Past Life Experience...How Many Do You Recall?

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  1. Menjia_Rose profile image60
    Menjia_Roseposted 14 years ago

    How many times do you recall past events? and do you actually know why your recalling incidents, a particular place or location, scents, and ect...?

  2. leeberttea profile image56
    leebertteaposted 14 years ago

    Are you kidding? I have a hard enough time remembering what I had for lunch, never mind remembering a past life!

    1. Uninvited Writer profile image77
      Uninvited Writerposted 13 years agoin reply to this


  3. profile image57
    Runicposted 14 years ago

    I can, at varying points, recall as many as four or five of my past lives, usually during sequential lucid dreaming. It can be very disorienting to find yourself reliving things that have happened in your past, be they mundane or magical. I do find myself wondering if, in my next life, I shall be able to remember this one.

    In Spirit,


    1. nrmarshall profile image59
      nrmarshallposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      If you are serious, I really would like to know how you are able to Sequentially Lucid Dream. I have been lucid dreaming for years now, and was abruptly unable to. I would love a reply. Thanks for your comment.

  4. profile image0
    ShadowKing!posted 14 years ago

    Amazing how people love to believe in something they can't prove. I've came across a few people like you Runic, who believe they lived past lives. The funny thing is (which is also the evidence of their lies) is that in all cases they can only retell "bits and pieces" of those alleged lives. They never can "recite a past life in detail". I met a 22-yr old woman who attempted to just that "retell in full description of her casual encounters with Charlotte Cooper (1870–1966)". Apparently she lived during 1871-1967. Because, she knew hordes of info about Cooper, saying that she was born exactly 1 year after Charlotte, dying 1 year after Charlotte. From this woman's story even a skeptical spectator would be compelled to believe her. She gave accurate accounts on the style of clothing & the political atmosphere of that time. She seemed genuine...until she made seemingly insignificant errors. 1, she claimed, at ages 30 & 31, that she & Cooper use to converse twice a week by telegram. 2, they use to "go to vaudeville shows at local theaters that were richly lighted with intricate gas lamps and..."(months before Cooper won her Olympic Gold Medal in 1900). There were other discrepancies I picked up on. So after she finished one of her awe-inspiring stories. I tactfully questioned her. Soon she accepted she had weaved a web around herself. For 1, the average person in the US during 1900 was using a "telephone". Telegrams had been upgraded to radio-telegrams (wireless) and used mostly by government agencies. For 2, gas lamps were on their deathbeds. Every major building and nearly every home in the US was equipped with electricity...electric light bulbs. Esp. in theaters which the dimming & lighting of the lights were a major issue.
    You can continue to believe in reincarnation or accept the reality that your imagination has gotten the best of your reasoning. It's a free country.

    1. profile image57
      Runicposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      I wish to ask you a very simple question, and I hope that you will answer.

      Can you remember every detail of every day you have lived, or do you remember only the significant parts?

      1. nrmarshall profile image59
        nrmarshallposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        Good point, Runic. Recite a life in detail?! Could you recite even this life in detail? Doubtful. And that's without the necessary amnesia that comes.I think the majority of the resistance to these things( spirit, god, reincarnation) is the fear that its not true. So they will spend their lives believing in this fluff and it'll all be a lie. How grateful I am to be one of the ones that don't have to fear, because I KNOW.

  5. profile image53
    randysjunkposted 14 years ago

    all of my life ive had a fear of a certain kind if path  through  the  woods.this  path  was  well  worn ,,only  dirt.i somestimes still see some  trails  or  paths  that remind  me  of  this.but  the  word  that  always  sticks  in  my  mind,,is ,THE  INDIAN  TRAIL,,ive always  had a feeling that  somthing bad happend to  me  on  the  indian trail.

  6. aka-dj profile image66
    aka-djposted 14 years ago

    0   hmm

    1. earnestshub profile image72
      earnestshubposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      I followed you over here to say.... Congratulations again! smile

      1. aka-dj profile image66
        aka-djposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        Y thank you.
        I appreciate that. smile
        I gotta go. Talk later.

  7. Menjia_Rose profile image60
    Menjia_Roseposted 13 years ago

    Recycling soul...everytime a person die there's a child being born. Think about it for a moment, depending on how one leaves this life determines how long it takes them to return. The most distrubing factor of past life experiences is that of the individuals that don't recall ever being here before. Thus, these individuals act out on impulse, not on memory. Leaving a mysterious trail behind there actions. Take for example: The 9 year old boy that murder a 4 or five year old boy heading to his baseball practice. The 9 year old boy had an urge to kill and acted on his impulse.(Things we as humans don't understand we sometimes want to find a logic to best sum up the actions of an individual, that best describes their sanity using medical terms) They labeled this 9 year old boy as Bi-Polar...not he was in a past life a serial killer that never recalled his past life...he could only fill the urge to kill. The secret was the fact he didn't like bananas. Now, what normal child doesn't like bananas? Even, this child's mother became fearful of her own child she had birth into this world. A neighbor to her that whoever killed the 4 or 5 year old didn't like bananas.
    The mother then went to the store and purchased ice cream, bananas, cherries, and whip cream to make her family banana splits for desert. She fixed everyones banana splits, but when she got to her 9 year old son he acted suspicious. She asked him what was wrong...she then proceeded to ask him if he liked bananas. His reply shocked her...he said he can't stand bananas. It was that moment she knew her son killed that little 4 or 5 year old. I remembered the 9 year old as the red haired freckle face glasses wearing boy. I can't mention any names in this article...only respond if you recall the News Headlines.


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