify themselves too.
Kiss and Tales,
Jesus did not use the Greek words "ego eimi"; the Apostle John translated what Jesus spoke in Aramaic into Greek. Six other places John wrote "ego eimi," speaks of Jesus' deity. Your argument re: the other men is just plain silly.
Red herring, Jesus "used" then.
To use John 8:9 as"proof"of claiming deity is imposing your own eisegesis. "Ego emei" was "used" by several other people in Scripture.
You said,"ego emei" speaks of deity;therefore, the blind man is also in John 9:9.
To gly. A.
Mt 4:6 and said to him: “If you are a son of God, hurl yourself down; for it is written, ‘He will give his angels a charge concerning you, and they will carry you on their hands, that you may at no time strike your foot against a stone.’”
I weary trying to clarify your meaning. What does "Jesus used then" mean? What does Jn. 8:9 have to do with our discussion? All of Jesus' I am statements make reference to some aspect of His deity: 4:24, 26; 8:24, 28, 58; 13:19.
To gly
Reference Bible
Joh 4:24God is a Spirit, and those worshiping him must worship with spirit and truth.”
Must is no room for maybe , or any type but truthful.
I meant John 8:58, not John 8:9 as referenced to your previous comment above where Jesus "used" the words "ego emei" (I am). Sorry for the confusion.
Planks and Nails,
I am not reading my own meaning into the text. The Pharisees picked up stones to stone Him because they believed He was blaspheming by claiming to be Yahweh of the OT.
Also gly you mixed me up with another's comment , never said anything of the words ego eimi, never used these words.
Jesus told them the reason why they wanted to stone him (Jn 10:32). Why use false testimony from the Jewish crowd whom Jesus called liars, hypocrites and murderers to support a false claim that Jesus is God? Jesus is clearly the Son of God (Jn 19:7.)
John 10:36 do you say of Him, whom the Father sanctified and sent into the world, 'You are blaspheming,' because I said, 'I am the Son of God'? Christ's words, He could have said "I am God the Son" but He didn't . They didn't like Him being the Son.
Thanks Rich ! Boy was that a deep scripture and I appreciate how you shared that thought, you are good with the sword of truth.
We don't worry about what HE "could have said," but what HE SAID! Heb 1:8-14 IF GOD called JESUS GOD, who are we?
V10 said JESUS "laid the foundation of the earth..."
What r u FOOLS talking about "trying to FIGURE IT OUT" w/o HS?
Norine, Be not quick in your spirit to become angry, for anger lodges in the bosom.
P&N: Don't let the sun go down on your anger as you confuse my frustration w/anger! You guys are so IGNORANT and imperfect in Scripture "proclaiming" Christianity yes it infuriates me! I HATE you unbelievers "w/a perfect HATE!"
Norine, Repent. Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouth, but only such as is good for building up. When words are many, transgression is not lacking. Restraining your foul words towards others would be prudent. Be not rash with your words.
You want to hear foul language that is in WORD?
You are an IGNORANT JACKASS who still lives under the OLD COVENANT & too much "pride" to admit you believe WRONG so you "try" to discredit the WORD! GOD "sees!"Be not deceived GOD is not "mocked,"
Norine, Why the crooked speech? You should put devious talk far from you. Is it not what comes out of the mouth that defiles a person? Do you not know that one who conceals hatred has lying lips, and whoever utters slander is a fool? Repent.
Psa 45:7 You love righteousness, uprightness, and right standing with God and hate wickedness; therefore God, Your God, has anointed You with the oil of gladness above Your fellows. (King David speaking of the one God of Israel)
You call GOD'S WORDS "slander?" U & Rich r IGNORANT Old Covenant thinkers & "will not enter because of UNBELIEF" (Heb 3:19)! Again, I say ALL thgs "in the Spirit of the Lord" &u can take it or perceive it anyway u like! U can't WORK ur wa
There is no covenant with God old or new that allows unrepentant sin in the kingdom of God. One is not righteous by grace, but first becomes righteous then accepts the grace/forgiveness . Practice righteousness and one is righteous.
Norine, Listen to advice and accept instruction, that you may gain wisdom in the future. Good sense makes one slow to anger, and it is his glory to overlook an offense. Whoever restrains his words has knowledge. Repent and be of cool spirit.
I must say; y'all r on 1 accord w/IGNORANCE (Satan)! When OC thinking is removed; MAYBE you'll understand! Go back & "WAIT" for HIS HELP vs your "interpretation" of WORD! 1 can't WORK their way in or out of the Kingdom as u can see=NOTHING!
James 3:11 Does a spring pour forth from the same opening both fresh and salt water?
I'll give the answer to James question, no it cannot, repentance allows for the salt to be removed and make one fresh clear clean water.
Norine, If anyone thinks he is religious and does not bridle their tongue deceived is their heart; this person's religion is worthless. A faithful witness does not lie but a false witness breathes out lies. Repent of your hatred anger and frustration
You OLD COVENANT THINKERS are as Atheist (UNBELIEVERS) in the sight of GOD operating on behalf of Satan (Jn 8:44)! If you had ANY Holy Spirit u would not continue in these actions! But Pride/Ego is working isn't it-NOT HOLY SPIRIT! IGNORANT FOOLS
There is no New Covenant scripture that says you are allowed to have a disrespectful foul vulgar mouth that not even the gentiles will not tolerate. In darkness there is no light, come out, repent, turn away from darkness.
There is Scripture that says WE ARE FREE "IF" done "in the Spirit of the Lord" (II Cor 3:17)! Why won't you stop calling GOD a LIAR? Can't you READ? Are you so OLD COVENANT? Then you are an UNBELIEVER & are as an Atheist in the sight of GOD!
No Norine in God's eyes I'm warning my neighbor so their sin will not be on my head. Only the darkest rebellious spirits would refuse to repent and turn away from darkness. His forgiveness is there, repent turn back to him and He will forgive.
Not "on your "head," Rich! Scripture says "at thine "hand" (Ezek 3:18)!
Go to question!
To continue in your unrepentant sin is to crucify Him over and over, how sad that anyone would want to do that to a man that laid down his life for all that would repent and follow after him.
You WORK OUT your "repentance;" I'll allow Holy Spirit change me to NEVER DO AGAIN. How'd those New Yr's Resolutions work for u? Could u keep them? How do u expect to "repent" (NEVER DO AGAIN) w/o Holy Spirit's Help & u couldn't keep New Yr's
If God wanted to change you instead of you doing the work He would have yanked out your brain and gave you the one he wanted. That would make you a slave. You changing on your own with help makes you a servant, which do you think God wants ? Repent
That's what we want! Don't u? We want our "minds to be renewed" into HIS! So yes; "yank mine out & make mine as HIS" is my prayer! "Let THIS MIND be in u which was also in Christ Jesus!" AMEN!
"I am a slave to ALL ppl to bring them to Christ!"
You are a slave but it is not for Christ, in light there is no darkness, repent. Renewing your mind like repentance requires you to do something. Study, repent all actions on your part. Help is there for everything but you have to make effort.
I will no longer "waste my pearls on SWINE!" Have a good night!
Jesus said himself: The father is greater than I am." in John 14:28. In 1 John :18 He further explains that no man has seen God at anytime, and in another occasion he says that he came to do NOT HIS WILL, but the will of HE WHO SENT HIM-John 6:38. Here are a few more texts in which Jesus explains plainly that he was NOT the father, but the son. Check these out: Mathew 24:36, Luke 22:42, John 10:17, and John 12:27, Mark 10:18. just to name a few. Of course Jesus also said, who have seen me, has also seen the Father, but if we take all these previous biblical passages in consideration, a picture emerges where we can clearly see that what Jesus meant was that he was a perfect reflection of his father in terms of divine qualities, not that HE WAS his father. It is interesting that Jesus never referred to himself as God, but only referred to himself the Son of God.
How do you define "Son of God"? Is it the divine name for the Second Person of the Trinity, or the name of a created being?
Jesus said, "Before Abraham was, I AM." Jesus never referred to Himself as God (the Father), because clearly He was the Son.
Saying, "I am" does not make a person God. The blind man also said "I am." In the preceding verse (Jn 8:56), Abraham "saw" Jesus' day. Similarly, this was the foreknowledge of Jesus who "existed" in figurative sense in the mind of the Father.
If GOD called JESUS "GOD" who are you guys (Heb 1:8-14)?
Planks you gave your Def , not Dictionary ,
So you fit your own description. Not a nice thing to lie on people I am sure Jesus would not agree with you.
Actually, you are the one replacing the word "cult" that I used from my comment with your own, "occult." You are playing your own twisted semantics game and then calling me a liar. Do you see the irony?
Oh! So u guys are just going to IGNORE GOD calling JESUS "GOD" in Heb 1:8-14? What else do u IGNORE to remain in TWISTED RELIGION?
You can't delete IT? Now what?
Planks you are a liar if you call JW cults. The definition says sinister and promoting satan . we do not come to people doors saying worship satan.
You make this claim using cult.
Cult is one leader.
Our leader is Jehovah and Jesus.
Not so. Your leader is The Watchtower and Tract Society. According to you Jesus is not our mediator defying 1 Timothy 2:5. Check this link out for your own clarification: … V2WcRWfcIA
The Hebrews verse is a quotation from Psalm 45:6,7. The Jews read this verse for centuries knowing the flexibility of the word “’ĕ-lō-hîm.” Many men through the OT were also called "God." Jesus was given his divine authority from Yahweh.
NWT says I Tim 2:5 "For there is ONE GOD, and ONE mediator between GOD & men, a man, Christ Jesus." KJV says "the man" ONLY diff! Why LIE? You all are an "evil" little "cult!"
GOD HELP RELIGIONS estab by "men!"
Planks Watchtower society is not plural as in an ocult,
A (society ) is a group of people involved in persistent social interaction, or a large social grouping sharing the same geographical or social .
No ocult word applies
"Social?" Where is this in Scripture?
ALL SPIRITUAL so what does social/society/man/organization have to do with "worshiping GOD?"
Those words GOD does not "apply" who is SPIRIT & communicates w/us in SPIRIT; therefore, where's GOD?
Consciousness/Spirit, is timeless and immortal. It is a birthless and deathless state. It was in the beginning, and will be there in the end of time ....infinity and eternity, if you like. Out of this Unmanifest; this formless; this invisible, springs the manifest; the form and the visible.
Christ, Buddha, Prophet and Sadguru, are just some of the names given to Beings who have identified with the Unmanifest, to such an extent, that they have lost their Ego and become merged in this Ocean of Spirit/Consciousness. They signify a State of exalted Oneness with the Source of life, and not the man himself. Nevertheless, they are God made man or God with Form.
The invisible Spirit is ever-present, all-knowing, all wise and all powerful. (Omnipresent,Omniscient and omnipotent). We are made in the image of Spirit, and It is our birthright, hence the reason for the mystical life. Man is Spirit by birth and is in isolation right now. He must worship God in Spirit and in service of the Form.
This whole Scheme, or play of Consciousness, is what gives Creation its value or meaning. It is an ever-trascending game. Still, I won't ask you to accept or ponder too much on this, instead I would ask you to pray; to meditate; then Love and serve. So long as you are receptive, the Light of the Spirit (Grace/comforter), will guide you.
Service expands the Heart and in time will open you up lovingly, to the mysteries of God.The Christ was God made man and a direct descent of the Divine. We call them Avatars or God in human form. Not the body, for this limits the all pervading power within.
Finding God is an inner journey, A mystical one. This is Life's sole purpose, and the difference between God-souls and lesser mortals, are simply a matter of degree or level of Consciousness. What is Jesus asking you? Would He have come if He did not think it possible? Why is He here? Know this, and be free. Much Love.
"Christ, Buddha, Prophet and Sadguru" ARE NOT on SAME LEVEL! You believe ANYTHING can be GOD!
Your belief is not Scriptural! There r NOT 1K ways to THE CREATOR & HE'S TOLD u that but u don't care! Keep worshiping "things" & see what happ
Mt 23:9 Moreover, do not call anyone your father on earth, for one is your Father, the heavenly One.
Mt 23:10 Neither be called leaders, for your Leader is one, the Christ.
Jesus has always been our King !
Yes, JESUS is King of Kings and LORD of Lords! Notice CAPS & non-CAPS)? Is 9:6 "...THE MIGHTY GOD, THE EVERLASTING FATHER..."
GOD called JESUS GOD, so who are we (Hebrews 1:8-14)?
What say thee?
Norine you can not judge people on the Internet ! That is not possible , so to give counsel and judgment based on what you perceive is error.
We can not read hearts nore do we know of anyone's past to judge.
You are out of context.
You are a FOOL if you think WORD is *my* perception & don't believe Jn1:1! WORD judges; not *I* (I Pet4:17)! You err!
I don't judge past (sins) but their "belief" presently w/WORD!
Norine who's word King James translation.
or spirit ? You can call me what ever you wish ? But you keep proving you are not of God's spirit Everytime.
If JESUS doesn't want "selling in HIS Temple" & showed us how to act; then do it whether "politically corr" or not!
Call ME what u want but example has been given!
Jesus was a human being who is now dead. If he was a good man, God has him now. We are all children of God, not Jesus, your neighbor.
RB what could he do that he had thousands following, he cured people, he removed demons, he returned life that stopped.
But what is even greater he paid a price for you to live longer then the normal life span because of sicknesses and death.
doctors heal people, bring them back to life, where is the proof that jesus healed people? why would you kill someone for healing others? surely he was worth keeping around for that. he died for our sins so we could live longer to commit more sins?
Poleflux A. the bible also have a proven law as well written ,
Reference Bible
Mt 18:16 But if he does not listen, take along with you one or two more, in order that at the mouth of two or three witnesses every matter may be established.
Actually doctors don't heal people, the body some how heals itself. Doctors manipulate things and the body does the rests. Wonder who created a body that could do that? If you buy he died for your sins you are suppose to stop sinning, unlike most.
Why would we have to "stop sinning" when HE "remembers our sins no more" (Jer 31:34;Heb8:12;10:17&Ps103:12)? You're LOST bcuz of "UNBELIEF" (Heb 3:19) which MOST don't BELIEVE! GOD "operates in "GLORIES" & JESUS the GREATEST (Heb1:3)!
He was a talented man. Many such man with immense leadership qualities and new ideals to change the world has come before and after him. Abraham, David, Elijah etc were not much different from him. There was also Muhammad. In India you can find such peoples like Buddha, Mahavira. In china there was Confucius. In Iran there was Zarathustra. So, Jesus is not that special. Only he had more followers like WhatsApp. But that does not make it much better than Skype or BBM.
RB you address he had a lot of followers but you did not say why,
In today's world celebrities have thousands of fans and followers, they give their talent, or contribute something to their fans
In Jesus Case he did something that no man can do.
HE sure did! READ Heb Chapter 1 & don't think v 3 mean the little boy JESUS sit on the "right hand side" of GOD in a little chair! "RT HAND" means in "RIGHTEOUSNESS!" V8 GOD called JESUS GOD! V10 JESUS created the world! V11 "but thou remainest
Norine does it make sense, Woman said to a Woman sit at my right hand. No !KJ flaws ! Ps 110:1The LORD said unto my Lord, Sit thou at my right hand, until I make thine enemies thy footstool..
You see he purposely does not use YHWH.
Nore use Jesus
K&T: "woman 2 woman?" KJV says this? "RT HAND"="RIGHTEOUSNESS not TWO SEATS (Rev4:2;Eph4:4-6)! SPIRIT/ALL SPIRIT!
"Trinity" thinking (Father/Son) KILLS & just another "spin off!"
The title Son of God is not a divine title, it is a messianic title. In the OT, Israel (in Exodus) and the Davidic line of Kings (in many places, such as the Psalms) are identified as the Son of God. In the prophetic tradition, there would be an heir to the throne of David (a future Son of God, as it were) who would take up the cause of Israel, redeem them to God from exile and foreign rule, and bring about their true purpose of calling all nationsto worship of Yahweh at Mt. Zion (Jerusalem, Isaiah plays heavily on this theme). The title for Jesus, then, is one of adoption by God - at his baptism - to fulfill the purpose of Messiah, to become the representative and fulfillment of Israel's (and thus all humanity's) purpose before God of redemption and reconciliation.
In terms of divinity, John 1 is a good place to start. The preexistent word, through whom the Father spoke the world into existence and existed in unity with the Father humbled himself, sacrificed his glory and power, and became human. As such, he suffered and died and was raised again by the Father, through the Spirit (per Philippians 2 and 1 Peter 2-3). Father is a term for God derived from God referring to Israel and later to Christ as "Son". Jesus refers to the Father as " his God" and "greater" because he had emptied himself of the ability to exercise Godhood. Hr had become fully mortal, a historical man limited by historical human bounds. All exercise of miraculous power or divine insight/wisdom was done through intimate relationship with the Father and through the empowering of the Spirit, which descended on him at his baptism. He had to walk by faith as the Father revealed his purpose to him.
In terms of God being Triune (to round out the bunch) The Spirit is depicted as present in creation as the breath (Greek pneuma) of God which holds back the waters, this same pneuma sustains life and inspires men to seek the Father and record their encounters with him as Scripture. The Spirit also seals the believer's inheritance through Christ. As the Spirit is often assoicated with Wisdom - and thus its personification Sophia, as in the Wisdom of Solomon the Greek translation of Proverbs - it is often portrayed as the divine feminine.
I don't need a 4th century C.E. council or the term homousius to say any of that, that is all from Scripture itself, finished by 110 C.E.
Well versed "Trinitarian!" But you forget there is ONE SPIRIT (Eph 4:4-6) who "manifests HIMSELF into "MANY" - "GLORIES" & JESUS CHRIST - THE GREATEST (Heb 1)!
Why would GOD call JESUS "GOD" (v8-14)?
Jesus is the son of God, but now and days people are using them as them being the same thing. It's just easier that way it seems.
"Nowadays" you need to READ Scripture (Heb 1:8-14)!
Jesus is both son of God and God.
God was manifested in the flesh.He has one name, but many titles.There’s only one God, yet He has multiple titles and attributes.His name is Jesus Christ.Name is singular.I will remind you, there are more than 3 titles of the Father.He is not only the Father. He is not only the Son.He is not only the Holy Spirit.He is also Wonderful. He is also Counselor. He is also the Mighty God.He is also the Almighty Father. He is also the Prince of Peace. Each one of them is a title. It’s an attribute of the Father. And these seven are all in one. He didn’t say and this one are seven. And these one are three. One, two, three. He said, “And this three are all in one.” Look 1 Timothy 3:16.
Singular name; plural titles. Father, Son and the Holy Ghost. Look at the name. For unto us a child is born. Isaiah 9:6 and Matthew 28:19 they are in harmony.
Now I’ll ask you, what is the name of the child that is born? What is the name of the Son that is given? And His name is Jesus Christ. And Jesus Christ shall be called; Wonderful, Counselor, Prince of Peace. The Son is going to be called the Everlasting Father. His name Jesus Christ is going to be called Mighty God. That’s the Holy Ghost and the Everlasting Father. That’s why the Son said, “I and my Father are one.”
For example, you are a colonel, you are a father and you are a son. How many are you? One. You only have one more. When you are in your house your role is a father and husband. When you go to your father and mother’s house you function as a son. Do you function as a father when you’re in your father and mother’s house? No. When you go out into the field and face your troops, what function do you exercise? A military colonel’s. You don’t use your function as a husband. You are one person with one name but many functions. Same goes with Jesus standing as a son and a God.
For more info, check out
Your comments is interesting enough that it says the same of some others , but Hebrew and Greek of the original language does not support What you are saying, Hebrew in plural and singular are different from our English language. Makes a difference.
K&T What r u going to do w/Scriptures she quoted? Throw out of the Bible?
I still don't see how MOST "think" they've been baptized in a NAME when Father, Son, Holy Spirit r "GLORIES" & not a NAME!
Norine she is quoting her understanding with out proof from a newer translation .
Not based on Hebrew and Greek.
Not one word has she reference from Hebrew or Greek meanings and that is the foundation of scriptures not in our Language.
No point
When "man" studies "languages," they are as "Researchers" (MISFIT) "trying" to do the JOB of the HOLY SPIRIT! Did HE not say "HE" would "lead & guide us into ALL truth?" Why then UNLESS u don't BELIEVE?
What r u going 2 do w/Exd3:14-15;Jn8:58?
Great question! Jesus is the Son of God. Romans 10:9&10 shows this to us. I would give a long answer but I believe God's word says it best. Also, visit There are lots of answers here and the pastor responds quickly to email. He answers any questions and loves to teach you how to study the bible. GREAT RESOURCE!
K&T: Why do u think this is in Scripture? Heb 12:11 "Now no chastening for the present seemeth to be joyous, but grievous: nevertheless afterward it yieldeth the PEACEABLE FRUIT of RIGHTEOUSNESS unto them which are exercised thereby!" See WORD wo
Yes, Jesus is the Son of God. And Yes, Jesus is also God, Being one of the three persons in the Holy Trinity.God the Father, God the Son(Jesus) and God the Holy Spirit.
Yes Christ shed much blood for those that will repent. God on the other hand is Spirit, not sure about blood from Him and the Holy Spirit is an "it" so no blood there.
See how IGNORANT you are to WORD (aka "Nigga in Christ")? GOD "manifested HIMSELF in flesh" (ITim3:16) came & DIED for us then reconciled to SAME SPIRIT in heaven! Acts 20:28 " feed the Church of GOD, which HE hath purchased w/HIS "OWN BLOOD
When jesus came to earth, he was born into a man human body. he felt our pain, he felt our hurt, agony, stress, and that was his test to the become the King. I was raise to believe
God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit are 1.
I grew up to teach myself, God created that bay thru the holy spirit and chose maria to be the mother. That was his only son. There for to my understanding, God and Jesus are two separate souls. The holy spirit is what took place to create Jesus. The act of God, and everything that is God.
"Two separate souls?" They are ONE SPIRIT (Eph 4:4-6)! Who told u this?
Norine you mentioned children you know them and what they do .
But you do not know people behind a computer screen. Some people just say things to push your buttons .and you just judge them by a reaction to your belief.
No its not accurate.
Well, if they're IGNORANT enough to say it "They suffer the consequences" if it DEFIES GOD'S WORD! I don't have respect of persons lies or not!
John 4:23-24 “…true worshipers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him. (v24) GOD is a Spirit: and they that worship him MUST worship him in spirit and in truth.” Jeremiah 23:24 “…Do I not fill the heaven and earth, saith the LORD?” If you believe GOD is The ALMIGHTY and you “worship in spirit,” why do you limit the omnipresent, “I AM?”
Father and Son: “The Greatest ALLEGORY in Scripture!”
As Paul (“Jesus’ vessel;” Acts 9:15), states in I Corinthians 9:22 “To the weak became I as weak, that I might gain the weak…” and so did GOD! GOD was “trying” to relate to “mere man” by (I Timothy 3:16) “…manifesting himself in the flesh…” so that we “might” understand! However, if one does not “…worship him in spirit,” (John 4:23-24), they will NEVER “see!”
I Corinthians 12:12 “For the body is one and hath “many” members, and all the members of that one body, being “many,” are one body: “so also is Christ.” I realize this is speaking of the church (Ephesians 5:32), but GOD operates in “Many Glories;” SIMULTANEOUSLY if he desires (Matthew 3:16; Luke 3:22)! Does he not “…fill the heaven and earth” (Jeremiah 23:24)? As we “…change from “glory to glory…” (II Corinthians 3:18), so does GOD, if he desires!
GOD referred to his “GLORIES” of both (“Same Spirit”) Father and Son in Scripture because “mere man” realizes that a father has more authority than a son: and so does GOD! The “Father is Greater” (John 14:28) because that “…Same Spirit” (I Corinthians 12:4) who “…fills the heaven and earth” (Jeremiah 23:24) was never in the flesh as was Jesus Christ (II Corinthians 5:21). Yet was in both places and all places SIMULTANEOUSLY since He, “…fills the heaven and earth” (Jeremiah 23:24)!
“This is a Great Mystery” (Ephesians 5:32) huh? But we’re not talking about “mere man,” we’re speaking of the GREAT “I AM” (aka THE ALMIGHTY GOD), not a mere magician!
“For in him dwelleth ALL the fullness of the Godhead bodily” (Colossians 2:9)!
Over two hundred times, Jesus is explicitly referred to as the “Son,” not the Father. What is painfully clear, is that the Oneness modalist interpretation of select biblical passages are highly resistant to plain reading. There is no allegory.
Is 9:6 "...HE shall be called THE MIGHTY GOD..."(What?) "...THE EVERLASTING FATHER..." (What?)
Boyz I know u WISH u were right but you "AIN'T!"
Look IN THE SPIRIT or you won't "SEE!"
Leave that Trinitarian dung ALONE!
He who has ears let him HEAR
Also she Ms pispis, did not come back to reply , why are you ignoring the truth it's not in Hebrew or Greek which does not make her statement true.
Maybe RELIGION taught her not to "argue" (PROVE) which errs! K&T JESUS can be Michael, Gabriel, all the prophets, ANYONE/ANYTHING
HE desires; simultaneously!
Oneness modalsists use their ambiguous texts for their cult's predilections rather than what has been made crystal clear. 179 times Jesus is presented as referring to “the Father,” “my Father” or “your Father” in the Gospels as distinct from himself.
So u "Ekkelesians" can relate that the SAME SPIRIT who wasn't "manifested in the flesh" was subjected to "world/sin" and A PORTION of the SPIRIT wasn't!
Not daddy & lil boy as we!
SPIRIT - ALL SPIRIT (Jn4:23-24)!
Planks what is an occult ? Could you define it because .everyone that does not agree with you is occult. Please give definition from Dictionary.
K&T A religious cult are a group of people with misplaced or excessive admiration for ambiguous Scripture verses to make their claims while ignoring the explicit ones.
Planks according to your definition you just proved you are one.
The word “occult” is generally associated with secret knowledge and practices dealing with the supernatural or “psychic” phenomena, ...
What you did not notice is that I used the word "cult" in my comment, not occult. FYI, they are two different words.
ANYTHING that doesn't agree w/his "interpretation" of WORD is a "cult!" PROBLEM: "Interpretation" vs "revelation!" HE didn't "WAIT" (Acts 1:4) just grabbed book & tried to "figure it out!"
So Norine you quote and believe in King James of England .Then you do not agree that King James was moved by spirit to write his own translation.
You certainly follow his every word.
You talk like MISFIT!
LET ME TELL YOU "ONE MORE TIME;" I BELIEVE in the HOLY SPIRIT who SAID "HE WOULD REVEAL "ALL TRUTH" (Jn 14:26)! What part of that don't u "understand?" I rely TOTALLY on HIM to REVEAL "ALL" TRUTH even if I used NWT translation
Norine you say the spirit guides you , but you quote from King James and admit you do not follow king James but you quote his translated scriptures . The Holy spirit does not work the way you think .
Oh yeah! HE "lets you know" ("reveals") KJ or NW LIED! I didn't know about baptizing in JESUS' Name but Scripture did not show where disciples "obeyed that commandment" so Scripture did not TESTIFY of ITSELF; therefore LIE "revealed!" HE "WORKS"
Norine the scripture speaks for itself , he is the image of his Father,many times people say your son is the image of you.
Meaning you have ways like your dad or Mom.
Jesus was raised by Jehovah of course he would think and mimic his father's ways
The"image" is the SAME SPIRIT that was in THE man JESUS CHRIST not "physical appearance!" "No man has seen GOD at anytime" for HE IS SPIRIT! The Body(JC) was not GOD but the SPIRIT within was (Jn4:23-24)! U MUST "see" in SPIRIT! "Raised"(Rev1:8)?
Jesus is the son of God, God, and the Holy Spirit; they are all separate, but equal.
Here are the words of Jesus: "I am going to the Father, for the Father is GREATER than I." - John 14:28
"Greater than HIM bcuz HE was subjected to world (sin/flesh) whereas THAT SAME SPIRIT never was! THINK "SMOKE" who "fills heaven & earth" & a portion of SAME SMOKE became "FLESH" to relate to "carnal minded" men!
I'm not interested in your oneness modalist cult explanations and whatever you are smoking. I'll stick to to the hundreds of explicitly clear texts in Scripture without someone blowing smoke all over them.
I KNOW you're "not interested" in what GOD SAID "only" what "you" believe! Therein lies DEATH! II Cor 3:18 says WE "chg fm GLORY to GLORY" even as by the SPIRIT of the Lord." Where does that leave you?
Do you want to die in your sins Norine? Repent you turn away from sin, ask for forgiveness that is your part, faith isn't thinking the Holy Spirit is going to do all the work. That is called rationalization and clinging to "I was born that way".
What? You're a FOOL! Stop reading "Cinderella" GO BACK & WAIT for HELP from the HOLY SPIRIT or you will continue "looking for the KoG!"
If we will "Do greater thgs than JESUS" how do you figure a man w/o HOLY SPIRIT can do this or don't u believ
I know where the KOG is norine, but that has nothing to do with your unrepentant sin. If you believe the HS is the KOG and it is in you, you must also believe that in darkness there is no light. There is no HS in an unrepentant heart.
Rm 5:20-21 "Where sin abounded, GRACE did much more abound. That as sin HATH reigned unto death, even so might GRACE reign through righteousness unto ETERNAL LIFE by Jesus Christ our Lord" or Jer 31:34;Heb8:12;10:17 LIED "I'll remember sin NO MORE!"
I wrote an answer to this issue already in hub. In a nutshell, Jesus is the Son of God in a very different sense than we are sons of our fathers. That Jesus is the Son of God means that He proceeds from the essence of who and what God is, this Jesus is Divine and one being with God.
Explain I Tim 3:16 and John 1:14 please?
About 1 Timothy 3:16. God was manifest in the flesh because everything that God is dwells in Jesus. Jesus is fully God and fully man.
About John 1:14. The Word of God (the expression of God's will through which He created everything) became human.
Marc: Re:ITim 3:16. If GOD is ONE SPIRIT (Eph 4:4-6), who (SPIRIT) "fills the heaven & earth" (Jer 23:24), why could not that SAME SPIRIT (I Cor 12) be "manifested" for men to "see" in the GLORY of JESUS CHRIST?ONE "Omnipresent" SPIRIT;not 3 pers
Jesus is definitely not God. Jesus IS the son of God and he is not equal to God. There are some things that God ONLY knows. Jesus himself made that statement about his heavenly Father at Matthew 24:36. Also, when Jesus was praying in the Garden of Gethsemane, who was he praying to when he said the words at Matthew 26:39?: ".....MY Father if it is possible, let this cup pass away from ME Yet, not as I will, but as YOU will."
Question: Was Jesus asking himself to "let this cup pass away from (himself)? Whose will, was he willing to go along with? His or God's? Was Jesus calling himself "YOU"? Was Jesus calling himself "THOU"?----KJV. If Jesus were God wouldn't he know everything that his heavenly Father knows? If Jesus was God would it have made sense for him to ask himself to "let this cup pass from me..."? Truly the Trinity doctrine is a falsehood that many people are mislead into believing.
This DEFIES Scripture: Phil 2:6 says JESUS didn't have a problem being "equal to GOD!" GOD has no one else to "witness" in truth to BUT SELF (Jn 8:13-19)! SAME SPIRIT! The "Son" didn't know in the GLORY of "Son" but now back to the ONE SPIRIT&KN
Norine you read your scripture wrong interpretation.
Jesus at no time claim to be equal to God the Father.
Again you need to find a better translated bible.
You are misleading based on a bad translation
Everthing you read of KJ is not accurate
Why don't you "google" all other translations! NO ONE says different but your NWT! "Seizure?" Who has the problem?
When it comes to irate, contentious individuals on this thread, I am going to follow the advice at Proverbs 26:4 which says: "Do not answer the stupid one according to his/her foolishness, so that you do not put yourself on his/her level."
I gave Phil 2:6; Jn8:13-19 & u say "according to HIS/HER foolishness?"
Don't get "snapped,crackled & popped" by not being able to discern "man" vs GOD for "THE WORD "IS" GOD" (Jn 1:1) & not one's "foolishness!"
One in the same. We cannot understand the trinity as much as we cannot understand or comprehend that we also consist of three parts. Body, Soul and Spirit. But when those three parts come together it creates life, it creates us.
GOD operates in "GLORIES!"
GOD is ONE SPIRIT that manifests HIMSELF into ANYTHING, ANYTIME, ANYPLACE; simultaneously IF HE DESIRES! Omnipotent, Omnipresent, Omniscient (The Big O's)!
DON'T LIMIT GOD to 3 & not "persons" but SPIRIT!
The man in the picture isn't Jesus tho.
Jesus said, " I and the father are one." also He said, " I am the way, the truth, and the life no one comes to the father except through me."
God is like 3 in 1 and remember that the earth is just God's foot stool so it means He is all powerful and huge. Since He is the creator of man, He did came down as a man and named himself Jesus to reach the people He needed to reach in this image 'cause if He came down in a powerful image then how can people understand the meaning of life and God's purpose? people will for sure get scared of Him and will only bow because of fear and not because people knew Him or loves Him.
When He temporary left the world after showing how sinful we are, He also left the Holy Spirit to feel His presence.
You're RIGHT! He came as man to relate to man because "if He came down in a powerful image then people would have been afraid!"
HE hasn't left us (Jn14:26)!
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