I don’t know about America, but the rest of the world is surviving quite well without the muddled reasoning and hysteria I am already reading in comments on your initial question.
I hate to have to be so rude as to inform one of two of them, and to one in particular, that very emotional little sermon relied on an improvable set of theories. And these she has tried to substantiate by quotes from religious tracts.
God, one must realise, or the existence of God, can not be proven. Believe in Him, if one must, and I also believe that He exists, but only as a matter of faith.
My goodness, next minute these people will be expecting us all to believe that everything in the Bible is true, In fact, it must be taken word for word and that the world was created in seven days, or something ridiculous like that – or that this scheme of things has only existed for about 5,700 to 10,000 years. But that would be silly, wouldn’t it? I mean, who would subscribe to that theory? Even the most rabid Christians couldn’t go that far.
And frankly, why is it that when someone shouts (as in using capitals to make a point) the following badly punctuated sentence:
“FATHER, in Your Name – “JESUS,” I come to you thanking and giving You ALL the GLORY for everything You’ve done, You are doing and You will do! I thank you for sending Your GLORY “AS OF” Your only begotten Son – “JESUS” for without HIM, we would be ‘nothing!’” someone else doesn’t reach for the telephone to call the police?
It’s no more, or less, stating a held belief than if I were to call out: “Allah hu Akbar!”
And “I keep hearing that there will be one, and I believe there may be, but not enough to divert what is coming--which is God's wrath upon America.”
God’s wrath on America? What’s all that about?
The end is nigh.” “Prepare to meet your doom.” And “Blah-di-Blah-di-Blah!”