Before ya'll come out with calling me blasphemous devil worshiper, deceived etc... hear me out a second because I do want to ask something I think is important.
In the book of Genesis, something I think most people do know at least a little bit about so give what I say some real thought.
In the garden, God says don't eat from that tree or you will die. The Serpent says, no you surely will not die.
Eve eats the fruit gives it to Adam God comes back say, where you at? Hmm... God doesn't seem to know where Adam is. Strange no?
So God get's pissed off and cast them out of the garden, he says now they are like 'us'. The serpent says, eat the fruit and you will become like God.. are you following so far?
God then curses the serpent, all the offspring etc, etc, etc. put amnesty between woman and man well you know the story.
So, God goes on to say, I am a jealous God and there is no other God but me. I can already see that, that certainly wasn't true because there was an "us" in the garden given the illusion of two Gods. The serpent and God.
Later in the Bible, Jesus is said to always tell the truth, he gives life back, Jesus gives up his life for yours, it says that the Devil rules the world. God says that we are all evil... and God is also said to rule the world.
So I cannot help thinking that God is the Devil and Jesus is ??? Would love to fill in the blank with God but I am trying not to confuse things too much here.
The Serpent tells the truth and I have gone over this in my mind a lot, that Jesus is the Serpent but God is the "Devil". When I think about it, if you read "Devil" in the place of the word "God" every time you came across it in the Bible, it might not make much more sense but it would make a little more sense.
My first thought when I read the bible is that Jesus is the great deceiver because he is said to be God but when thinking about it did he ever say he was 'god'? No, he says Father, everything that we some how equate to God, Jesus calls on something else called The Father.
Jesus says things like, What am I? He is given several names but never definitively says, I am God. He does however elude to himself being the Father and at one point with Peter (I think) he says, My Lord, My God. Whatever that might actually mean, I don't know. All I can say about this is "god" and "lord" were interchangeable titles showing an authority or respect.
I know being a Gnostic isn't exactly the most popular thing to call myself because I know that most view my thoughts as blasphemous and probably worthy of death.
But however it turns out, it really does seem to me that the God of the OT is the Devil and the Serpent was Jesus because he says, No you wont die. Jesus says, if you have faith in me, you will not die.
Genesis further gives me the impression that God was immortal but not all knowing. Jesus says love is never jealous, it's kind, forgiving, caring etc... God says he is very jealous, we are all evil, we don't deserve life but...
Jesus says, no one is good not even him. They say "Fear God!" Jesus says he will protect you from God's wrath. Anyways, just some food for thought.
So proceed with calling me whatever names you feel like calling me but if what I say is staring you in the face and you want to ignore because you are too afraid to see things for what they are, then all I can say is...
It's not like I don't accept Jesus at his word...
All depends on how you read it. As far as I am concerned - every single character in the bible is an aspect of humanity. Me or you or anyone. This is why it is so contradictory. Because we are contradictory.
The moment you externalize them and imagine it was outside of us - is the moment you lose the meaning, start building churches and claiming your is the right religion.
Greed and power over others is what drives that. Look at this one -= sooner or later. Too scared of non believers to use his real name and derives power from "educating young minds about god," in Costa Rica now.
@stl - sorry- I thought you were in South America - that is where all the European religious fanatics get sent when they get caught "educating young minds about god."
I think we have BINGO! Mark wins!
I absolutely believe that externalizing and creating "others" is exactly why we we can't find meaning, and look for it in others, religions, organizations, etc. I'm in complete agreement, Mark.
All we need is already in us. We are a reflection of each other, like it or not.
Amen, hallelujah!
Guest what? God is in us to contact. Reflection of each other, yes, but this is the main reason that we need God to be in the equation. Man, look at the state of affairs that is external to us. Horrors! Do you think that we have in us the ability for all persons to be happy and of course peaceful? I don't think so.
not just the willy but everything else associated with it.
i suppose this should be funny but it went over my head.
ew I'm agreeing with you...but yes they are indeed mirrors of human consciousness.
I have read the scriptures many time, and the only contradiction is between satan and God. Usually when someone see contradictions they have ran into something that they need further study, meditation, and prayer.
How very condescending of you to completely disregard everything I said in favor of this contradiction. Thank you for validating my opinion of believers. You think I need further study, meditation, and prayer do you? LOLOLOLOL
Usually when some one does not see any contradictions they are flying on blind faith and lack of reason.
You must have been reading The Nonsense with your eyes closed.
what is with the fixation with the word condescending?
Gosh - you just do not understand do you?
"to behave as if one is conscious of descending from a superior position, rank, or dignity."
"to put aside one's dignity or superiority voluntarily and assume equality with one regarded as inferior"
there was nothing condescending about what he said.
He didn't say well, It's like this mark. Us believers have this thing called "beliefs" that you might not agree with and we respect that, but they are our beliefs not yours.
That is condescending. He was just asserting his beliefs plainly like you can understand them at level.
anyway, i better sleep.
Now you are arguing for the sake of a fight I see.
Genesis is a book with many parallel, and to each His own.
You can only see the things that defines yourself.....
Now Eve's eating was for a good purpose and thus she ate...
Adam eating also was for a good purpose thus He ate...
You see therefore the death has it purpose to fulfill, and death comes by partaking in duality the fruit of good and (Evil)...
and through death comes the perfection of Life(God)....
Jesus achieve the perfection of His Life thus He is God, he tell us to do the same for we also are Gods...( but only the sons of God can receive this truth)
The prophets knew this, and they write to their own but those others kept the writing to themselves thus accomplishing their own damnation....
It is impossible for those of death to gain life and equally impossible for the Living to die.
well that depends on the perspective. you an literally argue the matter. But there is a mystical angle to it that makes it quite interesting.
Oh Good Lord! You are so confused or else so blasphemous it ain't even funny.
First of all, Jesus is the "tree of Life", and that literal second tree in the garden symbolizes Him. He wasn't wrapped around the tree of knowledge of good and evil. The Devil seduced Eve into eating of the one tree before she ate of the other one.
Second of all,
...oh never mind; you wouldn't get it; you're gonna have to start from scratch, looks like. sheesh.
Wow! I would firstly say read Genisis again. You are misquoting scripture. The serpent, the devil, enticed Eve, and Eve enticed Adam to disobey God. God called Adam's name for the sake of Adam. God kicked Adam and Eve out of the garden, never to return. God cursed the ground so that burrs, poison ivey, and we have animals eating animal alone with humans the offsprings of Adam and Eve. God placed the curse of death on them.
Jesus, the Son of God, was still in the blossom of God.
Moral of Story: Love and obey God always; if not you are on an endless trip looking for what's right or wrong with the curse of death on you. God is the only absolute. Jesus repected that his Heavenly Father was the absolute of All.
Love and obey god or die! I get it. This god you refer to (not talking about Jesus God) is the devil. He condemns, Jesus doesn't. This god doesn't even acknowledge that Adam and Eve wouldn't have even known what "obedience" meant.
Further, this 'god' that everyone fears is what I call the ignorant god. He is the big universal joke, not that it is very funny, but even ignorance is innocent.
Besides that, the entire world is a duality every thing. You, me, the concepts of god. I think that saying if I had a loving heart I would change my mind is pretty rude.
I asked for people to hear me out because it says what it says and I wonder where your critical thinking skills are. It's like so many have lost the art of thinking but just accepting what anyone will tell you and then you make everyone feel bad for seeing things in a different light.
So I think this 'god of the ot' is the god of ignorance.
I'm not a "Bible person" whatsoever and probably shouldn't even be in this forum, but the thread caught my eye. That thing about evil coming in the form of something that looks innocent is something I've often thought of, though.
The message I get from that story is that life and the world are generally good things (whether they come from God or Nature - they're just kind of "there" and a "gift"). There are some things, though, that aren't "in keeping" with (depending on what someone believes) God or Nature (that don't contribute to life and the world and that, instead, may come from a more selfish side of human nature or a side that makes people want to do what they want to do, regardless of whether it's "good" or not (for them, someone else, or the world)). I see "the forbidden fruit" as representing all those things.
What I also interpret from that story is that it may be someone or something outside a person, or it may be his own wants, that make it tempting for him to do thing that looks innocent ("what harm can it do?") . It's human nature for people follow their own desires, rather than be able to see the bigger picture; and what I get from that story is that "evil" doesn't always show up looking like someone/something bad at all. Instead, it shows up looking appealing and good. One example might be one well meaning adult thinking someone else's kid needs more freedom than his parents give him; so the well meaning adult thinks he's doing a good thing by letting the child, maybe, go out in a boat even if he can't swim. That looks like a good thing to the adult in question, and it looks like a really good and kind thing to the child. In reality, that non-parent adult may be placing a wedge between the child and his own parents, contributing to family problems, making the child think his parents are "the only ones who are that strict or over-protective", and maybe even causing the death of the child who doesn't have the swimming ability to save his own life if something happens. There's a lot of potential for "evil" in just that one simple example - and it comes in the form of looking like being kind, doing something nice for a child, offering him something his parents won't, etc. etc. In other words, "the road to 'heck' (for any of the people involved) is often paved with good intentions."
On a larger scale, if you think about a lot of government policy that looks like it's aimed at doing something good for people, you'll often see a lot of evil resulting from it.
So to me, the message in that story is that each person should try to see past the stuff or people that appear good on the surface, try to see the possibly disastrous evil consequences (which isn't always easy, especially for a lot of people), and just beware that as long as there are people on Earth there will always be those situations/people/promises that crop up.
Here's a really simple example: A woman ran for school committee in my town. She ran on the "line" that had to do with her being there and willing to work hard to watch out for busy parents' kids. She said, " you don't have to." She apparently thought that would get her in office (and actually, it did); but think of what "I'll be there so you won't have to" means as it applies to parents and their children in school! Think of the parents who were stupid enough to think that was great and vote for her. Think of this imbecile being on a 5-person school committee and making policy (with the thinking that parents would/should be happy not to have to be there)!
Either way, from what we've heard about Jesus, I don't see any reason to believe he was "pushing" any evil ideas. Other people have twisted a lot of his teachings over time. The way I see it, if there is a God and Jesus went around telling people to be peaceful and to know there's a God, it doesn't seem evil to me. On the other hand, if there isn't a God and Jesus went around and told people there is one, then there's also "no rule" about people saying what they want, and there isn't really any "God-versus-the-Devil" thing at all anyway. Either way, to me, all signs point to Jesus not being the devil. (Of course, I don't happen to believe in The Devil anyway. I just think it was a good name and face for people living in that time to "imagine onto" what they thought of as "evil" - or for people living today, for that matter.)
Sandra Rinck- The serpent is a great deciever, but he is yet to come. Yeshua was obviously subservient to God and man and says we will not understand his ways(even God in the OT). The devil is more proud and will only make wonders that exhalt him... and most will follow.
OT- God was trying to accomplish what will be accomplished at the end, and that is the end of sin and wickedness. Yes, people will die, but not by our hand as was done prior to the flood and/or Yeshua's coming.
The only way to do away with "sin" is to eliminate religion. Where "sin" came from. Get rid of religion and you do away with it's pathetic term.
There is a true "church"- so religion must exist. You say get rid of religion- I say find the true church. Then there is nothing to fight about.
there is only one narrow path for man and God- and it's not what "we" want in life I'm sure.
There is a true church? How do you know?
You can spin this however you choose, there is no true church with regards to a mystical god made up from imagination.
Even the oracles and mystics in the days of Jesus were fakes. The screwed up part is that people try to follow Jesus without realizing first and foremost there is no god.
The power of a person to control their own life and it's direction is within themselves and not by any other source. Period! No god required.
There is only ONE want that will remain true and steady people on the path Jesus laid out, and again, it does not require a god.
That single want- self improvement.
Sounds like another inquisition. Don't give yer fellow religionistas any ideas in the name of god, thanks.
The one true church. Hah! You really think so? Well good luck with that. Try not to kill anyone.
I thought I covered that. Jesus is the great deceiver, the Serpent is the great deceiver, as you said, it is to come. Yes, the devil (god) is more proud and will only make wonders for those who follow him.
Yes, the Devil (OT god) is done away with and who is supposed to rule? Jesus? The 13 constellation is the Serpent. The Mayans honored the Serpent etc... Jesus said in the end, everything will be backwards.
Long story but yes jesus according to some medievsl mystical tradition and he has a twin. Lucifer. Iwould quote you a passage if youre interested. But it is a very very interesting mystical thought hat exists even before jesus. The idea is that the way to enlightenment is through the shadow
No, it was just me talking Eve into doing something she wanted to do anyway!
As you will recall, the Israelites were being bitten by snakes in the desert. Moses fashioned a brass serpent and commanded them to look upon the brass serpent or die. Those who did not look, died.
The NT also has a phrase in it which says, "be wise as serpents and harmless as doves."
If the serpent were only a demonic symbol, why then, is it also used as a god-symbol?
One of the heavenly symbols used in some religions by the people of ancient South America is also a serpent. They believed in the man-God, and his symbol was that of a serpent.
What Sandra says has some justification. Who knows what it really means. I certainly don't, and those who say they do are usually mislead.
However, Sandra, your thinking is more in line with Gnosticism than anything else. You may want to investigate that ideology and see what you think.
Personally, Sandra, I think you're on to something here. If you read the infamous god of the OT as the devil then the whole darned thing makes much, much, much more sense.
Which is why Gnosticism begins to make sense to those inclined toward it. (I am not. I don't believe in any external gods, god or bad. All the good and bad is already in me, and it's up to me to develop and foster one or the other. I have to look in the mirror each day and save my own a$$. Even if there were a God, he wouldn't go about saving my sorry butt from everything I needed to learn about, so it's still up to me. Hence, I am not a proponent of being saved.)
I believe in an external God that is also internal to each individual. Each of us popped up and in cosmic time our lives are liken unto a flashbulb. Look at yourself, you didn't come from nothing. If God can put you here once, than certainly he can do it again anywhere. If I do anything once, than I can even do it again. You are your own self proof that a God exist. Aren't you unique?
All depends on how you read it. As far as I am concerned - every single character in the bible is an aspect of humanity. Me or you or anyone. This is why it is so contradictory. Because we are contradictory.
The moment you externalize them and imagine it was outside of us - is the moment you lose the meaning, start building churches and claiming your is the right religion.
Greed and power over others is what drives that.
I think I gotta give that a ...AMEN brother
From what I have seen on these forums .... The "biggest" arguement is about what "Religion" actually is ??
And should it be, or not??
I think that Belief in and fighting for Religion and
Beleiving in and fighting for GOD/creator are as diffrent as night and day.
I don't know what he would look like "if" ya could take a picture of him/it ... I don't know how to describe Him/It
I don't think that we are suposed to try.
His definition of himself was "I AM" ... That is a lot of unspoken definition. And maybe that was all that needed said?
I think Jesus was said to have acused the religious establishment of his day of coming between the people and God.
Love of religion and of God are not the same thing.
And there is an invisable line between the two that we do not want to cross.
That's the only place that I have ever seen him.
I think that I saw him and spoke with him once in a dream.
(also internal)
I think I "might" have seen the gleem of his eyes shinning through the eyes of another?
Good oh
At least we agree
He aint a actual
Excellent. No prophecy coming true here then so we can stop pushing that
You know how Jesus would go around asking what people thought he was?d How many replied, Jesus? Know yourself.
I do think that God is within us.
But it's kinda like ... Ford motor co. made the Ford Mustand. The Mustang is a ford; but not the ford motor co.
Actually, Jesus was appealing to the inner spirit of man who would recognize that he was the Son of God, not asking like man do you know my name? Jesus have God's pure Spirit, the Holy Spirit. It is very clear in the scriptures that Jesus is the Son of God in a fleshly body to feel the pain and temptations as we do, and then overcome the world to be again with His Heavenly Father.
Yeah sandra, I am sure that starting from scratch would help you very much. You sound as if you have a loving heart.
Isaiah 14:29: "Do not rejoice, all you of Philistia, because the rod that struck you is broken; for out of the serpent's roots will come a viper, and its offspring will be a fiery flying serpent."
In the ancient Myan religion a flying serpent had heavenly virtue where serpents that crawl on the ground were considered evil.
Cool! I learned to fly many years ago! And I have also been called "fiery" on a few occasions by the ladies!
Onusonus wrote:
“In the ancient Myan religion a flying serpent had heavenly virtue where serpents that crawl on the ground were considered evil.”
I know that pigs fly…but…I have not laid eyes on a flying serpent of late.
Doesn't mean there aren't any!
Here you go one flying Serpent, Quetzalcoatl the Myan sky God.
Some of the parallels between him and Jesus are;
Quetzalcoatl was the creator of life.
Quetzalcoatl taught virtue.
Quetzalcoatl was the greatest Lord of all.
Quetzalcoatl had a "long beard and the features of a white man."
The Mesoamericans believed Quetzalcoatl would return
You forgot-both are imaginary deities with kooky adherents!
It is the dual nature of man.
The Serpent is the Body. That is why it is both a source of power and and of evil.
Satan is defined in Hebrew as the Adversary Within. The enemy inside us.
In mysticism, man is both made heaven and earth. Heaven being the realm of the mind and earth being of material form.
Jesus mastered both. And so he is represented in some old Christian Carvings as the head with a crown in a body of a snake.
Our brains have a reptilian part. It is our oldest brain in the evolutionary sense and it is attached to the spine. We know this nature subconsiously or unconsciously (the aspect of me that is like that snake). So in myth, that primitive aspect is always represented by us as a snake.
That is also why the staff of Moses was his body. In Hebrew, the Staff and the Spine is represented by one Heiroglyph. The staff of moses becomes a snake and devoured the snake of the magicians of Pharoah's court. It was depicting some kind of yoga wrestling match. The Staff of Moses is his erect posture and his body, where all his strength and power lies. He must have been a physically powerful man. Ofcourse this ALL symbolic. Even the name Moses is. It may not have been his name. Moses means, from out of the waters--which means from out of the consciousness. So all of the teachings of Moses was "taken out of the consciousness"
So the Snake and the Jesus Mind are twins. They represent the dual power of the body. The reptilian side, where all knowledge and power resides but also where our evil nature persists.
You don't have to believe me. But those who study the esoteric all know this.
Well done Sandra. You know my viewpoint on this. Wrote about it a long time ago. The Serpent is part of us and is one way to 'enlightenment.' Mind you that word is such a loaded word these days. Anyway, lets say unity and full awareness of the self. As Above, So Below from the Hermetic tradition requires the prescencing of every part of us - putting light into our darkness. Additionally the great alchemical mysteries require awareness and transformation of the 'lower' energies within, which require full awareness of sexual energy - the good, bad and alluring. Not sex as in the physical act, though to be really in touch with this means to be totally uninhibited. This of course goes against many religious instructions of the modern translations of the bible.
Where the problem arises when treading the boards of the lower parts of ourselves, is that the intensity is so great - and enticing, full of passion, animal tendencies etc., that it is easier to be corrupted by them than finding and holding integrity.
The way through the 'trials of the serpent' is totally within. Absolutely nothing external. Forget Jesus and an external God - these internal experiences are where you find yourself and you'd be excused for thinking you are god.
Interesting! I didn`t know God put(AMNESTY)between women and the serpent.
I am not a kook! Although I used to be a Cook and am still a cook.
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