Will there be a Christian revival in America, and how badly do we need one today

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  1. Perspycacious profile image66
    Perspycaciousposted 8 years ago

    Will there be a Christian revival in America, and how badly do we need one today?

  2. sallieannluvslife profile image77
    sallieannluvslifeposted 8 years ago

    One can only hope....and pray!!  We need a return to basic fundamental values and morals, based on biblical principles.

    1. profile image52
      Norine Williamsposted 8 years agoin reply to this


    2. teaches12345 profile image78
      teaches12345posted 8 years agoin reply to this

      I agree. We can only hope a revival is ahead.  We need a return to the basic foundations our country was built upon. The Biblical principles were never meant to be strewn aside in order to build a government of the people.

    3. Twilight Lawns profile image71
      Twilight Lawnsposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      "Blah-di-blah-di-blah! " as usual Norine.

    4. profile image52
      Norine Williamsposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Now that's "childish!"

    5. Twilight Lawns profile image71
      Twilight Lawnsposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Why the inverted commas around childish, Norine. If you think it's childish, you should say, "Now, that's childish."
      Do you want some help with English?
      You certainly go on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on with Gospel readings.

    6. profile image52
      Norine Williamsposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Why do "I" stay on your mind?  What possesses you? 
      Is there something I have you want or Satan doesn't want?  Why am I important enough for you to continue to waste your time on "blah, blah, blah, blah?"

    7. Twilight Lawns profile image71
      Twilight Lawnsposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Maybe I'm the Antichrist (in some Christian teachings) a personal opponent of Christ expected to appear before the end of the world. "the battle between Christ and the Antichrist"
      a person or force seen as opposing Christ or the Christian Church.

    8. profile image52
      Norine Williamsposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      And you wish to be?  I wouldn't want to be associated with anything "evil" in any belief! 
      I have a "witch" commenting to me this morning too; "happy" in her beliefs and you display a demonic spirit as well and you "brag" on it?

    9. profile image0
      LoliHeyposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Wow, Twilight, are you sober?  Seems you're trolling around looking for a fight with Norine.

    10. WiccanSage profile image82
      WiccanSageposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Lol, with all due respect, look at every comment section on this thread. Isn't it clear who is picking fights? Why should it be surprising that the incessant ravings of one person get annoying enough that someone lashes back?

    11. profile image52
      Norine Williamsposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Witch: I give WORD to those who DEFY SCRIPTURE whether one "believes" or not!  Unbelievers (Satan) don't like TRUTH & become possessed w/demonic spirits lashing back!  Job 1:6 "Satan is ALWAYS "in the midst!"

    12. Twilight Lawns profile image71
      Twilight Lawnsposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Oh, come on Lolita. Norine epitomises everything I hate: intolerance, a closed, vindictiveness, name calling. I was brought up Christian & believe it is founded on kindness, love & charity. If Jesus Christ were to look into Norine’s soul he'd

    13. profile image52
      Norine Williamsposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      I'm glad HE "looks" & not u!
      Twi, I've never done anything to u but told TRUTH!  Allah is a LIE to say he is GOD if he never "begat" (Qur'an 112:3)!  I wouldn't want a God who never "begat" anything!
      TRUTH brought out a demonic spirit in u!

  3. tamarawilhite profile image84
    tamarawilhiteposted 8 years ago

    Christian revival - no. Because reliance on X strain of Christianity will alienate everyone else.
    Return to Constitutional principles and rule of law - yes.

    1. profile image52
      Norine Williamsposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Matt 24:14!
      He's Coming!
      "Constitutional principles & rule of law" can't save!

    2. Twilight Lawns profile image71
      Twilight Lawnsposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      I agree Tamara. There is enough division in this world already. But beware, I feel Norine is after you - or praying for you. Which could be worse/

    3. profile image52
      Norine Williamsposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      "Get thee behind me "SATAN" you "UNWORTHY" quote!

    4. profile image0
      LoliHeyposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Prayer!!!  Oh no!  Not that!

    5. profile image52
      Norine Williamsposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      "As THE WORLD turns!"

  4. profile image52
    Norine Williamsposted 8 years ago

    Oh, we need one BADLY!  This is "MY DAILY PRAYER!"

    FATHER, in Your Name – “JESUS,” I come to you thanking and giving You ALL the GLORY for everything You’ve done, You are doing and You will do!  I thank you for sending Your GLORY “AS OF” Your only begotten Son – “JESUS” for without HIM, we would be “nothing!” 

    I thank you for Your anointing and as is ALWAYS my prayer “When I open my mouth, let the world see “JESUS” for “there is none other Name given among men, whereby we MUST be saved” (Acts 4:12)!  LORD, “guide me,” so when I open my mouth, it is YOU and YOU ONLY who is “glorified!” 
    “Give me now wisdom and knowledge that I may go out and come in before this people: for who can judge this thy people that is so great” (II Chronicles 1:10)?  You Promised, You would “never leave me nor forsake me” (Deuteronomy 31:6) and “I BELIEVE!”  I come to You asking “That the eyes of their understanding be enlightened; that they may KNOW what is the HOPE of Your calling, and what the RICHES of the GLORY of Your inheritance is for saints, And what is the exceeding greatness of Your Power toward us who BELIEVE, according to the working of YOUR Mighty Power” [paraphrasing; Ephesians 1:18-19]!

    Bless them LORD!  Give them “new eyes” and “new ears” so they can “understand” the “Greatness of Your Mighty Power!”  Remove “stony hearts” the world has created in them!  Give them the “understanding” of what YOU SAID in John 4:23-24 “TRUE WORSHIPERS “MUST” worship You in SPIRIT and in TRUTH” for that’s the ONLY “language” You Speak! 

    LORD, I KNOW “You desire no one is lost” (II Peter 3:9) so I ask these things in YOUR NAME – “JESUS!”

    Matthew 24:14 "And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come!"


    1. Twilight Lawns profile image71
      Twilight Lawnsposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      What an hysterical comment.
      Did you realise that by putting speech marks, quotation marks, (apostrophes) around JESUS as in “JESUS” you are indicating that it is a quotation and therefore an opinion or reported speech?

    2. profile image52
      Norine Williamsposted 8 years agoin reply to this


  5. profile image0
    LoliHeyposted 8 years ago

    We need a revival--we need one in the worst way.  I keep hearing that there will be one, and I believe there may be, but not enough to divert what is coming--which is God's wrath upon America.  I think the verdict has already been set in heaven, but I pray that enough people will come to Christ as possible to save their souls, even if they cannot save their country.  I think that it is by most people's prayers that America's day has not come yet.  It may have been postponed, but it's coming.

    1. profile image52
      Norine Williamsposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      It's coming "sooner than MOST think!" 
      Read the WORD!  Study the WORD!  Repent!  He's coming!

    2. Twilight Lawns profile image71
      Twilight Lawnsposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      No, I'm not hateful. I am just a little annoyed because she deliberately misread my words, or did so to score a point. I do believe in God, but for some reason, I don't think God only believes in Christians. I have a feeling He is there for everyone.

    3. profile image0
      LoliHeyposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      God doesn't "believe" in anything.  He KNOWS everything.

    4. profile image52
      Norine Williamsposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      How do u define "Believing in GOD?"  That there's a Big Pie in the Sky who created you? Jn 1:1 "THE WORD "IS" GOD" but u don't believe WORD? How can u say u believe in GOD="Not a Christian?" How?
      I give WORD not "score pts!" This is not a "game!"

    5. profile image52
      Norine Williamsposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Demas, I see you deleted my  comment to the "witch" so where is  your "spirit?"
      Psalms 119:63?

  6. Twilight Lawns profile image71
    Twilight Lawnsposted 8 years ago

    I don’t know about America, but the rest of the world is surviving quite well without the muddled reasoning and hysteria I am already reading in comments on your initial question.
    I hate to have to be so rude as to inform one of two of them, and to one in particular, that very emotional little sermon relied on an improvable set of theories. And these she has tried to substantiate by quotes from religious tracts.
    God, one must realise, or the existence of God, can not be proven. Believe in Him, if one must, and I also believe that He exists, but only as a matter of faith.
    My goodness, next minute these people will be expecting us all to believe that everything in the Bible is true, In fact, it must be taken word for word and that the world was created in seven days, or something ridiculous like that – or that this scheme of things has only existed for about  5,700 to 10,000 years. But that would be silly, wouldn’t it? I mean, who would subscribe to that theory? Even the most rabid Christians couldn’t go that far.
    And frankly, why is it that when someone shouts (as in using capitals to make a point) the following badly punctuated sentence:
    “FATHER, in Your Name – “JESUS,” I come to you thanking and giving You ALL the GLORY for everything You’ve done, You are doing and You will do! I thank you for sending Your GLORY “AS OF” Your only begotten Son – “JESUS” for without HIM, we would be ‘nothing!’” someone else doesn’t reach for the telephone to call the police?
    It’s no more, or less, stating a held belief than if I were to call out: “Allah hu Akbar!” 
    And “I keep hearing that there will be one, and I believe there may be, but not enough to divert what is coming--which is God's wrath upon America.”
    God’s wrath on America? What’s all that about?
    The end is nigh.” “Prepare to meet your doom.” And “Blah-di-Blah-di-Blah!”

    1. profile image52
      Norine Williamsposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Sorry for you!  But since you want prove the non-existence of GOD, Provide a book with as many "accurate" fulfilled propehsies written BEFORE the Bible and let's begin there!


    2. profile image0
      LoliHeyposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Okay, Twilight, have it your way. We'll see.  As of right now, it's not too late.  But one day it will be.

    3. Twilight Lawns profile image71
      Twilight Lawnsposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Just as I expected; the typical "Christian" response. What would Jesus think of your reply?
      In another age you would have burned me at the stake or something as characteristically unkind. Open your mind, woman. Jesus preached of love &  forgivene

    4. profile image0
      LoliHeyposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Typical non-Christian response:  Jesus preached love and forgiveness. Yes, he did, but he would not approve of the way many people live today.  If you pay attention to the bible, you'd know that He said multiple times that we need to repent.

    5. profile image52
      Norine Williamsposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Amen Loli!

    6. Twilight Lawns profile image71
      Twilight Lawnsposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Norine, I know you don't read too well, so what I have written may be beyond you. However, I said that I do believe in God, but it is not provable. It's a matter of faith, not fact. Spouting details from man-written text (or texts) is not scientific.

    7. profile image0
      savvydatingposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      The rest of the world is doing well? Have you not heard of  these countries?
      Congo (Democratic Republic of the)
      Burkina Faso
      Sierra Leone
      Central African Republic
      To name a few.

    8. Twilight Lawns profile image71
      Twilight Lawnsposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Savvydating, your point would be?
      A list of countries but no explanation as to why you chose them.
      Perhaps I should admit that I don't think that a Christian revival in America would help them. Perhaps their own governments?Less corruption? Hmm?

    9. profile image0
      LoliHeyposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Twilight, I think she named them to imply that they are not doing well.  Just a guess.  BTW, you can't say you believe in God but then say it's not provable that He exists.  If you believe, you believe He exists.

    10. Twilight Lawns profile image71
      Twilight Lawnsposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Lolita, I love the way that you are trying to be the peacemaker here - For Blessed are the Peacemakers, for they shall inherit the Earth.
      But you are  wrong. The existence of God cannot be proven, He is not tangible. If He were, He wouldn't be God.

    11. profile image52
      Norine Williamsposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      HE sure isn't "tangible" to those who didn't do as commanded ("WAIT" Acts 1:4) so they would "see" (carnally) HIS "tangible" benefits; of which HE has MANY! 
      So bcuz you didn't obey, you blame HIM? Blah, blah, blah!
      "Science" v "Faith?" R u Misfit?

    12. Twilight Lawns profile image71
      Twilight Lawnsposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Lolita, I think you are being very supportive of Norine.
      I hope you'll be there to support her when the men in white coats come to cart her off.

    13. profile image52
      Norine Williamsposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Lolita has her reward (GOD "SEES") and so do you!

  7. manatita44 profile image73
    manatita44posted 8 years ago

    What is a Christian revival? Will there be a greater awareness of the need for Peace? Yes, Yes...it has already started. Some universities are incorporating Mindfulness, and the kids are doing better at school. Jefferson, Emerson and many more lefts ideas on the American consciousness, which sooner or later will bear fruit.

    What is a revival if not the universal appeal to be happy, loving, peaceful....to reach out to Something Higher... a longing to be free; to soar like an eagle. Yes, yes, my friend. We do need this very badly, and the kernels have already started taking roots. We are all interconnected and so American cannot be seen as an isolated entity. Much Love.

    1. profile image52
      Norine Williamsposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      "Something Higher?"  That's why you need to ask "What is a "Christian" Revival!" 
      No one is "interconnected" to a "man's ideology" of spiritual worship but SATAN!

    2. Twilight Lawns profile image71
      Twilight Lawnsposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Careful, manatita44. Norine is likely to call you Satan or Beelzebub or whatever. She's a rabid "stone 'em & burn 'em" Fundamentalist Christian who hates people having opinions other than hers. Fortunately, she doesn't read too well so you may es

    3. profile image0
      LoliHeyposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Twilight--who are you, the pot or the kettle?  You seem pretty hateful--calling her names as well.

    4. profile image52
      Norine Williamsposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      ANYONE/THING that DEFIES WORD is SATANIC!  CAPS AGAIN! U understand? II Kings 17:29-41:  READ vs RAMBLING then you will KNOW you speak ill of your CREATOR and not me!

  8. WiccanSage profile image82
    WiccanSageposted 8 years ago

    I think there are always going to sporadic bursts and lulls in interests and faith movements, but I don't think there's going to be a Christian revival in terms of the country going back to when almost everyone was Christian and it was taken for granted that it was the way of things.

    I don't think we need one at all; in fact I think we badly need to keep all religions on equal par and to allow for more diversity as society changes, and as people's needs in religion and spirituality change.

    1. profile image52
      Norine Williamsposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Don't forget the parable of "The Sower" (Matt 13:3-9) so everyone WON'T "hear" but Matt 24:14 "This gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto ALL nations; & then shall the end come!"
      "On equal par" a LIE (Exd34:1

    2. WiccanSage profile image82
      WiccanSageposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      I don't believe the Bible is any word of any God, Norine. Therefore it's parables are no more relevant to me than any other mythologies.

    3. profile image52
      Norine Williamsposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      To each his own but Provide a book w/as many "accurate" fulfilled prophecies written BEFORE the Bible, then you MIGHT have something to talk about; otherwise ONLY "your opinion!"
      I Cor 10:21 "You can't eat from the Lord's table & Satan's!"

    4. WiccanSage profile image82
      WiccanSageposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      I've studied the Bible pretty intently during & after college. I didn't see all these accurate fulfilled prophecies (a lot of people jumping to conclusions, though). I don't believe in Satan either. Again, not relevant to my point here.

    5. profile image52
      Norine Williamsposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Well "conclude" this! Right is rt; wrong is wrong! Heaven is for real & Hell is too!  Chose (Joshua 24:15)! 
      You've chosen - SATAN - therefore "your point" is irrelevant as far as a "Christian" Revival is concerned!

    6. profile image52
      Norine Williamsposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      You're a WITCH giving "free lessons" and NOT "SATAN?"  Your response is "irrelevant" as far as GOD is concerned!

    7. WiccanSage profile image82
      WiccanSageposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Conclusion: you're entitled to your beliefs & opinions. I don't share them at all. I didn't say any God was irrelevant. I said your opinion on your scripture (which  I don't believe for 1 second comes from a God) is irrelevant to my answer's poin

    8. profile image52
      Norine Williamsposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Yes!  We all are entitled to "our opinion" & as far as GOD is concerned, "sorcery" is OUT! 
      If not an advocate for GOD then who?
      U all think I'm hateful, I just call them the way HIS WORD sees them!  SATAN!

    9. WiccanSage profile image82
      WiccanSageposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      That's not the God I believe in, hon. Or his little red sidekick. I don't believe any of these ideas you espouse came from anywhere by people's heads. The  By the way, calling me 'Witch' doesn't offend me in the least, nothing wrong with it ;o)

    10. profile image52
      Norine Williamsposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      I know!  Your god is "his little red sidekick!"
      Well, as you said "We're all entitled to our opinion," but as far as the question goes, why should a witch's (Satan's) opinion matter?
      The question regarded a "Christian" Revival"

    11. WiccanSage profile image82
      WiccanSageposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      You should follow what you believe is good, right & true. That's admirable of you. I do the same. The question was in Religion & Philosophy; It's not in the Christian section. I gave my answer from my religious perspective.

    12. profile image52
      Norine Williamsposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Maybe you don't "comprehend?" 
      "QUESTION" pertains to CHRISTIAN (Christ Followers) not "RELIGION" (Satan Followers)  there is a BIG DIFFERENCE! 
      CHRIST doesn't like witches RECRUITING ("...people's needs in religion.." under HIS (CHRISTian) Name!

    13. WiccanSage profile image82
      WiccanSageposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      The question asks about whether there will be a Christian revival in America. It doesn't specify who can answer, and it's not in the Christian section. So deal with it. I don't believe in Christ, so it doesn't matter to me what you think he thinks.

    14. profile image52
      Norine Williamsposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      "I don't believe in Christ" which makes ur comment "irrelevant!" Q didn't ask if there was going to be a "SEANCE!"
      Can ALL see what the word RELIGION attracts!  Any THING that think their spirit is involved think they're RELIGIOUS; even SATAN!

    15. WiccanSage profile image82
      WiccanSageposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Sorry it threatens you that people have different beliefs and drives you to such hostility. But if you look up 'religion,' check the Constitution, & HP guidelines, you'll learn you just have to deal with my existance. I'm not the one hounding you

    16. profile image52
      Norine Williamsposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      It's not the "dictionary, Constitution, or HP guidelines" I'm speaking from but a "Christian" standpoint which the Q asked! The point is, Q didn't ask "Will there be a "religious/spirit" revival!"  U addressed "religion & spirituality" - recruiti

    17. WiccanSage profile image82
      WiccanSageposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Sorry N, you're wrong. I'm within my rights join discussions about any religion here. If you think otherwise, why not take a more dignified approach and just report me, rather than trying (and failing) to insult me or upset me?

    18. profile image52
      Norine Williamsposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      I'm only telling u what GOD saysI U have a choice & can worship a tea kettle as far as I'm concerned but GOD'S WORD is what I give: 2Kgs21:6 "he dealt w/familiar spirits & wizards: he wrought much wickedness in the sight of the LORD, to provo

    19. WiccanSage profile image82
      WiccanSageposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      I assure you, I am following what I whole-heartedly and sincerely believe to be good, right and true. I know you think I'm wrong; I disagree. I gotta follow what my Gods tell me-- not what you say your God tells you. We can disagree & be respectf

    20. Twilight Lawns profile image71
      Twilight Lawnsposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Mackenzie, I like what o say. Tolerance is what is needed, in America and the rest of the world. But beware, Norine has a closed mind, full of dogma and a limited understanding of what she really spouts. A little knowledge is a dangerous thing.

    21. profile image52
      Norine Williamsposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Wic: U've chosen! I'll "shake the dust off my feet" for it's no need to "cast pearls among swine!" 
      Twilight: Same 2 u! "Birds of a feather flock together" (Ps 119:63)!
      Go & continue worshiping your "god" who "never beget" or "created" ANYTHING!

    22. WiccanSage profile image82
      WiccanSageposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Twi, I know thx yikes) There is  nothing so sad in my opinion as someone who can't see the massive ego it takes to think they are the only one to know the will of Gods. But she's shaken us from her feet now. I hope she finds peace someday.

    23. Twilight Lawns profile image71
      Twilight Lawnsposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Mackenzie, I made the mistake of getting into a conversation with Norine here & on one of her hubs. She is frighteningly intolerant, muddled in her reasoning & rude. Some knowledge but poorly expressed. Calls to mind heretic burners - Ha ha.

    24. profile image52
      Norine Williamsposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Muslims (Antichrist="never begat") are WORST than TWISTED "Christian" beliefs! The "inspired WORD of GOD" (II Tim 3:16) applies to ALL & it says "ANYONE preaching any other GOSPEL is "ACCURSED" (Gal 1:6-9) the ONE Scripture "Christians" not taugh

    25. WiccanSage profile image82
      WiccanSageposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      I'm sure she means well, Twi, and I admire faith. I admit I don't get  the rudeness but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

      Nor I thought you shook us from your feet. I'm not sure how this latest post even relates to anything we've said, sorry. You lost me.

    26. profile image52
      Norine Williamsposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Are you Muslim, Wic?  I didn't "lose u," your father (Jn 8:44) did

    27. WiccanSage profile image82
      WiccanSageposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Norine, no, Muslims are not Wiccan. Wicca is a different religion than Muslims, which is why you lost me throwing Muslims into this. Scriptures are like any other myths, I don't take them literally. Glad you find spiritual inspiration, but I don't.

    28. profile image52
      Norine Williamsposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      I was addressing Twi not u fool; it's under his name or can't u follow! I guess not since you're twisted in your religious belief (Satanic)! Job 1:6 applies! The devil is always in the midst of Christianity!

    29. WiccanSage profile image82
      WiccanSageposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Nor, name calling like a child? Really? Why are so rude? That's just sad for you. You're not setting a good example of your faith. How am I supposed to know who you're addressing? You are commenting on my comments. Keep to the topic.

    30. profile image52
      Norine Williamsposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      I follow the example of JESUS (I Pet 2:21)!
      READ Matt 23 & see how many x's JESUS called SATAN (Scribes/Pharisees) hypocrites/fools! 
      Yes, "Rude" just like JESUS when it comes to SATAN!

    31. WiccanSage profile image82
      WiccanSageposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Oh... Ok. I'm sorry :'o(. That's very sad. I can't see how hostility will lead many people to Christ, but I am sorry you have to live with that anger. I do hope you find peace on your path. I can't imagine living with that kind of inner turmoil. GL

    32. profile image52
      Norine Williamsposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Don't be sorry! That's why we're called "CHRISTians" we are Christ Followers & not Religion (Wiccan) followers!
      Have you not read the end of the story?  SATAN has ALREADY been defeated!  Why follow him?

    33. Twilight Lawns profile image71
      Twilight Lawnsposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      If Satan has already been defeated, why are you still railing at him? I think it's about time someone washed your abusive little mouth out with carbolic soap, Norine. take my word for it. Leave scripture & study written English. It would benefit

    34. profile image52
      Norine Williamsposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      This world is his kingdom (temp) & his demonic spirits are recruiting naive ones (unbelievers) to act on his behalf. However, the end of the story will be fulfilled and HE HAS BEEN DEFEATED! Until then, we must warn you! Take IT or leave IT!

    35. WiccanSage profile image82
      WiccanSageposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      I am sorry for YOU N, not Xtians. I know Xtians who do not live with fear, anger & hostility eating them up in side. They find peace & joy in their faith. Wiccans to for that matter. You do not; therefore I'm sorry & hope you find peace.

    36. profile image52
      Norine Williamsposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      "Good is evil & evil good" sees "peace, joy, & happiness as opposite" fulfills Scripture!
      You are "on target" fulfilling Isaiah 5:20!
      Sorry for you!

    37. WiccanSage profile image82
      WiccanSageposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      You can't feel too sorry for me, calling me names & trying to insult me, lol. Your faith, I respect; your pov, I respect. your attitude contradicts your words though.  People who find peace & spiritual fulfillment generally don't sound so agi

    38. profile image52
      Norine Williamsposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      I 'm not "insulting you" but your belief which is AGAINST GOD! "Rebellion is as sinful as withcraft, and stubbornness as bad as worshiping idols. So because you have rejected the command of the LORD, he has rejected you.." (I Sam 15:23)!

    39. WiccanSage profile image82
      WiccanSageposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      "Fool,' 'twisted,' etc. are insults. Coming off as if no one else has a right to be here is rude. You come off as rude & angry. Not your beliefs... your personality. Plenty of Christians espouse their beliefs w/out sounding rude. It's your attitu

    40. profile image52
      Norine Williamsposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Why do u thk we're called "CHRISTians?" READ Matt Chapter 23 to find out what JESUS called the Scribes & Pharisees!  "FOOLS/HYPOCRITES" or "TWISTED!"
      "I would not have your "IGNORANT" (I Thess 4:13; I Cor 12:1; Rm 11:25) re: JESUS!
      Know Bible!

    41. WiccanSage profile image82
      WiccanSageposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      So you acknowledge you're rude, and say it's okay to be rude, because Christ wants you to be rude to other people? Wow... that is very sad.

    42. profile image52
      Norine Williamsposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Listen Wiccan (Witch), if 1 proclaims to be a Christ-Follower 1 should do as HE did not just "pick out the parts" that are "politically correct!" 
      I see same characteristics you have in PROCLAIMED CHRISTIANS on HP!
      SATAN "proclaiming" Christianity!

    43. Twilight Lawns profile image71
      Twilight Lawnsposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Mackenzie, Norine is just a rude ignorant cow with a closed mind. You'll never change her. She's probably a lonely, bitter and unfulfilled person with nothing in her life except misguided thoughts. Thank God that Jesus wasn't like her.

    44. profile image52
      Norine Williamsposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      U r "IGNORANT" to HIS WORD (I Thess 4:13) & talk as a "FOOL" (Gal 3:1)!  IF u would READ vs TRYING to insult, would KNOW how JESUS treated unbelievers - RUDE (Matt 23) & HIS final RUDENESS for unbelief is the Lake of FIRE! So GET READY!

    45. Twilight Lawns profile image71
      Twilight Lawnsposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Get a bloody life, woman & learn a bit of humility. You are such a poor advertisement for Christians. Your vicious comments make people ignore what you pretend to believe in. Also, learn to punctuate; your capitalisation & inverted commas are

    46. WiccanSage profile image82
      WiccanSageposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Nor, you are being rude (even now, talking to me like I'm a 'thing' instead of using my name) and saying your God condones it. You're being rude, a hypocrite, and too proud to admit it.

      TL, I know; But if she responds to me, she'll get called out.

    47. profile image52
      Norine Williamsposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      I "REPEAT" GOD'S WORD & anyone who HATES is of SATAN! 
      You all are not the ONLY ones!  "Proclaimed" Christians HATE HIS WORD too! 
      The Bible tells BELIEVERS to "REBUKE THEM SHARPLY" (Titus 1:13) but that's not what RELIGION has taught them!

    48. WiccanSage profile image82
      WiccanSageposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      I repeat, you are mistaken if you think the word you are repeating is the word of any God. It's just the word of men's beliefs, what they believed about their God.

      I don't 'hate' it, lol. It's just meaningless to me.

    49. profile image52
      Norine Williamsposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Well, I BELIEVE It bcuz too many TRUTHS fulfilled in my life & since "meaningless" to you, I Cor 10:21 applies "You can't eat @ the Lord's table & the devil's!" Soooooooooooooo?
      THE DEVIL!

    50. WiccanSage profile image82
      WiccanSageposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      That's not my world view, this 'god or devil' and 'good vs evil' concept. I don't believe it works like that. I don't have to choose false ultimatums. My faith has brought me down a good path; I have to follow mine as you have to follow yours.

    51. profile image52
      Norine Williamsposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      U believe "right & wrong" then u believe "good & evil!" 
      Not trying to persuade just letting u know what HIS WORD says!  We ALL have a choice (Josh 24:15)! 
      You've chosen; therefore, II Cor 4:1-18 applies!

    52. WiccanSage profile image82
      WiccanSageposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Right & wrong, sure. Like I believe your idea about any 'word' coming from any God is wrong. 

      Good & evil, as in some outside supreme forces battling for the universe? lol. No, I don't not at all. Myths... no choices to make there.

    53. profile image52
      Norine Williamsposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Where do you think all of that "morality" (right/wrong) came from-society? How did u come to the conclusion that your religion is "right?"  "Forces" powerful enough to create "Universe," you, me? lol
      Science still trying to catch up!
      And u & ur r

    54. WiccanSage profile image82
      WiccanSageposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Morality is a concept that came from and was developed by humans, of course. It existed before the Bible or biblical religions.

    55. profile image52
      Norine Williamsposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      I'm speaking to a clairvoyant now who asked if one can be "Christian?" GOD is not pleased! Check out my answer to her question but since you don't believe, may be a waste of time but at least you'll know what GOD says!

    56. WiccanSage profile image82
      WiccanSageposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      It's not what any God says. It's what you think a God says. Big difference. I don't believe anything in the Bible comes from any God.

      I'm not hunting thru 100s of comment to read how you think mythology is literal fact. It proves nothing.

    57. profile image52
      Norine Williamsposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      You still need to provide a book that has as many (as you say) LIES of "accurate" fulfilled prophecies as the Bible which would prove man says GOD doesn't exist!

    58. WiccanSage profile image82
      WiccanSageposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Norine, read a 3rd grade science book. Problem solved. The Bible is a book of myths. Myths have meaning and are not 'lies'... they're just not facts, they did not literally happen. The Bible didn't fulfill anything. It's just stories written by man.

    59. profile image52
      Norine Williamsposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      If you are LIMITED to "third grade science book," so be it!
      PROVE HE doesn't exist by providing a book not "inspired by GOD" w/as many "accurate" fulfilled prophecies written before Bible!

    60. WiccanSage profile image82
      WiccanSageposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      I'm not limited to a 3rd grade science book. You asked for an example of a book more accurate than the Bible, I simply gave you one.

      I can't prove any Gods don't exist... your God has as much evidence as Zeus and Isis and Odin.

    61. profile image52
      Norine Williamsposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      If a "3rd grade science book" is your proof of more accurate fulfilled prophecies than the Bible, you are LIMITED!   Problem is the spirit u worship is NOT AS POWERFUL as THE SPIRIT (CREATOR) & you KNOW this.
      The spirit (demon) u luv been DEFEATE

    62. WiccanSage profile image82
      WiccanSageposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      I suggested 3rd grd book to fit your apparent reading comprehension level.  As for my Gods, they don't need me to act crazy and yell at people on their behalf. You don't have to believe in them, I know you're wrong though so I'm not worried.

    63. profile image52
      Norine Williamsposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      I "suggest" GOD THE CREATOR who HAS SAID your "gods" (demons) have been DEFEATED (Rev 20:10)!
      End of story!

    64. Twilight Lawns profile image71
      Twilight Lawnsposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      When are you going to write in standard English, Norine?
      Your bizarre capitalisation and random speech marks distract one from understanding what rubbish you are writing. You may have some valid points but they are lost in your childish presentation

    65. profile image52
      Norine Williamsposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Is that all you have belittling *my* speech? "But though I BE RUDE IN SPEECH, yet not in KNOWLEDGE..." (2Cor11:6)!
      Satan, you've been DEFEATED (Rev20:10)!

    66. WiccanSage profile image82
      WiccanSageposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      lol, again, no such thing as demons. Mythological boogiemen. When you tell me stuff I know is not true, it only reinforces my knowledge that you're wrong. I know my Gods, I have no doubts that you are wrong.

    67. profile image52
      Norine Williamsposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      If there are "no demons," what makes you come to REBUKE the WORD of GOD (Job 1:6)?
      How many of those "gods" do you have?  Did ALL create the universe?

    68. WiccanSage profile image82
      WiccanSageposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      I don't rebuke the word of God, cause the Bible is not the word of any God. I disagree with your word of men (Bible).

      I can't explain beliefs in the nature of the divine/the universe in 250 char, but you're not actually interested, so it's moot.

    69. profile image52
      Norine Williamsposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      If HIS SPIRIT has "revealed" TRUTH to me & my BELIEF in Bible is Foundation for HIS SPIRIT "revealing" unto me; I'm SATISFIED!  Now what have your "gods" done for you? I KNOW they didn't create u, let u breathe, take care of u rt or wrong, etc;wh

    70. WiccanSage profile image82
      WiccanSageposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      They've done so much; life is beautiful, I'm blessed. My Gods reveal truth to me; have been for 25 yrs. I'm very satisfied & at peace, so I don't feel need to harass people like you. Your God did not create me & has no part in my life. Just a

    71. profile image52
      Norine Williamsposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      "so I don't feel need to harass people like you." REALLY? That's your JOB, SATAN! Why keep talking?
      Did they "reveal" this?  Christians are the majority!  What's wrong with that picture? 
      Witches vs CHRIST?
      Stop belittling yourself w/your "gods!"

    72. WiccanSage profile image82
      WiccanSageposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Err, the majority? My faith has nothing to do with popularity, it's a search for Truth, not to follow the crowd.

      If Islam becomes majority, will you convert? Is your faith that fickle it's based on popularity? That's sad.

    73. profile image52
      Norine Williamsposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      IF ur "gods" were that effective they would have more followers but ppl know they are demonic! Do u see "the crowd" w/me?
      I want waste any more breathe on "dogs" (Matt 7:6)!
      You've ALREADY DEFEATED (Rev 20:10); you & your "gods" (Demons)!

    74. WiccanSage profile image82
      WiccanSageposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      You're the one at war, N, not me. I'm just following what I believe to be true. I'm glad you're doing the same, I just don't share your beliefs. I have no doubts about my Gods, so as I've said, what you think about Them is irrelevant. I'm at peace.

    75. profile image52
      Norine Williamsposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      One thing we can agree on:  Death is inevitable! 
      Rev 20:10 exists for your gods and any of their followers!
      Therefore, see how much "peace" you have there!

    76. WiccanSage profile image82
      WiccanSageposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      I already told you, books of mythology don't scare me. No matter how much the guy that wrote it threatened bad stuff will happen, it's just a dark fantasy fiction story. No worries here.

    77. profile image52
      Norine Williamsposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      DEATH is not "a myth!"  Whether you believe the Bible or not, where would you rather be; with "witches" or THE CREATOR after death or don't you believe we were "created" & not "farted from stars?"

    78. WiccanSage profile image82
      WiccanSageposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Duh, of course death is not a myth. Your book's story about it is the myth.

      Again: I don't believe your God is 'creator' of all, he's just 1 God among many. He's not my God, and your book is just human thoughts written about him (and inaccurate).

    79. profile image52
      Norine Williamsposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Well have fun with your "witches" (gods) after death! 
      "As for me and my house, we WILL serve the LORD" (Josh 24:15)!

    80. WiccanSage profile image82
      WiccanSageposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Okay, fine. Like I keep saying, you should follow what you believe. Nothing wrong with that. I wish you well on your path.

      As for me, I have to follow what I believe to be true. And I will continue to do that.

    81. profile image52
      Norine Williamsposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      I have one Q before you go into "peace" &  "happiness:" Were you "created" by your gods?  How did mankind begin?

    82. WiccanSage profile image82
      WiccanSageposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Not enough characters, lol. But my religion is about my relationship with my Gods, and how I live my life, what I do with it while I live it... I'm not as concerned as you are about nitpicking on the details of how we got here, It doesn't matter.

    83. profile image52
      Norine Williamsposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      "It doesn't matter?" My life is VERY GOOD! I want to show "gratitude" for it as I would toward u for giving me 1B$'s (carnal)!

      To whom do u give "praise?"

    84. WiccanSage profile image82
      WiccanSageposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      I give praise to my Gods, Nor. I didn't say life doesn't matter; do you even read my responses? Life is awesome, there is much to be thankful for, and I am.

      I said the *details* don't matter, nor does arguing them with someone.

    85. profile image52
      Norine Williamsposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      "How we got here" concerns "beginning of life" which "matters" if you give "praise" to him/them!
      Who are they?  How did you get here?

    86. WiccanSage profile image82
      WiccanSageposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Suffice it to say, the story you think is true, is not what I believe to be true... but again, the nature of the universe isn't a discussion to cover in 250 characters. I can recommend a book on my religion if you're that interested in learning.

    87. profile image52
      Norine Williamsposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      What's wrong w/these "gods" if u have to justify your being from them extensively?  I can give u ONE word for my being "creation!"
      What's yours?

    88. Twilight Lawns profile image71
      Twilight Lawnsposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Mackenzie, you and I are at polar opposites in our beliefs regarding God and religion (one of us  - or both,could be right) but your patience and understanding towards the Dreadful Norine, is exemplary. Best wishes to you. Ian

    89. profile image52
      Norine Williamsposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Why am I "dreadful" Twi? For telling TRUTH: Allah is NOT GOD or he LIED! Qur'an 112:3 says Allah (God) "never begats" but the CREATOR (GOD) does (Gen 1:1)!  TRUTH is "dreadful" to LIARS!
      There can be NO "two rights!" Either RIGHT or wrong!

    90. WiccanSage profile image82
      WiccanSageposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      N, you can give me your one word, and I'm sure it's meaningful to you. It means nothing to me, as I believe differently. But if it means something to you, then more power 2 ya. Enjoy it.

      Twi, lol. Thank you.

    91. Twilight Lawns profile image71
      Twilight Lawnsposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      You're dreadful because you’re unChristian
      But you taught me that Allah is God in Aramaic
      He is Allah, the one
      Allah, the eternally besought of all.
      He begetteth not, neither was He begotten
      And there is none comparable unto Him

    92. profile image52
      Norine Williamsposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Should've taught you Allah is NOT the CREATOR for he doesn't "begat!"

    93. Twilight Lawns profile image71
      Twilight Lawnsposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      So you've confirmed what I already supposed. You are ignorant & don't understand anything anyone here has tried to tell you. Allah is an Arabic & also Aramaic word meaning God. As Deo is Italian, Dieu is French, Gott is German. Translations!

    94. profile image52
      Norine Williamsposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      No your IGNORANCE lies in believing the Prophet Muhammad who wrote saying "GOD said" & made ERRORS if he thinks MY GOD doesn't "begat!!"
      GOD (THE CREATOR) WILL "reveal" ALL LIES in ALL "man-made" RELIGIONS!
      "Be Still & Watch THE POWER of GOD

    95. WiccanSage profile image82
      WiccanSageposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      This is why I don't waste my time trying to explain my beliefs to her, Twi. She isn't even interested, she is just looking for the next thing to rant about.

    96. profile image52
      Norine Williamsposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      You (as scientist) can't explain where you came from & come up w/something as ridiculous as evolution or "farted fm stars!"  You don't know where that evil spirit u worship came fm either! I do! GOD!
      U can't beat HIM may as well join HIM!

    97. WiccanSage profile image82
      WiccanSageposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      lol This is what I mean N, u don't even read what people say. 1) I'm not a scientists 2) I never mentioned evolution 3) I never brought up stars.

      U said all that, U are having an argument with yourself.

    98. profile image52
      Norine Williamsposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      "Babbling" is irrevelent! Just answer the question! According to your belief, where did u come from?

    99. WiccanSage profile image82
      WiccanSageposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      I'm not going to be interrogated in 250 characters or less, lol. I don't care if you share my beliefs, I'm not here to perform for you so you can insult me.  Like I said, if you want to learn about my religion, I'd be happy to recommend a book.

    100. profile image52
      Norine Williamsposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Well, I'm not interested in any other power but the POWER of GOD & if you don't believe in that, we have no further discussion but I find it remarkable that one can't say where they believe they originated!
      "HIS hand is still stretched out" (Is)

    101. WiccanSage profile image82
      WiccanSageposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Oh, I can say; I just choose not to have this conversation with you. You're fighting, I'm not.I don't really care what you believe in and wish you the best in following your path. I will continue on mine; I don't need to justify my beliefs to you.

    102. profile image52
      Norine Williamsposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Fighting? U wish!
      I know why u're upset & stalk! Worshiping GOD in SPIRIT scares the hell out of you for it is TRUTH & for someone to tell TRUTH is a threat to u, huh Satan? 
      "Syrupy sweetness" doesn't work GOD "sees" u & hate witches!

    103. WiccanSage profile image82
      WiccanSageposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      lol 'stalking' you? When you comment on all my answers and I respond? Show me one place I initiated discussion with you.

      I'm sorry you think your God is so hateful. Mine are not though, and They are the only ones whose opinions count to me.

    104. profile image52
      Norine Williamsposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      I'm sorry YOU "think" MY GOD is so hateful!  HE told me "Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is LIBERTY" (2 Cor 3:17)!   
      If you love MANY "gods," fine w/me; I'm just telling you what MY [1] GOD SAID!
      Why would a witch resp to a "CHRISTIAN" Rev?"

    105. WiccanSage profile image82
      WiccanSageposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      You told me your God is hateful, I didn't say it.

      I talk to Christians all the time. It's a lovely religion, most are wonderful people. They don't treat others like u do. It's not my beliefs, but I respect it & am not against other faiths.

    106. profile image52
      Norine Williamsposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      You continue to work for your "father" the devil (Jn 8:44)! U see "chastening" as wrong! Heb 12:8 "But if ye be w/o chastisement, whereof all are partakers, then ye are BASTARDS, and not sons."
      Get it? No chastisement=No LOVE!

    107. WiccanSage profile image82
      WiccanSageposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      You don't seem to get it-- that quote is about as meaningful as if you quoted 'Green Eggs and Ham.' It's also a fictional story.

      I don't believe in the devil; so again, more proof you don't know what you're talking about.

    108. profile image52
      Norine Williamsposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Chastisement not devil: Even in the flesh, [I guess you had rules for your kids] one "chastises," so I don't know nothing? Well, if not, you're the ONLY parent who didn't have rules or "chastise!"  If you didn't, "you don't know nothing!"

    109. WiccanSage profile image82
      WiccanSageposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      You're going off on a tangent. I said nothing about parenting, chastising or anything like that, neither in favor of it or objecting to it.

      I simply don't believe what you do about your God, Bible, devil, etc. so your argument is just hot air.

    110. profile image52
      Norine Williamsposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      If u see "chastening" as "fighting," I hope you "fought" your kids as any good parent would!
      Satan has NEVER "valued GOD'S WORD," so what makes you start now?  Since you don't I'll just "shake the dust off my feet," but "your blood is not on my hands

    111. WiccanSage profile image82
      WiccanSageposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      I believe this is the 3rd time you've promised to shake the dust, I do wish you'd get on with it.

      Again, I don't believe at all these things that you do, so your arguments based on your world view are meaningless to me. That's about it.

    112. profile image52
      Norine Williamsposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      GOD is a "worldly view?" 

      Now I KNOW you are SATAN!

  9. roselinsojan profile image60
    roselinsojanposted 8 years ago

    We hear but not repenting ,we see but not understanding.it is the only thing we must do .

    1. Twilight Lawns profile image71
      Twilight Lawnsposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Roselinsojan, I'm sorry, I have read your comment several times, but don't understand what you are getting at. I'm not being rude; I need to be led!

    2. profile image0
      LoliHeyposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      We hear about repenting but we don't repent, we see it needs to be done but don't understand that it is the only thing we must do: repent.

    3. profile image52
      Norine Williamsposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks Lolita!
      Twilight - you are "being led!"

  10. stas karimov profile image60
    stas karimovposted 8 years ago

    Christianity is the religion of suffering. Islamic State fights against Christians. I think that people do not want to suffer. People need religion that will unite all believers in the world. Only religion of happiness can unite all people and to stop all wars in the world!

    1. Perspycacious profile image66
      Perspycaciousposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      If ISIS is destined to bring in a world of "happiness" it might start by ending slavery, torture, and beheadings. "Those who live by the sword shall die by the sword."

    2. Twilight Lawns profile image71
      Twilight Lawnsposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      And I, as a Muslim, feel embarrassed, ashamed, annoyed when ISIS or ISIL are referred to. Call them Daesh - they don't like that term.They are the scum of the planet. They have no connection with true Islam. They kills more Muslims than non Muslims.

    3. profile image52
      Norine Williamsposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      One's "belief" should not make 1 "...feel embarrassed (Heb 13:6), ashamed (Rm 1:16) or annoyed (Eph 4:26-27)...!"
      See the diff in "man-made" doctrine and the "Gospel of Christ?" We are "ALL LOVE" (GRACE) toward those "IN CHRIST JESUS"&ITim2:4!

  11. Reluctant Revival profile image56
    Reluctant Revivalposted 8 years ago

    I do no think there will be a huge Christian revival in America because not too many Christian Americans want to step out of their comfort zones and spread Jesus Christ's Gospel. America desperately needs A revival in this day and age.

    1. profile image0
      LoliHeyposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      One of the obstacles is that they can lose their jobs if they do it at work, and they have to be careful because people get "offended."  They have families to provide for.  They are afraid.

    2. Twilight Lawns profile image71
      Twilight Lawnsposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Poor things. Imagine what they would have suffered under real persecution. Lions, stonings, burnings at the stake etc. Poor little things being persecuted by scientists and thinkers.
      Oh bless them.
      Yeah! Right.

    3. profile image52
      Norine Williamsposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      I NEVER thought I'd agree with u Twi but in this WORD AGREES!
      Heb 12:4 "Ye have not yet resisted unto blood, striving against sin!"

  12. marcelocarcach profile image91
    marcelocarcachposted 8 years ago

    Yes. I believe there will be multiple revivals in different parts of the country and the world. We just need to stop idealizing the past and start recognizing that God works in different ways. Nothing is impossible to God.

    1. profile image52
      Norine Williamsposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      "idealizing the past?" Please explain!

    2. marcelocarcach profile image91
      marcelocarcachposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      I was making reference to the comment by Mackenzie Sage Wright: "the country going back to when almost everyone was Christian." I was also thinking about the Great Awakening. Peipwhontalk about revival usually want to go back to that time period.

    3. profile image52
      Norine Williamsposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Matthew 24:14 comes to mind re: Q!  "And THIS GOSPEL of the kingdom shall be preached in ALL the world for a witness unto ALL nations; and then shall the end come." 

  13. Joseph Ebedmelech profile image48
    Joseph Ebedmelechposted 8 years ago

    Yes, there will be a Christian revival in the whole world, America included. Christians are contained in the body of Christ, therefore, as Christ resurrected and ascended so Christianity will resurrect and ascend.

    1. profile image52
      Norine Williamsposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Matt 24:14 "And THIS GOSPEL of the kingdom shall be preached in ALL the world for a witness unto ALL nations; and then shall the end come!"

  14. Say Yes To Life profile image77
    Say Yes To Lifeposted 8 years ago

    The world continues to improve, and though America as we know it was established using cruelty (annihilating Natives, enslaving Africans, and oppressing the poor), it is striving to right these wrongs, and is becoming continually more sensitive to the plight of those less fortunate, both here and overseas.  Yes, we could use a revival, but I don't think a Christian one would be a good idea, since it has a history of victim-blaming, criminal coddling, and basically demands obedience to muddled instructions without questioning. 
    Currently, the only religions doing well are Buddhism and Baha'i Faith.  Buddhism, which is far more ancient than Christianity, has no history of holy wars.  Baha'i Faith strives to do away with all classes and racial / gender prejudice, and make the world one big country.  I'm all for a Buddhist / Baha'i Faith revival!

    1. profile image52
      Norine Williamsposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Exodus 20:3  "No other "gods" before ME?"

    2. Twilight Lawns profile image71
      Twilight Lawnsposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Rock on, Norine. Yoleen gave an articulate and very embracing and sensible answer to the question; to which you replied in your usual muddled way quoting scripture that, perhaps you are not aware of, is not universal.

    3. profile image52
      Norine Williamsposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      She "KNOWS" (man deceived) the ONE & ONLY GOD "as u" & HIS NAME is "JESUS" not Allah who "doesn't create" otherwise; How'd we get here?

      When WORD shows people their belief is "man-made" they act a BIGGER FOOL instead of "humbling" (II Chron

    4. Say Yes To Life profile image77
      Say Yes To Lifeposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      NW - I wasn't going to grace your comment with an answer, but the time I was a fool was when I was a devout Christian who put my life in danger by joining a cult. I don't see how losing respect for an indifferent Deity makes me an even bigger fool.

    5. profile image52
      Norine Williamsposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      YO: "the time I was a fool was when I was a devout Christian."  You were NOT a "devout Christian" but one who LISTENED to MAN vs THE HOLY SPIRIT!  Now u blame your actions on GOD!  Man deceived-NOT GOD! We ALL make mistakes; so what? Press FORWARD!

    6. Rich kelley profile image61
      Rich kelleyposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      "We ALL make mistakes; so what? Press FORWARD!"
      The WORD says to repent and sin no more not press forward. Hard to give the council of God when you won't follow His word.

    7. profile image52
      Norine Williamsposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Sure is Satan! New Covenant="and their sins I will remember no more!"
      You quote WORD under THE LAW: IGNORANT OLD COVENANT THINKER for JESUS had not yet DIED when HE said that & we were still "UNDER THE LAW!"

    8. Rich kelley profile image61
      Rich kelleyposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Who should tame the tongue? A member of the body of Christ so as not to disrespect the Head (Christ). Thank goodness for the forgiveness in the new covenant upon REPENTANCE. He only remembers them no more when you repent.

    9. profile image52
      Norine Williamsposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      I will NEVER repent of WORD!  You are an IGNORANT FOOL if you can't see every since I've come to HP was to tell TRUTH but Satan (you) prevents! There is NO LIGHT IN YOU!  Just ego tripping! You are an immature "proclaimed"Christian under OC(Atheist)

    10. Twilight Lawns profile image71
      Twilight Lawnsposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Norine, how and why can you be so rude to so many people? Calling others Fools and Satan etc. You are an intolerant, bad mouthed person who one should feel sorry for. But you are so bitter and self-righteous that I don't think you deserve pity.

    11. profile image52
      Norine Williamsposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Titus 1:13-14 "This witness is TRUE. Wherefore REBUKE them SHARPLY, that they may be sound in the faith. Not giving heed to Jewish fables, & commandments of men, that turn from the TRUTH!"
      Jn 21:19 "FOLLOW ME!"

    12. Twilight Lawns profile image71
      Twilight Lawnsposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      I may be risking a good telling off, but there is an expression that comes to mind, Norine, and that is:
      Why don't you stick your head up a dead bear's arse?
      (Arse being UK English version of ass - not the ass that Jesus Christ rode into Jerusalem)

    13. profile image52
      Norine Williamsposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Thank u for that testimony fm SATAN!
      You need to pull your head OUT and maybe you could "see" right fm wrong!


    14. Rich kelley profile image61
      Rich kelleyposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Eph 4:1-3 walk worthy of the calling with which you were called, with all lowliness and gentleness, with longsuffering, bearing with one another in love, endeavoring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. This applies here as well.

    15. profile image52
      Norine Williamsposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      I was kind!  I could've said WORST to another "Accuser of the brethren!"  See who u resemble; Atheist & unbelievers (Ps 119:63)? Can't u see you've been "demonized" by Satan?  Again, I ask, are you JEALOUS of GOD giving me "revelation" of HIS WOR


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