Do You Feel That The 10 Commandments Are Too Hard To Keep?
Tell Why, and if you feel that God requires you to keep them or not
Why do you feel your answer is the correct one?
They are certainly difficult to keep, Monkey, but not impossible. (Can I call you this in a sweet way?)
Men and women of God do not come to teach us that which is impossible, or they would not come. However, it has to apply to our modern day lives.
In the 21st Century, I would utilise the commandment which is timeless and which Jesus taught, and this is God first, second and last. This must be followed by love for man. Somewhere in there other aspects of the ten are important, but putting them to one side, I would say enhance your graces through prayer, both interior and exterior, and a life of selfless service to others. This will encourage receptivity, and the heart will grow.
In time you will see where the other commandments fall and will learn to give them their due merit according to the Law. Nothing can happen without the Grace of the Lord.
Another way, equally valid, is to ask ourselves why we think that the commandments are hard to keep. Why? Because they clash with our desires: Ego, lust, anger, greed and attachments. Not to worry. We all have them, and I am a servant not a moralist.
The spiritual life is a process of unfoldment, we won't jump from A to Z and everything has its cause and purpose. Patience is necessary. Life's perfection-road is very long, but the journey is richly rewarding. Much peace.
I agree with everything you said Manatita44. Most speak of us having to love our neighbor, and forget that the greatest commandment is to love God. Except you, because you know it is
Yes, my Sweet. God is all in all. You will read Hub Pages and see so many talking about 'free will' except when they are helpless, of course. God carries us through our limited freedom and our helplessness also. You seem to know this. Much Peace.
Manatita44 I'm Mara nice to meet you. Monkey is fine too
I like your answers
Mara's quite sweet. Write to me and I will tell you it's esoteric significance from two standpoints. You're quite lucky. He he Monkey,
It is impossible to live a "sin free" life on earth!
Ecclesiastes 7:20 KJV
"For there is not a just man upon earth, that doeth good, and sinneth not." (You do your best and when you fail ask for forgiveness.)
Every "saint" has a past and every "sinner" has a future!
I appreciate your answer DashingScorpio, but I have to disagree with you here. I think the 10 are easy to keep
For this is the love of God, that we keep his commandments: and his commandments are not grievous (1 John 5:3)
Chuckle, chuckle... at least she believes n Saints, Monkey. They also serve as beacons of Light for us to follow. St. Theresa of Avila; St. John of the Cross; St. Augustine of Hippo; Padre Pio of Petronela. Their lives are full of purity and mystery.
MonkeyShine75, most people have stolen something during their childhood or inadvertently taken an ink pen, received too much change after purchasing something and upon discovery failed to go back.
manatita44, I'm a man. saint was an expression!
He he dashing scorpio,
I got you wrong. To think that I have read so much of your work ... my apologies. I got you wrong twice. Missed that 'saint' bit.
My way is one of Love. We're all the Mother's children.
Dashing, accidentally taking a pen isn't stealing.
No one has ever given me too much change, but I would return it if at all possible. Just because people have sinned doesn't mean they can't change and live a sin free life
MonkeyShine75, Accidentally taking a pen is stealing if you don't return it. After all you know it doesn't belong to you. To think a "sin" is a sin. I believe everyone has sinful thoughts from time to time. Believers ask for forgiveness.
No it isn't stealing because there was no forethought to steal. I would say yes return it if possible but first call them and ask should you go through the time trouble and expense to send or bring it back. Sin has to be a choice not an accident
Mara:HS fulfilled The Ten Comm. U don't want to violate them when filled with HS! Conscience bothers U! It won't let u! Spiritual journey! Under New Cov laws being put n our minds & hearts! Read pls Mara Jer 31:33;Heb8:10;10-16;Jn 14:26; Acts
Norine it's sad that you don't understand what you read in the bible
I've read the bible, what in the world gives you the idea I haven't?
Being that it is now the 21st century, it is virtually impossible to keep these ancient laws...especially number 4(keeping the Sabbath holy)
I, along with many others, have to work on Sundays, and the work I do is necessary to keep the wheels of society functioning.
Then there is number 6(thy shall not commit murder) This was impossible for me, since I served a tour in the Marine Corps, and was ordered to murder members of the opposing forces.
And number 5(honor thy mother and father) How can one ask an abused child to worship the very people who orchestrated his torment. That is the slaves mentality. Some parents deserve no honor, and the child should not be made to feel guilty about dishonoring parents who physically, and mentally torture him, and show no love.
Have you heard of the Military Association of Atheists and Free Thinkers? I think you would like their FB page. I think the 10 are out of date and the only one we ever need is the golden rule. (also from the bible and many other books.)
I agree with you! Lots of people must work on weekends.
EXODUS 31:15
"Whoever does any work on the Sabbath day shall surely be put to death." (This is crazy!)
Thanks, Lela. I will check it out.
@dashing: Yeah. Just imagine having to go to hell, for eternity, for simply having to do what's necessary in THIS LIFE to survive. Even those who pretend to follow this nonsense know these laws have become absurd.
God's 10 laws aren't out of date they are everlasting, and how can you not obey them? We have to love God first in order to love others. Without God you can't love sincerely, and loving God, makes you love others
You have no evidence whatsoever that backs up this statement. Your God is not a requirement whatsoever for people to have the capacity to love. As a matter of fact, your god seems to cause people to spew hateful insults at others.
My God??? Look I'm not here for insults, so stop
I'm not a Christian, and I don't go to church. Since I've been on Hubpages, I've had to read the bible, and this is what the word says. If you want to be a sinner, go ahead It's not my business
MonkeyShine, I guess you don't see how insulting it is to suggest that nonbelievers are incapable of love, just because they lack belief in superstition, and made up Gods. Show us the evidence that Bill Gates doesn't love his wife...sincerely.
I didn't say non-believers can't love. I don't go to church either. The 10 laws are natural laws, we either live by, or break everyday. They are a natural moral code, with or without belief in God Can you understand this?
It appears that you keep moving the goal post. Or you don't really have a real position. Wow! I guess a thing can be (A) and (not A) at the same time.
Getitrite Please point me to where you think I said this so I can explain what I was really saying.Without God, there can't be agape love, although you may love, it's not the same
MonkeyShine, So let me get this straight-Agape love is superior to other love...right? OK! The problem is that I cant seem to detect the existence of a god. This has created a conundrum, as I'm now doomed to never experience this great love.
The 10 have been fulfilled & r out of date Lela! Holy Spirit "leads & guides!" HS "looks at the heart!" I Sam 16:7. Working on Sabbath OK if HS "guides" u to do so! Like Dwight says "I can do ALL things thru Christ who strengthens me!" Phil 4
Norine you seem to have such little knowledge of what the bible says, and means. Not all people are ready to teach others
Norine no more replies from you will be allowed and your reply was deleted
So I guess you have never had to work on Sunday or any other modern day things that are necessary, but by default, break the commandments. Or was your comment just "feel good" regurgitation?
Let me get even more radical with you for a moment. I can fly if Christ strengthens me. enjoy getitrite.........
Sunday is not the real Sabbath, It's Saturday, the 7th day of rest. Going to church is not one of the commandments. It says to keep the Sabbath holy
Dwight, Yes radical...but with all due respect---quite disturbing. Unfortunately you have just been tricked by people who were born before you.That's all.I cant understand why some people still need magical phantoms that were introduced in childhood
Isn't it a generalization saying that I was tricked from birth...In fact I could say the same about you being influenced by your environment and with
little proof......Because of knowledge nobody is 100% sure of anything. that's why there's belief.
Yes I was tricked by a religious upbringing. Sunday School, etc. The difference between believers and me is that I came to realize that I had been tricked. It simply requires the confidence to have the courage to be a leader, and not a follower.
You started your argument with a Fallacy "Red herring", hence I would be either unlearned or uneducated to accept the rest of your comment
No fallacy here at all. But when people hold false premises as truths, they tend to keep evading, hoping that they can use any trick possible to believe the false premise. What proceeds is false accusations or desperate pleading. But still no proof
The 10 laws have nothing to do with belief they're natural laws, and you can't escape them. You are either doing them, or breaking them every day and there's no getting around them, or that FACT
Umm......getitrite, I'm sorry but could you then properly explain what is a "red herring"
MonkeyShine, The only laws that make any sense are the ones that promote the survival of the human species. Loving imaginary deities is not one of the natural laws of survival.
Dwight, I know what a Red Herring Is. A Google search confirms my view.
getitrite, I was talking about you being influenced by your environment but you switched it to being influenced by "religious upbringings". Definition-A red herring is something that misleads or distracts from a relevant or important issue.
Dwight, it appears that you have lost me. I have no idea of what context you are using the term "environment" It seems that the only goal is to keep tricking yourself into believing that you actually have some kind of defense of superstitions.
Getitrite what do you think the 10 commandments do? they promote the survival of the human species, and their happiness. If you can't stop killing, stealing, slandering, lusting, and hating, that's only your fault
MonkeyShine, Those morals are observed by all societies that have survived...including other animals. Morals didn't come from any made up deities. And, pretending to love an imaginary deity with all ones heart is not at all necessary for survival.
getitrite, It's okay to say that you didn't understand. well I guess you did when you said--"you have lost me". This forbids you from making more guesstimates about me ----"It seems that the only goal is to keep tricking yourself"
Getitrite you need to read what people write I said they are natural laws, and didn't say anything about a deity making them up. Natural laws have been observed by all societies
Stop trying to push your beliefs on others, I'll believe what I want
Sorry if I was too harsh getitrite. I'm a good person, and I can see how this conversation is taking away from the core value of Christianity (love). I see how you misinterpreted "environment". It meant those things that influenced you from god.
No Getitrite pretending to love God, doesn't ensure survival however truly loving God does. Tell the people who have been healed from a terminal illness without a Dr., that God isn't needed for survival
MonkeyShine-Thats false. Many atheist have survived without acknowledging any superstitious nonsense.And, imaginary Gods have never healed anyone.Odds probabilities, and chance negates that claim.
Dwight-u are a good person. u just have bad beliefs
Thank you for accepting my apology.......And thank you for calling me a good person
Hi Mara, I feel that we should love our God and our neighbor and do our best to abide by the rest. As Getitrite said some may be almost impossible for some people due to their circumstance such as being in the military front line etc. As long as we use the commandments as a guide to strive to that is what is most important. God will understand if we occasionally stray for good reason if it is beyond our control and we seek forgiveness.
War killing is not viewed the same as regular killing, the same as self defense is different in God's eyes God sent his people to war
The true Sabbath is the 7th day of rest not Sunday When people party on Sat they desecrate the Sabbath
Matthew 22:37-40
"Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.
This is the first and great commandment
And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself.
On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets"
Meaning if we keep the first, and second commandments, the rest will be easy
If you can't keep the 10 maybe you should work on your heart, and your love.
Lacking love causes us to not care what we do in front of God, and to others
That's when we steal, and kill, etc
I'm not speaking of the Levitical laws,or the 613 Jewish laws, I'm also not speaking of the laws that say to stone others, I am only speaking of the 10 commandments
If you don't know what they are, please read them. If you can't keep them, something is wrong
The 10 Commandments Short List
You shall Love God, and have no other gods before Me.
You shall not make idols.
You shall not take the name of the LORD your God in vain.
Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.
Honor your father and your mother.
You shall not murder.
You shall not commit adultery.
You shall not steal.
You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.
You shall not covet.
I can keep and abide by all these commandments...just saying I can understand how others may have difficulty with keeping the Sabbath holy etc (everyone doesn't even agree whether this is Saturday or Sunday) especially if they are required to work.
Thank you Dwight
John, I don't think you're the type to ever break one of these laws willfully
The 10 commandments fulfilled? How can you fulfill "thou shalt not steal" except by not stealing. You are confusing fulfilling prophecy and obeying the 10 commandments There's a big difference
Moral and civil codes of conduct existed long before the Ten Commandments, if not, we would have probably killed each other off long before the Jews, who, essentially, plagiarized other civil codes making them their own.
Such codes have always been important to any advancing society as order must be maintained, but to claim that such came from a god is a bit silly and self-servicing to a desired belief.
My answer is the correct one for me and my only suggestion here would be to research the history of moral codes though out antiquity and with an eye to a reasoned objectivity, the truth shall set you free.
Question. How do you 100% know that it did not come from god? This is what I'm talking about! People who do not believe in god has the same belief system; trusting in something that the can't 100% prove. Stand for something or fall for everything.
Research reference to documented history, no trust here.. I believe in questioning all things and trusting no one and sometimes, I am pleasantly surprised, but never disappointed.
cjhunsinger, cjhunsinger, cjhunsinger.....tsk tsk tsk. I tell you about knowledge, a mere tongue twister. It sounds like you just confirmed what I said above, only choosing to change the "trust" to- "I believe (trust) in questioning....". Same thing!
Whether it came from God or not isn't the whole issue, and this is not the place to argue the point CJHunsinger, The 10 commandments make a good moral code to live by. Do you feel they are too hard to keep? That part isn't anywhere in your answer
Hi norine it's refreshing to see another Christian........ And yeah, i know what you're talking as it relates to the laws know being in our hearts and mind.
CJ I asked everyone's opinion about the 10 commandments, whether they are hard to keep I didn't ask you if others were silly for what they believe. Maybe we think you are silly too for the way you believe Please keep it civil for everyone
I'm not a Christian and don't even go to church yet they are easy for me to keep and I don't even try
You're right D Just because we can prove things like Evolution, it really doesn't prove much, about God
They too are relying on a belief, and nothing more. Neither sides can prove God does or doesn't exist
I feel that whoever originally broke the tablet also broke the 10 commandments.
Thanks, but that's not the type answer I'm looking for. Do you find them hard to keep?
No, not at all. Should I remove the answer?
Thank you for the best answer, Mara. Appreciated.
Your answer is the best, and Dwight's is up there with you
Yes, he is a kind soul. You're learning to discern. Beautiful!
I'm LEARNING to discern? I've been discerning ever since I was conscious of my surroundings
Mara: Prov 3:5! Let Holy Spirit give you discernment & understanding of Scripture! (John 4:23-24)
Norine What's your point? I do have discernment, and all good things come from God. Why are you arguing with me? Is it the Godly way to judge others? No it isn't. Please allow God to judge others and you just live for him
I have read the majority of your comments and it appears that no one consulted the scriptures before responding! If we would have to keep the ten commandments and all of the other 613 OT laws, it would have been virtually "impossible!" That is why Christ came and died for us, for He knew we could not keep them!
James 2:10 says "For whosoever shall keep the whole law, and yet offend in one point, he is guilty of all."
If you want to know the status of The Ten Commandments, read Galatians Chapters 3 & 4!
I did consult scripture and posted it
We either obey or break those 10 laws daily For a better world and for people to know how to be the best person
Submit yourselves therefore to God Resist the devil (or evil) and he (it) will flee from you Jame
I replied to you only because you said no one consulted scripture before posting
Norine U might want to read my hub, and see where you're taking away the chance for world peace … s-Problems
I think that it is not that they are too hard to is that we are so tempted, and cannot resist the temptation. Can you try not to get angry? It's hard. I think that the important thing is that we remember that we need to depend on God's mercy and strive to keep the commandments. But we're not perfect.
Thanks Stargrrl. I don't feel that you have to be perfect to keep the commandments, but we have forgiveness if we accidentally sin, or if it is out of our control
It's a simple answer for me and that is a yes. We become far too tempted and we elude some of those commandments through justification.
I think the only one most of us stay away from is "You shall not murder". Even if you're an athiest some of these commandments should still be followed because of their moral nature.
Not everyone believes in a god or one God, but we all have morals instilled within us that the 10 commandments try to express. Because we're human, we'll make plenty of mistakes and break some of the rules (commandments) but in the end I do believe we can be forgiven, and those who believe in god believe that God will forgive them too.
Norine the New Covenant spoken of in Jer 31, is for Israel only, not the Gentiles
I don't think so. Everything we do comes from the choices we choose to make. If you choose to break a commandment, it is in your own accord. But if you choose to follow the commandments, it would be easy for you to do it.
apply love(Christ kind of love) that's is the key you need to overcome the law.
Yes! God=Jesus(I Tim 3:16)/Jesus=Holy Spirit(Jn 14:26)/Holy Spirit=God (Gen 1:2;Jn 4:24)! They are One but All's Name is JESUS! This is a mystery!
We're not suppose to overcome the Law Joshua, we're suppose to obey it, and It is God, we're suppose to love
I believe the 10 Commandments are a measure to show us how much we need a Savior. I feel that in Christ the 10 are easy to keep by the Spirit, but the flesh is weak.
Agreed! Thank Jesus for Grace & Mercy! That's what the OT showed us that we couldn't keep the 10 or 613! That's why He came, fulfilled the law, and died for the remission of our sins! He knew! Thank you Jesus! Yes, "easy" if "in the Spirit!"
The OT showed us no such thing Norine Read Deut 5:29 and 6:24
Mara: Why r u so "stuck" under the law? Jesus came & fulfilled the law! We r now under Grace & Truth (New Covenant)! The Holy Spirit FAR EXCEEDS the law! Why r u "stuck" n the past? II Tim 2:15. Did u read Gal & Rms?Jesus wrote both vi
Because Norine I believe what the bible says No one but God can take away the law and he said they are everlasting The New Covenant was promised to Israel and none of Jer 31 has occurred yet
It was impossible to keep the commandments then, when they were written, as it is now. Everyone experiences jealousy in their lifetime and wishes they had something someone else owns, everyone has lied at one point or another (even little white lies), everyone has been angry and disobedient with their parents. The New Testament ups the ante when Jesus taught that even thinking about committing a sin was the same as doing it. We're imperfect, every one of us, and we've all sinned in one way or another.
The Ten Commandments in the time of the Exodus were just like any modern system of laws today. They are ideal, yet everyone has done wrong in some way, even if it's just a minor infraction like jaywalking, speeding, or any number of other lessor civil infractions. It is what we strive to be, but we understand that nobody will be perfect.
We all are accountable by the same rules and punishments, and that is the important part. It lets us know that even though everybody has done something wrong, it is not alright. We do wrong and we receive the consequence of our actions.
God's Laws are for our good and R easy to keep
Deut 5:29
O that there were such an heart in them, that they would fear me, and keep all my commandments always, that it might be well with them, and with their children for ever
Read Deut 6:24
But if I know that what I am doing is wrong, this shows that I agree that the law is good. So I am not the one doing wrong; it is sin living in me that does it. - Romans 7:16-17
Good day Theo20185...It may be hard to keep god's s on our OWN....but with Christ now as the mediator everything is made easier..not easy but easier.
Yes, it is only through grace that we are saved. My point is simply that none of us live sin-free lives. Not one will keep God's law fully intact in this life. I reject the notion that any man except Jesus have lived or will live a sin-free life.
Very good Theo20185!! I agree with you about...........98%. Now why i left off the 2% is because I personally want to believe that I can be sin free one day. It has been something I've been working on forever. And I hope to get there
If no one is able to be sin free then Jesus' life and death was in vain because he came to show us how to live a sin free life, through love
What you are saying is that YOU cant live sin free because sin is what you prefer
Theo that's the problem, most worry about what others do, when they should worry about their own sins, and find a way to overcome. People say Jesus was God, so they can say "no human can live sin free" Jesus was a man, and not God, and showed us how
Hey Mara..what's up I believe that you and Theo20185 are both right. The scripture says Matthew 5:48 be perfect as or father in heaven is and it also says that there is no one righteous.because we are born in sin doesn't mean we have to continue init
Monkey, I wish nothing but love for you. I'm leaving this conversation, though, because all you're doing is intentionally misquoting me. I said Jesus lived a sin-free life, and you state I said he didn't. Goodbye.
Theo I said no such thing, so don't put words in my mouth
Jesus wasn't God and he never claimed to be
God is not a man or the son of man, that's man's false teachings
Numbers 23:19
God is not a man, that he should lie; neither the son of man, that he should repent:
No. Why well it just is easy. Not even so much from a Christian standpoint. If I did not have the faith that I did I would still not be breaking them in my life. Jesus died for our sins, So I expect God wants us to honor that and life as good a life as we can. As for "Why do you feel your answer is the correct one?" It is not my place to say my answer is correct and others are wrong. That would be a bit prideful and judgmental don't you think?
I find them easy to keep also, and I'm not even a Christian
What's funny is the only ones saying they are hard are the Christians, Go figure
Wrong, they are very doable. If you are struggling with the 10, something is wrong in the area of LOVE
It is impossible to keep the 10 Commandments. Go one by one and you will find that you are guilty of multiple ones. The Bible says that whoever breaks the least commandment is guilty of breaking all of them.
Have you told a lie? (white lie? - which is a full lie)
Have you ever lusted after someone?
Have you ever put anything in front of God?
Ever used God's name in vein?
Dishonored your parents?
Coveted something that was not yours?
God demands holiness, complete perfection. The Bible is clear that we are all sinful and fall short of God's standard. That is why Jesus came and died on the cross for our sins so that we can be forgiven.
We all have a choice to accept Jesus' payment for our sins or reject it. Our decision will have eternal consequences.
Eric: The "key" is to be filled with the Holy Spirit which will "guide you into ALL "Truth" (Jn 16:13) which includes the 10 plus more!
Being filled with the Holy Spirit will not stop us from sinning. We are wicked to the core, that is why we need Jesus. Our good works are as filthy rags. As long as we are on earth, we will struggle with sin.
Eric: Yes we do need Jesus (HS) which "convicts" us making easier to obey ALL laws!HS "works" not us! Matt11:28-30. Better world if we ALL had HS which convicts & we'd "rest" in Jesus! Deny self, study Word, believe & have "faith!" Watch HIM
Eric you are judging others by yourself Because you can't keep them you think others can't either Many people such as I do keep them and find them easy You're the one with the problem because you like to sin Find God and sin will leave
From Genesis to Revelation, the theme of Scripture threading through book after book is our need of Jesus. He was straightforward on the matter of the 10 Commandments (the Law). He was sent not to abolish but to fulfill the Law: … ersion=ESV
The point fleshed out in Scripture is that we fall short and in our inadequacy we, Jew and Gentile alike, need a perfect advocate, mediator, substitute--a holy and righteous redeemer: … othy+2:5-6 . In the Messiah we find salvation and help for living to the praise and glory of God who is worthy and faithful to keep His promises to those who put their trust in Him.
The answer to your question lines up not with what we think or how we feel, but with what God says to us about the matter. Trying to live according to the 10 commandments cannot be separated from the entire counsel of God's Word if we want to understand their purpose and what our response to them should be.
If we yield our thinking to the truths of His Word we will have the peace that truly passes understanding even when our feelings rise and fall. Rooted in a relationship with God through His chosen Redeemer (Isaiah 55:4, 1 Timothy 2:5), we can have a growing faith that enables us to do what God asks of us.
There are truths waiting to be unfolded in His Word to us, first the milk of the Word and then the meat, layers to be peeled back in the lives of God's people both corporately and individually. Life is not about a black and white list of rules (Galatians 2:20).
The abundant life (John 10:10) is about an ongoing journey from death to life in a growing relationship that is enveloped in revealed truth and in mysteries yet to be revealed: I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope (Jeremiah 29:11).
"The Law" was given as a protection because evil exists--God's desire is our protection from evil, … rsion=KJV. It was and is a guide for the common good of mankind, but it is crucial to understand that it is not our eternal security: … rsion=NASB
It's harder today, so God understands our sins? NOT true
From Luke 12:48
"For unto whomsoever much is given, of him shall be much required"
Today's world is no excuse 2 sin Draw close to God He'll draw close 2 U Where there's God There's No sin
Norine's comment was deleted because she was asked not to reply again
No.Keeping the 10 commandments is really about what should not be done if you have a good heart and are a good person. It's the supreme way of living your life in a way that you expect others to live to make this world a better place and make it to heaven when your time is up.
Would you want someone to lie on you? i.e. bear false witness
Would you want someone to steal from you? i.e. thou shall not steal
Not impossible.
Your's is a great answer too. If we love God first, we see God in others, and therefore love them If we truly love others, we can't steal from them, kill them etc The 10Cs are easy Thank you
No. I don't think the Laws are hard to keep. They are common sense laws that protect us (and the Hebrews of old) from harm. The only one that is hard to keep is the Sabbath---but it need not be.
I agree with everything you said except about the Sabbath Most American are out partying on the true Sabbath (Sat) and are desecrating it, so it's easy to keep if you want to
Not at all, if one has to live according to the will of his Creator.
Thank you There's no pleasing God while sinning, and if people can't keep God's laws they should stop claiming to be of God, or Christians
If we love God first, we can’t help but see God in others, and therefore love them. If we truly love others, we can't steal from them, kill them etc The 10 Commandments are easy to keep
Self-control and Discipline get easier as you continue to practice them.
I believe that God gives us commandments because they help us align our wills with His and because they will ultimately lead to our greatest potential and joy. With that said, in order to align our wills with His we must sacrifice desires that are not in accordance with His will. If we focus on what we're giving up, instead of that you'll gain far greater (in the long run) and become better/more perfect through these small sacrifices, all commandments are hard or impossible.
Additionally, mankind is imperfect. We're going to make mistakes. I think we make small transgressions against these commandments on a regular basis. (when was the last time you were spending time surfing the web when you could have been doing something more productive...isn't that akin to worshiping the idol called internet? And couldn't you do better with honoring your parents?) However, we should and can continue to strive to become better and better at keeping these and all commandments.
Gross failure to keep some of these commandments, eg murder, is completely unacceptable in my eyes whether the offender is Christian or not. So, I guess it depends on which of the 10 commandments you are looking at and what level of keeping them we are talking about! At any rate, I believe we should strive to keep all 10 perfectly.
Deuteronomy 5:29
O that there were such an heart in them, that they would fear me, and keep all my commandments always, that it might be well with them, and with their children for ever! Read Deut 6:24
MonkeyShine you completely missed what I said. I agree we should keep the 10 commandments. I said we weren't perfect at keeping them but should strive to keep them until we are perfect at keeping them.
Where did I miss what you said? I just posted why they were given-So it would be well with us- what do you disagree with? They're easy for me & not hard a all
Have no other Gods before me isn't always easy. "Let Thy will be done" can be one of the hardest things to say. A parent pleading with the Lord to spare a child that is going to die may temporarily put his love for his child before God....
I was 10 when my mom died, I loved her yet we all prayed "thy will be done". You are speaking for everyone, and we aren't all the same Some love God and others so the 10 are easy
Where was I wrong?
Jesus was the only perfect person. He was the only person who didn't put something else before God at least once in his/her life. That means it's impossible to keep the 10 commandments perfectly in this life unless you're Jesus.
You're incorrect Jesus came to show us how to live a perfect life & requires it from us
By loving God and others we won't hurt them or ourselves in any way The 10 are about how we treat others
He requires we become perfect and that we strive to be perfect and repent when we fail to be perfect. No sane person is going to honestly argue and believe that they are perfect right now. If we were capable of perfection we wouldn't need Christ.
Nowhere does it say "Strive" In both OT and NT it says "BE"
Deuteronomy 18:13
Thou shalt be perfect with the Lord thy God
Matthew 5:48
Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect
We need to be like Christ per the Bible
And just as you fall short in keeping the 10 commandments you fall short in that command as well.
You are speaking of me but you must be thinking about yourself I don't fall short
Being perfect is not a commandment
Now I see why you don't obey them because you don't know them or what they R
Collective you, not personal you. Although both apply, because it applies to everyone. I don't understand them? See Matthew 5:48. ;-) Failure to perfectly keep a commandment is failure to keep a commandment.
If you think being perfect is a commandment, then you don't know them because it isn't
If you can't keep them knowing them does no good
It isn't explicitly stated in the OT. On an elementary level they are easy to keep. But, seeking to use them to improve how you live your life shows how you can improve. If you can improve in obeying them you were previously disobeying to an extent
You Keep putting these labels on other people you Them etc but what you mean is you kbdressman
Not everyone thinks feels reacts or lives as you do You can only go by who you are and work it out with God Read this
Actually, what I mean is any and every generic individual,. Myself, Yourself and everybody else included.
Try to grasp the whole meaning of what Jesus said In Mark 2:17
..He told them Healthy people don't need a doctor sick people do I didn't come to call the righteous but sinners to repentance
Love for your child is not an idol as you stated above
Mara: Why would I consult "your Hub" when I have Scripture! Galatians 3 & 4 tells us "we are no longer under the "law" under the New Covenant! Jer 31:33;Heb 8:10;16! "Laws" now "put in our hearts & minds" via Holy Spirit which includes 10Com
Norine no one can release you from the law but God, not Paul or Jesus
I said to read my hub to see where you're taking away the chance for world peace
Mara: Give Scripture that Jer 31 has not occurred yet? Give Scripture that Jesus did not FULFILL "law" (Matt 5:17-20) since u said "Jesus cannot take away "law?" Explain Gal & Rm? Jer for Israel not Gentiles (Gal 3:28;Heb 8:10;10:16)?
Read Jer 31 has there been world peace, has everyone turned to God, does everyone know, and obey God's law? None of Jer 31 has come to pass Have you actually read it? It's for Israel not the Gentiles
They only become difficult if you are self-concerned and if something is held as "important" to self. Such importance feeds ego. If you love others as if they were yourself, without any self-concern, then all of the 10 commandments become effortless.
When you become love (non-self-concerned), then you are with God and following His laws becomes "second nature" to you.
Being in harmony with love is what the laws were always about. The more you break those laws, the more you are moving toward self-concern and separation from others (me versus them).
All answers to this question have their value, because each of us is at a different level of understanding.
I find the ten commandments easy to keep. I am older. When, I was younger. I found them a challenge, but my friends showed me easier ways to keep them. One way to keep them. It is. You neef to be with smart people. Who are keeping them. Then, you need to be smart to make others to keep them.
And as long as you learn to love others, you can keep them. You're right, smart people keep them. Thank you
by graceinus 9 years ago
Why is it that Jesus mentioned only 6 of the 10 Commandments of the OT within the four Gospels?If you study the four gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, you will realize that Jesus never mentions all 10 commandments during His ministry. Why? If the 10 Commandment apply to us today...
by graceinus 11 years ago
Did you know that there is nothing in the 10 Commandments that state "you shall love God".?The only mention of loving God with all your heart is mentiond in Deuteromony 6: 5 which is mentioned within His Covenant.
by Dr. Wendy 12 years ago
Are Christians supposed to obey the 10 Commandments?If so, why do most disobey the 4th commandment?
by Bruce A. Beaudet 7 years ago
Which of the 10 commandments do you think people break the most frequently?Please explain your answer.
by Minister Mitch 9 years ago
Do you think the Ten (10) commandments are really no longer useful?What will happen if the 10 commandments are no longer taught in the homes of Americans?.
by April Gail 8 years ago
Do you believe in the Ten Commandments of God?If so, do you keep the 10 commandments?
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