If you believe in Hell, please tell me what the criteria is for going there once

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  1. profile image0
    LoliHeyposted 9 years ago

    If you believe in Hell, please tell me what the criteria is for going there once you die.

    Who belongs in Hell?

  2. tsadjatko profile image75
    tsadjatkoposted 9 years ago


    It's not a matter of belief, hell exists, it is as real as the planet earth, the oceans & the sky. Let's examine the place the Bible calls hell. If what you read is true — YOU COULD BE IN SERIOUS DANGER!
    Several years ago a book was published, entitled Beyond Death's Door by Dr. Maurice Rawlings. Dr. Rawlings, a specialist in Internal Medicine & Cardiovascular Disease, resuscitated many people who had been clinically dead. Dr. Rawlings, a devout atheist, "considered all religion "hocus-pocus" & death nothing more than a painless extinction". But something happened in 1977 that brought a dramatic change in the life of Dr. Rawlings! He was resuscitating a man, terrified & screaming — descending down into the flames of hell:
    "Each time he regained heartbeat & respiration, the patient screamed, "I am in hell!" He was terrified & pleaded with me to help him. I was scared to death. . . Then I noticed a genuinely alarmed look on his face. He had a terrified look worse than the expression seen in death! This patient had a grotesque grimace expressing sheer horror! His pupils were dilated, & he was perspiring & trembling — he looked as if his hair was "on end."
    Then still another strange thing happened. He said,"Don't you understand? I am in hell. . . Don't let me go back to hell!" . . .the man was serious, & it finally occurred to me that he was indeed in trouble. He was in a panic like I had never seen before." (Maurice Rawlings, Beyond Death's Door,(Thomas Nelson Inc., 1979) p. 3).Dr. Rawlings said, no one, who could have heard his screams & saw the look of terror on his face could doubt for a single minute that he was actually in a place called hell!

    The Bible continually warns of a place called hell. There are over 162 references in the New Testament alone which warns of hell & over 70 of these references were uttered by the Lord Jesus Christ! Scientist & Bible teacher, Henry Morris also agrees the Bible plainly teaches that hell is in this earth: "So far as we can tell from Scripture, the present hell, is somewhere in the heart of the earth itself. It is also called 'the pit' (Isa. 14:9, 15: Ezek. 32:18-21) & 'the abyss' (Rev. 9:2).The writers certainly themselves believed hell to be real & geographically 'beneath' the earth's surface. . .
    Millionaire Ted Turner said "I’m looking forward to dying & being cast into Hell. That's where I belong." You say he’s a fool! But friend, say "No"  to Jesus Christ & His payment you’ll pay for your sins in hell!

    1. profile image0
      LoliHeyposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      I read about Dr. Rawlings and his patients.  I agree with you.

    2. tsadjatko profile image75
      tsadjatkoposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      The Bible describes it as weeping (Matt 8:12),wailing (Matt 13:42),gnashing of teeth (Matt 13:50),darkness (Matt 25:30),flames (Luke 16:24),burning (Isa 33:14),torments (Luke 16:23),everlasting punishment prepared for the devil & his angels!

    3. Rich kelley profile image60
      Rich kelleyposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Matthew 25:41  "Then He will also say to those on the left hand, 'Depart from Me, you cursed, into the everlasting fire prepared for the devil and his angels: (not Luke 16:23)

    4. tsadjatko profile image75
      tsadjatkoposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      What are you talking about, I said torment and so does Luke: In Hades, where he was in torment, he looked up and saw Abraham far away, with Lazarus by his side (Luke 16:23)

    5. Rich kelley profile image60
      Rich kelleyposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      never mind was trying to help. I now realize you didn't have enough room for the reference of the last statement.

    6. profile image53
      Norine Williamsposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      BUT WHO CARES? Gal 1:6-9 is in WORD whether u blv or not which says u r "ACCURSED" if u don't blv THE GOSPEL OF CHRIST!  Do u KNOW what that is? If so, u would blv in baptism in JESUS' name, JESUS is GOD, Worship in Spirit, etc.  DO YOU CARE?

    7. profile image53
      Norine Williamsposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      STUDY The Gospel of Christ or "ACCURSED" (Gal 1:6-9)!  ACCURSED=HELL BOUND!

  3. SpiritusShepherd profile image60
    SpiritusShepherdposted 9 years ago

    The truth is, we all belong in hell, even Christians. As the Scriptures say, "All have sinned and fallen short of the Glory of God." All humans are born  in sin and it is our nature to choose evil over good. We all deserve to spend eternity separated from God.
    There is only one difference between those going to heaven and those going to hell and that is Jesus. When we repent from our sins and our baptized into Christ our sins are washed away and we are given the righteousness of Christ; when God the Father looks at us he sees only Jesus, not the evil people we are.
    Nothing we do can earn our way out of hell and nothing we do makes us less deserving of it. But God demonstrates his love for us in this, while we are still sinners, Christ died for us.
    We cannot earn our way out of hell, but through his perfect life, his death on the cross and his resurrection Christ paid the price for us and whoever calls on his name will be saved.

    1. profile image53
      Norine Williamsposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      If you were baptized in the name of the Father, Son & Holy Spirit, you were not baptized into Christ!  Who was n Scripture? On the Day of Pent, disciples only baptized in name of JESUS CHRIST! Why weren't u?

    2. profile image53
      Norine Williamsposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      U think? GOD has left HIS WORD for us to STUDY!  There is ONE Scripture that MOST overlook but It's there:  Galatians 1:6-9="ACCURSED!" Don't u thk ACCURSED sends to Hell?  Learn the Gospel of Christ or "ACCURSED!"

  4. Oztinato profile image77
    Oztinatoposted 9 years ago

    " Hell" is on earth already for some. If you want to go there leave all human ethics and religion behind, take lots of drugs, play gangsta music and eat a McDonald's burger with lots of bacon and mayo.

    1. profile image53
      Norine Williamsposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      You're on your way to the "unexpected"=HELL if you cont in this belief!

  5. aguasilver profile image69
    aguasilverposted 9 years ago

    Hell is a matter of choice, nobody need to go there, we choose it by our words, thoughts, actions and deeds.

    Yeshua gave His life in order that we have that choice, no Yeshua, no choice.

    Choose wisely.

    1. glynch1 profile image67
      glynch1posted 9 years agoin reply to this

      God chose His elect before the foundation of the world (Eph. 1). We did not choose Him; He chose us.

    2. tsadjatko profile image75
      tsadjatkoposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      You shouldn't preach about things without fully explaining, so what you just said is no one need preach the gospel because God has chosen who he will save from hell before they were born and they need not choose. That isn't correct.

    3. aguasilver profile image69
      aguasilverposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      God chooses that ALL should be saved, however as we are all sinners, WE have to choose to receive our salvation, that's the thing about choice, it is a two way street.

    4. Rich kelley profile image60
      Rich kelleyposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Eph 1 having believed, you were sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise, who is the guarantee of our inheritance until the redemption of the purchased possession, to the praise of His glory.  Calvin forgot the "having believed" part

    5. profile image53
      Norine Williamsposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Do any of you CARE what the WORD says? Don't u thk "ACCURSED" means u will go to HELL?  Gal 1:6-9="ACCURSED!" Do u even KNOW what the Gospel of Christ is? Have u STUDIED? NO ONE CARES what WORD says or they don't FEAR GOD!

    6. profile image53
      Norine Williamsposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      "Hell is a matter of choice" & it's up to us to STUDY!  Gal 1:6-9 is not in WORD for no reason = "ACCURSED!" Learn The Gospel of Christ & follow apostles or HELL BOUND!

  6. Faceless39 profile image91
    Faceless39posted 9 years ago

    I believe hell is a state of mind. Many people live in hell every day, and a lot of it is self-chosen.

    1. tsadjatko profile image75
      tsadjatkoposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Believe what you want, believe you can fly, that will never make it so but enjoy the fantasy world of your own imagination while you can for one day you will discover the truth about Hell and wish you had believed it when you were alive.

    2. profile image53
      Norine Williamsposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Gal 1:6-9="ACCURSED!"

    3. profile image53
      Norine Williamsposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      ALL "Believe what u want," but Gal 1:6-9 is not in WORD for NO REASON!  STUDY!  Learn The Gospel of Christ or HELL BOUND!

  7. profile image53
    Norine Williamsposted 9 years ago

    The Criteria for going to Hell is not BELIEVING what CHRIST DIED FOR which (in addition to the remission of our sins), is the key to getting to heaven "THE GOSPEL OF CHRIST" (Galatians 1:6-9)!

    RELIGION (The Nicene Council=SATAN) has society "BEWITCHED" thinking ALL should believe in "twisted doctrine," which works on SATAN'S behalf and MOST FOOLS have fallen for it! 

    HARSH but TRUE (Hebrews 4:12)!

    IF one KNOWS Scripture, you know Jesus Christ was born, walked on earth giving us an example & fulfilling "some" law, Promised Holy Spirit (Jn 14:26; 16:13), DIED, commanded us to "OBSERVE" disciples (Matt 28:18), commanded disciples to "WAIT" for Holy Spirit who would HELP us (Acts 1:4), fulfilled Promise of Holy Spirit (Acts 2:2), Established FIRST CHURCH which is our example of THE CHURCH (Acts 1 & 2), "chose" Paul to continue in HIS Stead (Acts 9:15), THE GOSPEL OF CHRIST is built on the FOUNDATION of the Apostles & the prophets (Eph 2:20; Rev 21:14), and we (as disciples) should build upon that FOUNDATION, "BUT WHO CARES?" 

    SO HERE IS YOUR TICKET ("criteria") TO HELL:  "IGNORING HIS WORD and "Just going alone with the flow" of the Nicene Council!" 

    I can't change HIS WORD and neither can you! 


    But because it is AGAINST "teachings," (Nicene Council), WHO CARES?  Because it is different from what RELIGION teaches, WHO CARES?  Because it is being given by a "simple messenger," WHO CARES? Because it's not traditional, WHO CARES?  Because it goes against EVERYTHING you've learned or DOES NOT MAKE "SENSE" (although WRITTEN), WHO CARES?

    GOD has left HIS WORD and it is EVERYONE'S position to "STUDY" (II Timothy 2:15) to "SEE if these things are so" (Acts 17:11) or you meet "the criteria for going to HELL once you die!"       


    1. tsadjatko profile image75
      tsadjatkoposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Norine, then who is Jesus? Are you speaking of the Jesus of the trinity, who is God and is infinite? Or do you worship another Jesus, a Jesus who began life in heaven but u believe to be a separate entity and not part of a Trinity?

    2. profile image53
      Norine Williamsposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      JESUS IS GOD! ONE SPIRIT (I Cor 12)!
      Father, Son & Holy Spirit used as an ALLEGORY to relate to "man," yet ALL 'THAT SAME SPIRIT" or I Cor 12 LIED!
      JESUS is ONE Of "MANY GLORIES" GOD used/uses to get HIS WILL accpIshd! ICor 12:12 "SO ALSO IS CHR

    3. tsadjatko profile image75
      tsadjatkoposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      So Jesus is an allegory? There is no real Trinity? he is a story? Not the Jesus taught in the Bible, the Jesus of the Trinity is the only Jesus who saves my dear, he isn't a story or allegory as you put it. God doesn't create fiction about himself.

    4. profile image53
      Norine Williamsposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Well, if 1 has the "leadership & guidance" of HS, they'd believe HIS WORD! I Cor 12 says in v 12 "body (Church) has MANY members; but 1 BODY; so also is Christ," MANY Glories; but ONE SPIRIT! Father, Son, Holy Spirit+ MORE=ONE SPIRIT!
      Eph 4:4-6!

    5. tsadjatko profile image75
      tsadjatkoposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Nrine,u make absolutely no sense.What is wrong with you?Jesus isn't a created being.The Trinity states in the unity of the Godhead there are three eternal &co-equal Persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit, the same in essence but distinct in role.

  8. cer1056 profile image40
    cer1056posted 9 years ago

    If you fail to choose to Believe in Jesus Christ, you have a reservation in Hell.  Then you must choose to obey God's commandments, seeking forgiveness for your failings (sins).

    To believe in Jesus Christ is to put Truth first and foremost before all things.  Being saved is ultimately about whether you choose to become a mature spiritual being or not.  Choose Life - not death.

    1. profile image53
      Norine Williamsposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      "Mature "SPIRITUAL" believer!  Amen!


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