If scientists found proof that God existed, would you atheists then believe it?

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  1. aguasilver profile image70
    aguasilverposted 9 years ago

    If scientists found proof that God existed, would you atheists then believe it?


  2. junkseller profile image77
    junksellerposted 9 years ago

    Even were you to believe that they found writing on the human genome, which I don't for a second believe, that doesn't prove anything except that they found writing on the human genome. It could also have been the lizard people who put it there, my god Fluffybutt, or any other of a multitude of possibilities. Heck, it could even be astronomically improbable coincidence. Assigning any of those possibilities as a truth is just another leap of faith.

    Even if some really powerful dude showed up on Earth and had a cool beard and was super powerful, like he could part the seas, make it rain for 40 days, and always correctly guess how many fingers I had up behind my back, that doesn't prove God either, it just proves that there is some powerful dude in front of me who can part seas, make it rain, and is a good guesser.

    You can't prove God, and if you can prove it, it isn't God, it is just some thing you might call God.

    1. profile image0
      christiananrkistposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      that last statement.  "You can't prove God, and if you can prove it, it isn't God, it is just some thing you might call God.", really sounds like even if God could be proven, you would deny it. Im not saying I'm convinced by the article either

    2. junkseller profile image77
      junksellerposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Depends how we define God. There may be some powerful being out there that made us. That might prove that what some people call God exists, that still doesn't mean they are the ultimate source of all things, which is what I might consider to be God.

    3. profile image0
      savvydatingposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      In other words, the answer is "not at all."

    4. junkseller profile image77
      junksellerposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      The answer is that I will believe in your really large prime number when I see it, and it may be impressive, but it is still just a tiny number relative to Infinity (God).

  3. M. T. Dremer profile image87
    M. T. Dremerposted 9 years ago

    In a short answer, yes. Atheists (not all) hold evidence in high regard, so if evidence were to suddenly support god, we would follow it to its conclusion. However it would lead to further questions: where did this god come from? Are there more gods? Why did he do what he did? So, even though atheists would believe in this entity standing before them, it doesn't mean they would stop questioning him. Good science stands up to repeated scrutiny from multiple sources, so it would take time before god was accepted.

    On the flip side, however, I'm fairly certain that if science proved the existence of god, theists WOULDN'T believe in him. God-based religions function best with an absent deity. People who claim to have a personal relationship with god, would know instantly that this scientifically proven god isn't THEIR god. So, if anything, theistic religions that existed before the discovery of god, would become anti-scientifically-proven-god and pro-non-existent-god. It is the nature of religion; it can only function when the deity doesn't show up.

  4. lone77star profile image72
    lone77starposted 9 years ago

    An intriguing article, John. If I were an atheist, though, I wouldn't take this as proof of God. I'd have to agree with some of what junkseller said. While this is interesting (the writing on our genome), it could just as easily have been from ancient aliens who designed Homo sapiens. I remember a Star Trek NG episode where the genomes of humans, Klingons, Vulcans and others were encoded with an ancient message, indicating that we were all related.

    I suspect some scientists will never believe God no matter what the evidence. One scientist from Texas said that he would never believe the very ancient dates of artifacts found at Valsequillo, Mexico, no matter what the evidence. His prejudice was that strong against. Some people hold onto their understanding of things so tightly that their egos are invested in them. Destroy their worldview and you destroy them. Too many scientists are arrogant like this. But so are so many Christians. They believe in a 6000-year-old Earth and universe and nothing can shake them loose from this -- not even a new biblical timeline compatible with those of science (as in my own book, "The Bible's Hidden Wisdom: God's Reason for Noah's Flood").

    I suspect, though, that God doesn't want proof to be found. God wants His children to mature as spiritual beings. That takes perfection of confidence (faith), unwavering love for others above one's self, 100% responsibility for everything that happens to you and utter humility. This is a spiritual thing. Proof brings it down to the physical level and misses the intent by an entire universe.

    You cannot do miracles if you don't have Faith. But once you perform miracles, you don't need proof. So, proof is inconsequential. Always!

  5. Oztinato profile image76
    Oztinatoposted 9 years ago

    Kurt Godel was arguably Einsteins chosen successor. He came up with a provable God theorem. Guess what: atheists refuse to respect it.

    1. junkseller profile image77
      junksellerposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      A provable God theorem given that you already accept God to be true. For every ontological argument there have been many critics, religious and non-religious. Some very smart (Aquinas, Kant). http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/ontol … arguments/

    2. Oztinato profile image76
      Oztinatoposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      The difference is that we now have supercomputers which have mechanically tested and proved the Godel theorem.

  6. profile image0
    jonnycomelatelyposted 9 years ago

    I cannot think of a more senseless, illogical question to ask. 

    I do not associate my a-theist understanding with any "belief" system.  "Belief in something" is a christian concept and a christian expression.

    As far as I know, there is no other religion that uses this expression.  Either one is christian (adjective) or one is not.  I am not.  I do not accept the existence of a judgmental god; nor original sin; nor the existence of a heaven or hell to be entered after the death of my body.

    There is nothing you, aguasilver or anyone else can do/say that will change my mind. 

    So again, your question is irrelevant.

    1. aguasilver profile image70
      aguasilverposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      You forgot to add " In my opinion" and of course you are entitled to your opinion, as I am to mine, but until we leave this soul school, and enter the realm of death, both of us can only express 'our opinion' and only one of us will be correct.

    2. profile image0
      jonnycomelatelyposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Indeed, in my own opinion and, I suspect the opinion of many others.  That does not make my opinion right, of course, but it does give a valid alternative reasoning.

    3. aguasilver profile image70
      aguasilverposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Agreed Johnny, valid alternative reasoning, yet to be determined definitively.

      In many ways oblivion has it's attraction, yet still I feel eternally being part of the creative force has more! smile

  7. levicolemagic profile image61
    levicolemagicposted 9 years ago

    Yes if scientists found proof, I would believe. This article is satire however and not true.


    The same website has more obviously satirical articles such as:
    Gender Change Procedure Now Available For Pets
    Attempt To Clone Jesus Underway
    Astronomers Discover Alien Life
    New Study Reveals Eating Human Excrement Significantly Reduces Heart Attack Risk

    So to answer your question, Yes. The link does not provide that proof however.


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