Why Would You Want To Change Others Religious Beliefs?
There has been lots of questions about changing the views of Athiests, Gnostics and even other Christians,. Why would you have the need or desire to change anyone's views of God? Is there some kind of pay-off with that?
The Bible as well as Christ tells us as Christians that we are to spread the "Good news" of Christ as Christians. Maybe this is an atheists problem. No one has ever cared enough to explain the good news of Christ to them.
If a child is never taught to read in their lifetime; they will remain illiterate their entire lives.
Too funny!
It's not an act of altruism that causes religious people to spread the "good news". It's called "recruiting".
There is nothing wrong with trying to "grow" any organization but lets not pretend people are on a mission to rescue souls.
No, you are wrong my friend. I am not talking about Jehovah witnesses that bug you. I am talking about your friends or loved ones who are actually concerned about your soul. I suppose I would need to be an atheist to understand your comment?
I think he's talking about the false notion that people think that your personal beliefs are required to be "spread" as "good news". It's not good news at all. It's your personal beliefs and we have our own so, thank you.
AC-DC, Did Jesus lie then when he said that he put all the laws in the minds and heart of men? How about the kingdom of God Within you, not in a church or outside of yourself. We are not in Jesus, he is in all of us.
Lady G. What about all of those who do not know of Jesus Christ?
Who in this day and age does NOT know about Jesus? I doubt very seriously that there is anyone who has not heard about Christianity on TV, newspapers, or word of mouth. It is just silly to think you have to go out and proselytize these days.
Ever heard of missionaries? Yes, there are people in this world who have not heard the good news of Jesus Christ. Especially in third world countries where they are not spoiled by these conveniences that you have mentioned.
AC-DC you should really read my hub: http://ladyguinevere.hubpages.com/hub/H … heir-Flock
If Jesus put the laws in our minds then how can we not experience that which is WITHIN?
No thanks Lady G. At this point and time I am just wondering what Bible you are reading. Certainly not the one that I have been studying for years. I am positive other Christians would absolutely agree. I am done with this conversation. PEACE!
U cannot possibly know truth if you do not read. Be closed minded and do not know the truth of how your religion works to lie to you and you eat everything the give you. It is tainted!!!!
Oh, you mean the missionaries that take YOUR money to go over and try to feed the hungry children of 3rd world countries with bibles instead of food? Yes, even they have heard of Jesus. They still need clean water and food, not rhetoric.
Something is certainly tainted; but it is not my Bible.
AC-DC, you have already shown that you cannot comprehend what people are telling you. You can stick to your 2,000 y.o. books, or you can update your mind by reading about reality in today's world.
Have a fantastic day girls. God bless all! Peace!!
I never said it was your bible. Find where Jesus said that We are Gods, That all the Laws are in the minds of men and That The Kingdom of God is WITHIN you...and Where Jesus told the disciples to go teach and leave. In The same Bible
Ac - u speak of missionaries reaching those who have not heard of God. Is it not that those who do not know of God such as infants + those unreached will go to Heaven anyway? So why tell them + change their fate if they don't believe? That's cruel.
And why isn't a 'god' capable of instilling his essence in all of us as Lady G tells us. The bible says that god is within us, so that makes it totally unnecessary to go out and "spread" the word.. It is already done!
Certain Religiouns proclaim they read their Bibles, when in fact they will not. They listen to their priests and that is all they do. I know I am married to a Catholic.
OMG Lela: Why do you hate Jesus? What happened? Why are you such an "unbeliever?" Dash: That's what we believe He said! Lady: U maybe the one to bring husband to Christ by rightly diving the Word!
Norine - WTF? How did you get that I "hate" Jesus out of what I said? My message is that YOU are not doing what Jesus told you to do. YOU are the unbeliever!
Norine, who the he88 siad anything about my husband not believing in Christ. You are deluded..serriously!
I apologize if I offended (the flesh) but It seems he is into another Christ than u r and u r searching for "truth!" Nothing wrong with that! You appear to be "growing!" Lela: U don't believe anything He said so that's hate - just like Saul!
Norine, you have no idea what the Catholic Church is all about. It has nothing to do with the Flesh! You need to be educated becasue you certainly don't know anything about truth and you are very prejudice. Enough of that now!
Back off. Lady, stop telling people what they don't know, as if you have all the answers and knowledge. You do not.
SG as said on 1 of my answers to another, I have been married to a Catholic for 15 years, so I DO know what I am talking about. AGAIN LEAVE ME ALONE.
I actually consider it the height of arrogance to try and impose a religious belief on some one other than yourself.
Usually, when resistance is met, most religions (including Christianity unless another lesson is needed in what happened to native tribes when the white man arrived in North America) resort almost immediately to murder, rape and torture and the attempt to completely destroy the resisting culture.
Does this sound like Christ's message? Did he say 'go out and spread the word... and when they don't respond well kill them all'?
Does it sound like Islam's message? Despite the western propaganda it isn't.
Does is sound like Buddha's message? Definitely not!
The words 'Holy' and 'War' do not appear side by side in the bible. The mere concept is ludicrous.
Then comes the other point, who is 'qualified' to spread God's word? Most religious leaders are pursuing their own ambitions when they are trying to 'convert' people.
God and our relationship to him is a personal issue unless you do not believe in Freedom.
That's my opinion. I like your question, makes me think.
Jesus did say to go and spread the word of his word, not the churches word. He told the disciples that if those ppl din't want to hear to just leave them alone. He never said to make sure they are converted to anything or do this to save a soul.
Christ isn't the problem, organized religion is. IMO
Yep it sure is. I expounded on how the Organized religiosn recruit and retain in my hub: http://ladyguinevere.hubpages.com/hub/H … heir-Flock
It is IMPOSSIBLE to change another person's beliefs! What needs to change is the behavior associated with some of those beliefs!
If one 'believes' that it is OK to text and drive, you cannot change that belief. They will always believe that it is OK to text and drive because they 'feel' that they are capable of doing so. They are wrong, of course, but you can only change their behavior by imposing fines and consequences upon those who continue to believe it's ok to text and drive.
So, it is not RELIGION and BELIEFS that we need to change, it is the harmful BEHAVIOR that some religionists engage in.
Constant preaching and proselytizing because one BELIEVES in the message is fine, but when one uses coercion to preach (or forces children to sit and listen) it becomes an obnoxious BEHAVIOR. This is why organized Christian prayers were removed from public schools. It's not the MESSAGE, it was the forced prayer session that was objectionable to non-Christians.
When Christian Scientists BELIEVE that "god" will heal their children that have serious medical conditions, an atheist (for instance) would not care about that BELIEF. The BEHAVIOR of not allowing modern medicine to help is what the problem is. Children should not die because of their parent's BELIEFS! It is extreme bad BEHAVIOR to let your child die for want of insulin (in the case of diabetes).
When Muslim women are required to wear full length wool coats and head scarfs in TEXAS in the summertime (I have seen this), It is not the religious BELIEF I object to. It is the required BEHAVIOR of wearing hot clothes in high heat that is dangerous. They BELIEVE that women have to be covered from head to toe. But that is a dangerous BEHAVIOR in some situations.
So, to answer the question. It is NOT that people want to change your BELIEFS, it is that common sense should prevail over religious BELIEFS that encourage dangerous BEHAVIOR.
Basically, we do not care if you believe in ALLAH or GOD or BRAHMA or the flying spaghetti monster. What we do care about is stopping Beheadings, Holy wars, Child harm, Hate crimes, etcetera and on and on.
People BELIEVE in Gods that approve of this sort of thing, and that's ok, but keep your BEHAVIOR to yourself, thank you.
Don't you think comparing Islam to Christianity is a little far fetched? Their ideologies are like apples and oranges.
AC-DC Obviously you do not understand the written word. I am not comparing Islam to X-tianity. I am saying that BELIEFS are not the problem, BEHAVIOR is the issue we need to deal with. Doesn't matter what religion one believes in. It's how 1 BEHAVES!
Exactly the point I was trying to make. Islamic radicals are madmen slaughtering thousands of innocent people; and Christians are peacefully witnessing to the lost. Quite a difference in ideology!
AC-DC - Uh, you forgot to notice how many Christians have committed barbaric acts equal to or greater than Islamic terrorists? "Christians peacefully witnessing"! Tell that to all the Native Americans in this country alone and see how far you get!
Here we go bringing up the barbaric acts of the past. If I am not mistaken this question was about the here and now. Anyway I see this is going nowhere. Peace.
What about the modern day Westboro Baptist Church and the KKK? They are recent and not in the past.
AC-DC - Why do you think destructive behavior is only the dominion of OTHER religions than your own? Can you not recognize bad behavior in ANY belief system? I know I can. Try using common sense to stop religious harm. Even in X-tians.
Religion is born from ancient magic. It evolved into esoteric/spiritual or supernatural power. Then dogma and doctrines from priests and so-called holy men. At that point the power was taken from the people. They have been taught to depend on Gods. The crux of the matter is; the childish notion, my magic is better than your magic. People want to solve problems. When they stumble upon something that works, they want to preach and get followers out of egotism. They feel they have access to a higher wisdom. There are also economic reasons for acquiring followers. Yep, they want to get rich like Joel Osteen.
But if people want to believe in Joel Osteen and their particular brand of magic, why should anyone care? The only thing to do is to take religion out of the public right of way..
True, but they make more money with publicity/advertising. Religion is big business because people will always have sudden problems that they don't know how to solve right away. The preacher steps in with all the answers. Then he gets paid millions.
And how do you suggest that happen in this Country Austin? Christianity is here to stay in our lifetime and far, far beyond.
AC-DC - you are fooling yourself if you think the atheist movement is going away. It is religion that is rapidly losing it's grip on the reality of life. Islam will burn itself out and X-tians will prove their uselessness.
Submitting your God given gift of free will is not a wise thing to do. Religion (all religions) have caused more death and suffering on this planet than all the other motivators combined over the course of human history. That's the truth
Indeed it is the truth, Cree. Why some people cannot see the violence, hatred, death and destruction that religion causes is beyond me.
Well I know for me there are many motivations for why I try to change people's minds and persuade them to rethink their beliefs.
On the one hand I escaped a particular brand of Pentecostal Fundamentalist Christianity that I was taught as a child and can only look back and shake my head at how differently my life would have turned out without those backwards outright false beliefs being drilled into my head. Think of it like escaping any cult you read about. On the inside of the cult everything seems to make sense, everything appears normal and there is a lot of reinforcement from those around you.
Once on the outside of the cult, after years of doubting and research and eventual escape, you realize how little sense what you believed makes and how glad you are to be free of those false beliefs.
For me to NOT go to people and try to help them escape that cult wouldn't make sense for me. When people complain that atheists just need to shut up and respect other people's beliefs I don't think they fully understand that many atheists are former believers who, after escaping, do their best to explain to others why it is worth it to give up superstition and religion.
The second big motivation is that I don't think there is a god, I don't believe in god and furthermore every argument made in favor of God's existence is either fallacious or logically flawed in some other way. The complete lack of evidence, coupled with the lack of any good logical arguments, and the state of the Universe as we observe it, points to the existence of a god being HIGHLY UNLIKELY.
Yet I see millions bowing before this thing they have no real knowledge of and in many places retarding the progress of society using this belief as justification. Whether it be something seriously barbaric like female circumcision in Christian and Muslim countries in Africa or male circumcision here in the USA or something closer to home like trying to push Creationism into schools or refusing to let gay people get married.
So there is the potential long-term payoff of reducing the amount of people who consider themselves religious by convincing them they are wrong. Or at the very least reducing the amount of people who take religion seriously and treat it as sacrosanct. There is the personal satisfaction of helping others escape religion and helping support fellow atheists who make up only 2-6% of the world's population and thus are a pathetically small minority (even if we are vocal here online).
I believe atheist numbers will grow exponentially and that all religion has been shown to be useless for explaining life and the universe. As soon as people wake up and realize that no "savior" is going to fix their problems, things will get better.
Oh you are so right! Funny thing though. I was devoutely religious too and then saw the light. I am now a minister for what Christ really taught, not what the church wants to teach and how they recruit and retain.
I would agree that Jesus was a teacher. But his message has been so corrupted that even he would not recognize it in today's times.
I teach what Jesus said and I get tarred and featherd and dis respected. It only comes back on them. Jesus will set your FREE, Chruch will hold you to the death and torture you with Guilt trips.
So that I don't get shot. All belief systems have their extremists, and I think it's the duty of all of us non-extremists to become a united front against the kind of behavior that leads to shootings and bombings. That means admitting when there is a problem, and avoiding arguments among the people who aren't part of that problem.
It's getting people to admit that there is a problem! It's what is stopping them from dealing with reality. Religionists depend on their gods to "save" them, "fix" them, "redeem" the world. It is we HUMANS that must save ourselves! Stop the killing!
It is highly invasive to want to change another person's beliefs I contend that people are where they are supposed to be in terms of their belief patterns & levels. Each person is on a different path to God, his/her soul KNOWS & others should let him/her BE on his/her particular path whether it is Christian, Jewish, Gnostic, Atheist, Agnostic, None(non-religious affiliated but believe in God), New Age, Pagan, Wiccan, &/or Buddhist.
However, many conservative, dogmatic, traditionalist, fundamentalist, & fanatical religionists refuse to acknowledge that others have a legitimate right to believe as they choose. They contend that if others do not believe as they do, they are either sinners or lost souls. They will badger those in their purview to either change because the latter, in their eyes, are wrong or if latter do not elect to change, they will be damned.
Such religionists are highly toxic people . They are also psychologically immature. They are also miserable because others will not change to suit them. In fact, there are people who will tell them to bug off or worse. Also these religionists will lose friends & family members so no one wants to be around a toxic, schizoid fanatic.
I'm still wondering if this is a type of psychopathy and something that may even be genetic. There is a section of the brain that seems to be associated with religious delusions. It's probably unchangeable.
Or could it be the psyche of atheists because they are certainly the minority. Something that certainly makes one wonder if it is impossible for them to grasp certain ideologies.
AC-DC - your statement is the very embodiment of "the pot calling the kettle black". Do you think Buddhists (minority religion) cannot understand "certain ideologies" also? Or is it just "atheists"? or maybe it's just YOUR ideology?
You were the one making "blanket statements." I was trying to show you how erroneous that type of statements can be.
AC - You are now on my list of people NOT to talk to. You are delusional.
Now we do have the "pot calling the kettle black" don't we? Hasta la vista, Tchau, Au revior, Aloha, Farvel, Farewell, Goodbye!
AC-DC Do U know what a ULC Minister is? I am one. U cannot put God or Jesus in a Box. U cannot put a password that only U know on that Box. God doesnt have a religion and is not part of one. U are put in the dark and U do not read your own Bible.
Lady G. I'll even go so far as to say you cannot put religion in a book either! The Qu'ran or the Bible, or the Shruti, Bagavad Gita, or even the Zorastrian texts do not have the answers. Only your brain can tell you what is true. Exercise your brain
I'm still trying to figure out which Bible you are actually reading Lady G? It certainly is not the Bible that I STUDY.
I read the same Bible that you do only it is the Young's Literal Translation and not the political manipulated KJV. I will NOT tell you where those verses are. U cannot and refuse to read you own Bible and that is not my problem.
Are you saved by the grace of God through Jesus Christ Lady G?
Rolling my eyes! U have no idea what a ULC MInister is and you are assuming some strange things about me. http://www.themonastery.org/aboutUs
Are you trying to convert me? That won't work and U know it. I was baptized when I was 16 at the age that I knew what I was doing. That is all that U need to know. Are U?
I gave this some thought which can be a dangerous thing. The question is pointedly asking about "Religious Beliefs". Religions as such are man made and as such can be man unmade. So argument in that realm is fruitful and some can be wrong and others right. Consistent dogma and religious teaching needs to fit within the confines of the logical system of a given religion. If something does not then it is wrong, if something does then it is right. Certainly right people should try to change wrong people's beliefs. This is the same with almost all facets of human existence. We should correct wrongs when we see them.
A perfect example nowadays is the Islamic terrorists. Most Islamic practitioners do not believe in the terrorist methodology used by the terrorists. Most will tell you about it being contrary to their religion. They have a duty to change the terrorists beliefs yet they seemingly cannot or will not. That is why you would want to change the religious beliefs of another. That crazy Baptist "church" group would be another example as most Christians believe in their religion that tolerance and love trump strict and literal translations of out of context text.
So those are two extreme examples that make the point.
Atheists do not practice a religion so the point is moot there.
Our personal relationship with our Lord, no matter the religion is different. Even trying to change that dynamic is a waste of time at best and brutal arrogance and bullying at worst. How my Lord and I interact is personal and not open to debate, although someone else can change our minds or suggest more enlightened ideas.
I preach at people and suggest ideas on how they should view themselves and their maker. It is stone cold preaching as in a sermon (no telling why HP lets me publish them) Is that meant to change the minds of some people -- yes indeed it is. But it is meant to be considered and not pushed. There is a reasonable following there so apparently people are at least interested in Eric's Sunday Sermons. I mention that to show that some people are open to new ways of looking at their relationship with God, perhaps how to strengthen it and perhaps just another way of looking at it. So far I have no complaints, so we can assume some folks want there horizons broadened or at least want something to think about that is a little outside the box.
So we may want to change others Religious beliefs because they are open to it. Debra challenged some of my beliefs and I learned.
Thank you Eric. I am sorry tht i didn't way anything earlier, I just did not know what to say or how to say it.
Because Scripture says so! Why did Jesus do this? Are we not to be Christ-like? Did He not come to "change" or "fulfill the law?" Should we not change "tradition" or "religion" if the Holy Spirit has revealed It and It's in accordance with Scripture? Why did Jesus teach differently than the Scribes and Pharisees?
The key word in your question is "Religious!" For those of us that are "Disciples of Jesus," it has been "commanded" of us "Teaching them to observe ALL things whatsoever I have commanded you;..." (Matthew 28:20).
Religion has not taught "Christians" to 'observe ALL things' that were commanded of the apostles! Many believe If it's not in "red" in Scripture, Jesus didn't say it, and therefore, it is of little or no relevance! This is not true; For the Holy Spirit was sent in Acts 2:2 in Jesus' Name (John 14:26) and spoke through the apostles commanding them what to say and do! Thereafter, when the apostles spoke, it was JESUS speaking!
Has "religion" taught this? NO! This is why we continue to "teach" or as you put it, "Change Others "RELIGIOUS" beliefs" which have been instilled in "most believers" through misguided teachings and/or "tradition!"
Debra, why are you so angry? What's really happening in your life? Your husband? The Spirit tells me that you are "feed up" with his beliefs? I must agree, I don't believe in Catholicism either but that is no reason to "dog us out" regarding our beliefs!
I am not trying to "dog anyone out" rather "giving Scripture" (teaching) concerning the "New Covenant," and that we are being guided by the Holy Spirit by laws being written on our hearts in our minds (as the apostles), which no no one wants to hear, but it's TRUTH!
Share this information with your husband! Try and teach him what the Word of God truly says, If you love him! Study the Scriptures (as it appears you've done) "rightly dividing the word!" (II Timothy 2:15)
I will be praying for you and yours! (Ephesians 1:18)
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