Should you be able to ask questions during bible study?
I ask this question because last Wednesday one of my church members asked the preacher a very interesting question during bible study. However, the preacher didn't answer the man's question. The only thing the preacher said, "Brother, let me finish my bible study." My church member got a upset and walk out of bible study. Not to mention, he wasn't at church on Sunday. So was the preacher wrong for cutting him off
Well, I can't speak for your preacher's possible reasons for responding that way, but I can say that's not how a question would be handled during a Bible study led by any of my pastors or by most of us lay leaders that I know in my church. We actually refer to our studies as "growth groups" because we expressly focus on giving people the opportunity to question, discuss, and grapple with the Word together. When people ask me, "Are you teaching a class this summer?" I say, "I'm not teaching anything, but I'm leading a discussion about [fill in the blank]." Does your church offer the opportunity to lead a group study?
Serenity: How else can 1 learn unless "man" tell him? Acts 8:31! Our job: "plant seed (WORD), but ONLY GOD gives increase." I Cor 3:6! Jn6:44;65!
Hopefully u guys teach "AFTER THE CROSS" or after The Day of Pentecost; otherwise, Galatians 1:6-9!
Peter: Some are "called," some are "sent," but some just "got up and went!"
I once asked a question during a bible study, and the minister became visibly annoyed, because he surely had no good answer to the perplexing and damaging question.
The question that I posed, caused cognitive dissonance because it cast doubt on the overall concept of these fairy tales.
The other members, of the bible study class, became annoyed with me as well. They were there, simply, to agree with everything that they heard.
yes the hireling cannot admit they do not have the answers. the corrct response is "i do not know but I will research it and get back to you" then there is no class confusion
Get: Just curious! What was your question?
Did u go there only to do as u do on HP: "test" as the Scribes & Pharisees did JESUS? LOL
I asked if John 14:12 proves that we can exceed the power of Jesus...and perform miracles beyond what Jesus could do?
Get: Who's "beyond" Jesus? Why'd u ask such a senile question?
Christ meant due His limited time on earth (in the flesh), our (same Supernatural events) would be greater (more) than His.
NO ONE exceeds or go "beyond" MY JESUS!
I guess it all depends on if He meant greater in number or greater in importance.
Get: How can we (creations) be "greater in importance?" His "time" was limited but we can in no way be greater than the Creator! Therefore, greater in number if we exercise "FAITH" to the max which would give "proof" to unbelievers! Why I don't no
We can be greater than the creator if that creator was created by mere mortal humans....which is most obviously the case.
And of course, believers have given no proof whatsoever to non-believers, as magic does not the real world.
Get: Holy Spirit asked me to ask unblvrs "Provide a book w/as many ACCURATE prophecies written BEFORE Bible that have been "fulfilled?"
Until then, "PROVE" there isn't a GOD?"
First of all, there is no evidence of any imagined phantoms talking with anyone. Secondly, u keep proposing the same irrelevant question as if it has some kind of bearing on the truth of the existence of your God. It has NO BEARING WHATSOEVER.
Get: Can't provide? Bible WAS written thousands of yrs ago w/such accuracy re: prophecies & u refuse to believe "facts" which u demand? Why do u use "reasoning & logic" when researching other but simply say "has NO BEARING " when "facts" pres
Sorry but I don't think u understand what the term "fact" means, because there has certainly been no facts presented here. All I see is wishful thinking based entirely on misleading and outrageous claims...twisted to vaguely confirm a false premise.
gir you clearly do not belong on this section as it is for Christias, not Christian bashers. Iif ithis was my hub I would be deleting your posts from now on
Get. Agreed Charlie!
Get: "a truth known by actual experience or observation." TRUTH: Bible written before 9/11. Prophesied in Is 9:10/11! Come on now. U don't want to ACCEPT! Why?
Why do u HATE GOD? Sin Bad?
Thanks for your opinion Charlie...maybe your God should just put me in my place. He is ALL POWERFUL and everything, right?
gr be careful what you ask for He just might do that. he did it for me 45 yrs ago
Under normal should be allowed to ask questions with any study group.
But when religion is thrown into the questions. Evah. Well, none that could possibly lead anyone to disagree with whats being said at least.
I have to wonder what the question was though for the pastor to just not answer it.
Right Link! If blvr perceives "right" they don't STUDY (Search the Scriptures) "to see if these thgs are so." (Acts 17:11) rather "run" when Scripture says "STAND" on your belief & "PROVE" w/WORD;otherwise, He'll be "ashamed of u!" Unblvr told T
The courteous way to ask a question is to wait until the teacher is finished, then ask. Much of the time, the question will be answered at some point in the study.
The Church member should not have gotten upset to begin with. Even worse, he should not stop assembling with like minded believers.
Good answer! But I don't agree with you. Bible study is to ask questions and engaged in the coversation! To me the preacher was wrong
So the immature person who walked away because he/she felt offended was right for walking away? I used to do online Bible studies. I always asked for question to be held until the study was over. Re-read my answer.
Virgil: When 1 has problem w/"like minded blvr," follow Scripture & "go in private" w/(2 Pet 3:15) SCRIPTURE (Matt 18:15-17)!
EVERYTHING that "pertains to life" is in SCRIPTURE (II Pet 1:3)!
Maybe the preacher should have added, "I will get back to you on that." Maybe it was not an answer the preacher knew but he could have been honest and say "I honestly don't know". And it might be there might not be enough time to answer every question during the time set aside for Bible Study, I know some preachers who are willing to stick around for a little longer to address unfinished questions
That, and ministers are imperfect people just like everyone else. He may have responded poorly in the moment, and then had no opportunity to correct the situation within the group setting because the other gentleman responded in anger and walked out.
I have been in Bible studies where everything wasn't covered because of questions and comments and there wasn't enough time.
LR- there want enough time? then the "leader: does not know how to lead a bible study. he is just teaching his beliefs as most hirelings do
cela-when you have an hour slot and sixty people in the group I would rather it run past the time than have the leader doing a rush job. Personally an hour is way too short,imagine doing the Book of Psalms in an hour
lr..there should be no time limit on a bible study *just a guide line). the ones that need to leave do so, the others stay til they are done..the only place time limit is important is with church people in USA.,
Yes Cela! Who can "control" or "set time to" THE SPIRIT? If Holy Spirit there, go wherever (no matter how long) HE "leads!"
Don't "quench the Spirit!" (I Thess 5:19)
One of my biggest faults is patience or should I say lack of it. Keep reminding myself God's timing is not my timing
Lois: We ALL r human (me 2), but God KNOWS the heart!
If Holy Spirit leading, 1 will miss new revelation "growing into His likeness." For "the Word is ALIVE..." (Heb 4:12) & we r "growing" (II Cor 3:18) into His likeness."
Don't miss!
I believe that Bible Study is not any different than studying other subjects of interest, why shouldn't there be questions answered? I believe that if someone deterred away from the question then they were anxious about giving a good answer, and maybe should not be.teaching or maybe explain that they are unsure to answer. To ignore a question from a pupil completely, that is just rude in my opinion.
Nichol, you're exactly right. No one question should be ignored
And if a member was being disruptive, any group leader should be able to ask that the group stay on topic. From the sounds of it, this could have become a private conversation between the preacher and the man with questions.
If it was a bible study-- no If it was a bible teaching yes maybe. It clearly was NOT a bible study so the person that walked out was right and the hireling was wrong. I would have rebuked preacher for lying to me about it being a study
The member was out of line. Usually when questions are allowed during the study the teacher will tell everyone. If not, than questions should be written down, and asked after the study is over. The minister could have calmly told the person to ask later. The minister was wrong only in being a bit rude.
But..Just think how you would feel if you were interrupted while teaching or speaking.
personally I get offended if no one asks questions as that means they are either are not interested or are foolish enough to believe what anyone teaches without checking it out.
But that doesn't mean everyone feels that way, and we should respect what the speaker wants. Questions can be asked later
Mara: Then it's not a "study" but PREACHING! Can students not ask "questions" in classroom? Why diff? Attitude="Don't interrupt what "I" will "instill" in you!" Watch it sheep! Not what Scripture says "respect speaker" but he should I Pet 3:15!
mara- a bible study and a bible teachingaretwo different thing. A bible study is where 2 or more get together to DISCERN TRUTH OF SCRIPTURE. a bible teaching is where a person is teaching his beliefs.
no question= cant fully defen his beliefs
Charlie: So how do u describe blvr who does as Hubber LINK describes? Christian? Complacent? Given "reprobate mind?" How does 1 get to 1 who is "Happy in "their" belief" & wishes not to discuss Scripture if in disagreement?
We can ask questions during bible study after the preaching. But always remember that there will be some questions that preachers or even pastors may not answer not just because they don't know the answer. It is because they are guided by the Holy Spirit not to answer your question for you to seek by your own self. Not everything should be spoon feeding.
If we want to know something, we have to seek for it through prayers and reading the bible.
Thru prayers we asks God, and thru reading the Holy Bible, He answers our questions.
God is a God of love and understanding, rest assured that He will give you the knowledge and wisdom that you need to know the answers to your questions if you ask it in His name.
a real bible study HAS NO PREACHING. But I understand the hirelings in the churches have to show they are in control and make sure no one finds truths that they refuse to accept
LINK: U remind me of the Good Samaritan who "helped" man when "religious people" passed him up in Scripture (Lk 10:30)!
BELIEVERS: U see unblvr's perception of blvrs? Why don't "Christians" display JESUS? U blame them?
ALWAYS ask urself WWJD?
If you have a class room environment like a church building with class rooms and someone know as a Sunday School teacher, then there are protocols set up and they should be followed. Disrupting a lesson plan so your ego can be stroked is not correct. Most teachers are no better than the system they are teaching in so to expect them to be the end all with answers that please you is wrong. If you don't agree with something being taught there is a correct way to address the problem.
Keep in mind you are the student in the seat and the teacher is the one standing up front. If you want to stand up front, study to show yourself approved (by the system) and you will be given the responsibility to run a class. This is the way the system of the institutional church works, every where no surprise.
If you want to have a conversation much like this question and answer forum then bringing and sharing statements is part of the process. If I don't like your answer I can say so, or not. Funny thing is that if we were all in the same room our attitudes and statements would change a bit because we would be looking the person in the eyes instead of just reading the type set.
If the truth be known storming out and not returning could be a good thing. If you don't agree with those you are hanging out with why continue to hang out.
Was the preacher wrong, not enough information, however with what was given no he was not wrong. Asking someone to wait isn't a problem. I suspect more to the story. Stating that the question was very interesting means you would like the answer as well, approach the "preacher" and ask when it wouldn't be disruptive.
If someone makes a big deal out of something that is small, there is a lot of pride involved and that needs to be addressed as well. If you don't like the behavior of the preacher, then sit quietly and when class is over you can leave without all the huffing and puffing. Wanting to draw attention to yourself needs to be corrected and perhaps the preacher knew all this and that was the reason the situation was handled the way it was.
Again not enough information.
"..there is a correct way to address the problem." HERE IT IS! Matt 18:15-17!
EVERYTHING "that pertains to life" is IN SCRIPTURE (II Pet 1:3)!
Give WORD & "YOU" will NEVER be wrong (Num 23:19)!
The Word of God is never wrong but people sure do misquote or reference it when it has nothing to do with what they are saying. This is usually caused by a "religious spirit" perpetuating some denominational belief. Cut and paste religion is bad.
Rich: If 1 "cuts & paste" HIS WORD, IT IS WRITTEN (TRUTH) regardless of what u thk! "PROVE" "nothing to do w/what they r saying?" What "denominational belief?" I speak Christ & Him crucified! Where's problem?
The burden of proof is on you. You have ideas that are different, it is on you not others. You have proven many times to not have comprehension of what you are quoting. To that you just quote more out of context verses. You are a loose cannon.
Rich: And you a "taught" believer as "sheep" being lead to slaughter by organized "Religion" v "Studying" IN SPIRIT not looking @ WORD "literally!"
Until you "WORSHIP IN SPIRIT & IN TRUTH" no relationship w/GOD (Rm 8:8)! SO SAYS SCRIPTURE!
According to Scripture, the "preacher" was wrong! The Word of God says in I Peter 3:15 " ready "always" to give an answer to "every man that asketh" you a reason of the hope that is in you, with meekness and fear."
Jeremiah 23:1 says "Woe be unto the shepherds who destroy and scatter the sheep of my pasture! saith the LORD."
What did Jesus do? Say "Hold it (Scribes & Pharisees) until I finish." NO! He welcomed their questions to "prove" (w/HIS WORD) He was GOD!
Shouldn't we "prove" (II Tim 3:16) w/WORD our beliefs? So says Scripture & we "claim Christianity?"
if questions are not allowed it IS NOT A BIBLE STUDY, it becomes a BIBLE TEACHING
Questions can led to further Bible Studies
Did JESUS not "answer ALL questions?" Aren't we "supposed to be" Christ-like? Then....What? Are we or are we not "striving"
to be Christ-like?
Teachers of "The Gospel of Christ" should not leave one "striving" but give Scripture! Then Jm 1:5!
We are always learning each day. I would rather learn and learn and learn than be a know-it-all after a few lessons
l:ouis- I was not sayng a bible teaching is wrong, just that they are two different things
Lois: NO ONE "knows IT (GOD) all!" II Cor 3:18 says "we chg fm glory to glory" depending upon our "belief" and "faith" in HIS WORD.
It's our position to STUDY to KNOW what HE'S SAID by "rightly dividing" WORD!
if you attend a bible study that turns out to be a bible teaching then the teacher should be rebuked for lying to you. remember truth is only available to you if you ask the Holy Spirit to confirm it.. always ask Him
Do a lot of Bible Studies at church and home and sometimes at the ones at home I have to stop because they start straying from the Bible. For ex. there was one that stressed more on believing in the Baptism than in Believing in Jesus
Amen Charlie!
Lois: JESUS SAID 2 reqmnts for SALVATION! John 3:5 "..Except a man is born of WATER and of SPIRIT, he CAN NOT enter the kingdom of God!" Mk 16:16 "..AND IS BAPTIZED, SHALL BE SAVED..." Read Acts 2:38!
LR- then you as the leader did the others a dis service. it was your responsibility to control the meeting when it got off track. you must be a church trained minister--- cant offend anyone and don't offend, contrary to Christ ways
Charlie: Plz provide Scripture re:Jesus said "Don't offend?" I overlooked? When blvrs disagree via deeper revelation (Peter & Paul re: circumcision in Galatians 2:11), Paul "withstood him face to face..."? Meaning?
I love "Bible Study" on H
"...cant offend anyone and don't offend, contrary to Christ ways."
Who said this?
Plz provide Scripture or NOT TRUE! Scripture says I Pet 3:15 "give answer" (FM WORD) whether "offensive" or not! Why so many "run!"Heb 4:12 TRUTH (WORD) "cuts!"
norine guess you need reading lesson. church trained ministers
Sorry Charlie, You're right! I DO! You were saying "As a church trained minister, one shouldn't be "religiously correct" by not offending & if so, not Christ-like!" Heh?
I AGREE! MOST on HP appear to be "religiously correct!
Charlie I don't lead a Bible Study at my church was just answering the ques. Norine I don't remember who wrote the book. It said only requirement was to believe in the Baptism. Made me unconformable so I stopped
Louis if a book other than the bibles and concordance are used it is NOT a bible study, but a teaching (actually indoctrination)
as far as the man that left, he understood the truth and got away from there, the right thing to do.
Still Bible Teaching, Bible Study sometimes not enough time to cover everything in an hour. Still can fill my notebook in no time at all. Just invested in voice recorder and can use that to distate to my Dragon Naturally Speaking
Lois: Why such little x given to Holy Spirit (Jesus)? 1hr? What if discussion reveals new rev of Scripture which req's add'l x? I Thess 5:19! Rushing thru WORD not Christ-like but allow Holy Spirit to "work" (reveal)! Jesus=40 days? Us=1hr?
That is just a time slot more like hour and half. That's why I like doing more on my own time as well.
Lois: Not "your time" but "GO" where Holy Spirit "leads" no matter the time!
Lois, pls look @ Scripture that tells us to live AFTER THE CROSS or AFTER "The Day of Pentecost!" Otherwise, Galatians 1:6-9!
I do look at scrip and use it but limit to my hubs not on Q A forums. Most of my hubs being moved to another site. Holy Spirit guided me to
Lois: Always do as Holy Spirit "leads!" Sorry we didn't have more interaction re:Scripture! Consider Script re: Jesus is God for there is ONLY "1 SPIRIT" & baptizing & following as they did in Acts 2:42 or "After the Cross!"
My desire:No
Thank you. Norine. I am currently on blogjob with my user loiseryan if interested. Sometimes distractions get in the way of Holy Spirit still working on that
Lois: I will search for Yes, ALWAYS follow Holy Spirit no matter how ridiculous it sounds to u (me 2 re:HP) and u will NEVER go wrong!
ALL quite here "watching" not interacting but MAYBE just 1 will "hear!"
Best wishes!
LOis: Great! Hope to continue discussion! Enjoy talking to one with understanding! Very rare on HP but ALL will come to "TRUTH!" "After the Cross," or Galatians 1:6-9!
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