Did you know the word Deuteronomy means "Second Law", so was there two Covenants

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  1. profile image54
    graceinusposted 11 years ago

    Did you know the word Deuteronomy means "Second Law", so was there two Covenants given to Moses?

    Deuteronomy is the fifth Book within the Holy Bible. In Greek the word Deuteronomy is drawn from two words: deuteros meaning Second and nomos meaning Law. If one looks at the verse in Deuteronomy 29: 1 (NKJV) it states: 1 These are the words of the COVENANT which the Lord commanded Moses to make with the children of Israel in the land of Moab, BESIDES the COVENANT which He made with them in Horab. Does this mean God gave Moses two Covenants for the Nation of Israel in the Old Testament? Because it sure looks like it to me. And why haven't we heard about this before?

  2. profile image0
    JThomp42posted 11 years ago

    It is often overlooked that there were two covenant made at Sinai, particularly in the implications of the differences between the two of them. The first was based upon His spoken Word to them, with the ten commands given to them directly and the remainder spoken to Moses and then delivered verbally to them. The first covenant is contained between chapters 19-24 of the book of Exodus and the requirements for the Tabernacle and the High Priesthood through Aaron and his sons continues from Chs.25-31, ending with an exhortation to keep all the Sabbaths and then Moses was given the two Sapphire Tablets (Exodus 31:18).
    The second covenant was made after the first was broken by the sin of the Golden Calf and was not a re-institution of the same covenant. The broken covenant incurred the death penalty (Exodus 32:33-35). Moses goes up the mountain again with two stones which he had to cut and Yahweh makes a new covenant with them, this time on Moses behalf as a response to his intercession and mediation (Exodus 33:17; 34:8-10).

    1. profile image54
      graceinusposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      JThomps42- If one were to read chapters 29, 30, and 31, this clearly is referring to secound covenant. You will not also it is not a repeat of the first. If you understand Deu.31: 24-26 in it context then you'll see what I mean. Thanks JT

    2. profile image54
      graceinusposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Deborah- You are very much correct I have a lot to learn. But rest asure, I do not require your help.

    3. profile image54
      graceinusposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Deborah- And that is the problem, I don't believe it is God that is showing you. I will not except any further comments from you regarding my question.

  3. irenemaria profile image61
    irenemariaposted 11 years ago

    It is the same laws. Moses made a repitition. ***  The name Deuteronomy comes from the title in the Greek Septuagint translation, Deu·te·ro·no′mi·on, which combines deu′te·ros, meaning “second,” with no′mos, meaning “law.” It therefore means “Second Law; Repetition of the Law.” This comes from the Greek rendering of the Hebrew phrase in Deuteronomy 17:18, mish·neh′ hat·toh·rah′, correctly rendered ‘copy of the law.’ Despite the meaning of the name Deuteronomy, however, this Bible book is not a second law nor a mere repetition of the Law. Instead, it is an explanation of the Law, exhorting Israel to love and obey Jehovah in the Promised Land that they would soon be entering.—1:5.

    1. profile image54
      graceinusposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      irenemaria- My point of a secound covenant is within Deuteronomy Chapters 29, 30 and 31. I think it is clearly layed out. This it the second that I'm referring to. Thanks for your answer.

  4. cam8510 profile image88
    cam8510posted 11 years ago

    The Law of Moses was given two times.  The first time was soon after they were delivered by God out of Egypt.  Moses went up onto Mt. Sinai and received the Law directly from God, written on tablets of stone, Exodus 19.  Israel committed idolatry even while Moses was on the mountain.  God sent the people of Israel into the wilderness to wander for forty years.  Just before entering the land of Canaan, and just prior to Moses' death, Moses again delivered the Law to the people, but this time with much more elaboration.  This is the book of Deuteronomy.  The word itself means repetition of the Law or second giving of the Law.  There were not two Laws or covenants, but two separate times when the same Law was given to the people.

    1. Ericdierker profile image47
      Ericdierkerposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      This is so cool!! I still remnants of being a lawyer in my brain. And this is so similar to a king giving a law. And then a judge applying it as a precedence to follow. I agree that they are not "two" separate covenants. But two faces of God.

    2. profile image54
      graceinusposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      cam8510- I one was to read Deuteronomy Chapters 29, 30 and 31 it is clear that it referring to second covenants not one. What is writen in these chapters clearly does not sound as though is repetition of the first covenant.Thank you for your answer.

    3. cam8510 profile image88
      cam8510posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      This book repeats much..of the laws contained in the 3 foregoing bks. Moses delivered it to Israel..before his death..The men of that [earlier] generation..were all dead..a new generation was sprung up to whom God would have it repeated-Matthew Henry

    4. profile image54
      graceinusposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      cam8510- May I ask who is Matthew Henry what what this has to do with him or your comment? Thanks.

    5. cam8510 profile image88
      cam8510posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Sorry, he wrote a whole Bible commentary many yrs ago.  It simply supports my belief of one law given twice, once in exodus and once in deuteronomy.  But one law or two, it really doen't make any difference to me.  A minor issue.

    6. profile image54
      graceinusposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Thank you for explaining.

    7. cam8510 profile image88
      cam8510posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      graceinus, would you mind explaining, in as much detail as possible, what difference it makes that there are two covenants instead of one?  Please don't misinterpret this question as being antagonistic.  I'm actually interested in your answer.

    8. profile image54
      graceinusposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      cam8510- Deureronomy 30:3 talks about God will bring them back from captivty and have compassion on them and gather them again from many nations. where God had scttered them. This is not in the first covenant. Becau It is speaking of the Latter Days.

  5. debhansencsm profile image60
    debhansencsmposted 11 years ago

    I am in the process of making Hubs on this subject.  I feel like there is a lot that can be said, so my article will probably cover a variety of topics.  For this reason I will be making several Hubs for each topic, to cut the length down.

    By doing this, I believe my Hubs can provide a line upon line, precept upon precept, here a little, there a little process that can help increase our understanding of why the Israelites were given a second covenant (Isaiah 28:10).   

    To start out with, I will be giving a basic knowledge of what a covenant is, how covenants are delivered, and how one enters into a covenant with God.

    I believe that it is also helpful to study the political, social, or economic history of that time in which each scripture was given, but I don’t want to make these things my main focus in the Hubs I provide on this topic.

    My purpose for going into the history of these things is it to give a better understanding of the reason why God took away the [first covenant] which was written on the first tables of stone that Moses broke. Also, why God made a second covenant with Israel and what the covenant was for. 

    The answer to this question becomes more apparent when we have some idea of the area in which the house of Israel lived, the condition they were in at the time they were taken into captivity, how they were forced to live while in bondage, and what their condition was at the time they were freed from bondage.

    The Bible dictionary can be an excellent source for this and other background information on passages in the Bible.  I will be using some information from the dictionary which is in the LDS— KJV of the Bible. 

    If you are interested in the answer to these questions, I hope you’ll check out my upcoming Hubs.  I hope they will be interesting, informative and helpful.

    1. profile image54
      graceinusposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      debansencsm- Thank you for your answer. I am looking forward to reading your Hub on this subject with great interest. Many blessings.


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