Thou shalt not commit adultery - what do you think the bible means by adultery? Give biblical proof
I have heard it said, Jews or not - Thou shalt not commit adultery. Based on the old testament, do you think the bible's definition of adultery is the same as today's definition of adultery?
It means don't have sex when married with someone else. Adultery was when a married person had sex with others, including prostitutes and other married people.
When two people who are not married have sex, it is merely fornication.
Maybe that's why they allowed men to have (multiple wives) in order to get around the adultery laws. It was said King Solomon had 700 wives and (300 concubines). However one could argue a concubine is the same as mistress! hmmm
When did it mean that in the bible? Jacob (Israel) had to work an additional seven years to marry Rachel. He did not divorce Leah (Rachel's sister). And in fact had children with their maids.
Parris your bible time line of events is off tract. There was no biblical contract with Isreal until Moses and The laws with Isreal. The book of Genesis talks about Abraham and Sarah but no written direct laws saying Adultry was sin.
K&T: "Off Topic:" I must COMMEND JW'S for cartoon re: Same Sex Marriage! The world has forgotten what is in Scripture! You guys may not have it ALL right, but that belief - you do!
The old testment directed to the Jewish nation by contract said that marriage was supoosed to be honorable without defilement of the marraige bed.
Jesus arrival was to update .making things better for us all as a nation the very reason we do not offer up animal sacrifices. Because his life was the last one offered as a payment for our tab of sins.
The point is example, just because you upgrade something or make it better like a phone does not mean your device you use is useless or
outdated it is still a phone you use call and receive calls on.
The update did not change the princple that adultry was not valid of being wrong.Matthews 19:9 says in Jesus time and ministry that it was still wrong.
People must distinguish between human thinking and the thinking of our Heavenly Father what we do counts with him.
I am still waiting for biblical proof. Jacob (Israel) worked seven years for Rachel. He got Leah instead, and had to work another seven years for Rachel (Leah's sister). The Old Testament laws were changed in the New Testament.
Parris which happened first .Abraham and Sarah or Moses and the 10 commandments? Also true what solomon had but God allowed it not condoned it remember he gave Adam 1 wife Eve. Just because people do something their way does not mean he agree.
"The Old Testament laws were changed in the New Testament."
I have not come to change the law but to............
Parris did you find laws created before the ten commandments ? Laws that would say you commited adultery .during Jacob and Rachel's and Leah time
No ! You will find none.
The mosiac law was not created yet.
Rich: Out of Context! GOD "put laws" into Paul's "heart & mind" under New Covenant re:marriage (Jer 31:33)! New Testament re: marriage was one (Titus 1:5;I Tim 3:2)!
I keep telling u guys Paul stood in Christ's stead; talking thru him changing L
Interesting. I tried to find scripture to back up the idea of sex between consenting adults outside of either being married was adultery but could not find it. Perhaps you have a scriptural basis for your statement?
Matthew 5:28 says looking is planting the root to sin . So it goes again with the eyes like Eve with the fruit she begin to eat.
My opinion on the adultery issue, is that God was against having more than one partners from the beginning. Thus He included in the ten commandments to let the Israelites know that having multi-partners comes with multi-problems.
True! If you're looking at "Adultery" from a "carnal" point of view but GOD wants us to "Worship in Spirit & in Truth" which MOST can't seem to! The Q was, does it mean the same thg today to which it's yes, but diff "in Spirit" IF one is IN CHRI
Angel you are correct it was only meant for a person to have only one mate not multiples. An even though they later strayed away from laws as they often did , God never changed his mind about why Adam had one mate.
He never changed law
No HE never "changed" law but "fulfilled" IT thru Paul under New Covenant! IF you blv Jer 31:33;Heb 8:10; 10:16 (NC), he put HIS "laws in our hearts & minds" as w/Paul and fulfilled in I Cor 7! Pay attention to v 39 "...ONLY IN THE LORD!"
The laws were never changed, what was changed is punishment for breaking the law. Jesus bore these punishments by dying on the cross. I think Jesus mentioned this somewhere in the sermon on the Mount.
Angele, there's a New Cov w/fulfilled laws which r not as hard to keep as under the Old Cov IF "in Christ" & "Spiritual" why IT's called "Good News!"
Now u have to be "in the LORD" (I Cor 7:39) to get MARRIED r have a spouse (Eph 2:1)=DEAD!
Yes Angel you are right what changed is Jesus paying for human sins by dying for us.He being a Royal Prince of God, the first created of his kind could present himself as a high value that value is still covering generations till now. Soon to close.
Why do you "pervert the gospel of Christ" (Gal 1:7)? I Tim 3:16 "God was manifested in the flesh." If only a "Royal Price of God" why did He say "I and my Father are one?" Law fulfilled! Marriage="in the Lord"(I Cor 7:39)!
"Close" on u - Hurry!
You can ignore me all u want but u can't chg the WORD of God believing TWISTED doctrine! GOD is ONE SPIRIT w/MANY GLORIES (I Cor 12)! U can cont in ur belief & not STUDY=LOST! GOD is JEHOVAH, JESUS, Melchisaedec, angels, bush, Prophets, Paul,..
[if] the husband [is] living, she will be called an adulteress if she becomes another man's.
Parris Moses was the writer of Genesis
He started his logs in 1513 BCE.
He recorded what the stor with Jacob
Rachael and Leah. Not once did he say they commited Adultery.
But the word (Adultery did not exist until it was written as law for Jews.
Kiss and Tales -, Jacob had more than one wives. The children of Israel were slavery in Egypt. God knows the problems that comes with having more than one wife, so it included in ten commandments. My opinion is that rape was not a problem then.
Rape was a problem then (Deut 22:28-29)! Nothing's chg'd in the flesh! What MOST fail to realize we r not in the flesh "worshiping GOD" anymore! We r under the New Cov which is ALL "Spiritual!" Why is this so far above u guys? IT IS WRITTEN so why
the laws of the bible have helped us tremendously
Even the courts based there judgments by it . I think people need to see the other side what the world would look like without laws. We already see who breaks them and it effects
Yes we do! Those that TWIST the Laws of God!
It's ALL "Spiritual" (Marriage too) under the New Covenant and ANYONE who defies, defies GOD (Gal 1:6-9)! READ!
Rm 8:8 "So then they that are in the FLESH-----CANNOT PLEASE GOD!"
Guess what?
Mark 10:11-12, Luke 16:18, 1 Cor 6:15 -16 and 1 Cor. 7:2 make it pretty clear to me that adultery is a betrothed or married person having sex with someone other than their partner. The concept that the coupling is intertwining of flesh and spirit is the cornerstone. It almost seems more like a proscription of becoming one with another than an actual sex act although the two seem interdependent.
I do have a problem with your underlying premise that the Bible proves something other than something is in the Bible. The concept takes something away from faith.
I like your answer to the question. I have been asked about this commandment many times.
Thank you Angele. I always think of the pain factor in adultery. How very sad for all those who have to work through such an act.
Eric gives a very good explaintion .
Thank you Eric for giving it. To add I feel adultery is a sad experience it touches many lives. It is an act of betrayal as Judas himself did .
God says let no man pull a part what he has yoked together.
Better MAKE SURE "he yoked them together" and not WE "ourselves" (I Cor 7:39 "...ONLY in the LORD")!
Eric, your answer provided biblical proof, defined adultery, and points out (I am going assume this what you meant) that committing adultery takes something away from out faith. Christians need to set an example for others.
Angele, why can't you thk ABOVE world's def of "Adultery?" U asked if it meant the same thg "today" "BIBLICALLY?" Biblically, we NOW live under New Cov which is *ALL "Spiritual!" Blood of cows then, now *JESUS' blood?
Gal 1:6-9=Adultery now!
Norine, the reason I can't think above the world is:I went to a 7th-day seminar on the book of revelation. They said that they tell their bosses that they cannot work on Saturday because it is their Sabbath; they cannot break. the commandment.
Angele, what does that have to do w/"Adultery" def TODAY under New Covenant? However, I will answer. Col 2:16 "Let no man judge u in respect of a holy day or the the Sabbath days;"therefore, don't judge!
Email if add'l Q
We all know the definition of adultery IF you were "Married" in the sight of the LORD (I Corinthians 7:39 "...only in the LORD!" I know this verse speaks to second, but first should be also since we were previously "DEAD (spiritually) in trespasses and sins" (Ephesians 2:1;12) and since "Marriage" is a "Spiritual union," we could not "vow" unto the LORD)!
We MUST remember, when reading Scripture we MUST "worship (Read) in Spirit and in Truth" (John 4:23-24) for "the letter killeth" (I Corinthians 3:6)! "The Gospel of Christ" is the ONLY way to SALVATION!
I've been trying to tell ALL Hubbers we live "AFTER THE CROSS" but everyone wants to continue in "Adultery" commingling in "their beliefs" rather than "Studying" (II Timothy 2:15) Scripture (Hosea 4:6) to find what "The Gospel of Christ" is!
There is only ONE way for Salvation and that is through "The Gospel (Doctrine) of Christ" (Galatians 1:6-9)! JESUS knew we would differ in our "beliefs" and is why HE wrote in Hebrews 6:1-3 "Therefore leaving the principles of the "doctrine of Christ," let us go on unto perfection; not laying again the foundation of repentance from "dead works," and of faith toward God, Of the doctrine of baptisms, and of laying on of hands, and of resurrection of the dead, and of eternal judgment."
MOST say "GOD is in all who "believe" in HIM!" Not true or HE wouldn't have written Galatians 1:6-9 which makes us guilty of "Adultery!" If HIS WORD has not been "rightly divided," and we believe anything other than "The Gospel of Christ," we are "ACCURSED" and commit "Adultery!"
II Kings 17:29;33-34 "Howbeit every nation made gods of their own..." (v33) "They feared the LORD, and served their own gods..." (v34) "Unto this day they do after the former manners: They fear not the LORD..."
Consequently, by "believing" there is a GOD, but "twisting" "The Gospel of Christ" (Galatians 3:1), you've created another god (commingling); and committing "Adultery" ("Spiritually!")!!!
As I've said before, if you don't read the Scriptures provided, it will make even less sense! However, if you "TRULY" seek Salvation, you will READ (II Timothy 2:15)!!!
"Adultery" as defined by GOD (in the "Spirit") means to believe in another gospel (doctrine) than "The Gospel of Christ" (Commingling!) For those who do not have "Spiritual eyes," this is "foolishness unto them" (I Corinthians 2:14) and if you never pick up your Bible to read the Scriptures I've given it will be even moreso!
This is very interesting Norine. Not at all what the question was after but that is just you. Clearly in a true sense we are adulterers if we do not love God with our whole heart. But that is really a different subject.
You think? Eph 5:31-32 (v32) "This is a great mystery: but I speak concerning Christ and the church!"
Norine you wrote Jesus knew we would differ in beliefs that is why He wrote Hebrews 6:1-3. Hebrews is for the Jews, that is why He wrote Hebrews 2:2. Yes, there is going to be differences in beliefs, that is why we have seven churches in Revelation.
Heb 2:2 DOES NOT say "only for Jews?"
READ Gal 3:28 "There is neither Jew nor Greek!"
"GOD is no respector of person"Acts 10:34
"Seven Churches in Rev" are 7 LOCATIONS w/ONE ACCORD, not 7 different beliefs as we have today serving "our indiv gods!"
IF Married "...only in the LORD" (I Cor 7:39) then have spouse! Consequently, (physically), yes, "keep away fm every temptation" and "Spiritually" one must "keep away fm every temptation" by not TWISTING "The Gospel of Christ" (Gal 1:6-9)="Adulte!
Tom so the free will to aime your vehicle benifits you where you want to go .If we say no I do not need order I can just drive , I do not need a license just drive. The city official says my free will says I should not fix stop lights.
Caos no order
K&T: Tell JESUS "caos no order!"
Matt 10:34 "Think not that I come to send PEACE on earth: I CAME NOT TO BRING PEACE, BUT A "SWORD" (Heb 4:12 "cuts")!
See what RELIGION has "taught?"
Why I call "twisted, ignorant, fools" just believing "teac
NW is that what your religion teach you to call people names , try to insult people , No wonder people turn away from religion because of the hipocrosy you show and display . Jesus said we must love one another. Where is yours its not showing.
K&T: I'm quoting from the GOD you serve also! RELIGION (urs too) has taught ALL ONLY one side of GOD! Have you not heard of the WRATH of GOD? IT'S there! It's time ALL learn there is a LAKE OF FIRE if no obedience! Did u not discipline ur kids?
I like Neale Donald Walsch's, of Conversations with God bestsellers fame, better. He list the Ten Commitments. With Neale, Commandments are out and Commitments become personal to us.
This seems more likely to me if God gave all us human being free will. After all, how can we be free if we are 'commanded' to obey under threat of some sort of punishment. That's NOT free will.
DEATH is inevitable! U were CREATED by GOD w/HIS Spirit w/in u & to HIM u will return! While on earth, u have "free will," ("Choice;" Josh 24:15), but u will return to your FATHER (aka GOD/Creator)! U obey bio father (&USA) r consequences sam
Tom can we live in the world with no order of anything. Freewill has limits
Example of driving. We have the free will to drive. But only by law of order.
And if we say yes I will follow order for the safety of myself and others then I can proceed.
America is "LAND OF THE FREE" but one MUST abide by laws or consequences!
So it is with GOD; one MUST abide by HIS LAWS or CONSEQUENCES!
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